DIY cotton candy device. Homemade machine for making cotton candy at home

We will show you how you can make cotton candy at home and make a device for it with your own hands from an ordinary fan. To work, we will need 2 CDs, cut out two “washers” from them:

They are made easily and simply, you put something round on the disk, for example a coin, and trace it with a marker. After this, heat up the stationery knife and easily cut out all the excess. A hole in the center can be made using something also heated on the stove.

To begin with, we take the remaining disk we have and glue our washers to it, we need to do this strictly in the center, if we neglect this rule, our disk will vibrate, and in the end nothing will work.

Our attachment for the production machine cotton candy ready, now let's move on to the fan. Lay it on the floor and remove it protective cover, then remove the propeller. Take the middle box and make a round hole in its bottom:

Our machine for making cotton candy ready, as you can see, everything is done with your own hands, very simply and at home. Now all that remains is to prepare the syrup.

DIY cotton candy machine

It is done very simply, put a large metal mug of water or a small saucepan on medium heat, add 50/50 sugar and water, mix everything thoroughly. The syrup will be ready when a yellowish tint appears, but under no circumstances should it be dark brown. Now you can proceed directly to making cotton candy, turn on our machine and begin pouring syrup into the “disc” in small drops:

The result is excellent cotton candy, no worse than the one you could try in parks and at public events. After making cotton candy, the fan is easily put back together.

Video on how to make a cotton candy machine with your own hands:

Backup video lesson on how to make a cotton candy machine at home with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself cotton candy making machine

We are pleased to present you with the drawings of the device and the technology for preparing “FESHMAKA”. It won’t take you much time to make a simple device for preparing it.
Feshmak is a caramel-type product, popularly called “cotton candy”, usually in the form of a bundle of elongated thin white threads.
One kilogram of sugar produces up to 80 servings of the finished product.

The simplest design for preparing feshmak at home with a capacity of approximately 160 servings per hour consists of a 220 V electric motor with a power of 50 to 300 W with a rotor speed of 1250 - 1500 rpm and a disk made of sheet aluminum with a diameter of 170 - 180 mm and a thickness attached to its shaft 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To make a disk, you can use tin from a herring can. At a distance of 350 - 400 mm from the center of the disk, a fence made of plastic, linoleum, etc. is installed.

Homemade cotton candy

If you seriously decide to start making a feshmak, we recommend using the design shown in Fig. 1.
For its manufacture it is necessary to use materials specified by GOST for the food industry.

Rice. 1
1- electric motor;
2 - working disk;
3 - container made of material recommended by GOST;
4 - bushing;
5 — stand on wheels (4 pcs.)

Rice. 2
Apparatus for preparing “feshmak”:
1 - electric motor;
2 - power cord;
3 — disk fastening bolt;
4 - the resulting layer of cotton candy.


The design of the device we propose reflects only the basic principle of the production of “cotton candy”; it is elementary and easy to manufacture. If you wish, you can improve the device yourself by mechanizing some of the manual labor.

Method for making cotton candy.

First you need to prepare the caramel mass. It is prepared without making molasses, which simplifies the cooking process. The mass is not candied due to the formation of invert sugar under the influence of vinegar essence added in the middle of cooking. So, granulated sugar is dissolved in a small amount of water (about 3 parts sand to 1 part water) and boiled for 10 minutes, after which vinegar essence is added (3 ml of essence per 1 kg of sugar) and the mass is boiled again for 10 - 12 minutes. After this, the mass is heated over very low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. until a strong caramel sample is obtained with a moisture content of 1.5 - 1.7%. Humidity is determined by the boiling point of the mass. At the beginning of boiling it should be 100 - 105?, and at the end - 135 - 145?. Without allowing it to cool, pour the finished mixture in a thin stream onto the edge of the rotating disk (2 - 4 mm from the edge). To do this, it is convenient to use a small enamel ladle. Hot syrup, breaking into thousands of thin threads, hardens at room temperature, forming a layer of “cotton wool”.
At high humidity ambient air cannot obtain the product High Quality. In this case, you can close the device with a lid with a hole for pouring caramel mass. Turn off the electric motor and separate the threads from the body. Cut the finished product along the diameter line and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table. Do the same with the second semicircle. Then cut the cotton wool into the required number of servings. The product must have White color and a pleasant sweet taste. When using food coloring, the product takes on a more attractive appearance.
To maintain the high quality of the “cotton wool”, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. Feshmak cannot be stored long time outdoors - this is its significant drawback. Sealed packaging and refrigeration will keep it for a day or more.
Do not despair if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product the first time. The main condition for success is the accuracy of each operation.

