Homemade plywood boat. Homemade boat: is it worth taking on and which one, from what, manufacturing options, diagrams, theory

DIY plywood boat, drawings and stages of its construction.

Let's look at the cross-sectional drawing of the presented model:

Breshtuk – wooden beam 114x60 (mm)
frame – plywood 16 (mm) thick
sternpost – plywood 16 (mm) thick
keelson – wooden beam 30x80 (mm)
bottom – plywood 6 (mm) thick
side – plywood 6 (mm) thick
handle – chrome tube with a diameter of 16…20 (mm)
floor – planed board 20x100 (mm)
deck – plywood 6 (mm) thick

A little about the material used:

Structural plywood
two types of sizes: 6x1500x3000 (mm); 16x1525x1525 (mm)
longitudinal arrangement of fibers
quality grade "E"
polished on one side “Ш1” (6х1500х3000)
unpolished “NSh” (16x1525x1525)
classification for moisture exposure “FB” or “BS”

Overall dimensions of a plywood boat

Let's start work with making: a breshtuk; five frames; sternpost; keelson

We will install it on the staple and secure the gap; five frames; sternpost

We insert the keelson into the grooves, having previously lubricated the contact planes with glue, and let the structure dry.

Let's take cardboard and bend it along the plane of the sides and draw the outline of the side.

Let's take cardboard and bend it along the plane of the bottom and draw the outline of the bottom.

After making sure that the contour measurements are accurate, we transfer them to plywood and carefully cut them out. We should get four parts - two left and two right, and the right parts are a mirror image of the left ones.

We start fastening from the bottom.

Brass or galvanized screws and epoxy glue Let's fasten the parts cut from plywood to the frame of the structure. After the glue has hardened, smooth out the contour with a sanding machine.

We fasten the sides in the same way.

We fasten the joints of the plywood parts as follows:
1. Drill along the joints, at the same distance, through holes diameter 3 (mm).
2. Insert a nylon cord into the holes.
3. We tighten the parts together.

After the glue has hardened, smooth the contour and joint surfaces with a grinding machine.

From above, by analogy, we will secure the deck. Let's level the joint surfaces.

We will cover all joints with two layers of fiberglass and let it dry.

It won't hurt if you treat the entire body with fiberglass.

We will finish the body and paint it an interesting color.
For structural rigidity, we will strengthen the bottom of the seat wooden blocks at both sides.
We will lay boards on the floor. We will install metal handles on top of the deck.
DIY plywood boat made by:

Many didn’t even realize that you could sail in a homemade plywood boat. The article will present step-by-step description all processes for its manufacture, drawings and lists of everything needed from materials to tools are provided. The instructions also include illustrations of the work and a video of the construction being made by a craftsman.

Preparation of material and tools

  • Plywood;
  • Polyurethane glue;
  • Nails;
  • Latex based paint;
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Construction syringe (it will be needed to seal the seams of the structure);
  • Sandpaper;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roulette;
  • Brush;
  • Clamp;
  • Drill;
  • Paracord (staples).

One of the sheets of purchased plywood needs to be divided into 3 parts for the bottom of the structure: 46x61 cm, 61x168 cm and 31x61 cm. The sides of the boat will consist of two pieces measuring 31 by 244 cm. To create supports, take 3 pieces with parameters 25x50x2400 mm. A cut measuring 25x76x2400 mm is required for the stern and bow of the boat. The hull of a homemade plywood boat for fishing is made from pieces with dimensions of 25x50x2400 mm.

Note! Subsequently, the pieces will be connected to the body with paracord.

Creating a project with drawings

There are a lot of projects for homemade plywood boats, starting from a simple punt that is used for fishing, to a complex tourist kayak. There are both prefabricated and folding structures. To begin with, let's look at the simplest drawing of the vessel, which is presented below.

If homemade boat made of plywood according to the drawings that you found is not satisfactory, then you can design your own version, but such an event will require more accurate calculations regarding the load-carrying capacity of the structure. Otherwise, if the parameters are incorrect, you can make a huge souvenir that will not be able to keep you on the water.

So, having chosen or created our own project for building a plywood boat, we transfer our parameters to paper, creating a design drawing. Using these paper templates, we draw the contours of the main elements of the boat on plywood sheets, which will serve as a guide for cutting out sheets and frames for sheathing.

