Why does a mechanical barometer not work? What is a barometer, how to use it and who invented it: interesting facts

In everyday life we ​​are surrounded by many measuring instruments. The appearance of hot water meters in the house, cold water or gas is perceived as a necessity, a thermometer for determining body temperature is a vital necessity, especially if there are small children in the house. The purchase of other household measuring instruments may be related to hobbies or health problems. This is how barometers appear in houses. Why is it needed?

Do you remember what a barometer is and what it is needed for?

From the physics course for grade 7 we know that a barometer is a device that measures Atmosphere pressure. Once upon a time, the Italian scientist Torricelli established that air has a certain weight. The entire multi-layered atmosphere presses with some force on our planet and on everything that is on it. The scientist conducted his first measurement experiments with mercury placed in an empty vessel. The result of the research was to find the value of normal atmospheric pressure. It was determined at a temperature of 15ᵒ C and turned out to be equal to 760 mm Hg.


Modern atmospheric pressure meters are divided into mercury and mechanical instruments. At home, non-liquid barometers (aneroids) are more often used. They are safe to use. Although their accuracy is not one hundred percent, you will reliably know whether it will be dry outside or whether you will have to take an umbrella. Exceeding the normal atmospheric pressure mark means the weather is improving. If the arrow points to a number below 760, then expect precipitation. For clarity, barometer manufacturers supplement the instrument scale with the inscriptions “Clear”, “Rain”, “Variable”.

Having refreshed the concept in memory, what is a barometer and what is it for?, let's move on. Now we find out who needs it most.

Weather dependence and what a barometer is needed for

The fact that weather and human well-being are closely related has been known since ancient times. Everyone reacts to changes in climate parameters differently. Some people experience worsening symptoms of problems with the respiratory system, while others experience interruptions in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. People with high and low blood pressure are sensitive to weather changes.

According to statistics, more than half of the adult population suffers from various chronic diseases. It is vital for such people to resist weather changes by taking preventive measures. The weather-dependent population must know what barometers are and what they are needed for.

Does the instrument needle indicate a decrease in atmospheric pressure? Attention, hypotensive people! You can prepare for nature's whims by increasing the duration of your walks by fresh air and taking tonic preparations based on ginseng and eleutherococcus.

If the atmospheric pressure is higher than normal, caution should be exercised by those whose own blood pressure is elevated. Doctors recommend stocking up on motherwort tinctures during this period, being less nervous and putting it aside. physical exercise until better times.

Go to the sauna with an aneroid or why you need a barometer in the steam room.

Visiting a steam room is always associated with a heavy load on the body. It’s good if you are an experienced bathhouse lover. Then you can rely on your subjective feelings. But what to do when family members who are already “far beyond...” gathered to take a steam bath or you want to take the kids with you?

In this case, you must remember not only the temperature in the steam room, but also the atmospheric pressure, what is a barometer for?. Now special models are produced with a scale that reflects the entire possible range of readings. For a steam room, it is better to choose a barometer with maximum capacity. Then his readings will be extremely accurate, and your elderly relatives and small children will receive only positive emotions and health improvement from visiting the bathhouse.

Does the fish know what barometers are and what they are needed for?

The fish hardly knows, but good fisherman there is always a barometer. Some people prefer homemade ones.

Some useful tips, which will help make any trip to the pond a “fish day.”

●If within three days the device readings are approximately at the same level (±2 mm), there will be a good bite. Here what is a barometer for?!

