DIY vibration table for paving slabs. How to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands

Making a vibration table with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to stock up on everything you need for this and follow certain instructions. I will introduce you to them further.

Some general information

What is a forming vibrating table in general and why is it needed on the farm? If you were looking for a similar article, then you already know the answers to these questions.

But for those who stumbled upon it by chance, I will explain:

  1. The equipment in question is a table whose tabletop is secured using a system of springs or hangers. A vibration motor is installed at the bottom of the platform, which causes it to vibrate when turned on;

  1. Concrete is poured into special forms, which in turn are installed on the countertop. Transmitted vibrations remove air bubbles from the solution, thereby increasing its strength qualities.

Using this method at home you can make:

  • Paving slabs;

  • Eurofence sections;

  • Window sills;
  • Monuments;
  • Foam blocks.

Such equipment can be purchased in a store. But its price is quite high, and for single use It is not profitable to make such an expensive purchase.

But make a vibrating table for paving slabs It won’t be very expensive to do it yourself. So, if you set out to economically, but at the same time beautifully and practically, improve your suburban area, then further information will come in very handy.

Process description

Any business should always begin with the preparation of the necessary materials and tools. Vibrating table assembly with my own hands is no exception in this matter, so let's get started:

Stage No. 1: prepare everything you need

You will need a certain set of materials:

And you can’t do without tools either:

In addition to the above, of course, you also need drawings of the vibrating table, which can be found in abundance on the Internet. It is according to the scheme you like best that further assembly work will be carried out.

Stage No. 2: assembling the base frame

Now let's move on to making the vibrating table.

Let's start by assembling the base frame:

  1. Cutting the corner using a grinder into four parts in accordance with the data on the drawing diagram. Most often these are 700 mm sections, but depending on the volume of your planned work, you can choose any other sizes. That is, the more you need to produce, for example, the larger the machine should be;

Be sure to wear safety glasses before cutting, otherwise you risk getting scale in your eyes.

  1. The resulting we assemble the fragments into a square or rectangle and weld them to each other welding machine.

If you do not have a welding machine or do not know how to use it, then as an alternative, you can connect the sections with bolts, having previously drilled them in the right places. This design will be collapsible, but less rigid.

Stage No. 3: installation of legs

How to make legs?

To do this we proceed as follows:

  1. We take profile pipes or a pipe, depending on how long it is, and cut it again using a grinder into four absolutely equal parts. It is very important that all supports have the same height, since the slightest slope to one side will lead to the mixture pouring out of the mold during operation of the vibrating table.

In addition, you also need to pay attention to:

  • The vibration motor, which will be attached to the tabletop, did not touch the ground;
  • The machine operator did not bend over during its operation, but could perform all operations in the most comfortable position for him;
  1. The resulting We weld the sections to the corners of the previously made frame;
  2. Now it is necessary to solve the issue of stabilizing the structure.

Here you can go two ways:

  • Dig small holes under the legs, install them there and concrete them. In this case, ideal stability is guaranteed, but the machine will also be stationary. If you plan to work exclusively on your suburban area, that is best option;

  • Weld round or rectangular pieces of metal to the edges of the supports, increasing their area of ​​contact with the ground. In this case, it would be a good idea to additionally connect the legs below with crossbars from the remnants of the corner. The design will not be as fixed as in the previous version, but it will have mobility;

Stage No. 4: assembling the tabletop

This is the most critical stage at which you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparing the springs. I deliberately did not include them in the materials, because I wanted to give separate information on them additional recommendations. After all, most owners will be puzzled by the question of where to get them. So, the best option is to go to the car market and buy moped springs or springs from car shock absorbers;

  1. Cut them in half and attach them to each corner of the base frame. If it looks like an elongated rectangle, then one spring must also be fixed in the middle of the large sides.

The plan is carried out in one of three ways:

  • Welded at both ends to the base and to the tabletop;
  • They are welded at one end to the base, and special glasses are installed on the tabletop, into which they are inserted a third of their length;
  • They are welded at one end to the tabletop, and special glasses are installed on the base, into which they are inserted a third of their length;

Instead of glasses, you can weld pins. In this case, the springs will not be inserted, but put on them, which is also suitable for normal operation vibrating table

  1. We apply the vibration motor to the tabletop in the place corresponding to the drawing, and make marks through the mounting grooves. At the obtained points we drill holes for the bolts, with the help of which we fasten the engine. To prevent the bolts from protruding from the outside, you can first weld a small metal box at the place where the vibrator is fixed;

For the countertop, it is better to choose a steel sheet with sides. This will prevent the molds from slipping off the surface in the future.

