Seeing a wedding ring on yourself in a dream. Wedding gold ring on a finger on your hand, male

Since ancient times, people have paid great attention to their dreams. And they took a serious approach to the issue of interpreting what they saw in a dream. After all, a dream can promise success in business, wealth and love, or it can predict misfortune. The interpretation depends on all sorts of nuances and situations that occurred in a person’s dream. For example, in a dream a man saw wedding ring. Everyone gives it the meaning of eternal fidelity and love. Let's try to take a closer look at what it contains this dream.

The meaning of dreams with a wedding ring

According to the 21st century dream book, an engagement ring that a young girl dreams of means that she is expected pleasant events. And if it is wearing ring finger, the young lady will marry successfully. For a mature woman, this dream means a very warm relationship with her husband and children.

By interpretation French dream book This dream means a successful marriage and many children. Moreover, this interpretation is the same for men and women. If a wedding ring was given to you by your lover, then this speaks of his tender and serious intentions to you.

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a ring in a dream means protecting the family hearth from troubles for a married lady. And if the ring is in the possession of a stranger, this serves as a warning about rash actions.
The metal from which the wedding ring is made also matters:

  • gold - to a marriage proposal;
  • silver - promises financial problems and a quarrel with your significant other.

If you dream about losing your wedding ring

If in a dream unmarried girl dreamed of losing her wedding ring, she needs to be wary of gossip and envy. You need to be careful when making new acquaintances and not conflict with people. If it slips off your finger onto the floor, this means misunderstanding in the family and the emergence of conflicts. You must be careful in your words and actions, otherwise the interpretation will not come true.

If your ring was stolen in a dream, then the woman needs to be wary of the appearance of a homewrecker. But everything can be fixed by surrounding your husband with warmth and care.

It happens that in a dream you remove a wedding ring from your finger. This is a signal from the subconscious. You are overcome by doubts that understanding and tenderness in the family may disappear, and by such an action you fence yourself off from this. It is necessary to remember under what conditions it was removed and prevent these events from happening. If you don’t have a spouse, this means monetary losses.

If in a dream you are looking for an engagement ring, this indicates that your loved one is not serious about you. Or about your confusion about family life. Just understand yourself and prioritize.

Finding or buying a ring in a dream

Finding a ring in a dream speaks of new feelings or the appearance of a devoted friend. Wearing a wedding ring to your other half means the sincerity of the dreamer’s feelings. If a girl puts a ring on her finger herself, then she will soon expect a lot of attention from men and a meeting with her betrothed.

Buying a ring can be interpreted in different ways:

  • ring with stones - there will be romantic courtship;
  • two rings - for the wedding.

Choosing a ring in a dream indicates the difficulty of choosing a gentleman. This can also be interpreted as readiness for a new relationship. Trying on a ring in a dream promises long-awaited happiness. If it is large, it indicates difficulties on your way. To successfully overcome them, ask your loved ones for help.

Broken wedding ring in a dream

This is a very bad omen. A damaged wedding ring promises betrayal. Or divorce due to the fault of ill-wishers. If you see a ring breaking right on your finger, this means betrayal. Moreover, the deceived himself will see the fact of infidelity. If a ring breaks in half in a dream, this indicates a complete break not only in family ties, but also in any communication.

If the ring breaks due to your fault, this threatens business problems and losses. It also speaks about the occurrence of quarrels due to your fault. You need to monitor your behavior and be attentive. For married women, a broken ring promises the husband's illness. You need to closely monitor your spouse’s health and pay attention to the slightest changes.

Double wedding rings in a dream

Seeing wedding rings combined into one in a dream is a symbol of a wedding between people in love. Two rings on the ring finger indicate an imminent addition to the family. Soon you will learn about pregnancy, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.

This article discusses the main interpretations of a dream about a wedding ring. The meaning of a dream is not an exact statement that this or that situation will happen in your life. Everything can be changed by following the advice and monitoring your behavior. Sometimes we ourselves don’t notice how we do unconscious actions, causing pain to loved ones. Remember, your destiny is in your hands.

