Homemade generator from a washing machine engine. How to make a generator from a washing machine engine

Interruptions in the central power supply, as well as exorbitant electricity bills, are increasingly forcing people to think about an autonomous power source. Let the generator be low-power and work only as a backup source energy, but will be able to help out at the most important moment.

We also decided not to stand aside and offer a “workable version” of the rework asynchronous motor from old washing machine enough powerful generator at 1.5 kW.

Getting ready to make a generator

If you decide to “quickly whip up” your own homemade electric generator, having “re-riveted” the engine from the washing machine, it is better to immediately throw illusions aside, because it will not work “quickly”. First, you will need to solve three main problems:

  • how to partially remove the core of the old working motor from the washing machine and prepare grooves for magnets on it;
  • where to get neodymium magnets for the generator rotor;
  • what to make a template for attaching magnets from.

Let's solve the first problem. Let's take an asynchronous motor from an old washing machine, disassemble its body, and then, using a lathe, cut off part of the core to a depth of about 2 mm.

Let's put the engine aside for now. Next we will need to purchase a set of neodymium magnets; the easiest way is to order them in an online store. We are waiting for the magnets to arrive.

The tin strip must also be prepared, namely, marked along its entire length to place 2 rows of magnets on it so that the magnets are located at the same distance.

Next, to convert the electric motor of a washing machine into a generator, we will need superglue, cold welding; instead of welding, you can take epoxy resin, as well as sandpaper.

For your information! It is better to use cold welding, it is easier to work with, and it will immediately help to better secure the magnets, making it easier for you to stick them on.

Generator assembly and testing

  1. We have prepared everything that is necessary to make a generator from a washing machine engine, now you can begin the assembly process. Let us note right away that only a very patient person can do this work with his own hands. Magnets constantly jump off and stick together, glue flies in all directions, getting not only on your hands, but also on your face, so be extremely careful and follow safety rules when working with potentially dangerous chemicals. We do the following:
  2. We begin to manufacture the magnetic rotor of the engine to turn it into a generator. We glue our tin template for magnets across the engine.

A homemade generator needs magnets, so we, according to the risks noted in advance, put magnets on superglue in two rows.

  1. Important! The distance between the magnets and the angle must be the same, otherwise during operation of the generator frequent sticking will occur, accompanied by a drop in power. Carefully fill the space between the magnets with thoroughly kneaded cold welding
  2. . It has the consistency of plasticine, so there shouldn't be any problems. We polish a generator made from a washing machine engine with our own hands sandpaper . To speed up the process, you can clamp the body in drilling machine

, but you can do everything yourself without tools, it will take a little longer.

  • We have finished making an electric generator from a washing machine motor, now we can begin the long-awaited tests. In order to check the electric generator, we need:
  • rectifier;
  • Solar type charge controller;
  • multimeter;
  • motorcycle battery;

You also need to think about what you will use to power the generator. Using your fingers is not an option; you won’t be able to provide enough rotation. It is best to use a screwdriver or electric drill for these purposes. We find two wires of the working winding on our generator, and cut off the rest. We connect these wires through a rectifier to the charge controller, and in turn we connect it to the battery. We put the crocodile clips of the multimeter on the battery terminals - that’s all, and we’re ready to test the generator.

We charge an electric drill (you can use a screwdriver) and a generator pulley into the chuck and spin it up to 800-1000 rpm. At the output we get 270 Volts with moderate sticking of the magnets - not a bad result.

Prospects for using such a generator

Many people wonder, well, we made such a generator, and what, how to use it in household so that it brings benefits? Personally, we made this generator with an eye to self-production gasoline power station from an obsolete but working Soviet chainsaw “Druzhba”.

According to our calculations, the design should have turned out to be cheap, which cannot be said about factory gasoline stations.

As a result, we managed to realize our idea. We connected the chainsaw engine to our generator through a drive belt, securing everything to the frame from the same chainsaw. I didn’t even have to cook the frame separately. Our power plant has been working properly for the second year now, supplying all energy consumers in the country house. The power is enough to illuminate two rooms, ensure the operation of a computer and TV. There are other uses homemade generator . The article eloquently describes the process of manufacturing an installation that, using the natural power of the wind, can supply energy to the same country house

or garage. Some suggest using this generator to power a ski lift. In general, use your imagination and you will also find a couple of ways. In conclusion, we note that making a homemade generator is fraught with certain difficulties. The main difficulty lies in gluing the magnets when creating the rotor. But you can go in a simple way

The electric motor of a washing machine is a very valuable and useful thing. Getting it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Washing machines break down with depressing regularity. The most interesting thing is that the motor from a washing machine can be turned into a 220 Volt generator. There is only one "small" problem along the way.

