All about boilers. How to choose a heating boiler - user guide

Residential buildings, not equipped central system heating, need individual independent heating. A heating boiler will cope with this task perfectly. The main thing is to choose the right heating equipment for your home so that your family nest is warm and cozy.

The main parameters of the heating boiler - power And fuel type.

Power- main parameter. Approximately, the power of a heating boiler is calculated as follows: for 10 sq. m of heated area of ​​an insulated building with ceilings up to 3 m high, 1 kW of power is required. To finally determine the required boiler power, it is necessary, with the help of engineers and designers, to make a competent thermal calculation taking into account such factors as: the thickness and material of walls, ceilings, the number and size of windows, the presence of a fireplace, the purpose of individual rooms of the house, the presence of heated floors, etc.

Fuel type- the second most important factor of a heating boiler. The fuel on which the boiler operates can be: liquid (diesel), electricity, gas (mainline or bottled) and solid fuel (coke, pellets, wood, coal, etc.).

Heating boilers are divided according to the following significant criteria:

  • manufacturing material - cast iron and steel;
  • installation method- wall and floor;
  • number of circuits- single-circuit and double-circuit (with built-in boiler and coil);
  • and energy-dependent (a heating system with forced circulation of coolant is impossible without the use of electricity);
  • exhaust removal method(exhaust gases) - forced draft (using a fan) and natural draft.

Types of heating boilers and their features

There are several types of heating boilers. They are distinguished by installation method and energy source.

  • Gas heating boilers . Today, gas boilers are the most popular type of heating boilers - they are used approximately 70% of the total number of boilers, due to low gas cost and the widespread use of gas pipelines. Gas boilers are divided into wall-mounted and floor-mounted.
  • Wall mounted- equipped with an expansion tank and a circulation pump, which significantly saves space in the room. In turn, wall-mounted heating boilers are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit . Dual-circuit- provide heating and have the ability to heat up hot water. In view of small sizes This equipment is ideal for a private home due to its small size, ease of installation and maintenance. Single-circuit boilers operate only in the heating circuit to heat the coolant.
  • Floor-standing- require, in accordance with safety standards, a separate boiler room in compliance with all requirements and standards gas service. They operate on the basis of a steel or cast iron heat exchanger. Floor-standing heating boilers are divided into floor-standing gas boilers with inflatable and atmospheric burners. The first option is quite easy to use, cheaper in cost, boiler operation does not cause much noise. The second option has high efficiency and more expensive.

Gas boilers with inflatable burners have an important advantage - options for installing burners that run on both gas and diesel fuel.

  • Diesel heating boilers. Their main feature is a replaceable burner. By changing the burner, you can change the type of fuel used on this boiler. The diesel boiler has an open combustion chamber, operates on one heating circuit and is exhausted only in floor version.
  • Solid fuel heating boilers. The oldest and most popular type of heating equipment among the population. They are used to maintain warm air and preparation of hot water in country houses and industrial complexes. This type of boiler is used in buildings remote from the city. Solid fuel heating boilers are working offline and are completely independent of electricity.
  • Electric heating boilers. They do not require special permission or approval to work in a private home. Their main difference is the built-in equipment of systems and temperature programmers. Electric boilers are used as a reserve for solid fuel boilers in case the firewood burns out. This scheme is convenient in a small heated area, where it is not possible to install a solid fuel boiler with a large firebox, as well as in places where there is no gas supply.

Universal boilers

The main difference between universal or combined boilers is the ability to use several types of fuel at the same time. The operation of a universal boiler is based on solid fuel, and other types - liquid, gas or electricity - as a supplement. This feature allows the boiler to be used in different areas under different conditions.

The minimum configuration of a universal boiler includes water jacket, furnace And frame. In addition, the boiler can be equipped with a pump, automation, security system and thermostat. The boiler burner is usually not included in the kit; it must be purchased separately.

The boiler body is made of either steel or cast iron. Practice shows that owners resort to repairing cast iron boilers more often than steel boilers. In addition, a cast iron boiler is heavier.

Types of universal boilers

  • the most common type of universal boiler is boiler with combustion chamber solid fuel with additional installations of mounted burners for liquid fuel and gas;
  • boiler with replaceable burners for gas and liquid fuel and with built-in electric heating element;
  • wood gas generator boiler or wood-gas- when wood burns, flammable gas is released, which, unlike conventional boilers, does not escape into the atmosphere, but is completely burned in the boiler, which significantly increases the heating effect.

To increase the efficiency of using universal boilers, a heated water accumulator is connected to them. The accumulator is a reservoir into which excess water is removed from the boiler. Using a pump from the battery through the valve, hot coolant - water or antifreeze for heating - enters the system, ensuring uniform heating and high system efficiency.

To choose a gas boiler and not make a mistake, it is recommended to study this material:

How to choose the right heating boiler for your home

Among the many types of heating boilers, choosing the right boiler (suitable for your home) is not easy. The choice is made based on the following criteria: price, type of fuel, power, method of removing exhaust gases, installations, by number of circuits.

  1. Price. On the market, heating boilers are divided into three main price groups - high-quality and expensive (as a rule, Swedish and German production); average in price, but without losing quality (made in Italy, South Korea, Spain, Czech Republic, Japan, Slovakia); cheap - made in Russia.
  2. Power. The power of the heating boiler is taken into account depending on the size of the area of ​​the heated room. The calculation takes into account all heat conductors - doors, windows, floors, wall material, etc. You can correctly calculate the boiler power with the help of engineers or special calculators.
  3. Fuel. Depending on the conditions and location of your home, everyone chooses best option heating boiler.
  4. Number of circuits. If you only need to heat the house, then a single-circuit type of boiler will be the right choice for you. If you would like to receive not only heat, but also hot water, purchase a double-circuit heating boiler.

With reviews about gas boilers can be found in this article:


If finances allow you - entrust installation to specialists. Then, in the future, all responsibility for the operation of the heating equipment will fall on the shoulders of the manufacturer (of course, with proper operation), and if problems arise, you will be able to quickly and competently solve them.

Wall-mounted boiler in the bathroom

The installation of gas boilers for heating a private home is most often resorted to when it is necessary to resolve the issue of organizing high-quality heating of the home. And this is no coincidence.

WITH centralized systems heating, some incidents always happen, and at the most inopportune moment you may be left without heat. A gas boiler is a great way to create and constantly maintain comfortable conditions in your home according to your wishes.