  1. We weld or place the tabletop on top of the base with springs and we get a homemade universal vibrating table, ready for use.


In the article you learned what a vibrating table is for and how to make it yourself at home. The video in this article contains some Additional materials related to this topic. However, if you have any questions while reading, please ask them in the comments.

One of possible solutions This issue is to make paving slabs with your own hands, which requires not only Construction Materials And concrete mixture, but also a vibrating table.

What is it for? The use of vibration equipment makes it possible to achieve High Quality produced paving stones by increasing the level of compaction of concrete in the forms. In addition, such a mechanism significantly saves your time spent on manufacturing products. The surface of the vibrating table can be used not only for the formation of paving stones, but also for the production of curbstones, columns and other products from cement and gypsum mixtures.

Homemade vibrating table.

Basic design

A vibrating table for paving slabs is a mechanical device consisting of:

  • rigid fixed support frame;
  • vibrating moving platform;
  • compensation springs;
  • vibration motor or a conventional motor with a vibration mechanism.

The direction of vibration of the table surface can be horizontal, vertical or in several directions. Structurally, such vibrating tables differ only in the location of the vibrating rotor. To create horizontal vibrations, it is installed vertically, and to produce vertical vibrations, it is installed horizontally. Multidirectional vibration will be obtained when the rotor is installed at an angle to the surface. Vibrating table drawing:

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Bed diagram.

Drawing of a vibrating table.

The support frame is placed on the surface, and steel springs are fixed at the upper points of its support legs, on which the vibration platform is placed. Vibrations are transmitted to the surface of the vibrating table platform due to the operation of a vibration motor or a drive mechanical vibrator.

Required materials and tools

To make your own molding vibrating table, you will need the following materials:

  1. metal sheet 4-6 mm thick for making a vibration platform;
  2. corner 25x25 or 32x32 for installing a side;
  3. steel pipe with a diameter of 45-57 mm for support legs;
  4. profile pipes or corners for jumpers connecting the legs;
  5. welding electrodes;
  6. steel springs with a diameter of 45-52 mm and a length of 150-200 mm - for example, from moped shock absorbers;
  7. channel for placing the engine on it;
  8. vibration or conventional electric motor with a vibration mechanism;
  9. cable and starting equipment for connecting the electric motor;
  10. primer and paint for corrosion protection.

In case of shortage financial resources If you buy a steel sheet, you can make a vibrating table for paving slabs from plywood, but the strength and durability of such a machine will be significantly less.

To make a vibration table with your own hands at home, you will need the following tools:

  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • electro welding machine;
  • drill with metal drills;
  • paint brush, brush, sandpaper.

Manufacturing of structural elements


The basis of the vibrating table, which carries the weight load from all other elements and the tiles being produced, is a steel support frame. Four legs for it can be made from profile or round pipes, connecting them together with metal bridges using welding. Recommended leg diameter: 45-57 mm or profile section 45x45 mm.

The height of the frame should be in the range of 700-800 mm, then the working height of the vibrating table for paving slabs will be approximately 950 mm, which will allow you to quickly and conveniently place the forms and then remove them. It is necessary to weld under the support legs metal plates for better structural stability. If the machine is installed permanently, with concreting of the supports, then thrust bearings in this case are not necessary.

Springs and grooves for them.

In the upper part of the vibrating table frame, metal cups must be welded to accommodate compensation springs. The diameter of the cups is determined depending on the diameter of the installed springs. They should fit inside freely, but also not dangle if there are too loose gaps. After manufacturing, it is recommended to clean the frame from welding scale, rust, dirt, and then prime and paint.

Manufacturing and installation of a vibrating platform

The recommended size of a vibrating tabletop is 600x600 mm, but it all depends on how many tiles you plan to make in one go. If necessary, one of the sides can be increased to a meter. It is recommended to make the platform itself from a steel sheet 4-6 mm thick. The metal sheet can have a thickness of 2.5-3 mm, but in this case it must be reinforced from the bottom.