●Did your blood pressure rise or fall by 7-8 points during the day? Reel in your fishing rods. The fish has no time for you right now - she is moping. Leave thoughts about fishing for a few days, let your future catch adapt to new weather conditions;

●If a pressure surge occurred while you were sitting peacefully with a fishing rod, you will have to change the point of deployment. Try moving from shallow water to deeper water. It has been noticed that when the pressure increases, the fish rises closer to the surface of the water and enters the riffles. When the pressure drops, the fish goes underground.

a device for measuring atmospheric air pressure. Pressure is the force acting per unit surface area. Earth's atmosphere, extending hundreds of kilometers upward, exerts pressure on the Earth's surface; a barometer is used to measure this pressure. Atmospheric, or barometric, pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury and in pascals (see below). Changes in atmospheric pressure are usually associated with changes in weather conditions. Pressure usually drops before bad weather, and its rise predicts good weather. By marking pressure changes on a map, you can determine the direction of winds and the movement of cyclones. Lines of equal pressure are called isobars from the Greek. isos (equal) and baros (heaviness). Barometers were adapted to measure altitude because atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. Airplanes are equipped with such devices (altimeters), and climbers take them with them. There are two main types of barometers - mercury and aneroid. A mercury barometer is more accurate and reliable than an aneroid. Aneroid is more compact and convenient; it can be made pocket-sized.
Mercury barometer. A mercury barometer shows atmospheric pressure as the height of the mercury column, which can be measured on a scale attached next to it. In its simplest form (Fig. 1), it is a glass tube filled with mercury, approx. 80 cm, sealed at one end and open at the other, immersed with the open end in a cup (sometimes called a tank) of mercury. There is no air in the barometric tube, and the space at the top is called a Torricelli void.

Rice. 1. MERCURY BAROMETER. The simplest mercury barometer (left) is a glass tube filled with mercury, lowered with the open end into a cup of mercury. The mercury in the tube rises and falls according to changes in weather conditions. In a siphon barometer (middle), changes in the level of mercury at the open end of the tube are transmitted by a weight W with a counterweight C to a arrow, which points to the weather forecasting dial inscriptions. The Fortin barometer (right) is a cup barometer in which the zero of the scale is set by rotating the screw A until the bone tip T touches the surface of the mercury; For more accurate reading on the scale, a vernier (vernier) is provided.

To make a mercury barometer, you first need to fill a tube with mercury. Then, holding the open end with your index finger, immerse this end in the mercury in the cup. As soon as you remove your finger, the mercury in the tube drops so much that the pressure of its column is balanced by the atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the mercury in the cup. After this, atmospheric pressure can be measured as the height h of the column of mercury that it balances. When atmospheric pressure changes, the height of the column will change. The average atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. (1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa).
Aneroid. There is no liquid in the aneroid (Fig. 2) (Greek “aneroid” - “waterless”). It shows the atmospheric pressure acting on a corrugated thin-walled metal box in which a vacuum is created. When atmospheric pressure decreases, the box expands slightly, and when atmospheric pressure increases, it contracts and acts on the spring attached to it. In practice, several (up to ten) aneroid boxes are often used, connected in series, and there is a lever transmission system that turns a pointer moving on a dial scale graduated from a mercury barometer. Like the siphon mercury barometer (Fig. 1), the aneroid scale can be labeled ("rain", "variable", "clear", "very dry") to indicate weather conditions.

An aneroid is smaller than a mercury barometer and is easier to take readings. It can be used in expeditionary conditions, on sea ​​vessels, airplanes, etc. If you attach a pen to its arrow, it will record readings. Such barographs, i.e. Aneroids that record barometric pressure are available at all weather stations.
Kedrolivansky V.N., Sternzat M.S. Meteorological instruments. L., 1953 Gaevsky N.A. Pressure measurement technology. M., 1970 Osadchy E.P. Design of sensors for measuring mechanical quantities. M., 1979 Fedyakov E.M. and others. Measurements of variable pressures. M., 1982

Collier's Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


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    barometer- well. baromètre m. 1. A device for measuring atmospheric pressure. BAS 2. The barometer is called a tool, with its help the gravity of the Atmosphere can be known. CAN 109. The barometer soon rose to the top. Icy. House 32. Ponezhe Imp. led deigned to order... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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Information about the world around us can be obtained different ways. You can, for example, simply look out the window to find out what the weather is like outside today and whether you should take an umbrella with you.

