How to open the ccd 20 intercom without a key. Cyfral intercom code - the ability to access the premises without using a key

Nowadays it is almost impossible to find high-rise buildings whose entrances are not closed with steel doors. The only difficulty in using an intercom is the loss or demagnetization of the key. In such a situation, if the neighbors do not answer the call (they are absent, they do not hear), and there is no one at home, a lot of problems arise.

Installation companies protective systems of this type, much is kept silent. To the question of apartment residents who do not want to donate money for “modernization” front door on how to open an intercom without a key, the answer is standard - purchase in the required quantity. Is this true and what to do in case of force majeure?

There is no full guarantee that these tips will help you open any intercom without a key, but certain techniques sometimes turn out to be effective: tested. Much depends on the features of the locking device design, the thickness of the steel sheet, the quality of door installation, and a number of other factors. But in a critical situation, in the absence of a choice, any methods are good.

  • El/discharge. It is enough to bring the source (piezo lighter, stun gun) to the “socket” for applying the key, the automation can work and break the power circuit magnetic lock. After this, the door will open easily.
  • Jerk. Installation of an intercom requires strict adherence to a number of rules. In practice, they are not always observed. You can try to press down on the steel sheet, and then sharply pull it towards you. Sometimes two or three attempts are enough and the door will open. Naturally, you will have to apply a fair amount of force, and therefore this method Recommended for men only.
  • Hit the door. You need to hit in the area where the magnet is located. If the device has already partially exhausted its resource, or was installed incorrectly, the force of attraction of the canvas may weaken. Then you can open the door with a strong jerk. One of effective ways when solving the problem of how to open the intercom with Metacom without a key.

If there is no shortage of time, there are other options - call your neighbors (they may not hear the intercom buzzer). As an option, wait until a person coming out of the entrance opens the door from the inside (or someone who has a key approaches).

Methods for unlocking various systems

*B – call button (key)

For any of the schemes, the role of the “magic key” is played by a specific intercom code, that is, a combination of symbols and numbers. It is different and depends on the model of the protective system.


B + (No. of the first apartment in the entrance) + B. After the COD letters are displayed, the combination 5702 is dialed.

The lock, if the factory metacom codes have not been changed, should be demagnetized. If it doesn’t help, you should move on to other options.

  • 1234 + V + 6 + V + 4568
  • V + 1+ V + 5702
  • V + 5 + V + 4253
  • V + 6 + V + 4568
  • 65535 + V + 1234 + V + 8
  • 65535 + B + 7418378
  • B + 1803
  • B + 1234567

To open the Metacom modification MK-20T/M intercom, the following master codes are used.

  • V + 27 + V + 5702.
  • B + 1 + B + 4526


Inexpensive and reliable Forward systems do not differ in circuit complexity; open with several codes:

  • K+1234
  • K + 557798 + K
  • 123 + * + 2427101
  • 2427101


Opening a cyfral intercom without a key is more difficult - there is no single encoding for all models.

For apartment numbers with “round” numbers (100, 200 and so on):

  • B + Apartment No. + B + 2323 (options – 7272, 7273).

For intercom series:

  • “M” – 07054. If it doesn’t work, then B + 41 + B + 1410
  • “CCD” (model 2094/1M) – B + 0000.

When ON is displayed, press button “2”. The appearance of OFF symbols on the display of the control unit indicates reprogramming of the intercom. In this case, any further combinations are meaningless; the door will not unlock.

"CCD" (model 2094/M) – 0000 + V

  • After “COD” appears, buttons 1 to 6 + B are pressed in turn.
  • The second option is 456999 + V.
  • The third method is 123400 + V. After displaying “F0” + 601


Open intercom eltis not difficult - this is one of the most simple systems; There are few options.

  • V + 100 + V + 2323 or 7273

You can solve the problem of how to hack an Eltis intercom using codes that apply to Digital models. Which ones are suitable is tested by practice; For different Eltis series, only one, maximum two combinations are suitable.


"Visit" intercoms are available in different modifications, but the algorithm of user actions, regardless of the block series, is the same. There are some nuances associated with the absence of some specific buttons, so you will have to navigate according to the situation.

  • * + # + 423
  • 67 + # + 890
  • 12 + # +345
  • * + # + 4230
  • “#” + 999. After 2 intermittent signals, four digits are dialed in a row, from 1 to 4. Options for the last combination are 0000, 6767, 12345, 3535, 9999
  • “2” + short wait + “#” + same + 3535

There are no “#” and “*” buttons on individual CU panels. In this case, try the combination “C” + “K”

Advice. For models without a display, you can try pressing “1” and then dialing any combination of 4 digits. The probability of the electronics triggering is small, but if there is no other way out, this is an option.


You can open a factorial intercom without a key using several code combinations.

  • A set of numbers from 1 to 6
  • Code 000000
  • "Five". After “180180” is displayed, press buttons B + 4 + B


The first thing to do is determine the number of the last apartment in a given entrance and add 1 to this number. For example, 20 + 1 = 21.


One of the devices that is very difficult to open with a set of numbers and symbols without a key. Therefore it will be needed; Suitable for any series Techcom intercom.

