How to open a door without a key visit. Vizit intercom secret codes. The most common intercom models installed in entrances

Methods for opening any intercom. Secret codes for opening different brands of intercoms.

It is no longer so easy to enter city high-rise buildings, since they are equipped with intercoms of different brands. This makes it safer for residents and it is easier to maintain order in the entrance.

However, there are situations in our lives when we forget or lose our keys. And if it’s winter outside or deep at night, or you know for sure that there is no one in the apartment, and you need to get home, then it’s better to have a hint on hand in the form of a special code to open the intercom.

How to open any intercom without a key?

intercom panel with numbers

There are many manufacturers and brands of electronic home security guards.

Each manufacturer sews into its memory its own combination for accessing the service menu and opening without keys.

However, there is no absolutely universal set of numbers that can be used to open any intercom.

The only thing that the manufacturers came up with is a universal master key that opens the most common models of intercoms in your city. But it is available to a limited number of specialists, namely:

  • police
  • ambulance
  • postmen
  • advertising peddlers
  • employees of the building maintenance company

And yet for the tenant who forgot the key multi-storey building With electronic lock The following methods may be useful:

  • Stun gun. If you bring it to the key hole and give a shock, there is a chance that the electronics of the device will perceive this action as opening it with a regular key.
  • Impact under the intercom at a distance equal to the length of the palm of an adult. The magnet of the device is located in this place, which should loosen its grip after an impact.
  • A sharp jerk of the door towards itself after a strong emphasis on it. A quieter method than the previous one. However, it requires very strong pressure on closed door, and then a sharp jerk towards yourself.
  • Wait at the door until the tenant of the house leaves or enters. The downside of this method is that the waiting time can be quite long.
  • Have at hand a set of combinations of code symbols written down in your phone or notebook to open a door or get into service menu intercom followed by resetting its memory or dialing the desired combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
  • A lighter, or rather its piezo element, which you bring to the key hole and click. There are few chances to open the doors right away, but they exist.
  • Dial the apartment number of familiar or unfamiliar residents. In the second option, introduce yourself as an employee service company, postman or doctor. Perhaps the person on the other end of the line will believe you.

How to open an intercom without a Metacom key?

photo of a Metakom intercom installed on the door of a house

If the door of a house with a Metak intercom installed is closed in front of you, then you should proceed as follows:

  • Press the call key and the number of the apartment in the entrance from which the numbering in it begins.
  • Press the call key again and wait until the alphabetic characters COD are displayed on the screen.
  • Press five-seven-zero-two in sequence.

Second method with a combination of data:

  • first 65535 and call button
  • then 1234, call again and 8

Third method, if previous attempts were unsuccessful:

  • 1234 and call key
  • six, call button, four-five-six-eight

In front of you is a door with an intercom model MK-20 M/T and you want to open it without a key, then use one of these combinations when entering:

  • call button - two-seven - call key - five-seven-zero-two
  • call button - one - call key - four-five-two-six

How to open the Vizit intercom without a key?

a man tries to open the intercom Visit without a key

There are so many varieties of Visit models that the set of buttons on them also has its own differences. This is how there are intercoms where instead of “*” there is a “C” button, and instead of “#” there is a “K” button.

Please take this point into account when typing the following combinations to open and enter multi-storey building, in which a door with an intercom of the Visit brand is installed.

Via the service menu:

  • Dial "#-three nines".
  • “1234” and wait for a short high-pitched sound.
  • If you hear a two-tone beep, then use one of these combinations or enter them one by one: “one-two-three-four-five”, “three-five-three-five”, “six-seven-six-seven”, “four nines”, “one-one-six-three-nine”.
  • Complete the opening by entering the code “two - pause - # - pause - three-five-three-five”.

An easier way is to enter short combinations for:

  • Earlier models Visit “*#-four-two-three-zero” or “one-two-#-three-four-five”.
  • Newer models are “*#-four-three-two” or “six-seven-#-eight-nine-zero”.

How to open the Cyfral CCD intercom without a key?

a man selects a code to open the Digital intercom

Digital intercoms require patience and clear entry of a specific data sequence in order to open the entrance doors.

Use the following tips:

  • “B” - 0000″ will respond with the opening of a line of intercoms type 2094.1M. If after entering this sequence of buttons the entrance door remains closed, pay attention to the screen - it should show the letters “ON”. Press "two" and enter. If “OFF” is indicated on the screen, then you probably cannot do without a key to open an intercom of this brand. During its installation, the installers reset the factory codes to new ones.
  • Four zeros and a call key will open the door with the intercom modification 2094M. The screen should display the letter “cod”, enter one-two-three-four-five-six and a call key or four-five-six-three nines and a call button or one-two-three-four-two zeros and a call button . When the screen displays “f0”, press the number six-zero-one buttons one by one.

