Juice from winter varieties of apples. How to cook apple jam in slices? Transparent apple jam: recipes, photos

In slices? Not many people know the answer to this question. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

General information

Sliced ​​apple jam, the recipe for which we will consider below, turns out not only very tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful. The golden dessert with a clear broth is very rarely stored until the winter season. After all, this delicacy beckons family members to open it as soon as possible.

It should be noted that simple apple jam can not only be consumed with tea, but also made into delicious and aromatic pies. However, to use such a filling, it is necessary to catch the boiled fruit in advance and leave the sweet syrup in the jar. If you don't do this, you risk getting half-baked baked goods.

Choosing the right fruit

Before we tell you how to cook apple jam in slices, we should tell you how to choose the right fruits. To make such a dessert as tasty and beautiful as possible, you can use completely different ones for its preparation. It is very important that they are ripe, sweet, hard and without wormholes. If you prefer to use jam with sourness, then to create it you need to purchase sour varieties of fruit or not very ripe apples.

Product processing

How to make apple jam in slices? To do this, you should purchase suitable fruits, and then wash them thoroughly using a brush or an ordinary rag. To make the dessert thick, there is no need to add water to it. In this regard, it is recommended to wipe each apple paper napkins or a towel.

After the fruits are washed and dried, they should be properly chopped. To do this, you need to cut the apple into 4 slices, and then carefully remove the middle part. Next, each piece of fruit needs to be divided into another 3-4 parts. It should be noted that the thinner the slices, the faster they will be saturated with granulated sugar. However, during heat treatment, such apples can noticeably boil down and become tough. In this regard, fruit slices must be made of medium thickness.

Delicious and transparent apple jam in slices: step-by-step recipe

This delicacy is not prepared quickly. After all, to get tasty jam after each it is necessary to cool it completely. room temperature.

So, before cooking apple jam in slices, you need to prepare:

  • chopped fruits (how to process, see above) - 5 kg;
  • small - 5 kg.

Preliminary preparation of ingredients

To make apple jam at home, you need to use a large bowl of of stainless steel. Of course, it is also suitable for preparing such a delicacy. But, as practice shows, there is a possibility that the fruit in it can burn quite quickly.

Thus, before cooking apple jam in slices, the chopped fruit should be placed in a large container and then covered with fine granulated sugar. At the same time, it is highly not recommended to use additional water. The apples should give juice on their own, and the sugar should melt, forming a golden syrup. Ideally, fruits can be covered with a sweet ingredient in the evening, and heat treatment can begin the next morning.

Cooking dessert

How long to cook apple jam? It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally. After all, such a dessert should be prepared in stages. It must be heat treated, cooled, put back on the stove, etc.

Thus, the apples in syrup need to be boiled over low heat and then left aside until they cool completely. In this case, the fruit should be partially saturated with granulated sugar. Next, the cooled jam needs to be put back on the stove and kept for about 5 minutes. It is advisable to carry out such procedures about 3-4 times. As a result of such actions, your jam will thicken and become a pleasant golden color.

Conservation process

Now you know how to properly cook apple jam. It should be noted that this dessert can be stored for quite a long time. And in order to significantly increase its shelf life, the jam must be properly preserved. To do this, you need to take several 750 g glass jars, pour a little into them drinking water(1/2 cup), and then place in the microwave and sterilize at maximum power. If you do not have such a device, then you can carry out this procedure on the stove. You should also boil the iron lids, first place them in a bowl with a small amount of water.

After the jars have been sterilized, you need to carefully place boiling jam in them (right to the top), and then quickly roll them up. Next, the containers with dessert must be turned upside down and covered with a thick cotton blanket. It is advisable to keep the jars in this position for about a day. You can store them in the refrigerator, in the basement, and even at room temperature.

Making delicious apple jam

The dessert prepared according to the above recipe turns out to be very thick and golden. However, clear apple jam can be made in another way. For this we need:

  • chopped fruits (how to process, see above) - 3 kg;
  • filtered water - ½ cup;
  • citric acid - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • ground cinnamon - add to taste;
  • small - 3 kg.

Preliminary processing

To make your own aromatic and very tasty jam, you need to use only And they should not be soft, otherwise the dessert will not turn out transparent, but will be loose.

We described above how to process and cut apples for this jam. They must be placed in a large container (for example, an enamel basin) and immediately covered with fine granulated sugar. There is no point in waiting until the sweet product melts and the fruit gives its juice. This is due to the fact that drinking water is additionally added to this dessert.

Heat treatment on the stove

After the apples and sugar are placed in a bowl, they should be placed on low heat. You need to immediately pour a small amount of water into the dish so that its contents do not burn to the bottom. Thus, stirring the fruit regularly, bring it to a boil and then cook for about half an hour. Next, the jam should be removed from the stove and left aside for three hours. After this, it is recommended to heat the bowl with dessert again, but within a quarter of an hour. After this time, the jam should thicken a little and also noticeably change in color. Next, remove it from the stove and cool completely.

Sterilization of jars

You can store this jam until the beginning of next summer. But so that it does not deteriorate and retains all its beneficial properties, as well as taste and aroma, it must be preserved. For this you can use both liter and 750 g jars. They need to be sterilized on the stove. Metal covers need to be treated in the same way.

The final stage in creating delicious apple jam

After the jars and lids are sterilized, the bowl of jam must be placed on low heat, and then brought to a boil, add citric acid and ground cinnamon to taste. Next, you need to mix all the ingredients well and start placing them in the container. It should be noted that this procedure must be carried out with extreme caution. After all, if hot jam gets on your skin, you can get quite a severe burn.

Having filled all glass containers with boiling dessert, they should be immediately rolled up with metal lids. Next, they need to be turned upside down, and then covered with a thick blanket and left overnight until completely cooled. It is recommended to store such jam in a refrigerator, cellar or any other cold room. But if you don’t have this opportunity, then the jars can be placed in an ordinary dark cabinet. However, their shelf life will be significantly reduced. In this regard, such a dessert should definitely be consumed before the end of winter.

