Options for building a summer shower in the country. How to make a summer shower in the country: step-by-step instructions, photos, videos, recommendations! Base and foundation

Most best vacation after hard work at your summer cottage, this is a pleasant, warm, relaxing shower that will not only have a calming effect, but will also relieve the nervous tension that has accumulated throughout the day.

To install the shower use epoxy resin for the manufacture of which special fillers for resins are used.

Therefore, many gardeners equip their plots with summer showers.

Summer shower at your dacha

An outdoor shower stall is perhaps one of the most important structures on the property. With its help, you can not only wash your body after a whole day of working on your site, but also refresh yourself in the summer heat.

Before installing a shower stall on your site, you need to choose the optimal location for it. The shower should be located a short distance from the main building, most often behind the house.

Once the owner of the site has decided on the area for the shower and the size of the shower stall, he can begin installation. This room must be at least 1 sq.m. in area, but preferably a little larger.

If a shower dressing room is planned, in order to undress and hang dry things, the area of ​​the building doubles. The height of the structure is usually approximately 2.5 meters.

In general, the dimensions of our cabin are equal to 1.0x2.0x2.5 m, this best option. If the cabin is planned to be installed from wood, then it is necessary to mount the frame using wooden beams or metal corners.

Walls in the shower stall, for the best way ventilation should be twenty centimeters away from the ceiling and floor. They can be constructed from materials left over from the main construction of a personal home.

Shower equipment with water supply

When installing a shower stall on your summer cottage, the owner must think in advance about how to equip the water supply and drainage. Since the drainage and supply system is installed at the time of laying the foundation of the future shower cabin.

Water in the shower stall is often supplied from a source located at a remote distance. Such a source can be a well drilled on the site, or a standard water supply.

Nowadays, due to the presence of small-diameter plastic pipes, connecting the cabin to the main source of water supply is not difficult. What is advantageous about these pipes is that they are more durable and do not become subject to rust and various erosions, like metal pipes.

They are sold in coils, and there is no particular hassle when laying a pipe for water supply; you only need to ensure a connection to the main source, which can be done using a small, rubber piece of hose.

You can just as easily connect plastic pipe With storage tank For shower. The advantage of such pipes is that if they were not completely installed, they can be easily removed from the site for the winter.

Draining the shower

Drainage of water after washing can be done different ways. Some owners summer cottages, absolutely do not drain the water.

One of the most normal ways is to drain water into a centralized sewer system, but, unfortunately, not every owner of a summer cottage has this opportunity.

The best way, of course, then remains the waste and drainage hole. This is inexpensive and allows wastewater to go deep into the ground. A pit for drainage water can be located under the shower stall, or in close proximity to it.

It is dug to a depth of no more than 50-60 cm, the size of the sides is 1.0 x 1.0 m. After the hole is dug, the soil in it is compacted tightly and it is covered with crushed stone or broken brick.

A plastic, steel or wooden pallet is placed on top of the filled hole.

After this, the shower stall is installed. If the pit is for Wastewater is located nearby, it is best to make a drainage pipe from a plastic sewer pipe to it.

Photos of ideas on how to make a summer shower in the country

When renovating a bathroom, many try to place as many useful and necessary items as possible in the bathroom. Everyday life things on limited area and make a choice in favor of a shower cabin due to its small size and functionality, as well as its visual appeal. In addition, the bathtub itself is rarely used for its intended purpose, and this is another argument in favor of a compact and comfortable shower stall.

The tray serves as the base of the shower stall and is necessary to ensure that the floor in the bathroom does not rot. Nowadays, hardware stores offer a number of ready-made products, but each has both pros and cons.

Dignity acrylic pallets is the ease and simplicity of installation, but a significant drawback is the fact that they must be used with great care - they are easily damaged mechanical impact and may turn yellow over time.

Considered the most durable marble or ceramic trays, but the price for such products is much higher.

They work well, but become unusable at the slightest chip or crack in the enamel - such a base will quickly rust and get dirty, in addition, if installed incorrectly and insufficient sound insulation in the bathroom may occur increased level noise.

Factory pallets can be made in the form of a square (0.8x0.8 m, 0.9 x 0.9 m, 1x1 m, 1.2x1.2 m), oval or rectangle (1x1.5 m, 0.9x1.2 m , 0.8x1.2 m). According to their location, pallets can be angular or universal. In terms of height, deep and low are distinguished; the height of their sides will also correspond.

