How a wedding takes place in the Orthodox Church in detail. Wedding, basic rules and tips

Natalya Kaptsova - practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 11 minutes


A Christian family appears solely with the blessing of the Church, which unites lovers into one during the sacrament of wedding. Unfortunately, for many today the sacrament of wedding has become a fashionable necessity, and before the ceremony, young people think more about finding a photographer than about fasting and the soul.

Why is a wedding actually necessary, what does the ceremony itself symbolize, and how is it customary to prepare for it?

The significance of a wedding ceremony for a couple - is it necessary to get married in a church, and can the sacrament of a wedding strengthen a relationship?

“Now we’ll get married, and then no one will separate us, not even a single infection!” Many girls think when choosing a wedding dress for themselves.

Of course, to some extent, a wedding is a talisman for the love of spouses, but first of all, the basis of a Christian family is the commandment of love. A wedding is not a magic session that will ensure the inviolability of a marriage, regardless of their behavior and attitude towards each other. The marriage of Orthodox Christians needs a blessing, and it is consecrated by the Church only during the sacrament of wedding.

But the realization of the need for a wedding should come to both spouses.

Video: Wedding - how to do it right?

What does a wedding give?

First of all, the grace of God, which will help the two build their union in harmony, give birth and raise children, live in love and harmony. Both spouses must clearly understand at the time of the sacrament that this marriage is for life, “through thick and thin.”

The rings worn by spouses during engagement and walking around the lectern symbolize the eternity of the union. The oath of fidelity, which is given in the temple before the face of the Almighty, is more important and powerful than the signatures on the marriage certificate.

It is important to understand that it is possible to dissolve a church marriage only in 2 cases: upon the death of one of the spouses - or deprivation of his mind.

Who cannot get married in the Orthodox Church?

The Church does not marry couples who are not legally married. Why is the stamp in a passport so important for the Church?

Before the revolution, the Church was also part of the state structure, whose functions also included registration of births, marriages, and deaths. And one of the duties of the priest was to conduct research - is the marriage legal, what is the degree of relationship of the future spouses, are there any problems with their psyche, and so on.

Today, registry offices deal with these issues, so the future Christian family brings a marriage certificate to the Church.

And this certificate must indicate exactly the couple who is going to get married.

Are there reasons for refusing a wedding - absolute obstacles to a church marriage?

The couple will definitely not be allowed to attend the wedding if...

  • The marriage is not legalized by the state. The Church considers such relationships to be cohabitation and fornication, and not marital and Christian.
  • The couple is in the 3rd or 4th degree of lateral consanguinity.
  • The spouse is a clergyman, and he has taken holy orders. Also, nuns and monks who have already taken vows will not be allowed to attend the wedding.
  • The woman is a widow after her third marriage. 4th church marriage is strictly prohibited. Weddings will also be prohibited for the 4th civil marriage, even if the church marriage is the first. Naturally, this does not mean that the Church approves of entering into a 2nd and 3rd marriage. The Church insists on eternal fidelity to each other: it does not publicly condemn double and triple marriage, but considers it “impurity” and does not approve. However, this will not become an obstacle to the wedding.
  • The person entering into a church marriage is guilty of a previous divorce, and the reason was adultery. Re-marriage will be allowed only upon repentance and fulfillment of the imposed penance.
  • There is an inability to marry (note - physical or spiritual), when a person cannot express his will freely, is mentally ill, etc. Blindness, deafness, diagnosis of childlessness, illness are not reasons for refusing a wedding.
  • Both - or one of the couple - have not reached the age of majority.
  • The woman is over 60 years old, and the man is over 70. Alas, there is also a higher limit for a wedding, and such a marriage can only be approved by a bishop. Age over 80 is an absolute barrier to marriage.
  • There is no consent to the marriage from Orthodox parents on both sides. However, to this condition The Church has long been lenient. If it is not possible to obtain a parental blessing, the couple receives it from the bishop.

And a few more obstacles to church marriage:

  1. A man and a woman are related to each other.
  2. There is a spiritual relationship between those entering into marriage. For example, between godparents and godchildren, between godparents and parents of godchildren. A marriage between a godfather and godmother of one child is possible only with the blessing of the bishop.
  3. If the adoptive parent wants to marry his adopted daughter. Or if the adopted son wants to marry the daughter or the mother of his adoptive parent.
  4. Lack of mutual agreement in the couple. A forced marriage, even a church one, is considered invalid. Moreover, even if the coercion is psychological (blackmail, threats, etc.).
  5. Lack of community of faith. That is, in a couple both must be Orthodox Christians.
  6. If one of the couple is an atheist (even if he was baptized in childhood). Simply “standing” nearby at the wedding will not work - such a marriage is unacceptable.
  7. The bride's period. You need to choose the wedding day in accordance with your cycle calendar, so that you don’t have to reschedule it later.
  8. A period of 40 days after birth. The Church does not prohibit getting married after the birth of a baby, but you will have to wait 40 days.