Quick apple jam

If you don’t want to stand at the stove for too long and cook such a dessert, then we suggest using the following recipe, which does not require long-term heat treatment and holding at room temperature. For this we need:

  • ripe apples as sweet as possible - about 3 kg;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • fine granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking process

The apples, cut into thin slices, should be placed in a large metal bowl, then covered with fine granulated sugar and shaken well so that the fruit is evenly covered. Next, you need to place the filled container on medium heat and immediately pour a small amount of regular drinking water into it. Stirring regularly, bring the apples to a boil. Next, reduce the heat to low and cook the dessert for 40 minutes. During this time, the fruit will noticeably boil down, and the syrup will significantly increase in volume. In this case, the jam should become thicker and golden in color.

Final stage

Once the jam has reached the appropriate consistency, you can safely pour it into sterilized glass jars. Next, all containers need to be rolled up, turned upside down and kept under a thick blanket for 15-25 hours. During this time, the jars of treats will completely cool down, and they can be safely stored in the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

In Russia, apples are considered one of the most popular fruits. You can find them both in winter and summer, and there is no doubt about their benefits. Judge for yourself: by eating an apple, you get such useful substances as:

  • pectin, which improves intestinal activity and helps cleanse it of toxins; antioxidants slow down oxidative processes in the human body;
  • tannins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, both in women and men;
  • tannins that can prevent the precipitation of salts, which
  • is a good prevention of urolithiasis;
  • vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, P;
  • iron, which helps improve blood quality;
  • calcium, necessary for the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system;
  • minerals: magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, chlorine.

An apple is an excellent snack, and every housewife knows a huge number of interesting recipes using this fruit. Today we want to talk about which apples are better.

When choosing apples for weight loss, it is best to pay attention to green varieties. Green apples are lower in calories (35 calories, while red apples contain about 47 calories) and have a pleasant sourness, which slightly reduces appetite.

Which apples are best to make jam from?

There are several varieties of apples, from which it is better to make jam and jam. These are the varieties that ripen in the fall and are called late: “Antonovka”, “Anis”, “Borovinka”, “Golden Delicious”, “Jonathan”, “Renet Simirenko” and some others. The dense and juicy pulp does not boil too much and does not turn the jam into a homogeneous jelly. Apples of the Antonovka and Simirenko varieties will add sourness and aroma to the jam. You can diversify the taste of apple jam by adding a little cinnamon during cooking.

Which apples are best to bake and dry?

Bake in the oven apples are better also with a dense structure. Apples of the Antonovka, Golden, Grand, Granny Smith and Simirenko varieties are perfect for baking. For baking, it is better to choose large green fruits with a sweet and sour taste, but in this case it is better to refuse red and yellow apples. As for the best apples for charlotte, Antonovka is unanimously preferred among housewives. It is sour and juicy and goes well with a sweet sponge cake.

But it’s better to dry red apples of sweet autumn varieties for the winter (“Mekintosh”, “Jonagold Decosta”, “Delicia”, “Titania”), and “White filling” is perfect for summer apples.

Homemade apple juice

For making juice, it is better to choose apples from autumn and winter varieties: they contain many more useful elements, they have juiciness and a bright taste and aroma. To make freshly squeezed juice, it is better to choose sweet and sour varieties that have juicy and dense pulp. The best varieties apples for juice:

  • Antey;
  • Anuxis;
  • Sinap Orlovsky;
  • Cosmonaut Titov;
  • Memory Kovalenko;
  • Freedom.

In addition, you don’t need to add a lot of sugar to this juice; just dilute it a little with water and you can drink it.

But to prepare juice for a long shelf life, it is better to use sour varieties with a high content of tannins (Antonovka, Anuksis, Verbnoye, Nizhegorodka and others).

The recipe is quite simple: for 10 kg of apples you need to take 2 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water. Squeeze the juice from the apples, heat the water and dissolve the sugar in it, bring the resulting mixture to a boil and mix with the juice. This juice should be placed in sterile jars and can be stored all winter.

What varieties of apples are best to plant in the Moscow region?

In the Moscow region, it is better to plant varieties of apples that will provide a year-round supply of this healthy fruit. To do this, you need to plant about half of winter varieties, a third of autumn varieties and about 20% of summer varieties. Suitable for the Moscow region and middle zone these varieties:

  • Summer early ripening: White filling, Candy apple, Grushovka Moscow;
  • Autumn mid-season: Shtrifel, Zhigulevskoe, Cinnamon striped;
  • Winter late-ripening: Antonovka, Alesya, Moskovskoe later, Martovskoe and some others.

Which apples are best stored in winter?

Winter varieties of apples are best stored in winter, however, they differ in shelf life:

  • early winter (Antonovka vulgaris, Pobeditel, Pepin saffron, Parmen winter golden, Welsey) are stored until January-February;
  • winter (Scarlet Anise, Gray Anise, Antonovka Dessert, Aport, Cortland, Lobo, Mirnoye, Ranet Bergamot, Northern Sinap, Orlovsky Sinap) last until March-April;
  • late winter ones (Mantua, Sary sinap, Renet Orleans, Renet champagne, Northern sinap, etc.) can be stored until May-June.

There are many recipes with apples, and the success of the dishes largely depends on the right choice fruits Which apples are best to use in baking, which ones to make jam and compotes from, and which ones to dry or juice?

Which apples are best to dry?

Ripe sour and sweet and sour apples with dense pulp, summer and early autumn varieties, with thin skin and small seeds, are best suited for drying. The fruits can also be fallen from the tree, slightly dented, most importantly without rot or wormholes. When dried, apple varieties turn out to be very tasty “Pepin”, “Aport”, “Cinnamon” and “Antonovka”, the latter in dried form is also very aromatic. It is better to cut the fruits into slices rather than circles: this way they dry faster.

