Why see a fox in a dream. Home dream book Why do you dream of a Fox in a dream? Ancient French dream book

A red fox in a dream represents a treacherous woman, as well as deception, self-deception, or evil deeds committed by other people and most often aimed directly at the dreamer. Popular dream books will help you understand why you dream of a forest guest.

Miller warns

Have you ever seen a red fox hunt? In reality, you will get involved in a risky venture or a dangerous amorous adventure. The outcome of the event will be determined by the outcome of the hunt.

Did you dream that a red fox climbed into the yard or even entered the house? Your reputation is at risk because ill-wishers are spreading nasty rumors. What does it mean if you managed to kill a cheat? This vision literally means that you are guaranteed victory in any endeavor.

Grishina's noble dream book explains

Did you dream about a red fox? According to the dream book, it symbolizes the enemy and the actions he is taking. The same image hints at the wrong path, and also reflects inner world the dreamer himself.

Why do you dream of a fiery red fox? She promises in reality a major drinking session and the damage that it can cause. Did you happen to pet a fox in a dream? Your own frivolity and promiscuity will lead to big troubles. The same symbol reflects the burden of life’s problems and the unfavorable development of some event.

Answer from the general dream book

Why do you dream about a red fox? In reality, you will meet a person who will try to become your friend, but in the end will turn out to be your worst enemy. The Dream Interpretation recommends exercising extreme caution when communicating with suspicious individuals.

Did you dream about a dead red fox? Your detractors will literally get what they deserve. But don’t be too happy, because the same fate may befall you too.

Hint from the dream book of spouses Winter

Did a bright red fox appear in a dream? In a dream, this is a sign of intrigue in love and gossip. Did you dream that a fox fell into a trap? In reality, some kind of deception will be exposed. If you yourself decide to trick someone, then abandon the idea before it’s too late.

Seeing or even killing a red fox in a dream, according to this dream book, is bad. The vision promises a scandal or a serious quarrel, as a result of which some secret event will be exposed to public display.

Why do you dream of a red fox in a house or forest?

Did you dream that you were chasing a red fox in the forest? In reality, you will get involved in a risky romantic relationship or business scam. Seeing a red fox in your home means that financial difficulties are coming.

Why do you dream of a red fox in a zoo? This is a sure omen of theft, robbery or fraud. The red fox in the school living corner symbolizes a fierce enemy, in the forest - dangerous situation. If a red fox sneaks into the chicken coop at night, then beware of the envy of others.

What does a red fox with fox cubs mean in the night?

Why do you dream of a fox with her cubs? In a dream, this is a call to pay more attention to your own children. Take a closer look, there is a chance that they are deceiving you. A fox with cubs in a dream represents a very smart, beautiful, but cunning woman.

Why does the red fox attack, bite, want to bite?

Did you dream about a red fox attacking? In reality, you will encounter an insidious and calculating person. If the fox tried to bite you, then there is a character nearby who is ready at any moment to take advantage of your weakness for his own purposes. Did you happen to see a kind red fox who seemed to seduce you? The new relationship will be short-term, and you will rush to get rid of your mistress, but she will not like it very much.

Red fox in a dream - examples

To interpret the dream, try to take into account as many additional details as possible. Especially the red fox's own actions and behavior.

  • hunting is a risky business
  • catch a red fox - you will find a protector
  • escaped from your hands - you will lose your patron, assistant
  • ran away - misfortune from good friend, girlfriends
  • running in circles - useful advice
  • stroking her is a danger, an unjustified risk
  • washes - flattery, insincerity
  • barks - gossip

If in a dream a red fox appeared completely without a tail, then in the real world you will be able to defeat your enemies, using their own methods against them.

In the mythology and culture of many nations, the image foxes are most often associated with the manifestation of cunning, deceit and self-interest. Despite the fact that outwardly these animals look cute and friendly, seeing a red fox in a dream is considered a bad sign. Often such a dream foretells the dreamer or dreamer deceit or betrayal, however, depending on the details of the dream, there are a huge number of different conflicting interpretations. Why do you dream about a red fox?

Most often, a dream involving a red fox is considered unfavorable.

The unexpected appearance of a fox in a dream, especially if it frightens the dreamer, promises the appearance of an insidious and dishonest ill-wisher. This person will be ready to spend a lot of strength and energy in order to unsettle the dreamer and harm him in any way. possible way and appropriate his property. The dreamer should be wary of new acquaintances and be suspicious of imaginary “old friends.”

