How much does a metal door weigh? How much do metal doors weigh and why is this indicator important? How much does a metal door block weigh?

When choosing an entrance door, it is important to take into account such a parameter as the weight of the enclosing structure. On the one hand, the weight of the door directly affects the security of the room: the heavy steel leaf is resistant to mechanical burglary and is difficult to deform during operation. On the other hand, too much weight of the metal entrance door can lead to skewing of the door leaf.

You can find out how much the front door weighs from the product data sheet.

Models entrance doors from the Impulse plant with a weight of 65 kg

What determines the weight of a metal door?

The weight of the door is affected by several parameters:

  • The thickness of the steel used to create the box and canvas. A few years ago, the vast majority of metal doors weighed 90 kg. Modern entrance blocks are characterized by lighter weight due to the thinner steel. Metal doors made of 2 mm thick steel reach a weight of approximately 45-60 kg.
  • Finishing material of the entrance block. Solid coatings used for cladding steel sheets include natural solids. Weight of a metal door, decorated MDF panels, will be significantly lower compared to a product with wood finishing. Common finishing material vinyl artificial leather adds even less weight to the finished entrance block.
  • Fittings and number of locks. The weight of a metal door with a frame is affected by the number of stiffeners, the presence of protective linings and grilles, and the type of locks. Insulated metal doors will have more weight compared to non-insulated structures.

Examples of products from the Impulse plant

Fire door weight

Doors with fire-resistant properties - specialized input structures, the weight of which is influenced by several indicators (thickness of the web and sheet metal used, heat insulating material, etc.).

Fire doors are divided into two types:

  • First generation input blocks. Products are created on the basis of steel sheets with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The approximate weight of 1 m 2 of metal door is 50-55 kg.
  • Second generation enclosing structures. The frame is based on a bent steel profile. Its thickness is 2 mm. The weight of 1 m 2 of the input block is 45 kg.

To find out the weight of a fireproof metal door, the mass of one square meter product is multiplied by the area of ​​the structure.

Is there an ideal canvas weight?

Today, door manufacturers are striving to reduce the weight of the building envelope by reducing weight sheet metal, using lightweight locking devices and other methods.

So, what weight of an entrance door is considered optimal? According to experts, doors that weigh 65-70 kg can provide reliable protection of a room from thieves. To finish such structures, MDF, laminate, and veneer are often used.

How much does the door weigh? It is perhaps rare that anyone is puzzled by such a question unless they are planning to deal with it. self-installation products. However, it is necessary to know such information at least in order to correctly select the number of loops.

What affects the heaviness of doors?

The most popular are metal structures - they are much heavier than wooden ones, but they are also more difficult to crack. Thanks to high stability they are increasingly being installed for hacking not only in public buildings, but also in private houses, and even in apartments.

The weight of a metal door consists of the following components:

  • number of steel sheets and their thickness;
  • insulation, finishing and fittings.

Number of steel sheets and their thickness

To facilitate structures for household purposes, one sheet is used in production. In fire-resistant ones, according to GOST, two are recommended. The same amount is installed in armored, safe and other atypical, rarely ordered models.

According to GOST 31173-2016, the recommended thickness is at least 1.5 mm, however, you can find metal structures on sale that use 1 and even 0.8 mm steel. This indicator affects not only weight steel door, but also on its strength. The thinner the sheet, the easier it is to open the structure using improvised means. For example, cheap Chinese products can easily be pierced with a can opener or made a dent by simply leaning on the canvas. The thicker, the stronger the product, and the greater its weight in kilograms.

Insulation, finishing, fittings

Whether the product becomes heavier or not depends on the type of thermal insulation. Lightweight expanded polystyrene, basalt wool much heavier. However, the share of insulation in the total mass is insignificant.

Solid wood significantly adds kilograms. It is used mainly to give a presentable, exclusive look to ceremonial metal structures, which are produced in a double-floor version. To maintain heaviness and avoid distortion during operation, each sash of such models is equipped with three hinges instead of two. The peephole, door closer, locks and other “little things” (armored plates, armored envelope, anti-burglary strip), like thermal insulation, do not provide a significant weight increase.

The mass of the product is the sum of all the listed parameters. Insulation, fittings and finishing materials, unless it is solid wood, add little weight to the structure.

The weight of a standard single-leaf fire door (900×1200 cm) made of two sheets of metal, one and a half millimeters each, is eighty kilograms.

How much does the entrance structure weigh?

The average weight of one square meter of metal structures for household use is 65-70 kg. This model cannot be opened using improvised means - the metal is thick enough to protect the living space from thieves. For finishing, in addition to powder coating, laminated panels (laminate) and MDF, as well as vinyl artificial leather and plastic are used. The weight of a square meter of fire-resistant products ranges from 45-55 kg and depends on the materials used and manufacturing technology.