Which apples are best to make jam from?

It is best to use sour apples of summer varieties for jam, which do not last long, like “White filling”, “Slavyanki” or some types "Grushovki". The fruits can be taken ripe and even slightly overripe, as well as unripe. “White filling” and other soft varieties can become soft, and they are good for making jams and marmalades. If you need to keep pieces of apples whole in jam, later autumn varieties are suitable ( “Champion”, “Gloucester”, “Antonovka”, “Spartak” etc.), they are less soft and less boiled. Also, small fruits of wild apple trees are very suitable for jam, and "Chinese"- its small apples do not become overcooked and turn out well whole in jam.

Which apples are best for charlotte?

It is believed that you can use any apples for baking, including everyone’s favorite charlotte. However, the most delicious pies are made with sour apple varieties that retain their shape well when baked, such as “ Antonovka", "Semerenko", "Jonathan", "Renet", "Jonagold" etc. The fruits should not be very juicy; due to the large amount of apple juice, the dough may burn or bake poorly, this is especially important when you need to bake charlotte. If you only have juicy apples, it is better to take them a little less so that the dough does not “drown” in the juice.

Best apples for juice

Strong, juicy apples like "Grushovki", ideally recently collected. Delicious juice is obtained from apples that crunch when you bite into them, but they can look completely unsightly, have broken barrels, etc. If you take unripe apples, the juice will be too sour, and overripe apples will become cloudy. Like wine, apple juice can be blended by mixing sweet and sour varieties.

Important! Many late varieties like "Autumn Striped" After lying down for several days, they become “woolly” - such fruits produce little juice, and there will be much less vitamins in a drink made from apples that have been sitting for a long time.

The best apples for compote

Very good for compotes "Antonovka" and other hard apples of sour varieties. You can also use slightly unripe ones, but just slightly: compote from unripe fruits will turn out tasteless. The most beautiful drinks are made from red and pink apples (you can just add a couple of pieces to green fruits). Apples are very soft varieties like "Anise", as well as overripe ones, can become boiled in compote.

Keywords fruitapplesbakingcompot charlotterecipesseasonal productshow to choose apple compoteapple jamjam

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Illustrations for the material: shutterstock


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Sweet, almost transparent apple jam is one of the most healthy desserts. It can be eaten with bread or simply as a snack with tea, or used for making pastries, cakes, and sweet dishes.

Apple jam is especially important on diet days, because 100 g of the finished product contains no more than 50 kcal, despite the fact that sugar is used for its preparation. The natural sweetness of the fruits themselves, the presence of fiber, vitamins and numerous microelements in them makes apple jam an extremely healthy and tasty dish.

In the distant years of hoary antiquity, people began to eat apples of the current season, and even more so to make apple jam, no earlier than the end of summer. Only after August 19, the day on which the pagan Apple Savior and Christian Transfiguration falls, housewives began preparing apples. Today it is not at all necessary to adhere to such a categorical framework and you can make homemade jam at any time.

In this case, you can use almost any variety of apples, but strictly not foreign ones bought in a store. Depending on the initial density, juiciness and sweetness of the fruit, you can get a thick jam or liquid jam with transparent slices.

The cooking time depends entirely on the desired result. Therefore, you can cook jam for a few minutes or for several days. The main thing is to use a time-tested recipe.

Apple jam - step by step recipe cooking + video

A simple recipe and video will tell you in detail how to make apple jam if you don’t have much experience.

  • Apples – 1.5 kg;
  • Cinnamon stick;
  • Sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • Water – 50 ml.


  1. Cut out the seed capsule from the fruits, and peel them if desired. Cut into arbitrary small pieces.
  2. Place in a suitable saucepan, pour in water, add most of the sugar and a cinnamon stick.
  3. Cook over high heat with constant stirring for about 5 minutes. Reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  5. Add the rest of the sugar and cook until fully cooked over low heat.

Apple jam in a slow cooker - recipe with photo

Thanks to its versatility, the multicooker is perfect for making delicious apple jam. Moreover, the process itself will only take a couple of hours.

  • Apples – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 500 g.


  1. Peel and core the apples. Cut them into arbitrary cubes and place in a bowl. The apples should always be put in first, otherwise the sugar will definitely burn while they release the desired juice.

2. Add sugar. If the fruits are too sour, then it makes sense to slightly increase the portion of the latter.

3. Set the appliance to “baking” mode for about 40 minutes. After the jam begins to slowly boil, you need to stir it periodically to evenly distribute the sweet syrup.

4. Boil the metal lids and sterilize the jars in a convenient way. Place the prepared jam in them and roll them up.

Apple jam in the oven

If you stand at the stove and cook apple jam in several stages and have neither the time nor the desire, then another one will do original recipe. He will tell you in detail how to cook apple jam in a regular oven. The main thing is to learn a few tricks in advance. For example, you need to cook it in a heat-resistant vessel with thick walls and it will definitely not burn. And to prevent the mass from “escaping,” the container should be filled only to 2/3 of its volume.

  • Apples – 1 kg;
  • Sugar 0.5 kg.


  1. Cut the fruits into large slices, after removing the core. If the skin is quite thin, there is no need to peel it.
  2. Sprinkle sugar on top, increase the amount if necessary.
  3. Preheat oven to 250°C. Place the container with apples inside for 25 minutes.
  4. Remove, mix well and return, after reducing the heat to 220°C.
  5. After another 10 minutes, repeat the procedure. This time, taste the syrup and add a little more sugar if necessary.
  6. Cook the jam in the oven for some more time depending on the desired consistency. The main thing is to prevent caramelization of the sugar, otherwise the mass will turn out to be too thick and viscous. As soon as the syrup acquires medium thickness and the surface is covered with light foam, it can be removed from the oven and packaged in jars.

Apple jam for the winter - how to cook, how to roll?

