How to make a homemade generator from an asynchronous motor. Homemade electric generator from an asynchronous motor How to make an electricity generator

Constant and uninterrupted supply of electricity in the house is the key to a pleasant and comfortable pastime at any time of the year. To organize autonomous power supply suburban area, we will have to resort to mobile installations– electric generators that last years especially popular due to the large range of different capacities.

Scope of application

Many people are interested in how to make an electric generator for a summer cottage? We will talk about this below. In most cases, we will use an asynchronous alternating current generator, which will produce energy for the operation of electrical appliances. In an asynchronous generator, the rotation speed of the rotors is higher than in a synchronous generator and the efficiency will be higher.

However, power plants have found their application in a wider range, as an excellent means for energy production, namely:

  • They are used in wind power plants.
  • Used as welding units.
  • They provide autonomous support for electricity in the house on a par with a miniature hydroelectric power station.

The unit is turned on using the incoming voltage. Often, to start the device, the device is connected to power, but this is not entirely logical and rational decision for a mini-station, which itself must generate electricity, and not consume it to start. Therefore, in recent years, generators with self-excitation or sequential switching of capacitors have been actively produced.

How does an electric generator work?

An asynchronous electricity generator produces a resource if the motor rotation speed is faster than a synchronous one. The most common generator operates at parameters starting from 1500 rpm.

It produces energy if the rotor runs faster than the synchronous speed at start. The difference between these indicators is called slip and is calculated as a percentage relative to the synchronous speed. However, the stator speed is even higher than the rotor speed. Due to this, a stream of charged particles is formed that change polarities.

Watch the video, how it works:

When excited, the connected generator device takes control of the synchronous speed, independently controlling the slip. The energy leaving the stator passes through the rotor, however, the active power has already moved to the stator coils.

The basic principle of operation of an electric generator is the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. Strong torque is required to start the rotor to produce power. The most adequate option, according to electricians, is “perpetual idling,” which maintains one rotation speed while the generator is operating.

Why is an asynchronous generator used?

Unlike a synchronous generator, an asynchronous one has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages. The main factor in choosing the asynchronous option was the low clear factor. A high clear factor characterizes the quantitative presence of higher harmonics in the output voltage. They cause unnecessary heating of the motor and uneven rotation. Synchronous generators have a clear factor value of 5-15%; in asynchronous ones it does not exceed 2%. It follows from this that an asynchronous energy generator produces only useful energy.

A little about the asynchronous generator and its connection:

An equally significant advantage of this type of electric generator is the complete absence of rotating windings and electronic parts that are sensitive to damage and external factors. Consequently, this type of device is not subject to active wear and will last longer.

How to make a generator with your own hands

Device asynchronous alternating current generator

Purchasing an asynchronous electric generator is quite an expensive pleasure for the average resident of our country. Therefore, many craftsmen resort to solving the issue of self-assembly apparatus. The principle of operation, as well as the design, is quite simple. If you have all the tools, assembly will not take more than 1-2 hours.

According to the above-defined principle of operation of the electric generator, all equipment should be configured so that the rotations are faster than the engine speed. To do this, you need to connect the engine to the network and start it. To calculate the number of revolutions per minute, use a tachometer or tachogenerator.

Having determined the value of the engine rotation speed, add 10% to it. If the rotation speed is 1500 rpm, then the generator should run at 1650 rpm.

Now you need to remake the asynchronous generator “for yourself”, using capacitors of the required capacities. Use the following label to determine the type and capacity:

We hope how to assemble an electric generator with your own hands is already clear, but please note: the capacitor capacity should not be very high, otherwise the generator running on diesel fuel, it will get very hot.

Install capacitors according to calculations. Installation requires a fair amount of attention. Ensure good insulation and use special coverings if necessary.

At the engine base, the generator assembly process is completed. Now it can already be used as a necessary source of energy. Remember that in the case where the device has a squirrel-cage rotor and produces a fairly serious voltage that exceeds 220 volts, it is necessary to install a step-down transformer that stabilizes the voltage at the required level. Remember, in order for all appliances in the house to work, there must be strict control of a homemade 220-volt electric generator in terms of voltage.

Watch the video, stages of work:

For a generator that will operate at low power, in order to save money, you can use single-phase asynchronous motors from old or unnecessary household electrical appliances, for example, washing machines, drainage pumps, lawn mowers, chainsaws, etc. Motors from such household appliances should be connected parallel to the winding. Alternatively, phase shifting capacitors can be used. They rarely differ in the required power, so it will need to be increased to the required levels.

Such generators perform very well when it is necessary to power light bulbs, modems and other small devices with a stable active voltage. With certain knowledge, you can connect an electric generator to an electric stove or heater.

The generator, ready for operation, should be installed so that it is not affected by precipitation and environment. Take care of an additional casing that will protect the installation from adverse conditions.

Almost every asynchronous generator, be it brushless, electric, gasoline or diesel generator, is considered a device with sufficient high level danger. Handle such equipment with great care and keep it protected from external weather and mechanical impact or make a casing for it.

Let's watch the video, good advice specialist:

Any autonomous unit should be equipped with special measuring instruments, which will record and display performance data. To do this, you can use a tachometer, voltmeter and frequency meter.

  • Equip the generator with an on/off button whenever possible. To start, you can use manual start.
  • Some electric generators require grounding before use, carefully assess the area and select a location for installation.
  • When converting mechanical energy into electricity, sometimes the coefficient useful action can fall up to 30%.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities or are afraid of doing something wrong, we advise you to purchase a generator at the appropriate store. Sometimes risks can turn out extremely bad...
  • Monitor the temperature asynchronous generator and its thermal regime.


Despite their ease of implementation, homemade electric generators are a very painstaking work that requires full concentration on the design and proper connection. Assembly is only advisable from a financial point of view if you already have a working and unnecessary engine. Otherwise, you will pay more than half of its cost for the main element of the installation, and the total costs may significantly exceed the market value of the generator.


Coziness and comfort in modern housing largely depends on a stable supply of electrical energy. Uninterrupted power supply is achieved different ways, among which a homemade asynchronous generator made at home is considered quite effective. A well-made device allows you to solve many everyday problems, from generating alternating current to providing power to inverter welding machines.

Operating principle of an electric generator

Asynchronous type generators are alternating current devices capable of generating electrical energy. The operating principle of these devices is similar to the operation of asynchronous motors, so they have a different name - induction electric generators. Compared to these units, the rotor turns much faster, and accordingly, the rotation speed becomes higher. An ordinary AC induction motor can be used as a generator, which does not require any circuit conversions or additional settings.