Well, in addition, there are relative obstacles to getting married in each specific church - you should find out the details right on the spot.

When and how to organize a wedding?

What day should you choose for your wedding?

Pointing your finger at the calendar and choosing your “lucky” number will most likely not work. The Church holds the sacrament of weddings only on certain days - on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, if they don't fall out...

  • On the eve church holidays- great, temple and twelve.
  • To one of the posts.
  • For January 7-20.
  • On Maslenitsa, Cheese Week and Bright Week.
  • On September 11 and on the eve of it (note - the day of remembrance of the Beheading of John the Baptist).
  • On September 27 and on the eve of it (note - the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross).

They also do not get married on Saturday, Tuesday or Thursday.

What do you need to organize a wedding?

  1. Select a temple and talk to the priest.
  2. Choose a wedding day. The days of the autumn harvest are considered the most favorable.
  3. Make a donation (it is made in the temple). There is a separate fee for singers (if desired).
  4. Choose a dress or suit for the groom.
  5. Find witnesses.
  6. Find a photographer and arrange a photo shoot with the priest.
  7. Buy everything you need for the ceremony.
  8. Learn the “script”. You will pronounce your oath only once in your life (God willing), and it should sound confident. In addition, it is better to clarify for yourself in advance how exactly the ritual takes place in order to know what follows what.
  9. And the most important thing is to prepare for the sacrament SPIRITUALLY.

What will you need for your wedding?

  • Pectoral crosses. Of course, sanctified. Ideally, these are crosses that were received at baptism.
  • Wedding rings. They must also be blessed by a priest. Previously, a gold ring was chosen for the groom, and a silver ring for the bride, as a symbol of the sun and the moon, which reflects its light. Nowadays, there are no conditions - the choice of rings lies entirely with the couple.
  • Icons : for the spouse - the image of the Savior, for the wife - the image of the Mother of God. These 2 icons are a talisman for the entire family. They should be preserved and passed on by inheritance.
  • Wedding candles – white, thick and long. They should be enough for 1-1.5 hours of the wedding.
  • Handkerchiefs for couples and witnesses to wrap the candles from below and not burn your hands with wax.
  • 2 white towels - one for framing the icon, the second - on which the couple will stand in front of the lectern.
  • Wedding dress. Of course, no “glamor”, an abundance of rhinestones and neckline: choose a modest dress light shades, which does not reveal the back, décolleté, shoulders and knees. You can’t do without a veil, but you can replace it with a beautiful airy scarf or hat. If the shoulders and arms remain bare due to the style of the dress, then a cape or shawl is required. Trousers and a bare head for a woman in church are unacceptable.
  • Scarves for all women those present at the wedding.
  • A bottle of Cahors and a loaf.

We select guarantors (witnesses).

So, there must be witnesses...

  1. People close to you.
  2. Baptized and believers, with crosses.

Divorced spouses and couples who live in an unregistered marriage cannot be called as witnesses.

If guarantors could not be found, it does not matter, you will be married without them.

Guarantors at a wedding are like godparents at a baptism. That is, they take “patronage” over the new Christian family.

What should not happen at a wedding:

  • Bright makeup - both for the bride herself and for the guests and witnesses.
  • Bright outfits.
  • Extra items in hands (no mobile phones, put the bouquets aside for a while).
  • Defiant behavior (jokes, conversations, etc. are inappropriate).
  • No unnecessary noise (nothing should distract from the ceremony).

Remember, that…

  1. The pews in the church are for old or sick people. Be prepared to be on your feet for an hour or an hour and a half.
  2. Mobile phones will have to be turned off.
  3. It is better to arrive at the temple 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony.
  4. It is not customary to stand with your back to the iconostasis.
  5. It is not customary to leave before the end of the sacrament.

Preparing for the sacrament of a wedding in a church - what to keep in mind, how to prepare correctly?

Basic organizational issues We discussed preparation above, and now – about spiritual preparation.

At the dawn of Christianity, the sacrament of marriage was carried out Divine Liturgy. In our time, it is important to share communion, which is celebrated before the beginning of married Christian life.

What does spiritual preparation include?

  • 3 day fast. It includes abstinence from marital relations (even if the spouses have lived together for many years), entertainment and consumption of food of animal origin.
  • Prayer. 2-3 days before the ceremony, you need to prayerfully prepare for the sacrament in the morning and evening, and also attend divine services.
  • Mutual forgiveness.
  • Attending evening service on the eve of the day of communion and reading, in addition to the main prayers, “for Holy Communion.”
  • On the eve of the wedding, starting from midnight, you cannot drink (even water), eat or smoke.
  • The wedding day begins with confession (be honest before God, you can’t hide anything from him), prayers during the liturgy and sharing communion.

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In order for the wedding ceremony to be remembered only by positive emotions, it is important to prepare for it in advance.

Of course, the most important thing is the spiritual component of the sacrament, but we cannot forget about the wedding attributes that will be needed in the church.

Making a list of necessary purchasesThe best way don't miss anything.