How to open the Eltis intercom without a key?

a man dials a code to open a door with an Eltis intercom

This type of intercom is much easier in case of emergency opening than other models.

Apply the following sequence of data, optionally or one at a time:

  • call button - one hundred - call key - seven-two-seven-three
  • call button - one hundred - call key - two-three-two-three
  • call button - apartment number - call key - intercom code. The code is suitable for entrances where apartment numbers are multiples of 100, for example, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred and the like. The intercom code will be “two-three-two-three”, “seven-two-seven-two”, “seven-two-seven-three”
  • call button - four-one - call key - one-four-one-zero” is suitable for modifications of the Visit “M”
  • zero-seven-zero-five-four

How to open the Forward intercom without a key?

a man completes entering a code with a call button on an intercom

If the hole in the area of ​​the key reader for an intercom of a similar model is accessible and not sealed, insert a thin long wire, knitting needle or paper clip into it. They will easily open the entrance door for you.

In addition to sharp tools at hand, the following sets of letters and numbers can help you:

  • "K557798K"
  • "2427101"
  • "123*2427101"
  • "K1234"

You can add your own to the key recognition program. Follow these steps:

  • "77395201" - "*" - "0" - "*"
  • place the tablet key on the hole and press the # sharp sign twice

Instead of the digital code 77395201, they sometimes dial 5755660.

How to open the Marshal intercom without a key?

external panel new intercom

Knowing the last number of the apartment in the entrance whose door is closed in front of you with this device, use the following combinations to open it:

  • "number last apartment+1"- "K5555"
  • “last apartment number +1” - “K1958”

Open the intercom without a key Stroy Master

universal key to open different intercoms

When the intercom installer did not change the factory codes in the electronic device on purpose or because of haste, you can easily open it.

Be patient and enter the following combinations one by one:

  • one-two-three-four, six-seven-six-seven, three-five-three-five, four nines, one-two-three-four-five, four zeros, one-one-six-three-nine. Complete your entry by pressing the call and cancel buttons C so that the device has time to return to operating mode
  • call button - 1234

How to open the Laskomex intercom without a key?

external intercom panel Laskomex

When installing an electronic device of this brand, installers fill in unique four-digit codes for each living space in the house. Therefore, you should find out this code and remember it to get home if you have lost or forgotten the access key.

Enter the sequence of buttons:

  • Call - apartment number - a unique combination of 4 digits.

The second method is to easily open a device of this brand without special knowledge and reprogramming the control panel:

  • Press the button with the key and “0” four times, namely key-0-key-0-key-0-key-0.
  • Next, enter “6666” and wait for the letter “P” on the screen.
  • Finish your entry by pressing “8”.
  • Within a minute, the entrance door will open.

How to open a Techcom intercom without a key?

successfully entered the code on the intercom

The principle of opening such an intercom is similar to other brands:

  • enter the general code
  • dial a unique combination for a specific living space

There are times when installers do not install unique combinations on the intercom for each dwelling in a multi-story building.

Then you can perform this action yourself by logging into the device control panel.

258 - one-two-three-four - call key - three and the screen will display “F3”. This means you are in the menu for adding keys:

  • General - press the call button twice and enter a four-digit combination and within three seconds enter control mode by pressing the “X” button.
  • Apartment-by-apartment - enter an example apartment - “B”. Attach an electronic key to the intercom reader for memorization. If it is already in the intercom’s memory, it will make two sounds; if not, and the recording is completed, it will make one sound. Be sure to exit control mode correctly by pressing “X”.

Older models of such intercoms open like this:

  • Dial “1-6-0” one by one, holding all numbers as you enter
  • release the keys in the reverse order, that is, “0-6-1”
  • when you see “—-“ on the screen, press “4321”
  • complete the set with the keys “B” - “3” - “B”

How to open the Factorial intercom without a key, codes

appearance intercom Factorial

Installers of this model of intercoms always change the factory codes after installation, which significantly complicates their opening.

Still, experiment with the following combinations:

  • “six zeros” or one-two-three-four-five-six
  • “5” – the screen will show a service message – “180180” – call button – four – call key

How to open the Kron intercom without a key?

engineer programs universal keys for opening different models intercoms

Use the tips for opening an entrance door with an intercom that were described in the first section without entering any combinations of characters.

If the factory code remained unchanged during installation, then dial “951”.

But usually for electronic devices, the factory installation codes change and it is almost impossible to open it in any other way, except for a special master key.

Open the Safe-Service intercom without a key

appearance of the intercom Safe service

If you save the factory codes when installing the intercom on the entrance door, dial simple combinations of numbers, six zeros or from one to honor in order.

When an attempt to open an electronic device is unsuccessful, follow these steps:

  • press and hold the number “5” for a couple of seconds
  • “on” will be displayed on the device screen
  • enter "180180" - "B" - "5"

However, be prepared that in this case there is no guarantee that the intercom will demagnetize and open the doors for you.

