Liquid waterproofing for concrete: description of technology, features and reviews. Liquid waterproofing for concrete Waterproofing concrete

When carrying out repairs or restoration of concrete or plaster coatings, penetrating concrete waterproofing is used. This material helps improve quality characteristics concrete and makes it moisture resistant. We’ll look at how to choose where to buy penetrating concrete waterproofing below.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete: features and characteristics

Penetrating waterproofing is a material that contains Portland cement, fillers and active chemical additives. The additives are salt elements of alkalis, alkaline earth metals or polymers.

main feature penetrating waterproofing is based on the principle of the solution: chemical additives applied to the surface penetrate deep into the concrete, moving through capillary pores filled with water.

The function of protection against moisture consists in the interaction of calcium compounds, which are the main component of cement, with penetrating waterproofing additives, while the pores that are located on cement surface- shrink and do not allow water to pass through.

The scope of application of penetrating waterproofing extends to:

  • repair and waterproofing of concrete surfaces;
  • restoration of reinforced concrete structures;
  • restoration of cement-sand coatings.

In addition, the use of penetrating waterproofing is associated with waterproofing:

  • concrete or brick basements;
  • cellars;
  • foundations;
  • swimming pools;
  • terraces;
  • garages;
  • inspection holes;
  • civil defense objects;
  • water containers;
  • wells.

Elements whose main components are foam concrete, expanded clay concrete and other types of porous concrete and asbestos-cement materials are unsuitable for applying penetrating waterproofing.

The main difference between penetrating waterproofing and rolled materials is that the waterproofing acts over the entire area and thickness of the concrete structure, while rolled materials protect concrete only at the place of their installation. In addition, rolled materials are not able to withstand constant contact with water, so their installation in swimming pools and water tanks is ineffective. Penetrating waterproofing has an unlimited lifespan and performs its functions until it collapses. concrete covering.

Limitations in the use of concrete waterproofing

The use of penetrating waterproofing is becoming a fairly popular process, but there are cases when, due to ignorance or lack of experience, these materials are used in cases where their use is inappropriate. Therefore, we propose to consider cases in which concrete waterproofing is necessary.

The use of penetrating compounds comes down to their use as one of several options for waterproofing or the main waterproofing material.

In the process of waterproofing foundations that are constantly in contact with water, the use of roll-type waterproofing is not always effective. To further enhance the waterproofing characteristics of this type of structure, it is recommended to use penetrating waterproofing, which can provide internal protection from exposure to moisture.

The fundamental difference between penetrating waterproofing and its alternative options is its ability to penetrate the thickness of concrete. Some types of penetrating solutions are capable of waterproofing concrete up to a depth of forty centimeters.

It is recommended to use penetrating waterproofing materials to protect structures made of concrete or reinforced concrete, to waterproof surfaces that are constantly in contact with moisture, in the process of waterproofing foundations, if the level groundwater too tall.

Main advantages of purchasing waterproofing materials penetrating action:

  • increasing the water-repellent characteristics of concrete structures;
  • formation of a durable waterproofing layer over the entire thickness of the concrete product;
  • the ability to work on internal and external parts of the structure;
  • Possibility of application on wet surfaces;
  • no need to dry the concrete.

The main advantage of purchasing penetrating materials is their ability to protect the interior of the structure from external moisture. This explains the widespread use of this material when carrying out restoration work on premises, such as basements, in which there is no possibility of carrying out external waterproofing.

In addition to a large number of advantages, penetrating waterproofing is characterized by the following disadvantages:

  • concrete structures that have or are subject to the formation of surface cracks will not be protected from moisture, therefore the use of penetrating waterproofing is associated only with crack-resistant structures;
  • provides only superficial protection for brick buildings, since the brick does not contain the substances necessary for the reaction;
  • not suitable for waterproofing porous concrete bases;
  • not applied to foundation blocks.

Operating principle of concrete additive for waterproofing

First of all, the waterproofing mixture is mixed with water and covers wet surface concrete base. The waterproofing effect occurs due to the fact that the pores of the concrete are gradually filled with waterproofing solution.

Due to the fact that the material contains a large number of active chemical additives, they begin to interact with the elements in the concrete composition, resulting in a crystallization process, and a continuous barrier is created that makes the concrete moisture resistant.

