What is a barometer and what is it for? A barometer is a useful and beautiful gift.

a device for measuring atmospheric air pressure. Pressure is the force acting per unit surface area. Earth's atmosphere, extending hundreds of kilometers upward, exerts pressure on the Earth's surface; a barometer is used to measure this pressure. Atmospheric, or barometric, pressure is measured in millimeters mercury and in pascals (see below). Changes atmospheric pressure, as a rule, are associated with changes in weather conditions. Pressure usually drops before bad weather, and its rise predicts good weather. By marking pressure changes on a map, you can determine the direction of winds and the movement of cyclones. Lines of equal pressure are called isobars from the Greek. isos (equal) and baros (heaviness). Barometers were adapted to measure altitude because atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. Airplanes are equipped with such devices (altimeters), and climbers take them with them. There are two main types of barometers - mercury and aneroid. A mercury barometer is more accurate and reliable than an aneroid. Aneroid is more compact and convenient; it can be made pocket-sized.
Mercury barometer. A mercury barometer shows atmospheric pressure as the height of the mercury column, which can be measured on a scale attached next to it. In its simplest form (Fig. 1), it is a glass tube filled with mercury, approx. 80 cm, sealed at one end and open at the other, immersed with the open end in a cup (sometimes called a tank) of mercury. There is no air in the barometric tube, and the space at the top is called a Torricelli void.

Rice. 1. MERCURY BAROMETER. The simplest mercury barometer (left) is a glass tube filled with mercury, lowered with the open end into a cup of mercury. The mercury in the tube rises and falls according to changes in weather conditions. In a siphon barometer (middle), changes in the level of mercury at the open end of the tube are transmitted by a weight W with a counterweight C to a arrow, which points to the weather forecasting dial inscriptions. The Fortin barometer (right) is a cup barometer in which the scale zero is set by rotating the screw A until the bone tip T touches the surface of the mercury; For more accurate reading on the scale, a vernier (vernier) is provided.

To make a mercury barometer, you first need to fill a tube with mercury. Then, holding the open end with your index finger, immerse this end in the mercury in the cup. As soon as you remove your finger, the mercury in the tube drops so much that the pressure of its column is balanced by the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the mercury in the cup. After this, atmospheric pressure can be measured as the height h of the column of mercury that it balances. When atmospheric pressure changes, the height of the column will change. The average atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. (1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa).
Aneroid. There is no liquid in the aneroid (Fig. 2) (Greek “aneroid” - “waterless”). It shows the atmospheric pressure acting on a corrugated thin-walled metal box in which a vacuum is created. When atmospheric pressure decreases, the box expands slightly, and when atmospheric pressure increases, it contracts and acts on the spring attached to it. In practice, several (up to ten) aneroid boxes are often used, connected in series, and there is a lever transmission system that turns a pointer moving on a dial scale graduated from a mercury barometer. Like the siphon mercury barometer (Fig. 1), the aneroid scale can be labeled ("rain", "variable", "clear", "very dry") to indicate weather conditions.

An aneroid is smaller than a mercury barometer and is easier to take readings. It can be used in expeditionary conditions, on sea ​​vessels, airplanes, etc. If you attach a pen to its arrow, it will record readings. Such barographs, i.e. Aneroids that record barometric pressure are available at all weather stations.
Kedrolivansky V.N., Sternzat M.S. Meteorological instruments. L., 1953 Gaevsky N.A. Pressure measurement technology. M., 1970 Osadchiy E.P. Design of sensors for measuring mechanical quantities. M., 1979 Fedyakov E.M. and others. Measurements of variable pressures. M., 1982

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


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    barometer- well. Baromètre m. 1. A device for measuring atmospheric pressure. BAS 2. The barometer is called a tool, with its help the gravity of the Atmosphere can be known. CAN 109. The barometer soon rose to the top. Icy. House 32. Ponezhe Imp. led deigned to order... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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Barometer is a measuring device that is designed to determine atmospheric air pressure. In addition to meteorological applications, the barometer is used for environmental monitoring (for example, to certify workplaces) or in aviation (to determine flight altitude above sea level).

Figure 1. Aneroid barometer

For the first time, the barometer was invented and described in the work “Opera geometrica” in 1644 by a scientist from Florence (Italy) Evangelista Torricelli. It was a liquid mercury barometer, the pressure of which was measured by the height of the mercury (liquid) column in a tube sealed at the top and placed at the lower end in a vessel with mercury (liquid). On the day that Torricelli conducted the experiment with his mercury barometer, the weather was calm and sunny, and the mercury column stood at 760 mm. Since then, a pressure of 760 mmHg has been normal. Mercury and liquid barometers are the most accurate and are still used at weather stations. Their disadvantages are fragility, insecurity and large size.

In 1844, the French engineer Lucien Vidy, using the research of a German mathematician and physicist of the 17th century. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, designed a fundamentally new, liquid-free barometer, which was called an aneroid barometer (from the Greek “aneros” - not containing moisture). Barometers built on the basis of the L. Vidi barometer are currently the most common.

At all, barometers, depending on the principle of operation may be mercury, liquid, aneroid or electronic.

- Liquid barometer- a device that uses the principle of balancing the weight of a liquid column with atmospheric pressure.

- Mercury barometer- atmospheric pressure, which can be measured by the height of the mercury column on a scale attached next to it.

- a device whose operating principle is based on changing the dimensions of a metal box filled with rarefied air under the influence of atmospheric pressure. Such barometers are reliable and small in size.

- Electronic barometer– this type of barometer works on the principle of converting the linear dimensions of a traditional aneroid pressure box into an electrical signal and further processing this signal by a microprocessor. If, instead of an aneroid box, a strain gauge is used, then the measured pressure is perceived by this sensitive element and is converted through its deformation into a change in the electrical resistance of the strain gauges of the strain gauge transducer.

However, since the topic of this article is “Barometer-Aneroid,” we will return to this type of pressure measuring devices and consider them in more detail.

So, this is a device that is intended to measure atmospheric pressure mechanically. Structurally, the aneroid consists of a round metal (nickel-silver or hardened steel) box with corrugated (ribbed) bases, in which a strong vacuum is created by pumping out air, a return spring, a transmission mechanism and an indicator needle. Under the influence of atmospheric pressure: its increase or decrease, the box, respectively, either compresses or unbends. In this case, when the bellows box is compressed, the upper flexing surface begins to pull the spring attached to it down, and when the atmospheric pressure decreases, top part, on the contrary, bends and pushes the spring upward. An indicator needle is attached to the return spring using a transmission mechanism, which moves along a scale calibrated in accordance with the readings of the mercury barometer (Figure 2). It is worth noting that usually, in practice, several (up to 10 pieces) thin-walled corrugated boxes with vacuum are used in series, which increases the amplitude of the pointer moving along the scale.

Figure 2. Aneroid Barometer structure.

