Pyrolysis solid fuel stove Teplogarant "Burzhuy-K. Review of pyrolysis TT boilers "Bourgeois-K" and reviews from owners Pyrolysis boiler bourgeois standard 10

A pyrolysis boiler is a system whose operating principle is based on the combustion of solid fuel. The main difference from conventional solid fuel stoves is the release of gas, which is also used to heat heating equipment. This leads to fuel savings, since the frequency of laying is significantly reduced. A review of TeploGarant Burzhuy-K pyrolysis boilers, reviews and recommendations from owners will help you get up to speed.

Solid fuel pyrolysis furnace long burning Potbelly stove can be used both in private homes and in industrial premises. Thanks to the compact size of the unit, it is not difficult to allocate space for a boiler room. Firewood is loaded on average once every 12 hours. Combustion occurs in 2 stages: in the first, the wood burns, releasing pyrolysis gases. The design assumes the presence of a second chamber into which combustion products enter. At the second stage, the gas is burned, due to which the efficiency of the system becomes significantly higher. Depending on the model, the boiler is equipped with a mechanical thermostat, which leads to automation of the process; different kinds fuel.

Technical features

The pyrolysis heating system is confidently conquering the domestic market. Due to rising prices for electricity and gas, private home owners are looking for a worthy alternative to their old heaters. The following features encourage you to buy a pyrolysis solid fuel heating boiler of the Burzhuy-K series:

  • Installation does not require special permissions.
  • A wide range of models makes it possible to purchase a boiler of optimal power.
  • It does not take much time for the furnace to reach optimal mode.
  • Provided complete combustion without ash formation.
  • There is no need for constant adjustment of work.
  • Not only firewood is used, but also coal.

The characteristics of the boiler will depend on the specific model chosen. The determining indicator is power - it affects the performance of the unit. Pyrolysis boilers from Burzhuy-K LLC can have parameters from 10 to 2,500 kW.

Advantages of BurzhuyK stoves and selection criteria

Heating systems using pyrolysis boilers are becoming increasingly popular. Compared to other types of devices, Burzhuy-K has the following advantages:

  • Simplicity of design.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Possibility of use different types fuel.
  • Easy to use.
  • Autonomy.
  • Complete combustion of fuel, no ash.

The number of disadvantages of this equipment is much less, but they still exist:

  • A tall chimney clutters up the space.
  • Despite domestic production and the lack of customs clearance, the price cannot be called publicly available. The cost of a Bourgeois-K heating boiler reaches 2,500,000 rubles.

The first thing that is determined when purchasing a pyrolysis furnace is power. It should be sufficient to heat the entire house. According to standards, 10 m2 requires 1 kW. If there are several models of the required power, you should pay attention to additional functions. Various modifications may contain an automatic draft regulator or a hot water supply circuit, which will facilitate the operation and maintenance of the boiler and allow hot water for household needs.

Reviews about gas generator boilers TeploGarant

« We decided to replace the old heating system in the house. We were advised pyrolysis boilers from LLC Burzhuy-K, installation was carried out by craftsmen. Over the course of a year of work, several unpleasant aspects have emerged: firewood burns out in 2-3 hours, that is, 3 times faster than indicated in the equipment passport; From time to time the chimney becomes clogged and inner part ovens. In the second year, the grates burned out. Unfortunately, the data stated by the manufacturer does not correspond to reality. Judging by the reviews, the Bourgeois-K T-20A did not please anyone, I will return the boiler under warranty. We hope the replacement model will be of higher quality.”

Andrey, Vologda.

“We purchased a pyrolysis single-circuit boiler of the Burzhuy-K T-10 series for two-story house. There have been no complaints in 3 years. We installed it ourselves and did it successfully. It functions well, is very economical (loading fuel in 10-12 hours) and easy to use (you can set the required temperature). Easily copes with heating a house of 100 sq.m. We're happy with the choice."

Marina, Moscow region.

“I have 2 pyrolysis boilers Burzhuy-K TA-20 installed in my house. During operation (2 years), both leaked and had to be replaced under warranty. New stoves have been operating without repair for almost a year, most likely something in the design has been changed. I hope I don't have to return any more. Otherwise, I’m happy with the boiler; the wood burns in 8-9 hours (I consider the consumption quite acceptable). Cleaning is necessary no more than 2 times a year.”

Konstantin, Tyumen.