The process of compacting the concrete solution occurs due to the presence of water. If there is no water in the solution, the process stops; if water is present, it resumes.

The penetration of waterproofing into concrete reaches thirty to forty centimeters. The presence of micropores, capillaries and microcracks filled with crystals increases the water resistance of concrete several times. At the end of this process, a concrete base is obtained in the form of a compacted waterproof coating.

Penetrating waterproofing is rightfully considered a unique material, since during the processing of concrete, with the help of these solutions, interaction occurs between chemically active substances and cement stone. As a result, an insoluble thread-like crystal coating is formed, which is resistant not only to moisture, but also to aggressive substances.

Structures that have been treated with penetrating waterproofing are resistant to chemical reagents, aggressive irritants, saline solutions, waste water and other aggressive components, from environment.

The use of penetrating waterproofing has a positive effect on the frost resistance of concrete, provides its protection from wind, mechanical shock, and precipitation and prevents the process of oxidation of reinforced concrete reinforcement sections.

Crystalline compounds are characterized by the presence of tiny pores through which water does not pass, but at the same time the concrete does not lose its air or vapor permeability characteristics. Thus, the concrete coating “breathes” but does not allow moisture to pass through.

Moisture is required to form crystalline compounds on the surface of concrete, so perfect option for penetrating waterproofing materials to work - a newly installed concrete base. When working with dry concrete, it requires preliminary moistening.

In addition, among the main advantages of penetrating waterproofing there are:

  • compaction of the concrete structure;
  • compaction of cracks up to four millimeters;
  • no need to treat the concrete base with a primer;
  • resistance to puncture, tearing or separation from the surface;
  • no need for protection during backfilling.

The most effective is the use of penetrating waterproofing at a temperature of use of concrete structures from -30 to +10 degrees.

The use of penetrating waterproofing protects concrete from chemical attack, chlorides, and metal corrosion. At the same time, concrete is not exposed to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Also, penetrating materials have good resistance, are resistant to stress, compressive strength and resistance to radiation.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete: materials, selection process

Before you buy penetrating waterproofing for concrete, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will help you choose the right type of solution suitable for a certain stage of the waterproofing process.

The use of cement-based penetrating waterproofing is important when processing external walls, floors, basements, foundations, liquid storage tanks, sewage systems, tanks, tunnels, mines, wells, parking lots, technical buildings, water dams, swimming pools.

We propose to consider the main manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing products:

1. "Osmosil" - Italian penetrating waterproofing. The material looks like a ready-made mixture based on the use of osmotic waterproofing cement, with high strength protective composition and with special filling admixtures.

The use of "Osmosil" is associated with carrying out internal and external waterproofing work on the foundation and foundations of the building. It is recommended to use the material in the premises of mines, elevators, and when arranging drainage system and water tanks, when renovating a shower or bathroom. Application of the material is possible both from the inside and from outside. "Osmosil" is applied to stone, concrete or brick bases. Main feature - preliminary plastering surfaces. It is not recommended to use waterproofing on surfaces that are subject to constant shrinkage or vibration. IN in this case It is recommended to add latex-based additives to the solution. The coating treated with this waterproofing material is recommended to be used in temperature range from -35 to +85 degrees. Waterproofing work is carried out at temperatures above five degrees Celsius. Finished coating exposed to stress no earlier than after two days.

2. "Hydrotex" - penetrating waterproofing, which includes sand, cement and penetrating additives. There are two types of this waterproofing: "Hydrotex" B - used for internal waterproofing, "Hydrotex" U - for external waterproofing.

Scope of application of the material:

  • concrete and stone structures;
  • concrete buried or semi-buried foundations;
  • basements, garages;
  • storage;
  • tunnels, mines;
  • sewer, water systems;
  • swimming pools, water tanks, etc.

The developers of Hydrotex products claim that their materials are capable of penetrating concrete to a thickness of up to one meter. "Hydrotex" is not used on stone-concrete structures, which are characterized by the absence of capillaries.

Features of the use of penetrating waterproofing

1. Basements.

Protecting the basement from moisture accumulation involves not only the use of good waterproofing, but also the correct construction of the walls and their support in the form of a foundation. The positive effect of penetrating waterproofing will be achieved if there is a minimum number of joints on the walls, the materials will be introduced directly into the concrete solution, and the application will be both internal and external.