A single-phase asynchronous generator is turned on under the influence of incoming voltage, which requires connecting the device to a power source. Some models use capacitors connected in series to provide independent work due to self-excitation.

In most cases, generators require some kind of external driving device to produce mechanical energy, which is then converted into electricity. The most commonly used are gasoline or diesel engines, as well as wind and hydraulic installations. Regardless of the source of driving force, all electric generators consist of two main elements - a stator and a rotor. The stator is in a stationary position, allowing the rotor to move. His metal blocks allow you to adjust the level electromagnetic field. This field is created by the rotor due to the action of magnets located at an equidistant distance from the core.

However, as already noted, the cost of even the most low-power devices remains high and unaffordable for many consumers. Therefore, the only way out is to assemble a current generator with your own hands, and put all the necessary parameters into it in advance. But this is not at all simple task, especially for those who have little understanding of circuits and do not have skills in working with tools. Home master must have specific experience in the manufacture of such devices. In addition, it is necessary to select all the necessary elements, parts and spare parts with the required parameters and technical characteristics. Homemade devices are successfully used in everyday life, despite the fact that in many respects they are significantly inferior to factory-made products.

Advantages of asynchronous generators

In accordance with the rotation of the rotor, all generators are divided into synchronous and asynchronous devices. Synchronous models have a more complex design, increased sensitivity to changes in mains voltage, which reduces their efficiency. Asynchronous units do not have such disadvantages. They are distinguished by a simplified operating principle and excellent technical characteristics.

A synchronous generator has a rotor with magnetic coils, which significantly complicate the movement process. In an asynchronous device, this part resembles an ordinary flywheel. Design features affect the efficiency. In synchronous generators efficiency loss up to 11%, and in asynchronous ones - only 5%. Therefore, the most effective would be a homemade generator made from an asynchronous motor, which has other advantages:

  • The simple design of the housing protects the engine from moisture getting inside. This reduces the need for too frequent maintenance.
  • Higher resistance to voltage surges, the presence of a rectifier at the output, which protects connected devices and equipment from damage.
  • Asynchronous generators provide efficient power for welding machines, incandescent lamps, computer equipment, sensitive to voltage changes.

Thanks to these advantages and long service life, asynchronous generators, even those assembled at home, uninterruptedly and efficiently provide electricity to household appliances, equipment, lighting and other important areas.

Preparing materials and assembling the generator yourself

Before you start assembling the generator, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and details. First of all, you will need an electric motor, which you can make yourself. However, this is a very labor-intensive process, therefore, in order to save time, it is recommended to remove the required unit from the old non-working equipment. Water pumps are also best suited. The stator must be assembled, with the winding ready. A rectifier or transformer may be needed to equalize the output current. Also, you need to prepare electrical wire, as well as electrical tape.

Before making a generator out of an electric motor, it is necessary to calculate the power of the future device. For this purpose, the engine is connected to the network to determine the rotation speed using a tachometer. 10% is added to the result obtained. This increase is a compensatory value that prevents excessive heating of the engine during operation. Capacitors are selected in accordance with the planned power of the generator using a special table.

Due to the generation of electric current by the unit, it is necessary to ground it. Due to the lack of grounding and poor-quality insulation, the generator will not only quickly fail, but will also become dangerous to human life. The assembly itself is not particularly difficult. Capacitors are connected to the finished engine one by one, in accordance with the diagram. The result is a 220V alternating current generator with your own hands low power, sufficient to supply electricity to an angle grinder, electric drill, circular saw and other similar equipment.

During operation of the finished device, the following features must be taken into account:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the engine temperature to avoid overheating.
  • During operation, a decrease in the efficiency of the generator is observed depending on the duration of its operation. Therefore, the unit periodically needs breaks so that its temperature drops to 40-45 degrees.
  • In the absence of automatic control, this procedure must be periodically performed independently using an ammeter, voltmeter and other measuring instruments.

Of great importance right choice equipment, calculation of its main indicators and technical characteristics. It is desirable to have drawings and diagrams that will greatly facilitate the assembly of the generator device.

Pros and cons of a homemade generator

Self-assembly of an electric generator allows you to save significant money. In addition, a generator assembled by hand will have the planned parameters and meet all technical requirements.

However, such devices have a number of serious disadvantages:

  • Possible frequent breakdowns unit due to the inability to hermetically connect all the main parts.
  • Generator malfunction, significant reduction in its productivity as a result of incorrect connection and inaccurate power calculations.
  • In work with homemade devices Requires certain skills and caution.

However, a homemade 220V generator is quite suitable as Alternative option uninterrupted power supply. Even low-power devices are capable of ensuring the operation of basic devices and equipment, maintaining the proper level of comfort in a private house or apartment.

Unfortunately, domestic power supply organizations do not keep their word. Their contracts signed with consumers are worthless. The supply of electricity outside large cities is inconsistent, the quality of the supplied current is low (meaning voltage), so residents of small towns and villages always have candles in stock, kerosene lamps, and the most advanced ones install gasoline current generators. In this article, another option will be proposed, which will be indicated by the question, how to make an electric generator with your own hands? Let's look at one version of this device.

Electric generator from a walk-behind tractor

Residents of suburban villages have been using walk-behind tractors for a long time. After all, today this is, so to speak, the most reliable assistant, without which work in the garden or garden cannot be carried out. True, like all tools of this type, the walk-behind tractor fails. It can be restored, but as practice shows, it is better to buy a new one.

The owners of the instrument are in no hurry to say goodbye to it, so every owner of a country house has one old copy in their closet. It will be possible to use it in the design of an electric generator with a voltage of 220/380 volts. It will create torque to the current generator, which can be used as an ordinary asynchronous motor. In this case, a powerful electric motor will be required (at least 15 kW, with a shaft speed of 800-1600 rpm). Why is the electric motor so powerful?

There is no point in making a homemade generator for a couple of light bulbs, because the issue of fully providing a country house with electricity is being resolved. But with a low-power electric motor, you won’t be able to get enough electricity. Although it all depends on the total power of household appliances and lighting of the house. After all, in small dachas There is nothing except a refrigerator with a TV. Therefore, the advice is to first calculate the power of the house, then choose an electric motor-generator.