It is possible that until recently, all the ins and outs of the truth about this insidious man were on the surface, but the dreamer simply did not notice it, because he could not even afford the thought of betrayal due to his good-natured nature.

Stroking a red fox in a dream

Stroking a fox in a dream is an ambiguous sign, however in both cases it is sufficient unfavorable. Most often, such a dream means that soon the dreamer will have to have a hand in something dishonest, become a participant in a dubious scam, or help an insidious and deceitful person do something bad. It is possible that the dreamer will not even know what he is signing up for, will do it through carelessness, ignorance, or unintentionally, by accident. After a dream in which he had to pet a red fox, the dreamer should become as careful and suspicious of his surroundings as possible.

However, such a dream has another interpretation. The dreamer's soul is burdened by some bad deed or actions, for which he is very, very ashamed. In this case, the dream promises him retribution for his sins.

Feeding a fox in a dream

Feeding a fox in a dream is a harbinger of lies and deception. With their help, the dreamer will be forced to agree to some offer that at first glance is advantageous and profitable, after which they will be deceived. A fox in a dream for a woman has a slightly different interpretation in this case. Such a dream predicts the dreamer’s betrayal of a loved one. Soon she may receive a marriage proposal, and it is possible that the young man will subsequently turn out to be a deceiver.

  • A bright red, fiery fox is a harbinger of fire. Such a dream is especially dangerous if in the dream the dreamer involuntarily compares the color of the fox with fire.
  • If in a dream a fox takes or steals food from some animal, V Everyday life the dreamer should be wary of the financial fraud of your colleagues.
  • Fox running away from the dreamer in a dream he talks about coming soon betrayal from the outside close friend dreamer or dreamer.

However, in rare cases, a dream involving a fox can have favorable or neutral interpretations.

If in a dream the fox appears before the dreamer or dreamer in the water, this can be regarded as auspicious omen. A person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will be able to improve his or her material well-being, solve financial problems and paint a gray and boring life with new bright colors.

If in a dream a red fox washes itself or washes its cubs, such a dream promises the dreamer flattering and deceitful speech. Someone will try to earn his favor through dishonest and unscrupulous sycophancy. By showing firmness and determination, the dreamer will be able to nip such attempts in the bud. However, after such a dream, it is important to become as attentive and prudent as possible. A flatterer may not have selfish motives, ingratiating himself only out of character or out of a desire to serve his boss or senior comrade. However, he may also turn out to be an unscrupulous deceiver and inflict a serious lie on the dreamer - such a possibility can never be completely refuted, with one hundred percent probability.

Why do you dream about a fox? If in a dream red fox running away from hunters, in everyday life to the dreamer will be able to defeat your enemies. However, such a dream is considered favorable only if the dreamer subsequently shows restraint, strength of character, willpower and patience. Hunters, if they appear in a dream as one of the most important characters, and not just as hazy, vague figures, can represent close friends and family members of the dreamer. He should not refuse their help and should not be ashamed to ask for all possible support. There are situations - after such a dream the risk of occurrence is especially high - in which the dreamer cannot cope on his own and is forced to resort to outside help. You can't always handle everything alone.

Is the fox trying to bite?

A dream in which a fox tries to bite the dreamer has a very special interpretation.

If in a dream a red fox behaves aggressively, tries to bite or actually bites the dreamer, he should be wary of betrayal. Soon he will be faced with an unsightly and bitter truth concerning one of his friends or relatives. It is possible that this will lead to a break in relations and affect the material condition or reputation of the dreamer.

To summarize, we can say that a dream in which a red fox appears most often foreshadows a clash with selfish and deceitful people. After such a dream you need to be careful, prudent and attentive.

In addition, we found a video explaining why a fox is seen in a dream.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about Fox?

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that a fox was running somewhere, very soon you will become happy. To make this period longer, carry a piece of fox fur with you for a week.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were hunting a fox, someone wants to deceive you. To avoid this, wrap your index finger right hand yellow tape.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • The fox is a crafty enemy and his actions are an internal deception, a deceptive path that leads you astray from the right path. Fiery red fox wine, orgies and various harms from drunkenness. Barking fox - loneliness due to one's own fault. A fox devouring bloody prey - illnesses from a dissolute life. The skin of a fox is a lie, betrayal by a friend. A persecuted fox - your lies or falsity doom you to inner loneliness. Hearing a fox barking from afar means depression, loneliness in general. Petting a fox is a deception, a nuisance. Eating fox meat means quarrel. Killing a fox or seeing one killed is an unfortunate end to your own deceptions, a burden of everyday worries.