This material was taken from the site

What child, going to the park with his parents for a holiday, would not ask for cotton wool? Many kids like this white airy mass of sugar. And for a feeling of fun and good mood always accompanied our children, parents can prepare such a delicacy on their own. How to make cotton candy at home is described in this article.

Making cotton candy using improvised means

1. Prepare the syrup, and for this you will need: sugar (300 g), water (100 g) and half a teaspoon of vinegar. Mix all ingredients, pour the mixture into a small saucepan and place it on low heat. To make the cotton wool bright, you can add a natural dye, for example, beet juice or raspberry jam.

2. Be sure to stir the contents so that the sugar does not burn. When the syrup boils, remove the pan from the heat and wait 5 minutes for it to cool. Repeat this procedure 4 times. The syrup will be ready when it begins to stretch and turns golden brown.

If the mass is undercooked, then the cotton wool will end up not airy, it will be heavy and wet, and it will begin to stick to the teeth.

And if you overcook the syrup, the delicacy may ultimately turn out to be tough, even a little prickly.

3. Let's move on to forming a familiar figure: take regular forks in the amount of 3 pieces. Place two of them in glasses at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. Dip the third fork in the hot syrup and start moving it around the other two cutlery so that the sugar web wraps around them. Be careful not to get the hot solution on your hands and burn them. Your DIY cotton candy is ready, and now you can enjoy this delicate and pleasant delicacy.

Preparing dessert using a special device

You can buy a device for cotton candy at a hardware store, however, not everyone can afford such a unit. Its price ranges from 10,000-20,000 rubles. But if you are lucky enough to have purchased such a device, then making cotton candy with it will not be difficult. This delicacy is made as follows:

1. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of sugar into the middle of the rotating container, and then turn on the device.

2. After a minute, white sweet threads will begin to form inside the bowl, so you need to catch them. To do this, take the stick on which you will wind the cotton wool, place it vertically above the container and wait until the threads begin to cling to it. Then, in a horizontal position, continue winding the sweetness onto the holder.

One serving of cotton wool using this method of preparation requires only 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. If you want to make a treat for two sweet tooths (or even more), then you need to clean the bowl so that the syrup does not stick to it later.

Now you know how to make cotton candy at home using a special device for making dessert. Now find out how you can make such a delicacy without using a special unit. Or rather, there will still be a device, but you will make it yourself.

List of elements for making a homemade device

If you can’t afford a special device for making sweets, then you can make it yourself, armed with the following materials:

1. Plastic vessel with a volume of 5 liters.

2. Engine (no need to bother, a regular engine from any children's toy will do).

3. Metal lid from a jar (its size should be slightly larger than the neck of the bottle).

4. Power supply from cell phone. The charger power should be within 12-20 V.

5. Cardboard box. The bottle should fit in it.

How to make cotton candy at home using this homemade device? Detailed instructions presented in the next section.

Detailed instructions for making the device

1. Connect the plastic and metal caps and make a hole in each of them, and then insert the motor so that its sharp end comes out through the hole. The plastic cap must be on the bottom so that the bottle can be screwed on.

2. Connect the power supply to the motor.

3. Place the device in the box.

The homemade device for cotton candy is ready. All that remains is to find out how to get the sweetness.