Objects that surround you in reality also appear in dreams, and are usually a subconscious projection of reality. Why do you dream of a ring - such a plot should be treated with caution increased attention. Many interpreters see in this subject clues about personal life and even the business sphere.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a ring in a dream

Dream book of Gustav Miller interprets the plot in which the ring is dreamed depending on the details. Wear beautiful decoration- an excellent symbol. All new plans are being successfully implemented. A bent or broken ring means quarrels between lovers. For married couples, this is a reason to think about the quality of marriage and try to revive old feelings.

Modern dream book suggests that you dream of many rings on the counter as an opportunity to make a choice. Not finding what you need means difficulties making important decisions.

For a young girl, trying on different rings that are unsuitable in size or design is not a sign that she is not in a hurry to get married. It is advisable to take a closer look at your companion so as not to experience bitter disappointment.

Vanga's Dream Book contains a different interpretation. If you dream of a ring that is not the right size, this is an indication of the attitude of the person sleeping. Such a dream indicates that the heart is free from attachment to anyone. The Bulgarian prophetess interprets a ring in a dream as a symbol of the cycle of events and unfinished business. This decoration also represents fidelity, vows and oaths. Seeing a ring falling from your hand is an unfavorable sign. Fate has prepared trials, and you can only blame yourself for this. Trouble will follow due to a broken promise.

Dream Interpretation of Medea predicts that one dreams of an elegant and clean ring as a sign of a happy family life. It is also a sign of true friendship and integrity of the sleeper’s personality. Stained or damaged jewelry reflects communication problems that can be corrected.

Russian dream book interprets a dreamed ring depending on marital status. For lonely people, the dream prophesies happy moments with loved ones and friends. A lot of gold jewelry on the fingers is a symbol of exaltation due to one’s own merits, the acquisition of some kind of power.

Old Slavic Veles's dream book interprets rings favorably. These are new acquaintances, marriages, additions to the family. However, if you dream of an iron jewelry with a massive stone, you will experience difficulties in promotion. According to this source, a gold ring in a dream means joyful events and goodness. It's bad if it's broken. Financial damage lies ahead. Giving someone jewelry means loss.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud associates the ring with the female vagina. Trying on and removing jewelry means engaging in sexual intercourse. The many rings on the sleeping woman’s hands symbolize her attraction to members of her own sex. For men, an abundance of jewelry indicates promiscuity in intimate relationships.

Why do you dream about a wedding ring?

Among all types of rings, it is engagement rings, both in reality and in dreams, that have the greatest symbolic meaning. It is necessary to interpret the dream taking into account the status of the sleeper, all the details of the complex decoration, and actions with it.

Wedding ring with stone, the only and large one, means the selfless help of an influential person. A scattering of small diamonds on a gold rim foreshadows tears.

Lovers dreamed of an engagement ring on the finger is a symbol of what will soon await marriage in reality. For family people, such a dream suggests that a new stage in the development of tender feelings will soon begin in the relationship. For single people, this is a sign of an imminent meeting with interesting person, and the development of mutual sympathy.

When you dream a loss wedding ring, this does not actually mean divorce. Rather, these are gossip spread by ill-wishers. If the ring fell from your finger and rolled below, this symbolically reflects the deterioration of mutual understanding.

Seeing your own wedding ring on another person in a dream is a warning. It is likely that you will commit an act that will negatively affect your reputation.

I dreamed that my wedding ring was stolen - an indication of possible betrayal. An insidious seducer or a selfish rival is doing everything possible to destroy the marriage. Increasing attention to your loved one will help resist homewreckers.

Finding a wedding ring in a dream is a particularly significant symbol. In reality, a very important meeting will take place. Its consequences will turn life for the better.

Too big a wedding ring is an exorbitant obligation for the sleeping person, which he has taken upon himself voluntarily. Taking extra trouble for others gets in the way of achieving your goals.

In a dream, it is impossible to put a wedding ring on your finger because it is too small, a sign of difficulty. However, the unfavorable period will end fairly quickly.

When you dream receiving an engagement ring from a loved one, you can rejoice. His feelings are sincere, and his intentions are the most serious.

Why do you dream about rings?