But even with such a variety of shapes, sometimes it is very difficult to find a tray that is suitable for a particular bathroom. In this case, there is an excellent alternative - to create a tray yourself. In terms of cost, this may be a little more expensive than installing, say, acrylic base under the booth, but all the money invested will be justified.

Besides, a do-it-yourself pallet has an undeniable number of advantages:

  • thanks to personally selected materials, you can be confident in long-term operation and reliability of the design, ease of maintenance and ease of use;
  • when designing a pallet yourself, it is possible to create it according to the required parameters, the desired shape, depth and design, while choosing construction and finishing materials, components and consumables that are suitable for the price;
  • total cost independent work will be much lower than similar services of a professional team.

Required tools and materials

To build a pallet you will need following materials and tools:

Important points

  1. The shower tray has concrete base.
  2. The tray must be adjacent to one of the walls of the bathroom, which also serves as a barrier against water splashes.
  3. A drain is laid inside the concrete base at a slight slope to drain water into the general sewer system.
  4. When constructing a pallet, the concrete base is treated with waterproofing solutions that contain cement. Additional waterproofing can be a layer of roofing felt laid on the floor and walls (the height of the wall planes covered with material is approximately 40-60 cm).
  5. The facing tiles are laid using waterproof glue, the seams are treated with a special grout.

DIY shower tray

Stage 1. Preparation and waterproofing of the floor

Waterproofing is recommended regardless of what kind of floors are laid in the bathroom: concrete or wood. The area of ​​the floor selected for installation of the pallet must be cleared of all unnecessary things and swept. It is better if the tray is placed at the location of the bathtub.

The tiles can be removed with a hammer drill or covered bitumen mastic, which will prevent possible dampening of the floor. On top of the mastic is a double layer of polyethylene film or roofing material. It is very important to raise the waterproofing on the walls! During this stage, you can use fiber rubber or any sealant you are familiar with.

Stage 2. Installation of shower drain and drain

Before you begin installing the drain, you should, if necessary, install pipes from the central sewer system. Experts recommend using plastic pipes - they are durable, quick and easy to install, and fit more tightly than cast iron ones.

The underwater pipe can be routed to the center of the pallet, making installation easier drain ladder, but in fact, the location of the drain does not play a role, the main thing is that it does not interfere with the washing process and looks organically in general design pallet

Installation common system drain pipes of the ladder are made using wooden stands, which will create the desired slope towards the sewer pipes. Water must go into the sewer by gravity, otherwise the accumulation of water masses in the elbow is inevitable, and as a result, possible blockages and other troubles.

Recommended inclination angle is 4-7%. As a rule, this moment causes a certain elevation of the tray above the main floor of the bathroom if the shower stall is installed on an already finished floor. If the floor has not yet been poured, it is possible to bring all communications to one level.

When performing work, it is important to ensure high-quality joining of all elements, preventing possible leaks. If necessary, you can treat the pipe joints with sealant or special glue.

Installed pipe during execution further work need to be wrapped with a rag to prevent it from becoming clogged with construction debris.

Important! It is best to make communications with a removable siphon in order to be able to easily remove the blockage in the pipe.

Stage 3. We build the sides

A less labor-intensive option is when the sides are laid out from moisture-resistant bricks along that part of the perimeter that is not adjacent to the walls and along the waterproofing line. The recommended height of the sides is at least 5-7 cm from the expected height of the pallet (you need to focus on the projection of the drain ladder - this will be the reference point for the height of the sides).

For safety reasons, you can bevel the corners, making them less protruding. The brick is placed on a moisture-resistant mortar that ensures the strength of the masonry, for example, EK-1000. A spatula or trowel will come in handy at this stage. It takes an average of 2-3 days to dry the sides.

Stage 4. Fill the floor

After brickwork dried, we proceed to pouring the concrete screed. Most often, preference is given to self-leveling concrete mixture. It is poured 5-8 cm thick evenly over the entire pallet inside the brick formwork.

Important! The level of the ladder must be identical to the height of the concrete screed. You need to create a slight slope from the bottom of the pan to the neck itself so that water can flow into it freely from any point. It is convenient to work out this nuance at the stage of concrete screed, pouring it like a funnel.

As the waterproofing layer dries, they prepare for the final layer of fill. To do this, mix a mixture of cement and tile adhesive (EK-1000 is suitable). This mixture is used to line the tray from the inside, and also process the sides on all sides, maintaining its “funnel-like” appearance from the drain neck and, if necessary, adjusting it, avoiding rough and sharp transition lines. After drying, the surface of the pallet must be rubbed sandpaper, giving it impeccable smoothness.

