Vibrating table from a grinder. Homemade vibrating table for paving slabs

Paving slabs are one of the most popular coatings open ground. Its main advantage over other materials is its low cost and sufficient durability.

What is this article about?

Methods for making paving slabs

Concrete tiles are made in three ways:

  1. simple casting;
  2. vibration casting;
  3. vibrocompression.

The first method is available to anyone. To do this, it is enough to have one or several forms of the tile itself, which will need to be filled with concrete mixed in a construction container and, after it has completely dried, released for the manufacture of the next product. The disadvantages of this method are that the tiles will not be very durable.

The latter method requires the presence of relatively complex equipment - a vibration press, which has several vibration motors and a hydraulic system in its design.

The most common manufacturing method is vibration casting. It requires a vibrating table, which performs the function of vibration compaction of concrete in order to increase its performance. quality characteristics, such as water absorption coefficient and concrete grade.

Vibrating table and its design

Make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands is not difficult for anyone relatively prepared home handyman. Until recently, almost all such equipment was made by small business owners with their own hands.

Main frame

You need to start with the main frame. Here you should take into account how many molds are available and whether anything else will be made on the table. After all, building such equipment is quite expensive and labor-intensive. And if you approach this issue in a businesslike manner, then better sizes make the future product such that it can be used to produce, in addition to paving slabs:

  1. concrete monuments;
  2. concrete fences;
  3. cinder block;
  4. concrete pillars for different types fences or for grapes;
  5. lintels for window or doorways, for monuments, etc.

Based on the above, optimal size for the table it will be 2000 mm x 600 mm.

It is on them that the supporting frame will be made. Its height will be such that a person can carry out actions on the table without bending. Approximate comfortable height is 700–800 mm. But here you should take into account the fact that the table must be attached to the floor surface:

  • by fastening in holes (to do this, you need to make the “legs” of the frame 300–400 mm longer and immerse them in the depressions made in the floor, followed by concreting or burying);
  • by welding metal plates to the frame posts and screwing anchors fixed to them in the floor holes.

Here is a list of what you need to do to assemble a homemade vibrating table for paving slabs:

  1. The first step is to cut a corner with ribs 50 x 50 mm - two pieces of 2000 mm and two of 600 mm;
  2. Make a frame out of them and be sure to weld them. You can tighten it with bolts, but taking into account future vibrations, it is worth noting that this will be a weak connection;
  3. Cut six pieces of 1 m each from a 70–80 mm pipe for future table supports;
  4. Weld the pipes perpendicular to the length of the corners from the side of the side rib going down - four in the corners, two in the middle of the long sections of the frame;
  5. On the side opposite the “legs” we weld rings from the same pipe. The height of these rings is 40 – 50 mm. Springs will be installed in them, which will carry the main vibrating plate;
  6. We fasten the resulting frame to the floor using the above methods;

Working surface

A vibrating table for the production of paving slabs has a working surface that can be made in two ways:

  1. The simplest is to purchase a solid sheet of metal, at least 12–14 mm thick and 2000 by 600 mm in size;
  2. In the corners and in the middle of the long sides on one side we weld rings, the same as in paragraph 1.5. so that when installing the upper part of the table on the frame, they are strictly opposite those that are attached to the frame.

The use of rings can be eliminated completely if a shortage of springs is used as a vibration cushion, and a large old wheel from heavy-duty equipment with outside diameter about 1 m and installed in the middle of the frame. This wheel can be replaced with six tires from passenger car, installed at the corners and in the middle of the long sides. When using wheels, it will be necessary to fasten the plate and frame together with studs with a diameter of 12-14 mm or more. With their help, it will be possible to regulate the strength of vibration, which is very important for achieving product quality and for the ability to unify the table for different masses of future mini-workshop products.