Clean and smooth golden a ring in a dream is one of the most favorable signs. Fortune accompanies the sleeper in absolutely all matters, from business to personal.

Silver the ring symbolizes a faithful friend surrounded by. It is also a sign of a beautiful romantic relationship that can turn into a serious one.

A dreamed ring is interpreted especially favorably with diamond entrepreneurs. In the business sphere, unprecedented success awaits you, and with minimal effort.

Ring with red stone means that you will soon be able to achieve financial independence, practically wealth. In addition, a ruby ​​in the frame hints at the chances of becoming a celebrity. A ring with pearls promises a stable position in society and the respect of others. The reason for this is the good nature of the sleeper. It’s good if you dream of a ring with an emerald. Such decoration foreshadows happy mutual love. Sapphire, on the contrary, warns against violent expression of one’s feelings. The existing relationship is devoid of harmony and will bring a lot of worries.

An unusual wooden ring also indicates a fragile romantic relationship. Don't be afraid of breaking up, because it will make room for more serious feelings. Good news is symbolized by a copper ring. Joy will come from an unexpected direction.

If you dream donated the ring is a sign of romantic feelings. Life will be filled with love.

Engagement a ring in a dream can well be considered a harbinger of an imminent wedding in reality. This decoration is also a symbol harmonious relations with your other half.

A massive signet ring is a warning about the same type of mistakes being made in life. It's time to break out of their captivity to find happiness.

Dreamed black the ring portends minor quarrels. For family dreamers, the plot suggests that dissatisfaction with the marriage threatens its existence. There is still an opportunity to correct the situation.

It's worse if you dream broken ring. Your loved one's health may deteriorate. broken ring on the ring finger warns about a partner's betrayal.

Dreamed someone else's the ring is an auspicious symbol. Thanks to his own skills and talents, the sleeper will succeed.

Actions with a ring in a dream

A good omen - find ring in a dream For single and unmarried people, such a dream prophesies a fateful meeting. Others can count on meeting or meeting a person whom they have not seen for a long time. Its influence on the lifestyle and worldview of the sleeper will be very significant.

For lovers lose the ring is a symbol of the upcoming separation. For family people, the dream warns of possible quarrels with a marriage partner. If not everything is going well in a social unit, the dream symbolizes an outdated marriage. It’s good when the ring lost in a dream was with a diamond. This is a sign that soon a new relationship will swirl in a whirlwind of passion. It's time to forget about old heartfelt attachments.

If a man dreams choose ring, painfully going through the options, this reflects his relationship with women. It is difficult for the dreamer to decide on his only beloved. Perhaps, when there are doubts, he treats all passions exclusively as a consumer.

For girls and women measure rings, and admiring the jewelry on your own fingers is a favorable sign. Your deepest desires will come true.

For an unmarried person putting a ring on a finger, and see that it does not fit at all in size - the passionate dream of finding a betrothed will not come true in the near future. For family dreamers, such a plot encourages them to pay attention to their relationship with their spouse. Perhaps the routine of everyday affairs leaves too little time for the expression of feelings and romance. Before it's too late, it's worth thinking about tenderness towards your partner.

Purchase rings in a jewelry store means a violent passion that flared up suddenly. The relationship will bring a flurry of bright emotions, but will also quickly fade away. An unmarried girl's dream of looking for an engagement ring is a warning plot. She has a too selfish gentleman next to her, and before throwing in her lot with him, you need to seriously think about whether she is always ready to sacrifice your own desires for him.

It’s good when you dream of giving a ring. There are new acquaintances ahead, and one of them may become fateful. In a dream receive as a gift a ring from a friend is a sign to take a closer look at him in reality. He has feelings, but is embarrassed to admit it.

For a girl in love, it is considered a favorable symbol when she dreams that the guy gives The ring is the perfect size. Soon he will receive a long-awaited proposal to marry him. If the decoration is smaller or larger, the relationship still needs to be worked on and developed. This reflects moral unpreparedness for a serious step.

When in a dream stranger puts a ring on the sleeping person’s hand, you can rejoice. IN real life If a difficult situation arises, outside support will come. In a dream, trying to remove a ring from your finger means feeling subordinate to someone’s will. If you manage to do this, you will be able to gain independence.