So, we looked at the most common models of electronic devices and ways to open them without keys.

remember, that one-time use Such advice is acceptable in emergency cases, as opposed to malicious hacking. The latter is strictly prosecuted and punished by law in any civilized country.

The Tsifral company has been specializing in the production of intercoms since 1998 and over the past time many different models have been developed, one of the most popular today is CCD 2094.

There are several modifications of this model, but they all have the following advantages over their analogues:

  1. Vandal-proof design, which, thanks to its design, minimizes the possibility of damaging the device.
  2. Connectivity large quantity apartments
  3. Multifunctionality of the intercom and a large number of possibilities, including connecting and disconnecting individual apartments.

The CCD 2094 has only one significant drawback, but it is characteristic of all equipment of this type: opening is carried out by typing special code information, therefore, if this information is lost or leaked, an unauthorized person will be able to get inside the room without any interference.


These intercoms are designed to perform the following main functions:

  1. Installation in residential or office premises to prevent unauthorized people from entering.
  2. Informing the subscriber about an incoming visitor by giving him an appropriate signal.
  3. Providing the subscriber with audio or video communication with the visitor for negotiations.
  4. The ability to remotely open the door and allow people to enter the premises.
  5. Opening the door by one of available ways: by dialing an access code, using a contact or contactless version of a special key.


CCD 2094 devices have the following technical characteristics, information on which is provided by the manufacturer:

  1. Power consumption in normal operating mode cannot exceed 1.5 W; when making a call from the intercom, this figure increases to 4.5 W.
  2. When using the CCD 2094M model, no more than 100 subscribers can be connected to the intercom; however, for CCD1 and CCD 2094.1/PVC the value of this indicator has been increased to 200.
  3. The equipment memory can contain up to 1000 special code tables, with the capacity of each of them being 100 unique codes.
  4. Three various types sound notification when calling a subscriber, the user can select any of them at his discretion.
  5. The number of keys is determined directly by the user.
  6. The device uses a coordinate line to communicate with the subscriber using the handset.
  7. The resistance of the communication line does not exceed 30 Ohms. If the device identifies it as a short circuit resistance, the reading drops to 20 ohms.
  8. The outlet type is open drain. In this case, the voltage on it does not exceed 50 V, and the current indicator is 0.04 A or lower.
  9. The period during which the output signal is active can range from 1 to 8 seconds.
  10. The period of time during which the signal is transmitted to the subscriber is half a minute. The permissible error may be 3 seconds.
  11. The time period allocated for conducting intercom negotiations does not exceed one minute. The manufacturer allows an error of up to 5 seconds for this indicator.
  12. The period of time during which the lock will be unlocked for the visitor to enter is configured directly by the subscriber.
  13. The manufacturer provides guarantees for the full and proper functioning of the equipment when temperature conditions from -40°C to +50°C. This guarantee only applies to the call unit itself; the minimum operating temperature for the switch is -10°C; if it is in a colder place, it may temporarily stop functioning. Also, this parameter may differ for CCD1/PVC models, which also allow you to make calls with video transmission. Operating temperatures are specified in the operating instructions, and also directly depend on the type of video camera used.
  14. The permissible air humidity at which the intercom works properly is 98%.
  15. The dimensions of the device for calling a subscriber are 9.7 x 18.4 x 4.7 cm. The weight may vary depending on the selected modification, but for none of the CCD 2094 models it exceeds 640 grams.
  16. The dimensions of the switch itself depend on the selected modification of the CCD 2094, usually they are in the following range: 15.7-18x9x4-6 cm. Its weight varies from 180 to 250 g.


The price of an intercom depends on the modification, and therefore on the capabilities of these devices:

  1. The line of standard models, which allow you to use only audio communication for negotiations with a subscriber, is in the price range of 3400-3800 rubles.
  2. Models that allow negotiations with video transmission, for example, CCD1/PVC, are slightly more expensive. The average price for such an intercom is about 4200-4500 rubles.

Connection and setup

You can connect the intercom yourself, but you must remember that you will need to take all precautions when working with a voltage of 220 V.

To connect and install the device, you must perform the following procedure:

  1. The block for calling a subscriber is mounted on a metal front door , you must make sure that it is grounded. Standard height to install the block is about 140-160 cm.
  2. The switch is mounted inside the low-current section, which is usually located in distribution panels on the lower floors.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the communication line resistance between both installed elements system is no more than 1 Ohm, otherwise the intercom may stop functioning or strong interference will occur during negotiations over it.
  4. The power supply can be installed in any location that is in close proximity to the switch. In this case, it is necessary to provide an individual outlet and separate grounding. Mounting the unit directly on the door on which the call element is located is strictly prohibited by safety regulations.
  5. Lock electromagnetic type mounted on door jamb, the standard height of its installation is 120 cm. At the same time, for all electrical wiring elements that are located on open surfaces, it is necessary to consider a separate protection system.
  6. Internal equipment for negotiations, which is installed in the apartment, must be located close to the existing wire line.