It’s a good idea to find out in advance what kind of donation is made into the church fund after the ceremony where you decide to get married.

What you need to buy

Wedding candles

Which ones are better to choose?

Candles are sold in the church shop: you can buy them there on the day of the celebration or in advance.

Candles specific design can be found in online stores: from the most ordinary wax products to products of various colors, shapes and sizes, decorated with small bouquets, patterned modeling, ribbons, rings, hand or factory painting, glitter (sparkles), decals (images with paper base), in a package or with candlesticks, etc. Their choice is a matter of taste, the main thing is that they are wedding candles.

What are they for?

Wedding candles are obligatory “participants” of the wedding ceremony. This is a sign of the joy that lovers experience from meeting each other. The candles burning in the hands of the newlyweds embody the chastity of the newlyweds, the fiery and pure mutual love that they must nourish from now on, as well as the abiding grace of God.

After the sacrament candles remain with the newlyweds. They should be kept at home near icons or in another secluded pious place and the symbol of marriage should be lit in connection with some important and joyful events, on marriage anniversaries or, conversely, if difficult times come. There is a belief that wedding candles can ease difficult childbirth.

How much are
On average, a set of candles costs from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Handkerchiefs for candles

Which ones are better to choose?

First of all, they should be white or light colors. These can be handkerchiefs or fabric napkins, with lace, embroidery or simpler ones. You can often buy specially made pot holders in church shops.

What are they for?

The tradition of covering the hands with a scarf has been around for centuries. But this is done more for practical reasons - so that they do not get dirty and burnt with wax.

How much are
The cost of special potholders is approximately 800–1000 rubles. Regular handkerchiefs or cloth napkins are much cheaper.

What icons are needed for a wedding?

Which ones are better to choose?

These should be the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God - separately or in the form of a folding icon, that is, a folding icon made of two parts. The choice of such icons, it turns out, is also varied. They differ in size (from 7×12 and larger), shape (arched or rectangular), design (in a plastic, wooden or other frame; brass, metallized, gold-plated, etc.; with embossing, silk-screen printing, enamel, velvet; in a case and without it, etc.).

What are they for?

With their help, the priest blesses the bride and groom. In former times, images were brought from the parental home and so passed down a home shrine from generation to generation .

Nowadays, icons of the Savior and the Mother of God are purchased in advance by the parents of the newlyweds in the church shop and given to the priest before the start of the ceremony. If the parents do not participate in the marriage, the young people do it themselves.

How much are
The price range is quite wide. The cost depends on the size and materials and ranges from 50 to 20,000 rubles.

Wedding towel – “foot”

Which one is better to choose?

The towel on which the newlyweds will ascend at the altar should be white or pink.

In the past, the bride and groom could only kneel down; nowadays, they usually stand on a towel with their feet, so there is a belief that there is no need to choose a towel with the image of rings or a pair of birds as a wedding towel: it is better to opt for geometric pattern or floral ornament around the edges. And the center of the canvas - the symbolic place of God - must be “clean”.

A towel with hemstitch or lace is not suitable for marriage: they deprive family life of integrity. The canvas should not be interrupted, just as the life together of the spouses should not be interrupted.

What is it needed for

This attribute of the wedding ceremony is a symbol of unity and purity of married life. It is spread out near the lectern and serves as a footstool for the bride and groom; on it, the young, as if on a cloud, ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven to bless their marriage.

After the ceremony, the towel most often remains with the newlyweds: it is kept in the family as a memory and decorates the house on anniversaries and anniversaries.

What is the price
A wedding towel with embroidery costs on average from 500 to 2000 rubles, a simple towel costs less.

What rings are needed for a wedding?

Which ones are better to choose?

Traditionally, the bride and groom's rings should be made of different precious metals: his - gold, hers - silver (then the young couple will exchange them during the sacrament). This difference is symbolic.

In our time this rule is not always observed, and wedding rings may even be with precious stones. Therefore, the choice of jewelry completely depends on the taste and financial capabilities of the groom: according to tradition, it is he who should buy the rings - preferably on the same day and in the same place.

What are they for?

Rings are the central attribute of engagement. Before the ceremony begins, they lie on the holy throne on the right - in front of the face of Jesus Christ. Thus, by touching the holy throne, they receive the power of sanctification and the ability to bring God’s blessing to the newlyweds. And the fact that the rings lie next to each other means mutual love and spiritual unity of the bride and groom.

This is a multi-valued symbol. Firstly, a sign of the indissolubility, limitlessness and eternity of the marriage union. Secondly, the embodiment of the sun, to which the husband is likened; silver personifies the moon - the lesser luminary and emitting light, reflected from the sun.

Important sacred meaning They also have actions performed with rings during the sacrament. Thus, the exchange of jewelry speaks of love and willingness to sacrifice everything and help throughout life - on the part of the groom, and of love and devotion, readiness to accept this help throughout life - on the part of the bride.

How much are
The price of wedding rings will depend on the metal from which they are made (you should not choose a combination of metals, as this is considered bad omen) and the presence or absence of precious stones.