Main advantages of gas boilers

Modern wall mounted boiler

Compared to other devices that provide heat to the house, gas boilers have a number of advantages:

  1. Relative ease of installation and operation. A gasified heating system involves the use of standardized fasteners and connecting pipes. This feature minimizes the occurrence of any difficulties during installation.
  2. You can easily do some of the work on installing a gas-powered heating system yourself. However, commissioning and commissioning activities must be carried out by qualified specialists.
  3. Home gas boiler room has a high coefficient useful action. When using a pump in its design for forced circulation of water, such a system is capable of heating the furthest rooms with a large area in a short period of time.
  4. Gas-fired boilers for heating a private house will significantly save your cash. After all, this type of fuel has a fairly low cost. At least for now. You can calculate your estimated expenses using a special formula. It is necessary to multiply the price of 1 cubic meter of consumed energy resource by the heated area of ​​the building.
  5. Subject to all requirements fire safety This heating system provides high level fire protection. In addition, the equipment diagram for gas heating a private building or apartment is designed in such a way that the risk of poisoning by products of incomplete combustion of fuel is reduced to zero.
  6. The system is equipped with special sensors. They control the fuel supply, the presence of flame and temperature parameters, which makes the system absolutely safe.
  7. Emission percentage harmful substances generated as a result of gas combustion is very small, which has a positive effect on the environmental cleanliness of the process.
  8. Despite their high power, modern boilers are as compact as possible. They fit into any interior without any problems, without violating its integrity.
  9. The service life of steel boilers can reach two decades, and the durability of cast iron units is about half a century, and sometimes more.

On a note! You can organize heating using cylinders without any particular difficulties if you do not have access to a centralized gas pipeline.

Some disadvantages of gas boilers

Checking the boiler operation

But along with the advantages, gas boilers also have disadvantages, of which there are much fewer:

  1. Intending to spend in your country house gas heating, be prepared for the fact that you will have to coordinate all events with special government services who will develop a gasification project for your home. Moreover, all these procedures can take a significant amount of time.
  2. Installing gas boilers will be especially beneficial only if total area heated house is at least 100 square meters.

Types of gas equipment

Modern boilers can be designed for both floor and wall mounting.

  • Floor-standing devices are the most common option. Their installation must be carried out in rooms specially designated for these purposes with good ventilation. The area of ​​the boiler room should be about 9 square meters. Installation is carried out at a distance from the walls of at least 0.5 meters.
  • Wall-mounted units are designed for heating small areas. Such boilers take up very little space and can be made with a combustion chamber or with a flow-through heating system.

It is necessary to mention the design features that you should pay attention to when choosing heating equipment. The most important thing in this case is the material from which the main heat exchanger is made.

Types of heat exchangers

Boiler operation diagram

They come in 3 types:

  • Steel structure - used in economy class boilers.
  • Products from of stainless steel- widely used in wall-mounted devices.
  • Cast iron heat exchangers are the most reliable models that are mounted in a floor-mounted version.

Steel heat exchange systems according to technical specifications lose to others, but are significantly cheaper. Cast iron boilers and stainless steel design options are approximately equal in power.

A cast iron boiler has a high heat capacity due to its impressive mass and wall thickness. Stainless steel heat exchangers are more modern high-tech products. But a boiler for heating a private home, made of cast iron, can reliably serve much longer than other devices.

Therefore, when installing a gas heating system, it is preferable to choose cast iron units. One of the main advantages of such equipment is its practicality, reliability and durability. It is quite possible that in the future you may simply not need to repair such a boiler, and occasionally you will only need to carry out its maintenance.

The principle of operation of a gas boiler

Operating principle of a gas condensing boiler

The boiler works quite simply. The gas enters a special automatic unit. Its sensors regulate the fuel supply depending on the temperature in heating system. It is then sent to the burners and mixed with air.

After this, the combustible mixture enters the furnace - a chamber where its direct combustion occurs. At the same time, it stands out a large number of energy, which is intended to heat the building.

The combustion products, passing through the heat exchanger, heat the water in the heating system. After this, they are released into the atmosphere through the chimney.

The exhaust gas leaving the chimney has a temperature several tens of degrees higher than the air temperature outside the building. Therefore, chimneys must be made in full compliance with building codes and regulations.

Types of heating boiler designs

In addition to dividing according to the materials from which they are made, boilers are also classified according to the design of the firebox.

Designs with a closed firebox

Floor heating boiler

The boiler of such a gas heating system is equipped with a fan that provides forced injection air flow into the firebox. This is necessary for high-quality combustion of fuel.

Through a coaxial pipe through which air is supplied, combustion products are also removed. Such units do not require the construction of chimneys, and they are ideal for installation not only in houses, but also in apartments.

Important! The undoubted advantage of this design is that the furnace is purged with air both before fuel is supplied and after the combustion chamber is turned off. At the same time, the risk of gas fire directly in the firebox itself is significantly reduced.

Heat exchange between incoming air and exhaust gases has a beneficial effect on the operation of the boiler. At the same time, the ignition moment improves, and the combustion torch becomes more uniform. The overall efficiency of such a device is quite high, due to which owners receive significant savings.

Designs with an open combustion chamber

In the designs of classic boilers, the draft required to support high-quality combustion is created by the chimney. Such units are equipped with fireboxes open type. At the same time, the cost of the design is much lower than that of models with a closed combustion chamber.

But the absence of a fan in the device significantly reduces the efficiency. At the same time, the requirements for high-quality installation of the chimney duct pipe increase significantly.

Important! If in a boiler with a forced-injection fan you can easily ensure that exhaust gases are discharged through the wall directly to the street, then in heating unit with an open firebox this will no longer work.

Some features of gas boilers

Wall boiler

Gas heating works mainly due to the pressure of the liquid circulating in the system. The value of this indicator is extremely close to the atmospheric level or is in slight excess.

In the first case, the system operates under the influence of a water column. The system has free communication with the atmosphere from the expansion tank mark to the control point.

In the second case, the complex operates at excess pressure. The exact numbers are indicated in the passport of the heating gas generator. If the pressure rises above the limit specified in the documents, the machine responsible for safety automatically reduces it. If it crosses the minimum mark, then either the boiler is turned off, or the system operates due to a special valve.

Important! The placement of the safety circuit breaker equipped with a pressure gauge and expansion tank may vary. It can be installed either separately or built directly into a gas boiler, which depends on the manufacturer and the specific model of the unit.

Water circulation in the heating system can be natural or forced - under the action of a pump. However, most units designed to use devices for forced circulation are not supplied with them. Therefore, we recommend purchasing such pumps without fail. This will provide not only better heating of the premises, but also cost savings.

Attention! If you need not only to organize gas heating, but also to provide a bathroom and kitchen hot water, then a double-circuit boiler will cope best with such tasks.