So, the washing machine engine has a classic commutator motor design. The device can operate on both direct and alternating current. Most motors have 6 pins on the connection block. The lowest pair is the rotor output. The middle pair is the stator winding. The upper pair is provided for the tachometer sensor. In order for the motor to start working, some force, a small voltage, must be applied to it.

The voltage on the motor will create a magnetic field, which in turn will create an EMF on the stator winding. All this means that wires can be connected to the rotor, which will subsequently transmit energy from the power source. A 12 V battery can be used as a source of energy for the motor. At the same time, to start the generator, if you turn it by hand.

This is the main problem. The washing machine motor is quite suitable for being used as a generator. However, (including) due to the lack permanent magnets, it is impossible to stably create an EMF on it. Output direct current requires high speeds, which can only be achieved manually. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to “attach” such a thing somewhere.


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Homemade generators are nothing new. Many craftsmen make them by remaking electric motors from different household appliances or construction tools. Our task in this article is to understand the possibility of making a generator from a washing machine engine with your own hands. Let us immediately make a reservation that it will not be possible to make this unit, so to speak, quickly. This is a fairly lengthy process where you will have to use the services of a turner.

Stages of work

What exactly should a turner do? First you will have to disassemble it yourself asynchronous electric motor from a washing machine, which is designed to operate from a 220-volt outlet. After which the motor core is transferred to a turner, who must cut off part of the element on a machine to a depth of two millimeters. Next, grooves 5 mm deep are made in the core, into which several neodymium magnets will have to be inserted. It is better to make the grooves after the magnets themselves have been purchased, because the size of the groove is made to fit the dimensions of the magnet. By the way, the latter are not a problem. You can buy them today in a store or order them in an online store.

Preparing the template

So, the core is ready, now you can move on to processes that fall into the “do-it-yourself” category. To attach the magnets to the core of the washer, you need some kind of device. It can be made from a tin strip or other similar technical specifications material.

The length and width of the sheet metal strip is adjusted to the dimensions of the core diameter and the width of the grooves. That is, the template must fit exactly where the magnets are installed. Pay special attention to the fact that the distance between the magnets must be the same.

Generator assembly

Everything is ready, you can proceed to assembling the electric motor-generator with your own hands. Let's say right away that this process requires special patience. There's no need to rush here. The thing is that the magnets will be installed in the grooves of the electric motor core using glue. Their small size creates difficulty and inconvenience in installation; the glue slips, its splashes will get on your hands, sometimes even on your face. So you shouldn’t neglect labor safety measures. Still adhesive compositionchemical solution, quite active.

So, here is an assembly diagram on how to make a generator with your own hands:

  • a prepared tin template is glued across the rotor;
  • then neodymium magnets are installed in the prepared grooves, here it is very important, as mentioned above, to accurately observe the installation distance and the angle of inclination of the elements, because even a slight deviation from these two parameters can cause sticking, which will certainly lead to a decrease in the power of the homemade generator;
  • now the gap between the magnets must be filled with a special material called cold welding, it is very similar to plasticine;
  • And final stage– grinding the surface with sandpaper, this can be done by placing the rotor in a vice, or on the floor or table;
  • The entire electric motor is assembled with your own hands.

Generator testing

To check how the generator we assembled works, you need several additional elements. Namely:

  • small capacity battery, maybe from a motorcycle;
  • We have finished making an electric generator from a washing machine motor, now we can begin the long-awaited tests. In order to check the electric generator, we need:
  • multimeter to determine charging power;
  • charge controller.

The generator connection diagram for testing is as follows: two generator windings are connected through a rectifier to a charge controller. The latter is connected to the battery. The multimeter is also connected to the battery terminals.

The most difficult thing to check is turning the electric motor rotor. It will not be possible to achieve the required rotation speed manually. Therefore, it is recommended to use either a drill or a screwdriver for these purposes. You connect one of these tools to the engine rotor (there are different options, and there are many of them) and start turning it at a rotation speed of 800-1000 rpm. If the generator you made produces a voltage of 220-300 volts, then this is an excellent indicator. If the voltage is very low, it means that the rotor was assembled poorly. This mainly concerns the installation of magnets (uneven installation and not all elements are attached at the same angle).

Where to use

We managed to make a generator from a washing machine's electric motor. Testing has shown that it works. So, what is next? Where can this unit be used?

In principle, if you find energy that could rotate the rotor, then problems with electricity, for example, in a small country house, there wouldn't be. Therefore, home craftsmen offer several commonly used options:

  • Install the generator to the gasoline engine. For example, it could be an old Druzhba saw or a motorcycle engine.
  • Connect to a windmill, thereby making a wind current generator.
  • Connect to a hydraulic turbine, which is installed in a homemade waterfall or fast-flowing stream.