Electric generator assembly

So, to assemble a 220-volt gasoline generator with your own hands, you need to install a walk-behind tractor and an electric motor on the same frame so that their shafts are parallel. The thing is that the rotation from the walk-behind tractor to the electric motor will be transmitted using two pulleys. One will be installed on the shaft of a gasoline engine, the second on the shaft of an electric one. In this case, it is necessary to select the correct pulley diameters. It is these dimensions that determine the rotational speed of the electric motor. This indicator must be equal to the nominal one, which is indicated on the equipment tag. Slight deviation in big side within 10-15% is welcome.

When the mechanical part of the assembly is completed, the pulleys connected by the belt will be installed, you can move on to the electrical part.

  • First, the windings of the electric motor are connected in a star configuration.
  • Secondly, the capacitors connected to each winding must form a triangle.
  • Thirdly, the voltage in such a circuit is removed between the end of the winding and the midpoint. It is here that a current of 220 volts is obtained, and between the windings 380 volts.

Attention! The capacitors installed in the electrical circuit must have the same capacity. In this case, the size of the capacitance is selected depending on the power of the electric motor. It is this ratio that will support the correct operation of the current generator itself, but especially its start-up.

For information, we give the ratio of motor power to capacitor capacity:

  • 2 kW – 60 µF.
  • 5 kW – 140 µF.
  • 10 kW – 250 µF.
  • 15 kW – 350 µF.

Pay attention to some useful tips given by experts.

  • If the electric motor gets hot, then it is necessary to replace the capacitors with elements with reduced capacity.
  • Typically, for homemade electric generators, capacitors with a voltage of at least 400 volts are used.
  • Usually one capacitor is enough for a resistive load.
  • If there is a need to use all three phases of the electric motor to power the house, then it is necessary to install a three-phase transformer in the network.

And one moment. If you are faced with the problem of how to organize heating using a homemade electric generator, then the engine from the walk-behind tractor here will be small (meaning the power of the device). The best option– this is an engine from a car, for example, from an Oka or a Zhiguli. Many may say that such equipment will cost a pretty penny. Nothing like this. Today you can buy a used car for just pennies, so the costs will be minimal.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, what are the advantages of this device:

  • You console yourself with the thought that you did it yourself. That is, you are proud of yourself.
  • Financial costs are reduced to a minimum. Homemade unit will cost much less than its factory counterpart.
  • If all stages of assembly are carried out correctly, then the electrical equipment assembled by your own hands can be considered reliable and quite productive.

Some negative points this type of devices.

  • If you are new to electrics or are trying to make a current generator without delving into all the intricacies and nuances of the assembly, then you will fail. The time and money you spent will be considered wasted.

In principle, this is the only drawback, which inspires optimism.

Other electric generator designs

The petrol option is not the only one. You can make the motor shaft rotate different ways. For example, using a windmill or water pump. Not the best simple designs, but they are the ones that allow us to move away from consuming the energy carrier in the form of gasoline.

For example, assembling a hydrogenerator with your own hands is also not difficult. If a river flows near the house, its water can be used as a force to rotate the shaft. To do this, a wheel with many containers is installed in its channel. Using this design, it is possible to create a flow of water that will rotate a turbine attached to the shaft of an electric motor. And the larger the volume of each container, the more often they are installed (the number increases), the greater the power of the water flow. In essence, this is a kind of generator voltage regulator.

With wind generators, things are a little different because wind loads are not constant quantities. The rotation of the windmill, which is transmitted to the shaft of the electric motor, must be regulated, adjusting it to the required speed of the electric motor shaft. Therefore, in this design, the voltage regulator is a regular mechanical gearbox. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword. If the wind reduces gusts, a step-up gearbox is needed; if, on the contrary, it increases, a step-down gearbox is needed. This is the difficulty of constructing a wind power generator.

Conclusion on the topic

To summarize, you need to understand that homemade electric generators are not a panacea. It is better to ensure that electric current is constantly supplied to the village. This is difficult to achieve, but you can get compensation for inconvenience through the court. And the money already received will be used to purchase a factory gasoline generator. True, you will have to take into account the consumption of expensive fuel (gasoline). But if you want to assemble an electric generator with your own hands, then delve into the topic and try.

Constant and uninterrupted supply of electricity in the house is the key to a pleasant and comfortable pastime at any time of the year. To organize autonomous power supply for a suburban area, we will have to resort to mobile units - electric generators, which have been especially popular in recent years due to the large range of different capacities.

Scope of application

Many people are interested in how to make an electric generator for a summer cottage? We will talk about this below. In most cases, we will use an asynchronous alternating current generator, which will produce energy for the operation of electrical appliances. In an asynchronous generator, the rotation speed of the rotors is higher than in a synchronous generator and the efficiency will be higher.

However, power plants have found their application in a wider range, as an excellent means for energy production, namely:

  • They are used in wind power plants.
  • Used as welding units.
  • They provide autonomous support for electricity in the house on a par with a miniature hydroelectric power station.

The unit is turned on using the incoming voltage. Often, the device is connected to power to start, but this is not a very logical and rational solution for a mini-station, which itself must generate electricity, and not consume it to start. Therefore, in recent years, generators with self-excitation or sequential switching of capacitors have been actively produced.

How does an electric generator work?

An asynchronous electricity generator produces a resource if the motor rotation speed is faster than a synchronous one. The most common generator operates at parameters starting from 1500 rpm.

It produces energy if the rotor runs faster than the synchronous speed at start. The difference between these indicators is called slip and is calculated as a percentage relative to the synchronous speed. However, the stator speed is even higher than the rotor speed. Due to this, a stream of charged particles is formed that change polarities.

Watch the video, how it works:

When excited, the connected generator device takes control of the synchronous speed, independently controlling the slip. The energy leaving the stator passes through the rotor, however, the active power has already moved to the stator coils.

The basic principle of operation of an electric generator is the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. Strong torque is required to start the rotor to produce power. The most adequate option, according to electricians, is “perpetual idling,” which maintains one rotation speed while the generator is operating.

Why is an asynchronous generator used?

Unlike a synchronous generator, an asynchronous one has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages. The main factor in choosing the asynchronous option was the low clear factor. A high clear factor characterizes the quantitative presence of higher harmonics in the output voltage. They cause unnecessary heating of the motor and uneven rotation. Synchronous generators have a clear factor value of 5-15%; in asynchronous ones it does not exceed 2%. It follows from this that an asynchronous energy generator produces only useful energy.