Modern gas boilers operating on liquefied gas are characterized by a significant degree of automation. They are equipped with an abundance of all kinds of sensors and valves electromagnetic type. All larger number models are equipped with electronic control, so that now the consumer can independently set the optimal heating modes for him.


Now you know what you should first pay attention to when choosing gas boilers, what they come in design, and what surprises you can expect from them in operation. We recommend that you use double-circuit units and pumps for forced water circulation.

We hope that the materials presented will help you choose the right gas boiler. And if it is properly maintained, you will receive a reliable heating system.

One of the most difficult and also important stages of building a house is organizing its heating. The main element in this process is the heating boiler. His choice should be treated with special care and seriousness.

Classification of heating boilers.

For classification, they use such characteristics as the fuel used for their operation. Thus, heating boilers are: gas, electric, solid fuel, diesel and combined.

Gas boilers.

If your site is gasified, then the ideal option would be buy a gas heating boiler. For the operation of this type of boiler it is mainly used natural gas. The advantage of this energy carrier is its relative cheapness, environmental friendliness of use, ease of operation and compactness. But the main drawback is the danger of explosion. In this regard, gas boilers must meet increased fire safety requirements. To install them, you will need to obtain a number of special permits. One of the main requirements is the presence of a separate room with good ventilation and a chimney. It is prohibited to install the boiler close to a wall. In addition, the gas boiler must be equipped with special automation, which, in the event of a gas leak, blocks its access.

Remember that to install gas boiler you need to take it responsibly, because its correct installation and installation is the key to your safety.

The main characteristic of gas heating boilers is their power. The choice of a boiler with a particular power is influenced by two main factors: the expected heat loss of the building and climatic conditions terrain. Depending on the power, gas boilers are divided into low power boilers (4-65 kW), medium power (not higher than 1700 kW) and high power gas boilers (up to 15000 kW).

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers.

Depending on the functions available to heating boilers, they are divided into single-circuit and. The first type of boilers involves their use only for heating the room, while the second - for both heating and heating water for different needs.

Flow-through and boilers with built-in boiler.

In its turn double-circuit boilers There are two types: flow-through and. Flow-through gas boilers are not capable of simultaneously heating a room and heating water. It is advisable to use them only in case of low hot water consumption. In boilers with an additional boiler, water is heated using a special additional gas burner, which makes it possible to constantly ensure the availability of hot water at the required temperature. True, such boilers also have their disadvantages: high cost, greater weight and complexity of design, periodic cleaning of scale that forms when heating water.

There is a variety of gas boilers that are used in the “warm floor” system, as well as for heating water in the pool. True, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than conventional heating boilers.

Floor and wall gas boilers.

According to the method of installation of boilers, they are divided into floor-standing and. For the manufacture of the first type of boilers, a cast iron or steel heat exchanger is used, while for the second type - a copper one. Thanks to the anti-corrosion properties of cast iron, boilers made of this metal can last up to 50 years. Thanks to the use of steel, the boilers have high shockproof properties and relatively low weight. However, the service life of such boilers will be from 15 to 20 years. It is worth noting that only floor-standing boilers are produced with high power.

The advantages of wall-mounted boilers include their low cost, small size and weight, as well as the possibility of using them both in a private house and in an apartment. The disadvantages include a shorter service life compared to floor-standing boilers, limitations in power and use of antifreeze, high requirements for the quality of gas and water.

Boilers with open and closed combustion chamber.

Gas boilers also come with natural draft (involves the construction of a chimney, the higher it is, the better) and forced draft (gases are discharged through a coaxial chimney - a pipe in a pipe thanks to a fan).

Manufacturers and sellers of gas heating boilers offer all kinds of this equipment, depending on its price and functionality. However, in order to purchase a truly high-quality gas heating boiler, you should not skimp on the following: boiler efficiency (efficiency), its reliability, the quality of the equipment that regulates its operation, service maintenance.

Right choice boiler will provide you with warmth and safety in your home. And we hope that this article will help you make this difficult choice.

The purpose of this article is to review all kinds of boilers, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. Descriptions are not advertising in nature; the brands and models indicated are given as an example and cannot be considered as binding.

Gas boilers and convectors

  • A) Wall boilers
  • B) Floor-standing parapet boilers
  • B) Floor-standing gas boilers
  • D) Gas convectors
  • D) Gas boilers using liquefied gas

The most common in the world are gas boilers. They are presented in the widest range of designs: floor and wall mounted, turbocharged, parapet, single and double circuit. A separate type is gas heaters - convectors.

A) Wall-mounted boilers

Advantages: small dimensions, ease of placement, the turbocharged version does not require a chimney, everything necessary equipment: pump, gas removal from the coolant, pressure stabilizer already available, built-in automatic system safety, a two-circuit system is simply implemented.

Flaws: small heating area - 200 m2, short service life - on average 7 years, due to the use of steel heat exchangers.

There are three-circuit boilers, a radiator heating circuit, a water heating circuit, and an additional one for heated floors. Allows you to maximize the capabilities of all heating systems.

The cost varies widely depending on the brand, efficiency is 85-92%.

A little about condensing boilers . Although they are different, let’s consider the gas ones, which are the most widely used. We will not consider the principles of condensing boilers - they are widely described. Let's focus on the high-efficiency mode of the boiler - low coolant temperature. Realization of high efficiency indicators, real 97%, is possible with a coolant not higher than 50C - ideal condition for heated floors. The rest of the time it is an ordinary boiler.

Advantages: economical fuel consumption, efficiency – up to 97%.

Flaws: a protected chimney is required that allows a lot of condensation to pass through,

condensate disposal is required - up to 15 liters per day, reduced durability due to the increased acidity of the heat exchanger volume.

Adequate cost when implementing an economical mode.

B) Floor-standing parapet boilers

Advantages: low price, no chimney required, flat design, from the wall 30-40cm, energy independence, possibility of dual-circuit design. An attempt to combine floor-standing and convection boilers.

Disadvantages: the design of the chimney is the main problem with boilers of this type, due to the low pressure of the exhaust gases. Attenuation, frost on the chimney, suction of exhaust gases, increased gas consumption. Heating area – up to 150 m2, steel heat exchanger.

One of the main advantages is low price, efficiency up to 90%.

B) Floor-standing gas boilers

They can be anything - naturally aspirated or turbocharged. Advantages: almost any power for a private home, cast iron heat exchanger with a service life of 25 years. For electrified versions, all the functions of modern boilers are realized.

Flaws: large dimensions and weight.

Adequate price, highly dependent on the brand, efficiency – 85-92%.