Stage 5. Final finishing of the pallet

How and with what to decorate the pallet is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but the most popular are mosaics and ceramic tiles. It is very important to choose moisture-resistant brands, the same applies to the glue used. Good waterproof tile adhesive EK - 6000, it white and is suitable for mosaics of any texture, does not turn yellow from water and chemicals. Mosaic tiles It is preferable to lay it on the bottom of the pan, since it takes the shape well and does not disturb the geometry of the slope towards the drain neck; in addition, the mosaic will well hide the irregularities remaining after grinding.

You need to start laying the mosaic from one corner. Tile adhesive is applied with a notched trowel, after which a sheet of mosaic is placed on top (paper or mesh side up) and pressed lightly with the palm of your hand or fingers. The entire bottom is gradually laid where necessary - the ceramics are tapped with a rubber hammer. When laying out the neck, unnecessary parts of the mosaic are cut off with nippers, observing the shape and size of the drain grate.

The sides and outer part of the pallet (as well as the lower parts of the walls adjacent to the pallet) can be tiled using the same adhesive. As the tiles are laid, excess adhesive is removed after no more than half an hour. After a day, remove the paper from the mosaic, after moistening it with water.

The pallet must be thoroughly dried and the seams treated with waterproof grout, using rubber spatula. The mixture is prepared in small portions and used immediately, and the excess is removed after 25-30 minutes. This stage is the most painstaking. It is very important to achieve a perfectly flat surface without bulges or dips.

The grout is left until completely dry, after which the tile is wiped with a damp cloth, carefully ensuring that no grout material remains on it, and wiped dry.

If desired and according to the bathroom design for tiling outside pallet can be used decorative rock special brands.

Stage 6. Drain hole equipment

You should not use a plastic drain grate, even if it comes with the drain. The durability of such a product is questionable. The grille should be made of brass or steel - the strength of such products is several orders of magnitude higher. To place it flush with the ceramic floor, you just need to carefully and accurately cut the sealing sleeve to the desired height and insert the grate into the space provided for it. Since it is removable, it is easy to clean and the material can support a person's weight.

All that remains is to install the doors or hang the curtain.

Video – Bathroom renovation

An alternative to store-bought shower trays are DIY trays, since even a non-professional can put in the effort and make a tray on their own. This will save you money financial resources, and at the same time show your imagination and creativity.

Choice of height, shape and size

At the planning stage of your bathroom renovation, did you decide to install a shower tray or shower cabin? You have several ways to implement this idea. Buy a ready-made shower cabin, buy a ready-made shower tray, or make a shower cabin with your own hands.

To the benefits self-made The following arguments can be included:

  • significant cost savings;
  • the ability to make a pallet of any shape and size;
  • choose a decorative coating in accordance with the design of the entire room;
  • install exactly the shower equipment that you need;
  • choose or order custom fencing.

As a result, you will have an exclusive shower cabin, of which you will be absolutely confident. In this article we will tell you how to properly build a shower tray, what materials and tools you will need, and help you avoid mistakes during construction and finishing.

Choosing a place for construction shower tray. It is advisable to place it near the communications, but this issue is not fundamental; with proper communications wiring, you can make a tray anywhere in the bathroom. Pay special attention to the screed and waterproofing of the floor in the room:

  • For a city apartment, a lightweight screed and a lightweight pallet design are best suited.
  • In a private house or country house, the weight of the structure matters only when organizing a bathroom on the upper floors of the house. In this case it is necessary to calculate permissible load to the ceiling.

Select the shape of the pallet. It all depends on your imagination, experience in construction and the size of the room. The convenience of the future pallet for all family members is of no small importance. For example, if you have overweight or elderly people, the size of the tray should be large and preferably have a streamlined shape. The absence of sharp corners will guarantee safety.

Select the height of the sides of the pallet. The choice of pallet height options is huge; you can do without a side at all by purchasing a special ladder or build a mini-pool. However, these options are mainly available only to owners of private houses, since installing a shower drain “into the floor” requires raising the overall floor level and a larger layer of screed. A mini-pool is a very heavy structure, and if completely filled with water it can lead to collapse load-bearing structures or floors.

The standard height of a shower tray can be considered the height of one brick from the inner surface of the tray.

Preparatory work

When the plan for the future design is ready and all the calculations have been carried out, it is worth purchasing everything necessary materials, it can be:

  • ladder;
  • bricks;
  • cement mortar and sand;
  • waterproofing mastic or other materials for a similar purpose;
  • waterproof film or roofing felt;
  • finishing materials and glue or solution for laying decorative coverings.