Aneroid barometers, due to their small size and the absence of liquid in their design, are the most convenient and portable; they are widely used in practice.

Unfortunately, barometers are affected by temperature environment and changes in spring elasticity over time. Therefore, modern aneroid barometers are equipped with an arc-shaped thermometer, or a so-called compensator, which is intended to correct the instrument readings for temperature.

In general, to obtain the true value of atmospheric pressure, the readings of an aneroid barometer require various corrections, determined by comparison with a mercury barometer. There are three amendments to aneroids:

Scale correction - this correction depends on how unevenly the aneroid barometer reacts to pressure changes in different parts of the scale,

Temperature correction - determined by the relationship between temperature and the elasticity of the aneroid corrugated box and spring,

The amendment is additional - determined by a change, over time, in the elasticity of the aneroid corrugated box and spring.

The body of an aneroid barometer is usually made of valuable types of wood, such as walnut, oak, beech, cherry or mahogany. Such barometers are no longer just instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure, but interior items. However, to reduce the cost of the entire structure and make it more practical, the aneroid body can be made of plastic or metal.

Aneroid barometers presented by models:

- BAMM-1 is a barometer, which is intended for measuring atmospheric pressure in ground conditions and indoors. Included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation, therefore it can be used for certification of workplaces.

- M-67 is the most accurate and unpretentious barometer. Thanks to its design features, it is capable of operating at temperatures from -10 to +50 o C (Figure 3).

- M-110 – barometer for industrial use, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

- BB-0.5M – household wall-mounted barometer. Ideal for approximate measurements of atmospheric pressure.

- BR-52 – school aneroid barometer, used as teaching aid and for conducting experiments.

Figure 3. Barometer model M67.

To carry out more accurate or longer-term measurements, as well as to verify related instruments at weather stations, weather posts and laboratories, other instruments are used. They can be either digital or mechanical. For example, the BOP-1M barometer, being an exemplary portable barometer, as a standard measuring instrument, is intended for checking barometers various designs and instruments for general industrial use that measure atmospheric pressure.

BRS-1M is a working network barometer, designed to accurately determine absolute air pressure, has a digital RS232 interface for connecting to a computer.

Meteorological barograph M-22A is a device that is intended for determining and graphically recording atmospheric pressure values ​​both indoors and outdoors, for a certain period of time (Figure 4.).

Figure 4. Barograph M-22A

The MD-13 automated digital barometer is used at weather stations for long-term (up to 1 month) measurement of atmospheric pressure with the ability to transfer measurement results to a computer.

A barometer is a device that continuously displays atmospheric pressure. Its basis is an aneroid - a sealed container filled with some kind of gas. When atmospheric pressure changes, the geometric dimensions of the aneroid change. This in turn causes the needle to move.

You need to adjust the barometer if its readings differ from the local weather station readings by more than 8 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Typically an adjustment screw is provided at the rear of the housing. Turn this screw (but no more than 45 degrees!) until the arrow indicates the correct pressure.

Reference: 1 hPa (hPa, hectopascal) = 0.750062 mm. rt. Art. If both numbers are multiplied by 1000, it turns out that 1000 hectopascals are equal to 750 millimeters of mercury.

Electronic pressure transducers are built into phones. You can read an article about why it is needed in smartphones.

Andrey 04/18/2009 21:44
I bought a BARO barometer. I wanted to take it apart, but it turned out that it was not disassembled. The arrow moves slowly - I wanted to lubricate it.

Rio 04/21/2009 16:57
It’s okay, over time the arrow will work in!

Leonid 04/27/2009 09:34
I watched “Cliffs” in the store. They were in a hurry. The difference in readings was about 20 mm. rt. pillar Therefore, after purchase, be sure to check them with a standard or with a radio station.

Victor 04/05/2014 00:07
Hello, Leonid, I also bought myself a UTES, but I have doubts whether it works correctly or not. You write that you can check with their standard or radio station. Sorry, Leonid, but how is this done? Sincerely, Victor.

Evgeniy 02/28/2010 08:10
I bought a Zvezda barometer from the city of Uglich, it showed 760 mm, we had 749 mm - it failed, the next day the pressure increased to 753 mm (it showed an excellent increase), after 2 days the pressure dropped to 743 mm, and on mine it was the same 753 mm left - is it buggy?

Konstantin 02/28/2010 23:22
Evgeniy, try gently tapping the glass with your nails so that the arrow moves. Otherwise, new copies have such a problem that the mechanism is not “run in”.

puch 04/17/2010 12:04
In fact, the instructions previously indicated that it was necessary to lightly tap it on the body. I won’t go into details of the design, but even AVIATION BAROMETERS tap on the glass - there is an INSTRUCTION about this in the description of the device!!!

Vyacheslav 11/27/2012 22:02
Why does my UTES BTK-SN-14 barometer almost always show “Variable” for two months already? The arrow moves first to the right, then to the left, but the marking is “Variable” and only once showed “Wind”. I have suspicions for the reason that it rained almost every day during these two months, and the arrow never reached the “Rain” marking. Please reply by email. mail: [email protected].

novel 03/26/2010 10:06
Hello. Why do you need an arrow attached to the glass? Thank you.

cook 03/27/2010 18:50
why, to record the values ​​for yourself and see the difference between them 😉

Albert 04/10/2012 20:36
look at the difference, for example, between the first and second day.

people 06/18/2010 09:51
Thanks for the instructions on tapping, I also wanted to take it to the store, even though I was tapping. We’ll wait until it gets used to it 😉 and if you haven’t bought it yet, BUY IT. You can adjust it yourself: select the average from several weather information sites. we have a fishing barometer, 5+

Marina 07/08/2010 13:34
I have a German barometer, after it came into my hands small child, stopped showing anything, does anyone know if it can be fixed?

Natalia 14.11.2010 13:57
Help, please, we bought a barometer as a gift, while my birthday is far away. We hung it on the wall, decided to check if it worked, and adjusted it as it was written in the instructions. It has been hanging for 3 days now, but the readings have not changed, although there was a sharp drop in pressure.

Nikolay 20.11.2010 22:19
Natalya, it’s possible that it hasn’t developed yet, try lightly tapping the body with your fingers. Mine also behaved like this at first, but after a while it moved, and now it reacts to 1 mm. rt. Art.

Sergey 12/28/2010 17:20
Tell me, do I need advice on where to hang it correctly: on a sunny wall or in the shade? Or on the window? Thank you in advance.

Gosha 12/28/2010 20:18
Sergey, hang it on a wall where the sun's rays do not fall.

Victor 27.11.2011 20:12
Remember, great barometer lovers!!! It makes absolutely no difference where you hang it. The main thing is not to put it in water, and it is not recommended to knock on it.