In order for apple jam to last all winter and always be tasty, it must be cooked according to a special recipe. In addition, you should take a little more sugar than usual, and prepare the fruits themselves in a special way.

  • Sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • Apples – 1 kg;
  • Lemon.


  1. Peel the apples very thinly, remove the seed capsule and cut into medium slices. Pour boiling water over and blanch for 10 minutes, then immediately cool in very cold water.
  2. Do not discard the water in which the apple slices were blanched, but use part of it to prepare the syrup. To do this, dissolve 500 g of sugar in 1.5 liters of liquid.
  3. Place the cooled apples in a large bowl, pour the resulting strictly hot syrup and let it brew for about 5-6 hours.
  4. Next, drain the syrup through a colander into an empty saucepan, add part (250 g) of the remaining sugar and cook for 8-10 minutes until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Repeat the procedure until you have added the required amount of sand. Between cooking, keep the apples in the syrup for at least 8-10 hours.
  6. After the penultimate boiling, cut the lemon into thin quarters, add them to the pan with the apples and pour boiling syrup over them all.
  7. During the last cooking, do not drain the syrup, but cook together with the apples for 10–15 minutes until fully cooked.
  8. At the same time, the apple slices should become completely transparent, and a drop of hot syrup should not spread on a cold plate. Then, when hot, place the product into sterilized jars.
  9. Immediately roll up the metal lids, which need to be boiled for about five minutes. Allow to cool well naturally and store in a pantry or basement.

How to make apple jam in slices?

To make apple jam with whole slices, you need to choose varieties with especially dense but juicy pulp. Required condition: They must be very recently removed from the tree.

  • Apples – 2 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Cut apples that are not overripe or stale into slices 7–12 mm thick.
  2. Weigh them and measure out exactly the same amount of sugar. Layer in large capacity, sprinkle them with sand, and leave until the morning.
  3. The next day, put it on medium heat and cook until foam appears, which means the syrup is boiling, for no more than five minutes. In the process, drown very carefully upper layer apples
  4. In the evening, repeat the procedure again, stirring very carefully at the end.
  5. The next day, cook for 5 minutes in the morning and another 10-15 minutes in the evening until fully cooked.
  6. When hot, place into glass, pre-pasteurized jars and seal.

Recipe for thick apple jam

The thickness of the jam in most cases depends on the initial looseness of the apples. If you take fruits that are too hard and dense, you will have to boil them for a very long time, and as a result the jam will not be as thick as you would like. In addition, the fruits must be fully ripe and have been left in the shade for a day.

  • Chopped slices – 3 kg;
  • Sugar – 3 kg;
  • Ground cinnamon – 1–2 tbsp.


  1. Remove damaged parts, core and, if necessary, skin from the fruit. Chop into arbitrary cubes, place in a bowl, layering with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Leave to release juice overnight.
  2. Place on medium gas and bring to a boil, remembering to stir. As soon as the syrup boils, reduce the gas slightly and cook for about 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for at least a couple of hours, maximum for a day.
  3. Repeat the procedure two more times at the same frequency.
  4. Boil the jam for the last time for about 7-10 minutes, pack it hot into jars and store sealed after it has cooled completely in the pantry or basement.

How to make apple jam from Antonovka?

The Antonovka apple variety is best suited for making jam or marmalade, since the rather loose pulp boils very quickly. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to make jam with slices from it. You just need to follow the recipe, which describes all the actions step by step.

  • Apples – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • A little salt and baking soda for pre-soaking.


  1. Cut fruits of the same size into quarters and remove the center. Then cut into slices of the desired thickness.
  2. Dilute 1 tsp in a liter of water. salt and pour the salted liquid over the prepared apples. Instead of salt, you can use citric acid in the same proportion.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, drain the solution, rinse the apple slices and immerse them in a soda solution (2 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water).
  4. Leave for no more than 5 minutes, drain and rinse again in running water. This procedure will slightly hold the pulp together and prevent it from boiling over.
  5. Place the prepared apples in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Let sit for several hours until juice forms.
  6. Place on the fire and boil over high gas. Remove from heat and let sit for 5-6 hours.
  7. Repeat the process 2 more times, the last time – boil the jam to the desired consistency. Without cooling, place into jars and seal them tightly.

Apple jam - step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

In order to bake delicious pies at the end of summer during the cold season, you definitely need to make thick and tasty apple jam. And the following recipe will help with this. It is better to choose apples with juicy, loose pulp. Well-ripened fruits are suitable, perhaps even slightly crushed. The main thing before cooking is to cut off everything from the fruit that could spoil the taste of the finished jam.

  • Apples – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.7 kg;
  • Drinking water – 150 ml.


  1. Cut the apples, trimmed in advance from bruises, together with the skin into arbitrary pieces.
  2. Place in a saucepan, fill with water. Place over medium heat and cook for 15-20 minutes until they begin to puree.
  3. Rub the slightly cooled mass through a sieve a couple of times, transfer the puree to a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Add sugar and cook for about 20 minutes over very low heat, stirring regularly.
  5. Wait until the finished jam has cooled completely and package it in a suitable glass container.

Apple jam - recipe

You can make apple jam, as they say, by eye. After all, the final consistency depends entirely on the apples used and the desired result. To make the jam taste more piquant, you can optionally add a little lemon, orange, cinnamon or vanillin.

  • Peeled apples – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.75 g;
  • Boiled water – ½ tbsp.


  1. Wash the apples, remove the seeds and peel. Grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil syrup from the specified amount of sugar and water and pour it into the grated fruit.
  3. Place on the fire and after the mixture boils, cook for about an hour, reducing the heat to low.
  4. While boiling, do not forget to stir the applesauce from time to time.
  5. Once the apple chips are well cooked and the jam reaches the intended consistency, cool naturally.
  6. Place in jars and store under plastic lids in the refrigerator or under metal ones in the cellar.