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Seeing a fox means a crafty enemy and his actions / your inner appearance / deceptive path / personality or spirit leading you astray.
  • Fiery red fox – wine, orgies and various damages from drunkenness.
  • Barking fox - loneliness due to one's own fault.
  • A fox devouring bloody prey - illnesses from a dissolute life.
  • The skin of a fox is a lie, betrayal by a friend.
  • A persecuted fox - your lies or falsity dooms you to inner loneliness.
  • Hearing a fox barking from afar means depression, loneliness.
  • Stroking a fox or seeing a dead one is an unfortunate end to one’s own tricks / an unfavorable development of circumstances / a burden of everyday worries.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See a Fox in a dream

  • Fox - secret enemy, enmity; kill a fox - victory; ironing is dangerous.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Fox hunting dreams of dubious affairs and risky love affairs.
  • A fox sneaking into your yard is a warning: you better beware of envious people, otherwise your reputation will be at risk.
  • If you killed a fox in a dream, you will win in any matter.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • Cleverness, cunning. If you see a fox passing by, you will be smarter than everyone else. If you are hunting a fox, then this means that you should be careful of other people. The fox (female) is a symbol of beauty and cunning. Beware of very beautiful, self-confident and attractive women. A fox with cubs indicates an intelligent woman.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • A dream about a fox is a harbinger of a meeting with scammers. If in a dream you fight a fox, then in reality you will be threatened by strong and dangerous opponents. If in a dream there is a tamed fox next to you, this means that your servants (or employees) are abusing your trust.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • If you dream of a fox, this means that you have cunning, hidden enemies, or a competitor in trade, undermining your interests, or a rival in love, seeking to oust you from loving heart. If you are involved in a lawsuit, your lawyer will be two-faced. You will eventually lose the trial.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • If you dreamed that you were following a fox, you risk being involved in a dubious adventure. Killing a fox is a sign that you can achieve any goal you set. A dream in which a fox snuck into your yard or chicken coop warns: envious people can discredit your reputation.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • The fox personifies such bad human qualities as deceit, cunning and hypocrisy. There are many proverbs and sayings about this cunning animal, and all of them in some way reflect the qualities of the fox: “The Patrikeevna fox has all its ears on the top of its head,” “The fox will lead seven wolves,” “When you look for the fox in front, then it is behind.”
  • Seeing a fox in a river in a dream means that you will soon meet a person who will make you a good offer that can significantly improve your life. financial situation. If you dreamed that other animals were pulling a fox out of the river, then such a dream suggests that you should think carefully before taking on the proposed business, no matter how profitable it may seem at first glance.
  • Watching in a dream how a fox robs an animal of its prey is a sign that soon you will need to show great wisdom in order to achieve your goals.
  • If in a dream you saw a fox throwing its prey, despite the fact that at that moment nothing threatened it, then in real life you should think about what danger you are exposed to when doing this or that task.
  • Seeing a fox running away from hunters in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your endurance and intelligence, you will be able to defeat your enemies and restore your reputation.
  • If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, it is a harbinger that you will be able to defeat your enemies with their own weapons.
  • Seeing little foxes in a dream is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your children. Perhaps they are doing something cunning, and it will be very unpleasant for you when you find out about their lies.
  • Seeing a fox pretending to be dead in a dream is a sign that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment who is just waiting for an opportunity to harm you.
  • Seeing a fox in a cage in a dream is a prophecy that you will be able to improve your affairs, which are currently not going well.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Seeing a fox hunt in a dream means that you will engage in dubious matters and risky love affairs.
  • If in your dream a fox sneaks into your yard, this is a warning: beware of envious people. Your reputation is at risk.
  • Killing a fox means that you will win in any matter.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • secret enemy, enmity;
  • kill a fox - victory;
  • ironing is danger;
  • in the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman;
  • deception.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you were following a fox, then in reality you risk being involved in some dubious matters. If in a dream you kill a fox, then in real life you will be able to achieve any goal you set. A dream in which a fox snuck into your yard to your chicken coop warns you that envious people can discredit your honor.
  • Is there anyone else around the fox with similar qualities?
  • Is there anyone else in your dream who is wary of you?
  • Dream Interpretation: Assyrian Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream about Fox?

    • If you caught a fox in a dream, you seem to have found a protector. If the fox broke free and ran away, then your protector and patron will leave you.