R16 01/29/2017 01:41
you don't know anything about barometers

Alexander 05/07/2014 15:08
I heard that the barometer should be hung on the wall that faces the street (cold), tell me, is this true?

Grisha 05/07/2014 20:50
I think that the sun's rays should not fall on it. And on which wall the barometer hangs is not decisive, because the temperature of the walls differs by a degree or two, and the sensitivity of the barometer does not suffer from such a small temperature difference.

Nata 06.11.2011 21:26
How long did it take for you to start moving? Mine only works after tapping, but I really want it to work on its own.

Goldfinch 07.11.2011 00:20
I started working independently after about a year. I tapped the glass every day before.

Timur 07.12.2010 12:34
Is it still possible to drop oil on the arrow axis!? To move easier! I have a school training BR-52, I’m following the instructions! There is a difference with the Internet! But I think the terrain (mountainous) has an effect, I live on the third floor, in theory, it should also have an effect. IN Soviet time The quality of the barometers was better, the body was metal, etc., it was more solid!

Pavel 02/06/2011 17:28
The device worked fine. Then we tightened the bolt on the back panel until it stops. How to configure it correctly now? Thank you in advance.

t_suslova 04/01/2011 07:29
We were given a German barometer, and its school starts at 950. How to set it correctly if we are 900 m above sea level? In our area the pressure does not exceed 700 mm. rt. Art.

Alexey 06/05/2011 09:50
950 is not millimeters of mercury, it is hectopascals, 950 hPa is 712 mmHg. Art.

Max 08/14/2011 16:55
There are two barometers: one is stationary, the second is in GPS, in GPS settings there are two parameters: barometric pressure and atmospheric pressure, what is the difference? The first value is adjusted, but the second is not, what is this for?

Lilya 09.10.2011 13:14
How to properly transport a barometer on an airplane and take it into the cabin with hand luggage? and what happens to him during the flight? and how to configure it later? share your experience...

Nikolay 09.26.2011 11:50
Thanks to all the specialists who wrote that you need to tap on the glass. I bought the device in another country with instructions in English. pressure drops - the arrow stays in place until you knock. I thought it was faulty and couldn’t be returned, but I just calmed down. While the arrow is grinding in, I will tap on the glass.

Gennady 10/12/2011 20:14
Help me to understand! I have two rows of numbers on my barometer. Now, for example, the pressure is 755 mm. I only have numbers from 80 to 102, I think. How is this to be understood? The device is cheap and the instructions are in English. In short, maybe throw it out? But he reacts something, but the arrow practically stands still. Help me please. Thank you in advance.

apexander 06.11.2011 16:06
flew by plane for 8 hours. It was in my hand luggage. I unpacked it, the arrow was rooted to the spot, you could even knock on the glass. I turned the adjusting screw at the back, it can be scrapped.

Alexey 03/29/2012 09:36

Now for repairs.

Sergey 04/02/2012 11:15
It is strictly forbidden to transport by plane. The barometer is not designed for such overloads. The membrane may become deformed or depressurized, or the thread may break. After the plane, repairs are useless. It's easier to buy a new one.

Sergey 11/29/2011 15:56
The main problem with the inaccuracy of aneroid barometer readings is your geographical position, for example, Astrakhan and Pyatigorsk. Pyatigorsk is located much higher; accordingly, less pressure is exerted on the aneroid during maximum atmospheric fluctuations. Therefore, the device will “lie”. In this case, you need to change the scale size and adjust. In the case of Astrakhan, the opposite is true. Manufacturers do not indicate operating altitude ranges for devices, this is sad, but fixable - you have to modify and configure it.

Ksenia 02/08/2012 09:47
Good afternoon Please help me set up the barometer, it is 50-60 years old, if not more, what needs to be done with the two arrows so that they show all these pressure differences, etc.? At what value of the numbers should they be combined and what to do next?

Anastasia 02/14/2012 17:57
I bought a barometer, several weeks have passed, but the readings do not change, the needle does not move a single division. Is he not a worker? Please tell me.

Sergey 03/02/2012 09:34
Same problem. The pressure dropped by 20 mm. rt. Art., and the arrow is in one place. And another situation: when trying to adjust, the arrow sharply moves to the left or right. Should it be like this or should it move smoothly?

Irina 02/29/2012 19:14
The cat, the brute, dropped BAMM-1. That's not what it shows. I wonder if it can be adjusted or is it all in the trash?

Andrey 03/17/2012 12:49
I bought myself a fisherman's barometer pb1 for February 23rd. Hung it on the wall. the arrow does not deviate until you knock on the glass. I changed it to another one, and then to a third one. All instruments have the needle in place. you need to tap on the glass, but not hard. I won't change it anymore. tired of it. The seller doesn't really explain.

Alexey 03/29/2012 09:32
Yes, that is right. This is a feature of the barometer mechanism, since the indicating (working) arrow is not fixed rigidly, but through suspensions and a mechanism that increases the stroke. In a barometric box, the stroke (compression, expansion) when changing pressure is very small, not visible to the eye. Therefore, a mechanism was made there that allows the smallest movements of the box to transfer movement to the needle, which can already move on a scale of 30-40 cm, and also the power of the barometric box itself is not enough to move the needle over a long distance.

Alexey2 04/16/2012 00:09
It hung in the kitchen for three years, everything was ok, recently I noticed that the needle had fallen and was constantly showing 800. It felt like it was just lying there and not moving. I took it off, shook it in different directions - the arrow goes left and right. If anyone can tell me what to do, I would be very grateful. There is no barometer repair in our city.

Olga 04/18/2012 15:22
Tell me, please, I bought a “Cliff” with arrows. From what I read above, I understood: you need to knock on the glass, but which one indicates atmospheric pressure, black or the one that moves (golden)? For example, it’s raining today, but for me it shows that it’s variable.

Victor 05/24/2012 22:01
Black indicates pressure.

Alexander 06/21/2012 11:07
Hello! I purchased a barometer UTES BTK-SN-14, I live in Zheleznovodsk (near Pyatigorsk). So, the arrow always lies where it is raining, regardless of what the weather is like outside, the pressure changes from 700 to 718 (exactly the range where rain is drawn)! Tell me, what should I do so that it shows the appropriate weather?

Misha 06/21/2012 19:41
According to the weather forecast, what is your blood pressure? If the readings match, you will have to choose either symbols or numbers.

Alexander 06/23/2012 10:12
The only way to get to Kamchatka is by plane. So what turns out to be figs for you, and not a working device?

Victor N 01/05/2015 09:06
Place the barometer in the pressure cooker, tighten the lid tightly and seal the discharge tube or any airtight container. About 15-17 years ago I transported it by plane from Kyiv to Surgut, and then from Surgut by helicopter to Purpe. The arrow probably developed after the helicopter, there is no need to tap anymore, I began to lie by 3-4 mmHg, and corrected it with a screw.