You can look at the thermometer and determine how you should dress when leaving the house. But in order to find out whether the good weather will last long, or whether rain is possible in the coming hours, we need a good barometer.

What is a barometer?

A barometer is a device that measures atmospheric pressure. Above the Earth's surface there is a layer of atmosphere several tens of kilometers thick. The mixture of gases that makes up the gas, although light in weight, still exerts a certain pressure on the earth’s surface in such huge quantities. We don’t notice it, since our bodies are well adapted to it, but the amount of atmospheric pressure can be measured.

The first measurements of atmospheric pressure were made using a very simple measuring instrument- a thin glass tube into which mercury was poured. Let's say the thickness of the tube is 1 millimeter, and the length is exactly 1000 millimeters, or 1 meter.

If you turn the tube over with the sealed end vertically up and the open end down, some of the mercury will flow out, and a certain amount will remain inside. The mercury will flow out until the pressure inside and outside the tube is equalized.

If you measure the height of a column of mercury in a tube, this value can be conventionally considered the value of atmospheric pressure. For normal weather conditions, it is 760 millimeters of mercury - this is the reading of the mercury barometer. The filling fluid in the tube can be water, alcohol, etc., but mercury is generally used.

More convenient and accurate in readings is the so-called aneroid barometer, or anhydrous barometer. The pressure in it is measured using a sealed box made of thin sheet metal, from which part of the air is pumped out.

Under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the walls of the box bend and stretch or compress the spring, to the other edge of which an arrow is attached. The dial shows by what amount the atmospheric pressure has changed compared to the baseline values.

Predicting the weather using a barometer

From school science lessons we remember that air pressure is not a constant value - it changes depending on weather and climatic conditions. Associated with changes in pressure in high and low layers of the atmosphere.

If the weather is good, warm and calm, the barometer shows high pressure. But as soon as it starts to decline, it means that the next day we will experience cold weather or rain.

In order to predict the weather, it is not at all necessary to place a barometer outside. The atmospheric pressure within your home will be exactly the same as in an open space. The number of floors in the house slightly affects the readings of the device, because on the 12th or 25th floor the pressure, even in good weather, will be lower than on the lower floors of the same building.

Using a barometer to determine altitude

Because with rising pressure atmospheric column decreases, this property has long been used in aircraft instruments that determine flight altitude. Such devices are called altimeters.

Of course, the readings of the first, still imperfect instruments depended significantly on weather conditions, because bad weather is accompanied by a drop in pressure, which means that the instrument will show a higher altitude than it actually is, if adjustments are not made to its readings. Modern altimeters work on a different principle, without using atmospheric pressure to measure altitude.

How to use a barometer?

As a rule, a household aneroid barometer is a pointer instrument with a round or semicircular scale on which divisions are applied. Measurement is traditionally carried out in millimeters of mercury.

If the arrow shows 750-760 mmHg. Art., then a beautiful fine day awaits you ahead, which you can devote to a walk, a trip to nature, a trip to the country, etc. If the pressure drops below 750 mm Hg. Art. and continues to decline, this most likely means the approach of inclement weather, a sharp cold snap and associated precipitation.

Monitoring barometric pressure is vital for people suffering from high or low blood pressure. During periods of sharp drops in atmospheric pressure, such people tend to feel a deterioration in their condition.

Information about weather changes is important for them in order to take their medicine on time and maintain their performance, and in some cases, their health.

A barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. It can be used to predict the weather. The device can take atmospheric pressure data while indoors or in an open area. Also, similar devices are used in aviation to determine flight altitude above sea level. The norm is considered to be an atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg at a temperature of +15 degrees.

Types of barometers

There are several types of barometers:
  • Mercury.
  • Liquid.
  • Mechanical.
  • Electronic.