Universal vibrating table platform.

Along the perimeter of the sheet, you need to weld corners measuring 25x25 or 32x32 mm to create an enclosing frame that will prevent the filled forms from falling from the surface of the vibrating machine during operation. WITH reverse side, opposite the legs, it is necessary to weld steel glasses. They will also have vibration springs inserted into them to keep the tabletop stable on the support frame.

It is recommended to paint the vibration platform, like the entire vibrating table.

Photo of mounting the base with the tabletop.

Motor selection

To create a sufficient level of vibration, you can use a pre-balanced motor with a power of 0.4-1.5 kW. To unbalance it, a pulley is put on the motor shaft, on one side of which an M12-16 bolt is screwed radially. The vibration level can be changed by unscrewing the bolt outwards or screwing it inwards into the pulley.

The disadvantage in this case will be the rather rapid wear of the bearings, which are not designed for such vibration loads.

To obtain a similar result, imbalance can be achieved more in a simple way, but without the possibility of adjusting it. To do this, it will be enough to cut off part of the pulley on one side or weld a couple of nuts to it.

More reliable drives installed on the vibration table include special vibration motors of the IV series, produced by the Yaroslavl plant. Among the most suitable motors it should be noted:

  • IV-104, with a power of 0.53 kW and a vibration frequency of 1500 rpm;
  • IV-99, power 0.5 kW, with a frequency of 3000 rpm;
  • IV-98, power 0.9 kW, with a frequency of 3000 rpm.

The design of these engines includes unbalancing devices mounted on the rotor and more reliable bearings that can withstand prolonged vibration exposure.

The cheapest drive for a vibrating table can be made yourself from an old motor from a washing machine release drum by installing an eccentric on it.

To install the motor, a channel with holes drilled along the motor feet is welded in the center on the bottom side of the vibrating plate. To create vertical vibrations, the channel is fixed horizontally. For vibration in the horizontal direction, the channel must be welded in a vertical position. When placing the electric motor, it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of moisture getting on it from the surface of the forming vibration platform.

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Direct fastening.

Direct motor mount.

Connection by belt drive.

A more complex design involves installing a conventional electric motor on a supporting support frame. A vibration mechanism is installed on the lower side of the forming platform and is connected to the engine using pulleys and a V-belt drive. The vibrator can be factory-made or made by yourself. The installed engine must not touch the ground and be reliably protected from moisture.

Making paving slabs with your own hands is quite an interesting process, but this requires certain materials and tools. One of these is the vibrating table, which we promised to write about.

We talked about it in the previous article, so be sure to read it. And today you will learn how to make a vibrating table with your own hands.

Device requirement

The hardening of concrete is always accompanied by slight vibrations, during which air bubbles are released. Thanks to this, the future product becomes durable and the structure of the concrete is compacted. To ensure this, a vibrating table is needed. It oscillates at a frequency of 3000 movements per minute.

All vibrating tables can be divided into two types:

  • Industrial with hydraulics;
  • For home use, creating vibrations using an eccentric mounted on an electric motor.

It is the latter that we will consider.

Important! Since it is impossible to know the number of vibrations, the vibrating table must have an amplitude adjustment function.

But first things first.

To make a vibration table with your own hands you will need:

  • Metal sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • Springs;
  • Channel and corner;
  • Pipes;
  • Electric drill;
  • Welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Spanners;
  • Metal legs;


First of all, you need to draw a drawing of the future vibrating table or download a ready-made one on the Internet. It is important that all dimensions and the required distance are calculated in advance.

The engine should be placed closer to the center. The drawing itself is drawn starting from the bed. When creating a drawing, do not forget to take into account the height of the table and methods of attachment to the floor.

Engine selection

When making a vibrating table for tiles, you need to pay close attention not only to the structure itself, but also to the motor, because it will bear the entire load. Or rather, on the bearings and bushing. Therefore, when choosing an engine, do not rely on its power, because for home use 1-2 kW is enough. But the bearings must be of high quality and reliable. As a last resort, you can replace them during operation.

One more tip! By installing the eccentric directly on the shaft, you will significantly extend the life of the motor.