Evgeniy 07/02/2012 22:42
I bought Utes BTK-SN-14, at first I lied at 10 mmHg. Art., that is, if we have 750, it shows 760, tightened the screw, set it according to the weather station readings. I don't want to change it, I like the design itself. But I want it to show accurate data. Otherwise, you will need to sort through it, there is a post where the reason is indicated - poor quality mechanism assembly. It can be treated with your own hands, by overhauling the mechanism and adjusting it. But it's a shame.

Holy 08.10.2012 11:53
Good afternoon! I bought a barometer “weather harbinger RST04460”, the saleswoman said that it needed to be activated (turn the screw on the back 90 degrees), which she did. Are her actions correct? or take it back to her?

Holy 10/27/2012 13:33
In short, I took this barometer back and exchanged it for a German ATF, it seems that all the problems went away immediately, I set the pressure for my region, it shows without problems. BOMB!!!

Alexander 01/27/2017 18:05
Hello! Could you write more precisely what kind of German ATF is? I'm looking for a German barometer, I live in a rural area, I can only buy it on the internet.

Mikhail 03.11.2012 17:02
:bad: Hello. Tell me, did you set the device to the weather station of your region, 148 mm normal pressure in our region, and with such pressure it is raining and cloudy. The device should show below pressure. Please explain.

Lydia 01/22/2013 19:01
How to set it up, please tell me. TV channels and websites show different pressures. The difference is from 10 to 30 mm. rt. Art.

Alexander 09/18/2013 11:45
Firstly, the barometer itself is not accurately adjusted. Secondly, it doesn’t work well (no stability, low sensitivity, sticks and breaks when tapped, etc., etc.). About the difference in readings. Even if you were not lazy and brought your barometer to the local weather station and there it was set to the same readings as theirs, and then you brought your barometer home, for example to the 10th floor of your “chicken coop”, called back to the same weather station and clarified the pressure readings at a given moment in time and find a difference in the readings of your barometer and the weather station, this does not mean at all that the barometer is not working. The rule works here: every 10.5-meter increase in height results in a drop of 1 mmHg. (torr) and back. Therefore, if you have a constant difference in readings with the local weather station, for example, 5 mmHg. and you set up your miracle device there and it works stably, then you can estimate that your shelter-fortress is on the 10th floor with a stable difference compared to the local weather station, for example, 2 mmHg. is at a height of 2 x 10.5 = 21 meters. relative to the local weather station.
A height difference of 21 meters gives a pressure drop of 2 mmHg. This is a constant correction to your location.
Don't you feel like a celestial being yet? :love:

Alexander 02/18/2013 17:43
They gave me a BTK-SN-17 barometer, I tried to set it up, but the adjustment stroke of 45 degrees is not enough, what should I do? return?

Sergey 03/07/2013 11:40
I see: children on the ice staged a football game using some kind of device. I picked it up and brought it home. BM-2. Made in USSR. The humidity arrow has disappeared. I cleaned everything, read the sites, sat and adjusted. It seems to show (reanimated). I have long dreamed of having a barometer.

Konstantin 03/11/2013 00:30
I bought myself a weather station “Kruzenshtern 16” RST05116. Initially, after purchase, the pressure showed 735 mm Hg. Art. I found out the real pressure in our area. Using the adjusting screw, I set the current 750 mmHg. Art. The pressure on the barometer has not changed for three days. The arrow stands rooted to the spot. Although the pressure in the city has changed (dropped by 8 mm).
What is the problem? Malfunction?

Mikhail 03/18/2013 18:22
I think that the mechanism has not yet been developed. Gently tap the glass with your fingernail and the arrow should move. If the pressure has really changed significantly, and the needle does not move after knocking, then it must be returned under warranty. Good luck to you!

Konstantin 03/19/2013 17:30
Mikhail, the needle moves after the knock. And it is set to the desired pressure. But why doesn’t she want to move herself? If this is a mechanism, how long will it take to break in?

Mikhail 03/19/2013 20:52
Konstantin, my “BARO” device probably took 2-3 months to break in. All this time I was tapping on the glass every day. But over time everything became normal. Now he is 5 years old, he reacts on his own to changes in fractions of a millimeter. rt. Art. So be patient.

Konstantin 03/20/2013 08:19
Mikhail noticed that the shooter began to work for promotion. I was even happy. But when the pressure began to drop, the needle did not respond. I had to knock. Moreover, he knocked not only on the glass, but also on the back of the device. After this, the arrow rose to the required value. Is this the norm? Why is the arrow already moving up, but not yet wanting to go down?

Mikhail 03/20/2013 17:29
If it itself moves upward, then there is already a result! Don't worry, everything will work as it should over time. It’s just that the efforts of the membrane and spring are not yet enough to overcome the friction force of the mechanism. I won’t recommend lubricating. Just wait.

Konstantin 03/20/2013 18:51
Thanks, Mikhail, for the advice. Will wait.

Konstantin 03/18/2013 08:30
And in response there was silence... If only someone could give me some advice.

Victor 06/04/2013 23:09
Tell me, is it possible to transport them in a car (well, for example, to a dacha, to a village, or just with a tent in nature) and don’t they need to be constantly adjusted?

Natalya 07/15/2013 09:43
I bought myself a device, it has a barometer, thermometer, hygrometer and clock, made in Uglich and all this costs 2050 rubles. I was not happy for long, because I realized that the barometer did not work (I bought it only because of it), I went to the store a week after the purchase, the seller: “Write a statement,” etc., and I said that I need the device, and not a refund, then they replaced it, came home - it turned out that the clock on this instance did not work (the barometer, as you taught, responded when tapped), I went and changed it to another clock (they are easily rearranged). I honestly followed the new one for another three days - the arrow conscientiously stands where you put it, if you move it, it stands there, it does not move on its own. I told the seller when they changed the watch that next time I would come for the money. But I need the device. I tapped him, he lives on his own wave, and even if he moves, it’s not in the right direction. Tell me what to do? Maybe you can recommend another? In our city, few people sell them.

Alexander 07/17/2013 11:41
I read several comments and my hair stood on end... The impression is that people are completely unfamiliar with the concept of atmospheric pressure, not to mention the design and operation of aneroid devices, the connection between atmospheric pressure and weather changes. Physics 8th grade...

1) An aneroid barometer is a device designed to measure atmospheric pressure. Its heart is an aneroid - a round, corrugated metal box from which the air is pumped out, that is, a vacuum of tens of mm is achieved. rt. Art. and less. Under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the box is compressed to an equilibrium state; the elastic force of the box itself and the spring of the transmission mechanism does not allow it to be completely crushed. The box itself is usually made of beryllium bronze or similar alloys, which have high wear resistance and low CTE (temperature expansion coefficient) to minimize reading errors when temperature changes. The deformation of the box when the atmospheric pressure changes is insignificant, therefore a transmission mechanism is installed in the barometer, which allows you to increase the magnitude of these deformations and, using an arrow, convert them into the value of atmospheric pressure.

