Landscape design in Mediterranean style. Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea Landscape design with a pool in the Mediterranean style

Hello, Dear friends! Who among us does not dream of warm countries and about the sea... Where there is eternal sun and a lot of bright colors, it seems that positivity and summer mood always prevail. However, in our climatic conditions you can create an island of warmth and positivity.

In this article you will learn how you can recreate a piece of the sunny Mediterranean on your site. I really like the Mediterranean style! Let's talk about it!

Mediterranean style – diverse and many-sided. It has absorbed the characteristics of many countries, such as France, Italy, Spain and Greece, Morocco. Once you recognize its distinctive features, you will be able to enjoy the riot of colors and good mood for a long time.

Spanish style may include Moorish or Moroccan influences such as wrought iron, vibrant tile and plaster patterns, and vibrant fabrics. A riot of colors and always a summer mood - this is the Spanish style.

Greek style closely associated with the sea, with lots of dark blue tones - crisp turquoise mixed with white plaster. This style is characterized by white walls, blue shutters and doors. Main principle construction is minimalism and functionality; the houses look like a box. Houses without attics . Mostly houses are built on the basis of a concrete frame - structures made of pillars and floor slabs. Brickwork and the concrete frame is usually covered with colored plaster in light colors. In some cases, they are used for finishing natural stone. Mandatory presence of terraces and loggias, awnings and shutters. The roof is usually flat or has a slight angle of inclination, the roof is made of ceramic tiles.

Italian style contains many natural materials, such as ceramic tiles, clay tiles, wood. Great importance give color. The Italian garden is dominated by the dark green color of evergreen pine trees and boxwood. Curly haircut trees, one of the main accents in an Italian style garden. Italian style combines quite well with various shades of stone - beige, pink, gray, golden.

Do not think that the Mediterranean style is not suitable for the Russian regions. Many of their greenhouse plants can be replaced with our analogues. After all, we will not simply copy this style. We will draw from it the most interesting and acceptable for each of us and add something of our own!

The main features of the Mediterranean style.

Creating a landscape Mediterranean style starts with plants, which are classics in the Mediterranean region. These are olive trees and cypress trees, palm trees and citrus fruits. The olive tree, of course, will not grow in cold regions, because it is a very heat-loving tree that requires special care. It can be safely replaced with a plant such as silver oleaster or sea buckthorn. In general, it is better to give preference to plants that have leathery or glossy leaves. Barberry and cotoneaster, boxwood and mahonia are suitable here.


Our conifers (spruce, pine, thuja) and evergreen shrubs (boxwood, euonymus) will create the illusion of the Mediterranean. Cypress can be replaced with juniper virginiana (skyrocket), it resembles cypress with its elongated crown shape. The varieties Pyramidalis and Schotti have a similar crown shape.

It is better to display citrus fruits in flower pots summer season from the house to the terrace. The same geranium in clay pots will fit perfectly into Mediterranean style.

Mediterranean landscape It wouldn't be complete without herbs such as English lavender and rosemary. They can be grown in raised beds and plant pots.

The most basic and important thing when setting up a garden in the Mediterranean style is the presence closed space. Because it's real cozy atmosphere possible only in limited space. High stone or clay walls usually surround the entire garden. Although this is the main condition, not everyone can build additional buildings in their garden. But there is an alternative to additional construction - to use already existing walls various buildings, creating small courtyards between them. For example, between a house and a bathhouse or barn. Many plots are not large - on these it is better to create a single patio with a terrace or garden herbs, a fountain or a flowerpot with flowers. The entire area can become a recreation area. The vegetable garden can be separated by a pergola or hedge.

In traditional Mediterranean garden it is appropriate to use stone for small architectural forms(, etc.) to add color and texture to the landscape. It is better to use sandstone or yellow brick white flowers. When creating paths, choose light-colored stone, which is often used in Mediterranean gardens, as sidewalks and patios are sunlight They get very hot and this creates inconvenience. Light stone solves this problem. Stone tiles, such as travertine will provide more professional look For pedestrian paths and patio.