  1. More the hard way- this is welding the upper part from sheet metal, thickness 4 - 5 mm and corner. To do this, take a solid sheet of iron, measuring 2000 by 600 mm. A corner with sides 40 by 40 mm is welded to the sides along the entire perimeter;
  2. The rings are welded, as in paragraph 2.1.2.. The use of wheels in this option will be inconvenient, since the engine will need to be mounted not to the sheet, but to additional stiffeners, which will not allow the surface of the plate to lie unhindered on the tires;
  3. On the bottom side of the vibrating plate we weld two pieces of corner 50 by 50 mm and half a meter long in the places where the motor is mounted;

Engine mount

After the main parts of the future vibrating table have been assembled, you can begin to mount the engine. A vibration table requires a vibration motor. It is a regular engine, but with an eccentric attached to the protruding shaft. It is this part that is responsible for vibration. By shifting or changing the mass of the eccentric, you can achieve a change in the amplitude and strength of vibration, which will need to be done after final installation table to obtain quality products.

The motor should ideally have the following characteristics:

  • three phases;
  • voltage 12 volts;
  • power 600 watts.

This motor is connected to a 380-volt transformer, which steps down the voltage to 12 volts. It is safe to work at 12 volts, since you will constantly have to deal with a damp environment and heavy objects, concrete residues, and vibration. All this can lead to the wire breaking and touching metal parts, which, in the case of using 380 or 220 volt motors, will need to be grounded and constantly monitor the integrity of the ground wire, which can also fall off at any moment due to constant vibration. Many such engines are produced not only in Russia, but also in Poland, Ukraine and other republics.

The simplest would be to use an IV-98 or IV-99 engine at 220 volts.

It will need to be secured to the vibrating table plate from below with bolts through holes in the plate itself (if its thickness is 12 mm or more) or to welded corners (if 4–5 mm metal was used).

Assembly of the complete structure is carried out by installing a vibrating plate on the frame:

  1. First you need to install the stove on wooden blocks, 100 mm high. They should stand along the entire perimeter of the frame;
  2. Align the holes in the spring wells and install the springs in them.

The springs for this purpose are those used on the valves of the Zhiguli engine. They can be freely purchased at an auto store. Moped ones, cut into two parts, will also work.

If old tires are used, then lay them down and fasten the entire structure with pins, after removing the wooden blocks.

The spun table is ready. What to do next?

After complete assembly need to connect finished design to the electrical network and check operation.

When producing paving slabs or other products, you need to monitor the following characteristics of the vibrating table:

  1. Compliance with the horizontal level of the vibrating plate surface. If the loads are placed incorrectly on the table, the cushions sag and the concrete in the molds slides towards the distortion. Therefore, it is necessary to place the forms on the plate during vibration in the center. If there is a displacement of the concrete, then you can move the future product directly while the engine is running in the direction opposite to the displacement and everything will be corrected. Further, if the plate is fastened to the frame with studs, you can adjust the horizontal level;
  2. If the concrete in the mold is thrown out or seethes, then the vibration is strong. It can be reduced by tightening the studs or changing the position of the eccentric. You can reduce its weight by replacing or grinding down the existing one. If paving slabs are being made, vibration can be reduced by increasing the load on the table. It is enough to place several other forms filled with concrete next to those that already exist. If they are not available, you can attach additional weight to the slab;
  3. If the product has a lot of air bubbles, then the vibration is weak. Such products will not be durable and will be destroyed in a few years by ice forming in the pores. It is necessary to reduce the load on the slab or loosen the tension of the studs (if they are used). If this does not help, then the motor selected is too weak and needs to be replaced.

To summarize, you should pay attention to the need to comply with safety regulations not only when operating a finished product made with your own hands. To make a vibrating table, you will need to use cutting and welding tools. Working with them requires increased attention and precautions.

Vibrating table for paving slabs - a very convenient design Where might tiles be needed? For finishing the sidewalk near the house, for arranging gazebos, ground floors and a courtyard. There are just a ton of options, but if you make your own vibrating table, the finishing process will go much faster and with better quality. The result will be the production of original and almost designer tiles, which will be much more beautiful than standard materials made from a stamp at the factory.