    In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Solomon's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), ancient Persian dream book Taflisi, the Wanderer's dream book, eastern women's dream book, male dream book, gypsy dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), Denise Lynn's dream book (short), Veles dream book, dream book (1829), Italian dream book Meneghetti, spiritual dream book, dream book of love, Freud's dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, old French dream book, Chinese dream book Zhou-gun, lunar dream book, Chaldean dream book, erotic dream book Danilova, Shuvalova’s dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), Indian shamanic dream book, and others.

    The fox is not only the brightest representative of the fauna, but also acts as a heroine in many Russian folk tales, fables, stories. A cheat, a red-haired liar, a fox-sister - it's all about her. Since childhood, people have associated the fox with such qualities as cunning, agility and the ability to benefit at the expense of others. But our article will tell you what the appearance of this predator in our dreams means.
    The dream “fox” finds its explanation in many dream books. See which interpretation best suits your situation.
    Miller's Dream Book

    • Miller's Dream Book: The fox is a symbol of prudence.
    • a fox in a dream promises the dreamer a solution to all problems and the achievement of the desired goal.
    • Why do you dream of catching a fox? If you dream of hunting for a cheat, perhaps in the future you will have the opportunity to participate in a suspicious adventure. It is better to ignore such a proposal.
    • The dream “fox in the house” warns of danger from people around you. Take a closer look at your friends, perhaps you will uncover a conspiracy.

    Vanga's Dream Book
    Why do you dream about a fox according to Vanga’s dream book? To interpret the dream, remember what actions you performed with the fox:
    - dream book: catching a fox indicates that you have ill-wishers;
    - the dream of “feeding the fox” advises you to be on your guard with your friends;
    - kill a fox in a dream - in reality meet with hypocritical people;
    - stroking a fox in a dream, playing with it - omissions on the part of your loved ones.
    Why dream of a dead fox? Vanga says that such a dream promises a meeting with immoral people.
    English dream book

    • Why do we dream of foxes according to the English dream book? The appearance of a red-haired beauty in a dream warns of the existence of secret enemies in some area of ​​your life. Perhaps this is a business competitor or a person who wants to separate you from your significant other.
    • For a person involved in a lawsuit, seeing a fox in a dream means losing a case due to a dishonest defense lawyer.
    • Why do you dream about “the fox bites”? There is a crafty and unprincipled person in your social circle.

    Loff's Dream Book

    • Why do you dream of a fox in a dream, according to psychologist Loff? The fox is a crafty and treacherous animal. Seeing her in a dream can mean two options for the dreamer: either he is associated with a fox and has the above traits, or in reality he is surrounded by “foxes”.
    • The interpretation of “fox” dreams also depends on your attitude towards it. If you are inclined to cheat, you are confident and independent. If the fox is an enemy for you, pay attention to why you are fighting it.
    • Why do you dream about a red fox? According to Loff, such a dream promises deception.
    • Why do you dream about a kind red fox? If in your dream the fox does not pose a danger, you will have the opportunity to show your best qualities and earn respect.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    • The dream of a “fox” warns of lies and betrayal. Be careful, you may not even be aware of the web of deception woven around you.
    • Why do you dream of killing a fox? Such a plot promises to cope with any difficulties.
    • Dream Interpretation: stroking a fox - something threatens you.

    Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

    • Dream Interpretation: Why do foxes dream? According to Veles's dream book, a red-haired cheat can be a harbinger of fire, betrayal loved one or the appearance of an enemy.
    • Dream Interpretation: A fox also symbolizes a skinny rogue in your real life.
    • Why do you dream about a fox biting your hand? Such a dream plot promises betrayal of a person you trusted.
    • Dream Interpretation: killing a fox predicts a quick triumph for the dreamer.
    • Why do you dream of petting a fox? If in your night dreams you stroke a fox, be careful and prudent in reality. Otherwise, a very unpleasant thing may happen to you.
    • Dream Interpretation: killing a fox and eating its meat means a quarrel. (cm. )

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    • A fox in a dream symbolizes an insidious female person whose goal is to use you for her own purposes. Such a person will squeeze out of you all possible benefit for himself and disappear.
    • Dream: catching a fox promises to reveal your secret enemy, who was carefully disguised as a good friend.
    • Why do you dream about a dead fox? Killing this predator in a dream means avoiding problems.