“We bought a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler Burzhuy-K Iskra 4 years ago. Accepts any solid fuel from cardboard to tires and requires cleaning 2 times a year; chamber and grates - as they are filled, approximately once a month; As for the chimney pipe, it has never been cleaned, as everything burns out. For those who doubt their choice, I recommend boilers from the Burzhuy-K company.”

Vorobyov Anatoly, Chelyabinsk.

“I’ve been using the Burzhuy-K T-20A since the beginning of the season. I installed it to heat a car wash with an area of ​​155 m2 with a ceiling height of 3 m. In 2 months, the wood consumption was about a cubic meter. Last year I had to use eclectic heaters, the bills cost almost 10 times more than the price of fuel. The cost of the boiler will be recouped in two months. Loading is done by the washing staff: they add 2-3 times a day, very little ash remains. I consider purchasing a stove profitable.”

Kondratenko Sergey, Bryansk.

“I have an old homemade boiler of my own design, the efficiency is approximately 96%, but it is for coal. I started to hit my pocket and bought Bourgeois 20. It’s good that I didn’t cut out the old one. With our material (pine, larch) and temperatures above -40 there is no use for it. From loading to loading – 3 hours, only in the months of September-October, March-April – maximum 5 hours.”

Kamenshchikov Sergey, Tula.

“The Burzhuy-K T-12 boiler is installed in a room where the temperature is not lower than +20. The chimney is 7 m, heats normally, does not smoke, there is no condensation or pyrolysis combustion. Small pine firewood burns for 2 hours, large ones - 3. Before that, there was Karakan-15 - one stash was enough for 2.5 hours. Karakan-15 cost 13,000 rubles, and Burzhuy-K - 44,000.”

Anatoly, Moscow.

One of the disadvantages of foreign solid fuel boilers using the principle of pyrolysis combustion is high requirements to the quality of the fuel used. Unfortunately, in our conditions it is often not possible to purchase such raw materials, which significantly affects the popularity of heating equipment.

The pyrolysis solid fuel boiler Bourgeois K is completely free of this drawback. The Bourgeois K boiler is manufactured by a Russian manufacturer, the Teplo Garant company, and therefore was developed taking into account the characteristics of domestic fuel. What else distinguishes Burzhuy K from its analogues?

Technical characteristics of the boiler Burzhuy K

Long-burning pyrolysis solid fuel boilers Bourgeois K have the following performance characteristics:

  • Power - Bourgeois K boiler models have a capacity from 10 to 100 kW, which makes it possible to heat buildings with total area from 50 to 1100 sq. m.
  • Efficiency - this coefficient is in the range of 82-89%, which is quite good, considering the low requirements that the wood-burning solid fuel pyrolysis boiler Burzhuy K places on the quality of the fuel used.
  • Heating temperature- the coolant can be heated to a temperature of 90 degrees at the outlet. At the same time, the maximum volume heating system ranges from 0.25 to 2.6 cu. m. Calculations related to the maximum possible amount of coolant in the heating system can be made after selecting suitable model boiler Bourgeois K.
  • Operating pressure in the system- solid fuel pyrolysis boilers Bourgeois K can be connected to a heating system with an operating pressure of up to 4.5 kgf/cm². This allows these models to be installed for industrial purposes, where there is a need to heat large rooms or multi-storey buildings. The maximum pressure during crimping is also 4.5 kgf/cm².
  • Weight - household models Bourgeois K weigh from 180 to 270 kg. More powerful and productive equipment can reach almost a ton. Weight ranges from 380 to 900 kg.

Technical parameters of boilers

Boiler brand "Bourgeois - K"

Thermal power

Maximum area of ​​the heated room (with a ceiling h of 3 m)

Maximum heating system volume

Maximum operating temperature

Volume of water in the boiler

Heating system water inlet/outlet diameter

Volume of water in the DHW circuit

Diameter of water inlet/outlet of the DHW circuit

Maximum working pressure

Connection diameter chimney

Minimum chimney height

Temperature flue gases

Maximum length of wooden logs

Fire door size (bxh)

Firebox volume

Boiler weight

Overall and connection dimensions

Before installing any selected Bourgeois K boiler model, you will need to make a reinforced concrete base. Long-burning solid fuel pyrolysis boilers Bourgeois K can be installed exclusively on a flat, high-strength surface.