The mercury barometer was the first to be invented. Its creator is the Italian physicist Evangelisto Torricelli, who in 1844 placed a vertically mounted test tube with the filler neck down in a plate of mercury. They noticed that the level of mercury in the flask varied depending on weather conditions. The scientist compared the data and came to the conclusion that this indicator is affected by air pressure. The design he used was very accurate, but it was inconvenient. In addition, mercury is harmful to health, so its use is so large quantities, to fill the plate, and being outdoors is unsafe. Mercury barometers are highly accurate, which is why more advanced modifications are still available today. They are used at meteorological stations to monitor the weather.


Liquid barometers are practically not found at the moment. They have a large error, so it is quite difficult to judge the weather based on their data. In such devices, measurement is carried out by equalizing the liquid column. The problem with such devices is that the substances being charged behave differently when the temperature changes, which is accompanied by high errors. One of the most famous modifications of liquid barometers are glycerin models. They use colored glycerin, which gives an attractive decorative effect.


Mechanical barometers are the most popular. They are much more compact than the first two categories. In addition, mechanical instruments are quite accurate. Such devices are difficult to manufacture and, unlike mercury devices, are completely safe. The outer casing of such equipment resembles a classic round clock, but there are also rectangular tabletop models. Inside the case there is a hollow container made of two tin membranes. A vacuum is created in the container, and its walls are securely sealed. Due to the absence of air, the membranes react sharply to changes in atmospheric pressure. When it increases, they shrink, and when it decreases, on the contrary, they swell.

A sensitive mechanism, which consists of several arms, is connected to the container. Its device allows you to record miniature changes in the volume of a vacuum box and create oscillations of a needle with a scale on which pressure indicators are marked. The sensitive mechanism reacts sharply to any changes in the volume of the container. The maximum deviations of the volume of the box in the compressed and inflated state rarely exceed one millimeter. At the same time, the device that transmits these movements to the arrow increases the changes by 90 times, which ensures high accuracy indications. Mechanical devices can be either compact, which can be carried in your pocket, or desktop.


Electronic barometers are highly accurate and compact instruments. They are also based on a vacuum box, but readings are taken thanks to sensitive sensors. This design also includes a microprocessor unit. The readings are displayed on a liquid crystal display. One of the features of such devices is that they often combine several devices at the same time. They can work not only as a barometer, but also as a thermometer, compass and watch. Electronic devices are often made in a waterproof case, which is why fishermen and tourists buy them. As you know, fish bite largely depends on atmospheric pressure. They are sensitive to it sudden changes. Thanks to the barometer, you can determine whether the bite or fishing will be better postponed. If the pressure drops sharply, the fish is reluctant to take the bait.

Why do you need a barometer?

A barometer is used to accurately measure atmospheric pressure. It is expressed in a physical unit - millimeters of mercury. Based on these readings, it is possible to judge further changes in weather conditions when compared with pressure data obtained the previous day or several hours. The fact is that atmospheric pressure directly affects weather conditions.

If the level in a certain area decreases, then air currents come from another territory. This is how the wind is created, which simultaneously brings heavy rain clouds. As a result, precipitation is easy to predict using a barometer. If the pressure begins to increase, this indicates that the air flows existing in a given area will move to another area where the pressure is reduced. At the same time, they will remove the clouds, so the weather will be sunny. Thus, the higher the pressure, the drier the weather is expected.

Very common are instruments with special markings on the scale indicating the weather conditions that should be expected when the arrow is pointed at a certain indicator. At the lowest pressure, “storm” may be written or a corresponding picture drawn. For the most high pressure the term “sush” is used or the scorching sun is depicted. It should be borne in mind that indicators may vary depending on temperature conditions. For this reason, this designation is imprecise, but gives a rough idea of ​​what to expect from the weather.