D) Gas convectors

Gas convectors are heating device with catalytic, infrared burners, ensuring fuel combustion with minimal gas emissions into the room. Built-in automation shuts off the gas when the permissible concentration of combustion products is exceeded. There are models with gas outlet to the street and a fan for intensive air exchange.

Advantages: there is no heating system - pipes, radiators, well suited for heating industrial, periodically visited premises.

Disadvantages: not used for heating homes permanent residence, premises with many rooms.

The specific heat power is quite expensive, the efficiency is 85-92%.

D) Gas boilers using liquefied gas

We cannot ignore gas boilers running on liquefied gas in the absence of mains gas. It’s hard to call this the right choice; setting up a gas storage facility, pipeline, and transfer pumps is very, very expensive. It makes sense if there is no other fuel, or if you have money for comfortable heating.

Solid fuel boilers

Solid fuel boilers are boilers in which solid fuel is used for combustion: coal, peat, oil shale, firewood. They can be used as the only heat source or as an additional one. They can be double-circuit, but more often boilers are used to heat water.

Conventionally, solid fuel boilers can be divided into categories:

  • A) Classic.
  • B) Pyrolysis.
  • B) Automatic.
  • D) Long burning.

A) In classic boilers combustion products of solid fuel are used to produce heat. They differ in the material of the heat exchanger - cast iron or steel. Cast iron ones are more durable - up to 20 years; it is possible to repair the heat exchanger in the sections of which it consists. But they are afraid of mechanical shocks and temperature changes. For example, adding cold coolant (water) to a heated boiler can destroy a cast iron heat exchanger. Steel heat exchangers can withstand temperature changes and shocks, but are less durable; modern ones last up to 6 years and require complete replacement.

To increase boiler parameters, air is forced into the combustion chamber (not to be confused with gas turbo boilers, where combustion products are removed by a fan). There is a coolant temperature regulator - a bimetallic mechanical damper that regulates the air supply and, as a result, the temperature in the combustion chamber.

Advantages: use of any solid fuel, energy independence (even when the pressurization is turned off, the boiler works), when installing circulation pumps, the efficiency increases.

Disadvantages: frequent loading of fuel (minimum: coal - 5 times, firewood - 8 times), high requirements to the chimney - ( SEE PREVIOUSLY – CHIMNEYS), dirt from fuel, the need for a room for storing fuel, especially for coal that can freeze.

The cost of good wood-burning boilers with cast iron grates is quite high, starting at $1,500, efficiency – 70%.

B) Pyrolysis or gas generator boilers They use pyrolysis products for heat generation - gases released from fuel in the absence of air and high temperature. The fuel used is mainly wood, less often coal.

Advantages: highest efficiency - up to 90%, long work on one tab – up to 10 hours, complete combustion fuel - reduced requirements for the quality of the chimney, high environmental friendliness, no need to frequently clean the ash pan, laying solid, unsplit firewood, easily adjustable.

Disadvantages: high cost, energy dependence, instability of combustion when not fully loaded, demands on dry wood, changes in boiler parameters up to 40% in modes: start of combustion, peak of combustion, end of combustion, high return temperature - at least 60C, cannot be automated, requires a separate room .

B) Automatic boilers– solid fuel boilers with automatic fuel supply, and more often automatic ash removal. For stable combustion, fuel must be homogeneous in composition and size. Coal is used by calibrated sifting. Wood waste is pressed into calibrated granules - pellets. These homogeneous combustion products make it possible not to run to the boiler every couple of hours, adding fuel and removing ash. Superchargers are widely used to increase efficiency and adjust the coolant temperature.

Advantages: high efficiency - up to 85%, long operation limited by the capacity of the automatic feed hopper, fuel homogeneity allows you to fine-tune the combustion process.

Disadvantages: high cost - start from $2000, energy dependence, you need a large separate room for an automatic boiler system, you need a separate fireproof ash receptacle, qualified maintenance is required.

Other problems and advantages are inherent in classic solid fuel boilers.

D) Long-burning boilers- boilers in which fuel burns for a long time, releasing heat. Basically, pyrolysis boilers can also be classified as long-burning boilers. Although the principle is a little different. There are currently two systems that provide long-lasting combustion. This is the Canadian Buleryan boiler system, and the Baltic Stropuva boiler system.

Buleryan ensures long-lasting combustion through a dosed supply of air, during which the wood smolders rather than burns. The air is heated in heat exchange tubes that go around the horizontal barrel-firebox and transfers heat to the room. According to the instructions in the passport, it should be used in non-residential, temporarily visited premises. Well suited for a summer house and garage. They are quite common and have proven themselves well. The price is reasonable, there is a range of standard sizes for different areas.

Stropuva is a high barrel - up to 3 m, filled with firewood and covered with a movable lid with a chimney. The firewood is ignited and burns economically from top to bottom, heating the coolant along the barrel jacket; to control the temperature, the air supply is automatically regulated. It is not widely used - the price is high, the parameters declared by the manufacturer are questionable, and the settings are difficult. After finishing the fire, you need to cool the combustion space, remove the ash and reload 50 kg of fuel. Ignition and return to heating mode.

Liquid fuel boilers

Liquid fuel boilers use any liquid fuel for combustion, from kerosene to heating oil. Low-quality diesel fuel is most often used.

Advantages: high efficiency - up to 95%, operating time is limited only by the fuel container, easy to set up, easy transition to a gas burner.

Disadvantages: high cost of fuel - up to 5 m3 of diesel fuel is needed per season, energy dependence, a separate, insulated room for fuel is required, insulation of the pipeline, pumping facilities, adjustment of nozzles and periodic cleaning of the filter are required. Increased requirements for the chimney in terms of acid resistance and cleanability due to significant soot. The smell of diesel fuel permeates everywhere - you need a room for a boiler room with a separate entrance from the street.

The cost of boilers is average, the burner with a fuel pump is expensive, the efficiency is up to 95%.

Electric boilers

The most convenient boilers to use, which do not require installation permission. Most often installed as an additional heating source.

Advantages: high efficiency - up to 100%, ease of installation and control of the temperature of the heaters in each room, silent, easy automation, no chimneys required, the most environmentally friendly. With the transition to multi-tariff electricity metering, electric heating becomes competitive.

Disadvantages: high cost of heating at a regular tariff (comparable with liquid fuel boilers), energy dependence in the literal sense, the need to supply a power of 7-20 kW with three-phase power to the house, which may not be provided by the electricity supply organization, high demands on water hardness.

The cost of boilers is average, only the heating element fails, which is easy to replace, efficiency is up to 100%.