    French dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a fox? A fox in a dream predicts the appearance of deceivers on your life path.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox attacks you - get ready for the appearance of serious competitors.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox in the house means that someone is taking advantage of your excessive kindness. (cm. )

    Dream Interpretation of Medea
    Why do you dream of a fox in a dream? According to Medea, the fox is also a symbol of deception. A tricky person is working against you.
    Dream Interpretation: foxes. Many cheats talk about rivalry.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    • What does it mean if you dream of a fox? If you saw a fox in a dream, an unkind guest will come to your home; if the fox - evil is in the neighborhood.
    • Seeing foxes in a dream means fire or betrayal of one's neighbor.
    • The dream “the fox is running away, and you are trying to catch up with it” - deal with your competitors, they do not allow you to move forward.
    • Why do you dream about a fox attacking? Such a dream promises an altercation with an insidious and wise opponent.
    • Being bitten by a fox in a dream often means lying.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox biting your hand means that you are too carefree. Be more serious and many problems will be avoided.
    • Why do you dream of a fox in the house? You will become a victim of your love for a bad, insidious person.
    • Dream Interpretation: fox. Stroking a cheat in a dream speaks of the lies surrounding you.
    • Dream Interpretation: seeing a fox climbing a tree means melancholy and routine. (cm. )
    • The dream of “killing a mad fox” promises to expel all ill-wishers from your life.
    • What does a barking fox mean in a dream? Such a plot is a harbinger of the fact that everyone will leave you and you will be to blame for this.
    • Killed foxes dream book XXI century interprets to an unfavorable outcome of the matter.

    Autumn dream book
    Why do you dream about a silver fox? Buying a collar made of such fox fur is a sign of material well-being.
    Dream Interpretation: A red fox appears to a lonely person.
    Spring dream book
    Seeing a fox in a dream spring dream book- to a collision with an unscrupulous person.
    Aesop's Dream Book

    • Seeing foxes in a river in a dream means a profitable deal that will greatly improve your financial status. (cm. )
    • Dream Interpretation: did you dream of a fox being pulled out of the river by other representatives of the animal world? Such a plot warns you not to get involved even in a seemingly winning enterprise. There is a great chance of getting burned.
    • Why dream about a fox? If in your dream a fox is trying to take away a tasty morsel from a wolf or another animal, you will need all your prudence and ingenuity to achieve what you want.
    • Fox in a dream: Aesop's dream book. If, despite the absence of any threat, the fox in your dream leaves its trophy and runs away, think about the risk you are running.
    • Why do you dream of a running fox? If in your dream a fox was running away from hunters, you are destined to defeat all your enemies and regain your good name.
    • Dream Interpretation: Foxes also mean that triumph over your rivals will be possible due to the qualities of your character.
    • Why do you dream about a red fox biting? To the point that you will fall for the bait of cunning crooks.
    • If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, you will win an argument with dishonest people using their own methods.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox and fox cubs talk about the need to find time for their children. You will not be happy if you ever discover that they are lying to you. Ask about their life more often.
    • Dream interpretation: dead fox. If the fox simply pretended to be dead, you have a hidden enemy who is waiting for the right moment to annoy you as much as possible.
    • Fox - interpretation according to Aesop's dream book. A fox sitting in a cage predicts that the dreamer will soon restore order in those areas of his life where now everything is not as smooth as he would like.

    Muslim dream book
    Dream Interpretation: seeing a fox in a dream promises sad news. Don’t despair right away, it’s better to think about how to correct the current situation.
    The dream “a fox bit your hand” warns of a conspiracy that can greatly undermine your position.
    Esoteric dream book

    • Fox in a dream. The dream book deciphers the appearance of a fox in night visions as a messenger of easy money, obtained in a not entirely honest way.
    • Why do you dream of a fox skin? The fur of a red-haired beauty promises satisfaction from life.
    • The dream “dead fox” means the date you were so hoping for will not happen.
    • Why do you dream about a black fox? Such a dream promises obtaining money dishonestly.
    • Fox, the meaning of sleep. The interpretation of a dream involving a fox depends on the actions of this symbolic animal in it.
    • Why do you dream about foxes biting? If you were bitten by a fox in a dream, get ready for attacks on you. It will take a lot of effort to fight them off. A dream about a fox should in any case alert the dreamer, as it indicates the presence of dishonest people in your close circle.