Wedding set

Which one is better to choose?

The range of wedding sets today is also very wide. They differ in the number of items, style and cost. The set usually includes a towel, towels, napkins for wedding rings, and potholders for candles.

What is it needed for

Purchasing a wedding set will save the bride and groom from having to purchase all textile wedding accessories separately, selecting them by color and design, and will save them valuable time .

What is the price
On average, a set of 4 items costs 1000–2000 rubles, and of 7 – 3000–5000 rubles.

Red wine

Which one is better to choose?

Traditionally, red fortified wines are purchased as a drink for the “cup of fellowship” ritual. "Cahors" or "Sherry" .

What is it for?

The red wine offered by the priest to the young is a symbol of their true love: the fresh water of their true feelings should turn into a strong drink from year to year.

What is the price
A bottle of good Cahors or Spanish sherry can cost from 700 to 7000 rubles.

What else should you take to church?

In addition to everything listed above, newlyweds should take with them the following documents and items:

  • Passports .
  • Marriage certificate(except for those rare cases when the wedding - in agreement with the priest - precedes registration with the registry office).
  • Pectoral crosses(they should hang around your neck).

How much does a church wedding cost?

A similar question interests everyone who is preparing to go to the altar, but it sounds completely wrong.
It is important to understand: the sacrament of wedding itself does not and cannot have any monetary value, that is, it is carried out absolutely free.

There is an ancient custom after the ceremony leave a donation at church. Previously, young people were supposed to bring freshly baked bread wrapped in a linen towel to the temple as a sign of gratitude.

Today, the gratitude of young people is more often expressed in monetary terms - as much as they can. There are, of course, some approximate limits (from 500 to 1500 rubles).

It is better to clarify such a delicate point with your priest: accepted The size of the donation may depend on settlement, specific church, positions of local clergy, etc.

Everyone’s financial situation is different, and sometimes newlyweds are not able to make a large donation for the sacrament. In any church they will treat this with understanding: after explaining the situation to the priest, the young people can leave an amount feasible for them.

Wedding ceremony in Orthodox Church refers to the Sacraments of the Church, during which, with the mutual promise of those getting down the aisle to remain faithful to each other in any situation, God himself blesses the couple to be one throughout their lives with Christ.

Wedding rules require that the future spouses who have made the decision be baptized according to the laws of Orthodoxy and understand the importance of this rite.

The spiritual essence of a wedding

Jesus in the Bible said that people cannot destroy a union blessed by God. (Matthew 19:4-8).

The wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church is an action performed by priests as intermediaries between God and people, during which two souls merge into one.

Genesis 1:27 says that God created man, notice, not two people, but one - the Lord created male and female.

The sacrament of a couple coming down the aisle consists of calling on the help of the Holy Trinity to give a blessing for their future family life.

During the blessing ceremony, the couple comes under the spiritual protection of the Church, becoming a part of It.

The head of the family is the husband, and to him is Jesus.

The married couple is a prototype of the relationship between Jesus and the Church, where Christ is the groom, and the Church is the bride, awaiting the arrival of His betrothed.

In a small church-family, services also take place in the form of general prayers and reading the Word of God, as well as the spouses’ own sacrifice for obedience, patience, submission and other Christian sacrifices.

Children born to an Orthodox couple are given a special blessing at birth.

Beginning common life, even if Christians are not true doers of the Word of God, rarely attend temple services, they can come to God through the Sacrament of joining two into one.

Only by standing under the crown of God's blessing can one feel the power of His grace.

Sometimes a couple is in love with each other only on a physical level, but this is not enough to build a happy life together.

After the rite of spiritual union, a special connection appears, giving a strong impetus for a long marriage.

Receiving blessings in the temple, the couple trusts themselves to the protection of the Church, letting Jesus Christ into their life as the Lord of the house.

After the perfect ceremony, God takes marriage into His hands and carries it through life, but subject to the observance of Christian laws by family members.


What is the spiritual process of preparing for a wedding?

The wedding rules in the Orthodox Church state that one should prepare for an important event in spiritual life. Govenye is a Christian feat of the future family before the Holy Church.

Without confession and communion with the Holy Mysteries, a couple cannot be admitted to the ceremony of blessing before God.

  • show all sins, explicit and implicit, and forgive them;
  • let go of all those who offend from your heart;
  • ask forgiveness from those offended;
  • pay off debts.

After confession, the couple is allowed to receive communion.

What to buy before the wedding

There is a whole list of items needed to perform the ritual.

  • The icons are important attribute with the blessing of the couple. In the future, the Holy images of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ will become a talisman and blessing shrines for the family.
  • Wedding rings have no edge or end. By putting the ring on each other, the bride and groom swear eternal love and the indissolubility of their consecrated marriage.

Gold rings are symbols of the sun's radiance, silver rings are a reflection of the moonlight, which shines in the reflection of the sun.

So the Orthodox family shines in the reflection of the love of God's Trinity.