2. Potato storage facilities.

If you do not provide protection from moisture at this facility, it will fill with water and the potatoes will spoil. Therefore, to ensure high-quality waterproofing potato storage facilities, it is necessary to use special ones during the construction process concrete plates, which have waterproofing characteristics or take care of organizing waterproofness using special waterproofing materials.

The use of dry mixtures helps prevent the formation of a film on the coating, since they are used directly in the solution itself and act along the entire perimeter of the concrete. The use of dry mixtures is the most the best option waterproofing of such structures. The main advantage of such waterproofing is that there is no need to dry the surface before application. The mixture is applied to the wet coating.

This waterproofing is applied with a brush and immediately interacts with the surface of the concrete. In addition, the solution helps fill microcracks, while the wall does not allow moisture to pass through, but allows air to pass through.

3. Foundation.

Foundation waterproofing is a necessary part of building a home. Since it is the foundation that is most susceptible to environmental influences. Therefore, this part of the building requires protection from the effects of melt and ground water, as well as from harmful substances coming from groundwater. At the same time, penetrating materials are absolutely harmless to people, but very effective for the building. It is recommended to use such waterproofing in the construction of buildings for any purpose, from public and industrial to private and social. Since the building has been in use for decades, even if the groundwater level is low during the construction of its foundation, after a certain time, changes are possible that, if the waterproofing is poor, will significantly affect the entire building and lead to its destruction.

4. Wells.

The use of penetrating waterproofing when carrying out work to improve the water-repellent characteristics of concrete in a well allows you to start work without preparing the surface, and there is no need to scrape the walls, moisten the concrete or maintain the waterproofing.

Waterproofing concrete is a fairly simple technological process, during which the hydrophobicity of cast or block design. In addition, waterproofing affects the frost resistance of concrete and the “life” of objects built from this building material.

Therefore, in this article we will look at typical methods arrangement of waterproofing of concrete buildings, offering our readers, as a bonus, a review of insulators, with an analysis of their advantages and disadvantages.

The classification of waterproofing materials is most often based on the technology of applying an insulator to the protected surface.

And according to this principle, the range of similar products is divided into the following types of insulating materials:

  • Penetrating substances that work at the capillary level, plugging even microscopic cracks.
  • Additives to a cement-sand mixture that increase the hydrophobicity of a cast structure or concrete block.
  • Liquid compositions used to paint the surface to be protected. Moreover, after “painting” the liquid hardens, forming a solid film impenetrable to moisture.
  • Viscous compositions applied to the concrete surface when heated, using a spatula. After cooling, the viscous composition partially hardens, and an elastic film up to 2-3 millimeters thick appears on the surface.
  • Rolled and tile coverings, glued to concrete (or fixed in another way).

Advantages and disadvantages of waterproofing materials

Due to their physical and chemical properties, all of the above-mentioned materials for concrete waterproofing have a unique list of advantages and disadvantages.

Penetrating compounds

Thus, penetrating materials are famous for their effectiveness. They protect concrete from ground moisture, and from precipitation, and from pressure breakthroughs. And in any case, penetrating waterproofing for concrete “works” at the capillary level - active substances dissolved in water, applied to concrete by painting, penetrate into microscopic pores and grow in them, fed by moisture and chemicals contained in the concrete.

As a result, all capillaries and microscopic cracks are filled with durable crystals growing 10-20 centimeters deep into the material! And such protection does not suffer from accidental mechanical damage: after all, it is located inside a concrete wall, which is very difficult to destroy. At the same time, penetrating insulators also increase the frost resistance of concrete, guaranteeing the longevity of the entire structure.

The only drawback of penetrating compositions is the slow process of formation of the protective environment. Crystals grow very slowly in concrete.

Waterproofing additives

Concrete admixtures and admixtures for waterproofing cast or block structures function on the same principle. Only this time it is not the 10-20 centimeter layer at the surface that is protected, but the entire concrete casting or reinforced concrete products. However, waterproofing additives force us to select the concrete formulation more responsibly.

However, neither penetrating insulation nor additives provide 100 percent protection. Both options are just “rough” means that would be nice to use before the main defense.