A little about the asynchronous generator and its connection:

An equally significant advantage of this type of electric generator is the complete absence of rotating windings and electronic parts that are sensitive to damage and external factors. Consequently, this type of device is not subject to active wear and will last longer.

How to make a generator with your own hands

Device asynchronous alternating current generator

Purchasing an asynchronous electric generator is quite an expensive pleasure for the average resident of our country. Therefore, many craftsmen resort to solving the issue of assembling the device themselves. The principle of operation, as well as the design, is quite simple. If you have all the tools, assembly will not take more than 1-2 hours.

According to the above-defined principle of operation of the electric generator, all equipment should be configured so that the rotations are faster than the engine speed. To do this, you need to connect the engine to the network and start it. To calculate the number of revolutions per minute, use a tachometer or tachogenerator.

Having determined the value of the engine rotation speed, add 10% to it. If the rotation speed is 1500 rpm, then the generator should run at 1650 rpm.

Now you need to remake the asynchronous generator “for yourself”, using capacitors of the required capacities. Use the following label to determine the type and capacity:

DL capacity table

We hope it is already clear how to assemble an electric generator with your own hands, but please note: the capacitor capacity should not be very high, otherwise the generator running on diesel fuel will get very hot.

Install capacitors according to calculations. Installation requires a fair amount of attention. Ensure good insulation and use special coverings if necessary.

At the engine base, the generator assembly process is completed. Now it can already be used as a necessary source of energy. Remember that in the case where the device has a squirrel-cage rotor and produces a fairly serious voltage that exceeds 220 volts, it is necessary to install a step-down transformer that stabilizes the voltage at the required level. Remember, in order for all appliances in the house to work, there must be strict control of a homemade 220-volt electric generator in terms of voltage.

Watch the video, stages of work:

For a generator that will operate at low power, in order to save money, you can use single-phase asynchronous motors from old or unnecessary household electrical appliances, for example, washing machines, drainage pumps, lawn mowers, chainsaws, etc. Motors from such household appliances should be connected in parallel to the winding. Alternatively, phase shifting capacitors can be used. They rarely differ in the required power, so it will need to be increased to the required levels.

Such generators perform very well when it is necessary to power light bulbs, modems and other small devices with a stable active voltage. With certain knowledge, you can connect an electric generator to an electric stove or heater.

The generator, ready for use, should be installed so that it is not affected by precipitation or the environment. Take care of an additional casing that will protect the installation from adverse conditions.

Almost every asynchronous generator, be it a brushless, electric, gasoline or diesel generator, is considered a device with a fairly high level of danger. Handle such equipment very carefully and always keep it protected from external weather and mechanical influences or make a casing for it.

Watch the video, practical advice from a specialist:

Any autonomous unit should be equipped with special measuring instruments that will record and display data on operating efficiency. To do this, you can use a tachometer, voltmeter and frequency meter.

  • Equip the generator with an on/off button whenever possible. To start, you can use manual start.
  • Some electric generators require grounding before use, carefully assess the area and select a location for installation.
  • When converting mechanical energy into electricity, sometimes the efficiency can drop by up to 30%.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities or are afraid of doing something wrong, we advise you to purchase a generator at the appropriate store. Sometimes risks can turn out extremely bad...
  • Monitor the temperature of the asynchronous generator and its thermal conditions.


Despite their ease of implementation, homemade electric generators are a very painstaking work that requires full concentration on the design and proper connection. Assembly is only advisable from a financial point of view if you already have a working and unnecessary engine. Otherwise, you will pay more than half of its cost for the main element of the installation, and the total costs may significantly exceed the market value of the generator.

Now you know how to make an electric generator and if you are determined to create one, we hope you received answers to all your questions before starting assembly and now with a full knowledge base you can get to work.

In conclusion, I would like to offer you the assembly of a wonderful invention of an engineering student. This is a weak generator that can save you in difficult times without wasting Money even for fuel.

Homemade generator. All DIY methods

Method 1

I found an article on the Internet about how to convert a car generator to a generator with permanent magnets. Is it possible to use this principle and remake the generator with your own hands from asynchronous electric motor? It is possible that there will be large energy losses due to the wrong arrangement of the coils.

I have an asynchronous type motor with a voltage of 110 volts, speed – 1450, 2.2 amperes, single-phase. I do not undertake to make a homemade generator using containers, as there will be large losses.

It is proposed to use simple engines according to this scheme.

If you change an engine or generator with round-shaped magnets from the speakers, do you need to install them in crabs? Crabs are two metal parts, are anchored outside the field coils.

If magnets are placed on a shaft, the shaft will bypass the magnetic power lines. How will there be excitement then? The coil is also located on a metal shaft.

If you change the connection of the windings and make a parallel connection, accelerate to speeds above normal values, you get 70 volts. Where can I get a mechanism for such speeds? If you rewind it to lower speeds and lower power, the power will drop too much.

An asynchronous motor with a closed rotor is made of iron, which is filled with aluminum. You can take a homemade generator from a car, which has a voltage of 14 volts and a current of 80 amperes. This is good data. Motor with AC commutator from a vacuum cleaner or washing machine can be used for a generator. Set the bias to the stator, voltage direct current remove from brushes. According to the highest EMF, change the angle of the brushes. The efficiency tends to zero. But nothing better than a synchronous generator has been invented.

I decided to test a homemade generator. A single-phase asynchronous motor from a small washing machine was turned with a drill. I connected a 4 µF capacitance to it, it turned out 5 volts 30 hertz and a current of 1.5 milliamps for a short circuit.

Not every electric motor can be used as a generator using this method. There are motors with a steel rotor that have a low degree of magnetization on the remainder.

Need to know the difference between conversion electrical energy and energy generation. There are several ways to convert 1 phase into 3. One of them is mechanical energy. If the power station is disconnected from the outlet, then all conversion is lost.

It is clear where the movement of the wire with increasing speed will come from. It is not clear where the magnetic field will come from to produce the EMF in the wire.

It's easy to explain. Due to the magnetism mechanism that remains, an emf is generated in the armature. A current arises in the stator winding, which is shorted to the capacitance.

The current has arisen, which means it gives an increase in the electromotive force on the coils of the rotor shaft. The resulting current increases the electromotive force. The stator electric current produces a much larger electromotive force. This goes until the stator magnetic fluxes and the rotor are in equilibrium, as well as additional losses.