    Combined dream book

    • foxes. A bite from any representative of the fauna indicates an upcoming fight with a strong opponent.
    • Why do you dream of a fox that wants to bite? An animal that is just about to bite you warns of some kind of risk.
    • The dream of a “fox bite” may also not mean an attack in the future, but only if the fox changed its mind about biting you and ran away.
    • Why do you dream: a fox bit your hand? A dream in which your palm is the site of a fox bite predicts that one of your colleagues is gossiping about you.
    • Dream interpretation: a fox bites your hand and you cannot escape, promises to end up in the tenacious clutches of scammers.
    • A fox biting in a dream can mean the inevitability of your fears coming true.
    • Why do you dream about a fox biting your stomach and bleeding? Such a terrible plot promises that you will be touched to the quick and this will cause unbearable pain.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox bites a person close to you - foretells an imminent confrontation with the enemy. Dream Interpretation: a fox bites a child - to danger looming over your family.
    • Why do you dream of a fox bite? A fox bite in a dream always predicts a lie or a fight. The dreamer will need all his skill and intelligence to adequately resist this.
    • Why do you dream of attacking foxes? Foxes chasing you promise some kind of confrontation in real life. You have every chance to win.
    • The dream “a fox attacks” can also warn the dreamer that he will soon be told a true, but painful and annoying story. What to do with this information in the future is up to you to decide.
    • A fox attacked in a dream - foretells a heated debate with an intelligent opponent. If you lose, you will be left a fool.
    • Dream Interpretation: foxes attack you and bite you - you have great confidence in yourself and your abilities and, perhaps, this will destroy you someday. Try to sensibly assess the capabilities of your opponents.
    • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “fox” dreams will be more detailed if you remember the color of the animal.
    • Dream Interpretation: a red fox attacks - is a symbol of a stab in the back from a person close to you.
    • Why do you dream about red foxes? A noticeable fox of rich red color promises you a storm of emotions, pleasures and adventures in reality. However, control yourself and be reasonable.
    • Why do you dream of a red fox in the house? For a man, such a dream means fatal love. It is unlikely that you will be lucky enough to avoid it, although over time you will regret this relationship.
    • The dream “red fox” can also be a symbol of deception in love, rumors. You may find yourself in a love triangle.
    • Dream Interpretation: Red foxes signal your alcohol abuse. It's not too late to give up this bad habit before it ruins your life.
    • Dream Interpretation: red fox. Stroking such a beauty in a dream means the appearance of an insidious woman in your life whom you trust.
    • Why do you dream about a white fox? Animals white in dreams they usually represent the spiritual side of our existence. Perhaps the appearance of a white fox reminds you to think about your thoughts.
    • Dream Interpretation: a white fox may dream of a highly moral dispute about some pressing matters. Be careful with your words.
    • The dream “white fox” also promises a meeting with an immoral person.
    • The dream “black fox” is an unkind sign for the dreamer, regardless of the circumstances of the dream.
    • Why do you dream about black foxes? In reality you will acquire long-awaited, expensive items, however, after a while, you will realize that you made a big mistake.
    • Fox is black. To see a black predator in a dream means you will waste a lot of money.
    • Dream Interpretation: a black fox caressing you means trouble.
    • In a dream, seeing a yellow fox predicts the dreamer to find harmony with himself and the outside world.
    • Why do you dream about mad foxes? Think, perhaps such a dream is a projection of some of your fears.
    • The dream “mad fox” warns of the appearance of an unreliable person in your social circle, whose actions will have a negative impact on you.
    • Dream Interpretation: a mad fox that rushes at you predicts betrayal by a friend.
    • Why does a sick person dream of a mad fox? Unfortunately, such a dream predicts a deterioration in health.
    • Why do you dream about a lot of foxes? A large number of these cunning animals in a dream do not bode well for the dreamer.
    • Why do we dream about foxes? A lot of foxes in a dream surrounding you - foretells a long and difficult struggle with rivals. This can be either a business struggle or a love struggle.
    • Why do we dream about foxes? A lot of barking foxes - to the gossip surrounding you.
    • Seeing a lot of foxes in a dream promises disappointment from contact with a seemingly nice person.
    • Why do you dream about dead foxes? If in a dream you find an already lifeless animal, then such a plot foreshadows the realization of your dream. Moreover, you personally do not need to do anything for this. Such a dream seems to serve as a reward for some of your spiritual qualities.
    • Dream Interpretation: dead foxes may indicate a forced change in life course.
    • Dream interpretation: dead fox and wolf. Killed predators in your dream promise good luck in completing any business.
    • Why do you dream of a fox with fox cubs? A mother fox in your dream indicates that you need life advice. Your experience is not enough to solve all problems and you need a smart mentor.
    • Why do we dream about foxes and cubs? Newborn fox cubs with a fox speak of a wonderful, smart lady from your environment. You will gain a lot from communicating with her.
    • Dream Interpretation: sheltering a wounded fox with a family means adding problems and worries to yourself in real life.
    • Why do you dream of feeding a fox? In the case when a fox eats from your hands, you are in vain telling your secrets to some person who introduces himself as your friend.
    • Dream Interpretation: feeding a hungry fox portends easily avoiding the traps of ill-wishers.
    • Why does a woman dream about a fox? For a lady, a dream about a fox tells only one thing - they admire you and want to be like you. You are a role model.
    • The dream “two foxes” speaks of harmony in the relationship between you and some “fox” of your friends.
    • Fox, wolf - a dream involving these predators usually does not bode well for the dreamer.
    • If you dreamed of wolves and foxes, this dream warns that you have serious enemies. Dream Interpretation: wolf, fox warn that you will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of them.
    • Dream Interpretation: wolf with fox. Hiding from this couple in a dream means avoiding big troubles in reality thanks to your talents.
    • If you dream of a fox and a bear, after going through the machinations of your enemies, you will find peace in a new love story.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fox, a dog curling around your feet - support from loved ones.
    • Dream interpretation: a wolf ate a fox warns of some impending injustice. If you sit with your hands folded, it will happen.
    • Dream Interpretation: a wounded fox promises the dreamer to suffer from his incorrect interpretation of the situation. You will draw too hasty conclusions.
    • Dream Interpretation: The skin of a fox usually dreams of money.
    • from a fox? To money obtained from card games or casinos.
    • Dream "fox in the forest" A fox in its natural habitat promises the dreamer good luck in everything.
    • Dream Interpretation: seeing a fox running through a forest clearing in a dream means hard but interesting work.
    • The dream of “driving away the fox” foretells the dreamer a long-awaited deliverance from problems.
    • What does a fox mean in a dream if it sneaked into your domain? This is explained by the fact that unworthy characters have appeared in your environment.
    • Foxes in a dream, what does it mean? If in a dream the red-haired beast does not react in any way to your presence, but goes about its business, then such a dream promises happiness.