How to use

It should be understood that a barometer is not a device that can accurately predict weather conditions or determine expected temperature or precipitation levels. Based only on the data obtained from this device, it is impossible to determine what air flows will arrive from neighboring territories. To predict the weather, meteorologists use, in addition to data from barometers, a lot of other information, which makes the forecast more accurate.

Using a barometer only makes it possible to predict the direction in which the weather will change. Will it get better or worse? People who are sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure use a barometer to determine changes in their well-being.

If in winter time If the pressure rises, then you should expect freezing, and if it decreases, then there will be warming and rapid precipitation. In summer, an increase in pressure indicates expected heat and drought. A decrease signals coolness and imminent rain. Also, by the intensity of changes in atmospheric pressure readings, one can approximately judge possible changes weather. So, if the pressure decreases gradually, then a cyclone with inclement weather will approach during the day. Most likely there will be precipitation and strong wind. With a very sharp drop in pressure, a cold front will arrive, which will be accompanied by storms and thunderstorms. In this case, the time before it starts is usually no more than 2 hours. If the pressure has stabilized and is maintained at the same level, then we can expect a decrease in wind intensity and a stop of precipitation.

In order to predict weather changes, it is necessary to periodically monitor the pressure level, which shows barometer. This should be done at least twice a day. If the weather changes sharply, then the measurement intensity is carried out every 2-4 hours.

Carrying out setup

With the advent of electronic barometers, the need for adjustment behavior has disappeared, but there are still a lot of mechanical models on the market that need to be periodically adjusted. Users still prefer to buy mechanical barometers due to their more presentable appearance and the lack of installation required. Collectors who collect barometers also prefer mechanical models. In order for the device to show accurate data, it needs to be adjusted, which only takes a few minutes.

First you need to find out the exact pressure that is observed in a given area at the time of adjustment. This can be done by visiting the website of the nearest weather station or by viewing reports that are periodically broadcast on television and radio. Having real indicators of the existing atmospheric pressure, which was taken on a high-precision mercury barometer, you can compare the data with those obtained on your own mechanical device.

If the data differs, you should turn the device over and look for back wall adjusting screw. Using a screwdriver, you need to screw it in or out until the arrow reaches the indicator announced by the weather service. If there is no screw, then the manufacturer provides another setting option. It is enough just to turn the scale a little, substituting the desired indicator under the arrow.

Barometer is a measuring device that is designed to determine atmospheric air pressure. In addition to meteorological applications, the barometer is used for environmental monitoring (for example, to certify workplaces) or in aviation (to determine flight altitude above sea level).

Figure 1. Aneroid barometer

For the first time, the barometer was invented and described in the work “Opera geometrica” in 1644 by a scientist from Florence (Italy) Evangelista Torricelli. It was a liquid mercury barometer, the pressure of which was measured by the height of the mercury (liquid) column in a tube sealed at the top and placed at the lower end in a vessel with mercury (liquid). On the day that Torricelli conducted the experiment with his mercury barometer, the weather was calm and sunny, and the mercury column stood at 760 mm. Since then, a pressure of 760 mmHg has been normal. Mercury and liquid barometers are the most accurate and are still used at weather stations. Their disadvantages are fragility, insecurity and large size.

In 1844, the French engineer Lucien Vidy, using the research of a German mathematician and physicist of the 17th century. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, designed a fundamentally new, liquid-free barometer, which was called an aneroid barometer (from the Greek “aneros” - not containing moisture). Barometers built on the basis of the L. Vidi barometer are currently the most common.

At all, barometers, depending on the principle of operation may be mercury, liquid, aneroid or electronic.

- Liquid barometer - a device that uses the principle of balancing the weight of a liquid column with atmospheric pressure.

- Mercury barometer- atmospheric pressure, which can be measured by the height of the mercury column on a scale attached next to it.

– a device whose operating principle is based on changing the dimensions of a metal box filled with rarefied air under the influence of atmospheric pressure. Such barometers are reliable and small in size.