The standard height at which installation is carried out is 120-150 cm. When connecting, it is advisable to use TRP wire, which is usually used to connect telephone sets. These devices are connected to the switch via a terminal block with 20 contacts. It is worth noting that this general instructions

on connecting intercoms, which describes all the basic actions and requirements that must be observed.

Each purchased device comes with connection and installation instructions, which may contain more detailed information. This document is required to be read before starting any work.

  1. After the intercom is installed and connected, you can proceed to the process of changing user settings. To do this you will need to do the following:
  2. Press the key with the letter “K”.
  3. After the intercom responds to the first step, press the “0” and “K” buttons in turn.
  4. Dial a four-digit password that allows the user to gain full access to the settings and programming mode.

If the password was entered correctly and the system accepted it, the installed software version will be displayed on the intercom display, and the user will be given the rights to change settings.

How to open without a key There are several options that allow you to open doors on which Cyfral intercoms are installed without entering a key. Listed below are the main methods for model range

  1. CCD 2094: then you can try the combination of pressing the call button to the subscriber with codes 41 or 1410. Entering the code 07054 sometimes also makes it possible to unlock the lock.
  2. Model CCD1M or similar devices, which can be identified by the presence of a flashing icon on the display, allow you to open the door by pressing the subscriber call button and the code 0000. If the lock was not unlocked and the intercom went into menu mode, then you must press the “2” button and the door will be open.
  3. In all other modifications of the CCD 2094, as well as in the original version of this intercom, you can open the door by dialing the following combination: call button to the subscriber + the number of any apartment, which is a multiple of 100 + pressing the call button again + one of the codes 7273, 7272 or 2323.

Residents apartment buildings, whose entrances are equipped with intercoms, sometimes face a situation where they cannot get home due to problems with these electronic guards. These problems can be caused by a breakdown of the intercom, power outages, or interference in its operation by children or hooligans. But most often, residents cannot open the entrance due to the fact that they simply forgot their password or a special key for the device.

Knocking on the windows of neighbors living on the first floor is somehow inconvenient, and they are not always at home. Waiting for someone to come out is a long time. Calling a specialist is both expensive and not always possible. What to do?

In this article we will try to consider in detail the question of how to open any intercom without knowing the password and without having special keys. This material is intended exclusively for emergency situations when you need to get into your apartment. Hacking electronic devices and entering someone else's home for personal gain is covered by the Criminal Code.

The most common intercom models installed in entrances

Today the electronic market security systems crowded. Companies involved in their sale and installation offer products for every taste and budget. But still, as for intercoms, there are several domestic models that have gained trust and popularity in a short time. These include:

  • Vizit - intercom Russian production, manufactured by VizitGroup, a security technology company since 1984.
  • Cyfral is a popular brand of intercoms from the Russian manufacturer of the same name, one of the leaders in the access control systems market.
  • Eltis is an intercom developed by the domestic company Eltis, specializing in electronic systems security.
  • "Metacom" is a reliable intercom developed in Russia by a successfully developing manufacturing company of the same name.

Each of the above manufacturers has branches not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries and Europe. Today no one doubts their quality, but any security system created by a person can be hacked by the same person.

Physical hacking of an intercom

As you know, any electronic device can be hacked physically, and cybernetic. Let's start with physics.

The intercom design consists of a control unit and powerful electromagnet, obeying his commands. The magnet actually holds the door closed. In order to physically overcome its magnetic field, an effort of 400-500 kg will be required. This, you agree, to an ordinary person not possible. Therefore, a reliable emphasis and a strong jerk are needed here. Of course, not every intercom will succumb to such vandalism, and not every person will be able to do it.

Hacking with electricity

If the previous method failed to open the door, you can try electrical action. To do this, you will need a piezoelectric element from a lighter or a stun gun. You need to bring one of these devices to the place where the key is inserted and discharge it. About 30% of all intercoms are opened in this way, but because of this, almost all of them fail.

There is another way - turn off the electricity at the entrance. This can be done outside with an entrance lighting lamp. If the entrance does not have automatic switches, but regular plugs or semi-automatic ones, it is enough to short-circuit the contacts in the lamp socket. The electricity will turn off - the door will open.

Certainly, listed methods are barbaric and quite dangerous. Therefore, they should be used only in the most emergency situations. For other cases, it is better to use a universal key, feedback or decoding.

Feedback method

It is unknown who came up with this method and how, but it really works. Not all intercoms can be opened with it, but it’s still worth a try. The method is to create feedback between the speaker and microphone, as a result of which the voltage in the amplifier sharply increases and the device protection is triggered.

To create a background you will need to bring it to the microphone mobile phone in conversation mode or cover the speaker with the microphone with your hands in such a way as to protect them from extraneous sounds. The first option is more effective, since the mobile phone creates a fairly strong electromagnetic field around itself.

