Preliminary calculation of materials for building a house made of timber. Calculation of timber for building a house Calculation of timber for a 9 by 9 house

There is a lot of talk about the fact that they have a lot of advantages. Characteristics The material under consideration is the correctness of form and usefulness for the general living space. That is why the most important component for a correctly built house is a normalized calculation of the amount of material required. You can calculate the amount of timber per house yourself, without consulting specialists.

Of course, you should not avoid the advice of professionals, as they will be able to establish indicators in a short time and with incredible accuracy. To make the calculations correctly, you need to determine the required volumes and find out how many components you need to take per square meter.

Thanks to the final results obtained, you can easily navigate the price range and future expenses.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

To make the calculation process more convenient, you need to use some list of simple tools:

  1. Regular pencil;
  2. A piece of paper;
  3. Calculator;
  4. Roulette.

It is important to know that the indicators given in this article are approximate. Therefore, for specific construction it is worth using your own data.

The most accurate pictures are compiled during the planning period and the availability of a final design for the future structure.

  1. Measuring the entire perimeter of the future building;
  2. Multiplying the perimeter by the floor height of the house;
  3. Multiplying the purchased numbers by the thickness of the material used;
  4. The resulting total number of cubes is the indicator necessary for the construction.

If, in addition to the walls, the construction of internal partitions is planned, it is necessary to take this factor into account when calculating. If necessary, obtain indicators not in cubic meters, they can be easily converted into units.

The specific moment is determined by dividing the total volume by the volume of a unit of production.

Counting example

Suppose you need to install a one-story structure measuring five by seven cubic meters. In addition to this, you need to install a partition together with. The total ceiling height is equal to three meters. As for the pediment, it also consists of direct timber.

When performing the activity, a tree with a cross-section of 150 * 150 millimeters is used. IN in this case the calculations will be as follows:

  1. 33 meters/(5+7)*2+5 – this is the immediate perimeter together with partitions;
  2. 33*3*0.15 = 15 square meters - these are the total volumes of the wall surfaces of the first floor;
  3. 5*3*0,15=2,25 square meters– pediment volumes.

Having received all the above indicators, it is necessary to summarize. In the case under consideration, it is shown that 17.25 square meters of material are required for wall surfaces.

This is all considering window openings, doorways, beams and, of course, floors. It is important to remember that components should be purchased with a small margin.

To summarize, the total cubic footage is equal to 25 square meters.

Dimensions of required materials

Quite significant parameters are thermal conductivity properties and, naturally, thickness. In production summer house or a cottage necessary for regular living there, it is better to use materials of different thicknesses.

In case of summer country house width and thickness, in principle, do not matter much. Here it is possible to use materials with a cross-section of 100 * 100 millimeters. In the case of a cottage, you should pay attention to beams with a section width of more than 150 millimeters. Of course, additional thermal insulation wall openings.

The specific number of elements required for the construction process depends on the thickness parameters. If you want to save on the purchased material, you need to remember about the not entirely high-quality thermal effect obtained in the future.

To build an insulated building, you need to use timber with a thickness of approximately fifty centimeters.

A similar result can be obtained when using sections of 150 * 150 millimeters, as well as insulation of ten or fifteen centimeters.

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An online calculator for calculating the amount of timber per house can now be found on the website of any major building materials seller. But if for some reason the calculator is not available, how to calculate the amount of timber per house manually? Obviously, you will have to remember a half-forgotten school geometry course.

If several standard sizes of lumber are used during construction, the calculation of the amount of timber per house is carried out separately for each of them. Let's say, with timber 200*200 and internal partitions made of material with a cross section of 100*100, we separately calculate the volume for the permanent enclosing structures and for the partition.

Negligible quantities

As you can see, without using an online calculator, it is not difficult to calculate how much timber you need for your house.

However, it is worth understanding that with the above calculation scheme we deliberately neglect some of the subtleties of construction:

  • The actual volume of each wall will be slightly less than the calculated volume due to the fact that the rectangular parallelepipeds that represent the walls partially intersect in space;
  • In addition, we completely neglect window and doorways(with the exception of panoramic windows from floor to ceiling).

The reason we ignore these points is extremely simple: none of these factors affects the volume of purchases.

As a rule, when designing and building a log house with your own hands, the dimensions of the structure are deliberately made multiples of the length of the lumber that is supposed to be used.