Such a garden is characterized by the installation of fountains, waterfalls and cascades. The murmur of water on a hot day brings coolness and peace. In a garden, a stone fountain usually serves as the central composition. Most often it has a regular shape (circle, square, polygon), but you can also use a flower pot or jug. Moreover, the fountain can be small in size.

Relief is the main decoration of the garden. Elevation changes on the site are a traditional phenomenon for the Mediterranean landscape. The stylization of the garden in the Mediterranean style is especially enhanced by terracing, numerous retaining walls and Various canopies, pergolas, wooden trellises, arches, canvas awnings, living arches of trees and benches located under them will create volume in your garden and radically change the overall atmosphere

Use of statues and ceramics throughout the yard, helps highlight character and highlight the visual appearance of the Mediterranean style. You should choose traditional statues - statues with images of Roman numerals, Greek gods and animals such as lions, all of which also correspond to the style. This is of course not for everybody. I wouldn't imitate the Mediterranean style so much. And statues are not cheap, unless you are Tsereteli!!!))

By the way, it is welcome if there is one on the site. It's great if the site . Look for ideas using the link!

I thought for a long time about the style of my garden and settled on the Mediterranean. Firstly, we have an area with elevation changes; secondly, there is a natural reservoir; thirdly, I really love stone, wood and forging, plants in clay pots and conifers. In addition, based on this, we plan to paint the façade of the house in light color... The frames are dark, the facade is light ( textured plaster), there is an exit (both fell in love with the house project) from the house directly to the terrace, when entering the garden down the steps of the patio in a secluded corner (this is in the plans). So it's mine!!! Many probably thought that it would be expensive (judging by the photos) to create such a style on the site? However, in defense of this style, I will say that many accessories and basic elements are completely replaceable with more budget ones. Let's consider:

Furniture - a durable alternative could be a solid wooden table or small table, or comfortable wicker furniture. Informal furniture, for modern Mediterranean, in metal or wood can be painted to suit your mood or preference. Here too, slightly peeling paint can add charm. Various changes can be made quite quickly and will not cost much - using a variety of tablecloths and pillows.

Fountain - where are we from big fountains with statues!!! A large jug or flowerpot will ideally replace bulky elements.

Paths – For a rustic feel, opt for gravel to add texture. By the way, this is more a budget option paving. Gravel is good for isolated areas or as filler between flowerbeds where there is little foot traffic; cobblestones are effective for curved elements and path details. All this will create the desired antiquity effect and will absorb and radiate the heat needed by the plants.

Pots - pots, pots...pots with flowers everywhere! They can be displayed along the steps or on the terrace in groups, and it all blooms, smells, and pleases the eye!!!

You can use pottery for planting, or simply place ceramics in the corners of your patio or deck to add a Mediterranean-inspired visual appeal. Terracotta pots will fit perfectly into the Mediterranean landscape if you dig a little jug in a secluded corner of the garden and lay out pieces of ceramics (as if it had spilled out of it), and “forget” it there. Pots work well self made, especially aged ones, with a touch of antiquity, so to speak.

Urns, bowls and even olive jars can serve as plant pots. Decorative stones and other materials will be useful in a Mediterranean-style garden.

Mosaic is one of the most important decorative elements garden in Mediterranean style.

Especially luxurious combinations are obtained when four elements meet at once in one corner of the site - water, stone, dense vegetation and mosaic. Flower pots you can decorate it yourself pieces of broken tiles, shells, pebbles or colored glass. This original work will definitely not require large investments!

When you choose color palette for Mediterranean landscape, don't stick to soft shades like pastels. Instead, turn on the brave ones, bright shades furniture pillows, ceramic dishes and other accessories. Other shades that work well in Mediterranean style are red, yellow and orange.

We looked at the photos, noticed something for ourselves and go ahead, create, make sketches!!!