Universal key

Most popular intercoms can be opened with a special universal key. Not so long ago, such a tool was only in the arsenal of emergency services. Today, universal keys for intercoms can be freely ordered online. However, it is worth noting that it will not open all devices. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to open the Metakom intercom without the key included in the kit, or without knowledge of a special code.

In general, each intercom model has its own key programmed in a certain way. Their open rate is 80-90%. Such keys can only be ordered from the manufacturer or its representatives.

Decoding intercoms

Now let's talk about how to open the intercom without a key. Vizit, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom in most cases react positively to the input of their “native” code, and do not require further configuration. Naturally, under one condition - if the cipher has not changed.

Of course not here universal method, because each model has its own specific set of combinations designed to open and lock doors, enter the menu or program the key. Get detailed instructions For emergency opening of doors, you can contact representatives of the manufacturer or the company that carried out the installation.

We will tell you how to open the intercom without Vizit key, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom using standard factory codes. And let's start with the simplest of them in this sense.

Eltis: how to open an intercom using factory codes

The Eltis model range is not very wide, so there are only two combinations for “humane” hacking:

  1. Press the call button, dial “100”, press call again and dial “7273”.
  2. Call, "100", call, "2323".

When you press the last digit, the door should open. This method works on 95% of Eltis brand devices. How to open an intercom from this manufacturer, if the specified codes do not work, you can find out from the next section, since the technology used in it software also used in all Cyfral models.

Code hack Cyfral

Audio and video access control systems of this brand have a wider range of models, which is why the number of combinations for decoding them is much greater.

For Cyfral intercoms marked with the letter “M”, the standard combination for opening doors is: call button and “41” or “1410”. Sometimes positive result obtained by sequentially pressing the numbers “07054”.

But how to open the Cyfral intercom if the above methods do not work? To do this, you need to enter the main control menu by typing standard code"0000". When you see the inscription “On” on the screen, press “2”. The door should now open. If instead of “On” the display displays “Off”, this means that the entrance to the menu is closed and you will have to use other options.

On some Cyfral models, when you dial “0000,” the screen may display “cod” or “code,” requiring you to enter the system menu code. In this case, you need to dial one of the combinations:

  • "123456" and press the call key;
  • "456999" and call;
  • "123400" and call key

If after this the message “f0” appears on the display, it means that you have entered the control menu. To open the door you need to dial "601".

A legal way to program a key for Cyfral yourself

If you temporarily live in an entrance apartment equipped with a Cyfral intercom (as a guest or renting a living space), you can enter your personal code.

To do this, you need to take the key from the owners, go to the device, press the call button and hold it until an inscription appears on the screen notifying you of entering the system menu. After that, press “5” and enter the number when prompted by the system the desired apartment. After this, the device will ask you to use the key by displaying “Touch”. After inserting the key, press the call button, and your personal code will be added to the general list.

Vizit intercoms are even more difficult to open. Due to the large number of models and modifications, it is sometimes impossible to find a cipher at all. In addition, most of these devices often do not have keys such as “*” or “#” on the control panel, which are provided in their programming instructions.

But how to open the intercom without a Vizit key in this case, you ask? Nothing is impossible. First, let’s determine that instead of “*” and “#” you need to use the “C” and “K” keys, respectively. Everything else is simple. To begin with, we use standard factory codes:

There is no need to be upset right away if the specified codes do not work, since you can open the Vizit intercom using the system menu. It is usually entered by sequentially pressing #999. Entry is confirmed by two short beeps. After them, you must enter the standard master code "1234". If the system accepts it, it will give one signal. If the code has been changed, the intercom will “swear” with a two-tone squeak. In this case, you need to try entering other cipher combinations:

When entering the system menu, you can both open the Vizit intercom and program the key. To unlock the doors we use the following combination: "2#3535". To program the key, you need to dial “3” in the system menu and attach the key to the slot provided for it, press “#” and wait for the confirmation signal. The "4" key in the menu deletes the key data from the system.

Some of you have probably seen Vizit intercoms that have neither a display nor indicators on the control panel. These are outdated, but no less reliable models. It is worth noting that here it is better to resort to physical force or the services of a master, because it is almost impossible to open the “Visit” intercom, which does not have a screen, by entering codes blindly.

How to open Metacom

Metacom security devices are considered the most secure both physically and cybernically. It is almost impossible to hack them by force, and picking up the key is also impossible. All that remains is to try various options codes, which also gives a positive result in a few cases.

You can open the Metakom intercom without a key only if you know the master code. Enter the code incorrectly three times in a row and the device will be blocked for some time.

The only exceptions are the Metakom MK-20 models, which have one flaw in the protection system. The fact is that if you bring a “zero” key, that is, an unstitched key, to the key socket, the intercom automatically goes to the programming menu. Having entered it, you can independently program the “tablet” to open the doors.