  • Candles for weddings.
  • Handkerchiefs to hold candles and crowns.
  • Embroidered towels or boards that:
    • decorate icons;
    • cover a tray with a loaf of bread;
    • placed under your feet.

Wedding icon

Is the presence of witnesses mandatory?

Before the revolution, marriage took place only in the temple and had all civil and legal rights.

Orthodox weddings took place only in the presence of guarantors, current witnesses who were recorded in church books as recipients.

As a rule, people who knew the families of the bride and groom were taken as witnesses. The guarantors not only confirmed the completed Sacrament with their signatures, but later became trustees of the young couple.

At that time, unmarried, young people who themselves did not yet know the complexities of family life were not taken as witnesses. When church records disappeared, these people acted as witnesses to the completed Sacrament.

Nowadays, the church does not require the obligatory presence of witnesses at marriages, but welcomes when relatives, friends and relatives come to share the Sacrament with the newlyweds.

Witnesses, Orthodox Christians, hold crowns over the heads of the couple.

The bride or witness must take care of snow-white festive scarves in advance for this action.

In the absence of guarantors, the crowns are placed on the heads of those getting married, so the young woman prudently makes a hairstyle that will not interfere with the reclining of the crown.

Is it possible for an Orthodox Christian who does not strictly adhere to church canons to get married?

Some people have turned the ceremony of marriage in a temple into a fashionable attribute of a wedding, treating it without any reverence.

Not understanding the spiritual value of the blessing of a future common life, people deprive themselves of the spiritual joy of being under the protection of the Almighty.

Some young people refuse blessings in the temple due to a cooling of faith.

The Creator opens his doors to all Orthodox Christians who want to receive the sanctification of their marriage. No one knows at what time the Holy Spirit will touch the heart of a sinner; perhaps it will happen during the wedding. There is no need to limit God in giving mercy.

Mandatory fasting and communion will help the bride and groom approach the throne of God with reverence.

How to behave in church during the Sacrament

People who rarely attend church services sometimes behave disrespectfully towards sacred objects due to their church illiteracy.

A wedding in a church is a sacred rite during which it is forbidden to talk, laugh, whisper, much less talk on a mobile phone.

Even the most important people are required to turn off all communications before entering the temple.

Being in the middle of the temple, you should carefully monitor your movement along it so as not to accidentally turn your back on the holy images, especially the iconostasis.

During the ceremony, which takes place after the completion of the Liturgy, the Church gives all its attention to two individuals - the bride and groom, blessing them happy life, in this case, a prayer can be performed for the parents or people who raised the bride and groom.

With reverence and all attention, the young couple fervently prays for the Sacrament of blessing them to take place. future life for many years, until death separates the spouses.

Should a bride cover her head during a wedding?

A snow-white dress and an airy veil are a traditional look for a bride, but new fashion trends have made their own adjustments.

Does a bride need to cover her head during a wedding, what is the point of a small piece of tulle?

The history of covering the head in the temple goes back to the beginning of Christianity, when women of easy virtue who shaved their hair were required to cover themselves with a veil during services.

Over time, head covering shows a woman's status. It is indecent for a married lady to appear in society without a headscarf, hat or hood. The Queen of England will never appear in public without covering her hair.

In Orthodoxy, the veil is a symbol of purity and innocence.

Advice! Long hair is a covering for a woman, so each bride chooses her own outfit for the wedding.

What is engagement before wedding?

Betrothal is an event that takes place after the Liturgy. It marks an act emphasizing that the Sacrament of blessing is performed in the presence of the Holy Trinity, before the Holy Face of God, by His good pleasure.

The priest informs the couple of the importance of the event, emphasizing that the sacrament of blessing must be approached with reverent anticipation, with special reverence.

In the face of the Almighty, the groom must understand that he is accepting his wife from the hands of the Savior himself.

The wedding couple stands in front of the entrance to the temple, and the priest, who at this time carries out the mission of the Almighty himself, awaits them at the altar.

The bride and groom, like the ancestors Adam and Eve, stand before the Face of God, ready to begin their common life in purification and holiness.

Just as the pious Tobias drove away demons who opposed church marriage, so the priest blesses the young with the words “In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” lighting church candles, serving to the future husband and wife.

For every blessing pronounced by the clergy, the marrying couple is baptized three times.

The sign of the cross and lit candles symbolize the triumph of the Holy Spirit, whose invisible presence is present during the ceremony.

The light of a candle means that the couple promises one another to keep the flaming love that does not fade over the years in purity.

As required by the rules, the betrothal ceremony begins with the praise of the Almighty with the exclamation “Blessed is our God.”

The deacon says the usual prayers and supplications for the young couple on behalf of everyone in the church.

In prayer, the deacon prays to the Creator for the salvation of people who become engaged to the Holy Trinity.

Important! Marriage is a blessed act whose purpose is the continuation of the human race through the birth of children.

In the first prayer according to the Word God's Lord hears all the requests of the getting married couple regarding their salvation.

In reverent silence, a prayer for salvation is secretly read. Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of His bride, the Church, who is betrothed to Him.