Note! In most cases, the size of the factory plywood does not allow cutting a solid element of the boat side. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure of merging the sheets.

The joining of pieces begins by cutting off the ends of the sheet at an acute angle. As a result, the hewn part should have a length equal to the thickness of the sheet, increased by 7-10 times. The connected parts with the ends cut off are perfectly shown in the diagram below.

Ideally beveled pieces must be coated with glue along the bevel and firmly clamped with clamps using the “mustache” method. While our pieces are being glued together, we can prepare the beams for the boat frame. It will be more convenient to work on trestles specially created with your own hands from 5x5 cm beams.

You can also make a homemade folding boat from plywood, the drawing of which is presented below.

Assembling the hull of a simple boat

First of all, we will make the frames (although you can make them after assembling the plywood frame). Having drawn out and cut out the necessary beams, we fasten them using self-tapping screws and epoxy glue.


Note! At the stage of cutting out the elements, deviations from the drawing parameters should not be more than 1 mm, otherwise the sides may not be sewn together.

The assembly of a homemade plywood boat is shown in detail in the video, which is added to the article.

First of all, we install a transom on our sawhorses, to which we attach the bottom and sides, moving them a little towards the middle, connecting them at the bow with staples. If the thickness of the plywood sheet is small, the sheathing can be joined with suture material or an adhesive mixture. When assembling, carefully ensure that all elements match in size.

Gluing the frames and side is necessary to ensure greater thickness and, accordingly, increase the strength of the structure. Also, in order to increase the reliability of the connections, it is recommended to additionally fasten the transoms and frames with tinned or galvanized self-tapping screws 18 or 25 mm long and 3 mm in diameter. Self-tapping screws for the stern and sides are taken a little larger: 60 by 4-5 mm.

Adviсe! If there is a gap when connecting the elements, it is necessary to disassemble everything and cut it to the right size frames. And for a homemade plywood boat for a motor, you need to remember to glue the transom with fiberglass, and also fasten wooden planks made from solid wood.

You can also cut special linings onto the transom to strengthen the structure as a whole. When all the elements are assembled and fit together, you can begin gluing the structure. To make the seams extra neat, you can use masking tape that is glued to both sides of each seam.

We apply sizing using a mixture of aerosil and epoxy resin(1:1), we work carefully with the fiberglass so that the result is no bubbles. The sizing seams must come out even, and it is also necessary that the wood structure is still visible through the layers of fiberglass.

Then we turn the almost finished boat upside down and remove the staples in case they fasten the elements, and also round the seam joints. Having obtained the desired streamlining, you can glue the seams on the outside.

In addition to gluing, the structure can be reinforced with 3 layers of glass tape or completely covered with fiberglass. You can also add benches to the design, for which we make planks, also cut out the stem and install a bow eye bolt. Materials will be needed for the outer stringers and keel High Quality so that there are no knots. The polished elements will strengthen the structure and also serve as protection for the skin during mooring.

Basics of making a folding structure

You can also make a homemade collapsible boat from plywood according to the above drawing. Such a boat will consist of several independent sections, which in turn represent a part of the structure, the length of which is equal to the distance between the frames that are located next to each other. In other words, the boat is “cut” into pieces.

The sections are assembled using bolts, and to ensure a tight fit of the parts to each other, a rubber seal is laid between the sections. IN assembled form All the rest are placed in the largest middle section with a matryoshka doll. And then all the elements can be packed in a fabric case and easily transported by car or other transport.

To make a collapsible structure you will need the following: materials:

  • Plywood: 2.5 sheets for sheathing - construction 4x1500x1500 mm, part of 1 sheet for the stem and frames - 10x900x1300;
  • Boards for removable seats.

It is necessary to purchase plywood of the 1st grade so that there are no knots, but there is a hitch! Boards 6 m long - take one from coniferous 2 cm thick, and the other from any wood 4 cm thick. We also need meter-long beech boards to finish the side of our boat.

First of all, we also create a design drawing, after which we make paper templates for transom, frames and stem. In the frames cut with a hacksaw according to the templates, you need to drill the corresponding holes for the bolts, after which we connect the sheets. The frames need to be filed and glued on the outside rubber seal 1 mm thick.

You also need to make holes in the frames for rivets, which will be located every 1-5 cm in pairs, screwing in 1 cm from the edge. They can be built independently from wire with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 mm from aluminum wire. The sections are assembled using a conductor.