Liquid waterproofing

Liquid formulations are famous for their high efficiency and ease of application technology. After all, liquid concrete waterproofing is applied to the protected surface with a regular brush. Moreover, such a “frivolous” approach to the application process does not affect the effectiveness of the insulating composition.

The range of liquid insulators can be divided into solvent-based formulations and aqueous emulsions. The first option involves introducing a hydrophobic base into an organic solvent. After application to the surface, the solvent evaporates, but the hydrophobic base remains.

The second option - aqueous emulsions of hydrophobic materials - works on the same principle. Moreover, the water emulsion is not subject to shrinkage when drying, hardens faster and has virtually no odor. Therefore, most buyers purchase liquid emulsions.

Coating waterproofing concrete

Viscous mastics and multicomponent polymers with a complex composition are applied to the protected surfaces, both in the “cold” and “hot” states. Moreover, cold application is very similar to painting, and hot application is similar to plastering the surface to be protected.

However, in both cases, a multilayer coating is formed from coating compositions, into the structure of which reinforcing fiberglass mesh is introduced. Therefore, in contrast to the results of using liquid insulators, coating compositions guarantee the formation of a truly durable barrier with high degree elasticity.

Such an insulator is not afraid of impacts or chips. After all, the thickness of the insulating layer can reach up to 40 millimeters.

However, such dimensions are typical only for horizontal or inclined planes. On the vertical, only a 20-mm layer can be formed from coating waterproofing.

Pasting materials, supplied in rolls and slabs, allow you to form a waterproofing layer of any thickness. Moreover, in addition to hydrophobic properties, the insulation board can also be endowed with heat resistance. The result is a multifunctional coating that improves performance characteristics concrete walls and floors.

But such a product costs much more than conventional waterproofing. Therefore, in the format of pasted materials, in most cases the consumer is offered either polymer membranes with one-sided permeability, or roofing felt. These materials increase the hydrophobicity of concrete for a period of 5-6 to 50 years.

Of course, the most efficient materials They are more expensive and are more difficult to install on the wall. Therefore, adhesive insulation is carried out either by amateurs interested in forming a temporary barrier, or by professionals who can offer reliable protection, which can “survive” the protected surface itself.

Waterproofing technologies

Modern waterproofing technologies make it possible to increase the hydrophobicity of concrete in several ways.

But most often, the following technologies are used for waterproofing:

  • Impregnation of concrete with penetrating compounds.
  • Painting concrete with liquid insulators.
  • Application of coating compositions to concrete.

Penetrating waterproofing of concrete - Penetron and its analogues

The composition of Penetron suggests the following diagram arrangement of waterproofing coating:

Moreover, this sequence of actions is practiced when handling all impregnating compounds.

Waterproofing concrete with liquid glass

Liquid glass can be used both as penetrating waterproofing, and as an additive in a sand-cement mixture, and as a basis for “rough” concrete insulation, carried out before gluing with polymer films.

The process of applying penetrating insulation was described above in the text. The introduction of “glass” into cement is a very simple operation, which consists of mixing the substance into the finished solution.

And “rough” liquid glass insulation is done as follows:

Bituminous waterproofing of concrete

Mastics and other coating compositions based on bitumen are applied to concrete hot or cold. Moreover, liquid emulsions are applied in cold form, and softened bitumen is applied in hot form.

The process of waterproofing concrete bitumen mastics as follows:

  • Hot mastics are applied to a dry wall, and emulsions are applied to a damp surface. Therefore, depending on the temperature of the insulating composition, the protected surface is cleaned of dust and dried (for hot mastics) or moistened (for emulsions).
  • After preparing the surface, it is primed with a highly diluted water or kerosene emulsion - primer. The purpose of this operation is to increase surface adhesion.
  • After the primer, the mastic itself is applied to the surface, spreading it with a brush or spray. Moreover, first the first layer is applied, on top of which a reinforcing mesh is glued. And after 5-6 hours, a second layer is applied to the “set” surface of the first layer, and so on, until the dimensions of the insulating coating reach the required thickness.

This technology works both when arranging a horizontal insulating layer, when the mastic can simply be poured onto the protected surface and leveled with a needle roller, and when forming a vertical waterproofing layer, when the mastic is applied to the wall with a spatula, sprayer or brush.