After this, the clergyman puts rings on the groom, then on the bride, and betroths them in the name of the Holy Trinity.

“The servant of God (name of the groom) is engaged to the servant of God (name of the bride) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

“The servant of God (name of the bride) is betrothed to the servant of God (name of the groom) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Great spiritual meaning rings that were lying on the right side throne, as if before the face of the Savior Jesus Christ, they were sanctified, having accepted the power of His grace for unity. Just as rings lie side by side, so the engaged will be together all their lives.

Those getting married receive God's blessing through consecrated rings. After getting engaged, the couple exchanges rings three times.

The ring from the groom on the bride’s hand is a symbol of his love and willingness to be a patron in the family. Just as Jesus loves His Church, so a husband is committed to treating his wife.

The bride puts a ring on the hand of the chosen one, promising him love, devotion, humility, and readiness to accept his help. The engagement ends with a request to the Creator to bless, approve the engagement, signify the rings, and send a Guardian Angel for the new family.

Wedding accessories

Sacrament of the Church - wedding

After the betrothal, with lit candles as a symbol of the Sacrament, the newlyweds move to the middle of the temple, following the priest. The priest offers incense to the Creator with the help of a censer, showing that in this way sincere fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord will be pleasing to the Creator.

The singers sing a psalm.

Psalm 127

Song of Ascension.

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways!

You will eat from the labor of your hands: blessed are you, and good to you!

Your wife is like a fruitful vine in your house; Your sons are like olive branches around your table:

so will the man who fears the Lord be blessed!

The Lord will bless you from Zion, and you will see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life;

You will see your sons' sons. Peace on Israel!

Between the lectern with the Gospel, cross and crowns laid out on it and the wedding couple, a cloth or towel is spread.

Before standing on the platform, the bride and groom once again confirm their decision to accept the wedding of their own free will, without any coercion. At the same time, emphasizing that none of them is bound by the promise of marriage with third parties.

The priest appeals to those present at the Sacrament to report facts that impede this union.

For in the future, all obstacles to marriage should be forgotten if they were not voiced before the blessing ceremony.

After this, the getting married couple stands on a towel laid under their feet. There is a sign that whoever stands on the board first will be the head of the house. Everyone present watches these actions with bated breath.

The priest speaks to the groom, asking whether, out of good will, sincere desire, he wants to marry the girl standing in front of him.

After a positive answer, the young man is obliged to confirm that he is not engaged to any other girl and is not bound by any promises to her.

The same questions are asked of the bride, clarifying whether she is going down the aisle under duress and is not promised to another man.

A mutually positive decision is not yet a union sanctified by God. For now, this decision may be the basis for concluding an official marriage in government bodies.

The sacrament of consecration of the new family before the Creator is performed over the officially registered newlyweds, the wedding ceremony begins, litanies are sounded, petitions for well-being, both spiritual and physical, for the newly born family.

The first prayer is filled with a request to Jesus Christ to bless the newlyweds with love for each other, long life, children and the purity of the marital bed. The priest asks for a blessing for the abundance in the house to be greater than the dew in the field, so that there will be everything in it, from grain to oil, allowing it to be shared with people in need.

“Bless this marriage: and give to Your servants a peaceful life, long life, love for each other in a union of peace, a long-lived seed, an unfading crown of glory; make them worthy to see the children of their children, keep their bed unblamed. And grant them from the dew of heaven from above, and from the fatness of the earth; Fill their houses with wheat, wine and oil, and every good thing, so that they share the excess with those in need, and grant to those who are now with us everything necessary for salvation.”

In the second prayer, an appeal to the Holy Trinity should be granted:

  • children are like grains on an ear;
  • abundance, like grapes on a vine;
  • long life to see grandchildren.
“Give them the fruit of the womb, good children, like-mindedness in their souls, exalt them like the cedars of Lebanon, like grapevine with beautiful branches, give them spiked seed, so that they, having contentment in everything, may abound for every good deed and pleasing to You. And may they see sons from their sons, like the young shoots of an olive tree, around their trunk, and having pleased You, may they shine like lights in the sky in You, our Lord.”

For the third time, a request is made to the Triune God to bless the young as heirs of Adam and Eve, created in the image and likeness of God, to create from them one spiritual flesh and to bless the womb of the wife, bestowing much fruit.

In reverence for the Great Creator, the union of a new couple in Heaven is sanctified and sealed by the Almighty himself.

The time has come for the main wedding ceremony - putting on the crown.

The priest takes the crown, baptizes the young man three times, giving him the image of Jesus Christ, located in front of the crown, to kiss and saying that the servant of God (name) is being married to the servant of God (name) in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The same act is performed on the bride, only for the kissing she is offered to kiss the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Covered with the blessing of crowns, the couple awaits God's blessing as they stand before the face of the Almighty.

The most exciting and solemn moment of the entire Sacrament comes, when the priest, in the name of God, crowns the newlyweds, proclaiming blessings three times.

All those present must sincerely and reverently repeat the words of the priest within themselves, asking the Creator to bless the new family.