When all the elements are made and assembled, the entire structure must be impregnated with drying oil, even two layers are recommended. But always on top of dry plywood. When the drying oil dries out inner part you need to open it with varnish, and the outside with oil paint.

Despite the abundance of fishing and tourist boats in specialized stores different forms and sizes, many are still interested in how to make a homemade boat from plywood. main reason Such interest lies, perhaps, in the ineradicable craving of our compatriots for creative work.

Even though you can buy anything today, there is some indescribable charm in a homemade dinghy or dinghy, made according to drawings almost from the magazine “Rybolov”.

In the article we will give some tips, using which you can quickly learn how to make homemade boats from plywood.

Materials and tools

Not so long ago, homemade mini plywood boats were very popular. This made it possible to work out methods for their production, as well as determine the most suitable materials.

Of course, today the list of available varnishes, impregnations and adhesives for plywood is much wider than it was even ten years ago - but to make a small-sized watercraft with our own hands, we don’t need anything complicated:

  • Plywood is the most main component . For the manufacture of boats, sheets of glued natural birch veneer with a thickness of about 5 mm are most often used. Individual parts, such as frames or keels, are cut from thicker (10 - 15 mm) material.

To ensure sufficient reliability for the sides, only high-quality plywood should be used for cladding, without cracks, delaminations, knots, etc.
Of course, the price of first or second grade material will be higher, but you will be confident in the safety of your boat.

  • Wood is used to install internal struts, decorate sides, and seats etc. It is advisable to use edged planed boards made of light wood.
  • Suture material is used to connect individual cladding parts into a single whole.. Seams can be made using fairly thin and flexible wire, plastic clamps, thick nylon fishing line, etc.
  • Glue is needed to ensure proper sealing of the seams. Today, craftsmen have practically abandoned natural casein-based compounds and prefer modern polymer resins.

In addition, we will need special varnishes and impregnations that protect the wood from swelling and rotting. It is also worth stocking up on fiberglass or similar material for gluing all seams. As an alternative to fiberglass, you can use fiberglass - then the entire bottom and sides will be covered with it.

Well, don’t forget about the paint - after all, we want our ship to be beautiful!

As for the tools, the set will be almost standard:

  • Saw on wood.
  • A jigsaw with a set of blades of different lengths.
  • Sander.
  • Hand tool(hammer, pliers, chisels, etc.)
  • Clamps for clamping plywood when gluing.
  • Brushes for impregnation, varnishing, etc.

Making a boat

Drawings and layout

Before we start work, we decide what kind of vessel we need. Today you can find the most online different drawings homemade plywood boats, so there is nothing impossible either in building a fishing punt or in assembling a tourist kayak.

If none of the found drawings suits us, we can start designing ourselves.

True, in this case you will need certain skills to calculate the carrying capacity, otherwise the boat may turn out to be purely decorative.

  • Having studied available projects homemade plywood boats, or having made your own, we transfer the outlines of the main parts onto paper.
  • Using paper templates, we draw lines on the plywood sheets along which the frames and sheets for sheathing will be cut.
  • If the factory length does not suit you (and this happens in 99% of cases), then it is necessary to splice them. To do this, we cut the ends of the plywood at an acute angle so that the length of the resulting bevel is 7-10 times the thickness of the sheet itself.

  • Having attached the beveled parts to each other, coat them with glue and clamp them with clamps. This technique is called a “whisker” connection.
  • At the same time we prepare wooden beams, from which the frame of our future boat will be made.

To make work on the project easier, you can assemble special trestles from beams with a cross-section of 50x50 mm.
It will be much more convenient to place all the parts on these sawhorses during the joining process, especially if you work without assistants.

Housing assembly

When everything is ready, let's start working:

  • Using a wood saw or jigsaw, . The deviation from the design size should not be more than 1 mm, otherwise the sides will not “converge” when sewing.
  • We glue the transom parts (rear side) and frames to obtain the required thickness and strength. The glued parts will be a little heavy, but that's okay!
  • If you plan to install a boat motor, then the transom should be additionally glued with fiberglass and reinforced with a hardwood board.

To increase the strength of the connection, the frames and transoms can be additionally secured with self-tapping screws.
In this case, the length of the screws should be such that the tip does not pierce the part through.

