Dream interpretation gift from a guy. Women's dream book Why dream Gift according to the dream book

For those who receive gifts in a dream, the dream book foretells extraordinary happiness and luck. Usually what this action means in a dream depends on the object that was presented to you.

What does Miller's dream book say?

For business people, receiving a gift in a dream promises a successful psychologist financial operations, especially if it was money or watches. For a woman, a dream about a picture heralds a possible marriage with a wealthy person with a similar spirit and worldview. Presented Balloons promise a surprise in reality.

A surprise in the form of a bicycle, prophesies receipt good advice. Did you dream that you were given a car for free? This means that in reality, a request will be received that cannot be ignored, especially if it was an expensive car.

A gift from a deceased person - for better or for worse?

Despite the apparent alarming sign, receiving a gift from a deceased person in a dream is a positive sign. For a girl to see such an action, the general dream interpreter promises a fateful acquaintance with an interesting young man, especially if the character in the dream presents the dreamer with a ring.

Accepting money from a deceased person means restoring financial well-being. The dream interpreter prophesies help and protection of an influential person, explaining why one dreams of accepting a gift from a deceased grandmother.

Is a living present a symbol of hassle?

Did you dream that you were presented with a puppy? This means that someone is deliberately adding trouble to you. But if it was a mature purebred dog, you will be able to easily make a fortune for yourself.

The horse, as a surprise, symbolizes a faithful and devoted ally. Adopt a kitten - expect a trick from your loved ones.

Cosmetics promise a new relationship

If girls who are about to give birth dreamed that they received cosmetics as a gift, the dream book predicts the birth of a girl. A new whirlwind romance is predicted by the dream book, explaining why the gift of lipstick is dreamed of.

Donated jewelry - success or shackles?

Pearl jewelry or beads accepted as a gift mean contentment and happiness in the home. For a young lady, receiving diamonds as a gift means a luxurious and beautiful wedding.

If a pregnant woman dreamed that she was presented with silver earrings, get ready for the appearance of a girl. For some people, gifted earrings prophesy deception and unpleasant news. For a girl, earrings from a guy tell her about her lover’s ignoble intentions.

The dream book advises showing support and mercy, interpreting why you dream of receiving a chain with a cross as a gift. Seeing a bracelet in a gift box means taking on additional shackles. A ring with a stone heralds an increase in the dreamer's authority.

Reciprocity awaits you!

Since earrings in a dream are a paired symbol, such a gift means a faithful and lasting union, especially if it is from a beloved man. The dream book gives a similar interpretation of a dream in which a guy handed two gold rings. The dream heralds the character’s genuine feelings and sincerity.

A perfume with a pleasant aroma given by the husband predetermines the sincere feelings of the spouse. But if you had to take coins as a gift, the dream book warns against an alliance with a rich miser.

Clothing - for change

The general dream book warns against stupid chatter, interpreting why you dream of receiving gloves as a gift. Seeing underwear accepted from someone else's hands heralds the emergence of a delicate situation.

A dress given in a dream promises happiness in love. If the dress turns out to be of a rough cut or material, it means that the dreamer will face troubles and monotonous Homework. The long-awaited fur coat, according to the sorceress Medea, symbolizes surprise and surprise.

Flowers predict sincerity of feelings

Flowers presented to a young lady foretell the appearance of admirers. If they were red roses, faithful and passionate love awaits you. Did you recognize the man who organized the surprise? His feelings for you are real. White roses from a friend speak of a friend's devotion.

Real estate - to achieve what you want

The newest dream interpreter predetermines the fulfillment of your cherished desires, interpreting why you dream about the house given to you. An apartment given free of charge foreshadows the fulfillment of plans without special effort and financial investments.

Sweets in a dream or pleasant moments in reality

The sweets handed to the girl symbolize the persistent and sometimes unpleasant demands of her admirers. Dreaming of gift chocolate prophesies a grand celebration or event.

Shoes are not just for travel

A young lady who received new shoes as a gift in a dream is about to have a romantic trip. Taking boots from the enemy’s hands means open confrontation with him. Those who happened to take shoes as a gift will have to render a huge service to the dreamed character in reality.

You can handle everything!

Granted wrist watch in a dream, the dream book commemorates the receipt of income under the condition of supervising the lion's share in the business process. A phone given free of charge in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s high communication abilities. Receiving a book as a gift suggests your wisdom and insight.

Don't give up!

A dream in which you happen to receive a doll as a gift symbolizes the dreamer’s fatigue, his desire to fold his arms and stop fighting. The dream book is sure that the difficulties will soon end.