Who dreamed of the ring

Dreamed rings married woman - an excellent sign. Her husband is truly a worthy person. The family hearth is filled with mutual understanding and happiness.

About the offer Serious relationships foreshadow dreamed engagement or wedding rings unmarried girl. For lovers, the dream is very favorable and confirms the correctness in choosing a companion.

When you dream about a ring man, in addition to the wedding, it is a symbol of increasing authority and power. After such a dream, businessmen can count on profitable cooperation.

An object as simple and filled with symbols as a ring has many interpretations. Let the most favorable ones come true, and let harmony reign in real life.

Why dream about a wedding ring? Interpretation.

Have you had a dream in which there is a ring for a hoop and you don’t know how to interpret it? Today we will talk about various circumstances sleep and you will definitely be able to correctly interpret your dream. You will receive a general answer to the question: “Why do you dream about the ring?”

The dream book considers the dream where you put a ring on your finger to be simple. It can just lie, for example, on the table, but the dream will be simple. Sometimes you have a dream where you have to choose a ring in a dream, it is also considered simple. There are no special circumstances in it, so the dream is considered an ordinary dream, where the above-mentioned decoration is present.

So, why see a ring in a dream? Let's figure it out.

For example, one of the dream books of the 21st century believes that if you dreamed of a ring, expect some joyful incidents that will soon happen to you. The dream book also warns young girls about a successful marriage if they dreamed of a hoop ring.

If you are married, then the dream can be interpreted as a tender, friendly relationship with all family members, both husband and children.

The French believe that a dreamed decoration warns of marriage, and in it you will be happy; if you wish to have children, then your wish will come true. This interpretation applies to both sexes. If you are presented with this jewelry as a gift, then the one who gave it loves you and this love is extremely sincere.

Miller's Dream Book - if a married woman dreams of a dream, then the family will be strong and your significant other will never cheat on you. But it should shine and attract attention.

If in your dreams you see jewelry on the right or left hand of a stranger, then get ready for a damaged reputation among acquaintances and friends due to actions that they consider unacceptable.

Occasionally I dream about the engagement ceremony itself, because of it the girl has to wear a wedding ring.

Maly Velisovy - the girl who was wearing the ring should avoid meeting with strangers male, they can cause her any harm.

However, if your birthday falls in the winter, there is no need to worry about this. But the dream book predicts another unpleasant event - separation from your soulmate, which may be the last. The dream book also warns about possible problems in your family relationships.

What kind of wedding ring did you dream about?

First, we will figure out what a gold wedding ring means in dreams. Freud - a dream of gold jewelry symbolizes exclusively the feminine principle. Therefore, when you dream of a precious gold-colored ring, and especially if you present it as a gift to your significant other, both partners are ready for marriage.

Vanga's dream book - your partner is faithful and devoted to you. In the case when the other rug puts this jewelry on your finger, then you should not have any doubts about the sincere love of your partner. A lost or fallen engagement ring is a very bad sign - a symbol of the lie of the other half.

Miller's dream book - a dream about a gold ring is a symbol that your plans will come true. However, if the ring is broken, then this is a sign of betrayal on the part of a partner or failure at work.

And, for example, if you have gold jewelry on your hand, then expect a pleasant incident or the birth of a child.

As you can see, basically all interpretations regarding gold jewelry are very favorable. But what about this jewelry with some kind of stone? In fact, this dream occurs quite often. That is why, now we will answer the question: “Why do you dream about a ring with a stone?”

In general, dreams where there is a ring with a stone can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the circumstances and the stone itself.

A large stone on a ring promises you a meeting that you did not expect. And a lot of small stones, on the contrary, portend tears to the dreamer.

For example, if a guy gives his soulmate a ring with some kind of stone as a gift, and it is the girl who sees the dream, then this is a warning about a possible wedding, and soon. But a ring with one large diamond promises success in some important matters, work, and a useful acquaintance. Your work will be appreciated and the work done will bring results.

But if it is broken, then expect quarrels, problems in your personal life, misunderstandings on the part of people very close and dear to you.