  • We install the transom on pre-made trestles and begin to attach the bottom and sides to it, bringing them together at the bow.
  • We fasten the sheathing parts either using suture material (if not very thick plywood is used), or exclusively with glue, cutting off the edge of the plywood at an angle.

  • At this stage, it is very important that all elements match in size, since to reduce the gap you will have to disassemble the entire structure and partially trim the frames.

After the “rough assembly” you can start gluing.

Glue works

The instructions for gluing and sealing our vessel are as follows:

  • We prepare a mixture of epoxy resin and aerosil (silicon dioxide). Mix the components in a 1:1 ratio using a drill attachment. The optimal consistency of the mixture is like thick sour cream.
  • We strengthen the corners between the bottom, sides and transom using wooden fillets - small corners that ensure the rigidity of the connection.
  • We glue strips of fiberglass and fiberglass onto all the seams from the inside, thoroughly coating the joints with epoxy-aerosol compound.

Since the majority adhesive compositions contain volatile toxins, all paint and varnish work should be carried out using respiratory protection!

  • After the glue has dried, we install the frames in the selected places.
  • To fix the frames we use the same glue. If the dimensions of the vessel are large enough, then in order to strengthen the structure, the frames should be additionally fixed on the bottom and sides with overlapping strips of fiberglass.

  • We lay the flooring on the bottom, fasten rowlocks, seats and other parts provided for by the design.
  • If you plan to equip the boat with a cockpit ( closed space in the bow), install the cover, fixing it on the sides and frames.

After waiting for the entire structure to dry, we remove the boat from the trestles, turn it over and sand the outer surface. Then we treat the seams with an epoxy mixture and glue the bottom with fiberglass.


At the final stage, we need to provide our boat with protection from moisture and give it an attractive spring look:

  • First, thoroughly degrease all parts.
  • Then we treat the wood with impregnation. The composition for sea or river vessels from Tikkurila is quite suitable here.
  • We putty all surfaces, masking cracks and irregularities, and then treat them with a special primer.
  • You can paint homemade plywood boats with almost any paint, but if you want to ensure durability of the vessel, it is better to use special pigment mixtures designed for processing wooden ships.

  • The average paint consumption is 1 – 1.5 l/m2. It is best applied with a brush, but a spray gun can also be used.


A homemade plywood boat made using this technology will be quite suitable for fishing trips, family outings, etc. Of course, you shouldn’t go out into the open sea in it, but as practice shows, for large rivers and lakes in our country such a design is quite reliable. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Similar materials

Probably every fishing enthusiast has at least once thought about how to make a homemade boat. This is not an easy task, but it is still possible to make such a watercraft.

Moreover, you don’t have to be an engineer; all that is required of you is a few hours of free time. You will learn how homemade plywood boats are made from our article today.

Manufacturing difficulties

Is it really difficult to make such a design with a minimum set of tools? As practice shows, even with such equipment, homemade inflatable boat(or plywood) is done easily in 3-4 hours. Due to the fact that all this work requires a minimum of time, you can make a boat even in the open air. Well, if the weather changes, you can always cover it with a tarpaulin or a piece of plastic film.

Why are they good?

Firstly, plywood is light, durable and quite warm material. It is almost impossible to kill such a boat, and it does not weigh too much. Secondly, unlike rubber analogues, the space in a plywood boat is enough for several people (at the same time, inside, between the seats, you can fit all the necessary fishing gear). In store options, there is a catastrophic lack of free space.

Thirdly, being in a wooden boat, you don’t feel any discomfort at all.

Preparation of materials

The main material from which homemade boats are made is plywood. There are no difficulties in finding it on the market. Plywood is perhaps the most affordable and cheap material for such work. And it’s very convenient to work with her.

Let's get down to business

First of all, I would like to note that any work related to self-production any means (be it a tractor or something else, it doesn’t matter) must be carried out clearly according to a given scheme. IN in this case you should have drawings of homemade boats on hand. In some cases, drawings can be replaced with a sketch drawing.

So, how are they made? To assemble the body, you will need to prepare dry boards 2.5 centimeters thick and a 6 mm sheet of plywood. The width of the boards for the stern and sides should be 30.5 centimeters. This is the most optimal sizes for a fishing boat. All other elements that are inside the structure (seats and spacers) are made from boards 2.5 centimeters wide. Moreover, the length of these parts is 86.4 centimeters. It must be taken into account that the dimensions of all these elements must be precisely maintained, since they are all attached to the boat hull only with self-tapping screws.