Universal boilers

Universal boilers are an echo of the recent past, when they were heated solid fuel boilers. With the advent of gas and a shortage of gas boilers, a simple gas burner with automation was installed in an existing boiler or stove - and it worked for 40 years. Gas consumption was high, but who paid attention to this before when 5% of the family budget was spent on heating. Currently universal boilers made for two or three types of fuel, combining the design of the combustion chamber for solid fuel and gas or liquid fuel. Often heating elements are built into the boiler, allowing for complete versatility. Switching from one fuel to another involves installing a burner in a special holder, or changing doors with built-in burners.

Advantages: versatility of the types of fuel used in one boiler; no need to install 2-3 boilers to implement alternative heating (often there is simply no space).

Disadvantages: any versatility reduces parameters - reduced efficiency for gas version up to 80%, Additional requirements to the chimney - after solid fuel and liquid fuel heating, soot may settle on the gas burner.

alternative energy

I would like to warn against the euphoria of advertising brochures promising almost free heat and electricity. Let's objectively evaluate the cost of energy from alternative sources for heating and providing electricity to an average house of 150 m2.

A) Heat pumps, like all low-temperature boilers, make sense only when installing heated floors. The cost of turnkey heat generation starts from $17,000. At current prices for the main fuel - gas, heat pumps are unprofitable. The stated payback period of 10-15 years is questionable due to the high cost of starting, repairs, components, and narrow temperature conditions efficient work systems – 30-40C.

It makes sense to consider a heat pump as an additional source of heat for heated floors, water heating, when implementing it as a hobby. It’s not difficult to make a heat pump yourself, if your hands grow correctly, there are many examples on the internet. The cost of a homemade product is comparable to a set of tires for a car if there is a well on the site. A homemade heat pump will provide your home with free heat; repairing the pump and system will be easy for you.

B) Solar energy, as a source of electricity, makes sense in southern regions having the most sunny days of the year.

1. Photocells, power supply systems based on them consist of components: photocell panels, mounting device, turning after the sun - option, batteries, industrial voltage inverters. The cost of a mid-budget version with 5 kW of installed power will cost $7,000. The peak of consumption must be adjusted to the peak of illumination - noon. It is realistic to use solar photocells during the midday period for household needs: washing, ironing, cooking, heating water and accumulating it.

In the absence of sun, batteries can only realistically provide economical lighting and one refrigerator. Frequent cleaning of photocells from dust and snow is required.

In any case, we do not consider heating the house based on photocells; the maximum cold occurs at night, when there is no sun, batteries are used to heat the road.

We are encouraged by the constant search to reduce the cost of solar cells; there are plans to switch to oligomer technologies, which are effective in our latitudes and cost much less than silicon ones.

2. Using solar energy to heat water is a real way to save money. Even a homemade device made from a black hose in a box under glass will provide your home with warm water most of the year through a heat accumulator. Modern year-round gel water heaters are effective even at the latitude of St. Petersburg, and with the constant increase in energy costs, they are becoming more and more attractive. An average brand water heater for a home costs $500.

IN) Wind energy– a very controversial alternative energy for the home. The number of sunny days per year is greater than windy, the sun is cyclically predictable. Very often, nearby buildings, trees and terrain folds serve as obstacles to the wind. Installing masts 10-15m high does not save the situation; installing higher ones is financially problematic and spoils relations with neighbors. The constant noise from the fan blades also spoils the relationship.

The cost of a turnkey wind generator is $1,700 per kilowatt. The specified nameplate power is the maximum power produced by the generator at the maximum permissible wind. The actual power will be 30-50% less.

It makes sense to install wind turbines as an additional alternative source of electricity, combined with photovoltaic cells.

Our compatriots have quite widely described on the Internet working home-made structures costing about $300 - a 3 kW generator with blades. Worth repeating as a hobby, guaranteed not to provide electricity to the house.

A little more about the alternative. All Natural resources: water, wind, sun, heat of the subsoil, etc. belong to the state. How much longer statesmen will turn a blind eye to the use of resources is unknown. All over the world they pay extra for the use of renewable resources, but it is difficult to predict what will happen here. They are trying to collect a tax for the use of wells.


Summing up the rather long opus, we need to draw conclusions:

  1. Mains gas is the cheapest fuel for the foreseeable 10 years.
  2. It is better to use coal and firewood as additional fuel.
  3. The use of renewable energy is not as rosy as the advertising hype. Need to think critically economic feasibility newfangled trends. Has the meaning self-made, large-scale assembly of alternative energy equipment.

A little about the requirements of suppliers of economical heating equipment. As a rule, the requirements are standard: install our boiler, insulate the house as much as possible, heated floors, etc. Installation of all equipment costs up to $30,000. Calculate, if you put this money on deposit, maybe it will be more profitable? Or insulate cold walls and install an economical burner in an existing boiler.

The seller needs to sell a product, you need an economical and reliable way heating the house. In remote areas, modern high-tech boilers are difficult to repair if they fail; the house will cool down in 3 days. What if the wires break during 5 days of troubleshooting? And the previously replaced gravity boiler for $200 would continue to work.

All about boilers

The main parameters characterizing heating boilers are the power of the boiler and the type of fuel on which it runs.

Power is the most important parameter any heating boiler. The correct choice of power is the key to a comfortable room temperature at minimum costs energy carrier.

The approximate boiler power is determined in the following way- for a well-insulated building with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, heating 10 m2 of heated area will require 1 kW of power. But these are only preliminary figures.

To finally determine the power of the boiler, it is necessary to make a serious thermotechnical calculation, taking into account a lot of factors (material and thickness of walls, ceilings, number and size of windows, the functional purpose of individual rooms of the house, the presence of a fireplace in the house, heated floors, etc.). It should be noted that competent thermal calculations can only be performed by professional engineers and designers.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing power for gas boilers. The fact is that the nominal gas pressure (at which the boiler has 100% power) for most boilers is from 13 to 20 mbar, and the actual pressure in Russian gas networks can be 10 mbar, and sometimes lower (according to GOST, it is not lower than 13 mbar). Thus, a gas boiler can often only operate at 2/3 of its capacity. And this must be taken into account.

The type of fuel the boiler runs on is the second key parameter. You will have to choose from the following options: gas (natural mainline or liquefied bottled); liquid (diesel) fuel; electricity; solid fuel (coal, wood, coke, etc.).

It is obvious that the cheapest fuel in Russia at the moment is natural gas. And if main gas is supplied to the facility, then, in the vast majority of cases, a gas boiler is optimal. If gas supply is planned in the near future, then one of the options may be to install a dual-fuel or combined boiler, the design of which (the burner in particular) allows you to switch from one type of fuel to another (for example, from diesel fuel to gas).