Seraphim's dream book predicts gossip and slander, interpreting why one dreams of accepting a watch as a souvenir. Kitchen knife in the form of a gift from his brother, warns of the character’s cruel deception.

Any surprise from a woman in a dream symbolizes anger and rejection. Vanga's dream book compares a similar picture with a rival, a lying traitor, a slanderer and an insidious enemy.

Details: items and accessories

Dream Book from A to Z believes that a dream in which you were lucky enough to receive a gift should be interpreted based on the object under the wrapper. So, to see what is there in a dream:

  • wallet - you will soon receive an inheritance;
  • bag - personifies successful work activity;
  • dishes - do not refuse to help your comrades;
  • picture - you will receive the long-awaited news;
  • towel - meet with an old friend;
  • icon - symbolizes the protection and patronage of influential persons;
  • mirror - get a tempting offer.

If you were given a gift in a dream, then you need to listen to the voice of intuition or wise advice. Why do you dream if you have to give gifts to someone? The dream book will help establish an accurate interpretation of the dream plot, taking into account various details.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream if you have to give something? According to the dream book, love, friendship, sympathy, and the desire to gain trust are manifested in a dream in a similar way. At the same time, giving can lead to hatred and contempt.

If you dreamed that your loved one started giving expensive gifts, then get ready for a quick romantic date or a secret meeting. If you happen to give something yourself, then the dream book believes: in reality you will try to clarify the relationship, perhaps confess your feelings.

Seeing a present and giving it in a dream can be transferred important information, news or gossip. If someone asks you to give you a scarlet flower or some other tricky gift, then get ready to meet an unusual person, the birth of a daughter, an exciting adventure or pleasant chores.

According to women's dream book

Why do you dream that you happen to give some very valuable gift in a dream? The dream book insists: you are a very picky and capricious person, but it is these character traits that contribute to loneliness.

I dreamed about it. that your loved one has given you expensive gifts? In the future, the dream book guarantees a very successful marriage. Did you happen to give all sorts of trinkets yourself? An important choice will soon have to be made. But try not to get carried away with the little things and concentrate. The same plot symbolizes in a dream a useless waste of money, strength, and vital energy.

According to the eastern dream book

I dreamed that someone intended to give you beautiful gift? The most favorable and successful period in all respects is approaching. The interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if objects and things are given by deceased people.

Did you dream that you yourself decided to give something? Alas, the dream book predicts imminent disappointment in loved ones. If a guy has to give expensive gifts in a dream, then he will choose a rather modest and unassuming girl as his companion.

Why do you dream about giving a gift?

Unlucky enough to give a gift in a dream? In reality, miss a good opportunity to solve all your problems in one fell swoop. The same plot points to the dissatisfaction and nagging of others, which will literally drive you crazy. Why do you dream if you happen to give a gift in a formal setting? This person actually makes you irritated, angry, or suspicious.

Did you dream that you were happy to give gifts? In the real world, people around you will be happy to share the joyful feelings about your achievements. If you happen to give a gift without a particular mood, then you will have to make serious concessions just to achieve your goal.

In a dream, give as a gift for a holiday, birthday

Did you dream that you or you were given a present for your birthday? Expect great luck in literally everything. If you had to give in honor of a big holiday, then in reality you often forget about the little things, because you think only about the great goal.

It’s good to see how you happily give generous gifts to loved ones and strangers in a dream, without thinking about their cost. This means that in reality you will have the opportunity to do the same. But if you need to give, and for some strange reason you don’t want or can’t do it, then get ready for total lack of money and problems.

Giving in a dream - specific examples

In general, giving in a dream is much worse than receiving gifts. Most often, this event promises ruin, useless troubles, missed opportunities and other little things. pleasant events. But for proper decoding, it is necessary to establish what exactly was given and to whom.