The size of the capacitors is calculated so that the voltage at the terminals reaches the nominal value. If it is small, then reduce the capacity, then increase it. There were doubts about old motors, which supposedly do not excite. After accelerating the rotor of a motor or generator, you need to quickly poke a small amount of volts into any phase. Everything will come in normal condition. Charge the capacitor to a voltage equal to half the capacity. Turn on using a three-pole switch. This applies to a 3-phase motor. This circuit is used for generators of passenger transport cars, since they have a squirrel-cage rotor.

Method 2

Homemade generator You can do it differently. The stator has a clever design (it has a special design solution), and it is possible to adjust the output voltage. I made this type of generator with my own hands at a construction site. The engine produced 7 kW at 900 rpm. I connected the excitation winding according to a 220 V delta circuit. I started it at 1600 rpm, the capacitors were 3 to 120 uF. They were switched on by a contactor with three poles. The generator acted as a three-phase rectifier. Powered from this rectifier electric drill with a 1000 watt collector, and a 2200 watt circular saw, 220 V, a 2000 watt grinder.

I had to make a soft start system, another resistor with a shorted phase after 3 seconds.

This is not correct for motors with commutators. If you double the rotating frequency, the capacitance will also decrease.

The frequency will also increase. The tank circuit was switched off automatically so as not to use the reactivity torus and not waste fuel.

During operation, you must press the contactor stator. Three phases dismantled them as unnecessary. The reason lies in the high gap and increased field dissipation of the poles.

Special mechanisms with a double cage for the squirrel and slanted eyes for the squirrel. Still, I got 100 volts and a frequency of 30 hertz from the washing machine motor, the 15 watt lamp does not want to light up. Very weak power. It is necessary to take a stronger motor, or install more capacitors.

A generator with a squirrel-cage rotor is used under the cars. Its mechanism comes from a gearbox and a belt drive. Rotation speed 300 rpm. It is located as an additional load generator.

Method 3

You can design a homemade generator, a gasoline-powered power plant.

Instead of a generator, use a 3-phase asynchronous motor of 1.5 kW at 900 rpm. The electric motor is Italian and can be connected with a triangle or a star. First, I placed the motor on a base with a DC motor and attached it to the coupling. I started turning the engine at 1100 rpm. A voltage of 250 volts appeared on the phases. I connected a 1000 watt light bulb, the voltage immediately dropped to 150 volts. This is probably due to phase imbalance. Each phase must have a separate load. Three 300-watt light bulbs will not be able to reduce the voltage to 200 volts, theoretically. You can put a larger capacitor.

The engine speed must be increased and not reduced when under load, then the power supply to the network will be constant.

Significant power is required; an autogenerator will not provide such power. If you rewind a large KAMAZ, then 220 V will not come out of it, since the magnetic circuit will be oversaturated. It was designed for 24 volts.

Today I was going to try connecting the load through a 3-phase power supply (rectifier). They turned off the lights in the garages, but it didn’t work. In the city of power engineers, the lights are systematically turned off, so it is necessary to create a source of constant power supply with electricity. There is an attachment for electric welding that is attached to the tractor. To connect electric tool you need a constant voltage source of 220 V. There was an idea to construct a homemade generator with your own hands, and an inverter for it, but, on batteries You can't work for long.

The electricity was recently turned on. I connected an asynchronous motor from Italy. I placed it with the chainsaw motor on the frame, twisted the shafts together, and installed a rubber coupling. I connected the coils according to a star circuit, the capacitors in a triangle, 15 μF each. When I started the motors, there was no power output. I connected a capacitor charged to the phases, and voltage appeared. The engine produced its power of 1.5 kW. At the same time, the supply voltage dropped to 240 volts; at idle it was 255 volts. The grinder operated normally at 950 watts.

I tried to increase the engine speed, but there was no excitement. After the capacitor contacts the phase, voltage appears immediately. I will try to install a different engine.

What system designs are produced abroad for power plants? On 1-phase ones, it is clear that the rotor owns the winding, there is no phase imbalance, because there is one phase. In 3-phase there is a system that allows power adjustment when motors with the highest load are connected to it. You can also connect an inverter for welding.

Over the weekend I wanted to make a homemade generator with my own hands using an asynchronous motor. A successful attempt to make a homemade generator turned out to be connecting an old engine with a cast iron housing of 1 kW and 950 rpm. The motor is excited normally, with one 40 µF capacitance. And I installed three containers and connected them with a star. This was enough to start an electric drill and grinder. I wanted it to produce voltage output on one phase. To do this, I connected three diodes, a half-bridge. The fluorescent lamps for lighting burned out, and the bags in the garage were set on fire. I will wind the transformer into three phases.

How to make a 220 volt gas generator with your own hands and what is needed for this?

There is no need to look for the benefits of your own gas generator; they lie on the surface.

Owners of garages, summer cottages, and private houses (provided that these objects have an unreliable power supply or are not electrified at all) have long appreciated the benefits of backup power supply.

Even if you live in a cottage community with a normal electricity supply, emergency situations are possible. Loss of energy for a long time will lead to spoilage of food in the refrigerator in the summer, and malfunction of the heating boiler in the winter.

Therefore, many homeowners purchase industrial generators, the cost of which cannot be called economical.
Another direction for mobile power plants is tourism, expeditions and performing work using power tools in autonomous mode.

This useful device is not an overly complex device, so you can easily assemble a gas generator with your own hands, including one for 220 V.

Of course, the main reason for this decision is the desire to save money. If you purchase components for a mobile power station in a store, the cost of parts will exceed the savings on assembly.

Therefore, a homemade gas generator will become profitable only if it has shareware components.

The most expensive spare parts are: the drive (gasoline engine) and the electric motor, which will act as a generator. These are the ones that need to be selected from the “trash” available in the storerooms.

What power plant can be selected for a generator?

First of all - power. In mobile power plants, the following ratio is used: for every kilowatt of electricity generated (not in peak, but in normal mode), 2-3 l/s of engine is supplied.

Important! This proportion works with properly selected components and minimal losses. It should be remembered that even the most inexpensive generator from the Middle Kingdom was designed by engineers.

As a rule, gas generators are developed as a complex, that is, a generating element is developed for a specific motor. For homemade installation you should choose a coefficient of 2-4 l/s per 1 kilowatt of energy. Otherwise, at full load the engine will quickly fail.