So, let's summarize briefly:

The house itself and all buildings should be light.
For tracks, in addition natural stone, you can use cast tiles in matching colors, especially when you need to lay out a pattern.
To decorate the barbecue, it is better to take white or yellow brick.
A spectacular composition for a Mediterranean garden: a pot lying on gravel and a handful of mosaics, as if scattered from it.
The vegetable garden can be placed in large pots. In a garden of this style it is usually small: mainly made up of greenery and herbs (well, this is for those, of course, who do not keep a large garden)
Plain boards painted Blue colour, can be used to make shutters for a summer house or kitchen (Greek style)
Use the fence area to hang containers of hanging plants.
Strongly aromatic plants, as well as plants with narrow foliage, are very suitable for this style. So in the summer, use your patio to bring out decorative houseplants- dracaenas, laurel, lemon, aspidistra, yucca.

What's good about this style?- because it is very diverse! You can choose any direction for yourself - Spanish, Italian, Greek, and each will delight you with warmth and its mood!

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Don't let your plot look like your neighbor's!

Regards, Tatiana!

Self-explanatory name landscape style evokes thoughts of a warm, gentle sea, many flowering plants and exterior items. A more severe climate cannot boast of such abundance, but this is not a reason to refuse elegant decoration. personal plot. The disadvantages of cold weather are compensated by the abundance of stone (both natural and artificial), and subtropical plants adapt to the domestic climate in decorative clay vases and huge flowerpots. In the material for garden paths and terraces are dominated by tiles and marble chips.

Mediterranean style - all kinds of stairs, retaining walls and original forms in trimming trees and shrubs. This style makes it special, unlike others, amazing harmonious combination modernity and elements of ancient art (Rome and Ancient Greece). The design of the suburban area is extraordinary and memorable. The main difference from other style directions is the almost complete absence of a lawn. Flowers and other plants are planted in hanging pots, ceramic vases, and floor containers.

Features and basic concept

Externally, the garden with a Mediterranean bias is a fence with blank walls, small area, in which the patio is located. At the core there is a similarity between the southern and. The preferred color scheme is a combination of terracotta, blue, light blue, yellow, purple and white. This is the perfect decoration for a personal plot with a hilly landscape: mountainous banks, ponds, stones.

An important place in landscape design is occupied by interaction with nature itself, contemplation of its vastness and beauty. For this purpose they are building open gazebos and verandas. The Mediterranean patio is probably paved ceramic tiles, imitating the color of clay, or stone light shades. The essential element is water, its noise. Numerous fountains of unusual shapes perfectly fulfill this role.

Another feature of the style is the broadness of the concept of “central part”. Here it is vague, and sometimes simply absent. Each area of ​​the site is important and serves its purpose. Not necessarily a connecting link or semantic load between zones. The rest area is surrounded by grapes. Braiding, it creates a pleasant coolness on a hot summer day. This part of the garden, like the rest of the garden, is decorated with bright flowers in beautiful pots.

Popular interior items in southern style there may be Greek and Roman columns, statues and their remains, fragments of clay dishes, grottoes. And other elements of art that would resemble antiquity. This design technique is called stylization of picturesque ruins. Their construction is distinguishing feature style. This technique combines harmoniously with a fountain, which can be built in any part of the garden or patio. An exclusive model is created on its own from natural or artificial stone.

The abundance of numerous stones, among which are found of natural and man-made origin, is explained by the proximity of the sea coast in the original conditions of the style. Another explanation for the rocky motifs is the presence of mountainous terrain in the natural environment. This feature is beautifully played out with the help of a staircase, a retaining wall, or a terraced slope.

The picturesqueness of this design style is multifaceted: lush plants with their rich colors, a skillful combination of elements of antiquity and modernity, abundance and appropriate use of decorative elements.

Recreation areas are famous for their coziness and comfort. Garden furniture is elegant, most often made of wood or forged metal. Having a good time, relaxing and enjoying nature are a guaranteed advantage of the southern garden style. Its regularity, smooth lines, variegated colors, fragrant trees and similarity to “ wildlife“create their own microclimate.