  • giving a diamond is stupidity, a mistake
  • children's things - family scandal
  • beads - happy family life
  • a bouquet of flowers is an original, very unexpected proposal
  • wine - showdown, dispute, quarrel
  • vase - fulfillment of plans
  • broom - a confusing, hopeless matter, situation
  • giving money - getting rid of problems
  • perfume - new love, pleasant acquaintance
  • Christmas tree - a joyful event, the need to arrange a holiday
  • pearls - separation, tears
  • gold - change for the better
  • giving an icon means relief, protection
  • toy – joy, friendship, frivolity
  • candy - refusal to cooperate
  • book - impossible dreams
  • ring - marriage, friendship or submission
  • giving a cat is enmity, insincerity
  • horse - drastic but strictly good changes
  • a car is a common cause, a desire to get rid of responsibility
  • soap - treason, deception
  • giving socks - travel, road, parting
  • knife – situation control
  • scissors - unkind changes, separation
  • shoes - imposition of opinion, suppression
  • blanket - warmth, a manifestation of tenderness
  • giving dishes - improvement of position, prosperity
  • dress is a careless act
  • earrings – happiness, love, harmony in marriage
  • dog - luck, friendship
  • bag - establishing important connections
  • giving a phone - liberation from addiction, transfer of information
  • topaz - an amorous adventure
  • cake - a ridiculous situation, a meaningless argument
  • slippers - illness, possibly death
  • giving jewelry is a waste of time and resources
  • iron - insincerity, coldness
  • watch - troubles, separation
  • photography - revealing a secret
  • giving a chain - friendship, close connection
  • chocolate – help, support
  • scarf - affection
  • crystal - fragile relationships
  • give to relatives - get help from them
  • boss - the need to adapt
  • for children - a favorable outcome of a bad situation
  • husband/wife - quarrel

If you dreamed that you did not dare to give something personally, but sent a package by mail in a dream, then you will miss a fantastic chance, literally a gift of fate.

Someone forgets about them in the morning or doesn’t pay too much attention of great importance. Others, on the contrary, believe that dreams are harbingers of some important events. It is useless to argue about this; everyone decides for themselves. But regardless of whether a person believes in the symbolism of dreams or not, it is always interesting to understand this flow of fantasies, images and details. Fortunately, today there are a huge number of dream books that provide interpretation of dreams. So, if you want to find out the meaning of a particular vision, it is not difficult. It’s so interesting to find out, for example, why we dream of receiving gifts or why we see different landscapes in our dreams.

It is clear that events in dreams can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. And the same vision in different sources is interpreted differently: from both a positive and a negative point of view. This, however, is not very good, as it creates confusion. How to figure it out if the information in different sources varies so much? Although there are cases when all dream books interpret a dream in the same way.

Positive dreams

For example, dreams related to gifts are written everywhere with a plus sign. Moreover, you can give it to someone, you can accept it, you can lose it. In short, there are many options. But women, as a rule, are more interested in what it means to receive gifts, and especially to know what it means to dream of a gift from a man? Moreover, this interests both married ladies and young ladies. This is understandable, because receiving gifts in reality is always pleasant, and many, having become accustomed to the fact that in dreams everything is always the other way around, are simply waiting for a catch. However, it is impossible to find it here.


To begin with, it would be nice to understand what a gift means in a dream in a general sense. All dream books say that receiving a gift in a dream will actually lead to some kind of profit, including material profit. This is a harbinger of something positive, pleasant surprises, interesting meetings, or simply a symbol of surprise.

True, if you don’t like the gift you dreamed about, you should expect that the surprises in store for you will not be too pleasant.

For the wedding

And now about the most interesting part. Almost all dream books, when explaining why a gift is dreamed of, agree that it is for an imminent wedding, which will also be happy. Moreover, the future husband will certainly be rich and close in spirit to the woman. strong happy family, the appearance of healthy children, perhaps in large quantities. In general, when you see your lover giving you something and saying nice words, you can calm down. Such a dream is evidence that the person is right for you and will not go anywhere.

Freud's opinion

Why do you dream about gifts? An interesting interpretation is given in Freud's dream book. Here the gift is considered not from a general point of view, but from an important moment for the relationship and Freud.

According to this, it means the desire to establish close contact, including sexual contact. It turns out that if a woman receives a gift from a man in a dream, it means that the latter wants to establish a relationship of this kind with her.

Gypsy interpreter

Still, there was one dream book that interpreted a gift from a guy in a negative way. The gypsy dream book and the gift in general do not present a very rosy view, but this is not so important. The important thing is that a gift from a man is interpreted there as possible danger. But still, in most dream books, a gift is a symbol of something good. So don't focus too much on the negative.

Present from ex

This option is also possible: in a woman’s dream she dreams of not just a man, but the one with whom she broke up. In order to fully understand why you dream about a gift from ex-boyfriend, you first need to understand what the appearance of such a person basically means. According to dream books, this is a symbol of excessive preoccupation with the past. If ex-love not only fleetingly visits your dream, but also gives a gift, which means that your heart is not yet completely free. This dream can explain a lot in reality, for example, why there are no new relationships. It's simple: because the past has not yet been completely forgotten.