General characteristics of a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs

It’s not only possible to make a homemade vibrating machine for producing tiles at home, but also necessary. For the tile itself you need cement, some sand, water and dye. A vibrating table is required to form and compact the raw materials in each slab blank. Naturally, you can purchase a ready-made table at a special hardware store, but the cost will be too high, even if you choose the minimum power of the product.

The price will depend on which:

  • Equipment;
  • Dimensions;
  • Power;
  • Manufacturer.

You can make a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs yourself

In general, it is quite possible to produce homemade table for the formation of slabs, and this will allow significant savings, and all invested funds will pay for themselves more than once. Basically, large batches of paving slabs are not made at home, and therefore it is not worth spending money on huge vibration mechanisms.

The type of homemade vibrating table is very simple, it is metal structure, which according to external data resembles the most regular table. The tabletop is installed on a frame with a spring or glasses with a special gap. The motor is installed in the lower part, and it is due to it that the tabletop will undergo vibrations in order to ensure high-quality compaction of the cement mass placed in the slab molds.

Uniform distribution makes the slabs more durable, non-porous and wear-resistant. It boosts them operational properties and service life.

Some people think that you can make tiles without such a special table, but then you can immediately be ready for low quality, medium density and too short service life. It is the air bubbles inside the products that cause their early destruction.

Do-it-yourself vibrating tables for paving slabs: drawings and materials

To make a table, you need to make drawings of the future design and materials through which the product will be constructed. Making a vibration table yourself is not at all difficult.

And the materials you will need are:

  • Metal corner or pipes;
  • Sheet metal;
  • Springs;
  • Bolts;
  • Electric motor.

Angles or pipes are needed to form a frame or, in other words, to make a strong frame with stable support. Sheets of metal are needed to create a tabletop, and therefore the sheet must be strong, wear-resistant, and have a thickness of at least 8 mm. The spring is needed in order to provide a large amplitude of vibration, and you can find it in any market for the sale of automobile spare parts. The most suitable spring would be from a moped. They will be required in the amount of 2 pieces.

Diagram of a vibrating table for paving slabs

Since their size is too large, each one can be divided into 2 parts.

As for the set of necessary equipment, you need a grinder, as well as welding machine. Pipes and sheets of metal are cut with a grinder, and holes are drilled with a drill to install the electric motor. By welding it is carried out final assembly the entire structure into a monolithic structure.

Choosing a motor for a vibrating machine for paving slabs

As already noted, the installation of a vibrating table begins exclusively with the preparation of drawings. They are needed to select the height and width, visualize the future structure and draw up a plan of materials and tools.

As for the design parameters, for ease of use, you should choose a height of about 90 cm, a length of 180 cm, and a width of 70-180 cm.

Naturally, the width of the tabletop will determine how many materials can be placed on it, and this will affect the power of the purchased engine. It is important at the construction stage to decide what type of table the table will be, in particular, portable or stationary.

For a vibrating table, an engine model IV-98 would be an excellent option.

Those who make tables themselves, and various settings similar to a circular saw, they prefer to use:

  • Available means;
  • Parts from old vehicles;
  • Only proven spare parts that will definitely work after assembly.

For a vibrating table, an IV-98 model engine would be an excellent option. The most important thing is that the engine is simple and can be removed from the old washing machine. IN in this case power is not too important indicator and enough optimal size. The main criterion by which an engine is selected is an eccentric, or, in other words, a device that provides vibration. Engine models IV-98 and IV-99 can be an excellent analogue of a household engine.

Do-it-yourself assembly of a vibrating table for paving slabs

If the product will portable type, then you need to do it with small in size to make transportation easier. In a stationary mechanism, you can significantly expand the working surface without hesitation.

If the product is portable, then you need to make it small in size

Basically, stationary mechanisms are dug into the surface of the earth for better stability.

  1. The legs of the structure are made from a metal corner strictly according to the drawing.
  2. Next, 2 pieces are also made from a corner or pipe, the distance of which is equal to the length of the tabletop.
  3. They will be used for the base of the product.
  4. It is necessary to join the legs and 2 pieces of metal by welding.
  5. Next, the countertops are installed. On the upper side it should be in the form of a sheet of durable steel, and the engine will be installed on the bottom. The lid should be made movable, and therefore you need to attach springs and cups to the frame.
  6. The engine is installed at an angle of 45ᵒ, and it is mounted after the springs. The engine must be electric and when installing it, a number of features must be taken into account.