Silver product

Now let's talk about what the dream book thinks about a silver ring. The only thing that can be said for sure about this decoration in a dream is that it is an excellent sign. This decoration is a symbol of the fact that a period of your life has come when everything is stable and you can forget about eternal problems.

For example, if you dreamed of a silver ring on your finger, then your friendship or love relationship will become even stronger.

A wedding ring in dreams is a harbinger of a long and strong marriage, where both spouses sincerely love each other. And if they want children, then their wish will definitely come true.

It is worth behaving carefully, only if a ring for a silver hoop was lost in a dream, this could mean some kind of loss in real life. Sometimes, it is the loss of a soul mate, a close friend or relative due to circumstances.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

Very frequently asked question: “Why does an unmarried girl dream about wedding rings?” - we will also look at it today.

Again, different dream books This dream is interpreted differently. Some believe that when an unmarried girl sees him in a dream, it is a symbol of meeting an interesting young man. Or, for example, if the ring is on right hand- you are ready for marriage. If the ring is on your left hand, you act and make decisions according to the dictates of your heart.

But another dream book considers that a ring for a hoop in a dream is very bad sign. This dream book believes that the decoration symbolizes a vicious circle in which you will find yourself, but only outside of dreams.

Or, for example, when a girl has been in a relationship for a long time, but is not married, expect problems and misunderstandings on the part of the other half.

By the way, often in the dreams of unmarried people there is a choice of decoration. Surely, you are wondering what the dream book thinks about choosing a ring in a dream. In general, the interpretation of sleep is directly related to relationships and possible marriage. The dream book thinks so - if you dream about choosing a ring, then get ready to choose between two men. The choice is made more difficult by the fact that both are good.

Why does a married woman dream of an engagement ring?

We figured out how to interpret a dream of an unmarried girl, where there is a ring for a betrothal. Now we’ll talk about why a married woman dreams of wedding rings.

As was written earlier, a shiny, eye-catching engagement ring in a married woman’s dreams is an excellent sign - your husband is faithful and devoted to you.

  • Do you put it on your finger? The dream book warns that you need to pay more attention to your husband.
  • If you dreamed of an engagement party exactly as in reality, you should think about it. Most likely, your spouse has lost interest in you because of your fault.
  • Does your husband put a very beautiful, shiny ring on your finger again? This is an excellent sign that indicates that a period has come in your life when passion will reappear with even greater force, relationships will strengthen
  • It bigger size, what do you wear - does it fall? A bad sign that warns of possible betrayal on the part of a spouse or even divorce.
  • If you lose a ring in very muddy water, then get ready for your husband to get sick.
  • In your dream, did you spend all your time looking for a ring for a hoop, but never found it? This is a symbol of approaching difficulties in financially. If you and your significant other can survive difficulties, then a long, happy and carefree family life awaits you.
  • A wooden ring in dreams is a symbol that a promise once made by one of your ancestors will still have to be fulfilled, and it is you who must do this.

Dreaming of several wedding rings

Now let’s figure out why we dream of several wedding rings, and also why we dream of rings on our hands.

First, let's look at the first question. If two decorations are fastened together, this means an imminent wedding. But when the rings are in your hands, this event will most likely happen to people close to you.

If you have several of them on your hand, then an event will occur that no one expected, but it will be positive.

When the dreamer finds two strangers’ rings, distant relatives will make themselves known.

Now let’s look at why you dream about rings on your hands. If you notice it on your finger in your dreams, this is a great sign. Good luck will follow you. Sometimes, dream books interpret this dream as a period of life, a year in which everything will be fine financially, and also this dream symbolizes new, useful acquaintances with interesting people.

Was it very small? Prepare for the illness of someone close to you. And when you put the ring on your finger yourself, get ready for the wedding, and with the person you love and appreciate.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream

And now we will answer the questions: “Why do you dream about losing a ring?”, and also “What does the dream book promise if you lost and found a ring?”

Losing a ring in a dream is tantamount to any loss outside of dreams.

Usually dream books interpret this incident as the loss of a soulmate. Sometimes the dream book promises divorce.

But if you lose your hoop ring, be prepared for severe life trials. They will be given to you because you once violated the oath of fidelity to a loved one.