Manufacturing a vibrating table for paving slabs

  • We begin assembly only after preparing the drawing.
  • Based on his data, we cut the blank for the future bed. Corner - 45 mm. Pipes must have a diameter of at least 65 mm. Length, depending on the desired table height. We weld all the necessary elements and only then weld the metal sheet.
  • After this, you need to take the spring and cut it into pieces of the same length, in the amount of ten pieces.
  • Then, we weld springs to the finished frame: in the corners, in the center and between the corner and the center at the same distance.
  • We make glasses from the remaining pieces of pipe and weld them on the underside of the table. In diameter they should be 3 mm larger than the springs and located exactly in their location.
  • To obtain reliable fixation, you can weld the rods.
  • After welding, you need to install the table on the bed.
  • The eccentric mechanism is welded from below, in the center.
  • The engine is mounted at a distance that corresponds to the length of the belt.
  • At the end you need to install the on/off button and connect the power.

This completes the assembly and installation. You can run and calibrate the oscillation amplitude if necessary. This is done by moving the eccentric.

Mistakes and how to avoid them

  • It is imperative to make a side around the perimeter of the table surface so that the molds with tiles do not fall when moving.
  • To limit the amplitude, instead of spring rods, you can weld bolts onto which you need to screw a washer and nut.
  • In order to more accurately regulate vibrations, install not a motor, but an IV-99 type vibrator.
  • Securely fix the legs so that the table does not “walk” during the process. It is best to cement them.
  • The legs of the vibrating table should be high enough so that you do not have to bend over.
  • The motor must not come into contact with the ground.


When making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands, do not forget about safety! First of all, wear protective equipment when carrying out welding work.

  • Handle the grinder carefully so as not to injure your hands.
  • Don't forget to ground before turning on the vibration table.
  • Launching technical device first time, remove the drive belt to eliminate Negative consequences related to incorrect connection.

As you can see, making a vibrating table for creating tiles is not so difficult, just stick to certain rules. If you follow them, the product will serve you for more than one year, and as a result you will receive quality tiles.

Of course, it will be different from the factory one in any case, but it will also be much cheaper. Savings of 20%, even when assembling the vibrating table.

And for you to see clear example assembly, watch the video below.

The issue of designing paths on a property sooner or later arises before all plot owners. The option of using paving slabs for this purpose is one of the simplest, most reliable and beautiful. Therefore, for independent production and installation, you will need instructions on how to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands. This article will discuss all the nuances of assembling the device, as well as recommendations from specialists on frame manufacturing and engine selection.

The vibrating table is used for the production of polymer-sand paving slabs, concrete fence elements, figures, monuments, statues, using the vibration casting method

A vibrating table, or as it is also called, a vibrating press, is a special device designed for the production of paving slabs. The main advantage of this device is its ability to work surface make oscillatory movements. In addition, the vibrating table can be used for other purposes, for example, for the manufacture of monuments, sections of concrete fences, etc.

Using a vibrating table and special forms, you can make paving slabs of any size and configuration

As for making a vibrating table yourself, this is most often resorted to when they want to independently make paving slabs to decorate their own yard. Although in some cases this method is used to organize your own small enterprise.

Of course, using a vibrating table, you can engage in production in industrial scale It definitely won’t work out, but considering that it can be made from scrap materials, and with its main functions - eliminating air bubbles and compacting the composition of molds, such a device will do an excellent job.

Let us consider in as much detail as possible what is needed to make a homemade vibrating table, as well as step by step instructions for its manufacture.

A vibrating table can be purchased at a hardware store or made independently from scrap materials.

Types of equipment for the production of paving slabs

Vibrating tables come in different varieties, and before moving on to manufacturing, you need to decide on the appropriate option and its features. So, depending on the direction of vibration, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  1. Models with horizontal vibration.
  2. Models with vertical vibration.

Devices are divided into these types depending on exactly how the rotor is located in them. At the same time, the first option (table with horizontal vibration) is more popular.

Depending on the installation method, vibrating tables can also be divided into two types: stationary and portable (mobile). But depending on the specialization of the devices, there are those that are intended for forming products, as well as those that are designed to remove the finished product from the mold using vibration.