Intercoms are protective devices, providing access control to residential premises. Today, this type of equipment is installed at almost all entrances. The mechanism operates a special electronic key or a set of code combinations. In practice, there are situations when the key to the intercom various reasons absent. In this case, you can use a universal code to gain access to the premises.

To configure intercom equipment, you need to open access to the program mode. In most cases, a special code is dialed into the calling panel. After entering the programming mode, you can open the door and change the settings. Service codes are set during production. When installing the device itself, craftsmen, as a rule, do not change them. This allows without the use of a key.

Scope of application of universal ciphers

Universal passwords for Cyfral intercom equipment

The code for the Cyfral intercom is also not uniform. The variety of encrypted information depends on the model range. The following passwords are suitable for such mechanisms:

  • Call button + 41;
  • Call button + 1410.

Sometimes the door opens after entering the code 07054. In a situation where there are apartments in the entrance with numbering that is a multiple of hundreds, you can try the following codes:

  • Call, apartment number (100,200,300, etc.), call button, number 7272;
  • Call, apartment number (100,200,300, etc.), call button, number 7273.

If the ones listed do not work and the front door does not open, you can try other steps. On the calling panel, dial the combination 0000 and press the call button. After about a couple of seconds, a message will appear on the screen. Next, you need to enter the code 123456 or 456999 and press the call button.

There are some models where you need to enter code 123400. After a few seconds, access to the settings menu will be available. If there is no purpose for changing the settings, you just need to enter password 601 for quick access to the room.

Special codes for some intercom models

The code for the Rainmann intercom can be called universal only if there is a dot on the left of the display. To open the front door on the calling panel, you must press the “key” button. After this, enter the combination of numbers 987654. After completing these actions, a double beep should follow. Next, you need to enter the code 123456. If all steps are completed correctly, information about entering the settings will appear on the display. Using number 4 you can lock the door. By pressing number 6 you can turn off the equipment. Pressing the number 8 will open the door.

Intercoms trademark DomoGuard is more difficult to open without using the provided master key. Special codes will allow the door to open only after entering the service menu. It is necessary to press the “C” button on the panel; a single-tone sound signal should follow. Next, enter the combination of numbers 669900. Immediately after this, press the call button and the apartment number. In this case, the apartment number must be one unit higher than the number of the marginal apartment in this entrance. If all steps are completed correctly, the service menu will open. To open the door, enter the code 080. To program a new key - 333, to disable the door locking function - 071.

Using universal codes for T-Guard intercom devices, without special effort you can gain access to the premises. To do this, press call on the calling panel, then the password is 00000 and again the call button twice.

When performing these actions, it is important to do the last double press of the call button very quickly. After entering the password, the door opens.

Interphone devices Factorial are similar in their system to Digital devices. Universal codes allow you to enter the service menu. Combinations 000000 or 123456 are often used. Professional craftsmen who carry out installation and subsequently Maintenance Factorial equipment claim that it is impossible to open them without a key. This is due to changes in factory firmware and changes in codes.

It is possible that when installing equipment from this company, one of the conditions is to change the service settings. Cases vary, but you can still try to enter unique codes to open the door. Press the number 5 on the calling panel. Within five seconds, a message about entering service settings appears on the monitor. Then the combination is dialed: 180180, call key, number 4 and call button again.

The video shows the use of the universal code:

How to open an intercom without a key?

As you know, to set up an intercom you need to gain access to the programming mode. Traditionally, this is accomplished by typing a password on the numeric keypad. After entering the installer mode, the person who dialed the code gets the opportunity to both open the door with the intercom and change all kinds of system settings without opening the door.

Manufacturers paid special attention to this part of the system. However, the implementation of security system control is not always reliable, which allows you to both open an intercom without a key and hack into intercoms of any brand.

And the main thing is that each of the readers clearly remember: opening an intercom if such a need arises is an acceptable matter, and hacking an intercom for mercenary purposes is punishable according to the criminal code. And when the main purpose of searching for material on how to hack an intercom was just such plans, then look at the same time for the latest edition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the article we will consider information on opening intercoms of the following types: Barrier II, IIM and 4; VIZIT (various models); Cyfral (various models); Eltis; METACOM; Rainmann; DomoGuard; Blink; T-Guard.

But before that Some general remarks for hacking intercoms:

1. You can open the intercom by force. The foot is at the very bottom of the door, under the handle, we rest well and properly, we pull the handle. You don’t need any extra force here, it’s just important to rest your foot. Just pulling the handle won't work, force magnetic lock approximately 400 kg.

2. You can purchase a universal key for the intercom. This universal tool gives us the opportunity to open almost any intercom. Of course, not all intercoms open; there are certain very secure models. But it still makes us feel freedom from various restrictions and obstacles. There are several modifications of these keys. There are some that can open any intercom, but the opening percentage is not very high. More narrowly focused models have also been developed. For example, they can only open Cyfral, only Visit, Cyfral and Metacom. They have a higher open rate (85-99%).