In practice, when assembling a power plant “from what was”, home craftsmen often install a motor/generator pair without preliminary calculation. Sometimes there are options for “merging” a fairly powerful engine, on the occasion of buying a bottle of moonshine from a familiar warrant officer, with a motor from sewing machine. And vice versa.
It is recommended to gather as much technical information as possible about the components before calculating their compatibility.

Important! When calculating the generator/motor pair, the final load power (taking into account the electrical kit and conversion losses) should be taken into account, and not the net power on the generator winding.

Engine from a chainsaw or trimmer

Unpretentious mechanism, very easy to maintain. As a rule, two-stroke.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to such a scheme. On the one hand, you are not worried about the question of what kind of oil to pour into the gas generator (it is added to gasoline, as on old mopeds). Maintenance is virtually absent as a class.

On the other side - high consumption fuel and a strong smell from the muffler. The removal of exhaust gases from a gas generator is mandatory, especially if it is located near a home.

The power does not exceed a few l/s, so the generator is enough for lighting, maintaining the operation of the heating boiler pump and charging a mobile phone. At low load it can work for a couple of hours.

Motor from a wheeled lawn mower

Such units are not very common in our country, but a suitable copy of the motor from a broken unit can be found.
The power reaches 3-5 l/s, this is already an application for complete nutrition for country house. You can even turn on a small refrigerator. There are four-stroke models. This allows you to save fuel, get a more environmentally friendly exhaust, and there is less noise from such engines. Maintenance is more complex, however, this fact is offset by high reliability and the ability to work for 4-6 hours under load.

Engine from a moped (motorcycle)

The moped motor is suitable for medium power generators. Depending on the model, you can remove 2-3 kW of power.

A motorcycle engine (such as “Java” or “IZH”) is generally a godsend for a generator.
A power of more than 25 l/s allows you to safely connect a 5 kW generating unit. This is a complete power source for a private home. If you also use a gearbox, you will get a relatively economical installation. Running in the generator will allow you to find out at what speed power is generated with an effective load.

The main advantage of such motors is ease of maintenance and the ability to work for a long time. Perhaps the most accessible (in terms of search) option.

Important! When using such motors, forced ventilation must be provided.

Otherwise, the cylinders may overheat. Engines for mopeds and motorcycles are designed for operation in an oncoming air flow.

Don't let this seem like an overly ambitious idea. Finding an engine from Moskvich or Zaporozhets on the car market is not difficult. The cost is cheap, you can buy two at once for spare parts.

Such units are repaired with electrical tape and pliers. If dear reader has a different opinion - for you this material not a guide to action, but just interesting information.
Converting such a motor into a drive for a gas generator with your own hands is not difficult. Install on a solid foundation, set the gas and clutch pedal to manual, and you can even use the gearbox.

The main advantage is a virtually unlimited period of work. The ZAZ engine is cooled by air, it blows air on itself. You don’t even have to connect the electric starter for the gas generator yourself; the engine simply starts with the key from the standard starting system.

A power of 30-40 l/s allows you to assemble a 10 kW generator. True, this will be more of a stationary than a mobile option.

How to make a gas generator with a ready-made power plant?

The answer lies on the surface - connect the generator to a gasoline engine. Where can I get it? Any electric motor, with the correct organization of the winding excitation system, becomes a generator.

There are two directions for creating homemade generators:

It receives torque from your car's engine and produces 14 volts of DC voltage.
There is no need to invent anything. Just look at the power characteristics and select a small engine from those listed above.

The main condition is a working voltage regulator and preferably “live” windings. However, if you get a burnt copy, it doesn’t matter. Any radio amateur knows how to remove the anchor from the electrical installation of a gas generator.

You can rewind the winding in one evening. In principle, if you can assemble a mini power plant yourself, you can sit down to write a book: “Gasoline generator malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.” This is an extremely useful experience.

A breakdown of a power source in an open field is a problem. And someone familiar with the Kulibin device will be able to restore operation without calling a technician.
The only drawback, however, is significant - the voltage is 12-14 volts. Lighting, charging mobile devices, connecting music and computer - no problem. But for the home you need 220 volts. A voltage converter will help out, for example, from an old uninterruptible power supply.

Here the situation is more complicated (albeit cheaper, there is no need to look for a converter). Any electric motor can be turned into a generator by connecting it to a drive.
There are nuances. To excite the windings in generator mode, a capacitor circuit is required (see figure) and precise selection of speed.
If you have read this far, there is no point in explaining how to get one 220V phase from a 3-phase 380V source. This is the topic of a separate article.

To measure revolutions you will need a tachometer. You connect the motor to the network and measure the rotation speed. Add 5%-10% to the obtained revolutions, and you get the optimal shaft rotation speed for exciting the generator windings.

Homemade 220 volt gas generator from a GAZ 21 engine and a 15 kW alternator - video


It is possible to assemble an autonomous energy source. And with some effort, it’s practically free.

DIY generator for 220 volts. Now blackouts are not a problem / Sudo Null IT News

- a commutator motor, maybe another for 12 volts - an attachment for the motor axis - a drill chuck - a UPS or an inverter from 12 to 220 - a 10 amp diode: D214, D242, D215, D232, KD203, etc. - wires - bike - and preferably a 12 volt battery
- fasten the bike so that the rear wheel spins freely, hang it up - screw the cartridge onto the motor axle - fasten the motor so that the cartridge is pressed tightly against the wheel, you can tighten it with a spring - connect the motor to the battery: the negative wire of the motor to the negative wire of the battery, the positive wire of the motor to the anode of the diode, the cathode of the diode to the positive of the battery - we connect the battery to a UPS or an inverter. That’s it! You can connect 220 volt consumers to the uninterruptible power supply and use electricity! As soon as the battery is discharged, all you have to do is pedal and the battery will be charged in about an hour.
Where can I get the parts?
- the motor can be bought at a car store: cooling fan motor. It's not expensive. And if you want it for almost nothing, then you can twist it at a metal collection point from an old car. - uninterruptible power supply from a personal PC, maybe an old one with a bad internal battery. Or an inverter 12 - 220, sold in car stores. - 10 ampere diode, for example: D305, D214, D242, D243, D245, D215, D232, D246, D203, D233, KD210, KD203, etc. Sold in radio parts stores. Or you can unscrew it from old technology.
My experience:

DIY generator for 220 volts. Full autonomy from power lines! |

I will show you how to assemble a simple, but quite powerful, 220 volt generator.