Additional sections are used in construction extremely rarely, because they:

  1. Reduce mechanical strength log structure, its ability to withstand deforming loads;
  2. They deteriorate the thermal insulation of the building due to blown seams;

It is worth clarifying: insulation strongly depends on the method of cutting adjacent sections.
A horizontal connection in half a tree is indeed blown by all the winds, but if you turn it vertically, in terms of thermal insulation the connection will be no different from a solid crown.

  1. They require unnecessary time spent on unnecessary connections.

reference Information

Lumber in large volumes is bought and sold by the cubic meter. The price is indicated by the seller exactly per unit of volume.

However, in some cases, the buyer needs to purchase a small amount of timber, measured in units. Most typical example— purchasing materials for beams or floor joists: it is much easier to count the number of beams at a known pitch than their total volume.

In this case, he may find the following table useful, relevant for a measured length of 6 meters.

Examples of calculations

Problem 1

The instructions for performing calculations are already familiar to us; All that remains is to follow the above algorithm.

  1. The perimeter of the house is 6*4=24 meters. Square outer wall— 24*2.7=64.8 m2;
  2. The horizontal section of the beam in SI units corresponds to 0.15 m;
  3. The volume of the walls is thus 64.8*0.15=9.72 m3.

Problem 2

Let’s complicate the task, still without using a calculator: how to calculate the number of cubes of timber for a house measuring 12*12*3.5 meters, if the external walls are built from lumber with a cross-section of 250*250, and the internal cross-shaped partition dividing the building into four equal sections room area - made of timber with a cross section of 100*100 mm?

It is not difficult to guess that in this case the area of ​​the external walls and the partition will be the same. Let's calculate this area: 12*4*3.5=168 m2.

Now we convert the thickness of the walls into SI values:

  • 250 mm = 0.25 m;
  • 100 mm = 0.1 m.

So, we will need 168*0.25=42 cubic meters of larger section material for the external walls and 168*0.1=16.8 m3 of 100*100 timber for the partition.

Advice: in practice, it is better not to increase them to improve their thermal insulation qualities, but to insulate the house from the outside with mineral wool slabs.
Thus the owner will receive better insulation at much lower costs.

Problem 3

  • The height of its two floors is 6.5 meters;
  • Dimensions - 6*12 meters;
  • The thickness of the external walls is 200 mm (timber 200*200);
  • The thickness of the partitions is 100 mm, the height is 3.1 meters, and their total length on both floors is 92 meters;
  • The house has three floors on beams measuring 150*100 mm, laid in 1-meter increments.

Let's break down a relatively complex task into several stages.

  1. We calculate the volume of lumber for the external walls of the log house. It is equal to (6+6+12+12)*6.5*0.2=46.8 m3;
  2. We calculate the volume of material for the internal partition. 92*3.1*0.1=28.52 m3;
  3. We count the number of beams. When laying transversely, each floor will require 13 pieces (the first and last beams are located directly next to the walls parallel to them); for all three floors you will need 13*3=39 pieces;

Still at the construction planning stage wooden house it is necessary to choose the right timber and calculate its quantity.

In order to approximately understand how much timber you need, you can multiply the height of the future building by its perimeter. The resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the timber that they plan to use. As a result, you will eat the forest in cubes that will be needed to build one floor of a particular building.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the volume of timber that will be used for the construction of internal partitions. Another way to count is by piece. To do this, divide the total volume by the volume of one beam.

How much timber do you need for an 8 by 8 house? Correct calculation!

Below is an example of calculation required quantity timber for the construction of a residential building measuring 8 by 8 meters. According to the construction plan, it will be a house with an attic, a partition, one piece, with a ceiling height of 3 m, the front will also be lined with timber. It is planned to use timber 150 by 150 mm.

Counting occurs in the following sequence:

1) The perimeter of the building is calculated: 8×4=32 m.
2) The length of the partition is added: 32+8=40 m.
3) Volume of timber for walls and partitions: 3×0.15×40=18 cubic meters.
4) The volume of timber that will be needed for the construction of the pediment is calculated as the timber that goes to build the wall: 3 × 8 × 0.15 = 3.6 cubic meters.
5) It is important to buy lumber for an emergency. Usually they purchase 20% more timber than planned: (3.6 + 18) × 1.2 = 26 cubic meters.