As the pressure on the box increases, the impact on the box increases, it compresses more and the arrow shows us by what amount the pressure has increased; when it decreases, under the action of the elastic forces of the box and the spring of the transmission mechanism, it decompresses and again we determine the amount of change on the scale. Tapping on the device is necessary to eliminate the impact of the friction force in the transmission mechanism on the readings - it is a system of levers on the axes, and it is in them that the friction forces arise. But, as a rule, with a working and properly adjusted device, this manipulation does not cause changes in readings by more than 1-2 mm. rt. Art. The range of blood pressure measurements with household barometers is small, from 700 to 800 mm. rt. Art. and less. When flying by air, the pressure in the cabin reaches values ​​of 600 mm. rt. Art. and below, when transporting such a barometer, it may break. As a rule, the delicate transmission mechanism is damaged. The aneroid box may also become unnecessarily deformed, which will affect the accuracy of the readings in the future. The same thing can happen to a barometer when exposed to pressure above 800 mm. rt. Art.

2) The connection between weather changes and changes in blood pressure was established by E. Torricelli, the creator of the mercury barometer. When the pressure decreased, the weather “got worse,” and when the pressure increased, it “improved.” When forecasting the weather, it is not the pressure value itself that is more important, but its changes! This is why there is a second arrow on the barometer glass, which we combine with the arrow indicating the blood pressure level. When pressure changes, we can judge the trend of events. And it doesn’t matter at all whether we live in Astrakhan or Pyatigorsk. There is no need to literally correlate the inscriptions on the barometer (clear-variably stormy, etc.) with the weather condition. I repeat, CHANGING BP IS IMPORTANT. Let's say the weather outside is wonderful and clear. AD = 730 mm. rt. Art. Then, after lunch, the needle crept down - worsening weather should be expected. The degree of deterioration depends on the magnitude of the change in blood pressure. And vice versa.

I hope my post will be useful to someone when choosing a boronometer and using it.

Evgeny 08/27/2013 09:08
Comrades, please help!
I found a completely disassembled barometer at home, the needle separately, the mechanism separately, the metric scale (disc) separately. How to assemble this device so that it works?

Alexander 09/04/2013 15:38
Recently I won 2 lots - barometers (various, including a marine one, and in the “a la grandfather’s barometer” style, of which there are plenty, I didn’t take them, I don’t like them) on the German online auction eBay. I had to look for happiness there, because modern tacky counterfeits of antiques like RST or Utes, etc., which are now sold in Russia, do not inspire anyone to buy. And the price for them is prohibitive and inadequate. This is true, by the way. These two barometers were sent to me to Belarus from Frankfurt on the Main as a regular air parcel by plane. The flight went well. Both are working. :ups: So, for some reason the airlift did not have an impact on German barometers, although at first, to be honest, there were concerns. There are many barometers sold on eBay all over the world and the delivery of purchases (won lots) is also carried out at different points the world and usually it is by air, and I have not encountered such questions. Maybe this only applies to Soviet barometers? Or is this a myth?
By the way, about setting the barometer. The barometer readings are affected by your location above sea level, i.e. every 10.5 meters of altitude gives a drop in pressure of 1 mm. rt. st (in English this is denoted torr). Therefore, in order to accurately adjust your barometer (which already works well, that is, it is sensitive and does not need to be forced by tapping), take your feet in your hands and a thin screwdriver under your adjusting screw on back wall your barometer and head to the local weather station. There we ask for permission and favor and set on your barometer, which you brought with you, the same readings as on the standard one from the weather station. We make a temperature correction if this is provided for in the barometer of the weather station (i.e. if it is not a temperature-compensated barometer, and you stuck there, for example, your marine barometer from the Japanese company YANAGI TYPE 8 COMPENSATED TEMPERATURE & ACCELERATION, which you won on eBay and cost you Taking into account transportation from the States at $200 and local meteorologists will begin to choke the toad).
After this, you have a barometer identical in readings to the standard one from the weather station.

Alex 02.10.2013 15:22
P.S. And after you brought the barometer home and called the weather station back and found a difference in the readings with them, this means that you and the weather station are on different heights relative to sea level. This is, as stated above, a correlation (constant correction) to your location due to the difference in altitude.

Irina 09/13/2013 01:41
The BTK CH8 large “Utes” barometer has been showing 750 mm without changes for 2 days. It's been raining all these days. I just purchased it, I haven’t seen other indicators yet...

Alexander 09.18.2013 10:52
P.S. With thermal compensation and the influence of your location (altitude relative to sea level), it seems like it could have been chewed popularly.
Now about the “development and development” of the barometer. To avoid any questions when using the barometer, I propose a very simple way to check it right at the point of purchase and bring it into working condition (reincarnation or “revival”) and increase sensitivity (reducing the influence of tapping). The operation is somewhat akin to checking a thermos on site - pouring it into hot water, wait a few minutes and check the temperature of the case. If it is slightly warm only in the area of ​​the plug, then it is intact and there is a vacuum. We got distracted.
So, we take a durable plastic transparent bag (it’s better to have a few in reserve in case they burst) larger in size than the barometer itself. We place the barometer in the bag, place it on a flat, stable surface such as a table, inflate the bag with our mouth (like a balloon), and tightly close the exit of the bag. Make sure there are no air leaks from the bag. Click on the package. The barometer needle deviates upward, up to approximately 20 mmHg. (no more effort is needed). If the arrow deviates and returns back to the same position when the force on the package is removed, then your barometer is working.
We perform the same operation, only we perform it more than once to “bring to life” your barometer that “fell into a coma, or maybe never came out of it.” True, this can only help if the vacuum box in it is sealed (there is a vacuum) and there are no other mechanical damage along the chain, vacuum box - arrow.
And you don’t have to wait six months or a year and knock on it, otherwise during this period you will turn into a woodpecker. To do this, you only need to make some efforts to compress the inflated bag for some time. Exercise in moderation will not harm anyone, the main thing is not to overdo it.
By the way, I recently purchased a Soviet marine barometer made in 1957, manufactured according to GOST 6466-53 (this GOST is no longer in force). Awesome thing. On eBay, barometers of this type are usually sold in a round case under the “Stalin era” or “Cold War period” brand. Many modern consumer goods clumsy single-chamber barometers are no match for him. Triple vacuum chamber (to increase force), scale graduated in 0.5 mmHg, black rectangular bakelite case. No stupid inscriptions like “Dry, Storm, Fair, Rain, Weather, etc.” There is no reaction to knocking on it. Works great. Once I was transporting it on a bus; the trip was over very hilly terrain. It was interesting to watch him independent work. As soon as the bus entered the lowland, the pressure increased. As soon as the bus drove onto a hill, the pressure dropped right before our eyes. Those. The rule worked: every 10.5-meter increase in height results in a drop of 1 mmHg. (torr) and back.