You will also need the following tools and mounting materials:

  • roller or brush;
  • marker;
  • perforator;
  • screwdrivers;
  • Master OK;
  • building level, beacons;
  • screws, dowels, plugs and gaskets.

First stage- This is the preparation of the base on which the pallet will be built. We clean the surface of the floor and adjacent walls. If the floor does not have an initial concrete screed, then we make one. We prime the base. This is done necessarily both in order to waterproof your future structure and in order to prevent the formation of fungus and bacteria during operation. If you want to make the pallet even more comfortable, then you can install a “warm floor” system under the subfloor.

Second phase: we connect the drain with the sewer pipes at an angle, and firmly fix it. The angle of inclination of the drainage system must be at least three degrees.

Third stage– fill it with cement-sand mixture or lay out the base and sides from bricks, taking into account the height of the ladder and the slope to it. Next, we very carefully seal the entire structure. The pallet is ready for finishing.


The pallet can be made from cement or use ready-made concrete blocks or bricks. It is better to buy ceramic bricks, not silicate ones, since this type of brick is resistant to water.

For a wooden floor, the right thing to do is concrete screed and lay a ladder on it, and then raise the pallet to the level of the ladder. In this case, it will be necessary to make formwork and wait several weeks until the concrete hardens completely. Under no circumstances should cement-lime compounds be used to level surfaces. It is necessary to take only clean cement and sand.

Features of ladder installation

Sewer drain- This is a drainage system from the pan. Typically, plastic models are chosen for bathrooms. They are lightweight, easy to install, easy to clean, and are also resistant to aggressive household chemicals.

Modern models are equipped with a siphon that prevents penetration unpleasant odors from the sewer into the room.

The drain hole of the ladder can be located in the corner of the pan, or maybe in the middle of the structure. Please note that it is much easier to make the correct slope to the drain located in the corner.

If you still decide to install a drain in the center of the pan, properly organize the level of water drainage to it. There are solutions that allow you to build a drain not into the floor, but into the wall, which is the latest fashion trend, but requires a lot of effort and knowledge of installation technology.

The shape of the ladders can be different: square or figured, round or oval, as well as triangular. They can be equipped with various grilles, gaskets, seals, different diameters siphon and outlet pipes. There are entire shower trays that can be perfectly disguised as tiles and the drain will not be noticeable at all.

The main thing you should always remember when dealing with water is high-quality waterproofing. Any joints and assembly points are mounted only using gaskets and seals. Even if they are not included in the purchased drain, it is better to purchase gaskets separately and additionally treat all joints with a special silicone sealant.

Installation of a drain usually begins with the installation of pipes, which must be firmly fixed in the pan so that no influences can move it and thereby disrupt the tightness and reliability of the system. Remember about the slope of the drainage system. If your pan is lower than the sewer drain, then it will not be possible to achieve a slope of at least 3 degrees; in this case, raise the level of the pan and ensure the required drainage slope. When the entire drainage system is installed, we install height level beacons internal space pallet Beacons help to make the correct slope of the future pallet. Next, we proceed to the formation of the rough foundation.

Step-by-step instruction

Considering that each specific case must be considered separately, and that all the options for the specific features of your particular method of arranging a shower tray, let’s take a typical example: the tray is made of concrete.

  • The floor and part of the wall that will be adjacent to your shower must be thoroughly cleaned and coated with a waterproofing compound, for example, bitumen mastic with a high adhesion rate.
  • Then the ladder is installed and filled with concrete screed. The floor level should be such that the subsequently laid tiles are flush with the ladder. That is, the thickness of the tile plus the thickness of the tile adhesive is provided. Make sure that the slope of the floor is directed directly towards the opening of the drainage system.
  • After complete drying, install wooden formwork, the width of the board should be at least 4 cm, and fill the sides. Craftsmen advise that with a thick layer of poured concrete, wait at least two weeks for complete drying.

Sealing joints with the wall and finishing waterproofing

As already mentioned, waterproofing - the most important stage in the construction of a shower tray. The first sealing of seams between the floor and walls should occur during preparatory stage, when either a film, or better yet, several layers of roofing material will be laid on the floor so as to completely close any gaps at the junction of the walls and the floor. After which the floor and adjacent walls are carefully treated with a waterproofing compound - it is applied as a primer mixture in an even layer. The required layer thickness is determined according to the instructions on the packaging. It would be ideal to lay a special waterproofing tape along the joints of the walls and floor.