Delicious apple jam

Properly prepared apple jam allows you to save most of the useful properties original product. And according to the following recipe, the jam turns out to be extremely tasty.

  • Peeled fruits – 1 kg;
  • Oranges without peel – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.5kg.


  1. Select strictly whole apples without rot or wormholes. Cut out the center of each fruit. Cut into equal medium-sized cubes.
  2. Peel the oranges and remove as much white membrane as possible. Divide each into wedges and cut them into slices corresponding in size to apple slices. It is best to do this directly above the container in which the delicious apple jam will be cooked.
  3. Place the orange and apple pieces together, add sugar and stir. Allow about 2-3 hours for the juice to release.
  4. Place on low gas and after the syrup boils, cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Then put it aside and leave for another couple of hours so that all the fruits are saturated with sweet juices.
  6. Cook for about 40 minutes on very low gas until the mixture turns golden brown. To ensure that the jam cooks evenly, do not forget to stir it with a spatula from time to time.
  7. Place the finished, delicious jam into jars when cooled. For long-term storage, they can be rolled up with metal lids.

The simplest apple jam - recipe

Jam prepared according to this recipe is not only quick and easy to prepare, but also retains almost all the benefits of fresh fruit. It’s not called “five minutes” for nothing.

  • Sugar – 300 g;
  • Apples – 1 kg.


  1. Core high-quality fruits, cut into thin strips or grate.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar, stir, as soon as the juice comes out, put on the stove.
  3. Let it boil on medium gas, reduce it and cook for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  4. At this time, sterilize the jars over steam and the lids in boiling water. As soon as the jam is cooked, place the hot mixture into the prepared container and seal.

Apple jam with cinnamon

It is known that cinnamon goes well with apples. It gives them a spicy and very interesting taste. This makes apple jam with cinnamon even tastier and more original. And if you add a few more unusual ingredients to it, it turns into a culinary masterpiece.

  • Apples – 400 g;
  • Cinnamon sticks – 2 pcs.;
  • Water – 400 g;
  • Cranberry – 125 g;
  • Apple juice 200 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • Sugar – 250 g;
  • Orange zest – ½ tbsp;
  • Fresh ginger juice – ½ tbsp.


  1. Pour water, lemon, ginger and apple juice into a saucepan (you can use cider). Place cinnamon sticks. Bring the liquid to a boil over high heat.
  2. Throw in the cranberries, and as soon as the berries begin to burst, add the chopped apples, sugar and orange zest.
  3. Stirring occasionally, cook the jam for about an hour and a half over low heat.
  4. When the apples have softened well and the syrup has thickened, remove the cinnamon sticks and pour the finished jam into jars.

Whole apple jam

Jam with tiny whole apples floating in an amber syrup reminiscent of honey even looks delicious and appetizing. But the most amazing thing is that it is very simple and easy to prepare.

  • Very small apples with tails – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • Drinking water – 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Sort the fruits without breaking off the stems, wash them clean and dry them. To prevent them from bursting during cooking, prick each one with a toothpick ( with a regular fork) in several places.
  2. Make a syrup from the above ingredients by boiling it for 2-3 minutes over high heat.
  3. Pour the sweet liquid over the apples placed in the saucepan.
  4. Once completely cooled, place on the heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Drain the syrup into a separate container and simmer it slightly over medium gas for 15 minutes.
  6. Sterilize the jars, fill them loosely with boiled apples, and pour hot syrup on top.
  7. Immediately roll up the lids. Turn upside down and cool slowly, covered with a warm blanket. You can store it in the basement, pantry or just in the room.

Apple and pear jam

To get original jam, you need to select fruits that are similar in pulp structure. Remember: if you take soft pears and hard apples, or vice versa, the former will boil, and the latter will remain hard. Although in this version you can get a rather unusual pear and apple jam.

  • Pears – 0.5 kg;
  • Apples – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Natural honey – 2 tbsp;
  • A handful of cinnamon powder;
  • Drinking water – 1 tbsp.


  1. Remove the core from the fruit and cut into pieces of equal shape and size. Pour boiling water over it, and after 5 minutes immerse it in fairly cold water.
  2. After a couple of minutes, drain it and dry the fruit pieces a little on a towel.
  3. Mix sugar with water, add honey, cinnamon and boil the syrup in a large saucepan. Place fruit in it and cook for about 40 minutes until they become transparent.
  4. Place the jam in jars and sterilize them for 10–15 minutes in boiling water. Roll up and place in a cool place to cool.

Apple jam with nuts

Ordinary apple jam becomes truly original if you add some nuts to it. If you wish, you can take walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or even cashews.

  • Apples – 1kg;
  • Cores walnuts– 150 g;
  • Medium lemon;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • A pair of bay leaves;
  • Black pepper – 3 peas.


  1. Cut the cleanly washed and dried apples into cubes, removing the seed capsule at the same time.
  2. To prevent them from darkening, immerse them in water for a few minutes with added citric acid.
  3. Strain the liquid, place the apple cubes in a saucepan, add sugar.
  4. Cut the lemon and peel into large pieces and add to the apples. Add bay leaves from the edges and, without stirring, place the pan on low heat.
  5. At this time, chop the nuts to make small pieces.
  6. After the apple mixture boils, reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Take out the bay leaves and lemons, and add the nuts.
  7. Stir lightly and cook until the apples are translucent and the syrup has reduced. A couple of minutes before the end, add pepper.
  8. Cool slightly, remove the pepper and place in jars.

Many healthy vegetables and fruits processed for long-term storage. Apples are no exception. good apple jam It is better to cook from sweet and sour varieties.

Apples are among the most common fruits. Average chemical composition: water - 84%, protein - 0.4%, sugar - 8-15%, malic acid - 0.50%, tannin substances - 0.10%, ash - 0.50%.