  • Working with buttons “0”, “1”, “6”. They are pressed simultaneously and then released one by one in the sequence 0 – 6 – 1.
  • After the signal, enter code 4321
  • B + 3 + B
  • The key is presented; perhaps it will demagnetize the lock and the door will open.


  • On steel doors Other models of intercoms are also installed - “Stroymaster”, “Kron”, “Arcades”, “Secret”, “Pierce”, “Komaks”: and this is not a complete list of security systems. Judging by the information on the Internet, almost all of them cannot be hacked by guessing codes.
  • On sale “from trays” there are so-called universal master keys (the same keys with special firmware). They open almost all doors, regardless of the installed electronic system. In addition, they are inexpensive - from 100 to 150 rubles, and therefore there is a great demand for them. The plus is obvious - it’s very convenient. But not everyone understands what the systematic use of these keys leads to. The result of such a “service” is incorrect operation of the intercom with subsequent failure of the control unit. And repairing its electrical circuit, especially replacing the unit, is not cheap.

It is better to prepare for possible troubles in advance. That’s why it’s worth contacting servicing the intercom company and find out the codes for opening. If its employees refuse an oral request, make a request in electronic (written) form, appealing to the relevant law (PZPP; latest edition of 2017): the consumer has the right to receive all information about the service or product provided.

Codes for intercoms

Our universal key opens the following MODELS of intercoms:

Metakom MK-2003

Metakom MK-20TME4

Metakom M-10

Metakom MK-99.2-TM




CYFRAL CCD-20 (approx. 70%-80%)

Cyfral 2094/tc (no more than 50%)

Factorial DM-20TM

Metakom MK99.2-TM

Raikmann PROEL KDC-1803

Vizit SM-100


Visit of BVD-341

Visit of BVD-431

Visit of BVD-311

Visit of BVD-313

Visit of BVD-342

Visit of BVD-M200

Metakom MK-2003-RF

As you know, to set up an intercom you need to enter the programming mode, for which you need to enter the installer code, i.e. dial password. Having entered the programming mode, the master receives all rights to change the functions of the entire intercom.

Therefore, intercom manufacturers paid quite close attention to this part of intercom programming... But they implemented it in different ways...

Intercoms considered for apartment buildings, which have become widespread in Russia. We deliberately will not present here codes that are used not to open the door, but to configure them and which are needed by non-engineers only for hooligan reasons.

Information on hacking is provided for the following intercoms:

Barrier II and IIM, 4

VIZIT ( different models)

Cyfral (various models)

First of all, the question is: are there special intercom codes for opening doors by special services? Correct answer: no, modern intercoms do not have such codes (except for Barrier IIM). But there is forgetfulness of engineers who, as a rule, do not change master passwords during installation.

Hacking Barrier II and IIM intercoms

Remember those old “Soviet” intercoms with mechanical locks and a flat magnetic key? For 2M there is a permanent opening code - 1013. But they were rare then, and even more so now. In general, these intercoms were opened with 2 magnets, for example from a disassembled key. You just move them around the key pad until they go off.

Barrier - 4

The same, only without buttons (single-user, designed for front doors with concierges). The key has 3 magnets.

Codes VIZIT intercoms

General comment: If there are no * and # on the keyboard, use C and K instead. C - * K - #.

Non-display models with LEDs (SM/M/N 100-200):

If the standard settings have not been changed, then the code *#4230 or code 12#345 leads to the opening of the intercom.

In newly installed intercoms, the codes *#423 and 67#890 are likely

You can enter the service menu:

#999 - beeps 2 times - (master code, default 1234) - beeps 1 time. If the code is not correct, it will beep with a two-tone signal. Master code can be 1234, 6767, 3535, 9999, 12345, 0000, 11639.

2 + # + 3535 Opening the intercom.

3 - Programming keys for entry. (Apply key + #, wait for beep + *).

4 - Erasing keys from memory.

* - Exit the mode.

# - Installation confirmation.

For intercom VISIT BVD-3xx (without display and LEDs), (with right-hand or central location of the tablet)

opening the door - press 1 in the menu.

Doesn't always work in BVD-34x (with a left-handed receiver)

To be confirmed for them.

Digital intercoms are products domestic producers and are designed to restrict access to the premises. Produced protective devices universal and meet international standards. The most common model is considered to be CCD 2094. Such equipment is multi-subscriber and is intended for installation in apartment buildings.

The Cyfral intercom can transmit audio and video signals, and also has many modifications and can be easily improved. Its feature is the ability of the user to independently choose the type of identifier to gain access.

Method 1: general aspects of keyless opening of intercom devices

The intercom equipment is controlled using a key: contact or contactless. There are situations when, for one reason or another, the identifier is missing. To gain access in this case, you must use a special code. If during the installation of the equipment the settings were not changed by the wizard, then according to the factory firmware the intercom is programmed as follows:

  • To enter the system menu of the Cyfral CCD 20 device, use the standard code 123456;
  • The general access code is 1234;
  • To display a special encoding table, use the password 000;
  • The serial number of the first subscriber is 1;
  • The number of subscribers served is 100;
  • The mode for using codes is enabled;
  • The door warning system is turned on.