Heating boilers can also be classified according to some other criteria:
- by the number of circuits - single-circuit (providing only heating) and double-circuit, which are “responsible” for both heating and hot water supply (in turn, double-circuit boilers are divided into two types: with a built-in boiler and with a built-in coil (for preparing hot water) water in flow mode);
- according to the material from which they are made - steel, cast iron;
- according to the installation method - floor-standing (in turn, floor-standing gas boilers can be divided into two main groups: with atmospheric burners and with inflatable (sometimes called replaceable, fan, mounted) burners) and wall-mounted (the heating principle is flow-through, wall-mounted boilers can be with open combustion chamber (with natural draft, when combustion air is taken directly from the room and a closed combustion chamber);
- non-volatile (such a system often turns out to be ineffective and economically unprofitable) and energy-dependent (without using electricity it is impossible to build a heating system with forced circulation of coolant);
- according to the method of removing exhaust gases - with natural draft (gas removal occurs due to draft in the chimney) or forced draft (turbo) (using a fan built into the boiler); - as well as many other less significant parameters;

Floor and wall gas boilers
Floor-standing boilers (installed on the floor) and, as a rule, are connected to a high-performance cylinder (boiler) for preparing hot water.

Wall-mounted boilers are better suited for heating and hot water supply to an apartment or residential building (up to 200 sq. m). Compared to a floor-standing boiler, a wall-mounted boiler has smaller dimensions and does not occupy a large area, as it is installed on the wall. It can easily be installed in the kitchen, bathroom or attic.

Wall-mounted boilers are single- and double-circuit
Single-circuit ones provide only room heating. Double-circuit boilers - simultaneously heat the room and provide hot water supply.

The advantage of double-circuit boilers over single-circuit boilers seems obvious, since one boiler solves two problems at once. However, situations are possible when a private house may have a central water supply and no heating. In this case, of course, it is necessary single-circuit boilers.

In wall-mounted boilers, the heating principle is flow-through (water is heated in “flow-through mode”). In the case when the need for hot water is not very high (about 10 - 15 l/min when heated to 30 ° C), then it is logical to purchase a double-circuit flow-type boiler.

More comfortable conditions for hot water supply can be obtained by installing a boiler with a built-in boiler. Its main advantages are 45-60 liters (depending on the model) of hot water, always ready for use. In addition, the boiler allows you to have a supply of hot water for some time when the gas is turned off. But usually you have to pay for comfort, and boilers with a built-in boiler also have some disadvantages - these are large (emphasis on the first syllable) dimensions and weight, as well as a slight increase in gas consumption to maintain the water in the boiler constantly heated. If you are used to spending a lot of hot water and you have several water supply points that operate simultaneously with high consumption of hot water (bathroom, jacuzzi, shower, etc.), then you can connect to a single-circuit boiler, as well as to a double-circuit boiler large volume boiler, for example 200 liters. In most cases, this guarantees that even the most demanding customer will be satisfied with the hot water needs.

Wall-mounted boilers are divided into boilers with an open and closed combustion chamber
In boilers with an open combustion chamber (with natural draft), combustion air is taken directly from the room in which it is located, and the exhaust gases are discharged into a chimney, which must be provided in the room.

When there is no chimney or the boiler will be installed in an apartment (where it is not provided in principle), boilers with a closed combustion chamber are used. In this case, the boiler is equipped with a special smoke removal system. The boiler design includes a turbine, which forcibly removes combustion products from the firebox, as a result of which there is no need for a chimney with natural draft.

Advantages of boilers with a closed combustion chamber:
- do not burn oxygen in the room;
- do not require additional air flow to maintain the process;
- does not require the installation of a traditional chimney, instead of which an inexpensive coaxial chimney is installed;

A wall-mounted gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial chimney is most often used when organizing apartment heating. The convenience of this scheme is that the owner himself can regulate the intensity of heating and water supply. There is also no need to pay for neighbors if the house has a common boiler room, and the fee is charged without heat meters, apartment by apartment.

A coaxial chimney comes to the rescue in situations where the owner does not want to install a chimney on the roof for aesthetic reasons or for fear that the roof slope may become covered with icicles and the chimney will simply break.

The operation of the boiler is controlled by automation, and depending on the degree of automation, it will itself maintain the set temperature regime in the house. For example, you can control the operation of the boiler yourself by setting the desired temperature for a given time (timer) and in the desired room (for example, at night the temperature is +20 °C, and during the day +22 °C).

The heating system may include a “warm floor”, the temperature of which can also be controlled using a boiler. The gas boiler automatically turns off when there is no gas and automatically turns on when the gas is turned on, that is, it has an automatic ignition unit. The boiler automation controls the presence of flame, draft in the chimney, and heating of the coolant.

If the boiler is installed in a separate house, then it is advisable to purchase a boiler with an open combustion chamber. If the boiler is supposed to be in an apartment or in a house (without a chimney), you should choose a boiler with a closed combustion chamber.

Modern wall-mounted boilers have a number of advantages:
- firstly, they remain operational (they do not block or turn off) over a fairly wide range of gas pressure. This property is vital when using boilers in Russia, since in our country there is a problem of a constant pressure drop in the main gas. Wall-mounted boilers from some manufacturers ignite and operate even at a gas pressure of 5 mBar. Of course, the power at this pressure is reduced by almost 6 times, but it works stably. At the same time, they retain at least 90% of power at a gas pressure of 13 mBar;
- secondly, almost all boilers have a burner power control system, which allows you to smoothly change the burner power in the range of 30 - 100% depending on the need and thereby reduce the likelihood of scale formation in the heat exchanger, increasing the comfort of use;
- thirdly, they are equipped with all the necessary degrees of protection, ensuring a high level of safety for these boilers.

Wall-mounted boilers from some manufacturers have two levels of protection against scale formation. On the one hand, this is a temperature control system in the primary circuit, which allows you to respond almost instantly to a critical increase in temperature in the heat exchanger, which significantly reduces the likelihood of scale formation. On the other hand, it also has a magnetic system for reducing scale formation, based on the fact that under the influence magnetic field the salts are separated and aligned in such a way that they do not precipitate when heated. If this does not happen, and scale settles on the heat exchanger, it burns out, which leads to breakdown.

Floor-standing gas boilers with atmospheric and forced-air (sometimes called replaceable, fan, mounted) burners
Floor-standing gas boilers with atmospheric burners are usually cheaper due to the lower cost of the atmospheric burner and usually operate quieter (in the case of forced-air burners, there are various ways to reduce noise, in particular, a soundproof casing on the burner, exhaust gas silencers).