Some material will be saved due to door and window openings, but often this excess is not enough for floor beams.

To calculate the volume of floor beams, you need the previously obtained result, for our example it is 26, divided by 4, we get 6.5 cubic meters.

How many cubes of lumber are in one beam?

If all purchased timber is the same size, then it is quite easy to calculate which set of lumber is needed. To do this, you need to multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​the beam by its length. Then all that remains is to multiply the resulting volume by the number of units of timber.

Below is an example of calculating the cost of materials if timber with a volume of 32.5 cubic meters was purchased.

1) Calculate the volume of a unit of timber: 0.15×0.15×6=0.135 cubic meters.
2) We calculate the number of required beams: 32.5/0.135=241 pcs.

Section Number of timber in 1 cube, pcs.

  • 100 to 100 16.6
  • 100 to 150 11.1
  • 100 to 200 8.3
  • 150 to 150 7.4
  • 150 to 200 5.5
  • 150 to 300 3.7
  • 200 to 200 4.1
  • 250 to 250 2.6

Now you only need to divide the required volume of lumber by the volume of one unit of timber.

Which timber should you choose for your home (dacha)?

If you plan to build a residential building, insulation of the building will be necessary to keep it warm. Thus, during construction it will be necessary to spend money on insulating the walls, but you can save significantly on timber. If insulation is planned, then the timber can be used with a smaller cross-section, and this significantly reduces the price of lumber.

The overall savings can be very significant, because thermal insulation 15 cm thick retains heat as well as a house whose walls were built from 50 cm thick timber. So, modern technologies will help you save a lot of money.

When building a dacha, the thickness of the timber no longer matters as much. After all, in such a building, the owners, as a rule, live only in the warm season and for construction you can safely use cheaper timber of a smaller cross-section, for example 100 by 100 mm.

Among other things, when drawing up an estimate, you should not forget about the unplaned material that you will need to apply to the walls, as well as the materials that will be needed for interior decoration houses and wall cladding.

Important! When buying lumber, you should not trust the seller’s words. Before paying, be sure to double-check whether the cross-section of the timber corresponds to that stated on the price tag. Unfortunately, very often, instead of the paid timber, the delivery service delivers to the construction site timber with a cross-section that is several centimeters smaller. Visually this is not very noticeable, but such timber, naturally, is not enough to build a house.

How to make an estimate yourself?

When drawing up the estimate, the cost of all building materials and payment for construction work is taken into account.
You must include in the estimate every detail, everything that you can remember. You need to bring everything in Construction Materials, tools, auxiliary equipment and services of the required number of builders. Having a plan will help you avoid unnecessary expenses on unaccounted for items.

And even when you draw up a detailed estimate and, as it seems to you, have taken into account everything down to the smallest detail, you must add from 50 to 100% of it to the resulting amount to pay for the cost of the work of the construction team.

When making a scrupulous calculation of timber for a house, use an online calculator to check the exact volume of purchased wood.

Then you will not have to overpay for the delivery of lumber purchased for the construction of houses, bathhouses, dachas and other permanent buildings.

Purpose of the calculator, its advantages

It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of timber on your own, to reach the total volume of all necessary items. Not only the width and height of the beam are taken into account, knowing total length, the height of all walls, but also the density of the wood.

Then, having found the quantity and volume of the required timber, knowing the price for 1 m 3 of purchased lumber, you can automatically immediately calculate the total costs of wood for a specific house or bathhouse.

It is important to know: Initially, decide correctly on the building material. The timber can be not only profiled, but glued.

It is easier to see the exact data on the lumber used in the construction estimate, where the dimensions and the original name of the materials are indicated. Marking, cross-section of workpieces.

How to use

Accurate calculation of the required lumber using online calculator but it can be done only by knowing all the technological features of the buildings being erected and the cross-section of the timber.

Already included in the calculator automatic algorithm calculation. Therefore, by entering the requested data, you can immediately access the quantity and total volume of wood processed on all sides.

Note: knowing the parameters of the cross-section of lumber, the length is taken within the standards - 4.5 m; 5 m or 6 m (depending on the round timber).

Types of timber, application

For the construction of houses, timber is mainly made from wood coniferous species(pines, spruces). The building material can have a straight front side or have a D-shaped appearance, which will allow simulating construction from rounded logs.