The manufacture of all parts and elements of this design does not cause any difficulties or difficulties. This is due to their simple geometric shape.

During the work, pay special attention to the fit of the joining surfaces and the frill of the boat. All joining edges must be carefully adjusted and have minimal gaps along their entire length. Either tinned or galvanized self-tapping screws are used as fastening elements. As for the dimensions of these fasteners, depending on the place of application, they can be as follows:

The bottom of the boat is made of a sheet of plywood 6 millimeters thick. But, since this part of the boat will be constantly exposed to water, to make the boat waterproof, additionally treat the joints of the hull and the bottom with VIAM-B/3 type glue and secure it with screws along the entire perimeter. If there is no such tool (“VIAM-B/3”), it is quite suitable as an alternative Oil paint. Although it does not have good adhesive properties and characteristics, it does provide a durable and waterproof coating. It is worth noting that the distance between the screws should be about 4 centimeters. External seams should be carefully taped with canvas or percale using AK-20. In order not to sink the bottom of the boat, a slatted grid is installed between the spacers (the cross section of the slats is 5x2 centimeters).

The resulting liquid should be diluted with clean drying oil. In this case, the calculation is made so that the boat can be painted 2-3 more times. According to its properties liquid paint better, it spreads more easily, and therefore gives a more durable and even coating. When applied this tool Wide soft flute brushes are used on the boat.

Some enthusiasts use nitro paints based on their high quality finish. However, we do not recommend using them for such boats, since they do not provide the necessary durability to the wood (accordingly, the structure becomes less durable and unsuitable for use every year).

Important points

If homemade motor boats are made, then an additional drawing of special mounts for an electric or gasoline engine is made. However, a simpler and cheaper option would be to use regular oars. They are often made from 35mm birch boards. In this case, a spike with a handle is installed at the end of the spindle, and brass linings are applied to the edge of the blade. Next, the oar is primed and painted.

And finally, some statistics. As practice shows, the average service life of plywood boats is about 15-20 years. Neither plastic nor even their rubber competitors can boast of such durability.

Fishing enthusiasts or simply people living near some body of water sooner or later face the question of purchasing a boat. It can provide not only pleasant boat trips under the gentle sun, but also accessibility to the most catchable places where trophy fish are found. Buying a boat ready for launch is very expensive for many people, but a boat made of plywood, built with your own hands, will cost several times less. And this process itself, interesting and creative, will bring a lot of pleasure.

Let's dispel doubts

After hearing the phrase - a boat made of plywood - some pessimists will twist their finger at their temples and say that this is absolutely impossible. Like, making a real watercraft from thin and straight plywood, and one that can support more than one person, is a utopia. In fact, this is quite possible. Moreover, you can build not just a small punt, but even a real sailing yacht, and if a small boat motor is installed on the reinforced transom, and a cockpit is made on the bow, you will get something like a boat. So what, the boat will work out. And these are not fishing tales.

Plywood comes in different thicknesses and strengths. It is even easier to cut parts to size and in different configurations from it than from boards. In addition, it bends well enough to give the sides the desired roundness. Modern means to ensure the moisture resistance of a plywood boat is also sufficient. Therefore, for someone who decides to make a boat on their own, only three things are needed: desire, a working head and hands that are not afraid of work. Everything else can be easily found.

Well, the advantages of a plywood boat are simply undeniable:

  • Light weight. The simplest punt weighs only 15-20 kg.
  • A well-made boat can last a very long time.
  • There are boat designs that can easily support up to 5 people.
  • Cheapness.

Preparations for work

Having set out to build a plywood boat yourself, the first thing you need to do is find an appropriate room in which all the work will be carried out. It should be spacious, dry, with good lighting. Sudden changes temperatures and high humidity are categorically excluded. The entire production will take enough time, which is stupid to waste in the summer, when you can do other things. Therefore, work is usually carried out either in winter or in spring, so the atmosphere in the “production workshop” plays a very important role. Untreated plywood does not tolerate moisture well, but glue and impregnating liquids are applied better and with better quality in warmth. Yes and paint ready product It's also better in the warmth.