But first finding it, and then losing it, dreams of success and financial well-being.

So, as you can see, interpreting the dream in which it appears for a hoop is quite simple. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream and then you will get the most accurate and truthful interpretation.

Most people associate a wedding ring with genuine joy for their own or someone else’s future. This is a sign of love and confidence in your partner, and therefore in the future. Having seen this bright object in a dream, both single and married ladies immediately want to know why such a dream is happening?

Wedding ring - general interpretation

Most often, this object of proof of marital fidelity is dreamed of as a sign of change , and it won't necessarily be about love relationships , say the compilers of dream books. Sometimes such dreams can promise improvement financial situation, success at work or in creativity. And here for men Decoration on the ring finger does not always mean changes in your personal life. Often it can be about career and wages, self-confidence and many other aspects of life.

There is no definite, or, more correctly, quick answer, since plot details play a decisive role in the interpretation of a dream. For example: who exactly was wearing the ring in the dream; what is the person’s marital status in real life; what kind of engagement ring you dreamed of; How did the person feel when he woke up? Let's try to understand these important details, with which famous interpreters and the most popular dream books will help.

When an unmarried girl dreams of a ring

Probably the most popular question on this topic is “why does an unmarried girl dream of wedding rings?” Dream books give a fairly clear answer to this; the main thing is to take into account the circumstances of the dream.

The color of the free lady’s wedding decoration is of great importance:

  • Golden and shiny- soon a marriage proposal, and pure and whole the ring speaks of true fidelity to the other half;
  • Silver- possible quarrel with your significant other, dark or rusty - financial problems, troubles with loved ones;
  • Tin- to serious or even frightening incidents that lead to changes in life;
  • Copper- to the appearance of a special person in life;
  • Decorated with many colored stones- for a fun holiday with good people;
  • Platinum- the dreamer will soon learn knowledge that is unusual for most;
  • Wooden- to the necessary self-development.

Compiled by dream book of the 21st century We are sure that those young girls who dream of an engagement ring will soon change their marital status in real life, and these changes promise to be good.

Idiomatic dream book interprets the meaning of the dream for a free girl as the possible occurrence of a sexual relationship with a person who will be very interesting to the dreamer.

If you dream about how the dreamer wears wedding decoration immediately after the betrothal ceremony, Maly Velesov dream book warns of a serious danger for the girl from a stranger. This fear does not apply to girls born in winter. They should worry about their current relationship, which may fall apart in the near future.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of a wedding ring on her finger? on the right hand ? Dream books assure that the dreamer is ready to make a wise choice of a companion. Decoration on left the same hand - to a lack of sobriety of mind, and full trust to your heart.

Choosing jewelry in a store among many presented is explained Esoteric dream book as a sign that the dreamer’s talents can open her way into show business, but having chosen this path, true love can only be found in old age.

Small in size wedding jewelry promises an unpleasant situation: if the dreamer has unforeseen problems, her boyfriend can leave her without a twinge of conscience.

Taking off wedding decorations in a dream - to financial losses or problems in the business sphere.

Search wedding decoration in dreams is a subconscious acceptance of a situation where the partner shows complete indifference to the feelings and opinions of the dreamer. Another interpretation of the dream book states that the dreamer, free from family obligations, is not ready for marriage.

The meaning of sleep for married women

Dreams in which married ladies dream of wedding rings usually make them think about what is happening in the family. Does the wife and mother correctly evaluate her efforts, and does the spouse appreciate the efforts of her conscience, or as a given?

Women's dream book a wedding ring is regarded as a symbol of good luck.

IN Miller's dream book There are several characteristic signs that influence the interpretation of sleep. For example, a dream for goodness and prosperity with a shiny wedding ring .

The dreamer's ring on another person promises disappointment in her loved ones, which is explained by her unworthy behavior.

According to Idiomatic dream book , a wife’s dream of an engagement ring may be a harbinger of a new turn in her relationship with her husband. IN Dream book of the 21st century it is also added that new emotions will concern not only the dreamer’s loved one, but also her children.

Freud I regarded such a dreamed gift from my husband as a ring as a sign of surprise.