Preparing delicacies using a homemade machine

1. Lubricate the metal cover sunflower oil. This is necessary to ensure that the mixture does not stick to the cap.

2. Take out a steel mug and pour 4 teaspoons of sugar and 1 spoon of water into it. You can add food coloring if desired.

3. Place the cup on the fire and constantly stir its contents. You need to keep the dishes on the burner until the sugar in the mug is completely dissolved. The mass should acquire a brown tint and viscousness.

4. You need to cook quickly so that the caramel does not have time to harden. Quickly start the unit and start pouring the mixture in a small stream onto the metal lid. The caramel will fly in different directions and send out cobwebs.

Now you can easily answer the question: “How to make cotton candy at home without a special machine?”

1. You need to consume cotton candy right away, because after a while it becomes dense and not so tasty.

2. To make this delicacy not only tasty, but also bright, you can add food coloring.

3. To prepare such a yummy you need to use only crumbly dry sugar, but refined sugar or a wet product is not suitable.

4. The hardened remains of the syrup should not be thrown away - they make delicious golden sugar candies.

5. Before starting the process, it is advisable to cover the floor and table in the kitchen with cellophane. Because drops of syrup will scatter, and removing them from the surface is not so easy.

6. During cooking, you need to take the children out of the kitchen so that they do not get burned by drops of syrup that accidentally fall on their skin.

7. Forks, whisks, and Chinese chopsticks can be used as a cotton wool holder.

Making cotton candy is not an easy process, but if you strictly follow all the recommendations, you will succeed wonderful dessert. And with a special device, you can make this delicacy every day without any problems.

Homemade lollipops

Most children have a real sweet tooth, which causes parents a lot of trouble. After all, mothers and fathers, worried about the health of their children, try to limit the amount of harmful caramels and chewing gums with food additives. If you want to please your child with something tasty with minimal risk to his health, try making lollipops at home. Of course, such a delicacy cannot be called healthy, but it will not contain any chemical dyes or preservatives.


    1 kg granulated sugar

    3 ml vinegar essence

    1 liter of water

    1 packet of food coloring


    enamel container

    cotton candy machine

How to prepare cotton candy in the machine:

  1. Dissolve sugar in water and boil it over a fire, then continue boiling for another 10 minutes, and then add a drop of vinegar essence to the syrup.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and cook the syrup for another 25 minutes until it acquires a thick, uniform consistency.
  3. Then add food coloring (optional), turn on the machine and slowly pour a thin stream of sugar syrup onto the edge of the disk.
  4. During the hardening process, the syrup will turn into cotton candy - after waiting for this, turn off the device, separate the resulting mass from the disk and cut it with a knife along the diameter.
  5. Roll both resulting semicircles into tubes cutting board and cut them into several servings, which should preferably be consumed immediately after cooking.
  6. However, if you want to store some cotton candy, take a plastic bag, carefully place the treat inside and place the bag on the bottom or middle shelf of the refrigerator.
  7. Do not put cotton in freezer– there it will stick together and turn into a piece of frozen sugar.

Cotton candy without a machine


    1 ½ cups sugar

    ½ glass of water

    1–2 drops of food vinegar

    a little food coloring


    forks (Chinese chopsticks or whisks)

    pan Pan)

How to make cotton candy without a machine:

  1. Place the forks securely in an upright position on the table, supporting them with something heavy, and prepare a sugar syrup by mixing water, sugar and vinegar.
  2. To give the treat a beautiful color, add food coloring to the mixture and stir everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the syrup into a saucepan and heat it over low heat, stirring constantly - when it boils, remove the saucepan from the heat, cool slightly and heat again. Repeat the procedure until the syrup turns golden brown - but be careful not to darken it.
  4. After obtaining a thick golden mass of viscous consistency, dip a whisk into it and move it around vertically fixed forks, winding sugar threads around them until you get a fluffy cap. If the cotton wool turns out to be too loose, compact it with your hand, but be careful - hot threads of sugar syrup can severely burn the skin.
  5. After preparing the cotton candy, do not rush to get rid of the remaining sugar mass.
  6. Take the cooled remains of the syrup and split them into pieces using a knife - this way you will get delicious golden-colored candies that both children and adults will enjoy eating.