Alexandra 06/28/2014 12:32
Thanks a lot. Your information is very valuable. I bought a BARO barometer, now I know that it is “alive”, the trick with the package was a success. :love:

Roman 03/18/2015 22:29
Experience with the package is working. How can I check the arrow in the other direction?

Igor 03/20/2015 23:47
Inflate the bag and burst it.

Alexander 06/26/2015 09:48
In this case, on the contrary, you need to create a small vacuum in the bag if you can 😎
Although why do this if it reacts to overpressure, that means he is working

Sergey 11/14/2013 05:09
I understand that transportation by air is prohibited, but if the plane does not fly above 7 km, does this rule apply to it? I simply don’t have any other transportation option.

Vasily 01/25/2014 07:21
I live in a rural area and there are no weather stations nearby. How to set the barometer in such cases?

Yup 01/25/2014 14:41
According to the weather forecast from the Internet for your rural area.

Alex 01/30/2014 17:24
Try to get out of your rural area and drive to the local weather station. This is if the area is hilly. If there is no way, and the terrain is flat, and the difference in altitude, in theory, should not affect the readings, then it is better to still call the local weather station and check with them for the readings. Usually there are weather stations in all regional centers.

Victor 03/04/2014 18:20
my barometer shows 770 mm, and the Internet shows 750. what should I do?

CAT 06/13/2014 20:35
Tell me where the pressure is higher: on the first floor or on the tenth?

Galina 07/04/2014 13:51
Help... We gave you a BRIGANT weather corner with a barometer, hygrometer, thermometer, and clock. I adjusted the black arrow using a screw, focusing on the weather report data. But the barometer readings have been the same for a week now. It's a shame. What to do?

Alexander 08/20/2014 06:39
Galina 2014-07-04 13:51:18

In such “instruments” one cannot hope for any accuracy and repeatability of measurements.

The friction force in the transmission mechanism is such that the needle may not budge even if the pressure changes within +- 10 mmHg.

If you need a device that measures atmospheric pressure, and not just a display meter, then I recommend the following models: BAMM-1 (+- 1.5 mm Hg). M-67 (Control - +- 0.8 mm Hg), M-110 and the like. The error is indicated, of course, for the entire measurement range of the device, that is, from 600 mm Hg to 800 and, as a rule, in the measurement range of 710-790, no correction is introduced at all, only temperature (for many devices that I checked, it is equal to 0 ).

One user wrote about flights from Germany and everything is OK - I don’t agree with you. In order to declare this, it is necessary to carry out a test in a thermo-pressure chamber, over the entire operating range.

Antoha 08/20/2014 18:28
Good day to all! I'll tell you about mine. About 3 years ago I bought a BK-S barometer from 1978, it is in excellent condition. It showed about 753, it stayed like that for two months, it may have changed, but very little. One day an acquaintance came and noticed him, we started talking and I told the whole story, to which he suggested that I set up and test the device. I set it up and checked it in a metrology laboratory, they “drove it” for about a week in some kind of pressure chamber, I don’t know exactly, in general, he brought it to me, he said that the barometer was a thing, it showed clearly, it reacted very quickly. When I returned it, it showed 746, then I looked on the net - just like that + - 1-2 units. I hung it up and forgot about it, but when I look, the maximum units change by 10-12 at any time of the year. Even when it rains, my needle “hangs” above 740 on the scale between “wind” and “variable”, although “rain” on it is 720-730. I looked at the same Yandex weather, everything is the same, the pressure is 742. Therefore, I think it depends on the area and relief, and maybe something in nature has changed!!! I live in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region.

Alexander 08/28/2014 06:17
As has already been written here several times, weather changes and the inscriptions on the barometer itself are in no way connected with each other! It is not the value of atmospheric pressure itself that is important, but the trend of its change! In mountainous areas, normal pressure may never rise above 700 mm Hg, so do you think it’s all rain and hurricanes there?

Ilyas 04/17/2017 23:09
Please tell me. They gave me a barometer in Rostov-on-Don (it worked as expected), after I brought it home to Pyatigorsk by car, it stopped working, hangs, is silent. Transportation in soft packaging - no shock, in a horizontal position. How to revive it and make it work?

NIKOLAY 01/29/2015 19:57
Dear friends! You don't need to configure anything.
At the manufacturer's factory, they (barometers) are adjusted according to the standard. And since each area has its own height in relation to the sea, the readings will be different.
This applies specifically to factory ones.
As for others, I won’t say anything.
But after your “tuning” there will be “glitches”.
Example. In Moscow (center) 739 mm Hg. Art., in Lyubertsy 750.
It’s raining in Moscow, but in Lyubertsy there’s neither a cloud nor a wind, in this example there’s a big difference, but it’s true.
One day we went fishing, the weather was calm, the morning was just “classy”. Having traveled 15-17 km, the weather worsened sharply, after spending 2-3 hours in the pouring rain, we returned with nothing, but when we returned, the weather was the same - calm, not a cloud, sun, peace and grace. Having asked about the weather, we were very surprised - nothing had changed, and there on the horizon (looking from the roof of the house) there was a black streak of bad weather.
Draw conclusions. and you can climb the barometer mechanisms.
Thank you, good luck!

Olga 09.14.2015 15:40
I checked the barometer with the package, everything works. Thanks for the advice.

Zinaida 09.15.2015 13:19
Alexander, your comments are very useful, but I cannot adjust my BARO hPa barometer, because the numbers on it are from 980 to 1040, and our pressure in the city of Novosibirsk in the region is 740-760. Even if the weather station says exactly mm. rt. Art., what's next. And I still can’t figure out how to put, or rather, which arrow to use, the required numbers. I have two arrows on it, black and golden, the black one moves up and down, and the golden one stands still. Please tell me. I bought it without instructions. Thank you very much!

Roman 09.15.2017 10:34
1 hPa = 0.750062 mm. rt. Art.
hPa (in Russian hPa) - hecto-pascal - a unit of measurement of pressure.
Accordingly, 750 mmHg. equals 999.9 hPa.

Alexander 10/19/2015 15:47
I was given a St. Petersburg Brig, but I can’t adjust it to the reduced pressure at sea level. There is not enough adjustment travel in + and the arrow scratches on the dial. Shows real pressure. We are 480 meters above the Baltic level. The weather station from the same company is perfectly regulated. You don't even need to click. I set everything up according to the airport data, because I am at the altitude of their weather station.
How to disassemble and rearrange the arrow?