The main danger for boilers with atmospheric burners is the flame lowering onto the grate and burning it out quite quickly. It is worth noting that the atmospheric burner is an integral part of the boiler and is included in its price

Boilers with forced-air burners have a slightly higher efficiency and are more expensive. Boilers for working with forced-air burners have the ability to install burners operating either on gas or liquid fuel. The pressurized burner is usually sold separately and, as a rule, its cost is not included in the price of the boiler.

It must be said that the power of floor-standing gas boilers with an atmospheric burner, in most cases, ranges from 10 to 110 kW (however, there are companies that produce more powerful boilers of this type, with a unit power of up to 920 kW), while models with replaceable forced-air burners can reach a power of several thousand kW!

By cascading several boilers with atmospheric burners, it is possible to achieve a power of many hundreds of kW and use them to heat objects with an area of ​​thousands of square meters. Thus, the consumer can always choose the optimal power option for heating both a small country house and a huge building.

Gas boilers can be equipped with a single-stage burner (operate at only one power level) and a two-stage burner (2 power levels), as well as with a modulating burner (smooth power control)
Since the full boiler power is required, according to various sources, from 15% to 30% heating season, and therefore, from 70% to 85% of the time it is unnecessary, it is clear that it is more economical to use a boiler with a two-stage burner or a modulating burner.

The main advantages of a boiler with a two-stage burner are:
- increasing the service life of the boiler by reducing the frequency of burner switching on/off by approximately 70%; - working at the 1st stage with reduced power and reducing the number of burner switching on/off allows you to save gas, and, consequently, money;
- smaller quantity flue gases and fewer harmful substances released into the atmosphere;
- a two-stage boiler expands the possibilities for using boilers of various capacities together with it;

An even greater effect is achieved when using a boiler with a modulating burner.

Heat exchangers for floor-standing gas boilers
The heat exchanger of a floor-standing gas boiler is usually made of cast iron or steel.

There is no clear opinion about which material is better. On the one hand, cast iron is less susceptible to corrosion; moreover, a cast iron heat exchanger is usually made thicker, which can have a positive effect on its service life. At the same time, a cast iron heat exchanger also has disadvantages: it is more fragile, and therefore there is a risk of microcracks forming during transportation and loading/unloading. In addition, during the operation of cast iron boilers when using hard water, due to design features cast iron heat exchangers and the properties of cast iron itself, over time they are destroyed as a result of local overheating, which is possible due to improper operation).

On the other hand, steel boilers are lighter and are not very susceptible to shock during transportation. But if used incorrectly, a steel heat exchanger can be subject to corrosion. It is not very difficult to create normal operating conditions for a steel boiler. It is important that the temperature in the boiler does not fall below the dew point temperature of the exhaust gases. Otherwise, condensation forms on the walls of the boiler, which is a weak solution of carbonic acid (gas boilers) or a solution of sulfurous acid (diesel boiler). To avoid this, a constant high temperature is maintained in the boiler, hence greater fuel consumption.
A good designer will always be able to create a system that will maximize the service life of the boiler.

Dependence of gas boiler automation on electricity
In Russian conditions, another parameter of a gas boiler is very important - the dependence of its automation on electricity. After all, we often have problems with electricity: in some places it is supplied intermittently, and in some places it is completely absent. Most Russian gas boilers with atmospheric burners operate regardless of the availability of power.

As for imported boilers, it is clear that similar problems in Western countries are absent, and the question often arises: are there any good imported gas boilers that operate autonomously from electricity? Yes, they do exist.

This autonomy can be achieved in two ways:
- the first way is to simplify the boiler control system as much as possible and, due to the almost complete absence of automation, achieve independence from electricity (this also applies to domestic boilers). In this case, the boiler can only maintain the specified coolant temperature and will not be guided by the air temperature in the room
- the second method is more progressive - the use of a heat generator, which from the heat generates electricity necessary for the operation of the boiler automation. These boilers can be used with remote room thermostats, which will control the boiler and maintain the room temperature you set.

Floor-standing gas and liquid fuel boilers are produced as single-circuit (for heating only), double-circuit (they also provide hot water preparation) and double-circuit TURBO (they also carry out forced removal of gases).
It is worth noting that a boiler can be connected to any single-circuit boiler for preparing hot water indirect heating. The most popular boilers in country houses are from 100 to 300 liters, but there are also models with a volume of up to 1000 liters.

Indirect heating boilers are those in which the water is heated from the boiler coolant. There are also combined boilers in which water can be heated both from the boiler and from the electric heating element built into them.

In turn, double-circuit boilers are divided into two types: with a built-in boiler and with a built-in coil (for preparing hot water in flow-through mode).

REQUIREMENTS for rooms with gas hot water boilers:
When placing thermal units with a total power of up to 150 kW in a separate room located on any floor of a residential building, the room must meet the following requirements:
- height not less than 2.5 meters;
- the volume and area of ​​the room from the conditions of convenient maintenance, but not less than 15 m?;
- the room must be separated from adjacent rooms by enclosing walls with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero;
- natural lighting at the rate of glazing of 0.03 sq.m per 1 cubic meter of room;
- ventilation in the room must be provided at the rate of: exhaust in the volume of 3 times the room’s air exchange per hour, inflow in the exhaust volume plus the amount of combustion air; (Minimum area of ​​the opening for air supply at the rate of 5 sq. cm for every 1.16 kW of equipment power, but not less than 150 sq. cm, the area of ​​the opening for the upper ventilation, exhaust, is selected at the rate of 1 sq. dm per 17 kW of installed power);
- when placed in a separate room on the ground floor, in the basement or in the basement, it must have access directly to the outside.

It is allowed to provide a second exit to the utility room; the door must be fireproof type 3.

Buildings having autonomous systems water supply and heat supply must have grounding loops.

The entry into the building of an underground gas pipeline must pass through an insulating flange.

The boiler room must be equipped with a sewerage system or a drainage pit with a pump.

>>> Go to the catalog of gas boilers: Viessmann gas boilers, Buderus gas boilers, Ferroli gas boilers, Vaillant gas boilers

Liquid fuel boilers are very close (in terms of performance) to gas boilers. The only difference is that the liquid fuel boiler runs not on gas, but on diesel fuel (which can be “summer” or “winter”). It makes sense to install liquid fuel boilers when the house is large and there is no gas pipeline near the house.

- the power of liquid fuel boilers allows heating large cottages;
- their installation does not require special permits (as for the installation of gas ones);
- diesel fuel is much cheaper than electricity;
- high efficiency;

- a room with an exhaust hood is required;
- smokes and requires additional care;
- the need to have a tank (with a capacity of up to several tons) near the house for storing diesel fuel reserves;
- the need to provide options for the access of a tank truck to drain diesel fuel into the tank;

How to calculate liquid fuel consumption:
Approximately this consumption (when the liquid fuel boiler is operating at full power) can be calculated using a very simple formula: Fuel consumption (l/hour) = burner power (kW) x 0.1.