Apples are very diverse in their composition, in particular in their content of vitamins and minerals. The content of the latter in apples is small, but when apples are consumed in large quantities, they can enrich diets with these substances. In addition to eating apples fresh, apples are very healthy, prepared in the form of compote, puree, marmalade, etc.

Apples can be stored fresh or dried in winter time. Apples stay fresh for a very long time if they do not have cuts or dents that contribute to rotting. In a dry, well-ventilated cellar, apples are laid out on wooden shelves with the stems down, so that the apples do not touch each other. After 3-4 days, the fruits must be reviewed and those that have begun to rot must be removed.

Apples are preserved very well if each of them is carefully wrapped in thin paper and placed in a box with wood shavings or straw. This storage method is the most effective and gives good results.

Apple jam
There are many varieties of apples in every area. Fruit different varieties often differ greatly from each other and not all varieties can make good jam. The following varieties are most suitable for making jam: Antonovka, Anise, Bellefleur-Chinese, Cinnamon, Saffron Pepin, Winter Golden Parmen, Renet Simirenko and others. If the variety is unknown or untested, it is first recommended to make some jam (one or two jars) from it to test.

Selected apples are washed, peeled and cored with seeds are removed using a sharpened metal tube. Then the fruits are cut into slices about 2 cm thick. If the apples are small, they can be cut into quarters or halves.

To prevent sliced ​​apples from browning, they should be immediately blanched in boiling water for 3-8 minutes. After blanching, the fruits are cooled with water, as they may become too soft.

The water in which the apples were blanched contains valuable nutrients(sugar acid and others), so it is used for making syrup. Since blanching is not always done immediately after cutting, and apples darken very quickly, chopped apples should be immediately immersed in a pan of salted water (10-20 g of salt per 1 liter of water). You can store sliced ​​apples in this water for no more than 1 hour.

Some apple varieties, such as Antonovka, have loose flesh. When making jam from such apples, cut slices to thicken the pulp before blanching are kept for 5 minutes in a saturated solution of baking soda. After blanching, the cooled pieces of apples are checked and any overcooked ones are separated, and the normal ones (i.e., those that have lost their elasticity, but are not spreading) are set aside for cooking.

For 1 kg of prepared apples - 1.2-1.3 kg of sugar. First, take half of this amount (600-700 g) and add to it 1.5 cups of water remaining after blanching the apples.

If there are more apples, then the amount of sugar and water is increased accordingly. Hot syrup is poured over apple slices and left for 3-4 hours.

Then the pan or basin with the fruits and syrup is brought to a boil over low heat, boiled for 5-7 minutes, cooled again and kept for 6-8 hours. The second cooking also lasts 5-7 minutes (starting from the moment of boiling).

During the resting period after the second cooking, syrup made from the remaining sugar is added to the apples. For the second filling, the syrup is prepared somewhat stronger (1 glass of water for 600 g of sugar). All operations are repeated one or two more times. Such repeated cooking makes it possible to obtain jam even from relatively easily boiled apple varieties. good quality, with beautiful translucent pieces of fruit, not wrinkled and without excess syrup.

If the apples are not sour, it is recommended to add a little citric or tartaric acid to the syrup during cooking. This not only improves the taste of the jam, but also protects it from sugaring. In addition, to improve the aroma of the jam, add a little vanilla or vanillin before the end of the last cooking, and to improve the color, add a little syrup from jam from cherries, strawberries or other brightly colored fruits and berries.

Take 1 kg of peeled and cored apples, 1 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water, several nuts (hazel), a piece of citric acid and vanilla powder. Prepare the syrup until thick drops form. Cut the apples into cubes and put them in syrup. Cook for half an hour. Remove the foam. Add citric acid and vanilla. The thicker the jam, the better it is; as soon as it cools, pour it into jars. Well-made jam will be completely light.

Apple jam with rum

  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 1/4 cups
  • Medium lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • Rum or cognac - 50 ml

Peel the apples from the core with seeds. Cut into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the pulp from darkening. In a saucepan, dissolve half a glass of sugar in half a glass of water and cook until the sugar turns yellow. Remove from heat, add apples and stir.

Add the remaining sugar, stir and place over low heat. Cook for 40 minutes after boiling. Before removing from heat, add rum and stir. Place the jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

Apple-lemon jam

  • Apples - 700 g
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar -3 cups
  • Fresh mint - 3 sprigs

Cut the lemons into slices and remove the seeds. Fill with water and leave for 8 hours. Then bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat until softened. Core the apples and cut into thin slices. Combine with lemons and the liquid in which they were boiled.

Add sugar and mint sprigs. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and simmer for 30 minutes until thickened. Remove the mint sprigs, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Apple jam

  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon

Peel and core the apples. Grate, add water, add sugar and citric acid.

Bring the jam to a boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes. Place into jars and seal.

Apple jam
Select ripe sweet apples, wash, remove the stems, cut into pieces and cook in a small amount of water, stirring continuously so as not to burn.

As soon as the apples soften, strain and rub through cheesecloth. Cook the resulting mass over high heat until thickened.

Apple jam with caramel

  • 2.3 apples
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 kg granulated sugar

Peel the apples, cut each in half, remove the core, seeds and cut into slices. Place in a large saucepan, add lemon juice and 50 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Then make a puree from the mass. Pour 300 g of sugar into a saucepan, add 50 ml of water and cook, stirring, until light brown caramel is obtained.

Add it along with the remaining sugar to the puree, bring to a boil and cook with constant stirring over high heat for 5 minutes. Immediately pour the jam into the prepared jars, close the lids well and place upside down for 5 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Continuing the theme of preparing for the winter, today I will tell you recipes on how to make apple jam.

I have already told you recipes for jam from strawberries and raspberries, how to make jam from cherries, as well as about the useful and medicinal benefits of dandelion flowers, but soon the apples will ripen, and by this time it is worth deciding what tasty and sweet things to prepare from them.

There are many varieties of apples that grow in different climatic conditions.