- Electronic barometer – this type of barometer works on the principle of converting the linear dimensions of a traditional aneroid pressure box into an electrical signal and further processing this signal by a microprocessor. If, instead of an aneroid box, a strain gauge is used, then the measured pressure is perceived by this sensitive element and is converted through its deformation into a change in the electrical resistance of the strain gauges of the strain gauge transducer.

However, since the topic of this article is “Barometer-Aneroid,” we will return to this type of pressure measuring devices and consider them in more detail.

So, this is a device that is intended to measure atmospheric pressure mechanically. Structurally, the aneroid consists of a round metal (nickel-silver or hardened steel) box with corrugated (ribbed) bases, in which a strong vacuum is created by pumping out air, a return spring, a transmission mechanism and an indicator needle. Under the influence of atmospheric pressure: its increase or decrease, the box, respectively, either compresses or unbends. In this case, when the bellows box is compressed, the upper sagging surface begins to pull the spring attached to it down, and when the atmospheric pressure decreases, top part, on the contrary, bends and pushes the spring upward. An indicator needle is attached to the return spring using a transmission mechanism, which moves along a scale calibrated in accordance with the readings of the mercury barometer (Figure 2). It is worth noting that usually, in practice, several (up to 10 pieces) thin-walled corrugated boxes with vacuum are used in series, which increases the amplitude of the pointer moving along the scale.

Figure 2. Aneroid Barometer structure.

Aneroid barometers, due to their small size and the absence of liquid in their design, are the most convenient and portable; they are widely used in practice.

Unfortunately, barometers are affected by temperature environment and changes in spring elasticity over time. Therefore, modern aneroid barometers are equipped with an arc-shaped thermometer, or a so-called compensator, which is intended to correct the instrument readings for temperature.

In general, to obtain the true value of atmospheric pressure, the readings of an aneroid barometer require various corrections, determined by comparison with a mercury barometer. There are three amendments to aneroids:

Scale correction - this correction depends on how unevenly the aneroid barometer reacts to pressure changes in different parts of the scale,

Temperature correction - determined by the relationship between temperature and the elasticity of the aneroid corrugated box and spring,

The amendment is additional - determined by a change, over time, in the elasticity of the aneroid corrugated box and spring.

The body of an aneroid barometer is usually made of valuable types of wood, such as walnut, oak, beech, cherry or mahogany. Such barometers are no longer just instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure, but interior items. However, to reduce the cost of the entire structure and make it more practical, the aneroid body can be made of plastic or metal.

Aneroid barometers presented by models:

- BAMM-1 is a barometer, which is intended for measuring atmospheric pressure in ground conditions and indoors. Included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation, therefore it can be used for certification of workplaces.

- M-67 is the most accurate and unpretentious barometer. Thanks to its design features, it is capable of operating at temperatures from -10 to +50 o C (Figure 3).

- M-110 – barometer for industrial use, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

- BB-0.5M – household wall-mounted barometer. Ideal for approximate measurements of atmospheric pressure.

- BR-52 – school aneroid barometer, used as teaching aid and for conducting experiments.

Figure 3. Barometer model M67.

To carry out more accurate or longer measurements, as well as to verify related instruments at weather stations, weather posts and laboratories, other instruments are used. They can be either digital or mechanical. For example, the BOP-1M barometer, being an exemplary portable barometer, as a standard measuring instrument, is intended for checking barometers various designs and instruments for general industrial use that measure atmospheric pressure.

BRS-1M is a working network barometer, designed to accurately determine absolute air pressure, has a digital RS232 interface for connecting to a computer.

Meteorological barograph M-22A is a device that is intended for determining and graphically recording atmospheric pressure values ​​both indoors and outdoors, for a certain period of time (Figure 4.).

Figure 4. Barograph M-22A

The MD-13 automated digital barometer is used at weather stations for long-term (up to 1 month) measurement of atmospheric pressure with the ability to transfer measurement results to a computer.