There is hardly a person who has not tried cotton candy. Now it is sold everywhere - in parks, at various public events. It can even be found in stores. But the modern taste of this delicacy cannot be compared with what it was before.

Many still cannot understand the principle of preparing this delicacy. It's actually quite simple. An excellent option that will allow you to pamper not only the children, but will also help adults remember moments of childhood is homemade cotton candy.

The easiest way to make cotton candy at home is to use a special machine. But you can do without it. But for this you will have to make an effort and spend more time. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions with photos for preparing this wonderful, beloved dessert.

We prepare cotton candy using special equipment

The easiest way to prepare cotton candy is to use a device specially designed for this purpose. It can be ordered online or found in stores. household appliances.

He produces a large number of product in a short time, which is perfect for people who often receive guests, or for organizers of children's events or themed parties.

The cotton candy machine has a fairly simple design: a thicket with a metal disk is located on a stable base, which heats up during operation.

The operating principle of the unit is very simple, which allows you to easily and quickly create your favorite sweet dish:

  1. Rinse your new car carefully hot water, rinse with cleaning agent, wipe dry and leave to dry completely;
  2. Connect the device to the network and let it run for 5 minutes to warm up;
  3. Place two large spoons of sugar on a metal disk. When heated, it will begin to melt and turn into threads;
  4. Immerse the stick in the bowl and collect the finished threads on it. Collect any mixture stuck to the side walls, but do not throw it away. It can make delicious lollipops. That's all. Our delicacy is ready.

The unit is very convenient; its compact size makes it easy to clean and store. But everything also has its downsides. This device is no exception:

  • Constant overheating. Because of this, you need to regularly turn off and cool the device;
  • You can get the surrounding area dirty when working;
  • Constant cleaning of the bowl and other parts is required, otherwise failure may occur.

There is another way to make cotton candy:

  • It is necessary to prepare a sugar-based syrup in advance, then pour it on top of the disk;
  • From the rotation of the heated disk, the syrup turns into threads that are distributed along the walls of the bowl;
  • The finished product is collected and wound onto sticks.

The device allows you to experiment with additives and syrups, which will make your cotton wool original and bright. Nut-caramel, mint-lemon, strawberry-vanilla - these are just a small part of the new syrups that can be included in the dish.

DIY cotton candy machine

It happens that the funds to buy new technology No. Don't despair. A machine for preparing your favorite delicacy can be designed independently. This will be especially easy for people who have at least some skills in electrical engineering. The assembly diagram is as follows:

  1. Prepare two tin lids (you can use baby food in jars);
  2. Wash them thoroughly, then remove all paint with sandpaper or a file. This must be taken very carefully to prevent paint residues from getting into the finished product;
  3. Create many small holes in the first cap. The resulting threads will come out of them. Provide the second lid with one large hole in the center. Sugar will be poured here;
  4. Combine the lids so that there is a cavity between them. Strengthen the structure with wire;
  5. Attach the motor from any small household appliance (for example, a hair dryer or mixer) to the lids with nuts;
  6. Now you need to create a solid base for attaching the resulting mechanism. To do this, you can use a piece of plywood;
  7. Align the motor with the terminals of the battery or Krona battery, being sure to observe the polarity. On one side, place a semicircular partition made of a cardboard sheet folded in half;
  8. Pour 40 g of sugar into the hole, heat the rotating lid using matches or a lighter;
  9. When melting, threads will begin to appear and settle on the partition;
  10. The finished product needs to be wound onto a stick.

You won't get completely fluffy cotton candy, but a little dense. To make it more like store-bought sugar, you need to replace it with isomalt, a powder analogue of granulated sugar.