Apples are eaten fresh, soaked, baked, dry, made into various drinks, jams, mousses, preserves, used as raw materials for making jam, marshmallows, marmalade, in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, and the charlotte recipe is considered a popular hit.

Clear apple jam slices

We will need:

  • 2 kg apples
  • 2 kg sugar


  1. Wash the apples, peel and core them

2. Cut into slices

3. Cover them with sugar and leave for 1 day so that they release juice and become saturated with sugar.

4. Place on low heat, stirring, after boiling, cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and leave for 1 day

5. Place on low heat again and after boiling, cook for 15 minutes, stirring

6. Pour the finished jam directly into sterilized jars

Close the jars tightly and turn them upside down and leave until completely cool.

Apple and orange jam


  • 1 kg durum apples
  • 1 orange
  • 0.5 kg sugar


Peel and core apples

Cut them into medium cubes

Cut the orange together with the peel, removing the seeds, into medium slices and pass through a meat grinder.

Combine orange, apples, sugar together

Place on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 50 minutes, the apples should become transparent and the syrup will be difficult to drip off the spoon.

Apple jam with lemon



Pour sugar into the water and stir over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved.

Cut the lemon into thin half-slices, after removing the seeds

Add lemon to boiling syrup and cook for 5-7 minutes

Remove the core from the apples and cut into thin slices along with the skin.

Pour apples into syrup and cook for 5-7 minutes

Remove the jam from the heat and leave overnight so that the fruit is soaked in syrup.

Place the jam on low heat and cook after boiling for 30 minutes until thickened

Apple jam - five minutes


  • 5 kg apples
  • 5 kg sugar


  1. Remove the core from the apples and cut into thin slices along with the peel.
  2. Add sugar, mix and leave overnight
  3. Place on the fire and simmer for 10 minutes, let cool
  4. Boil for another 10 minutes
  5. Remove from heat again and boil again for 5-10 minutes

Kitayka apple jam

In common parlance, Chinese refers to varieties of various small apples.


  • 1 kg Chinese apples
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 3/4 cup water


  1. Wash the apples, cut off the stems with a needle and make holes so that the skin does not burst during cooking.
  2. Pour into the pan cold water and add apples
  3. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes
  4. Drain the water and add sugar to it
  5. Place the syrup on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the syrup from the heat, pour over the apples and leave for 6-8 hours

Apple jam Amber


  • 1 kg durum apples
  • 700 gr. Sahara
  • 100 ml water
  • Zest of half a lemon


Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices

Pour water over sugar, place over medium heat, boil, stirring until sugar is completely dissolved

Add lemon zest to syrup

Pour in the apples, mix well, turn off the heat and leave for 6-8 hours

Put the jam on the fire and bring to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes

Remove from heat and leave to cool completely

Place on low heat and after boiling, cook for 10-12 minutes, let cool completely

Cook again over low heat for 15 minutes after boiling.

If desired, you can increase the cooking time if you want thicker and darker jam.

Jam "Paradise Apple"

Ranetki are called apples of paradise and are boiled together with the stalks. The results are sweet and sour, aromatic, amber-colored apples.

Need to:

  • Ranetki – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water 1 tbsp.


  1. Sort and wash the ranetkas
  2. Using a toothpick, make 5 - 7 punctures in the skin, then they will be well saturated with syrup and will not crack
  3. Pour water (5 liters) into a large saucepan, boil it, add apples to it and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove from heat, drain the boiling water, add cold water and let stand for several hours.
  5. Pour a glass of water into the sugar and boil the syrup
  6. Drain the water from the pan, pour in the hot syrup and let cool
  7. Place the cooled jam on the fire and boil for 15 – 20 minutes, leave to cool for a day
  8. After a day, boil again for 15–20 minutes, pour into jars and roll up the lids.
  9. Place the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.
  10. Store jam in a cool place

Video recipe for making apple and ginger jam in a slow cooker

Let apple jam made by yourself delight you and your family with its amazing taste and amber color. When cooking jam, you can add various berries- cranberries, lingonberries, etc., which will give the jam an unusual sourness.

I look forward to your feedback, share recipes with friends

Apple jam is one of the most popular jams. It has a pleasant apple aroma; the apples themselves become transparent when cooked and acquire an amber color. You can add various spices to this jam, for example, cinnamon, cloves, saffron or ginger. The combination of apples with oranges and lemon or with their zest also turns out delicious. Today I will write 7 recipes for various apple jams. Write in the comments which recipe you liked best.

Do you know the difference between preserves, marmalade and marmalade? The jam should contain whole pieces of fruit or whole berries in a clear syrup. Therefore, the jam is cooked for a short time, often in several batches, to maintain its shape. Jam is also made from pieces, but they are not kept whole. That is, there will be small pieces of fruit in the jam. And jam is made from fruit puree. It should be uniform and thick.

In this article I will write how to make apple jam so that whole slices remain in it. I’ll also tell you the secrets of making thick apple jam.

Apple jam cannot be cooked in enamel containers, because the jam will stick and burn. Also, you must remove the foam from any jam when cooking. If this is not done, the jam may ferment during storage.

Apple jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. Jars can be sterilized over steam. For example, fill a wide saucepan with water and place a wire rack on it. Place clean jars, washed with a new sponge and soda, on the wire rack upside down. Steam the jars for 15 minutes until the glass becomes clear. The jars can also be sterilized in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 140-150 degrees. But you need to put the jars in a cold oven so that they don’t burst. The lids need to be boiled for 5 minutes.

Jars that are no more than 5 years old are suitable for preservation. See the year of manufacture on the bottom of the can.

With jam wedges you need to tinker more than with marmalade. Precisely because it takes a lot of time to cut fruit. But in the jam, where the pieces have been preserved whole, more useful substances that were in fresh fruits will remain. In good apple jam, the fruit slices and syrup should be transparent and have a beautiful amber color. In addition to being a treat for tea, this delicacy can be used as a filling for pies and other baked goods.