The weight of a metal door depends on the thickness of the metal in the structure door leaf. The rule is simple: the greater the thickness, the greater the mass. Most profil doors have low weight, this value ranges from 40 kg. At the same time, there are doors in the middle weight category (this is 60-70 kg), as well as so-called specialized doors, the weight of which ranges from 120 kg and above. Let's take a closer look at what makes up the weight of a metal door and what it actually shows. An equally important role in the weight of the door is influenced by its heaviness. metal box. The design feature of the door leaf also makes its contribution. We are talking about the number of stiffeners, the configuration of the frame and the thickness of the steel sheet welded to it.

The front door should weigh exactly as much as its functional purpose requires. This principle is the basis for calculating the weight of metal doors.

Of course, same-sex metal doors weigh less than double doors (doors with two leaves). With almost equal dimensions, the latter exceed the former in weight due to the complexity of the design, as well as more high requirements to reliability and strength. You should not ignore decorative trim, lining, locks, hinges and other additions, which together also form the weight of a metal door. Insulated metal doors definitely weigh more than regular doors. However, manufacturers try to reduce this difference to as small a value as possible. This goal is achieved through modern insulating materials. Their presence inside the door leaf leads not only to the preservation of heat inside the house, but also to the muffling of extraneous noise coming from outside it. In the center like this door frame and the door leaf there is a voluminous and at the same time negligible in weight seal (usually rubber). They give an equally small makeweight wooden panels, plywood and double abutment construction.

How much a particular metal door weighs can be found out from the accompanying documentation for the product.

How much does a metal door weigh?

Based on the above, it turns out that the weight of a metal door block depends on the configuration of the product. The weight of a simple metal door is significantly less than doors of an insulated or specialized type (the same fire door). A significant increase in the weight of the door block can be achieved by installing an additional metal door grille. In the same time door block with one door grille has a weight lower than that of the same conventional metal entrance door.

Do not forget that the weight of the door is not so important as the material from which it is made.

How much does a fireproof metal door weigh?

Fireproof metal doors are specialized structures whose functionality includes refractoriness and fire resistance. The weight of a fire door is affected by a number of key features. These include: type of door frame, thickness of the door block and steel sheet, characteristics of fire-resistant material, fire resistance metal structure. Fireproof metal doors are divided into two types:

  1. First generation doors, consisting of: rectangular pipes in a frame and sheet steel 1.5-2 mm thick. The average weight of such doors is 50-55 kg/m².
  2. Second generation doors, consisting of: bent steel profile 2 mm thick. The weight of such doors is 40-45 kg/m².

To calculate the weight of a fireproof metal door, the following formula is used: multiply the area of ​​the door block by the weight of a square meter of the door. Types of doors and their approximate weight:

  • Fireproof metal doors of the 1st generation - 55 kg/m²;
  • Single-leaf doors 2nd generation - 42 kg/m²;
  • Double doors fire doors 2nd generation - 45 kg/m².

Today's market offers a wide selection of metal doors from various manufacturers. But special, far from positive attention should be paid to metal doors from a Chinese manufacturer. Such products are mostly made from low-quality raw materials and can often be opened with an ordinary knife. Besides, the weight of such doors is often less than 30 kg, which only increases the likelihood of them Low quality. All this means that when choosing a door, you need to be very careful about very cheap products. To summarize, we note that the weight of a metal door is not the main indicator of its quality, strength and burglary resistance. Today's manufacturers, on the contrary, strive to increase the reliability coefficient of doors, while gaining weight. In addition, from excess weight door design complicates its operation and leads to early wear of door hinges.

When purchasing a steel door, few people pay attention to its weight. But evaluating a product only by appearance and originality of design is a big mistake. The weight of a metal door is one of the main indicators of its strength. But protective function the canvas together with the box is the main one if the structure is installed at the entrance to the home.

Criteria for assessing product quality

Degree of home security. What does this mean? Firstly, the steel sheet has sufficient strength. The thicker it is, and the greater the weight with the frame, the more reliable the metal door. Secondly, the number and complexity of locks. This is already in the category of “intelligent” protection of the entrance to the home.

Possibility of installing a peephole. Not all models of steel doors are initially equipped with it. The absence of this is one of the signs of a low-quality product.

Correspondence between the weight of the door and the reliability of the hinges. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the fact that it will be easy for an attacker to knock out such a fabric. In addition, over time, some distortion will appear. And a violation of the general geometry will lead to problems with constant opening/closing. Therefore, extra kilograms for the canvas are an indicator of the fragility of the entire assembled box.

Thermal protection level. Any metal door, by definition, does not retain heat in a room well. Consequently, the canvas must be prefabricated, which must include the presence insulation material. Moreover, on total weight This is practically not reflected in kg.

Disadvantages of massive metal structures

A heavy leaf is not only an advantage of a door in terms of its reliability, but also a number of disadvantages that you should be aware of.