Externally, the molding and unmolding tables are practically no different, with the exception of a special attachment with holes on which the mold from which it is required to be removed is installed. ready product.

Design diagram of a vibrating machine for the production of paving slabs

If you want to make your own machine for the production of paving slabs, it will be quite enough to make a vibrating table with horizontal vibration. In this case, you can remove the tiles in two ways: manually (usually flexible molds are used in a home workshop) or by installing a demolding attachment.

Paving slab manufacturing technology: machine operating principle

In order to understand how to properly make this or that device, you need to understand the manufacturing technology of the elements for which it is designed. Therefore, let us consider the principle of operation of the vibrating table and what each of its constituent parts is intended for.

The working surface of the table is attached to the frame using a special spring system, if we're talking about about the device of horizontal vibration or using suspensions, in the case of vertical devices. Due to the operation of an electric motor of calculated power, on the shaft of which there is an eccentric, the tabletop is set in motion. Due to the fact that the eccentric moves, the center of gravity changes, resulting in the desired vibration. For ease of working with the vibrating table, the height of the base legs should be taken into account.

How to make a vibration table with your own hands: drawings and description

A general idea of ​​the structure of the vibrating table can be obtained by reading the sketch. But to independently manufacture such a design, you will need a full-fledged drawing that will allow you to take into account all the nuances and indicate in advance required dimensions each of the elements.

Before you start creating a drawing, it is worth considering the two most popular options: for beginners and for masters. In the first case, the vibropress has more simple design, but at the same time allows you to perform the main task - to form products. Assembly, maintenance and care of such a device are quite simple and even a novice master can do it.

Helpful advice! Over time, to such a simple design can be added additional functions eg sand sifter. The main thing is to do everything correctly necessary calculations so that the addition of new functions does not cause the failure of basic elements.

More complex designs, intended for craftsmen, initially combine a brick press and a sand sifter. This design is more difficult to assemble, however, it is convenient in that it facilitates the process of obtaining components of the required fraction.

Diagram of the frame and molding attachment for the vibrating table

Step-by-step instruction for the production of a vibrating table with horizontal vibration

The first thing you should pay attention to before starting work is the size of the countertop. It is believed that the minimum surface size should be 600x600, since with more narrow sides, the shapes will fall as they move. Besides, narrow design will have less stability.

Helpful advice! If, during the process of making paving slabs at home, the molds still fall off, you can try to reduce their number. This will negatively affect the performance of the device, but in this case the number of tiles damaged due to falling will be reduced.

In many ways, the size of the vibrating table is determined by the required production volume. We can say that there is a direct relationship here - the more elements must be made at a time, the larger the countertop area should be. Naturally, a large concrete block press will require a more powerful engine, and the materials from which the structure will be assembled must be very durable.

Vibrating table base and unbalance mounting

As for the height of the vibrating table, it all depends on the individual data of the person who will work at it. Standard height, optimally suitable for a person of average height, is considered to be 90-100 cm.

Important! When deciding on the height of the table, it is worth taking into account the installation method that will be used. So, for example, if a stationary device needs to be dug into the ground and cemented, then the length of the table legs must be taken into account in advance.

Materials and tools required to assemble a vibrating table: prices and characteristics

In order to assemble the structure yourself, you will need a grinder, a welding machine, a drill, as well as the ability to handle them. Let's look at the list of necessary materials that can easily be found among handheld materials.

An example of the implementation of a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs with a molding attachment

For the countertop, you can use plywood or a sheet of metal of a suitable size. In this case, the plywood sheet should be 14 mm thick. This will allow more vibration to be transmitted due to the small thickness, but at the same time provide the necessary structural strength. In addition, in this way you can significantly reduce the noise level during operation of the device. If a metal sheet is used, then its thickness should be within 5-10 mm.

The cost of a sheet of plywood of the required thickness, made from birch veneer, will be about 650 rubles at standard size 1525×1525 mm. But a sheet of hot-rolled metal 5 mm thick will cost more.

Helpful advice! If a metal sheet of smaller thickness is available, it can also be used by reinforcing the structure with metal corners or pipes welded in the center of the sheet and around the perimeter.

Weights are used to excite vibrations in the vibration mechanism of the vibrating table

Metal corners measuring 50x50 mm. They will be required to create the edging of the tabletop and during the operation of the vibrating table will not allow the molds for the production of paving slabs to move from the surface as a result of vibration.