What plants and decorative elements are used

Regardless of the conditions and climate of the area being improved, the site must comply with the rules of the Mediterranean style as much as possible. Unfortunately, this is not easy due to snowy and frosty winters. But true admirers of this style do not despair. Most plants are planted not in the ground, but in a container. Plants practically do not lose their decorative value, while at the same time they survive the cold indoor climate well. To do this, heat-loving trees, shrubs and flowers are planted in clay, ceramic or wooden containers. In the warm season, they are taken out into the yard or garden.

You can’t do without the essential components of Mediterranean vegetation:

  • ficus;
  • pistachio;
  • thuja ( , );
  • citrus;
  • oleander;
  • olive;
  • laurel

Taking into account the local color of our countries, you can landscape the territory with viburnum and magnolia bushes. This is good protection from the scorching rays of the sun.

The Mediterranean garden, being its founder, introduces the art of topiary. This is a special haircut that transforms hedges into any fancy shape. Among the original and distinctive shapes, spherical and cone-shaped are considered common. Their presence transforms the garden and turns it into an object of attention. They can become both a magnificent background and an extraordinary accent for flower beds.

Variegated and fragrant perennials (roses), and herbs (steppe onion, lemon balm, mint, chicory), drought-resistant flowering shrubs decorate shady areas under trees with lush crowns. Fragrant flowers and fine foliage () line the paths, adding to the beautiful scenery. To the color south seas are able to bring him closer small fruits- olives. Their taste is somewhat different from traditional types, but they are still edible.

It is impossible to imagine a Mediterranean courtyard and garden without a terrace, hedges, fountain, stream or cascade, animal figures, decorative wall fountain, cozy indoor patio. The last architectural element is always located in a place protected from the wind. Should open from the patio beautiful view- these can be gardens, lawns, hills, fountains.

The invisible atmosphere of the proximity of the sea is important. To do this, with the help of a play of colors, an association is created: white like sea foam, blue and blue like a sea wave. Furniture and flower pots are issued in the same color scheme. All materials used in this style should be as simple and natural as possible, such as ceramics, straw, clay, stone, wood, reed.

beauty surrounding nature the South Seas rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Having been there at least once, many want to implement something similar on their site. Of course, citrus tree species or pomegranates will not take root in open ground middle zone. However, the Mediterranean style in landscape design it is quite possible to create through a variety of attributes, small architectural forms and plants that feel comfortable in colder climates.

The Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by an abundance of climbing, hanging and green plants, mixed with stone paths, and forged furniture and accessories.

The advantage of the Mediterranean style in the landscape, among other things, is the possibility of using it on only 4-6 acres of land.

Narrow and long section in in this case is not a disadvantage and does not interfere with the creation of a closed patio. Character traits Terraces will add relief to the landscape. A feeling of privacy will be created by a whitewashed stone or brick fence, or even better -.

When paving paths, massive ones should be avoided. concrete slabs. It is better to replace them with natural stone or terracotta tiles. The gaps between the covering are usually seeded with drought-resistant grass. A light gazebo, with straight lines and clear shapes, made of light wood, would be more suitable for this design. In the center of the patio you can install a fountain or build a tiny pond: this style is very restrained in the use of water.

IN Mediterranean design a lot of wrought iron garden furniture and benches made of painted wood. Among the attributes, the most popular are various vessels made of ceramics: flower pots, vases, amphorae. In summer, flowerpots with greenhouse trees are placed on the patio: oleander, laurel, and a small thuja. Pots with geraniums and miniature roses will look good there.

In the garden, in addition to the usual fruit trees, plant chestnuts, varietal rowan and conifers - cedar, pine, juniper, western thuja. Suitable shrubs include boxwood, euonymus, viburnum Buldenezh, and honeysuckle. If the climate allows, cultivated grape varieties are chosen. For the same purpose, virgin or Amur grapes are planted, as well as hops, clematis, and sweet peas.