    Despite the beautiful appearance(bright color, fluffy tail), the appearance of a fox in our dreams often has negative connotations. Basically, the role of a liar and a cheat, which goes to the fox in Russian folk tales, is also manifested in the meaning of its appearance in night dreams. When you see a red-haired beauty in your dream, take a closer look at your surroundings, friends or even children. Some of them are lying to you to a greater or lesser extent. You have every chance of uncovering the deception simply by trusting the pictures your subconscious paints.

    Most of us think of a fox as a very cunning and beautiful animal with a luxurious fluffy tail. This forest dweller is the heroine of many fairy tales, where she mostly acts as a negative character. Today we decided to find out why the fox dreams at night. Does such a vision carry the risk of being deceived by a cunning and enterprising person? Or is there another interpretation? of this dream? To answer all these questions, we will turn to several of the most comprehensive and respected collections available today.

    Dream book of Gustav Miller

    So, first, let’s find out why a fox dreams, according to a very respected American esotericist. So, Mr. Miller claims that if you dreamed of hunting these animals, then in real life you risk being drawn into dubious matters or risky love relationship. A dream in which a fox enters your house or yard suggests that in reality you should beware of envious people who could harm you. After all, they can jeopardize your reputation. Killing this animal is considered good sign, which means victory and success in any business started.

    Dream Book of David Loff

    This collection of interpretations reminds us that the fox is a cunning animal. And if you dreamed about it, then either you yourself possess the traits inherent in this beast, or you constantly become a victim of such people. What feelings did you have towards the fox in your vision? Regardless of whether you like this image or not, it is this image that determines your understanding of the world around you.

    Why do you dream of a red fox appearing before you as a rival? The defining moment in this vision is the object that the animal is trying to take away from you. Having seen this beast in a dream, it is worth thinking about whether you have its inherent qualities. If you are sure that not, then look in your environment for a person who can be compared to a sly fox. It is likely that he is using you to achieve his goals to the detriment of your own affairs.

    Assyrian dream book

    Why do you dream of a fox that you caught, in accordance with the interpretation of this source? Thus, such a vision is seen as a harbinger that you will soon gain an influential defender. However, if the animal manages to escape from your hands and run away, the patron will leave you.

    Ancient French dream book

    A fox seen in night dreams is considered by this source as a harbinger of an imminent meeting with scammers, from whose actions you may suffer. If the animal is next to you and is tame, then in real life your subordinates are most likely to abuse your trust. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to check what they are doing more often.