Second required action- this is a drawing. There should be no problem with this - you can find it on the Internet in just a few minutes. But even purchasing material without it is not worth it.

There is no point in starting work without a quality drawing.

There are different types of homemade plywood boats, and you need to choose a project that you can carry out yourself. If this is your first experience in shipbuilding, then it is best to choose the project of the most ordinary punt. Despite the simplicity of the design, the possibilities it provides are almost unlimited. You can hang a motor on it, and even put a mast. And under the oars she walks just fine.

Having calculated from the drawing what and how much material is needed, you can begin purchasing it.


It is not worth reminding that the material from which the plywood boat will be built must be of high quality. The plywood itself is without knots, the glue is only from a trusted manufacturer, and the impregnating liquids too.

The entire list looks like this:

  • Sheet plywood 1.5-1.5 m, 5 mm thick, grade BS, BK or FSF.
  • Several boards, preferably oak.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Putty.
  • Waterproof glue.
  • Waterproof impregnation for wood or drying oil.
  • Waterproof enamel or oil paint.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Nails.
  • Copper wire.

When choosing plywood, you need to carefully inspect the edges for chips and cracks at the ends. You shouldn’t hope that you can saw off a couple of centimeters. Everything else can be easily and at a very reasonable price purchased at any hardware or hardware store.


A good owner, who is accustomed to independently produce certain things in the house renovation work, the set of tools is already there. Even with interest. Directly building a boat will require the following arsenal:

  • Jigsaw.
  • Electric planer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A circular saw.
  • Sander.
  • Plane.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Metal ruler.
  • Chisel.
  • Spatulas.
  • Brushes.
  • Clamps.
  • Drawing set.
  • Graph paper.
  • Cardboard.

Having prepared everything according to these two lists, you can proceed directly to work.

Power tools will make the job much easier

Let's start drawing

Marking the contours of the boat directly on a plywood sheet would be rather reckless. A small mistake and the vessel will yaw to the side or tilt to one side. Therefore, it is better to first draw a diagram or sketch on graph paper in full size. Moreover, the word diagram is not very appropriate here, because it is necessary to strictly maintain the dimensions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • A center line is drawn dividing the bottom of the boat lengthwise.
  • At one end, a transom line is drawn perpendicularly to size.
  • The installation points of the frames are marked on the center line itself.
  • At these points, perpendiculars are drawn to suit the size of the frames.
  • Using patterns, the bottom itself is drawn.
  • The resulting diagram is folded in half along the center line to check symmetry.

Patterns for the sides, frames and transom are made in the same way, taking into account their sizes and configurations. But the drawing doesn't end there. Now, after the symmetry of the bottom and the sameness of the sides have been carefully checked, the stage of transferring the drawing onto a cardboard template begins. The graph paper is too thin, but it will be much easier to transfer the drawing onto plywood from a cardboard template without errors.

First gluing

If you managed to get sheet plywood that matches the length of the future boat, that’s good. But if you have ordinary sheets of 1.5-1.5 meters, you will have to glue them together. Most The best way– gluing with a mustache.

Mustache gluing is the strongest connection between plywood sheets

A distance equal to 10-12 sheet thicknesses is retreated from the edge of the sheet, and ground off at an angle with a plane. After this, you need to go through the sander and do the same operations with the second sheet. Cleaned and degreased surfaces are smeared with glue, carefully connected and secured with clamps. Since clamps can only be placed at the edges, a weight must be placed in the center. After the glue has dried, the clamps can be removed, but let the product sit for at least another day.

Cutting out parts

After the glue has dried and all burrs and smudges at the gluing site have been removed, you can transfer the dimensions of the bottom and sides using cardboard templates. During this simple process, you should ensure that there are no allowances even of a couple of millimeters. Especially on different sides.

Then a jigsaw with a small-toothed file tucked into it is used. Large ones can clutter the cutting edge. But even after a small one, it’s better to carefully go through a medium-sized one sandpaper. You need to cut carefully, without rushing. One wrong movement, the slightest deviation from the drawn line - and in best case scenario you will have to go back a few centimeters, in the worst case, start this part from the very beginning. That is, from drawing a new one.

You can draw and cut frames right away in full size. But you'll have to think about the transom. If intended powerboat, then it needs to be strengthened. There are two options. One is to cut several identical parts from plywood and glue them together. Or make a transom from a solid board with a thickness of at least 25 mm.