The next waterproofing layer is done after the base of the pallet has dried, before starting facing works. Paint again with the same mixture, lay a special tape at the joints. After finishing works Treat all joints between the shower tray and walls or fences with sealant.

After complete drying, it is necessary to grout the seams between the tiles or mosaics with moisture-resistant grout.

The corners of the side can be trimmed with special corners to avoid injuries. Don't forget to pick up the shower.

If all right angles are maintained and the surface is well leveled, then the mosaic will lie smoothly, beautifully and will please the eye, and the shower tray will serve for a long time and without failure.

Bathroom renovations often involve replacing plumbing fixtures. Installing a shower cabin with your own hands is possible, but if your budget is limited and there is no money to buy an expensive shower box or bathtub, you can make a shower tray with your own hands.

This solution also allows you to show your own individuality and creativity.

  • metal;
  • acrylic;

  • cast iron, etc.

But it is not always possible to install such a tray in the bathroom.

In older buildings, bathrooms are very small, and to accommodate all the necessary plumbing, you can make a shower tray from brick, concrete or tiles small size and unusual shape.

How to make it yourself

To make a shower tray yourself, you need to carefully prepare the place where this structure will be.

Important! Before installing the shower tray, it is necessary to carry out high-quality waterproofing of all surfaces that are in close proximity to the planned structure.

Made of brick and concrete

One of the most common shower trays that are made at , are trays made of brick and concrete.

Such pallets can be made of any shape and size. A pallet made of concrete and brick is a great alternative expensive shower box.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools required to construct the pallet:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • plaster lighthouse;
  • metal grid;
  • waterproofing mixture;
  • trowel;
  • drill;
  • mixer attachment;
  • sand;
  • paint brush;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pan drain;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • putty knife.

Pallet installation

In order to make a shower tray with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the base.

Photo: site preparation

It is better to make the pallet before the walls and floor are completely finished. In places where the pallet adjoins the wall, it is also necessary to treat the wall with waterproofing to avoid the appearance of mold.

Photo: waterproofing

Waterproofing is applied paint brush a thin layer, first under the screed, then on top of the screed and immediately before the cladding.

To keep the floor in the shower warm, you can lay it under a finishing screed. electrical system"Warm floor". Such a system is installed not only under the pallet itself, but also around it.

Photo: heated floor system

After the first layer of waterproofing has completely dried, you can begin to form the outline of the brick shower tray.

Photo: brick outline

Both ordinary brick and silicate brick are suitable for this. The brick is laid on a cement-sand mortar (or a special mixture that is sold in any hardware store). It is also necessary to lay on the base metal mesh so that the base is very strong.

Photo: water drainage system

Important! The water drain must be of high quality, since once the construction of the pan is completed, it will no longer be possible to replace it.

After this, you can install construction beacons and fill in the rough screed. For a rough screed, you can use a cement-sand mortar with the addition of crushed stone.

Photo: screed

The pouring area is small and a trowel or spatula is used to level the surface. The solution must be compacted using a trowel, immersing it edgewise into the solution with precise movements.

After the rough screed has dried, the surface must again be treated with a waterproofing mixture. This is done to prevent moisture from getting into deep layers of concrete or onto floor slabs.

Photo: waterproofing again

Also, high-quality waterproofing will prevent the appearance of mold and mildew not only in the bathroom, but also in adjacent rooms.

Video: waterproofing a tile shower tray

Then a self-leveling mixture must be applied to the dry surface. You need to make a smooth depression around the drain so that the water drains smoothly. It is better to purchase a high quality metal water stack.

When the layer of self-leveling mixture has completely dried, you need to apply waterproofing again. This layer of waterproofing must be applied with particular care, especially where the floor meets the walls and around the water drain.

For special safety, it is better to make the sharp edge of the pallet smooth, semicircular.

The next step is to line the shower tray.

DIY tile tray

To line the pallet, you can use regular ceramic tiles for floors, but mosaic will look more beautiful.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools required for tiling a shower tray:

  • floor tiles or mosaics;
  • adhesive mixture for laying tiles (it is better to use water-repellent);
  • notched spatula (comb);
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • rubber hammer;
  • grinder or tile cutter;
  • construction knife;
  • water-repellent grout for seams;
  • rubber spatula;
  • crosses for seams.

Photo: tools for laying tiles

Step-by-step installation of tiles

Before starting installation, you need to prepare an adhesive composition. It is prepared using a drill with a “mixer” attachment in the exact proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

Photo: adhesive composition for laying tiles

Laying tiles must begin from one corner. For high-quality installation, the adhesive mixture is applied to the surface with a notched trowel, the tiles are laid on the adhesive and pressed down.