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Where to start arrangement?

As always, we first draw up a project and prepare materials and tools. To build a gazebo you will need:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs for marking;
  • twine;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • three-meter-long timber made of oak or larch 100x100 mm;
  • timber 50x100 mm;
  • crushed stone;
  • a little bitumen or tar;
  • lining;
  • concrete solution;
  • roofing material.

When arranging the roof, depending on the chosen project, a wide variety of materials can be used, from canvas, bundles of river reed or straw, to soft tiles.

For Mediterranean style it will be good addition a small pond decorated with stone and an abundance of plants.

Materials for creating terraces, hedges, paths and decorative elements in the Mediterranean style:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • seashells;
  • brick or natural stone;
  • ceramic tile:
  • In addition, finished products are selected:
  • clay pots;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • fountain;
  • garden furniture;
  • wrought iron pergolas;
  • fabric for decoration.

Finally, seedlings of trees and shrubs, seeds and seedlings of flowers and herbs are prepared. The ideal option for clearings is lavender, but if the climate is unsuitable, it can be replaced with other flowers - scepter-shaped mullein or speedwell. The Mediterranean atmosphere is created by plants of blue, purple, orange and red colors, planted in large groups and forming bright spots along the perimeter of the property.

A large number of ceramic containers of various shapes are used for planting flowers and herbs, as well as individual decorative elements. They are half buried in the ground in a lying position or simply placed throughout the garden. In a well-warmed area, you can grow a lawn of herbs. These are mint, lemon balm, sage, lavender, chicory, different types steppe onion. And, of course, parsley, dill and borage. Steaming in the sun essential oils, they will create a pleasant and helpful atmosphere.

A Mediterranean style garden can be described as: sunny, warm, bright, fragrant, natural and comfortable.

Definitely, such a garden is created for enjoying life, relaxation and pleasure. Since the Mediterranean style arose in a hot climate, it is natural that such gardens have many shaded areas, cozy patios, pools and terraces, flower beds with herbs and climbing plants.

The Mediterranean is a fairly vast region, so gardens of this style often differ from each other.

If you have been dreaming of such a fragrant corner for a long time. And we would like to know in more detail about what such gardens are like, what kind of plants are grown there and what techniques designers use to achieve resemblance to natural area Mediterranean, then our efforts were not in vain. Come in, it will be interesting here!

Italian garden

For example, the gardens of Italy have classic look and are based on a strict layout. It uses clear geometric shapes, symmetry, straight paths and regularly shaped ponds.

The garden is divided into different zones, which are separated from each other by hedges or rectangular pergolas with climbing roses, clematis, tecoma and other climbing plants.

Italian gardens are usually located on difficult terrain hills, on terraces, have retaining walls and paths made of natural stone. Various decorative elements are also created from stone: fountains, fences, grottoes, stairs, benches and balustrades.

Columns, stone flower containers or antique amphorae are often placed in a Mediterranean garden, and some surfaces are decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures. Here you can find evergreen boxwoods and thujas in the form of spirals or balls. The art of topiary is characteristic of many classical gardens.

Mediterranean garden Provence

Mediterranean gardens in France have a free design, characteristic styles Provence and country. There are no clear lines, the plants are arranged naturally, and the delightful aroma of lavender and herbs spreads over the garden.

Lavender is everywhere in such a garden: in containers and flower beds, along paths and instead of a lawn, and is also a wonderful companion for roses and other plants.

Garden furniture, most often, is elegant forged: screens for climbing plants, bridges, fences, chairs and benches with soft cushions. Can you guess what embroidery decorates these pillows? Of course, these are images of lavender and roosters, which are also symbols of Provence.

Greek style garden

To convey the atmosphere of Greece, use azure, dazzling white, olive, terracotta colors. If there is a need to update garden buildings or furniture, feel free to use paints of these shades.

Residents of Greece spend a lot of time on fresh air: communicate, have lunch, relax. Therefore, they equip their garden accordingly: there are many cozy seating areas located on terraces, patios are often protected from the sun by pergolas and awnings, and the set of garden furniture always includes a large dinner table and armchairs.