If the installation is carried out in a horizontal position, then the vibration will go vertically, and if it is installed directly, the waves will be horizontal. In other words, it simply won’t be possible to achieve the desired effect. That is why experts recommend installing equipment at an angle of 45ᵒ so that the vibration spreads across 2 planes at once. When assembling the device, you need to check every action with the drawing, which will allow you to do the work quickly, correctly and without errors.

DIY vibration table for paving slabs (video)

It is not only possible, but also necessary to assemble your own table for tile production, and this requires a minimum of funds, time and materials, the main thing is desire and compliance with the recommendations.

When producing concrete products, paving slabs, as well as products made from gypsum and special mixtures, it becomes necessary to compact the solution, which contains air bubbles. The vibration effect promotes uniform distribution of the solution over the form, improves the structure of the material, and increases its strength. IN industrial conditions For this purpose, massive and expensive equipment. It is advisable to make a vibrating table with your own hands when producing products in living conditions.

What is a vibration platform

A vibrating table (platform) is a technical device designed for compacting solutions based on concrete, building mixtures and gypsum during molding in home and industrial conditions. The molding process, carried out using a vibration compaction, guarantees increased strength characteristics of the products, which affects their service life.

The design of the vibrating table is not very complicated

Purpose of the product

The vibration platform, which is easy to make with your own hands, makes up to 3000 vibrations in 60 seconds and is intended for the following purposes:

  • production of small-scale products using vibration casting;
  • production of tiles for sidewalks;
  • compacting products made from cement and asphalt concrete mixtures;
  • molding blocks from foamed concrete;
  • vibration compaction of fence elements, decorative items, window sills;
  • carrying out various types product testing.

Universal vibrating table - design features

The vibration platform (table) is technical device, including the following components:

Important design feature vibrating table is:

  • ensuring uniform vibrations of the tabletop;
  • small amplitude of oscillations.

To do this, it is necessary to select the correct motor for the vibrating table, determine the mass of the eccentric and the location of the drive. With an increased oscillation frequency and uneven vibration, the molded composition may become saturated with air, which causes a decrease in the strength of the products.

Principle of operation

A universal unit that facilitates the molding process functions as follows:

  • the base of the vibrating table frame is rigidly attached to the floor surface;
  • the power cable is connected;

A correctly set vibration amplitude guarantees uniform distribution of the solution over the vibroform and its gradual hardening

  • a form filled with solution is installed on the working platform;
  • the vibration motor is turned on by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control;
  • a process of intensive compaction is carried out, as a result of which air bubbles come out of the solution and the mixture settles, becoming more dense;
  • the supply of electrical energy is turned off;
  • containers with molded products are removed from the horizontal plate;
  • the next cycle of vibration compaction occurs according to the given algorithm.

A self-made vibrating table and an industrial unit work on the same principle.

Vibrating table - varieties

Vibrating tables differ in the following parameters:

  • Areas and dimensions work surface. With increasing dimensions, it is possible to manufacture complex products, and the number of simultaneously compacted forms increases.
  • Installed power, which determines the performance of the unit. Depending on the total mass of the molded products located on the working platform, a motor for the vibrating table is selected.

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    Usually the vibrating table is made from metal materials, as they have the necessary strength, stability and durability

  • Amplitude of oscillations. The presence of a device for adjusting the vibration frequency allows you to switch to different operating modes required for certain materials.
  • To meet technological needs, the following types of vibrating tables are used:

    • molding, used in production for vibration compaction of products in molds;
    • unmolding, which allows using a special nozzle to remove finished goods from molding containers.

    Do-it-yourself vibration table manufacturing technology

    Let's look at how to make a vibrating table yourself. First of all, you need to prepare a drawing of the vibrating table. If you have the appropriate technical training and drawing skills, you can develop your own drawing. A ready-made sketch is also suitable, on which you can put the dimensions of your design. Optimal height from the base to the platform is 0.7–0.8 m, and the dimensions are 0.5x1.0 m.