The last two options are the cheapest, since there is no need to buy additional energy. These are environmentally friendly installations running on alternative fuels.

And one moment. Making a 5 kW generator out of a washing machine motor will no longer work. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that from this unit you can make a device that completely replaces the electrical network. But for a couple of rooms or for a bathhouse (garage, etc.) it will be suitable. The maximum that such a generator can produce is 2 kW. Besides, don’t expect 380 volts from it either.

Let us add that a generator can also be made from a DC motor. Moreover, in some washing machines, such units are installed. In such engines distinctive feature graphite brushes protrude.

Having an autonomous power source at home is very beneficial: such a device will help out if the power supply is turned off. Its power, although small, is sufficient to serve as a backup source of energy.

Buying a new generator is expensive, but making one yourself is possible. In this article you will learn how to make a generator from a washing machine engine.

How to choose and convert a washing machine engine into a generator

How to make a generator from an electric motor with your own hands? Not easy. You will need patience, as well as the ability to make some parts on a lathe.

From a conventional asynchronous motor of an automatic washing machine with a power of 170-180 W, it is possible to create a generator with a power of 1.5 kW. It is better to use the engine from the Vyatka washing machine and other Soviet-made models, since they are more powerful.

Tools and Parts

Also for work you will need:

  • neodymium magnets of 20, 10 and 5 mm sizes – 32 pieces in total;
  • We have finished making an electric generator from a washing machine motor, now we can begin the long-awaited tests. In order to check the electric generator, we need:
  • glue;
  • lathe;
  • sandpaper;
  • cold welding;
  • scissors;
  • pliers, screwdrivers.

Work order

Magnets can be purchased either in specialized stores or on the Internet. If you don't have a home lathe, you can order the production of parts from a familiar craftsman.

  1. It is necessary to remake the rotor of an asynchronous motor so that magnets can be installed. To do this, the cores are removed, part of them is cut on a lathe to a depth of 2 mm.
  2. To install magnets, you need to make grooves in the core to a depth of 5 mm.

Core preparation is complete. Now you need to put the magnets in place. To do this, make a covering for the core from a piece of tin. This template must exactly match the located holes. Therefore, cut a piece exactly according to the diameter of the core, with holes in the right places.

Note! The magnets must be installed at equal distances from each other. Otherwise, during operation they will begin to stick together, causing the electric generator to lose power.

Installation of magnets and step-by-step assembly of the generator

Let's look at how to convert an engine into a homemade generator.

The remodeling work is completed. You have made a generator from a direct drive motor. You can start checking your homemade device.

How to check the generator

What you will need to check:

  • controller;
  • tester;
  • We have finished making an electric generator from a washing machine motor, now we can begin the long-awaited tests. In order to check the electric generator, we need:
  • battery.

Using a multimeter, find the two wires leading to the working winding; they should show the same resistance. We cut off the remaining wires as unnecessary.

Now connect the wires of the working winding to the rectifier. The latter is connected to the controller, which in turn is connected to the battery. To check how much power the generator produces, connect the leads of a multimeter (set in voltmeter mode) to the battery.

Using a drill or screwdriver, spin the electric generator at a speed of 800-1000 rpm. If the multimeter shows from 200 to 300 Volts, this is an excellent result. If the voltage is low, the magnets are most likely not installed evenly.

Use Cases

  • By installing a generator to a chainsaw, you can get a small power station. Its energy is enough to illuminate 2 small rooms, operate a computer and TV.
  • Connect to a water turbine, which can be installed in a home waterfall or fast stream.

Or you can install a wind generator to generate mechanical energy, which can be converted into electrical energy. You can use a generator from an asynchronous or commutator motor. This is a safe alternative power source that starts in winds of 2-3 m/s. Maximum efficiency can be obtained at 9-10 m/s.

However, for home consumption a wind force of 4 m/s will be sufficient, then you will get:

  • At 0.15-0.20 kW you can illuminate rooms and watch TV.
  • At 1-5 kW, connect a computer, washing machine, refrigerator.
  • At 20 kW even start the heating.

It is recommended to install a windmill with three blades; it is considered the most efficient. For installation you will need a strong iron rod - it will serve as a support. A generator, rotor and blades are installed on it. It is also necessary to provide protective cover for generator from bad weather.

The moving part of the windmill is mounted on hinges. Then the mast is attached so that the entire structure is stable. A wire is laid along the mast to the generator, the other end is attached to the shield. After which the controller, battery and inverter are connected.

Read more about how to make a wind generator from a washing machine in the following article.