Let's start collecting

The boat is assembled using the “sew and glue” principle. It’s better to start with the transom - then it will be easier to install the sides. Holes of such a diameter are drilled in the rear of the bottom and in the lower part of the transom that the copper wire can pass through. The holes must be strictly opposite each other. Using pieces of wire, the transom is attached to the bottom. After making sure that the edges match, you need to tighten the twists of the wire with pliers.

Instead of copper wire, you can take a wire of suitable diameter

The sides are attached in a similar way, starting from the stern and ending with the last twist at the bow of the boat. At this point, the result is a collapsible model, which can still be corrected. Trim excess, smooth out uneven areas. After the next operation, you can forget about dismountable tactics.

Second gluing

Or rather, gluing the seams between the bottom, sides and transom in order not only to secure the parts, but also to ensure moisture resistance. A strip of fiberglass is carefully laid on the seam and carefully coated with moisture-resistant glue. In this case, one layer is not enough. You will need at least three. And if the first layer of fiberglass is approximately 100 mm, that is, 50 on each side, then the second and third layers should be wider. 125-135 mm. it will be just right, only each subsequent layer needs to be shifted a little - one towards the bottom, the other, on the contrary, towards the side. This is done so that the fiberglass comes into contact and sticks directly to the plywood. After the glue dries properly, this folding gasket will turn into almost real plastic, and this will guarantee that the boat is moisture resistant.

Installation of frames

The frames are installed strictly in place on adhesive base and screwed with self-tapping screws. After the glue has dried, the screws are unscrewed, and the holes left by them are filled with the same glue. If nails are used instead of self-tapping screws, then after pulling them out, you need to hammer wooden nails and coat with glue.

Final imparting moisture resistance

This completes the construction of the boat. What remains is internal and exterior decoration, serving not only for aesthetics, but also to ensure that the boat does not leak. Regular wooden boats they will resin, but what to impregnate a plywood boat with - there is a very specific answer to this question. On the outside, all seams and the entire body are treated with fiberglass and glue, in the same way as was done when gluing the parts. Before this operation, the protruding wire should be removed or cut off. The inside of the plywood boat is impregnated with hot drying oil.

When covering a boat with fiberglass, you must carefully ensure that there are no bubbles.


At this point, the construction of the plywood boat can be considered complete. It will take some time to dry, and by and large you can already swim on it. On oars, with the help of an engine, if you tried to make the transom for a motor, or even under a sail, if this is provided for by the design. It is already completely waterproof, but absolutely not aesthetically pleasing. Painting is the most final stage, and then the production of the boat will be completed completely.

There are two options here. Or oil paint - the color is chosen according to taste - for fishing, something merging with nature, for walking, something brighter. Or waterproof enamel, selected according to the same principle. You'll have to wait a little longer until the paint or enamel dries - and you can safely set sail.


Before you start building a plywood boat yourself, you need to understand that such homemade products do not tolerate a careless approach to the matter. This may affect not only appearance products, but also on your own safety and reliability. The first thing you need to pay special attention to is the room in which the work will be carried out. If it was decided to build a boat in winter or in early spring, then you need to exclude drafts and high humidity.

The second thing you need to pay special attention to is the material and tools. Plywood must be selected without knots, glue, paint and drying oil only from a trusted manufacturer. The tool must be in in perfect order. The jigsaw is equipped with a file with small teeth.

If you are planning a motor boat, special attention should be paid to the transom. To make it, it is better to take a whole oak board. Plywood glued together in several layers will also work, but the board will be more reliable.

You should also strictly monitor the symmetry of the bottom and the uniformity of the sides. Incorrect bending of one side on a boat or on a dinghy, depending on what is being built, will lead to the fact that it will scour the water or pull to one side.

And lastly: there is no need to rush under any circumstances. If the instructions for the glue indicate that it should dry for three days, then further work you need to start only on the fourth. The same principles apply with paint and drying oil.

Building a plywood boat yourself is not an easy task. But there’s nothing particularly complicated about it. You just need to spend some time and apply maximum knowledge and skills, which can be easily gleaned both on the Internet and from more knowledgeable people. But after completing this interesting and creative work you will be able to safely go to the reservoir on a unique watercraft built with your own hands.