Commutator motor, maybe another 12 volt one - attachment to the motor axis - drill chuck - UPS or inverter from 12 to 220 - 10 amp diode: D214, D242, D215, D232, KD203, etc. - wires - bicycle - and preferably a 12 volt battery


We secure the bicycle so that the rear wheel spins freely, hang it up, screw the cartridge onto the motor axle, fasten the motor so that the cartridge is pressed tightly against the wheel, you can tighten it with a spring, connect the motor to the battery: the negative wire of the motor to the negative of the battery, the positive motor wire to diode anode, diode cathode to positive battery - battery connect to an uninterruptible power supply or an inverter That's it! You can connect 220 volt consumers to the uninterruptible power supply and use electricity! As soon as the battery is discharged, all you have to do is pedal and the battery will be charged in about an hour.

Where can I get the parts?

The motor can be bought at a car store: cooling fan motor. It's not expensive. And if you want it for almost nothing, then you can twist it at a metal collection point, from an old car - an uninterruptible power supply from a personal PC, or an old one with a worthless internal battery. Or an inverter 12 - 220, sold in car stores. - 10 ampere diode, for example: D305, D214, D242, D243, D245, D215, D232, D246, D203, D233, KD210, KD203, etc. Sold in stores radio spare parts. Or you can unscrew it from old equipment.

My experience:

I used this generator for several months and it showed pretty good results! The battery charging current was approximately 10 amperes and depended on how you pedaled. If you turn it slowly, you get 5 amperes, if you turn it as quickly as possible, you get 20 amperes. The average generator power is 120 watts. Mainly used low power consumers:

3 W - charging a phone - 5 W - radio - 7 W - charging and using a tablet - 10 W - charging a camera, flashlight and video camera - 12 W - energy-saving light bulb - 30 W - music center - 40 W - laptop - 70 W - TV (rarely turned on)

I had enough charge for almost a day, after which I pedaled for an hour and I could use electricity again.

If anyone knows other methods for generating electricity at home, please share in the comments.

Do-it-yourself gas generator at home: video and details

Situations with power outages or lack of power supply make you think about backup source current Good decision problems - buy or make a gas generator with your own hands.

Among all existing generators, gasoline is in first place in popularity.

What are they good for?

  • Easy to use;
  • Compact and mobile;
  • They have high productivity;
  • Easy to repair;
  • The price is cheaper than diesel generators.

Gas generators are used for emergency shutdowns as a replacement for a current source. They help out owners of dachas and construction sites where power has not yet been supplied, and provide a decent living for geologists, rangers, reindeer herders, drillers - everyone who is forced to work in hard-to-reach areas. A good assistant for home craftsmen in the country or in the garage. They make it possible to replace manual labor with mechanized labor even where the use of electricity is not available. Lighting, electrical appliances and tools, and household appliances are connected through the generator.

When connecting devices, pay attention to the permissible voltage - if the generator is designed for 127 Volts, then devices manufactured for 220 Volts will not be able to operate with the declared power.

The uninterrupted operation time of a gas generator depends on the power of the device, the volume of the fuel tank, and the load size. There are models that can provide operation under load for up to one and a half thousand hours.


The operating principle of a gasoline generator is based on the conversion of energy obtained from the combustion of gasoline into electrical energy. Components of a gas generator:

  • Gas engine;
  • Electric motor 127, 220 or 380 V;
  • Fuel tank;
  • Starter;
  • Capacitors;
  • Electrical circuit breakers and switches;
  • Voltmeter;
  • Sockets for connecting electrical appliances.

Industrial models are equipped additional functions, allowing you to control all operating parameters. AVR (automatic input) is especially convenient backup power V emergency situations). The entire device is mounted on a convenient rigid frame equipped with wheels and handles for transportation. The factory casing is much more beautiful and stronger than the homemade one. Below is a drawing showing all the parts of a gasoline generator.

For those who are well versed in electrical engineering and know how to work with their hands, making a gas generator with their own hands will not be difficult.

Where to begin?

Based on the magnitude of the required loads for simultaneous switching on devices, select all the main elements.

Optimal performance indicators are achieved correct selection power of gasoline and electric engines.

To obtain a single-phase current of 220 V, a two-stroke gasoline engine is suitable, and if you plan to obtain higher powers, then the choice should be made on a four-stroke. Fuel consumption will depend on the selected engine. In addition to the main task - generating energy, a system for noise reduction, lubrication, ventilation, and installation of an exhaust pipe for removing gases should be provided. You will have to buy wheels to ensure the mobility of the device. The casing can be made of metal or plywood.

A gas generator based on a two-stroke gasoline engine will help out if you need a short-term connection. When work is required for a long time and with a heavy load, it is better to make a generator with a four-stroke gasoline engine.

The control panel must have a voltmeter, a circuit breaker button, grounding terminals, and sockets for using the generated energy.

Study self-production A gas generator makes sense when you have unused engines from old appliances. You can, of course, buy all the components specifically for these purposes, but you won’t be able to get much savings - the cost of the components may even exceed the price of the finished factory model.

In practice, motorcycle or car engines, engines from mowers, chainsaws and other devices are often used.

Generator with engine from Volga 21

The simplest gas generator

As an example, let's look at the simplest homemade design based on a chainsaw and electric motor from old washing machine:

  1. We attach the electric motor from the washing machine to the chainsaw bar using a specially made stable bracket.
  2. We put pulleys on the drive shafts of both engines and connect them using a belt drive.
  3. The button for adjusting the speed of the chainsaw engine, located on the handle, is equipped with an additional device for adjusting the pressing force. A simple bolt secured with a clamp will do the job just fine. To increase the speed, it will be enough to tighten it, and to decrease it, loosen it.
  4. We connect two capacitors in parallel to the external starting winding of the electric motor, designed for a power of 400-450 Volts.

The video shows a generator with a washing machine engine

This installation, the simplest in design, is capable of delivering a current of 220 V 180 A, which is enough to power a drill, screwdriver, and lighting fixtures.

Almost any craftsman can make such a basic device. Of course, except for cases when a person does not see the difference between an engine and a carburetor, or the words bracket and container sound the same to him. It is completely unacceptable to manufacture electrical appliances for a person who does not know the differences between the concepts of power (watt), current (ampere) and circuit voltage (volt). More complex designs require fundamental knowledge and skills that will help to correctly calculate engine power and ensure safe use finished design, configure all parameters correctly.