If for the construction of a bathhouse you can get by with a square section of 100x100 mm, then for capital buildings during construction one-story houses, dachas buy timber with a section of 150x150 mm, and for two-story cottages, taller buildings will have to purchase lumber with a cross-section of 200x200 mm or more.

Careful sanding is carried out on the side that will face the residential part of the house. Then you won’t have to deal with additional finishing of wooden walls.

Calculation of cubic capacity

To make it clearer, let’s look at an example of calculating the cubic capacity of a beam for one-story cottage with dimensions 8x6x3 m. The building also has 1 internal partition of 6 m.

First you need to calculate the perimeter: (LxS)x2+S1=(8+6)x2+6=34 m. Total area buildings are calculated using the formula: 34x3 = 102 m 2. Where is 34 the perimeter of the walls, 3 their height. Multiplying the result by the beam side parameter, we get the total volume: 102 * 0.15 = 15.3 m 3.

When making calculations, it is important to take into account the openings in the walls - this will allow you to save a lot and avoid purchasing excess building material. It is recommended to use project drawings and diagrams for accurate calculations.

Which timber is better to use

It is worth purchasing affordable lumber, represented by coniferous species quality wood that have been processed and dried naturally.

Profiled timber is purchased standard sizes with a cross section: 100x100 mm, 150x150m, 200x200 mm and a length from 4 m to 6 m or more. The laminated laminated timber used in construction, called lamellas, is pre-sawn into boards. This material is subjected to planing and special drying, and the resulting wood moisture content is within 8–9%.

After sorting, the dried boards are glued together using a hydraulic press to form laminated veneer lumber. In the technical process, water-resistant special glue composition is used. The most durable among the two types of lumber under consideration is laminated veneer lumber, which is recommended for capital construction.

Calculation of material for floor and ceiling

Rafters, beams used in arranging the ceiling and floor are quite suitable with a section of 100x150 mm. Knowing exact dimensions future construction, it is easy to calculate the lumber for the ceiling and floor.

If the installation step = 1 m, 7 beams, each 6 m long, can serve as lags, including 7 beams with the same length, which will be prepared for arranging the ceiling. In total, 14 beams or 84 linear meters. When calculating the required amount of lumber, the resulting length is multiplied by S section. , and we get 84*0.015=1.26 m3.

It is also necessary to take into account the possible percentage of substandard quality, which, on average, can be up to 5% of the total purchased timber.

Calculation for roofing

When calculating the required amount of timber for arranging a roof, it is necessary to clarify the type of roof in advance. If it is a gable roof type, it is necessary to find the optimal angle of inclination for the mounted structural elements.

As a rule, the roof will have 45% at the ridge. The installation spacing of the rafters was chosen to be 0.6 m. This type of fastening elements is made on the basis of timber with a section of 100x150 mm. The leg length of the rafter beam is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. The hypotenuse of the resulting triangle is the width of the house, and the rafters are the legs.

The length of the legs is 4.2 m. The length of the house is divided by the step and 12 beams are obtained. Knowing the cross-section, we calculate for the roof - you will need 1.51 m 3. It’s worth adding about another 7–8% to account for technical needs and possible poor condition.

Keep in mind: When installing a roof with a smaller distance between the rafters, it is permissible to use a smaller section of timber.

To avoid tedious calculations, use a popular online calculator. The free service will protect you from inaccuracies, allow you to insure yourself against inevitable miscalculations, and prevent mistakes.

Building a house from timber is always associated with considerable financial costs. But so that they do not exceed the allotted limit and you have enough materials, you need to calculate the construction of a house made of timber.

Our portal "Remontik" offers step by step steps calculating timber for building a house:

Consumption of timber per house.

Formula for calculating material consumption for load-bearing walls the buildings.

Material consumption for the roof frame of a house.

Factors that influence the amount of materials needed for a roof frame.

Calculation of the amount of material for sheathing and rafters.

Number of blanks for constructing beams.
Calculation of the number of floorboards.

Regardless of whether you are planning to build housing on your own or you decide to hire workers for this, you need to draw up an estimate. It will be the basis of all work.
A timber house contains the following structural elements:

  • walls;
  • roof;

  • floor and ceiling logs;
  • sheathing;
  • rafters;

  • fasteners and insulation;

  • windows and doors;

  • harness.