Problems with electrical energy, which usually arise unexpectedly, force many consumers to think about installing an autonomous power source. Moreover, this is also driven by exorbitant bills for using the industrial network. Installing an autonomous power source in your home is considered a profitable business. This device can come to the rescue when the industrial power grid is turned off.

Its power indicator is relatively small, but this is quite enough to act as a backup power source. Purchasing a generator on purpose is an expensive pleasure, but making one yourself is quite possible. Today we’ll look at how to make a generator from a washing machine engine with your own hands.

Preparatory work

Many people think that making a homemade electric generator from is not a difficult task. Throw away all illusions, because you won’t be able to cope with such a task quickly. First of all, you need to deal with three main problematic issues:

  • how to remove part of the electric motor core from the washing machine, arrange special grooves on it intended for magnets;
  • where to get neodymium magnets for the generator rotor;
  • what material to use to make a template to secure the magnets.
  1. The first issue is resolved in the following way: a core is removed from the asynchronous motor of a used washing machine, which is cut to a depth of two millimeters using a lathe. After such modification, we put the engine aside - you will have to look for neodymium magnets, and it is best to use the help of the Internet. Having found a store, you should submit an application for purchase and wait until the desired product is delivered, since the device cannot be made without magnets.
  2. On the machine we prepare grooves in the motor core for magnets; their depth should be at least five millimeters. Good lathe skills will be required, or seek professional help.
  3. After spending preparatory work on the core, prepare mounting templates for the magnets. You can use a piece of tin; other materials with similar properties will also work. The strip is cut to the appropriate length and width so that it can fit accurately onto the core.
  4. The fastening strip will also have to be prepared, for which markings are made along its entire length so that the magnets can be placed in two rows so that the distance between these magnets is the same.
  5. As additional materials to work on converting it into a generator device, we will need superglue, epoxy resin or cold welding, sandpaper.

Having prepared everything necessary, we can begin to carry out the work. We immediately warn you that for production desired element from the washing machine motor you will need a lot of patience. The magnets will constantly jump off and stick to each other, you will smear everything with glue, so we recommend that you observe caution and safety requirements when working with potentially harmful chemical compounds.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • We make a magnetic rotor for an electric motor to convert it into a generator. We glue tin templates across the engine to place the magnets;
  • According to the pre-applied markings, we attach two rows of magnets using superglue;
  • all free space remaining between the magnets is carefully filled with cold welding, previously kneaded with hands to a plasticine consistency;
  • Sand the device with sandpaper. To make work more convenient, it is recommended to secure the housing in a drilling machine.

The process of manufacturing a generator from an engine is completed, all that remains is to test it in action. To perform the check you will need:

  • rectifier;
  • multimeter;
  • charging controller;
  • motorcycle battery;
  • homemade electric generator.

Think about how the rotation will take place. You won’t be able to do this with your fingers, as you won’t be able to create the required number of revolutions. We recommend using electric drill or a screwdriver.

We identify a couple of working wires on the prepared device, and cut off the rest. We connect the wires through a rectifier to the charging controller, and then to the battery. We fix the multimeter mounts to the battery terminals - the generator is ready for testing.

We charge the generator pulley into the chuck of the power tool, with the help of which the spin will be performed, and give the speed within 800 - 1000 rotations. As a result, with moderate sticking of the magnets, you should get 270 Volts, which will be a completely acceptable indicator.

What is the best way to use such a device? If you install a generator on a chainsaw, you will get a small power station, the energy of which will be enough to illuminate two small rooms, start the computer and even watch TV.

It is possible to connect the generator to a hydraulic turbine installed in a home waterfall or fast-flowing stream.

Some install wind generators and generate electrical energy from the resulting mechanical energy. Generators made from not only asynchronous, but also commutator motors are suitable for this. Alternative source power supply is quite safe, capable of starting at a wind speed of two to three meters per second. But with ten-meter gusts of wind, such a generator will reach its maximum efficiency, although for home consumption four meters will be enough, allowing it to generate 0.15 - 0.20 kW, which will be quite enough to illuminate the room and watch TV.

At 1 - 5 kW, feel free to turn on your computer, refrigerator and even washing machine. But 20 kW will be enough to supply heat to the heating system.

It is best if the windmill you install turns out to be a three-bladed one - since it is the most efficient in operation. Use a steel rod as its base, onto which attach the generator, blades and rotor. Consider protection for the generator so that it does not suffer from adverse weather conditions. For the moving part of the wind turbine, provide a hinged mount. We lay a wire from the generator along the length of the mast, bring it out to the panel, connect the controller, inverter and battery device. As you can see, the connection diagram is simple.


With patience, you can make your own generator from the electric motor of an old washing machine. electrical energy who will come to your aid in difficult times. Besides, with such homemade installation You can start saving a lot on utility bills.