3. Apply intercom codes. You can also open the door with them. Read about civilized hacking of intercoms in the article at the link.

4. Wait and stand until one of the residents of the entrance comes out. You can wait a long time. Maybe not very much. If we get lucky. But it is also possible to open the intercom this way.

5. Call the apartment and introduce yourself as a plumber, nurse, telephone operator, etc. Not every tenant will be able to open the intercom for you, since due to various hooligan and other actions of our people, there is less and less trust in such visitors.

6. Piezo element from a lighter. You need to be shocked in the place where the intercom key is inserted. Doesn't always work. But still, this method of opening an intercom has the right to be used.

7. Short-circuit the light bulb at the entrance. If the current goes out, the intercom will also turn off. There is no electricity - you can safely open the intercom. But you can also run into trouble. So it’s better to use other methods to calmly open the intercom.

8. In order to open the intercom you can, even need, to use some design features. Any intercom has a microphone and also a speaker. We need to do something similar to feedback. This is what we will use to open the intercom. We cover the intercom display with our hand so as to isolate the microphone and speaker of the device from external noise. In this case it turns out Feedback(for example, when we bring the microphone to the speaker). At the peak of the squeak, you can pull the door well and open the intercom. Why does this happen, you ask?

Because the intercom has its own amplifier. This is what we use to open the intercom. When good feedback is received, the intercom is overloaded. Its microcircuits automatically reduce electrical voltage. In the case when the feedback occurs large, even very much, then accordingly the feed electrical energy almost completely stops and the door is de-energized. Now you can open the intercom with a slight movement of your hand.

9. Service menu. You need to go in there. You can open the intercom from there.

10. You can also reset the permanent memory of the intercom.
We need to find where exactly the power supply to the intercom comes from. This usually comes from the scutum. Mainly on the first floor of the entrance. There is a small block there. As expected, this block is very well hidden from outsiders. Resetting the intercom memory is easy. Apply +1.5 volts to the 1st and 6th and 8th and 12th legs. The memory will be reset. But it is clear that a specialist will be able to restore this matter quickly. But we won’t wait for him. We need to open the intercom.

11. In winter, intercoms with touch keypads (DomoGuard, Rainmann) are affected by hypothermia. We take a normal lump of snow and lean it against the keyboard. When the display shows “Err” (10-20 minutes), the intercom will unlock the lock.

12. For regular visits:
We seize the moment when the intercom door is open and stick several layers of tape onto the magnet. At the same time, we leave a small area of ​​the surface for contact. At first glance, the intercom works as usual, but you just have to pull the door harder and voila, it’s open.
Hacking Barrier II and IIM intercoms

An old Russian intercom similar to the “Barrier” with a mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key can currently be found no more often than a mammoth. Although, anything can happen, and such an intercom may well be installed in one or another equally old house. For models 2 and 2M there is an unchangeable opening code - 1013. Although, roughly speaking, the intercom opens without any problems with a pair of small magnets, which you just need to move around the area to apply the key.

Barrier - 4

The fourth model of this type of intercom is single-user; it was installed in entrances with concierges. As a result, it will not be possible to dial a permanent code, but you will have to tinker with magnets until the bitter end. The key of this intercom has 3 magnets.

How to open an intercom without a key vizit

Visit intercoms are considered a little more difficult to open. The codes on them differ in a significant variety. Often the * and # keys are missing from the keyboard; instead, the C and K keys are used, respectively.

If the normal settings of such an intercom have not been changed by the installer, then the door should open when you enter *#4230 or 12#345. Opens recently installed intercoms with visit code *#423 or 67#890

How to hack a vizit intercom through the service menu: dial #999 - this is the entrance to the service menu, wait for 2 short calls sound signals, then enter the master code (default 1234). The visit intercom, which is being hacked, should respond with one short squeak. If you used the wrong code, the signal will become two-tone. In such a situation, it is possible to try the usual types of master codes - 6767, 3535, 9999, 0000, 12345, 11639.

After entering the warranty menu, it is possible to both open the intercom and perform a series of slightly more difficult operations.

So, composition 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535 - command to open the intercom door without a key.

The “3” key is configured to program keys for the intercom. After pressing key 3 in the service menu, you must attach the key to the reader, press # and wait for a beep. That's it, the key is entered into the intercom memory.

Button 4 erases keys from memory.

* — exits the current mode.

# - used to confirm configurations.

It will be a little more difficult to open the “Visit” BVD-3xx intercom - without a display and indication LEDs. To open the door, you need to press 1 in the service menu. However, sometimes hacking the intercom The visit will be successful in the case of the BVD-34x model (with a left-hand receiver).