What means admiring your wedding ring in a dream according to predictions Nostradamus ? A dream can be a harbinger of discord in a recently begun family life, or it can talk about the imminent appearance of a child.

Longo's dream book says that if mother dreams of an engagement ring from Monday to Tuesday , then this is a symbol of strong and tender relationships with children. If at the time of sleep they were far away, then this dream marks a quick meeting.

If you dream that married woman puts a ring on her finger , then dream books advise you to start paying more attention to your husband. Perhaps the dreamer was too carried away by the role of the mother, forgetting about the role of the wife.

If you dream miniature copy of a real wedding card , interpreters suggest that the husband began to move away from the dreamer, which is not his fault. Decoration too big on the ring finger, which fell from the hand of a married dreamer, may mean the spouse’s readiness to leave for another woman, and the reason for this may be the dreamer’s apathy.

Removing a ring in a dream - to a quarrel with your husband.

Of great importance color and condition of the dreamed ring and for married women:

  • If you dream golden decoration, Slavic dream book promises material benefits;
  • Silver promises strong love, but material troubles;
  • Wooden- to the fulfillment of a long-standing promise made by one of the dreamer’s relatives.

Lose your wedding ring

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is a bad sign, according to the majority of dream book compilers. Interpreters advise starting to correct your mistakes after such visions.

  • For unmarried

Why does a young girl dream of losing her engagement ring? The compilers of dream books warn about possible gossip from ill-wishers behind her back, which will negatively affect her reputation. Therefore, you should beware of communicating with conflicting personalities and behave prudently so that the dream does not come true.

Lose your wedding ring after seeing how it is slips off your finger - to misunderstanding on the part of loved ones due to unpleasant situations.

  • For a married woman

What does the dream book promise if the engagement losing a ring due to theft ? The dreamer should be wary of her rival, because of whom she could lose her spouse. It may be worth taking matters into your own hands before it's too late.

Break a wedding ring

Why do you dream about a broken engagement ring? In connection with this episode, interpreters do not promise pleasant changes in life. One of the dream books says that a damaged wedding decoration symbolizes the betrayal of your other half. This prediction is the same for both men and women. The dream book can also interpret the situation when the wedding ring is broken as a sign of the imminent separation of the girl and the guy, who may be disturbed by relatives or surroundings.

Broken in two wedding decoration in a dream promises a separation in reality, after which all bridges will be burned forever, the dream books say.

Break a wedding ring with your own hands - be the cause of protracted family conflicts, problems at work and losses of large sums of money.

An engagement ring damaged in a dream promises the wife husband's sudden illness. Interpreters urge the dreamer to monitor the health of her husband in order to be able to avoid big trouble in time.

A broken ring on a friend's finger in a dream warns dreamers that this person should not be trusted.

Ring found in a dream

Why do you dream of finding a wedding ring? IN in this case dreamers are in for good news: the dream book predicts new acquaintances that can change the future course of life. Perhaps we are talking about strong love relationships, but sometimes interpreters promise a gift of fate in the form of a rare friend.

Unconfident people Finding a wedding ring in a dream is a hint: you shouldn’t rely on chance until the dreamer gets down to business and life will not change.

Why do you dream of finding someone else’s gold ring? The dream book interprets this night vision as a demonstration wrong choice dreamer

A man's wedding ring - interpretation

Dream books explain the wedding ring on a man’s finger as appearing on the horizon new obligations . For example, if a young man has recently changed his job, then such night dreams promise a quick promotion.

According to Freud's dream book , a large number of jewelry on the fingers is dreamed of by a person who often changes sexual partners.

Why do you dream of a wedding ring on a man’s finger that he just dreamed about? put it on his chosen one, but suddenly he had it ? In such cases, the dream book warns that a guy who has decided to take a serious step could have done it too early.

If in a dream you dreamed of a clean and intact wedding ring, this is a sign of your partner’s fidelity. In addition, prosperity and pleasant changes await you in the near future. Dream books also give other interpretations.