Channel for mounting the motor It will need to be welded in the center of the back side of the tabletop, having previously drilled holes that will be used for the bolts holding the motor.

Metal pipes for table legs. Typically, elements with a thickness of 2 mm and a size of 40x40 are used for this purpose.

The reliability of the fastenings of all elements of the vibrating table ensures the correct operation of the device, the quality of the manufactured products and the long service life

Pipes for forming the top and lower parts frame. Since the main load will fall on these elements, it is worth choosing quite durable material– 40x20 and 2 mm thick for the top and at least 20x20 of the same thickness for the bottom. .

Metal plates that will be used as a sole for supporting legs. For this purpose, pieces of metal measuring at least 50×50 and 2 mm thick are suitable.

You will also need a plate for installing electrical equipment and springs, which are designed to provide vibration. It is quite possible to purchase these elements at a dismantling station. Numerous reviews indicate that perfect option– use of springs from mopeds, the cost of which with a height of 113 mm and a diameter of 54 mm will be about 500 rubles. They are installed in the corners of the table, and if the surface area is large, another one is additionally mounted in the center.

Important! If an additional spring was installed in the center of the tabletop, the motor mounting location and support configuration will be changed.

A vibrating table for the production of paving slabs can be made from scrap materials without significant financial investments

Additional aspects to consider when choosing materials for a vibrating table

In addition to the above materials, it is worth carefully selecting other components that, although not visible, largely determine the quality of the device:

  • bolts for fixing the springs. This element acts as a cup for the spring, so it must have the proper strength. Sometimes pipe blanks 50-70 mm long are used for this purpose. It is important that their diameter exceeds the diameter of the spring by 5-10 mm;
  • bolts and washers (usually 4 pcs.), which will be required to fix the engine;
  • electrical cable, which must have a sufficient cross-section. It is also worth considering the presence of an outlet and a circuit breaker in the immediate vicinity.

    Important! If the diameter of the homemade glass significantly exceeds the diameter of the spring itself, this will lead to uneven vibration. As a result, the spring will quickly wear out, and the movement of the table can more likely be called rocking than vibration.

Design diagram of a vibrating table with a sifter

Production of paving slabs at home: how to choose an electric motor

Let's consider the two most popular options: their cost and characteristics:

  1. IV-99 E with a power of 0.5 kW. Its weight is 14.5 kg, rotation speed is 3000 rpm, driving force is up to 5 kN. The device receives power from a 220 V network. You can purchase it at a price of 7,650 rubles.
  2. IV-98 E is a more powerful model (0.9 kW), which has a greater weight - 22.5 kg and a driving force of up to 11 kN. In this case, the rotation speed is also 3000 rpm. But the main difference between this model and the previous one is the presence of unbalances on the rotor, which rotate together with the rotor shaft. A regular 220 V network can also be used for power supply. The cost of this model is 8,540 rubles.

Not for production large quantity This will be more than enough tiles, but if you want to organize a small paving slab plant in your workshop, then it is better to pay attention to the IV-104 B model, with a power of 0.53 kW. To power it, you will need a 380 V network, but this will make it possible to achieve a driving force of 6.3 kN.

But there are cases when we are talking about making a very small amount of paving slabs for paths in the country, and purchasing a motor for this purpose is simply unjustified. In this case, craftsmen use an engine from an old washing machine as a basis. pumping station. In this case, you will have to spend much less money, paying only a turner for some alterations, if necessary.

The only significant drawback of this solution is the fragility of old engines. They are extremely rarely able to withstand more than three dozen work cycles. After this, the axle becomes loose or the bearing completely jams. Therefore, if you plan to produce a large number of tiles, it is better to purchase in advance a more durable motor that can last the required period of time.

Important! The main task of the engine is to ensure uniform vibration of the surface, since otherwise the solution may boil in the container, which will not lead to compaction, but, on the contrary, to increased fragility of the products.