Consumption of timber for building a house

To build a house for permanent residence timber 150x150 mm, 150x100 mm, 200x200mm or 100x100 mm is used. Before starting work, it is worth choosing the size of the workpieces and calculating how much timber may be needed. Usually calculations are made in cubic meters, and not in pieces.

Calculation form for beams for load-bearing walls

Calculation of timber for building a house can be done using the following formula:

  • to begin with, the sum of the length of all the walls of the building is calculated, not just external, but also internal;
  • the perimeter must be multiplied by the height of the house, excluding the pediment (the facade of the building, which is limited by the cornice and roof slopes);
  • the value you get should be multiplied by the thickness of the timber for construction.

As a result, you will receive the number of cubes that you will need to build a house. As a rule, they are limited to one or two floors.

As a result, to build a house you will need 13.5 m 3 of timber with a cross-section of 150x150 mm. If you plan to use more walls, then it is important to take them into account in the calculations.

For the convenience of calculating the construction of a house made of timber and facilitating the choice, you can use the data given in the table (with a length of 6 meters):

Beam section Pieces per cube Volume of one piece
200x200 mm 4,1 0.24 m 3
150x150 mm 7,4 0.135 m 3
100x150 mm 11,1 0.09 m 3
100x100 mm 16,6 0.06 m 3

To make the correct calculation for building a house made of timber, you need to take into account what you cannot avoid during individual construction - even a trusted supplier will have several defective units in one batch. This must be taken into account when purchasing and order blanks with a small margin.

Material consumption for the roof frame

For timber house applies rafter system, which stands load-bearing frame roofs. The tree is durable material, but despite this, it should not be overloaded, otherwise it can cause the destruction of load-bearing walls and uneven shrinkage.

The rafter system belongs to the category pitched roofs. Cheaper and easier to build gable roof with your own hands. The technology is accessible to a beginner, and it requires much less material.

Factors affecting the amount of material needed for a roof frame

If you want your roof to be not just beautiful, but also reliable, do not skimp on building materials. It is important not to deviate from the technology when building it yourself.

Frame wooden roof contains the following required elements:
  • rafters or rafter legs;
  • pediment, consisting of timber, similar to load-bearing walls;

  • beams (logs) - horizontally located beams that provide the basis for laying the floorboard;
  • Mauerlat - a thick layer located around the perimeter of the walls, used to distribute the weight of the frame equally;
  • sheathing - attached to the rafters and serves as the basis for installing the roof.

How to calculate the cost of building a quality house made of timber

According to SNiP 31-02, any roof has a number of requirements, taking into account which building materials need to be calculated. That is, in order for the frame to fully comply with the stated standards and protect the house from snow, rain and melt water, and not allow cold air to pass through, you need to find out exactly how many blanks are required.

Calculation of the amount of timber for the frame: Mauerlat

The amount of material directly depends on the coverage area. For example, we can consider a 6x6 house. For a high-quality foundation you will need a thick, strong beam 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm. It is laid on four load-bearing walls, respectively, to make a Mauerlat, you need four beams, each 6 meters long.

Attention! If the house does not require internal load-bearing walls, then it is important that the distance between them does not exceed 8 meters. If there is another support inside the house, then it is worth increasing the distance to 14-16 meters.

For example: 6+6+9+9=30 meters.

The perimeter, namely 30 meters, must be divided by the length of one bar: 30 m/6 m = 5 pieces.

As a result, to build a mauerlat for a 6x9 m house you need 5 bars of 6 meters each.

Calculation of the amount of material for sheathing and rafters

The rafter system is the main support for roofing material, which protects the house from snow and wind.