How to open the Cyfral intercom

To open the Cyfral intercom you need to:

A) in the event that there are living spaces in the entrance with numbering that is a multiple of One Hundred (One Hundred, 200, 300, and so on), then the code must be entered as follows: call button (code 1) call button (code 2). In place (code 1) you must enter the number of the living space, a multiple of one hundred, and in place of code 2 - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

B) for intercom models with the letter “M”, you can try the code “call button 41” or “call button 1410”. Sometimes the door opens if you simply enter 07054.

The CCD-2094.1M intercom needs to be opened differently. It can be distinguished by a burning or flashing line on the screen. If you dial the “call 0000” code, it will either immediately open or enter the warranty menu (ON on the screen), then you need to press 2, after which the door will open. If the message OFF appears, the quick entry mode is disabled. This means that there was an installer who had been installing Digital intercoms for a long time. The access codes were changed accordingly.

Intercom codes Cyfral CCD-2094M

To open an intercom of this type, you need to dial the code “0000 call key”. The inscription “cod” should appear on the monitor. You must use the code 123456 “Call” or 456999 “Call”; sometimes the composition 123400 “Call” is used. We wait two to five seconds. If the message “f0” appears on the monitor, then access to the system menu is open. To open the door, you need to use code 601.

If there is a desire to visit this intercom (more precisely, its owners) often, then it is better to enter into the intercom memory a personal key suitable for the Digital intercom. To achieve the desired result, you need to press the call button and keep it pressed until a message appears on the monitor indicating that you have entered the service mode. After that, press “five” and enter the number of the living space available in the entrance. The inscription on the monitor should change to TOUCH. When this happens, we apply the key. If you come across a model with an old optical key, then instead of the living space number you need to dial 600, then insert the key and press the call key.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Eltis intercoms, the codes for which do not differ in variety, are quite simple to open. There are 2 options for service combinations that will provide a “neat hack” Eltis intercom: “call button 100 call button 7273” or “call button

One hundred call button 2323.” If hacking the Eltis intercom does not succumb to such compositions, you can try options from Digital intercoms.

How to open the METAKOM intercom

Hacking a Metacom intercom is done according to the following scheme: you need to press the call button, then use the number of the first living space in the entrance and press call again. “COD” should appear on the monitor. After this, you need to use the code directly - 5702. If this technique does not work, then try the compositions 65535 call button 1234 call button 8 or 1234 call button 6 call button 4568.

And also about how to hack the Metakom MK-20 M/T intercom without dancing around the keyboard. Roughly speaking, this model does not and will not have a system of protection against the use of master keys. As a result, if you bring the “pill” without firmware to the intercom reader, it will automatically enter programming mode. If there is no pill, it is possible to persuade him to open using the numeric keypad. The Metacom brand MK-20 M/T intercom code can be “call key 27 call key 5702” or “call key 1 call key 4526”.

How to open a Rainmann intercom

Reinmann 2000 models, as well as those intercoms of this brand that have a dot on the left on the monitor, can be opened like this:

Press the “key” key on the numeric keypad and enter the code 987654. The response to this operation should be a double squeak. After this, enter the code 123456. The letter “P” should appear on the screen, which actually indicates entering the service menu.

The intercom is then controlled using the numeric keypad:

4 — lock the door;

6 — turn off the intercom;

8 — open the door;

How to open the DomoGuard intercom

DomogarD intercoms are a little more difficult to open. You need to hold down the C key and wait for the squeak. Next, quickly enter the service combination - 669900, press the call key and use the apartment number one higher than the last one in the entrance. The intercom will respond by displaying “F---” on the display. It means that we are in the service menu of the intercom. To open the door, dial code 080. To enter a new key into memory - code 333, to disable the door lock - code 071

How to open the T-Guard intercom

Hacking this intercom is the easiest of those proposed. Press “call key + 00000 + call key twice.” The point is to make the last two presses very quickly. The door is open.

How to open the Factorial intercom

The order of these intercoms is similar to Digital. Entering the service menu occurs after the 6-digit Factorial intercom code is dialed. Usually this is 000000 or 123456. But installers claim that hacking the Factorial intercom is practically impossible, if only because the Factorial intercom code must be changed during installation - this is one of the mandatory service settings. But you can try this combination - press the “5” key until the service message appears on the screen (3-5 seconds), then dial 180180 + call button + 4 + call button.

How to open the Blink intercom

This is the only single-user audio intercom installed everywhere on Russian market. It has neither a screen nor a numeric keypad and is usually installed in houses with a concierge or in private cottages. Therefore, service combinations will not help here. An ordinary D9-0.1 battery will help - “Krona”, “Corundum” and the like. The European type of such battery is 6F22. Consequently, we find strangely shaped false bolts under the bottom panel - they exactly correspond to the “Crown” connector. We attach a battery to them - and voila, the intercom is open.

Compiled from various open internet sources.