  • The significant weight of a steel product can significantly complicate its installation. When choosing a model, you need to focus on the material of the walls in the opening of which the box is supposed to be placed, as well as the degree of their wear. For example, if we're talking about about a house made of foam concrete, then you can’t do without additional reinforcement. And this increases installation time and increases the overall cost of work.
  • The unreasonably large weight of the door will create certain difficulties with transportation. Transporting it yourself, in a personal car, will be quite problematic.

What affects weight

Purpose of products. An ordinary steel door installed at the entrance weighs about 45±5 kg. If it is installed in the openings of individual rooms inside the building, then it is much smaller. In such cases, canvases with a small thickness are used. But the weight of the fire protection structure is more significant, and can reach 120 – 130 kg. It is the purpose of the steel door that determines its weight. What does it depend on?

  • Thickness of the sheet metal.
  • Box weight.
  • The number and design features of stiffeners.
  • The specifics of the design are the thermal insulation material and its thickness, additional cladding, and the composition of the fittings set. In total, this adds several kg to the weight of the metal structure.

Basic rules for choosing a steel door

By weight

  • The lightest products are made in China. Weight Chinese doors, as a rule, does not exceed 40 kg. Sheets of 2 mm with powder coating and without additional overlays are unlikely to provide reliable protection against unauthorized entry. Such doors are purchased mainly as an element of decorating the entrance to an apartment or office space. But for a private home this is not the best solution.
  • ABOUT reliable protection we can say if the weight of the metal structure is at least 60 kg. Veneer, laminate, and MDF panels are used to decorate the canvases. Elite models get off solid wood, but because of this their weight increases to 90 - 100 kg. Despite all the advantages of such products, they have a significant drawback - during operation it is impossible to do without adjusting the position of the sash. That is, you will have to systematically adjust the loops.
  • The weight of the metal entrance door is more than 130 kg - evidence of its ultra-high strength.

By steel grade

Information about it is easy to find in the accompanying documentation.

  • Hot rolled. Products made from such alloys are cheaper, which is why they attract buyers. Their disadvantage is that this steel is susceptible to destruction from corrosion, and therefore is short-lived. In addition, it also “reacts” to temperature, and is not used for the manufacture of high-quality fire-resistant metal doors.
  • Cold rolled. The price is higher, but this disadvantage is compensated by good resistance to external factors.

By manufacturer

If you think about the durability of a metal door, then it is worth purchasing products from well-known brands. Small firms, to reduce costs, use low-quality raw materials, and instead of focusing on strength (which implies reliability), they unnecessarily make the structure heavier. And the excess weight of the metal is, as we know, an increased cost.

When choosing a metal structure, you should not evaluate only its appearance. To ensure that the purchase does not disappoint in the end, it is necessary to take into account all its indicators.

It is no secret that the weight of a metal door block is quite large - after all, the material is obligatory. Transporting a heavy structure without specialized transport is a difficult and even dangerous matter. And the installation of such a product requires an exclusively professional approach, since it is not enough to simply lift it and hold it in place - it is important to ensure even mounting without the slightest displacement or distortion. And if the wall in your house is flimsy and thin, negative consequences its overload cannot be avoided.

It is difficult to say offhand how much a metal door block weighs without knowing information about its structure, equipment and decor. The final mass of the product is influenced by:

thickness of the steel sheet. 1 mm of metal increases the weight of 1 m² of canvas by 8 kg;

presence of internal metal plate. A double-leaf sash is on average 30 kg heavier than a single-leaf one;

number of stiffeners. If 2-3 ribs do not have a noticeable effect on the final indicator, then more than 10 multidirectional reinforcing elements make the sash almost impossible to lift. This fact must be taken into account when purchasing a product with increased burglary resistance;

the presence of armor plates in the locking area, as well as thickened steel along the edges of the blade;

frame type - corner or profile;

insulation option. Mineral wool practically does not affect the weight of the metal door block, however, foamed polyurethane increases it by 3-5 kg;

number and complexity of locks. The weight of a serious leveling device from Cisa is 3-4 kg. Two reliable mechanisms will increase the weight of the block by 7-8 kg;

choice decorative finishing. MDF overlay 10 mm thick is plus 15-16 kg. Installing such panels on both sides makes the canvas heavier by at least 30 kg.

The listed elements are included in the package steel structure is not limited, but you can get a general idea of ​​how much metal door blocks weigh. Average weight products without cladding are about 70-80 kg. The performance of some double-floor systems exceeds 200 kg.

Approximate weight of products for various purposes

45-55 kg- the simplest positions, made of angle and steel sheet 1.5 mm thick. Take part in the organization of technical and auxiliary facilities that do not require protection.

60-70 kg- structures used to protect apartments and offices that do not have direct contact with the street.

80-120 kg- metal door blocks with increased weight are used in the arrangement of private houses. Their equipment includes powerful locks, thick decorative overlays, several layers of insulation.