    To carry out the work, you should prepare the required materials, components, necessary tools and equipment:

    If you plan to use a vibrating platform for molding products from various materials, it is advisable to add an electronic engine speed controller to the vibration motor control system.

    After preparing the necessary materials and equipment, you can make a vibration table with your own hands, following the sequence of operations:


    Following the recommendations given, it is easy to make a vibrating table with your own hands. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, it is important to take the development of the drawing seriously, think through all the technical nuances, and use quality materials and follow the assembly process. A self-made unit will allow you to mold concrete products at home for a long time.

To make a vibrating table with your own hands, in addition to a standard set of tools, you also need a welding machine and skills to work with it. Prepare in advance necessary materials in the form of corners and channels. The design of the table is thought through and the power is calculated required engine. This device can be used to make paving slabs in a summer cottage.

Characteristics of the vibrating table

Making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands is justified if you have a summer cottage. Paving slabs are used in the country for paving paths.

Purpose of the table consists of compacting the solution and removing air bubbles from it during the manufacture of paving slabs. This happens due to the oscillatory movements of the working surface. This vibration is provided by the operation of the engine, whose frequency is 3 thousand rpm. Then the tiles are removed from the molds and sent to dry.

Equipment classification

Depending on the direction of vibration, tables are:

  • with horizontal oscillations;
  • with vertical vibrations.

Tables with horizontal vibrations are widely used in Russia, but in some cases designs with vertical vibration are also used.

Oscillatory movements of the device frame with horizontal vibration are performed using an engine with an eccentric mounted on the shaft. As it rotates, it causes the upper half of the table to vibrate.

According to the method of installation of the product there are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

If paving slabs need to be formed using equipment, then such tables are called forming tables. And in cases where the tile needs to be knocked out of the mold, a molding structure is made.

Preparing the necessary materials

To have a good idea of ​​how to make a vibration table with your own hands, you first need to make a drawing. After this, you need to start preparing materials for the equipment:

Work order

The vibration table with your own hands begins to form from the base. The next step is to move on to the tabletop. Then the general assembly is carried out.

Stages of work:

When installing, make sure that the engine does not touch the floor.

Homemade options

You can make it yourself different designs vibrating table Let's consider possible options homemade production.

Unmolding design

Such a vibrating table is needed to remove dried tiles from the mold. The design of the vibrating table is not particularly different from the standard one. The only difference is that a hole is made in the upper part.

Work is carried out in two ways:

  • An additional tabletop is being prepared. If the springs are not welded on top, then replacement is simple.
  • The original table top is being refinished. To do this, a removable hatch is made on one side. A soft base is placed below where the tiles fall.

The manufacturing process of such a design does not pose any particular difficulties.

Non-standard devices

Making a vibrating table with your own hands is quite labor-intensive. If there is a need for a small volume of paving slabs, then a simplified design is used. Work on it can be performed at a high level.

These types of tables include the following designs:

  • From tires. Depending on the required height, 2 or 3 tires are taken. A wooden shield rests on top of them. Wooden sides are made on the sides so that the forms do not move. You can attach the shield to the top tire with screws. On wooden surface a form with a solution is placed. Tapping the wood with a rubber mallet begins to create vibration. Allowed at the bottom wooden shield motor mounting with eccentric.
  • From impact drill or a hammer drill. To do this, a metal plate is attached to one end of the wooden plane, and rags or rubber are nailed to the other. The soft part rests against the wall. TO metal plate the perforator is brought in. Instead of a drill, a pipe is inserted into it. Its thickness should be such that it is possible to freely enter the cartridge. When you turn on the hammer drill, a good vibration begins.

If available summer cottage, the need for a vibrating table arises constantly. The purchased product is expensive. By making the structure yourself, there is a significant saving of financial resources. There is not always a need for serious adaptation. In this case, you can get by with simplified designs. IN household There will always be an old tire or a rubber hammer. The product is small, but the work is done efficiently.