Photo: laying tiles

To adjust the level, use a rubber hammer, tapping in the right places. The evenness and uniform size of the seams can be controlled using special plastic crosses.

After installation tiles the entire surface must be filled with a special mixture. It serves to prevent water from getting under the cladding.

The mixture is prepared in small portions and rubbed into the seams using a rubber spatula.

Next you need to rinse damp cloth the entire surface to remove any remaining grout mixture. To make the seams the same, you can go through them reverse side spatula ( plastic handle special spatula is designed for this).

Photo: finished pallet

After completing all the work, the surface of the tile is washed again and wiped dry.

Step-by-step installation of mosaics

Mosaic is very beautiful finishing material, which is usually used for lining shower trays, or for solving other design problems.

Photo: plastic and glass mosaic For bathroom

Mosaic comes in glass and plastic. You can use any mosaic for the pallet.

It is better to use for mosaics adhesive composition white. Laying the mosaic begins from one corner.

The adhesive composition is applied to the surface using a notched trowel, and the tile is applied. The tile is pressed a little, and excess glue must be removed immediately.

In the article: read detailed instructions about the installation of polypropylene pipes.

For ways to hide pipes in a toilet, watch the video.

Installed acrylic bathtub on a frame with your own hands, fits perfectly into the interior of a modern bathroom. How to do it? .

Trimming the tiles is done with a construction knife or scissors, since the base of the mosaic can be paper or in the form of a mesh.

Photo: mosaic installation

After laying the mosaic, you can begin grouting the joints. The seams are rubbed with a special waterproof grout mixture using a rubber spatula.

Grouting the joints on a mosaic is a very important moment, which must be carried out very quickly and any remaining grout should be wiped off immediately.

Photo: wash and wipe dry

After filling the joints, thoroughly wash the lined surface and wipe dry.

Video: installation of a shower channel

In hot weather, quite often you want to freshen up at your dacha, but there are situations when there is no clean body of water nearby, and setting up a pool is a rather complicated and expensive task. To get out of this situation, it is recommended to independently build a summer garden shower for your dacha; it will save you in summer heat and perfectly refreshing. It will be especially pleasant to take it after a difficult working day. A shower will help you relieve tension, refresh, invigorate, calm and distract you from negativity.

This structure performs another equally important practical function - health care. It is recommended to rinse periodically in order to wash away dust that has settled on you, which may contain particles of fertilizer. Doctors have noticed that people who neglect summer showers and prefer to postpone hygiene procedures until taking a bath, more often turn to specialists with problems such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

But what if there is no shower at the dacha? If you don’t want to splash around in a trough or basin, you need to arrange comfort in field conditions and build Summer shower with your own hands, using ready-made drawings and photos, studying the description step by step.

This building has a huge variety of construction options, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view. But the general details are the same for any option, these are the frame, fence, tank and pallet (floor). But the options for their assembly are very diverse.

As the simplest and affordable option, is to take a bucket, punch more small holes in it and hang it in a convenient place. The main advantage of such a device is its absolute accessibility, but sometimes ten liters may not be enough to wash properly. And from an aesthetic point of view, such a design is not very attractive. Another advantage of this option is that you don’t need to build anything.

If you don't go in simple ways, then the summer shower can be constructed from wood, metal profiles and various plastics. The choice of material depends on what tool you use. If you don’t have a grinder at your disposal and welding machine, then the structure will have to be built from planed bars. Can be used as cladding plastic lining, board, or simply attach a waterproof film to the racks.

Each option has its own subtleties. For example, when assembling a wooden summer shower, you can use a huge number of design options, but plastic and metal constructions do not require special processing.

Very important point at the beginning of the build, how many people will use the shower and how often. Based on this, the volume of the tank is calculated, as well as the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using a shower may vary. If possible, equip your dacha shower with a locker room yourself. In this case, you will avoid such an unpleasant moment as wet things. Highest degree comfort is a structure that houses a shower, a dressing room and a toilet. Of course, creating such a structure will require an investment of both money and effort. If the tank is painted black, the water will heat up faster.

When choosing a location for the shower, try to ensure that it is sunny and that buildings and trees are as far away as possible. This is important because the source of heating the water in the tank is the sun. Another point is that the shower should not be installed on a noticeably lowering ground, as this will impede the flow of water. Particular care needs to be taken of the drain itself.