To ensure that the operation of the building does not cause any discomfort, it is worth taking care of waterproofing the foundation even at the construction stage. What is needed for this? Limit, or better yet eliminate, the impact of moisture in the structure. For this purpose, special materials are used for waterproofing concrete.

A little history

Fat, which people obtained from the entrails of animals, was used as the initial waterproofing. But due to the high cost of this material, a replacement had to be found: ancient builders began to use vegetable fats. The low cost of production and production, coupled with high performance, did their job; this material began to be used everywhere. The most striking representatives of this type of insulator are bitumen and tar. For concrete, waterproofing materials of this kind are of no small importance. They laid the foundation for the creation of coating and roll waterproofing technology.

Due to its ease of creation and application, such insulation is still very popular, although it is, of course, hopelessly outdated. Its production is quite simple: vegetable oil boiled mixed with tar. Today, new, much more modern impregnations with excellent protection indicators are used: silicone, polymer, acrylic, and so on.

As an alternative to oil-based impregnations, oligomeric insulations have been developed. Their compositions are dominated by petroleum products, which have never been a problem in Russia. Properties similar to machine oil, the composition, by the way, too. Protection in this case is carried out by the fact that carbohydrates are practically not wetted. The downside is that such protection is applied only to dry surfaces. Buildings that have become saturated with moisture during operation are not suitable for this type of insulation, and the smell from it is not the most pleasant - it is still organic.

To remove the odor from the solvent from the walls, emulsions were created: in them, wetting particles of organic substances were scattered evenly throughout the solution. The essence of the functional work of emulsions is simple: when water hits a structure with a wet surface, it sends droplets of fat deeper into the structure. Inside the concrete, organic parts stick together, as a result of which it becomes waterproof. The most popular emulsions are silicones and acrylics.

Materials based on acrylic can hardly be called impregnations. A little polymer still remains on the surfaces in the form of a film. Acrylic styrenes and metacreeps are “pumped” acrylic impregnations. “Polyrem VD-2624”, “Ceresit CT17” and some others belong to this category.

Water repellents are similar in their properties to previous types of impregnations, but in fact they penetrate deeper into the concrete and their film is much thinner. Silicone impregnations include silanes and siliconates with similar properties. They contain elements of silicon. The differences in composition are quite significant, but in terms of functional action they are very similar. Silicone quickly combines with sand, glass, varnishes and others construction materials. These impregnations are best used when applied to a horizontal surface. The most important advantage of impregnations based on silicone is that, by sealing cracks, irregularities and pores in concrete and brick, they form one whole with the building materials.

Today, the main and most commonly used materials for concrete waterproofing are mixtures with penetrating action. Types of such insulation can be either liquid or powder, or in the form of a paste. Water-soluble waterproofing mixtures penetrate the structure to a depth of 10-13 centimeters, and create a crystallized structure there after contact with lime, without which concrete simply cannot exist. As a result, heavily soluble elements appear in the solution and are directed into cracks and other defects. The liquid, under the influence of tension, simply does not have the opportunity to spread between the bundles of these elements. Such crystals occupy a very small part inside the pore, but perfectly protect it from moisture penetration. Thanks to these insulating properties, concrete dries very quickly and becomes resistant to further exposure to moisture.

Trademarks for this type of insulation: “Hydrotex”, “Viatron” and others. In order to absorb the effects of moisture on cracks, joints and other defects, it is customary to use materials “Penetron” and its similar name “Penecrete”: they consist of sand, chemical additives and cement.

Coating insulation: properties

It may seem that the properties of impregnating and coating type insulation are similar. But the mechanics of their work are actually different. Impregnated insulation has a hydrophobic effect on cracks and other deformations. Coating waterproofing works directly on the surface.

Such materials for waterproofing concrete have the following properties:

  • increased adhesion to the processed material;
  • high water resistance;

There are many requirements and often they contradict each other: this predetermined the emergence of a huge number of types of insulation and other mixtures.

There are two types of this kind of waterproofing: organic and mineral. If the base is cement, then such insulation is supplied dry, packed in bags or buckets. The working state of such a mixture is paste-like, and to obtain this base, the dry composition is simply mixed with water. After preparing the mixture, you can begin to apply it. To enhance the astringent properties, latex components are used. This insulation is called “two-component” insulation and is sold as a kit (in different containers). “Sealing compounds” are also used: their task is to prevent emergency situations. The big advantage of such mixtures is their rapid hardening.

Materials based on bitumen are also quite popular. It has moisture-repellent properties, making it suitable for concrete. Waterproofing materials based on it contain rubber or latex compounds (these insulations are called “modified mastic”).

Rolled materials for waterproofing concrete are also held in high esteem. They are represented by a bitumen-polymer base applied to fiberglass or non-woven material. Top part usually covered with a protective mineral powder, sand or simple polymer film; for the lower part, one polymer film is sufficient. The fiberglass base is characterized by increased elasticity, which provides greater stability with minor deformations. For example, polyester can easily elongate by 40%, and roll waterproofing based on this material is often used in structures that can potentially be subject to severe deformation.

Before applying a waterproofing layer to a particular base, the source material should be primed. The total number of waterproofing layers depends on the possible strength of the water load. On Russian market Today you can find domestic waterproofing from brands such as Technoplast, Steklobit; among foreign products, it is recommended to use polyethylene geomembranes from NAUE.

In addition to popular water-repellent mixtures, a large number of additives for concrete are often used for waterproofing (waterproofing materials of this kind improve water-repellent and general physiological properties basics). High-quality waterproofing mixtures made from polymers begin their “strengthening work” after they are added to the concrete liquid, filling small cracks and possible hydro-tunnels that form during hardening. When choosing such additives, you need to focus on the technology of waterproofing application. Some dry mixtures are used in combination with additional modifiers that increase the functionality of the substance (plasticizers, frost-resistant additives, etc.).

Information about the ratio of the dry composition of the mixture to water is usually located in the instructions supplied with the product, so it is difficult to make a mistake when diluting.

Penetrating waterproofing is relevant for those who are tired of dampness and want to create comfortable conditions in my house. Many manufacturers offer high-quality formulations. We invite you to get acquainted with existing species, leading manufacturers, features of choice and application procedure.

Read in the article

Applications of penetrating waterproofing for concrete

If the walls get wet and it is decided to carry out reconstruction, penetrating waterproofing will become optimal choice. The composition is applied to a wet surface, which is not always possible when using other waterproofing materials. Using this method, you can form a high-quality hydrobarrier that reliably protects the base from moisture.

Attention! Penetrating compounds are widely used to protect residential and industrial buildings.

Most often, this type is used to protect cellars, bathrooms, walls and single- and multi-story buildings. The composition is used to protect surfaces exposed to soil, sewage, sea ​​water. It is used for processing elements of coastal structures, piers, river ports, subways, mines, storage facilities, and underground communications.

Operating principle of penetrating waterproofing for concrete

After application to the surface to be treated, the composition begins to actively penetrate into existing microcracks and pores. After contact with water, the mixture crystallizes, gradually filling the capillaries. As a result, crystals are formed that prevent moisture penetration and do not dissolve in water. This principle of operation makes it compacted with a high-strength film up to 3 mm thick, capable of resisting the effects of strong water pressure.

Attention! The vapor permeability of the base is maintained.

Penetrating action, reducing the water permeability of concrete, increases its strength characteristics. As a result, the service life of the structure increases and the appearance of fungus and mold is prevented.

Attention! The composition is capable of penetrating to a depth of 0.4 m.

General performance characteristics of penetrating waterproofing for concrete

The form of the composition offered by manufacturers may vary. Choosing suitable option, consider the features and advantages of each type.

Liquid penetrating waterproofing for concrete: basic properties

Manufacturers offer not only dry mixtures, which should be prepared shortly before application, but also liquid penetrating mixtures for concrete. These compositions are already ready for use. Easy to apply even on uneven surfaces using a brush or roller. The viscosity of the composition is close to PVA glue. During the application process, a thin layer is formed that requires additional protection. As a result building construction becomes virtually invulnerable to water. However, it is quite difficult to ensure uniform protection of the entire surface with this waterproofing material.

Coating penetrating waterproofing: distinctive features

In terms of its characteristics, this type is similar to impregnation. Coating penetrating waterproofing penetrates the base relatively shallowly, but at the same time provides effective protection - provided that no mistakes were made during the formation of the protective layer. High-quality composition allows you to form a reliable coating with good adhesion, resistance to water and elasticity. The latter property allows it to retain its properties when new cracks appear in the monolithic base.

Penetrating waterproofing for concrete: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this type of waterproofing protection include:

  • the possibility of application from the inside onto a damp base, which is especially important when treating long-used basements and semi-basements;
  • increasing the service life of the treated structure;
  • versatility. Can be used in the construction of buildings for various purposes;

  • reduction of repair time;
  • environmental safety;
  • protection reinforced concrete structures from corrosion;
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • Possibility of application in a wide temperature range.

The disadvantages include:

  • impossibility of processing, foam concrete, etc. In the first case, the necessary chemical reaction. Only seam processing is possible. For porous materials, the composition will not be able to completely fill the cells;

  • complexity preparatory work before applying the composition;
  • high cost of mixtures.

Leading manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing

Many manufacturers offer quality products. When choosing the appropriate option, you should pay attention to the ratings of manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing for concrete:

  • "Penetron". 8/10. This composition is most widespread. It's already long time used in many countries, manufactured using special patented technology. If we talk about what it is - “Penetron”, then it is a composition based on quartz sand, into which a certain amount of active additives has been introduced;

  • "Lakhta". 9/10. The manufacturer offers various options;
  • "Salmatron". 9/10. Universal composition, used to protect many bases;
  • "Osmosed." 10/10. Italian manufacturer offers a ready-made mixture based on osmotic waterproofing cement;
  • "Hydrotex". 9/10. Consists of sand, cement and special additives. The manufacturer offers compositions for external and internal processing;
  • "Crystallizol". 9/10. Consists of sand, cement and special additives.

The best penetrating waterproofing for concrete: selection tips

To purchase the composition, you should consider:

  • specifics of use. Manufacturers offer compositions aimed at continuous treatment of concrete surfaces, seams, as well as for preventive maintenance. For each type of treatment, the best will be its own penetrating waterproofing for concrete;
  • method of application;
  • condition of the foundation and requirements for its preparation;
  • the material from which the base is made;
  • restrictions on the use of a specific composition.

The use of penetrating waterproofing for concrete using the example of dry mixes of the Penetron brand

Pot under the Penetron trademark produces a whole range of penetrating waterproofing for concrete. The material can be used to protect horizontal and vertical bases. We invite you to get acquainted with the peculiarities of using the composition and formation of a hydrobarrier.

Average consumption of Penetron per 1 m 2 of waterproofing

The cost of waterproofing materials directly depends on consumption. On average, 0.95 kg of Penetron waterproofing is required per 1 m 2 of base if the insulation is applied in two layers. If the surface is uneven or there are a large number of defects, the consumption increases. For the concrete additive “Penetron Admix” the consumption per 1 m 3 reaches 4 kg.

Preparation of dry waterproofing penetrating capillary mixture of the Penetron brand

To prepare the solution efficiently, you should carefully read the instructions supplied with the Penetron waterproofing. As a rule, this is done in the following sequence:

  • measure the mixture and water in a ratio of 2 to 1 to prepare a sufficient amount of solution. The volume of the prepared solution is chosen so that it can be applied to the base within half an hour;
  • pour water into a dry workpiece of a penetrating capillary waterproofing mixture of the Penetron brand and mix everything thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous system;
  • we control the plasticity and mobility of the prepared solution.

Concrete is undoubtedly a strong and durable material, but it is not waterproof in itself and its strength can be increased by waterproofing. Therefore, excess moisture can cause premature destruction of buildings, which in turn leads to the formation of fungus and mold, as well as deformation of both the buildings themselves and their individual components (plasterboard and wooden floors). A method of insulation from moisture is now widely used. liquid substances, which will increase the hydrophobicity of both new buildings and already quite old objects. The advantages of the method are the creation of a continuous, seamless contour that leaves no chance for moisture to get inside the building.

Types of liquid waterproofing

Liquid emulsions and mastics are presented in a wide range on the market. The demand for them is due to ease of use and relatively low cost. At the moment, there are several types of liquid waterproofing, depending on the material used, this is insulation:

  • liquid rubber;
  • liquid glass.

Liquid rubber insulation

Waterproofing using liquid rubber(polymer-bitumen composition on a water base) is called applying an emulsion to the surface of concrete in a cold form. This organic substance is applied either with a roller, brush, or by spraying. To make it, bitumen is crushed into microscopic particles and mixed with water. This substance has minimal thermal and electrical conductivity. A significant advantage is its versatility - it can be applied to any type of surface - concrete, stone, marble, iron, wood, glass and plastic. Liquid bitumen is widely used for waterproofing walls, foundations, roofs, garages, bathrooms, artificial reservoirs, pipes, holding tanks and bridges. Coating this substance with the addition of car paint has also become fashionable.


One of the advantages of using the composition is the complete absence of seams.

Concrete itself is a difficult material for surface coating because its surface is covered with unevenness and roughness. Liquid emulsion is used to solve this issue; it forms a complete layer that makes it impossible for moisture to penetrate into any area. It has a number of advantages, the most significant of which are:

  • elasticity of the material;
  • resistance to external negative factors (temperature and humidity changes);
  • continuous coating of an object increases its resistance to moisture several times;
  • this organic substance is harmless;
  • simplicity and speed of application;
  • the possibility of subsequent painting of areas that have been missed or deformed over time.

Now let's look at a few nuances that can reduce the quality of such a coating:

  • The substance is colored black, which attracts the sun's rays. Therefore, when treating roofs, it is recommended to paint the coating in bright hues and use it without solvents.
  • Until the surface dries completely, it is worth protecting it from blows from piercing and cutting objects.
  • Although rubber can be applied to a somewhat damp surface, after hardening this moisture will not find a way out and will contribute to the destruction of the structure itself. So you should pay attention to this.
  • The service life of the substance is not that long, but it can be significantly extended through external protection.

An important nuance is that the material remains elastic after hardening. This is important when the structure itself is deformed or cracks - this kind of coating will only stretch slightly. Liquid glass, for comparison, does not have such elasticity.

Application technology

Before starting work, the surface first requires special preparation - it is cleaned of dust, moisture, degreased and previously damaged areas are dismantled. An important fact is that liquid bitumen can be used on concrete even at the drying stage (several days after pouring), and this will in no way affect the final result of waterproofing.

To ensure that the rubber adheres well to the concrete, it is recommended to lubricate the surface with primers before application. It is not recommended to carry out insulation in hot summers, because if the ambient temperature exceeds 50°, the quality of the applied solution will be significantly lower. The emulsion should be applied with a thickness of 3-4 mm, preferably using a compressor. Then wait for the coating to completely harden, which occurs on average after 4 hours at a temperature of about 20°. It is recommended to apply in two layers with an interval of 24 hours.

An important nuance - if application is carried out with a brush or roller, then the first time the coating is applied with movements left and right, and the second time - down and up. Average material consumption 1 m²/l for one layer.

Waterproofing with liquid glass is carried out if the application of bitumen is undesirable. Interacting with concrete, the solution fills cracks and depressions in concrete with crystals that do not dissolve in water. This type of waterproofing is used on the same surfaces as the previous method. And an undeniable advantage is its antiseptic properties, which block the proliferation of fungus. The service life of the coating is more than 5 years.

Coating and penetrating waterproofing

Based on the methods of waterproofing with liquid glass, it is differentiated into:

  • coating;
  • penetrating.

A solution of silicates involves applying the substance with a brush in one or several layers to the surface, which will then be protected by another material, for example, a roll. The solution partially penetrates into the concrete itself and fills its unevenness. The method is quite simple and can be used without the involvement of specialists.

Penetrating insulation is used when sealing seams and joints, as well as when it is necessary to quickly eliminate a leak. Liquid glass is also added directly to the concrete solution during construction.

Features of waterproofing with liquid glass

To protect against moisture, a liquid glass solution is used.

An important point is the rapid crystallization of liquid glass. Therefore, in order not to spoil a lot of material, it is better to entrust the work of applying it to specialists. The advantages include:

  • reliable grip on any surface;
  • a solid waterproof surface is created;
  • low material consumption;
  • cheapness.

The disadvantages include:

  • lack of elasticity;
  • impossibility independent use. The substance is introduced as an additive to other building materials;
  • difficulty of application due to the rapid drying of the solution.