The priest seals God's blessing, proclaiming the birth of a new small church. Now it is a cell of a single Church, an indestructible church union. (Matthew 19:6)

At the end of the wedding, the letter of the Apostle Paul to Christians in Ephesus is read, in which he says that a husband and wife are like Jesus and the Church. The husband is obliged to take care of his wife as if he were his own body; the wife’s task is to be submissive to her husband who loves her. (Eph. 5:20-33)

In his first letter to the Church of Corinth, the apostle left recommendations for the couple on behavior in the family to achieve complete harmony. (1 Cor.7:4).

The prayer “Our Father” is read, which the Savior left as a model of appeal to the Creator.

After this, the young couple drinks wine from a common cup, which brings joy, like the wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine.

The priest connects the right hands of the bride and groom with the help of an epitrachelion and covers it with his palm. This action symbolizes the handing over of the wife by the Church, uniting the couple in the name of Jesus Christ.

Taking the young people by the right hands, the priest walks around the lectern three times, performing troparia. Walking in a circle is a prophecy of eternal, never-ending earthly life for a new generation.

After removing the crowns and kissing the icons, the priest reads a few more prayers, after which the newlyweds kiss each other.

In what cases is a church marriage unacceptable?

According to church canons, not every marriage can be blessed in church. There are several contraindications for weddings.

  1. Some of the young people have already received the rite of the Sacrament three times. The Church does not solemnize fourth and subsequent marriages permitted by civil law.
  2. The couple or one of the members of the future family considers themselves atheists.
  3. Unbaptized people cannot walk down the aisle, but they can be baptized as adults, immediately before the ceremony.
  4. People who have not officially broken ties in a previous marriage, both according to civil and Christian laws, cannot receive a blessing for further family life.
  5. Blood relatives of the bride and groom cannot create a Christian family.

On what days does the wedding not take place?

The canonical rules clearly define the days when blessing ceremonies are not performed:

  • throughout all the days of fasting, and there are four of them;
  • seven days after Easter;
  • 20 days from Christmas to Epiphany;
  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays;
  • before the great temple holidays;
  • for the day and on the feast itself of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.
Advice! The date of the future wedding should be discussed in advance with your spiritual mentor.

What to do with wedding accessories after the wedding

What to do with candles, scarves and towels that were used during the wedding?

Candles are not just a light, but the embodiment of faith in the fulfillment of requests to the Creator. According to tradition, wedding candles should be wrapped in the handkerchiefs used to hold them and hidden behind icons or in another pious place.

Wedding candles are lit for a short time whenever difficulties visit the house, be it quarrels, illness, financial problems.

As a rule, towels are used to decorate icons with which the newlyweds were blessed in the temple.

In some families, there is a tradition of passing scarves and towels for weddings from generation to generation as a family amulet. Towels can be left at the temple for couples who cannot afford this accessory.

Advice! All traditions remain only traditions, the main thing for a family is love, mutual respect and support for each other.

Watch the wedding video

A wedding is a sacrament in which the marital union is blessed. Many newlyweds get married immediately after registering their marriage at the registry office, while others prefer to check their feelings, find out what is needed for the wedding and prepare thoroughly. These couples undergo this ritual after living together for several years or after the birth of a child.

Choosing a wedding date

What do you need for a wedding?

  • two icons: the Savior and the Mother of God;
  • a white towel or linen on which the newlyweds will stand;
  • wedding candles;
  • handkerchiefs for candles white;
  • The newlyweds and guests must have crosses;
  • wedding rings;
  • Marriage certificate.


  • the bride must have a headdress, this is a veil, a headscarf;
  • shoulders and chest should be covered with a cape;
  • girls are not allowed to wear trousers in the temple;
  • Make-up and manicure should not be flashy and kept to a minimum.

There will be no wedding

  • Tuesday Thursday Saturday;
  • in fasts: Great Lent, Peter's Fast, Assumption, Christmas;
  • during Maslenitsa;
  • V Easter week;
  • during the period from Christmas to Epiphany.

Marriage in the church is impossible if the young people have married three or more times. If the newlyweds are closely related or at least one of them was not baptized at the time of the wedding.

In order for your wedding to become a holiday that you will remember for the rest of your life, take good care of its organization. We have told you tips on what you need for a wedding in a church, and you try to follow them.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings have long been considered a sign of fidelity, indissolubility and purity of the marriage union. Previously, the rings had to be different: one was gold and the other was silver. Golden ring was a symbol of the sun, because of its shine, and silver was similar to the moon. Nowadays, as a rule, gold rings are chosen for the bride and groom.

What do you need for a wedding if you are having a second marriage?

Newlyweds who have decided to unite their hearts by marriage for the second time and want to get married should know that the church does not support or approve of remarriages, but a second time is allowed. In this case, two more prayers of repentance are added to the ceremony.

Couples who decide to get married should think carefully about their intentions. Find out what you need for a wedding in a church, how to dress and what prayers you need to know. Good preparation for this ceremony, will allow you to capture these moments even on camera.