Construction of a wood-burning pyrolysis boiler Burzhuy K

Bourgeois K TT heating boilers are an all-welded structure consisting of several combustion chambers, each of which has its own role.
  • Primary air supply chamber- carries out forced intake of air masses and their injection into the firebox.
  • Gasification or gas generation chamber- in other words, this is a furnace in which the process of oxidation of solid fuel occurs in order to obtain large quantity CO². For this purpose, special conditions are created in the chamber.
  • Gas combustion chamber- it burns CO² in order to obtain additional thermal energy.
  • Secondary air supply chamber- supplies heated air for combustion of CO².
The body, which has pyrolysis double-circuit boilers Bourgeois K, completely insulated with special thermal insulation basalt insulation. The basalt layer of thermal insulation helps eliminate possible heat loss during the gas generation process.

top water jacket

firebox door

rear water jacket

primary air control door

lower secondary air chamber

condensate drain pipe

front secondary air chamber

flow pipe

waste gas combustion chamber

exhaust gas pipe

chamber for removing exhaust gases into the chimney

removable cover

combustion chamber

return line connection

upper flue gas guide

outer door of technological window

shelf for grate

combustion chamber floor

secondary air intake window

lower flue gas guide

side water jacket

secondary air supply injector

The equipment includes grate bars for the Bourgeois K boiler; they significantly increase the functionality of the unit, allowing you to heat the room not only with wood, but also with briquettes, lump peat and coal with a maximum calorie content of no more than 6000 kcal.

Installation of a heating system on a Bourgeois K boiler

Not allowed self installation and connection to the existing heating system of any of the manufactured models. Before allowing the Burzhuy K pyrolysis TT boiler to operate, you must ensure that the installation complies with the following guidelines:
  • The installation was carried out by a licensed organization in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  • The room in which the unit was installed is well ventilated and dry. A mandatory requirement is the presence of heating registers in the boiler room.
  • The connection diagram for the solid fuel boiler Burzhuy K is made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A water treatment and coolant filtration system and circulation equipment have been installed.
  • The boiler is installed strictly horizontally. Even small deviations are not allowed.
  • A sealed connection was made to the heating and hot water system, after which pressure testing was carried out.

The installation diagram of the Bourgeois K boiler allows its connection to closed-type heating systems with forced circulation of coolant. Installation recommendations and mandatory requirements can be found in the operating instructions.

How to properly heat a boiler Bourgeois K

The greatest difficulty is the first kindling of the TT unit. The long-burning double-circuit solid fuel boiler Bourgeois K and its single-circuit analogue are heated as follows:
  1. Fuel is loaded into the chamber and ignited.
  2. The door to the air supply chamber should be open approximately 45 degrees, the chimney throttle at 90°.
  3. In this mode, it is necessary to heat a single-circuit pyrolysis boiler at solid fuel Bourgeois K for 6 hours. (only for the first kindling!)

As a result of this, the inner surface of the chambers will be covered with creosote, which in turn will further protect the metal from corrosion throughout the entire period of operation. Kindling occurs as follows:

Operation of the Bourgeois K boiler

Single-circuit long-burning solid fuel boilers Bourgeois K, like their double-circuit counterparts, require regular maintenance. An initial inspection of the equipment and a depressurization test, which is carried out 7 days after commissioning, is mandatory. After this, it is mandatory:
  • Preventive examination- carried out at least once a month.
  • Boiler cleaning is carried out as needed. For normal operation equipment, an ash deposit of no more than 15 mm thickness is allowed.
  • All types repair work should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, a representative of the organization providing the warranty.

Possible malfunctions of the Bourgeois K stake and their elimination



Power is too low.

Insufficient traction.

Check the correct assembly of the chimney, see the chimney installation manual, in particular: the height of the chimney and the presence of horizontal sections at 90 °, more than 1 meter.

The calorific value of the fuel is too low, the fuel moisture content is more than 35%.

At low outside temperature use fuel with a higher calorific value.

Deposits of soot and tar deposits on the walls of the heat exchanger, oxidizers of the afterburning chamber and/or on the walls of the smoke channels.

Clean the smoke channels, heat exchanger walls, and oxidizer surfaces.

Ensure return temperature

line 60 °C.

There is no air flow.

Provide sufficient supply of fresh secondary air.

The primary air flow is incorrectly adjusted.

Install the primary air damper to correct position, see user manual.