On the Internet on forums, craftsmen discuss various homemade designs. For those wishing to join the ranks of the “Samodelkins”, participation in discussions will bring a lot of benefits - you can get a lot useful tips for installing a new one or repairing an old one. Special videos will help you visually see the manufacturing process. Which muffler to choose, electric starter, is it possible to have an autostart function - all your questions can be answered. Would you like to go further and install a wind generator on your site to save energy? What current is needed at the output - 12 or 16 A? There are enough instructions on any topic, study and apply the best of them in practice.

Those who decide to make a gas generator with their own hands need to correctly assess their capabilities. Unsuccessful attempts can cause damage to household appliances or even become a threat to life.

The video shows another DIY generator, let's take a look

Work with electrical devices imposes increased safety requirements and does not forgive negligence. Be very careful and careful!

Pros and cons of a homemade unit

  • The ability to “extend the life” of old engines;
  • If repairs are necessary, there will be no difficulties - you know every screw of the design;
  • Increased self-esteem - a successfully manufactured functional device will become a source of pride for you;
  • Possibility to use as food when carrying out welding work;
  • Cost savings, replacement manual labor to more progressive.
  1. The process is labor intensive; many operations require special tools and premises.
  2. When making devices at home, many functions present in industrial designs are omitted.
  3. If old parts are not available, then purchasing new ones in stores can be too expensive.
  4. There is no possibility of connecting an ATS (automatic transfer switch).

A homemade gas generator can be a good alternative to factory models in cases where there is not enough money to purchase it or the need for its use arises infrequently. For constant and regular use, it is better to purchase a ready-made gas generator for 220 or 380 Volts with a factory warranty. If, of course, the alteration various devices and gadgets is not your favorite activity. And it is advisable that you have the skills various works– a lot of manual operations will be required, welding and installation work.

DIY 220 volt generator

Ecology of consumption. I used this generator for several months and it showed pretty good results! The battery charging current was approximately 10 amperes and depended on how you pedaled.

Do-it-yourself 220 volt generator! We will need: - a commutator motor, maybe another for 12 volts - an attachment for the motor axis - a drill chuck - a UPS or an inverter from 12 to 220 - a 10 amp diode: D214, D242, D215, D232, KD203, etc. - wires - a bicycle - and preferably a 12 volt battery

We fix the bike so that the rear wheel spins freely, hang it up - screw the cartridge onto the motor axle - fasten the motor so that the cartridge is pressed tightly against the wheel, you can tighten it with a spring - connect the motor to the battery: the negative wire of the motor to the negative wire of the battery, the positive one motor wire to the diode anode, diode cathode to the battery positive - connect the battery to a UPS or inverter That's it! You can connect 220 volt consumers to the uninterruptible power supply and use electricity! As soon as the battery is discharged, all you have to do is pedal and the battery will be charged in about an hour.

Where can I get the parts?

The motor can be bought at a car store: cooling fan motor. It's not expensive. And if you want it for almost nothing, then you can twist it at a metal collection point from an old car. - uninterruptible power supply from a personal PC, maybe an old one with a bad internal battery. Or an inverter 12 - 220, sold in car stores. - 10 ampere diode, for example: D305, D214, D242, D243, D245, D215, D232, D246, D203, D233, KD210, KD203, etc. Sold in radio parts stores. Or you can unscrew it from old equipment.

My experience:

I used this generator for several months and it showed pretty good results! The battery charging current was approximately 10 amperes and depended on how you pedaled. If you turn it slowly, you get 5 amperes, if you turn it as quickly as possible, you get 20 amperes. The average generator power is 120 watts. Mainly used low power consumers:

3 W - charging a phone - 5 W - radio - 7 W - charging and using a tablet - 10 W - charging a camera, flashlight and video camera - 12 W - energy-saving light bulb - 30 W - music center - 40 W - laptop - 70 W - TV (rarely turned on)

I had enough charge for almost a day, after which I pedaled for an hour and I could use electricity again. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The problem with electrical networks in our country is not only that energy is constantly becoming more expensive, but also their absence in some areas. And in a number of remote villages and towns, centralized power supply is so rare that a generator is needed.

How to be?

Of course, the modern market offers hundreds of such models that can provide energy to even a small village. The only difficulty is that their cost sometimes exceeds the average salary for a couple of months. Is it possible to make an electric generator with your own hands?

Generator based on an old chainsaw

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will only consider options with maximum “output,” since it’s not worth building a homemade generator just to power a couple of light bulbs. It is best to design a device based on a chainsaw engine, as it will easily provide energy Vacation home medium size. Before making an electric generator, calculate the power consumption of all your devices.

Which model should I take?

Considering the prevalence of older models of saws, it is best to get an old Druzhba or Ural.

Where to get a generator

If you feel like a descendant of the legendary Lefty, then you can cast all the parts yourself and make the winding yourself. But all this is so complicated that an electric generator constructed with your own hands will simply be unprofitable. So it’s best to take a generator from a KAMAZ or some kind of agricultural vehicle.


If you take an old domestic saw, then its engine can easily pull even 2-3 kW. But optimally - no more than 1.5 kW. The good thing about choosing a car generator is that it maintains optimal voltage even with a difference in engine speed of 1-5 thousand per minute.


Since for the above reasons (revolutions) it is impossible to use a normal 220V electric generator, you need to attach a converter to your design with your own hands. Pay attention to the MAP Energy inverter, which is easy to find on the open market.

How to connect?

The optimal solution is to make a special replaceable block that can be quickly connected to the saw and just as quickly dismantled. In this case, such a device is easy to take on a hike, since you will need its versatility. For fastening, either an old saw guide or a homemade bracket is used. The optimal connection is a belt connection, since the chain drive is too noisy and also requires lubrication. The belt needs to be selected so that the electric generator (it’s easy to make it with your own hands) is located as close as possible to the saw itself.

Other characteristics

We connect the generator output (using a 30-40 Ampere ammeter) and the switch with a battery of suitable capacity, and connect it to a voltage converter. It is very advisable to provide a voltmeter in this circuit, since otherwise valuable equipment can easily be burned due to some problems.

How to use

Since you do not have a speed controller, you will have to select them so that the engine “growls” slightly. Of course, this will slightly increase fuel consumption. To facilitate the operation of the mechanism, you just need a battery. large capacity, which will take on most of the load at peak times. Such stability will have a positive effect not only on the output voltage, but also on the entire mechanism.

Thus, making an electric generator yourself is quite possible.