Specific gifts

In order to more accurately understand what a gift means in a dream, it is important, in addition to the identity of the giver, to turn to the specific items donated. Receiving a hairpin is a clear sign that you are surrounded by care and attention from a man. If they give you a fur coat, this is an omen that you will soon find yourself in an embarrassing situation due to the fact that you will be mistaken for another person.

But if a man gives you a pet (in particular, a dog), this means that a life of great comfort and prosperity awaits you. When you dream of a book, especially one packed in wrapping paper, it’s worth thinking about. Such a vision indicates that you are being prevented from learning the truth, and most likely, this is done by the donor.

Jewelry makes great gifts

However, it’s no secret: nothing pleases women more than receiving jewelry as gifts. So, earrings are a symbol of deception. - to happy events and love confessions, possibly dates. The necklace is a symbol of a successful marriage.

Jewelry also promises a wonderful husband. Because they symbolize the exclusivity of the one for whom they are intended. The more expensive the gift that a woman receives in night vision, the more happiness she expects in family and intimate relationships.


In general, it’s quite clear why you dream about a gift. Almost everyone dreams of getting a ring from a man. unmarried girls. Of course, even in a dream this decoration is interpreted unambiguously and is a symbol of the fidelity of a loved one, a harbinger of an imminent wedding, as well as love, a strong union, and affection. Two wedding cards - for engagement. A single Golden ring on the hand is a symbol of not only marriage, but also the birth of a child.


In fact, it is not so important what exactly we dream about and how to interpret this image. Much more significant is how exactly we react to dreams. We attract to ourselves what we focus on and what we think about. This does not mean, of course, that by dreaming about a wedding, we are thereby bringing the event closer.

However, if, having seen a not-so-nice present in a dream, we become fixated on the negative, then it will quickly burst into our lives. Figuring out why you dream about a gift, whatever it may be, is one thing, but thinking about it all the time is quite another. Yes, I dreamed it. If you were curious, you can find an interpretation in the dream book, but no more. For dreams to come true, you need to be more active in reality, and not go into the world of your own dreams. So dream books are good, but you shouldn’t rely too much on them, you need to take fate into your own hands.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Gifts in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about gifts in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Gifts mean?

According to the dream book, see Gifts - What kind of gift and to whom is it given? This is an attempt to establish a balance in relationships in a dream - a message that speaks of a lack of communication and which suggests how to balance your relationships with others. For what occasion is the gift given? If there is a direct reason for this - a birthday, a holiday, etc. - then what do you expect from this celebration? Is the gift appropriate for the event being celebrated? Perhaps a gift is expected, but no one gives anything. This fact reflects the inability to meet the expectations of others or, conversely, the inability of others to meet your expectations. It's also likely that you just don't understand; what is expected of you, for more details, if you dream about Gifts, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Gifts in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Gift - the dream is interpreted depending on what was received as a gift. Gifts of reasonable people to Christ: gold - purity of body (perfection); incense - wisdom; myrrh - subordination of the mind to the spirit, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which Gifts are dreamed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do I dream about Gifts?

Seeing Gifts in a dream means - Gift. Receiving gifts usually means profit, giving gifts means trouble. Giving a gift to a friend means risking losing his favor and friendship. For a business person, receiving gifts is a successful financial transaction. Sending or giving someone a gift is a favorable opportunity to solve some problem, but perhaps it is also a warning of grief. Receiving a gift on your birthday means rare luck in business. For a young woman to receive a gift - to a worthy chosen one, this means a dream that you had, for more details on why you dream about Gifts, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Gifts for a woman:

According to the dream book, to see a Gift - Receive a gift - to improve things. Receiving jewelry as a gift is a sign of happy love. Receive a car or a yacht as a gift - the people you communicate with are too kind to you, and this is not without reason. Receiving books as a gift is good news from friends. Not receiving the expected gift is a threat to your current position. Giving gifts to relatives means financial assistance on their part. Giving a gift to your superiors demonstrates your favorable attitude towards management

Grandma's old dream book

Why do I dream about Gifts, what does this mean?

We saw a Gift in a dream: receiving - for fun; giving to a friend means the risk of losing his favor, friendship, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out why you dream about Gifts.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Gifts according to the dream book?

We saw a Gift in a dream - Gifts received in a dream portend great happiness. For business people, such a dream promises successful financial transactions. If in your dream you sent someone a gift, try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark. A young woman who received an expensive gift in a dream will in reality expect marriage to a wealthy and congenial person. A dream about a birthday gift foretells rare luck in everything. And if you yourself give someone a gift for the holiday, then real life you have no respect for this person.