Nikita 03.12.2015 01:17
I bought a barometer, they said it was Russian, but there was no manufacturer in the instructions, and on the Internet the exact same weather station is listed as Chinese. I observe. The arrow deviates, does not freeze, i.e. seems to work; the difference with the regional center is plus one in its (the regional center’s) favor (I check it on the internet). But the question is: the yellow arrow in my model does not move (the black one can be adjusted with a screwdriver, which is included), the yellow one is frozen at 748 mm. rt. Art. ? This is fine? At my father’s house, a “Cliff” (with a yellow dial and a bunch of inscriptions) has been working well for a couple of years. He, too, only looks at the deviation of the needle when he goes to fish. But his yellow arrow rotates freely.
PS. I read all the tips, thank you. There is a lot of useful information on how to use this device. Now, according to the local advice, I look at the deviation of the black arrow down or up from the yellow one, and so I try to determine the weather.

Nikita 08.12.2015 20:22
By the way, if anyone has a BAMM-1 barometer, tell me how to set it up so as not to break it (I got it by chance, but I don’t know if it’s working yet), and in what case should it be set up at all?

Gerhard Schröder 25.11.2016 13:31
I do it very simply: I set it using the built-in barometer of my Casio watch. If you don't have a watch, your phone may be able to measure blood pressure.

Alexander 30.11.2016 19:48
About air travel. I traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok by plane. At an altitude of 10,000 km it showed complete discharge, i.e. the arrow was in the extreme left position. As soon as the descent began and the needle began to creep, it was very interesting to watch, especially when descending from 1 km to 500 meters. The needle was ready to jump out. I brought it home, hung it on the wall, and two days later it started to heal. ordinary life and shows all changes. therefore, flights are not scary for him, it all depends on the quality. Mine is still old from the USSR, maybe that’s why it still works.

Yuri 01/30/2017 07:52
I bought a barometer on Ali for 20 bucks. The dial diameter is 12.8 cm. Delivered by plane via Finland. Shows normally, but doesn't want to without tapping. I’ve been watching for two days, now it’s showing 756 mm. rt. Art., tapped, began to show 754.5, I think it will develop over time. It also has a thermometer and a hygrometer.

Natalya 09.15.2017 05:49
I was transporting an old German barometer in my luggage on a plane because I was afraid that the antiques would not be allowed abroad. There was no other transportation option besides the plane. As a result, the barometer does not work. I live in Latvia. What can be done, where and how can it be repaired? Perhaps the damaged part can be replaced?

Vlad 09.15.2017 10:27
Natalya, why did you decide that it doesn’t work? Is the needle not moving or is it off the edge of the scale? Maybe the pressure in your area is not changing noticeably.
If it is truly broken, I think there is an option to show it to a watchmaker. If a gear or rod has jumped, or a spring has broken, the watchmaker will be able to repair the device. Good luck! Report your results here.

Vladimir 08.10.2017 19:10
The arrow is very tight, it moves only with strong tapping. Maybe I should take it apart and lubricate the mechanism? Soviet device, Utes. Will lubricant damage the parts? What oil should I use? Machine or silicone? Thanks for the answers to those who had a similar experience.

A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. It can be used to predict the weather. The device can take atmospheric pressure data while indoors or in an open area. Also, similar devices are used in aviation to determine flight altitude above sea level. The norm is considered to be an atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg at a temperature of +15 degrees.

Types of barometers

There are several types of barometers:
  • Mercury.
  • Liquid.
  • Mechanical.
  • Electronic.

The mercury barometer was the first to be invented. Its creator is the Italian physicist Evangelisto Torricelli, who in 1844 placed a vertically mounted test tube with the filler neck down in a plate of mercury. They noticed that the level of mercury in the flask varied depending on weather conditions. The scientist compared the data and came to the conclusion that this indicator is affected by air pressure. The design he used was very accurate, but it was inconvenient. In addition, mercury is harmful to health, so its use is so large quantities, to fill the plate, and being outdoors is unsafe. Mercury barometers are highly accurate, which is why more advanced modifications are still available today. They are used at meteorological stations to monitor the weather.


Liquid barometers are practically not found at the moment. They have a large error, so it is quite difficult to judge the weather based on their data. In such devices, measurement is carried out by equalizing the liquid column. The problem with such devices is that the substances being charged behave differently when the temperature changes, which is accompanied by high errors. One of the most famous modifications liquid barometers are glycerin models. They use colored glycerin, which gives an attractive decorative effect.


Mechanical barometers are the most popular. They are much more compact than the first two categories. In addition, mechanical instruments are quite accurate. Such devices are difficult to manufacture and, unlike mercury devices, are completely safe. The outer casing of such equipment resembles a classic round clock, but there are also rectangular tabletop models. Inside the case there is a hollow container made of two tin membranes. A vacuum is created in the container, and its walls are securely sealed. Due to the absence of air, the membranes react sharply to changes in atmospheric pressure. When it increases, they shrink, and when it decreases, on the contrary, they swell.

A sensitive mechanism, which consists of several arms, is connected to the container. Its device allows you to record miniature changes in the volume of a box with a vacuum and create oscillations of a needle with a scale on which pressure indicators are marked. The sensitive mechanism reacts sharply to any changes in the volume of the container. The maximum deviations of the volume of the box in the compressed and inflated state rarely exceed one millimeter. At the same time, the device that transmits these movements to the arrow increases the changes by 90 times, which ensures high accuracy indications. Mechanical devices can be either compact, which can be carried in your pocket, or desktop.


Electronic barometers are highly accurate and compact instruments. They are also based on a vacuum box, but readings are taken thanks to sensitive sensors. This design also includes a microprocessor unit. The readings are displayed on a liquid crystal display. One of the features of such devices is that they often combine several devices at the same time. They can work not only as a barometer, but also as a thermometer, compass and watch. Electronic devices are often made in a waterproof case, which is why fishermen and tourists buy them. As you know, fish bite largely depends on atmospheric pressure. They are sensitive to it sudden changes. Thanks to the barometer, you can determine whether the bite or fishing will be better postponed. If the pressure drops sharply, the fish is reluctant to take the bait.

Why do you need a barometer?

A barometer is used to accurately measure atmospheric pressure. It is expressed in a physical unit - millimeters of mercury. Based on these readings, it is possible to judge further changes in weather conditions when compared with pressure data obtained the previous day or several hours. The fact is that atmospheric pressure directly affects weather conditions.

If the level in a certain area decreases, then air currents arrive from another territory. This is how the wind is created, which simultaneously brings heavy rain clouds. As a result, precipitation is easy to predict using a barometer. If the pressure begins to increase, this indicates that the air flows existing in a given area will move to another area where the pressure is reduced. At the same time, they will remove the clouds, so the weather will be sunny. Thus, the higher the pressure, the drier the weather is expected.

Very common are instruments with special markings on the scale indicating the weather conditions that should be expected when the arrow is pointed at a certain indicator. At the lowest pressure, “storm” may be written or a corresponding picture drawn. For the most high pressure the term “sush” is used or the scorching sun is depicted. It should be borne in mind that indicators may vary depending on temperature conditions. For this reason, this designation is imprecise, but gives a rough idea of ​​what to expect from the weather.