For infrequent use and a small volume of water, a small drainage layer under the pan will be sufficient. And if a shower is used by a family of several people who will use it quite often, it will be necessary to install a septic tank. It should be located 2-3 meters from the structure itself, this is done so that there is no unpleasant odor coming from it into the shower. You can plant moisture-loving plants near the summer shower - they will decorate the area and provide natural drainage.

Once the location and material have been determined, the construction of the structure can begin. To do this, study 5 simple options How to make a summer shower yourself.

Homemade shower cabin made of wood

Before you build a summer shower in your country house, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools for the work. To create an outdoor shower structure, you will need the following materials:

  • timber;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rubber hose;
  • shower kit, which includes a bracket, curved pipe, adapter, faucet and nozzle.

Stages of assembling a wooden garden summer shower:

  1. A shower pit with a depth of 40 cm and dimensions of 1 × 1 m is dug, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pit, it will facilitate the rapid absorption of soapy water by the soil. After this, you need to lay cinder blocks in the corners. They must be leveled.
  2. After this we begin to make the frame. To do this, you will need boards 15cm wide and 30mm thick. A base measuring 1 × 1 m is made from them, and 4 beams with a cross section of 70 × 100 mm are attached to it. Using lateral and two transverse jumpers inserted into the grooves, the frame is ligated. They also serve as reinforcements for the roof, where a hundred-liter tank will be installed.
  3. Frame covering. To do this, you can use clapboard, blockhouse or false beams. The gaps between the grooves should be about 2-3 millimeters. This is necessary so that when wet the timber can easily expand. We used a material that imitates logs to cover the shower.
  4. Finishing. Before painting, you need to prime the wood. A bioprotective antifungal impregnation is suitable for this; after it dries, the surface is painted with façade acrylic water-borne varnish in 3 layers.
  5. Then you need to hang a tank, the minimum volume of which is one hundred liters, a curtain, install shelves and attach hooks.

For self-creation A similar shower at the dacha will take 1-2 days. But a shower cabin in the country, made by yourself, will delight you throughout the entire summer season.

Country shower made of polycarbonate

When many people think of polycarbonate, a greenhouse comes to mind. Most people immediately wonder how to use such a shower, which is also transparent. But for shower stalls there is a special material that hides everything.

An outdoor shower made of polycarbonate on a metal profile is more durable than a wooden one and is not more difficult to assemble. To do this, you will need a profile pipe with a cross section of 40x20 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a steel angle of 50x50 mm. The number of profiles is determined based on the dimensions of the shower: length and width - 1 meter, height - 2.1 meters.

The dimensions of the cabin are not important since its length and width depend on the dimensions of the tank. The posts must be 10 cm larger than the height of the frame; this is necessary for concreting.

For convenience, it is better to assemble the sidewalls on a flat concrete or asphalt area, using welder magnets to fix the profiles.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a shower out of profile pipe and polycarbonate looks like this:

  1. Two racks and two crossbars are laid in pairs on the site, after which they are welded overlapping.
  2. After installing the side frames vertically, two transverse profiles are attached to them by welding, the corners are checked and the joints are fixed with a working seam.
  3. As soon as the concrete screed has been poured under the booth, the finished frame is placed on it so that the legs of the racks are immersed in the concrete. The installation is checked for verticality (if necessary, the depth of immersion in the screed of the racks is adjusted).
  4. All that remains is to weld the door frame and attach the hinges to it. The final touch will be cutting cellular polycarbonate and its fastening with self-tapping screws to the frame itself. To collect water, you can use a steel pan or make a special channel for drainage at the time of concreting.
  5. For the reservoir, it is recommended to use plastic flat tanks. They are easier to install and act as a roof, completely covering the cabin.

An outdoor polycarbonate shower can look very attractive thanks to color scheme. Of course, such a design should not be put at the forefront. But for the owners themselves and their guests it will be very pleasant to use such a shower. In addition, polycarbonate does not require any special care.

Shower for a cottage made of brick

Creating a brick structure requires the construction of a foundation. To do this, you will need to dig a trench 400 mm deep and 200 mm wide along the perimeter of the future structure. The trench is filled with broken bricks and filled liquid concrete, so that it leaks between him. After a week has passed after the concrete has hardened, begin laying the brick on the cement mortar.

Don't forget about installation door frame. The door itself can be made of wood, or a frame can be welded from a profile and a sheet of corrugated sheets sewn into it. When will you lay it down? last layer bricks, embed the transverse ones into the masonry wooden blocks, preferably brick thickness. The tank will be attached to them and the roof will be laid.