Dreamed/dreamed of a Gift - Receiving a gift in a dream is a sign of joy.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Hotel (gift). - If you dream about how you give a gift, it means pleasant communication.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Gift - receiving a gift in a dream means news from afar.

Home dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Gifts:

You dreamed of Gifts - lack of communication. Receive a gift -: purchase; happiness; give - express your feelings to someone; a loss; birthday gifts - good luck in everything; waiting for a gift to no avail means not meeting the expectations of your relatives; excessive demands on your environment; not understanding what they want from you.

Dream book of E. Ericson

I dreamed about Gifts, interpretation:

What does a Gift mean in a dream - receive a gift in reality. If the gift is unpleasant and you want to get rid of it, it means a skin disease.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Gifts - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of a Gift - incredible luck will fall on you. Imagine that you received exactly the gift you have dreamed of all your life.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about Gifts, why:

Gift - It was as if you were given a gift in a dream - the time is already close that you will call happy; you will invest your money successfully. A young woman dreams that she has been given a gift - this woman will marry a rich man who is close to her in spirit. It’s like you’re giving someone a gift - you will have a great opportunity to improve things, but you won’t take advantage of it. You give a gift to a friend in a solemn atmosphere - in reality you do not respect this person; Soon another cat will run between you.

Big dream book Phoebe

Did you have a dream and what does Gifts in a dream mean?

A gift - life will improve in all respects, a streak of luck will begin. Imagine how guests gather for a luxurious holiday, in the center of which you are. You are honored, no matter what the occasion. You stand in the center of a huge hall and accept gifts. Suddenly everyone makes way, silence reigns, the doors open, and a huge, elegantly decorated box is brought into the hall. It is so big that several people carry it at once. The box is placed in front of you. You untie the ribbons, they help you open the box - and in it you see exactly what you dreamed of long years. You are happy and grateful for the gift.

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed about Gifts, what is it for?

A dream in which the sleeping person is given gifts is interpreted positively in many dream books. The very fact of giving is considered positive and is regarded as receiving something good - new pleasant relationships, profits, items, news and even successful financial transactions.

What if you dream about giving gifts?

However, in order to thoroughly understand why you dream about giving gifts for no reason or in honor of some event, it is necessary to remember and interpret all the details of the dream, the environment in which the giving took place, as well as the feelings and emotions that the person experiencing who had the dream?

What is important is what was given and by whom. A favorable dream is considered to be the result of a beautiful wedding ring, given in a good atmosphere by a pleasant man to an unmarried woman. Such a dream predicts receiving a marriage proposal from a worthy person. By the way, appearance or the name of the donor may suggest a future spouse.

Receiving a non-engagement ring as a gift can mean an exciting new relationship. The nature of the relationship is interpreted depending on the type of stone.

By the way, receiving a solid gold ring as a gift is considered very favorable. It is believed that the rings were worn on the hands of representatives of the upper class, having a personal seal on the ring. Receiving such a gift may indicate the sleeper’s transition to a higher social status.

If you dream that gifts are given for a birthday or in honor of another event, then pleasant acquisitions will seem to have a prepared basis, and are even approximately known to the one who sees the dream. If gifts are presented for no reason, then pleasant events will be quite unexpected for the sleeping person.

By the way, if in a dream you receive a gift, but it is packaged in such a way that it is impossible to understand the contents, and this will not become clear until the end of the dream, it means that the true meaning of the upcoming event or acquisition will remain unclear. It can be both positive and negative.

Precious things received as a gift - bracelets, beads, necklaces, watches - must be separately interpreted in accordance with their meaning.

What does it portend?

The same can be said about donated household items, clothes, shoes, candy, perfume and everything else. The meaning of each item must be studied and interpreted separately.

For the one who is dreaming, it is important to pay attention to the details of the gift itself, the setting, as well as the feelings and emotions that were experienced when receiving the gift.

A good omen is that the gifts are beautiful, new, clean, bright, and neatly wrapped. At the same time, there is a pleasant atmosphere around the person who is dreaming, good people, and accepting the gift, the sleeper experiences joy, satisfaction, pleasure - that is, positive emotions.

A dream in which gifts are inconspicuous, faded, things are not new, or even dirty can have a negative meaning. This may warn of trouble.

The worst option would be a dream in which the gift in the hands of the sleeper darkens, turns black, crumbles to dust, burns or turns into something unpleasant. This is a direct warning not to take what is happening on faith, as it may be “with a catch.”

If in a dream the gift is something attractive, beautiful, but unusual and exotic, this may foreshadow something completely unexpected, perhaps related to a trip abroad - a business trip or a tourist trip.