The primary air holes are clogged.

Remove dirt.

The boiler power is small for this heating system.

Check the heat demand of the system.

The firewood is short and local burning occurs.

Air leaks through leaks.

Check the tightness of the cleaning hatches and boiler doors.

An excessive amount of condensation forms in the boiler loading chamber, and black liquid flows from the loading door or primary air holes.

Low boiler water temperature.

Provide minimum temperature return line 60 °C

Check whether the boiler power matches thermal calculation heating systems.

Unsuitable or wet fuel.

Excessive boiler power with low heat extraction.

Insufficient heat extraction from the heating system.

The chimney is not assembled correctly.

Short burning time.

Unsuitable fuel or fuel with low calorific value (eg soft wood).

Use approved fuel or solid wood.

High draft in the chimney.

Adjust the draft using the chimney throttle.

The boiler operates in direct combustion mode.

A lot of condensation forms in the chimney.

Insufficient chimney insulation.

Additionally insulate the chimney.

Call service specialists.

The chimney is not assembled correctly.

Check that the chimney is assembled correctly, see the chimney installation manual.

Leaks in the flue gas collector or flue gas exhaust system.

Check cleaning hatches and correct leaks.

The temperature on the thermomanometer does not correspond to the temperature set on the draft regulator.

The draft regulator is not calibrated correctly.

Calibrate the draft control according to the owner's manual.

High boiler water temperature, while low temperature heating devices.

The hydraulic resistance is too high, especially in systems without active circulation.

Ensure that hydraulic resistance is overcome by installing, for example, a circulation pump.

Too much thrust or high calorific value fuel.

Adjust the primary air supply and the chimney throttle damper.

Boiler maintenance intervals Burzhuy K

If these requirements for the operation of the Bourgeois K boiler are not observed, the manufacturer reserves the right not to fulfill warranty repair in case of malfunctions in the operation of the equipment.

After installing the boiler, a company representative will give you a short instruction on its operation.

Heating pyrolysis boiler Burzhuy-K Standard-10 Russian manufacturer TeploGarant, single-circuit. Solid fuel boiler Burzhuy-K Standard-10 designed for heating rooms up to 100 sq. meters (ceiling height up to 3 m) at the dacha, in country house, cottage. The boiler is equipped with a safety group. Boiler operating time from one fill at correct operation is 5-12 hours, efficiency ranges from 82-95%. The boiler is made of all-welded steel and sheathed on top with a metal sheet with a heat-resistant coating. Basalt insulation provides thermal insulation of the boiler.

Chemically prepared water is used as the coolant for Bourgeois Standard boilers. The boiler can operate in heating systems with natural and forced water circulation. The boiler connection diameter is 1 1/2". The chimney diameter is 130 mm, it is recommended to use sandwich panels. If necessary, you can purchase an automatic draft regulator and a boiler safety group.

Fuel used: firewood, coal, fuel briquettes, peat briquettes; log length up to 45 cm.

The manufacturer's warranty is 30 months from the date of sale of the boiler, the service life is 10 years.


Height x Depth x Width: 800 x 740 x 430 mm
Weight: 145 kg
Room area up to 3 m high (up to): 90 m2
Chimney diameter: 130 mm
Minimum chimney height:
7 m
Heating capacity: 10 kW
Efficiency 82-92 %
Operating water pressure in the boiler (max): 4 bar
Max. pace. outlet coolant: 95°C
Connecting thread: 1 1/2"
Volume of water in the boiler:
18 l
Fire door size:
210 x 210 mm
Firebox volume: 45 l
Guarantee: 30 months
Manufacturer: TeploGarant, Russia


  • boiler;
  • passport;
  • set of documents;
  • horizontal smoke exhaust pipe;
  • grate.

Additionally, if necessary, the following are purchased for the boiler:

  • security group;
  • automatic traction control;
  • boiler care kit;
  • vertical smoke outlet pipe.



In-store purchases are delivered total cost of which is more than 2000 rub. ( excluding delivery, for individuals). Minimum order amount for Legal entities 5000 rub.

Express order for buyers from regions: If you pay for your purchase on the day of your order, we will immediately send the order to the selected shopping center (check with the manager for details).

For pickup, you can place an order of any value.

Delivery within Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road):

  • delivery of KAISER mixers - 300 rub
  • delivery of VIKO mixers - 500 rub
  • delivery other goods -500 rub