Why do you dream about an engagement ring according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream in which you have several rings on your fingers means good luck in all your endeavors. It will be very easy for you to achieve your plans. If your lover proposes to you in a dream and gives you an engagement ring, this is very good sign. This person loves, appreciates and respects you very much.

If the ring was lost and broken in a dream, this will lead to multiple sorrows and failures. In this case, adultery or a break in the relationship is possible. A dream in which you see rings on the fingers of strangers symbolizes the implementation of all your plans.

Vanga's dream book - wedding ring

According to Vanga’s interpretation, the ring is the personification of the cycle of events, unresolved problems, constancy, fidelity and affection. A dream in which a ring is placed on the finger of a loved one symbolizes your restraint.

If you dream that a stranger is putting a wedding ring on your hand, this is a sign that you will soon receive unexpected help in solving a problem that has long been tormenting you. If in a dream you choose a ring for yourself, but cannot find it in size, it means your heart is free for pure love.

A dream in which a ring falls off your finger means that a difficult life test awaits you ahead. If the ring puts a lot of pressure on your finger, this indicates that you are devoting little time to your other half.

Wedding ring according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a ring in a dream symbolizes harmony and agreement between lovers. If in a dream your loved one gives you a wedding ring, then in reality he intentionally wants to tie family ties with you.

And if a married woman has such a dream, it means that her husband has prepared a welcome surprise for her. If in a dream you gave someone a ring, this means that in reality you are attached to this person.

A large number of rings on a finger symbolizes frequent changes of sexual partners. A broken ring is a sign of upcoming problems with your health. A ring of impressive size means great experience sexually.

Ring according to Nostradamus' dream book

A dream in which you admire your ring is a sign of a hasty marriage or addition to the family. Putting on a ring means your cherished desires will come true. Losing a ring symbolizes the breaking of old ties. Finding an engagement ring means an unexpected acquaintance.

Giving a ring means incurring minor losses. If in a dream you cannot remove the ring from your finger, then in reality you lack personal space and freedom. Deliberately breaking a wedding ring is a sign of separation.

Aesop's Dream Book - wedding ring

If you see a rusty wedding ring in a dream, this promises you long loneliness. If you lost your ring during sleep, it is a sign that an unpleasant event will soon happen, namely a separation from a loved one or a serious illness. Finding a wedding ring in a dream promises you the appearance of illusory hopes. You should not rely on fortune, but rather act on your own.

Wedding ring according to the Women's Dream Book

Wearing a ring in a dream is a sign of good luck and success. Seeing rings on strangers symbolizes new acquaintances.

If you had a dream in which you put a wedding ring on the finger of your loved one, this is a sign that you will keep your promises and remain faithful to your feelings. If a stranger puts a ring on your finger, then you will quickly find a solution to the old problem.

A dream in which a ring fell from your hand means a rather bad sign. In reality, fate has prepared some kind of life test for you. Breaking a ring in a dream means frequent quarrels and accidents in marital affairs, even a break in the relationship between lovers is likely.

Why do you dream about a ring according to Longo’s dream book?

A wedding ring that you dreamed of from Monday to Tuesday means a tender relationship with children, and if the children are far away, it means that they will soon visit you. A broken ring symbolizes a quarrel with your significant other.

Rings on strangers mean gossip and false accusations directed at you. If you lost a ring in a dream, this promises you big waste in the future. In turn, this dream can be interpreted a little differently: you will probably lose the trust of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - wedding ring on a finger, on a hand

If a man dreams that he puts a wedding ring on his significant other or sees it on his finger own hand- this is a sign that in reality a man’s decision to get married is considered hasty. For a girl, such a dream means some kind of warning against her trust in her boyfriend.

Why does a man dream about a wedding ring?

The image of a ring in a dream is directly related to marriage. For a man to see a ring in a dream means that in reality he has a great desire to meet his love and marry her.

Dream Interpretation - find, wear, lose, break a wedding ring

  • Wearing a wedding ring means a wedding and a happy marriage.
  • Losing a ring is a shame.
  • Finding it or receiving it as a gift means new connections.
  • If you dream of a cracked or broken ring, this is a sign of betrayal by a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that her wedding ring accidentally breaks, then such a dream is a warning about the imminent serious illness of her husband.