Making cotton candy without a device

Cotton candy can be made without a machine. The process will be a little more complicated and longer, but the sweetness will be tasty and airy. First you need to prepare:

  • Corolla;
  • A saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom;
  • Ceramic bowl;
  • Winding frames finished products. You can use cocktail straws and Chinese chopsticks. Cutlery will also work.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • Sugar (white or cane) – 2-5 large spoons. Calculate based on serving sizes;
  • Water – in a ratio of 1:3 to sugar. For example, for 150 g of sugar there is 50 ml of water;
  • Vinegar solution (no more than 6%) – 5-7 ml. Prepare it in advance.

Now let’s look at the recipe for making cotton candy at home:

  1. Mix sugar and water together, then mash the mixture with a fork;
  2. Add vinegar, stir thoroughly and transfer the mixture to a selected container (saucepan or frying pan) to heat over a low flame;
  3. Warm the mixture and mix regularly. We collect the remains from the walls, excluding burning;
  4. When the consistency of the mixture becomes homogeneous, turn off the flame, cool the product to 30-35 degrees, stirring constantly to avoid sugaring. Our syrup is ready;
  5. After cooling, set the container again on a low flame, boil the contents, then turn off the heat again and cool;
  6. We repeat the process about five times until the syrup stretches and acquires a golden hue;
  7. We lower the edge of the spoon into the finished product, then lift it up. The mixture should be viscous and not tear;
  8. We create a kind of frame from sticks, placing them in a vertical position and carefully securing them;
  9. Dip the whisk into the syrup, then circle it around the frame;
  10. We repeat the manipulations until we wind required amount threads They should be thin, so don't grab too much syrup.

To give a new color and taste, you can add food colorings, which are sold everywhere. But this is not safe for children. Therefore you can use natural ingredients, such as raspberry, lemon or beet juice. You will get bright fruity cotton wool. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, as it will be replenished with juice.

The consistency of the product allows you to create from it various crafts. The kids will really like this.

Finally, a few more tips to help simplify the cooking process;

  • It is necessary to use only dry weighed sugar. Refined sugar or a wet product is absolutely not suitable;
  • Before cooking, it is better to protect the table and other nearby parts of the room with cellophane film, because dried drops of syrup are very difficult to remove from surfaces;
  • Be careful when working with hot syrup. It is better to take children out of the kitchen so that they do not get burned;
  • The finished product is best consumed immediately. After some time, the delicacy becomes dense and not so tasty.

As you can see, making cotton candy at home is quite simple. You just need to stock up on time and patience. Then you can please your loved ones with this amazing delicacy.

Video: Making cotton candy at home using a special machine

Today we will tell you how to make a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands.

Now we'll talk like cotton candy. The first thing you need to do is make a cotton candy machine.

To make a homemade cotton candy machine we will need:

  • bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • engine from any;
  • scissors;
  • jar lid;
  • power unit;
  • box.

The power should be from 6-12V, anything from . We insert the motor into the bottle cap, securing it with screws.

The main thing is that the engine holds tightly, for this you can add a couple of drops of glue. At the top, on the rotor, we attach the lid from the jar.

We connect the power supply, its wire should pass through the bottle and connect to the engine. Now he's ready.

All that remains is to prepare the desired mixture.

To prepare the mixture we will need:

  • metal;
  • sugar;
  • plate.

First you need to lubricate the lid of the jar with oil. This is necessary so that the mixture does not stick to the lid. Next, pour one tablespoon of sugar into a metal ladle and add water.

There shouldn’t be a lot of water, just enough to soak in the sugar. Put it on the fire and stir constantly. It is necessary for the water to evaporate and only thick caramel remains. Once the water stops boiling and begins to take on a brownish appearance, the mixture is ready. After preparing the mixture, you need to do everything quickly so that the mixture does not have time to harden. We start the miracle unit and drop a small stream of the mixture onto the lid of the jar. The caramel will fly in different directions and shoot cobwebs.
Author of the article “Do it yourself: a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands” Dima