How to use

It should be understood that a barometer is not a device that can accurately predict weather conditions or determine expected temperature or precipitation levels. Based only on the data obtained from this device, it is impossible to determine which air flows will arrive from neighboring territories. To predict the weather, meteorologists use, in addition to data from barometers, a lot of other information, which makes the forecast more accurate.

Using a barometer only makes it possible to predict the direction in which the weather will change. Will it get better or worse? People who are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure use a barometer to determine changes in their well-being.

If in winter time If the pressure rises, then you should expect freezing, and if it decreases, then there will be warming and rapid precipitation. In summer, an increase in pressure indicates expected heat and drought. A decrease signals coolness and imminent rain. Also, by the intensity of changes in atmospheric pressure readings, one can approximately judge possible changes weather. So, if the pressure decreases gradually, then a cyclone with inclement weather will approach during the day. Most likely there will be precipitation and strong wind. With a very sharp drop in pressure, a cold front will arrive, accompanied by storms and thunderstorms. In this case, the time before it starts is usually no more than 2 hours. If the pressure has stabilized and is maintained at the same level, then we can expect a decrease in wind intensity and a stop of precipitation.

In order to predict weather changes, it is necessary to periodically monitor the pressure level, which shows barometer. This should be done at least twice a day. If the weather changes sharply, then the measurement intensity is carried out every 2-4 hours.

Carrying out setup

With coming electronic barometers There is no longer any need for customization, but there are still a lot of mechanical models on the market that need to be adjusted periodically. Users still prefer to buy mechanical barometers due to their more presentable appearance and the absence of the need for installation. Collectors who collect barometers also prefer mechanical models. In order for the device to show accurate data, it needs to be adjusted, which only takes a few minutes.

First you need to find out the exact pressure that is observed in a given area at the time of adjustment. This can be done by visiting the website of the nearest weather station or by viewing reports that are periodically broadcast on television and radio. Having real indicators of the existing atmospheric pressure, which was taken on a high-precision mercury barometer, you can compare the data with those obtained on your own mechanical device.

If the data differs, you should turn the device over and find the adjusting screw on the back wall. Using a screwdriver, you need to screw it in or out until the arrow reaches the indicator announced by the weather service. If there is no screw, then the manufacturer provides another setting option. It is enough just to turn the scale a little, substituting the desired indicator under the arrow.

Atmosphere pressure
Remember, in the novel “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov, the Great Combinator shared the news with Adam Kozlevich that each of us, it turns out, is being pressed by a column of air with a force of 214 kilos? Yes, the atmosphere has weight, and it puts pressure on us. But it’s different every time, and it depends on the weather. When the sun shines brightly, the pressure is stronger; when it is cloudy and raining, the pressure is weaker. Moreover, a change in atmospheric pressure, as a rule, occurs earlier than a change in weather, therefore, having detected a change in pressure in time, we can predict whether it will rain or snow tomorrow, or maybe, on the contrary, it will be sunny and dry. Knowing about the state of atmospheric pressure is also useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension or hypotension, as well as other weather-dependent citizens. This will allow them to take measures in advance to better cope with a weather disaster.

For these purposes it serves special device, called a barometer. Back in 1644 (according to some sources - in 1643), Galileo's student, the Italian physicist and mathematician Torricelli, discovered that if a thin glass tube is filled with mercury and one end of this tube is lowered into a cup filled with mercury, then not all of the mercury will pour out from the tube, part of it will remain. Moreover, the level of mercury in the tube will depend on the weather outside the window.
This is how the first mercury barometer was born, and atmospheric pressure is still measured in millimeters of mercury. And even with the introduction of the international metric measurement system SI, hectopascals were never able to displace the good old millimeters of mercury. Even bars could not displace these millimeters, despite the name of the device - .

As in the deep Middle Ages of the 17th century, pressure is still measured at weather stations with mercury barometers, since this method is considered the most accurate. Mercury is not a very healthy substance, so one end of a tube filled with this liquid metal is sealed tightly, and the other is lowered into a container with liquid.

In everyday life, the so-called aneroid barometer is more often used, that is, liquid-free.

The sensitive element of such a device is a small corrugated box, from which air is slightly pumped out to create a slight vacuum. This box decreases or increases in size depending on the amount of atmospheric pressure, and an arrow connected to the box through springs and levers indicates its value on the scale. An aneroid barometer is not only a device, it can be a souvenir and wonderful gift. It's like wall-mounted or a table clock, often serves as interior decoration.

You can make a simple barometer yourself from a twig coniferous tree. If you take a sprig of fir or pine, leave one long needle on it (and remove the rest) and fasten it vertically on a board so that nothing interferes with the needle’s movement, then the needle will rise in clear weather and fall in rain. And electric transport, which has contact network- tram, trolleybus, train. The fact is that at high atmospheric pressure, sparks that sometimes occur between the wire and the current collector will have a bright blue, slightly purple color. At normal pressure they will be blue-blue, and at low pressure the tint will become slightly greenish.

How to use a barometer?

The barometer is falling!
- Hold it, otherwise it will break!
A very famous pun, isn't it? Yes, in everyday life, when there is a sharp drop in pressure, they often say that the barometer “falls.”

Using a barometer is very easy - you just need to look where the arrow of the device is pointing. On the scale, in addition to divisions indicating absolute values, there are also zones designated as “storm”, “rain”, “variable”, “clear”, “dry”, or other similar words. Usually the device has two arrows - one is movable, connected to the sensitive element (aneroid box), the other you can turn yourself like an alarm clock arrow. What is it for? If you combine it with a moving arrow indicating the state of atmospheric pressure at a given moment, you will be able to observe in which direction the moving arrow will deviate after some time. You will know whether the pressure is increasing or the barometer is still falling.

Finally, I would like to give one anecdote. During the exam, a student was asked: how to use a barometer to measure the distance from the ground to the roof of a high-rise building? The student immediately suggested several methods of measurement, for example, dropping a barometer from the roof, using a stopwatch to time the fall and, knowing the mass of the device, calculating its average speed - from this you can calculate the height. The second way is to measure the diameter of the barometer with a ruler, then, applying it to the wall, climb to the roof via the fire escape and find out the height of the building in barometers, after which it is easy to convert it into centimeters or meters. The third way is to go to the property manager, show him the barometer and say:
- Look, what a beautiful thing, I’ll give it to you if you tell me the height of this house!

In fact, the height of a building is calculated by the difference in pressure on the ground and on the roof of this house. After all, the higher we rise, the smaller the height of the air column, which so struck the imagination of Ostap Bender with its mass. Therefore, when taking barometer readings somewhere on the twenty-fifth floor, it should be taken into account that the normal pressure for this altitude is slightly lower than that at the surface of the earth.