The roof will require rigid material. Corrugated sheeting or slate are well suited for this role. After roofing material Fixed in it, a hole is drilled in the middle of the roof. The tank is installed on the roof so that the supply tube passes into the hole. A tap and watering can are screwed onto the tube.

The optimal tank volume for such a shower is 200 liters. You can buy a plastic or galvanized tank in the store or make it yourself from stainless steel. Any container that has a neck for filling water can be used as a tank.

To create a heated brick shower, you need to install a 2 kW heating element into a metal tank. The reconciliation container must be painted black. This color attracts the sun's rays more strongly, which allows the water to heat up faster. If you additionally install a wood-burning titanium in the cabin, then in addition to heating the water, you can also heat the cabin itself. In this case, you will need to install another cold water tank.

There are two methods for creating flooring and drainage country shower:

  • dig a hole equal to the area of ​​the cabin and 300 mm deep, fill it with crushed stone on top of which install a wooden lattice pallet. This type of drainage works well with small amounts of water;
  • if you plan to build a heated shower for the dacha, which will be used a large number of people, then it is necessary to drain. To do this you need to lay 50 mm sewer pipe from the dug hole to drainage well. Fill the hole with crushed stone and fill it with concrete so that the drain is flush with the floor. Place a wooden pallet on top of the concrete.

A do-it-yourself summer shower for a cottage made of brick is built not for one season, but for long years, so it can be equipped with heating.

Summer shower made of corrugated sheets

A successful solution can be considered the construction of a country shower from corrugated sheets. This material is lightweight, strong and durable. For cladding with this material, both wooden and metal carcass, but there must be additional crossbars on it.

Additional emphasis will not hurt due to the fact that this material quite soft. For a metal profile, the frame is built similarly to the above options.

It is recommended to weld the door frame from metal profile. The metal profile is fastened using galvanized self-tapping screws with a sealing washer through one wave. First, the corrugated sheets are attached to the side walls, then attached to the door.

If it becomes necessary to cut the material, use scissors or a special disc with teeth for an angle grinder; this is done so that the special tool does not burn out during cutting. polymer coating corrugated sheets

The frame of this shower is made from metal pipes. The wall cladding is made of brown corrugated sheets. The roof is also made of corrugated sheets. The opening between the roof and the wall allows light to enter the shower room.

A simple option for building a summer shower

Often many people think about how to build a summer shower with their own hands using a minimum of funds. This shower will be able to provide for a minimum of people and will allow maximum savings.

Most simple design the shower is installed near the blank wall of the main building. A water container with an attached shower head is also attached to this wall. The floor of such a shower is a wooden pallet or a concreted area for convenience, which is covered with a rubber mat. Use a cellophane curtain or tarpaulin fabric wrapped around a wooden frame.

You can use any available means as shelves for shampoos and soaps. For this purpose you can even use plastic bottle cut in half and nailed to the wall. Bottom part The bottle can serve as a stand for shampoo, and the top one for soap or washcloths, which will allow water to flow freely and not stagnate.

From an aesthetic point of view, such a structure is noticeably inferior in contrast to a capital one, but nevertheless has the right to exist.

5 ideas for organizing a shower in the country

A fairly inexpensive and fairly simple country shower is a frame made of wooden blocks covered with planed boards.

If you have a grinder and a welding machine at your disposal, you can make an outdoor shower yourself from a metal profile and cover its walls with tarpaulin. In the absence of a welding machine, the frame can be assembled using threaded connections, strengthening the corners with steel gusset plates. The sides can also be closed using a film screen placed on rings and a cord.

There is no need to build a shower frame if you attach it to the wall of your home. To do this, you will need to line it with waterproof material and bring a mixer with a hose to the surface. By filling the floor with large pebbles and performing simple drainage, you will get a fairly cozy and bright corner for taking water procedures. If you don’t like the open option of a wall shower, you can install it light wall screen.

Considering further the options for a summer shower, it is worth noting that it can be made not only from purchased, but also from inexpensive scrap materials. Look at the photo below. The frame of this structure is made of wooden blocks. The fence is woven from willow vine, which can be found next to summer cottages.

The shower can also be made from a corrugated metal sheet bent in a semicircle. For this option, you do not need to install a tank for heating water. You just need to connect to the water supply.

Now you know enough how to make a country shower yourself. If you are full of confidence in the need for a country shower, then go for it. Most the best option turns out after preliminary calculations. And after finishing this work, you can return to everyday dacha chores, in which case you have a place where you can freshen up.