Calculation of the timber that will be used for the construction of rafters is done using the following formula:

  1. The total load of wind and snow per 1 m 2 of the roof - it is calculated on the basis of SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”. Therefore, for a slope with an angle of 45 degrees, the length of the roof is 6.5 meters and the length of the rafters is 3.5 meters, the load is 226.3 kg/m2.
  2. Total load – 5148 kg. Now we multiply 6.5 m by 3.5 m and get 22.75 m, which represents the surface area of ​​the slope (5148 kg).
  3. Then you need to find out the length of all the rafters and how much timber you need to purchase for their construction. For this, given that 1 linear meter can withstand a weight of 100 kg, divide 5148 kg into structures and get 51.48 m. This will be the minimum length of the rafters.
  4. The roof slope overhangs the wall by approximately 50 cm, which means you need to buy 4 meters of wood.
  5. It is very easy to calculate the number of pieces: 51.48/4 = 12.87, or more precisely 14, since they are arranged in pairs. That is, you will need 7 pairs.
According to the instructions, the distance between the rafters should be equal to the number that is obtained if you divide the length of the roof by one less than the number of pairs of rafters, namely 6.5/6 = 1.08 meters. The cross-section of the workpieces is 150x150 mm or 100x150 mm.

The rafter system also contains wooden sheathing. For it, boards approximately 2.5 cm thick are used. They need to be positioned horizontally, namely parallel to the ridge.

In this case, the width of the board should not be more than 15 cm. There are two laying methods, which determine the number of purchased timber.

The first is continuous styling, when the distance is no more than 1-2 cm and is sparse. In this case, the flight can reach 10 or more centimeters. The more often the boards are laid, the warmer and stronger the structure, but at the same time its cost increases.

Calculating the quantity is very simple. The length of the board and skate is measured. Then the installation of the skate must be divided by the footage of the board. This way you can find out how many boards are needed for the support strip.

If the width is 15 centimeters and the gap is 5, then the number obtained after addition must be divided by the length of the slope. As a result, you will receive the number of blanks.

Calculating the cost of building a log house is a painstaking task. Therefore, it is important to take into account that everything must be purchased in reserve. Roofing consumption is calculated taking into account the roof surface area. In this case, natural openings are not taken into account - space for the attic door and chimney door, if there is one in the project.

Beam flooring is especially in demand in low-rise construction. They are characterized by a relatively low price, they are quick and easy to make, wood is a durable material and is light in weight. It does not place significant loads on the foundation structure.

For floor beams, only coniferous wood is used. In most cases, this is larch, since it is the most reliable and durable material that can withstand heavy weight:

  • good resistance to temperature changes;
  • stable tightness;
  • practically does not shrink.

Worth giving preference the best preparations, which were dried in steam chambers and have a humidity of no more than 14%. In this case, the aspect ratio should be 150x200 mm or 150x100 mm.

For proper design, in order to perform a competent calculation of materials for timber construction, you need to take into account the width of the span. The larger it is, the more often the beams are laid, and their number also increases. To cover an attic, it is not at all necessary to lay the pieces very close to each other.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which allows you to determine how many pieces you will need:

Span width in meters Distance between beams in meters Optimal workpiece cross-section in mm
3 1 150x100
4 0,5 150x100
4 1 150x150
5 0,5 150x200
6 0,5 150x200
7 0,5 150x250

This means that for a span of 4 m you need to buy 6 blanks for laying floor beams, starting from a step of 1 m. That is, 4 pieces will be used to cover the span and 2 more will go to the edges near the walls. The cost directly depends on the length of the beam.

Calculation of the number of floorboards

Before calculating how much floorboard you will need, you should decide on its dimensions:

  • The optimal length is 4, 4.5 and 6 meters;
  • thickness is presented in the following sizes: 32 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm;
  • standard width – 105 mm or 100 mm.

If you plan to make a floor from whole boards, then it is worth reducing the amount of waste.

The calculation of material for constructing a house from timber is carried out based on the width and length of the area to be covered and on how the board will be laid - across or lengthwise.

The calculations are quite simple. If you know the parameters of the workpieces, then you will determine the usable area; it is 5-7 mm less than the actual one as a result of the tongue and groove.

Manufacturers usually make boards 6 meters long. It is also necessary to take into account the amount of waste that you cannot avoid.

Calculations are performed as follows:

  • Divide the known area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the board, taking into account only the useful area - this is the amount required for installation.
  • When the room has parameters other than 6 meters, it is important to take into account the amount of intact material. To do this, the width of the room is divided by the working width of the floor board.

Based on the information received, you can easily find out how much it will cost you to build a house made of timber. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such consumables as roofing material, insulation and additional fasteners. Their number directly depends on the area, house design and other factors.


Building a house made of timber will be much easier than a brick one, and is accessible to every novice owner. After completing the construction calculation, you will receive an approximate amount of the project, which you should focus on when planning your budget.