>>> Go to the catalog of liquid fuel (diesel) boilers:

DUAL FUEL BOILERS(boilers with replaceable burners, can run on gas or diesel fuel)
In the case where there is no gas near the house yet, but it is known that it will appear in the foreseeable future, the way out would be to use a liquid fuel burner, and with the advent of main gas, install a gas burner.

>>> Go to the catalog of dual-fuel boilers (boilers with replaceable burners) operating on diesel fuel or gas: Viessmann boilers, Buderus boilers, Ferroli boilers, Vaillant boilers, Dakon boilers

(boilers that run on solid fuel and with replaceable burners can run on gas or diesel fuel or waste oil)
Boilers that can be used to operate different types of fuel - solid fuel, or gas, or diesel fuel, or waste oil.
For example, Austrian Wirbel multi-fuel boilers (solid fuel, gas, diesel); multi-fuel Spanish boilers Roca (solid fuel, gas, diesel, waste oil).

The spread of this type of heating boilers is limited by three main reasons:
- not all areas have the opportunity to allocate several tens of kilowatts of electricity (remember that 1 kW of energy is required to heat approximately 10 sq.m. of a well-insulated building with a ceiling height of up to 3 m);
- relatively high cost of electricity;
- power outages;

Advantages of electric boilers:
- low price;
- do not require a separate room (boiler room);
- ease of installation;
- light and compact, can be hung on the wall, as a result - space saving;
- safety (no open flame);
- ease of operation;
- do not require installation of a chimney;
- do not require special care;
- silent;
- environmentally friendly, no harmful emissions or foreign odors;

Disadvantages of electric boilers:
- the power is not enough to heat a large cottage;
- high consumption electricity at low efficiency;

Construction and equipment of electric boilers
An electric boiler is a fairly simple device. Its main elements are a heat exchanger, consisting of a tank with electric heaters (heating elements) mounted in it, and a control and regulation unit. Electric boilers of some companies are supplied already equipped circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter.

It is important to note that low-power electric boilers come in two different versions - single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V). Boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are usually produced only three-phase.

The vast majority of electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW are produced in multi-stage versions, which makes it possible to rationally use electricity and not turn on the boiler at full power during transition periods - in spring and autumn.

When choosing an electric boiler, it is necessary to select the correct cable cross-section for the electrical connection of the boiler and the current values ​​of the safety circuit breakers, depending on the power of the boiler.

DAKON (Czech Republic), Viessmann (Germany), Buderus (Germany), Atmos (Czech Republic), OPOP (Czech Republic), Sime (Italy).
Such boilers are suitable for small houses, intended mainly for seasonal (summer) residence. Their use is also justified in areas where there are problems with the supply of main gas and electricity. Fuel for solid fuel boilers can be firewood (wood), brown or hard coal, black coal "nut1", coke, peat and wood briquettes (pellets).

There are both “omnivorous” models that can operate on all of the above types of fuel, and those that operate on some of them, but have greater efficiency.

Conventionally, all boilers using solid fuel can be divided into two groups:
- traditional solid fuel boilers;
- solid fuel boilers with pyrolysis combustion of wood;

When talking about traditional solid fuel boilers, it is worth keeping in mind that there are options that combine the main advantage of models that have existed for many years - independence from electricity and at the same time being able to automatically maintain a given temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler. Automatic maintenance temperature is carried out as follows. The boiler is equipped with a sensor that monitors the temperature of the coolant. This sensor is mechanically connected to the damper. If the coolant temperature becomes higher than the set one, the damper automatically closes and the combustion process slows down. When the temperature drops, the damper opens slightly. This device does not require connection to an electrical network.

When talking about solid fuel boilers, one cannot fail to mention pyrolysis (gas generator) boilers and devices with pyrolysis combustion of wood. The main advantages of these boilers are significantly higher efficiency (up to 85%) and ease of power regulation. The main difference between boilers with pyrolysis combustion is that they burn not only the wood itself, but also the wood gas released from it under the influence of high temperature. During such combustion, no soot is formed and a minimal amount of ash appears. In boilers with pyrolysis combustion, wood gas, generated due to the high temperature in the fuel bunker, passes through a special nozzle and burns with a very clean flame of yellow or even almost white color. The disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers include the need for power supply and a higher price compared to traditional solid fuel boilers.

Among the manufacturers of boilers with pyrolysis combustion of wood, the following can be noted: Burzhuy-K (Russia), DAKON (Czech Republic) - models Dakon KP PYRO (steel) and Dakon DAMAT PYRO (cast iron); Viessmann (Germany) - model Vitoligno 100-S, Buderus Logano S121 (Germany), Rojek (Czech Republic).

Advantages of solid fuel boilers:
- if you are able to chop your own supply of firewood (and not a small one), then you will not have to spend money on fuel;
- such boilers are environmentally friendly compared to liquid fuel boilers;

- it is necessary to constantly monitor the firebox and add firewood, because they cannot operate in fully automatic mode and require regular fuel loading;

The most famous on the Russian market foreign manufacturer solid fuel boilers from the Czech company DAKON, the range includes both boilers for all types of solid fuel (DOR modification), and models designed primarily for burning wood and wood waste(modification of DOR D). The design of DAKON DOR D boilers is in many ways similar to that of the DOR series. The main difference is that the combustion chamber of the DOR D modification is supplemented with heat-resistant segments and fireclay boards, designed to improve the combustion of wood and act as catalysts. The advantage of these boilers is the ability to burn wood with a humidity of up to 35%.

UNIVERSAL BOILERS(multi-fuel, capable of operating on several types of fuel)
Often there are boilers with a chamber for burning solid fuel and having the ability to install mounted burners for gas and liquid fuel. This is convenient in cases where it is necessary to wait for gas to appear and until this moment solid or liquid fuel can be used. In addition, if you have gas, but there are problems with its supply, it’s a good idea to have other options in stock.

Perhaps the most common version of universal boilers is with a chamber for burning solid fuel and having the ability to install mounted burners for gas and liquid fuel. There are also boilers with replaceable burners for operating on gas and liquid fuel and, in addition, having a built-in electric heating element for operating on electricity.

There are also boilers that operate on solid, gaseous (or liquid) fuel and are equipped with a built-in heating element. Those. these models can run on all four major fuels.

Solid biofuels, boilers, furnaces, stoves