The Mediterranean style of such a garden will be emphasized by wicker furniture made of rattan, bamboo or wicker.

Window summer buildings Decorate the garden with light, light curtains or blinds; they will protect from the sun during the midday hours.

The basis of your garden can be conifers (arborvitae, junipers, boxwoods). Against the background of conifers, other flowers and plants of bright colors and shapes look great.

If some of the conifers in your climate do not overwinter outdoors, use container plants. This will allow them to be stored in winter period, and container plants can be rearranged at will and quickly change the look of the garden.

Spicy herbs will complete the decoration:

  • garlic
  • pepper
  • sorrel
  • saffron
  • coriander
  • celery
  • salad
  • lovage
  • basil

They can be planted in flower beds, flowerpots, hanging planters and even, collected in bunches, hung to dry on windows or buildings.

Flowers and plants

Mediterranean plants immediately create an incredible southern atmosphere and fill the air with the aromas of lavender, fragrant herbs and pine needles. Selecting flowers and plants for your garden:

Conifers- thuja Smaragd, cypress, boxwood, virginiana and rock juniper. Various topiary forms of conifers (ball, spiral, cone).

Container plants- lemon, orange, fig, olive, pomegranate, oleander, laurel, palm tree. In our gardens, these plants do not overwinter in open ground, but they are often used as container plants.

Lianas- climbing roses, wisteria, clematis, tekoma (campsis), virgin grapes, several varieties of honeysuckle, bougainvillea. You cannot do without these plants when creating shady areas in the garden. Thecoma (campsis) is noteworthy - this vine is very powerful, its lashes reach several meters in length and are able to hide any large surface or structure. Its bright orange and yellow bell flowers are unforgettable.

Ornamental shrubs- barberry (common, Thunberga), holly mahonia, spirea, forsythia, weigela, David's budleya.

Flowers and herbs- roses, cannas, lavender, spring bulbs (narcissus, hyacinth, crocus), grayish-blue carnation, cyclamen, fescue, carnival, cineraria maritima, woolly chickweed, sage, lupine, delphinium.

Spices- a special element of the Mediterranean garden - basil, thyme, lavender, hyssop, oregano, thyme, marjoram, sage, rosemary.

The most popular plants in a Mediterranean garden there will always be palms, pistachio, olive and citrus trees.

Garden decor

Notable decorative elements of a Mediterranean garden:

  • furniture made of stone and rattan
  • wrought iron benches with soft cushions
  • ceramic flowerpots
  • antique statues
  • sundial
  • pool, stream, fountain
  • pergola
  • paths and finishing made of stone, marble and pebbles
  • colored mosaic, colored glass
  • wicker and metal fruit baskets

Published by DecorateMe. Updated March 12, 2019.

The gorgeous nature of the Mediterranean rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Those who are lucky enough to visit the southern sea coast often want to build something similar on their site. Of course, it makes no sense to plant citrus fruits from trees in our climatic conditions, since they will not be able to take root. However, if you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean style in landscape design, then using the appropriate attributes, plants and architectural forms, it is quite possible to turn your plans into reality.

The Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by an abundance of climbing, hanging and green plants, mixed with stone paths, and forged furniture and accessories.

The Mediterranean style in landscape design is characterized by climbing, green plants, stone paths, forged furniture. The great advantage of the Mediterranean style in the landscape is the possibility of arranging its modest territory (4-6 acres of land).

A narrow and long section in this case is not considered an obstacle to creating patio– patio. Terraces give characteristic features to the arrangement of the relief. A whitewashed brick or stone fence will help create a sense of privacy. A tall hedge would also be appropriate for this style.

When paving paths, large massive slabs should be avoided. An alternative to them would be natural stone or terracotta tiles. To fill the gaps between coated will do grass that is resistant to drought. As for the gazebo, a structure made of light wood with clear shapes and strict lines is ideal for Mediterranean landscape design. You can place a lantern in the center of the patio or make a mini-pond: this style is very restrained in the use of water.