To enter the programming mode of the Cyfral CCD 20 model, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Turn off power and voltage;
  • Detach the back panel;
  • Close both contacts on the Cyfral CCD 20 equipment controller board;
  • Turn on power and voltage.

The video shows how to find out the code for the CYFRAL CCD 20 intercom:

Method 2: Change device software settings

In order to change the settings of the Cyfral intercom equipment, you can try the following steps:

  • Press the “K” key;
  • F will appear on the monitor;
  • Enter 0 and K alternately;
  • Enter a four-digit password to access.

Pressing the number 1 for Cyfral intercoms will allow you to change the number of the first subscriber in the list. To do this, you need to enter a specific number and press the “K” key. Number 2 will enter the subscriber blocking mode. To enable the blocking, enter the combination 0-K-number, to cancel the blocking - 1-K-number.

Using special Cyfral intercom codes, you can program the locking device.

To do this, dial 4 on the calling panel. L0C will appear on the monitor. The key will be recorded upon contact with the reader. If such an identifier is already displayed in memory, the message Est will appear on the screen. If there are not enough free cells, the message Per will appear.

Digital combinations from Cyfral intercom allow you to change a previously programmed code. When you press the number 6, the words “CdP” and “_ _ _” will appear on the monitor. After this, you need to enter a new code, press C and re-enter the code. If all actions are performed correctly, there will be a corresponding notification and sound signal.

Using special code from the intercom, you can adjust the settings for sound notification. To do this, while in programming mode, you need to dial the number 7. If the sound of opening the intercom is required, press 1. To prevent the sound signal from coming, press 0.

Method 3: universal code and codes by apartment number

Changing software settings is not for everyone. There are other ways keyless entry. The question arises: “How to hack an intercom using a code?” The answer is very simple: you need to know a few simple combinations. A universal access code is suitable provided that the apartments in the entrance are numbered in multiples of hundreds (from 100 to 900).

If you do not have an electronic key, you can do the following:

  • Press the call button;
  • Enter the apartment number (100-900);
  • Dial password 7272 or 7273.

For convenience, see the table (HF - call button):

KV – 100 – KV – 7272. KV – 100 – KV – 7273. KV – 100 – KV – 2323.
KV – 200 – KV – 7272. KV – 200 – KV – 7273 KV – 200 – KV – 2323.
KV – 300 – KV – 7272. KV – 300 – KV – 7273. KV – 300 – KV – 2323.
KV – 400 – KV – 7272. KV – 400 – KV – 7273. KV – 400 – KV – 2323.
KV – 500 – KV – 7272. KV – 500 – KV – 7273. KV – 500 – KV – 2323.
KV – 600 – KV – 7272. KV – 600 – KV – 7273. KV – 600 – KV – 2323.
KV – 700 – KV – 7272 KV – 700 – KV – 7273. KV – 700 – KV – 2323.
KV – 800 – KV – 7272 KV – 800 – KV – 7273. KV – 800 – KV – 2323.
KV – 900 – KV – 7272 KV – 900 – KV – 7273. KV – 900 – KV – 2323.

Method 4: to open the Cyfral CCD 2094 model

Intercom type Cyfral CCD 2094 has its own characteristics. Therefore, using any of the above universal code, you may not be able to gain access. This equipment model is modified and equipped with new microcontrollers. The intercom also works using a special software.

Of course, you can try to enter one of the combinations for other device models. If the intercom is still not hacked, then you should perform the following steps:

  • Enter code 0000;
  • When On appears, press 2;
  • After the inscription Cod appears, enter code 123400;
  • after that we open the door.

If the specified password is not suitable, you can enter the combinations 123456 or 456999. When the code information is selected correctly, the message F0 will appear on the monitor. To allow access you need to enter the combination 6-0-1. The door should open. Without using codes, the easiest way to open the door is using the included identifier.

If you were unable to find out the intercom code or special combinations do not work, you can change the software settings. Initially, you need to enter the combination K-0-K. Next, enter four numeric characters. After entering the code information, its uniqueness is checked and identification occurs.

Provided that the code belongs to the Cyfral 2094 model, the call block will switch to working in service menu settings.

After this, information containing the version number of the device’s factory firmware and software will be displayed on the screen, and a notification Pg will appear.

Conventions on the calling panel

Each number on the calling panel of Cyfral equipment in the service settings mode carries certain information. The program table presented on the calling panel has the following symbols:

  • Changing the subscriber number (usually the first one in the device’s memory) – 1;
  • Control of subscriber blocking mode – 2;
  • Changing code information (current table) – 3;
  • Entering the programming mode of a locking electromagnetic or electromechanical device – 4;
  • Possibility to change – 5;
  • Change standard code – 6;
  • Identifier warning system – 7;
  • Regulation of general encoding – 8;
  • Key deletion mode (for each subscriber separately) – 9.

It must be remembered that this information is not a guide for unauthorized access or hacking of intercoms of the described brand.

The video shows how to open the intercom using a combination of numbers: