How to grow cyclamen from seeds at home step by step. Features of growing cyclamen from seeds


Homeland so beautiful flower are the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. Interestingly, the alpine violet has several forms. The large-branched form involves numerous peduncles with large flowers - double or simple. There is also an elegant and miniature cyclamen with small but also numerous flower stalks. Wild species are also found in nature. Alpine violet does not have to be purchased in the store. You can grow it from seeds. However, the process is complex and time-consuming. Sowing is done in the spring: in February-March. Although experienced flower growers claim that it is possible to plant cyclamen all year round.

Before planting, soak cyclamen seeds for 12 hours in the preparation "Epin", "Zircon" or in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is recommended to prepare special soil for sowing. The earth mixture must first be steamed: this is a kind of disinfection. In addition, additionally purchase ready-made soil “Tulip” or “Terra vita” in the store. Now prepare the following composition: 2 parts steamed earth, 1 part soil, 0.5 parts river sand. Sand is necessary for ease of loosening. For seeds, make grooves 1 cm deep, spill with water and place 1 seed at a distance of 2-3 cm. Then cover the grooves with earth.

For cultivation will do bright, well-ventilated room. The temperature should not be too high during germination: +18 +20°C is enough. There should be no drafts in the room. Cover the pot with seeds with a lid or film. The peculiarity of cyclamen seeds is that they germinate for a very long time: from 30 to 60 days. The varieties KISS and APPLE are particularly slow-growing: seedlings can appear only after 5 months. So don't dig up your crops in advance to see what's going on. As soon as the shoots appear, move the pot to sunny place and shade him. Root tubers in Cyclamen form very quickly after germination.

When young plants have 2-3 leaves, drop them into a separate small container. The soil mixture should be the same as when planting, or use the one you buy in the store. And only after six months, replant the strengthened cyclamen into a pot with a diameter of 6-7 cm. When watering, use settled water room temperature. This is necessary in order to keep the flower healthy. Apply mineral fertilizers to the soil in minimal quantities, since Cyclamen does not tolerate excess mineral salts. Also, do not use fresh rotted manure as a top dressing: this can cause the cyclamen to quickly rot. Although during flowering it is necessary to double the application of flower fertilizers. The calculation is as follows: 0.5 caps per 2 liters of warm water. When fertilizing, make sure that such water does not get on the flowers and leaves.

Hi all!

Today I want to tell you about my unusual hobby, which unexpectedly overwhelmed me.

I’ll start with a short introduction about how cyclamenomania hit me. Once my mother and I were in flower shop, we were buying bark for our orchid, and I was struck by the beauty of the flowers standing on the counter. I asked the seller what kind of incredibly beautiful plants of all kinds of colors and shades they were. This is how my first acquaintance with cyclamens took place. I was also surprised why I had never come across them before. The fact is that in the warm months of the year you will not find these flowers in stores, since in the summer cyclamen begins a dormant period. The plant sheds its leaves and goes dormant. And only closer to the cold months of autumn it awakens and grows foliage and buds.

Cyclamen, or Dryakva, or Alpine violet Latin name - Cyclamen.

A genus of plants from the Myrsinaceae family ( Myrsinaceae), sometimes attributed to the family Primroses ( Primulaceae) and includes about 20 species.

Species of the genus Cyclamen - perennial herbaceous plants, common in the Mediterranean; from Spain in the west to Iran in the east, as well as in Northeast Africa, including Somalia.

The basal dark green leathery heart-shaped leaves are located on long petioles up to 30 cm and have a decorative grayish silver pattern.

The color palette is very wide: hybrids have been bred with snow-white flowers, the whole range of pink shades to dark red, burgundy, and purple.

Flowering continues for quite a long time, up to 3.5 months. Depending on the variety and room conditions flowering can begin in the second half of October and last until the end of March.

So, having read on the forum that often a plant bought in a store can die suddenly due to a change in conditions, I decided to grow a flower myself. Yes, yes, I'm not looking for easy ways! Moreover, growing something from seeds is a damn exciting activity for me.

So, what do we need to grow cyclamen at home:

  • capacity, preferably not very deep (I used a plastic sour cream jar);
  • Necessarily drainage to the bottom of the germination container (in my case, very small expanded clay the size of a pea);
  • soil (it is best to take light peat soil mixed with sand);
  • dark film(cyclamen seeds germinate in complete darkness);
  • of course seeds.

Let's dwell a little on the seeds. I, being not a very picky person in terms of choosing seeds, went to the first flower shop and bought my first envelope with seeds from Aelita (later you will understand why I focus on the word FIRST)))). I remember now “marbled cyclamen mixture of colors”. The quality of the seeds is a very important aspect. Store-bought seeds can let you down, so if possible, it is better to buy seeds second-hand. For example, on numerous forums you can purchase seeds of a wide variety of varieties, shapes and shades. But then I didn’t yet know all the intricacies of the craft. Therefore, I will tell you about the seeds from Aelita.

There were 9 seeds in the bag. I decided to divide the seeds into 2 batches. The first batch (4 seeds) was planted on the 20th of November. By the way, it is best to sow cyclamens in the cold season. Otherwise, due to the heat, the seeds will fall asleep and will not sprout.

I pre-soak the seeds overnight in ordinary water. Some people add various stimulants to the water. I don’t do this, and without various kinds of additives they germinate normally. Some people don't bother with soaking at all.

So, we take our container and use a nail to make many holes in the bottom so that the water does not stagnate. Pour drainage into the bottom. We plant the seeds in a light peat substrate to a depth of approximately 5 mm. If you plant a seed close to the surface, it may emerge with a seed coat on its head; in our cyclamen breeding community it is also called a “helmet”. Sometimes the plant itself cannot cope with the shell, so you have to help it; often such manipulations end with the seedling’s head being torn off when trying to remove the helmet. This can lead to the death of the plant. But if the seedling has a good healthy nodule, it can grow another leaf. So it's 50/50. You should also not bury the seed deeply, otherwise it will be difficult for the seedling to break through to the surface and the plant may rot. After planting, water the soil well and wrap it in a dark bag. Optimal conditions for seed germination: temperature approximately 18°C, air humidity close to 100%, and complete darkness, since there is no light initial stage inhibits the emergence of seedlings. We periodically look into the package. We check our plantings for germination and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

About a month later, I had three long-awaited sprouts. You can't imagine what happiness it was. I sprouted 3 out of 4 seeds from the first batch and 0 out of 5 from the second. Why dont know...

First, these “hooks” appear

In the first months of life you need to monitor:

  • temperature (cyclamens may disappear if the room is hot),
  • lighting (it is better to place plants under a lamp),
  • soil moisture (if the plant is periodically flooded, the still fragile cyclamen can rot quite quickly; if watering is insufficient, the roots will dry out and the plant will die).

This is how my babies grew and developed:

Here they are a little over a month old. Moved to individual cups:

Here in this photo, you can see a piece of mine " kindergarten"During this period, I was completely overwhelmed by cyclamenomania. I ordered seeds on various forums, chased rare varieties and shades, and generally fell into excitement. At the moment, I have more than fifty plants of various varieties.

IN winter time years, when hurricanes rage outside the window, the hills of snow turn white, it’s nice to have a colorful corner flowering plants at home. Such bright representatives of decorative indoor flowers include.

In nature, cyclamens grow in the Mediterranean part of Europe and Iran. They are perennials that produce colorful flowers from late autumn to early spring. Flower growers also grow them at home, obtaining not only a wonderful oasis in the middle of winter, but also a valuable medicine.

, or alpine violet, is easily recognized by its flowers located on long stems, ranging in color from pink to purple. The heart-shaped leaves are silver on top and dark red underneath. Looking at the plant, it seems that this beautiful Spaniard is showing off her proud posture in front of the audience. Her silver fluffy skirt emphasizes her slender figure with a bright headdress.

The European type of flower has small inflorescences, but the Persian type is characterized by large, butterfly-wing-like petals with white and pink shades. They spread a pleasant smell far. The root of the plant is a tuber of both oval and flat shape.

Cyclamen begins to bloom in mid-autumn and ends at the end of the winter season.

Each flower lives up to ten days, giving way to its fellows. The seeds of the plant look like buckwheat grains and are collected in a miniature box. In spring, the flower goes into hibernation, since the tuber lives and breathes above the ground, and the leaves and stems freeze for a while. Methods of propagation of cyclamen - tubers and seeds. The second method is most often used. Plant seeds can be purchased from a specialized store or collected independently from indoor flower.

Basic rules of preparation:

  • Seed material is shaken out of dry boxes and soaked before sowing in water, to which Epin-extra or Zircon is added to stimulate growth. The drug is diluted as follows: four drops per half glass of liquid. After twelve hours, you can spread the seeds on a moistened cotton pad, covering it with a damp bandage. In a day, the seeds will swell and be ready for sowing.
  • The soil for an indoor flower should be loose, nutritious, and well-permeable to air and water. This can be a purchased substrate specifically for decorative floriculture. Preparing the soil yourself is not difficult. You need to mix garden soil with peat, adding a little river sand. Steaming the soil is mandatory. It is poured with boiling water or kept in the oven for several minutes. Disinfection is carried out two weeks before planting the seeds.
  • For containers for planting, choose either small flower pots, or plastic containers. They need to be drilled for removal. excess moisture. A drainage layer assembled from pieces of polystyrene foam, small expanded clay, and clay shards is placed on the bottom.

Many people try to germinate the seeds first and then plant them in pots. To do this, place the material on the moistened gauze, covering them with a layer of fabric on top. Then, after a day, the seeds are planted in a container at a distance of three centimeters, sprinkled with a little soil. The containers are placed in a dark place, constantly moistening the soil.

As soon as the shoots appear, the pots are placed on light windowsills. After three months, you can replant the overgrown small flowers, each in a separate container. Small soft purple sprouts require a sensitive attitude.

Landing: terms and rules

So, the pots with seeds were in the dark and cool, they quickly sprouted, within a month, at a temperature not lower than ten degrees and not higher than twenty. A room that is too hot is not for sprouts, otherwise they will appear much later.

The timing of sowing plays an important role in the beginning of alpine violet flowering.

By planting them at the end of June, you can be sure that the plant will bloom in the fall. Planting in August will result in later blooms. It is not necessary to cover the top of the planting. If this measure is taken, you will have to ventilate them daily. The main maintenance requirement at this time is soil moisture. It is better to do it with a pipette, delivering moisture to the root of the plant.

A flower can bloom when three or four leaves have appeared. Perform the procedure carefully, trying not to damage the nodules. We must not forget that the root system must be above the soil. Severe deepening can destroy the plant. If this happens, then they remove it. upper layer soil, exposing the tubers. Afterwards, the above-ground part of the alpine violet begins to actively develop. Six months after sowing cyclamens, they acquire a real adult appearance.

And then it’s time to feed the houseplant. Universal complexes for decorative flowers will also be effective. Proper watering also important for the formation of a rosette of leaves and inflorescences. It is important that the liquid does not get on the tubers, otherwise rotting will occur. If the plant has gained strength a year after sowing, this indicates that the growing procedure was successful.

The rules for caring for cyclamen are simple:

  1. A comfortable place for a flower would be one where the sun's rays do not shine so brightly. He prefers diffused light, partial shade. The room should be well ventilated, but without drafts, which are contraindicated for cyclamen.
  2. Being a cold-loving plant, the flower does not like heat. It blooms well at temperatures of fourteen to sixteen degrees above zero.
  3. During the dormant period, the pot with the plant can be moved to the basement, but with sufficient lighting.
  4. High air and soil humidity – ideal conditions for a flower. But you need to be careful when watering. It is better to water through the tray in which the pot with the plant is located. The water in it must be changed daily. Drops of liquid should not fall on the stem, tubers, flowers, otherwise they will rot. Water for irrigation is taken only at room temperature with preliminary settling.
  5. During the watering procedure, it is recommended to apply specially selected for flowering plants. You should not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizing - the foliage will grow, but flowering will stop.
  6. During the rest period, dry leaves and flowers are torn off from cyclamen. Strong parts are cut off closer to the roots. Watering is reduced, slightly moistening the soil.
  7. In summer, the alpine violet is transplanted into a pot. bigger size, leaving a third of the tubers above the ground. Watering begins ten days after the procedure.

The main ailments of cyclamen include fungal diseases caused by improper care:

  • Abundant watering and waterlogging causes gray rot to appear on tubers. If a pathology is detected, carefully dig up the plant, cut off the infected areas of the root, and then wash them in a solution of potassium permanganate. After drying the tubers, cyclamen is planted in new pot with pre-steamed soil.
  • A flower becomes infected with root rot if it is infected by fungal pathogens living in the soil. This disease occurs when seeds are planted in unsteamed soil. You can get rid of the disease using fungicides such as Glyokladin by treating the plants with them. And the tubers must be thoroughly washed in a disinfectant solution and dried.
  • Sooty fungi clog the stomata and ducts of leaves, destroying them. Fungal deposits on the plates should be washed off with a solution of green soap, then rinsed warm water. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture will also help.
  • Peduncles can also be damaged by fungi. This will cause them to become deformed and dry out. Damaged flowers are removed and cyclamen is sprayed.

Pests of indoor flowers:

The health of a houseplant is in the hands of its owner.

More information can be found in the video:

Growing cyclamen from seeds at home is a troublesome task, but not very difficult. True, the amateur gardener will have to be patient: it will take about a year from the moment the seed is sowed to the start of flowering, but the end result is worth it.

Features of growing cyclamen from seeds

Growing cyclamen from seed material has a number of features:

  • the seeds will sprout within a month if the air temperature is no higher than +15ºС; at higher degrees, the seed germination period may take up to 3 months;
  • a wide selection of seed types contributes to the creation of a unique, healthy and luxurious flower garden;
  • You can plant seeds throughout the year, although it is preferable early spring or end of summer;
  • It is best to grow cyclamen by seed in a dark room.

Preparing and sowing seeds - step-by-step instructions

Growing cyclamen from seed material takes place in several stages.

Seed preparation

They are pre-soaked in any stimulant for 18 hours. Most often they use Zircon, Epin-extra or Etamon, which are sold in any flower shop. The drugs are diluted according to the instructions supplied with the drug.

You can soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or simply in warm water. Soak a piece of gauze folded in several layers or 2 cotton pads with the prepared liquids. Soak the seeds for 14 hours, and you must constantly monitor them so that they do not dry out.

At this stage it is advisable to use different methods treatment for several groups of seeds in order to further draw conclusions about optimal option soaking.


In a special indoor greenhouse, which can be used as an opaque container, the prepared soil mixture is placed in a layer of 6–7 cm. The substrate is prepared from a mixture of leaf soil and peat in equal quantities. The soil is compacted well. The treated seeds are laid out at a distance of 2–3 cm, then sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat in a layer of about a centimeter and watered generously.

For supporting high level humidity, cover the container with the sown seeds with an opaque film or lid. Better conditions for germination – air temperature not higher than +18ºС and a darkened room.

The germination process takes a very long time; the first shoots may appear in 30–40 days. At first they are a root with a small tuber. It takes root in the soil, after which pink-violet loops unfold from small nodules.

When sprouting, quite often a slight difficulty arises in that the first leaf does not manage to shed the seed skin for a long time, and it cannot unfold. Usually with enough high humidity air seedlings solve this problem on their own, gradually shedding their scales, but sometimes they remain in it for quite a long period.

There is no need to be afraid of this, since the next leaves will come from the nodule located in the soil. However, you can help the plant, for which the sprout is carefully covered with moistened cotton wool and left for an hour and a half. After this, the seed will become soft and can be easily removed from the shoot. Another method is to use tweezers to remove the dried scales, but this risks damaging the sprout.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the container must be moved to a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. If you have difficulty finding such a place, then the plants need to be slightly protected from sunlight. Young seedlings need daily moistening from a watering can with a fine strainer, or using a spray bottle. It is equally important to observe indoors and temperature regime, maintaining it at +18ºС.

Picking seedlings

Cyclamen seedlings dive when one true leaf is finally formed and a second one appears. At this point, the plant has already formed a small tuber. Seedlings are planted in pots or seedling boxes filled with soil consisting of equal parts of sand, leaf and turf soil.

You can place 2–3 seedlings in one bowl; they are placed in boxes according to the “6 by 6” pattern. You need to dive carefully, picking up the seedling with a lump of earth. The resulting nodules must be completely covered with earth. After the seedlings are planted, the plant begins to grow faster.

The planted young plants will take root in about 3 weeks, and a comfortable temperature for them should be maintained no higher than +20ºС.

To prevent the petioles from stretching and curling, it is necessary to provide the plants with bright lighting. If for some reason it is impossible to arrange lighting, you need to lower the temperature. This step will slow down the growth of the flowers and protect them from deformation.

Transplantation to a permanent place

In addition to peat, sand and leaf soil are added to the soil. The seedlings are planted so that the nodules rise above the soil by a centimeter to one and a half. Water the flowers through a tray or carefully along the edge of the bowl, being careful not to wet the tubers and leaves.

What you need for self-sowing

To independently propagate cyclamen from seeds you will need:

  • high-quality seed material purchased in a store, from flower growers who grow this plant, or obtained independently from a home flower;
  • growth stimulants - Etamon, Epin or Zircon;
  • ready-made earthen substrate, or peat, clean calcined river sand and leaf soil;
  • drainage material (expanded clay, pebbles, etc.);
  • opaque film;
  • a watering can with a fine strainer or a spray bottle;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • seedling box for sowing seeds.

Subsequent care of crops

The most difficult stage is behind us. Now the main thing is to water the plant on time and make sure that there are no heat sources nearby and that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. Important rule watering: to avoid rotting, water should not get on the tuber; it is better to water the cyclamen along the edge of the bowl.

A nine-month-old plant can please the first flower buds, and by the end of the first year it may well bloom. As a rule, this flower has a dormant period in summer, but newest varieties

Persian cyclamens are often blessed with flowers all year round. Cyclamen will announce the onset of a dormant period by dropping its leaves. If this happens, it is necessary to limit watering to a minimum and move the flower to a dark place. This flower does not require frequent fertilization; cyclamen is not fertilized in the first 6 months. In the future, he can be fed at 9 months with a weak solution. mineral fertilizer

for flowering plants.

Necessary conditions for young plants

For the successful development of the plant in the future, several conditions must be met.

  • Upon landing: Pots intended for young growth
  • , must have holes at the bottom to drain excess water; The bottom of the pot is always covered good layer
  • drainage; When transplanting, the transshipment method is used , at which root system
  • captured along with a decent lump of land; Seedlings grown from seeds are planted in pairs
  • into one landing container; When replanting adult plants, you need to monitor , to top part

the tuber protruded half above the surface of the earth.

  • Fertilizing and watering plants:, using half the dose of mineral fertilizer solution for ornamental flowering plants;
  • In the first year, cyclamen must be watered frequently and regularly., for more established plants, watering should be moderate, once every few days;
  • Avoid getting water on the plant If this suddenly happens, the moisture from the leaves and nodule should be carefully blotted with a napkin.


  • Young cyclamen plants at home do not tolerate high temperatures well, the ideal temperature for keeping them up to a year is from +5 to +10ºС;
  • Cyclamen grown in spartan conditions have a stronger and more compact rosette and will be more resistant to temperature changes in the future;
  • In flowers grown at high temperatures , the socket is loose.

Seed selection criteria

Selecting seeds for self-cultivation cyclamen in home environment you must be guided by the following parameters:

  • Careful selection of plant variety, suitable for indoor propagation;
  • A thorough check of the quality of seed material, which consists of inspecting it for the integrity of the seeds, for the absence of structural damage, deformation, signs of freezing, infectious diseases;
  • If seeds are purchased in a store, you need to pay attention to the expiration date., this parameter for cyclamens is limited to 2 years;
  • No less important is and choice of seed producer;
  • The integrity of the packaging is also checked, appearance: worn-out inscriptions, traces of wetness indicate that planting material was stored in wrong conditions and you shouldn’t expect good results from him.

Seeds from homemade cyclamens

Cyclamen blooming at home can produce seeds very High Quality. Seed setting occurs during the process of self-pollination. For artificial self-pollination, a cross method is used: pollen from one plant to another is carefully transferred using a small brush. After the seed pod is formed, the seed material is removed from it, which then needs to be dried for several days.

Homemade seeds provide almost 100% germination, grow very quickly and amicably, which is fundamentally different from store-bought ones.

Basic mistakes

When growing cyclamen from seed material, it is necessary to take into account the main mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners:

  • The soil should always be moist so that the seeds do not dry out;
  • Must be watered daily, but in no case should water stagnate;
  • To avoid drying out, you can cover the seedlings with glass., while not forgetting the need for ventilation;
  • During the first 3 months, cyclamen roots grow rapidly, leaves appear later;
  • The indoor cyclamen tuber has only 1 growth point, damage to which can lead to the death of the entire flower;
  • The plant needs to be fed only after the first half of the year. using a weak solution of fertilizer for flowering plants.

For achievement positive result When propagating cyclamen by seeds, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • take only high quality seed planting material;
  • strictly follow the above rules and the sequence of planting stages;
  • keep soil moisture under control; both excessive and insufficient watering is harmful for cyclamen seedlings;
  • Apply fertilizers 3 – 4 months after the leaves appear.

The cyclamen flower, nurtured from a seed, is unpretentious, as it was originally grown at home. Such plants are resistant to infections and pests and can withstand temperature differences without problems. In addition, sometimes you may not find a plant of the variety and color you like in stores.

Cyclamen is a house flower that is popular due to beautiful flowering. In the photo and in real life, its petals resemble the wings of butterflies. The plant is not difficult to grow with your own hands. However, to propagate or transplant it, you need special conditions. The flower is most often grown from seeds. How to cultivate cyclamen, photos and step-by-step recommendations flower growers.

Description and features of cyclamen

In order for this indoor plant formed and produced flowers, it will take a year painstaking care and attention. But the colorful flowering of cyclamen will last about 3 months. Plant characteristics:

  • height - 30 cm;
  • leaves grow from the root, are heart-shaped, leathery to the touch;
  • color - dark green, with a silver tint;
  • root - a rounded bulb with a diameter of 15 cm, having a single growth point;
  • flowers consist of oval bent petals, pointed at one end;
  • color - from white to rich lilac.

Cyclamen bloom

Selection of seeds for propagation of cyclamen

Planting this crop begins with the selection of seed. Seeds can be purchased at a specialty store or collected from flowering plants yourself.

The first option is preferable for those who are going to grow a certain variety and get the expected result in terms of size and color of flowers. Flower growers advise choosing famous manufacturers. The germination rate of such seeds is approximately 80%. If you use several varieties at the same time, you can get a colorful flower garden on your windowsill.

Attention! The shelf life of purchased seeds is 2 years.

If you still decide to collect the seed with your own hands, the flower needs to be pollinated. Manipulations are recommended to be carried out in the morning:

  1. Using a regular brush, transfer pollen from one flower to another. Different varieties of plants pollinate better. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. After pollination, you need to add potassium sulfate to the soil in the pot.
  3. Wait for the end of flowering and the appearance of boxes with seeds. Pluck them before they burst.
  4. There is no need to dry out the boxes. Wrap them in napkins and wait until they crack. Collect and use the seeds.

Pre-sowing seed preparation: ways to strengthen seedlings

Any seeds must be pre-treated in order to germinate better. The first way is to lower the planting material into a container with cold water. Dishwashing detergent should be dissolved in water, at the rate of 2 drops per 150-200 ml. You need to soak the seeds for 3 days, while changing the solution daily. The water should neither warm up nor freeze. The second treatment option is soaking in slightly pink potassium permanganate for 13-14 hours.

Cyclamen seeds

Another way is to use special preparations Zircon or Epin. They should be diluted in a ratio of 3 drops per 300 ml of water and soak the seeds for 16 hours. To correctly carry out any of these procedures, dip several layers of gauze or a cotton pad into the liquid. Place the seeds on one edge of the material and cover with the other.

Soil preparation and planting cyclamen

Light substrate from a specialty store is perfect for filling pots. However, you can make it yourself, using the same ingredients. To do this, mix peat and leaf humus (or vermiculite) in equal parts. The container where the flower will grow needs holes for drainage. Place a layer of expanded clay, pebbles or foam at the bottom of the container to protect the tubers from rotting.

Seeds can be planted in two ways:

  1. Dig shallow grooves and place the material in them.
  2. Place them on the surface of moist soil.

The distance between the seeds should be 3-4 cm. In both cases, the seed should be sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate.

Cyclamen care

To allow the seeds to germinate, place the pot in a cool, dark room. It has been noticed that seedlings appear faster at +15°C (1 month) than even at +18°C (2 months or longer). The flower does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Monitor regular watering at any stage of growth.

Cyclamen shoots

Features of caring for cyclamen:

  1. Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight. However, the room should still be well lit.
  2. Optimal temperature for the plant: +10°C in winter, about +20…+23°C in summer.
  3. The young flower will need feeding. Until the cyclamen begins to form buds, mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil.

Before flowering, the buds of the plant should be sprayed. With the onset of flowering, the need for water in cyclamen increases sharply; spraying should be stopped. When the crop fades, watering gradually stops. It is better to pluck yellowed leaves. Faded corollas should be cut off along with the peduncle. The plant gradually goes into a dormant state.

Cyclamen is replanted at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, when young leaves appear on the plant:

  • choose a pot that is not very spacious;
  • organize drainage;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Young cyclamen

The plant is usually carried with a ball of earth. The root tuber should be buried no more than 2/3 deep.
Cyclamen is sensitive to pests and quite gentle to care for. Therefore, in order for the plant to delight you with bright blooms every year, perform all manipulations with it carefully.