Even taking into account the need to purchase all the necessary elements, making such a structure with your own hands is much cheaper than buying a vibrating table for paving slabs. The power of the electric motor determines the operating time of the machine and required amount produced paving slabs

DIY vibration table for paving slabs: rules for assembling the structure

After everything necessary materials will be purchased, all that remains is to assemble the structure together. But in order for the resulting device to serve properly for many years, you must adhere to the following rules:

Methods for unbalancing a vibrating table motor

Depending on where exactly the engine is installed, it is necessary to unbalance the belt drive unit on the table top or the pulley. You can do this in several ways:

  • place a round pulley on the shaft, which has a section of its circumference drilled or ground off;
  • experimentally select a nut of suitable size and weight and weld it onto the pulley;
  • put the coupling on the shaft, having previously welded a bolt with two nuts placed transversely onto its end. Due to the fact that the nuts can be moved along the thread, unbalancing occurs.

For reliable long work For a vibrating table, it is worth using steel elements and a cooking apparatus for fastenings

As seen, self-production paving slabs for a summer residence - quite feasible task, if you spend time and effort studying the issue and assembling required device. Although it should be noted that with the help of such a vibrating table it is possible to organize, for example, small production polymer sand paving slabs.

For high-quality workmanship To create paving slabs or sections of a concrete fence with your own hands, you need a vibrating table, which you can purchase or you can make yourself. It is easy to make and economically feasible. Most of the materials for it are available in any workshop or garage.

Studying the prices for paving slabs and concrete fences, many decide to make them themselves. Firstly, it is profitable, and secondly, you can make good money on subsequent production, especially if you live in an area with a lot of new buildings and empty lots. To implement the idea, just select the shapes and make a vibrating table.

Nuances when preparing for work

Despite the fact that all methods for making a vibrating table are largely similar, there are nuances that need to be clarified at the stage of creating the drawing. So that you don’t have to redo everything after launching, let’s look at the main ones.

Selecting the engine

A special vibration motor can be purchased at the store, but it is not cheap. Most people prefer to purchase engines from friends washing machines or find suitable option in the garage. In general, you can rely on the following indicators: for large tables weighing 200-250 kg and a tabletop length from a meter to two - a motor from 0.75 to 1.1 kW. For small vibrating tables up to two hundred kilograms and a size of 1x1 meter or less - a power of 0.23 kW.

Do not forget that low-power motors are not intended for mass production and can withstand about 30 cycles, after which the bearings will have to be changed, and the axle may also become loose.

What material to choose for the countertop

Metal is most often used, since it is easier to clean the solution, but in our example we will show the option with an OSB board. The material was not chosen randomly, main goal was to simplify the design. The plate does not carry a structural load, but only serves to protect the engine and vibration mechanism from the solution getting on them, so there is no need to make it out of metal.

When choosing a metal, pay attention not only to the dimensions, but also to the weight of the slab. If the engine is powerful and the tabletop is made of thin metal- it can be torn off or bent. If you choose thick metal and a motor from a washing machine, its power will not be enough to create the desired vibration.

Base shape

Factory tables rest on four legs, our example will show an H-shaped base. In terms of strength and stability, it is not inferior to the classic form, but in this way it was possible to achieve a convenient approach from any point. When dragging mortar or tiles, a person does not cling to the partitions, and manufacturing costs are significantly reduced. At classic version Not only do you have to weld the frame, but you also have to reinforce it with cross-shaped planks.

To make sections of fences, you will have to make an oblong vibrating table, a little more than two meters long, and for tiles a small one, up to 50x50 cm, will be suitable. Everyone selects the height according to their height.

Springs or rubber cushions

To make a vibration table, rubber cushions or springs are used. If the table is made for yourself and runs on a low-power motor, you can install rubber cushions. For large tiles or a fence needs springs.

When there is strong vibration, the plate collides with hard rubber. These impacts will eventually destroy not only the cushion, but also the tabletop itself. In addition, the impacts are transferred to the frame and if you do not weld the platform legs, they will break the floor or enter the ground unevenly.

You can get springs for free by asking your friends. Others simply buy springs from a moped or car on the market and cut them in half. They should be from 8 to 12 cm in height. Soft springs create less noise, but can be strongly compressed. Considering that they are selected empirically, it is better not to take risks.

To check whether the springs are suitable or not, in the assembled state, load the platform with a weight twice the planned load. In this state, the tabletop should not come into contact with the glass under the springs.