Mediterranean design favors an abundance of wrought iron garden furniture, wooden benches. Ceramic vessels are ideal as decorative elements. Flower pots, vases, and amphorae can be used as the latter.

With the onset of warm days, you can install flowerpots in which greenhouse trees are planted on the patio. As a rule, this is oleander, thuja of modest size, laurel. Pots with geraniums and small roses would be appropriate there.

Read also:

Ribbon flower bed or elongated single border

In addition to ordinary fruit trees, chestnuts, varietal rowan trees, and coniferous species(cedar, juniper, etc.). As for shrubs, honeysuckle, boxwood, and euonymus are ideal for the patio. If the climate is favorable, you can give preference to cultivated grape varieties for decorating the gazebo. For this, you can also plant virgin or Amur grapes, hops, and clematis.

Before you begin the arrangement, you need to draw up a project and prepare everything necessary materials and tools. To build a gazebo you will need:

Design plan for a cottage plot in a Mediterranean style.
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs for marking;
  • twine;
  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • timber made of oak or larch (3 m, 100x100 mm);
  • timber 50x100 mm;
  • crushed stone;
  • bitumen or tar;
  • lining;
  • concrete solution;
  • roofing material.

Can be used to create a roof various materials. It all depends on which project was chosen. You can arrange the roof using canvas, river reed, straw, and tiles.

It is also necessary to prepare materials for creating terraces, paths, decorative elements and hedges in the Mediterranean style:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • seashells;
  • brick or natural stone;
  • ceramic tiles.

You will also need finished products:

  • clay pots;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • fountain;
  • terracotta vases;
  • sculptures;
  • fountain;
  • garden furniture;
  • wrought iron pergolas;
  • fabric for decoration.

To create a patio, you also need to prepare seedlings of trees and shrubs, seeds, and flower seedlings. Perfect option for clearings it is lavender. However, if the climate does not allow growing this plant, it can be replaced with scepter-shaped mullein or speedwell.

Plants in a certain color scheme will help create a Mediterranean atmosphere. It is appropriate to give preference to purple, orange, blue and red shades. They can be planted in large groups, which will form bright spots around the perimeter of the site.

Read also:

Do-it-yourself water cascades on a slope: tips for gardeners

For a Mediterranean style, a small pond decorated with stone and an abundance of plants would be a good addition.

A huge number of ceramic containers various shapes used for planting flowers and herbs. Such vessels can also act as individual decorative elements.

In a lying position, they are half buried in the ground or placed throughout the territory. In a place that is well warmed by the sun, you can grow a lawn of herbs. Mint, lavender, chicory, sage, parsley, and dill are ideal for the latter. Under the influence of sunlight, these plants will evaporate essential oils, which will create a special atmosphere in the garden.

Small architectural forms

When it comes to creating a relief in the Mediterranean style, natural or embankment terraces must be done so that their excavations are not washed away by rain. It is advisable to place them on a reliable, solid foundation. As a rule, it is a layer of compacted gravel and sand on top of it, a flat stone dug into the ground.

If the support is made of wood, its lower part must be treated with a protective agent. If there is a slight difference in height, it is better to make one large terrace rather than dividing it into small segments.

You can decorate your garden with sculptures in antique style. In this case, you need not to go too far with their quantity. When arranging, you will have to adhere to certain proportions. The Mediterranean style is characterized by paved areas that are connected by stone paths, as well as the absence of lawns. The division of the site into zones using trellises and pergolas is approved.

A simple relaxation pavilion can be built from several pergolas and light textile drapery. Metal or self-made lining structures must be positioned so that they form a square or polygon. The area under them is laid with tiles or covered with gravel. If you are building a gazebo, then it is important that there are no walls or any decor. As a rule, this is an ordinary canopy, the main design element of which will be fabric. To protect it from the wind, you can place it near bushes.