At the moment, the wedding ceremony is becoming more widespread in our country, which makes it possible not only to create a marriage, but to illuminate the sacrament of marriage.

IN Soviet years in our country, some functions that were previously performed by the church began to be performed by registry offices. IN government institutions civil status acts were registered, including marriages, and the sacred rite of consecration of the union between spouses, which was performed in churches, was forgotten.

In those years, people who got married in church were expelled from the party and Komsomol, and sometimes even fired from their jobs. It is not surprising that few people decided to take such a step. Over time, these prohibitions were lifted, and old tradition sanctification of relationships loving people in our churches it is beginning to revive.

Some couples decide to enter into such a union several years after registering the marriage in the registry office. What are the requirements for those getting married in a church if they are already married? There is no difference in the rules of the church charter for people who have been married for a long time or recently.

What do you need for a church wedding if you are already married?

In any case, you are required to bring documents to the church confirming registration with the registry office.

According to the rules, spouses who want to sanctify their union in church must be baptized Orthodox Christians, not related to each other by blood (up to the fourth degree), not godfathers of each other, or godparents and godchildren.

In some cases, weddings with Christians of other faiths (Catholics, Lutherans, Protestants) are allowed, but this ceremony is not performed if one of the spouses is not baptized, is a Muslim, a Buddhist, or adheres to another faith.

You should also know that the church does not recognize all marriages concluded in accordance with civil norms. It does not allow marriage more than three times, although in accordance with the legislation in our country subsequent – ​​fourth and fifth – marriages are allowed.

If one of the spouses has already been married before, he must obtain permission from the bishop to dissolve the previous marriage.

How do those who are already married prepare for a wedding?

You need to choose a temple where this ceremony will take place, set a suitable date in accordance with church calendar and negotiate this with the priest. According to the church charter, weddings are not held:

  • on days of multi-day church fasts (Christmas, Great, Petrov and Assumption),
  • on Cheese and Easter weeks,
  • during the period from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany (Svyatka),
  • on the eve of the twelve, great and temple holidays,
  • on church holidays (Candlemas, Ascension of the Lord, Trinity, Beheading of John the Baptist, Christmas Holy Mother of God, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Protection of the Holy Virgin),
  • on Saturdays, as well as on Tuesdays and Thursdays - on the eve of fasting Wednesday and Friday.

In order to have time to prepare everything you need, it is better to set a wedding date 2-3 weeks before the event.

What else do married spouses need to prepare for the wedding ceremony? On the eve of this ceremony, the spouses need to fast for three days, confess and take communion.

If you are not very familiar with the procedure for conducting church rituals, do not worry - the priest will tell you everything. Before giving you his blessing, he will offer to read certain prayers, attend a church service, etc.

Keep in mind that on the eve of communion and weddings you should not drink alcohol; It is also recommended to abstain from intimacy. These days they do not need to be angry, quarrel, allow idle talk, unkind thoughts, they should be more humble and meek.

What is required for a wedding ceremony in a church?

To perform this ritual you will need:

  • two icons - the Savior and the Mother of God, with which the priest will bless the spouses during the sacrament,
  • rings: gold for a man and silver for a woman, although only gold or silver can be used,
  • church candles and two small scarves with which you will wrap the candles so that during the wedding the dripping wax does not burn your hands,
  • towels, one of which is used to bandage the wedding couple’s hands, and the other is placed under their feet (these can be elegant white towels or towels decorated with wedding symbols),
  • red fortified wines "Cahors" or "Sherry".

The wedding set will be available for purchase at the church store. The wedding ceremony itself is carried out free of charge, but there is a tradition of leaving a donation in the temples. Its size, which is discussed individually, is usually 500-1500 rubles.

Video filming in the temple is possible only with the prior permission of the priest. Some churches prohibit filming, while others allow it only from certain places.

How to prepare for a wedding in a church?

Take your choice of witnesses seriously. According to the rules, only baptized Orthodox believers can act in this capacity. It is desirable that this be a married couple, married and with children.

Witnesses will have to not only be present in the church and hold crowns over your heads during the ceremony, but also maintain close contact with you later, help in establishing a family and, if necessary, provide moral assistance.

The spouses' outfits should be formal and at the same time modest. You should not wear casual, sports or too revealing clothes to your wedding. The bride's dress should not have a deep neckline or slits and should not be longer than the knees.

If it is too open, you need to take care of a scarf or cape that is thrown on top. The heads of all women present at the wedding must be covered with scarves or hats. Also, during the ceremony, the spouses must wear crosses. This also applies to other people present at the wedding ceremony.

It remains to say that the wedding ceremony takes quite a long time - at least 40 minutes, and it is better for the bride to choose comfortable shoes not too much high heels so that nothing distracts her during the ceremony.

We hope that in this article you will find the answer to the question of what is necessary for a wedding in a church for those couples who have already been married. We advise you to treat this sacrament with all seriousness and responsibility, because dissolving a church marriage, unlike a civil one, is extremely difficult.