    But what if you dreamed of an attack by this animal? Why do you dream about this behavior of hers? A fox bites you in a dream - in real life you have very dangerous opponents who should not be underestimated. If the animal fails to cause you any harm, then in reality you will be able to avoid trouble, but this requires a lot of effort.

    Islamic dream book

    In general, this source views the fox as a symbol of having a dangerous and strong enemy who will do everything to harm you. If you hear the cry of this animal in a dream, then some impostor or liar from your environment is weaving intrigues. Why do you dream of a fox that you take in your arms? Such a vision suggests that you will be able to prevail in some serious dispute. Playing with this animal means happy love and a cloudless relationship with your partner.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z: why do you dream about a fox?

    If the fox bites, you risk becoming a victim of scammers and dishonest people. If you see this animal in a zoo cage, then you are in danger of being robbed. The fox in the wild warns of the need to beware of cunning people in real life who will try to use you to their advantage. If you dreamed that this animal was in your house, then for some time you will have to make considerable efforts to get money. A dream in which you caught a fox indicates that in reality you will be able to bring out the liar clean water. A dead animal predicts that you will be able to avoid some humiliating and unpleasant assignment. Killing a fox means feeling superior to other people at some important event. If you dream that you eat the meat of this animal, then in real life you risk having a serious quarrel with someone, and it can even lead to hysterics and assault.

    Old English dream book

    If you saw a fox in your dreams, then, according to information from this source, in reality you have cunning enemies who have not yet shown themselves, competitors in business, or rivals in love affairs. If you are currently involved in any legal process in reality, then your lawyer may turn out to be a two-faced person, which will ultimately lead to you losing the case.

    Family dream book

    This collection of interpretations provides an explanation of visions for all family members. First, let's find out what this animal promises to the fairer sex. So, if you dream of a fox licking its luxurious red coat with its tongue, then in reality you risk encountering flattery. A running animal predicts problems that your friend will bring upon you. An animal running in a circle indicates the need to listen to the advice of loved ones, since one of them may be very useful to you. Why do you dream of a fox that wants to bite you? Such a vision indicates that you have an angry and sarcastic character. As a result, he may push others away from you, and you risk being left alone.

    For children, a dream in which a fox appears promises a meeting with a cunning and deceitful person.

    Representatives of the stronger sex who dreamed of this animal at night need to be wary of tricks on the part of enemies or deception of colleagues. A fox with black fur indicates that you will soon decide to spend a considerable amount of money on something completely unnecessary to you. If you dreamed of an animal waving its tail and showing affection with its entire appearance, then your current love affair will not lead to anything serious. And nothing depends on you here. And even if you don’t want to break off the relationship, your lady will have a different opinion.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Why do you dream of a fox? Such a vision warns that something will appear in your home. bad person. If you dreamed of this female animal, then you should expect some kind of trick from your neighbors. Why do you dream about red foxes? Such a vision indicates the risk of a fire or the likelihood of being deceived by one of your close friends. A dream in which you are trying to catch this animal indicates the need to take some decisive action in order to neutralize rivals and enemies. To fight with a fox is to argue with a very smart and no less cunning person. If a man dreamed that he was keeping a captured animal in his house, then in the foreseeable future he will meet a very evil woman whom he will love and begin to obey.

    A collection of tips received in a dream

    The fox in dreams is considered by the authors of this source of interpretation as a symbol of deception and cunning. So, perhaps in real life you yourself are planning some cunning thing, or someone from your circle is leading you by the nose. A fox with a bright and luxurious red fur coat is a symbol of gossip and love affairs. A gray and nondescript animal in a dream indicates the risk of becoming a victim of deception, as a result of which you will suffer some losses. Hunting these animals, as well as a fox caught in a trap, indicate that you will be able to expose liars. Killing this animal means a stormy quarrel, as a result of which some unpleasant details will surface.

    Gypsy dream book

    What does a fox dream about, according to the interpretation of this collection? So, if you dreamed of this animal passing by, then you will be smarter than everyone else and will be able to outplay all competitors. Fox hunting suggests that you need to be careful of other people. In general, the fox is considered a symbol of beauty and cunning. If a man dreams about her, then in reality he should be wary of luxurious, self-confident women. But a fox with small cubs predicts that a representative of the stronger sex will meet a very smart and worthy lady. It is quite possible that you will have a harmonious and strong union.