It is advisable to create a vibrating table if you plan to manufacture a large number of concrete products. This makes it possible to reduce purchasing costs finishing material For garden paths, driveway, garage or for other purposes. If you use available means, the cost of such a design is significantly reduced.

What is a vibrating table for tiles

This is a brick making press designed for the production of different types of finishing materials:

  • paving stones;
  • tiles;
  • structural elements of steps;
  • wall blocks;
  • concrete fence sections;
  • foam blocks;
  • window sills, etc.

The mechanism of action of this design is based on the ability to produce vibration waves, due to which the supporting frame makes up to 3000 oscillatory movements in 1 minute. This allows compaction cement mortar in forms installed on a vibrating platform. As a result, the quality of concrete products increases many times: air bubbles disappear from the layer of material, the structure becomes more uniform, and layering is eliminated. Thanks to this, the service life of the tiles increases. It becomes resistant to high loads.

Types and types of vibrating tables for tile production

The following groups of structures are distinguished:

  • electrical;
  • hydraulic homemade vibrating tables.

The principle of operation in both cases is the same: the source of vibration waves (motor) transmits vibrations to a platform mounted on supports. The difference lies in the design: when assembling an electric vibrating table, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of installing the working platform on strong springs. If a hydraulic press is used, springs are not needed to make it.

There are stationary and mobile structures. They differ in size and power. So, the first of the options is not intended for movement, which means that in this case there are no restrictions on dimensions. If using a table top large sizes, many forms with solution can be installed on it. This requires increasing engine power.

In addition, a distinction is made between forming and deforming vibrating presses. The last option is rarely used at home, because... modern forms For manufacturing, tiles are created from flexible materials. This allows you to remove finished products yourself, without using dismantling installations.

There are other types of brick making machines:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

These design options differ in the way the engine is installed. It is considered the simplest. In domestic conditions, a horizontal concrete block press is easier to make, since the frame consists of fewer elements. In addition, securing the engine in this case is not difficult.

Construction of a brick making press for paving slabs

Essential elements:

  • engine;
  • a work site on which forms with cement mortar will be installed;
  • fixed frame - used as a support for other structural elements;
  • springs - their size depends on the dimensions of the working platform and engine power.

If you plan to make a horizontal concrete block press, springs are placed between the supporting structure and the movable tabletop. In the case of a vertical vibrating table, its upper part, where forms with cement mortar are installed, has long legs that connect to hangers fixed to the base. Stiffening ribs are provided for strengthening. This measure is necessary when using an engine of significant power to ensure the operation of a large structure.

How to make a vibration table with your own hands with horizontal vibration

Prepare materials:
  • for the manufacture of a working platform, it is necessary to use a metal sheet with a thickness of more than 3 mm; thin material should not be used, this may negatively affect the strength of the structure and will contribute to a reduction in the service life of the vibrating table;
  • pipes, angles or channel to create a rigid support: they will serve as legs, and products with round more preferable because it is easier to fix springs on them;
  • an engine with a power of over 250 W, the larger the work site, the more productive the electric motor should be;
  • springs: it is recommended to use products of this type made of hardened steel; they will withstand intense loads without the risk of loss of properties and strength;
  • To install the motor, the mount is selected individually: the choice of fastener size depends on the dimensions of the electric motor and the method of its installation on the site of the brick making machine.
To make a vibration table at home, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • electric drill for preparing holes in the structure;
  • welding machine: it is recommended to connect metal elements in this way, since installing standard fasteners can cause the brick making machine to fail due to weakening of the fasteners;
  • metal scissors;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level;
  • tape measure, ruler;
  • marker.

At the next stage, drawings are created. In this case, sketches will not be enough, since it is important to accurately mark the holes and determine the dimensions of the structure. Then when cutting metal elements the error will be minimal and the table will not have to be modified.

Which motor is best for a homemade vibrating table?

In domestic conditions, it is enough to use an engine with minimal power. So, an electric motor from washing machine. Its minimum power is 220 W. This performance is enough to ensure normal operation a brick press with dimensions of no more than 70x70 cm. In this case, you can disassemble a household electrical appliance that is not in use or is broken (only the engine must be in good working order).