Two motors or one with eccentric regulation

There is a situation when a person found two old motors from washing machines and decided to install them on a vibration table. Such engines will work normally provided that they are absolutely identical. Otherwise, different frequencies will lead to “boiling” of the concrete.

Some deliberately take this step, planning to regulate the strength of vibration by turning on one or two motors at the same time. It is better to purchase one powerful one and adjust the force with eccentrics, this will reduce the percentage of defects.

Tools and materials for making a vibrating table

Since the vibration mode is very aggressive, the material for the future table must be chosen with a margin of safety.

To make a vibrating table you will need:

  • 12 meters profile pipe size 100x80 mm;
  • quarter square meter metal sheet 12 mm thick;
  • round bars with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 400 mm;
  • round bars with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 150 mm;
  • four bolts 20x100;
  • metal screws;
  • engine 2800 rpm 1 kW;
  • machine;
  • cable.

Necessary tools for work:

  • Bulgarian;
  • a set of locksmith tools;
  • square;
  • ruler;
  • electrodes;
  • cutting wheels.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a vibrating table

For the base, we cut six pieces from a 100x80 pipe, 600 mm long, and one two-meter piece. For the upper movable plate, we cut four pieces from a 100x80 profile pipe with a length of 440 mm and two pieces of 2200 mm. From a sheet 12 mm thick, cut a rectangular piece measuring 600 by 400 mm.

Now let's start assembling. Let's start with the base, which consists of two H-shaped supports, placed on their sides and rigidly connected to each other by a crossbar by welding, from pipe sections 600 mm long.

20x100 screws are installed on the lower horizontal of the supports to adjust the table level. On the top ones, 6 pieces of pipe are welded, 1 cm high and with a diameter suitable for the springs.

Springs from engine valves of a ZIL car or any other heavy-duty vehicle are well suited for this. Three pieces of tubes are welded onto each support. The tubes act as cups for the springs.

The top plate of the vibrating table is a rigidly welded rectangular frame, along the edges of which sections of profile pipe 2200 mm long are connected to each other by parts of 440 mm pipes, at equal distances from each other.

A 12 mm sheet measuring 600x400 mm is welded to the frame in the middle, onto which the vibration motor is attached. The same sockets for springs are welded along the edges of the frame as on its lower part. The sockets on both sides must be placed strictly opposite each other so that the springs inserted into them stand vertically.

The peculiarity of this table is that vibration occurs in a horizontal plane, eliminating boiling of the mixture. That is why the vibration mechanism must be made independently, rather than installing a factory one, which has vertical vibration.

The vibrator mechanism itself consists of a bearing cage and a hollow cylinder. Bearings are installed at both ends, and the cylinder itself is welded to a plate on the upper half of the vibrating table.

1 - cylinder; 2 — races for bearings; 3 - bearings; 4 - shaft; 5 — eccentrics; 6 - pulley; 7 - nut

A shaft is pressed into the bearings, onto which a pulley is placed, and two eccentrics are installed on it, which are attached to the pulley with six bolts. Since the bolts are located in a circle at the same distance, this makes it possible to rotate the eccentrics in relation to each other, thereby regulating the force of vibration. All this is secured with a nut screwed onto the thread at the top of the shaft.

On the opposite side of the plate, a flange electric motor is mounted using four bolts. A pulley is pressed onto the motor shaft. Rotation from the engine to the vibration mechanism is transmitted via a textrope belt. All this is covered OSB board, cut to the size of the table.

That's basically it. The table has been tested quite well; over the course of a year, about four hundred tons of concrete were vibrated on it; there were no breakdowns or malfunctions during this time.

Common manufacturing mistakes

Some people do not put springs in glasses, but put them on steel fingers. When vibrating at the moment of pressure, they can move slightly in different directions. This uneven load quickly wears out the springs.

The tabletop is framed around the edges so that the molds do not slide onto the floor, but one corner should be bent for drainage. Then you won’t have to pick out the remaining mortar with a trowel.

To determine where to weld the cups on the frame, you can lubricate the springs with grease and press the frame against them, then marks will remain on its surface.

Take your time and do everything efficiently, then you can sell the equipment and get a lot more more money what was invested. Thus, you will not only save on tiles and fences, but also recoup some of the material spent on their manufacture.