If you plan to manufacture a large press (dimensions up to 180x80 cm), it is recommended to purchase a special motor. For example, the IV-99E model is suitable. It is characterized by a high oscillation frequency. However, this engine option is advisable to use only when it is planned to produce a large number of concrete tiles.

Vibrating table manufacturing technology

The main stages of creating a press:

  1. Based on the prepared drawings, the material is cut in accordance with the specified dimensions.
  2. A welding machine is used to connect the main structural elements. In less critical areas it is permissible to install standard fasteners (bolt connections).
  3. IN central point The tabletops are welded to the channels on which the engine will later be attached.
  4. The springs, on one side, are firmly fixed to the supports, and on the other, they are connected to the working platform.
  5. When the structure is ready, it is coated with an anti-corrosion compound and topped with paints and varnishes.

Disadvantage homemade design is the need to locate the engine on the countertop. This helps reduce the working surface area. Considering this feature, when cutting sheet metal, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of installing a motor without loss of area. In special brick-press installations, the motor is located on the side or at the bottom of the structure.


The stationary part of the platform is manufactured. The wear resistance of the structure will depend on its strength. If you plan to manufacture a hydraulic vibropress, in this case you can do without springs. Then use corners that are attached directly to the work site. This results in a rigid structure. Vibration waves propagate from hydraulic motor. In this case, the intensity of the beating of the elements of the hydraulic unit is quite high, which makes it possible to ensure the required result.

Vibration platform

When manufacturing a working platform, a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm should be considered as the main option. If this is not possible, it is permissible to use a less reliable material. When the metal thickness does not reach 3 mm, it is recommended to reinforce the sheet with metal corners. They are located around the perimeter.

If you fix such products so that one shelf is located on the table, and the other in a vertical plane, in this case, high reliability of the design is ensured. Thus, the presence of sides along the perimeter of the vibropress does not allow the forms containing cement mortar to fall. This can be facilitated by the operation of an electric motor and vibration waves.

And, conversely, when you plan to make large concrete products (window sills, steps for stairs, etc.), you should not install corners in such a way that this creates edges around the perimeter. In this case, the working area of ​​the tabletop is slightly reduced.

Vibration motor

Without of this node It will not be possible to make a brick press. The presence of an electric motor distinguishes such equipment from hand tools. When choosing an engine, you need to pay attention to the power of the unit and the oscillation frequency. These are the main parameters. Additionally, the dimensions of the motor are taken into account. When creating a small-sized concrete block press, you need to take into account that the engine will be located on top of it. If it is large, it will not be possible to place a sufficient number of forms on the countertop. As a result, the production speed of concrete products will decrease.

Factory vibrator

When you plan to purchase a motor specifically for installation on a brick making machine, you should consider the most common option - the IV 99E platform vibration motor. Its main characteristics:

  • supply voltage is 380 V, which means the device is connected to a dedicated line, the cross-section of the wire must correspond to the provided load;
  • power consumption - 500 W;
  • rotation speed - 3000 rpm;
  • weight - 12 kg;
  • working resource - 700 hours.

There are other models in this line (IV 99). Among them you can choose single-phase units. Devices differ in power, rated voltage, and service life. Some models can operate for 3000 hours.

However, in domestic conditions it is advisable to use such units only if it is planned to establish production line for the production of tiles.

Homemade vibration drive

An electric drill is used. It will act as a source of vibration waves. Sufficient beating force is ensured by connecting the drill to a piece of reinforcement that was previously clamped in a vice. You can also use the motor of any moderate power electrical appliance. In order for it to contribute to the occurrence of vibration, eccentrics are first installed on the shaft.

Vibrating table made from tires

Old tires are used as supports. They are installed on top of each other. To strengthen the structure, the tires are bolted together internally. The principle of fixing the motor is the same as in the case discussed above. Only its location changes - it is located on the channels at the bottom of the working platform. This allows you to additionally install a motor in the tire.