Ingredients (neat weight):

  • pumpkin - 500 gr.
  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp. or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (for soaking)

Cooking method:

1.Make sour water by dissolving half a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of water. Acid can be replaced with natural lemon juice. Cut the washed apples into cubes or strips and place in prepared sour water. This way the fruit will not darken and the jam will have a beautiful color.

2.Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Drain the apples and add the fruit to the pumpkin. Add sugar, stir and leave for 1-2 hours until the juice appears.

3.Now you can start making jam. Place it on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the jam from the heat and let it sit for several hours, maybe a day. The next day, let the jam cook for a second time. After boiling, cook again for 20 minutes and immediately place hot in sterilized jars and seal.

This jam can also be covered with nylon lids. In this case, it can be stored for no more than 2 months.

4. It is not necessary to wrap the jam in a blanket, just let it cool at room temperature. It turns out tasty and bright!

Clear jam from whole apples

Before this, I wrote recipes for apple jam in slices. But you can make jam from whole apples. In this case, do not use heavenly (small) apples, but ordinary ones. This jam will look unusual on a plate. Although the apples will be whole, they will still be soft. Therefore, eating them will not be difficult. Of course, such jam is not suitable for filling baked goods, but it will be just right for tea.

You can make jam in the same way by cutting the apples into slices.


  • green apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg

How to make apple jam:

1. Take apples that are firm but ripe. Wash them and remove the core. It is convenient to use a special kitchen device for apples. Place the apples in a saucepan and cover them with sugar. Leave it like this overnight or for 12 hours so that the apples release their juice.

2. If the apples are not juicy and little juice has been released within 12 hours, add 100 ml of water so that the apples do not burn during cooking.

3. Let the jam simmer over low heat. Gradually the sugar will dissolve and the apples will give even more juice. Bring the syrup to a boil and turn off the heat. While the jam is boiling, turn the apples periodically. The side that will be in syrup will cook faster. Therefore, the fruit must be turned over. As the apples heat up, they will change color and become golden.

4.After boiling, cover the jam with a plate and place pressure, weighing about 1-1.5 kg. Pressure is needed so that all the apples are immersed in the syrup and not floating on top. Now remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool completely.

5. Let the apples cook a second time. Bring the syrup to a boil over low heat in the same way. Remove the foam. Boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. Put it under pressure and let it cool again.

6. For the third time, cook the jam after boiling for 10-12 minutes. When hot, place in sterile jars, pouring syrup over the apples. Roll up the lids and let the preserves cool. It turns out very beautiful and tasty apple jam. The syrup will be quite thick, so there is no need to cook the jam for too long, reducing it.

Making jam with apples and oranges

This is a very tasty jam, homogeneous in structure, with an orange aroma. For it, you definitely need to take only green sour apples, such as semerenko.

Ingredients (unpeeled fruit weight):

  • Semerenko apples – 1 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • sugar - 800 gr.
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

Apple and orange jam - how to prepare:

1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into 4 parts, and cut out the core. Cut the apples into arbitrary medium pieces. The cutting does not matter since the jam will be crushed a little later.

2. Wash the lemon and one orange well with a brush. Grate the zest of an orange and half a lemon on a fine grater. It is important to wash only the top bright layer, not to reach the white layer of the fruit (the white part of the peel will taste bitter). Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the apples and stir. The sour juice will help preserve the color. Lemon seeds should not get into the jam.

3. You can optionally add 1 teaspoon of Imeretian saffron to the lemon and orange zest, if available. Saffron will add brightness to the color of the jam, but you can do without it. Add the zest to the apples.

4. Peel all oranges, removing any white residue. Cut the pulp into pieces and place in apples. Add sugar to everything and mix. Leave the fruit in the sugar for several hours to release the juice. When the juice appears, you can start making jam.

5. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and leave until completely cool. Next, let the jam cook for the second time. Bring to a boil again and simmer for 3 minutes. Let cool.

6. Grind the cooled jam with a blender. It is acceptable for small pieces of fruit to remain in the jam. Let the jam cook in crushed form. Add a cinnamon stick to the puree, which will add a special aroma. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring, and cook for another 5 minutes. Take out the cinnamon stick, it has already given off its smell.

7. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. This delicacy will smell very tasty of orange and cinnamon. Enjoy your tea!

Apple jam with ginger in the microwave - a simple recipe

Ginger is added to this jam, which makes the taste of the usual jam not quite ordinary. This jam is cooked in the microwave.


  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • fresh ginger root - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.

How to make apple and ginger jam:

1. Wash and peel the apples. This recipe does not use the peel; it can be used to make compote. Cut the apples into small cubes or thin slices. Weigh it already chopped and take the same amount of sugar.

2. Peel the ginger and chop it finely and thinly. You can first cut it into thin slices with a vegetable peeler, and then chop them even more.

3.Add ginger to the apples, add sugar and mix.

4.Place the sugared apples in the microwave for 9 minutes. Set the power to 700 watts. There is no need to set the power to maximum so that the jam does not boil too much and splash. Remove the jam after the allotted time. The sugar should dissolve and the apples will float in the syrup.

5.Add cinnamon to the jam and stir. And microwave for another 9 minutes. Add citric acid to the finished jam, stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds. After this, the jam needs to be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. That's all.

Different varieties of apples can be boiled different time. Look at your apples - they should become transparent.

Thick apple jam: cooking secrets

There are some mistakes that housewives make when preparing jam. Because of these mistakes, the jam may burn and may not be thick enough. I’ll tell you how to cook delicious and thick apple jam.

It is important to choose the right apples for the jam. Take sour varieties (they have more pectin, which means the jam will thicken faster) - Antonovka, Semerenko, Granny Smith, Gloster. If you only have sweet apples, you will need to add something with a lot of pectin to them - quince, peaches, plums, citrus zest, pumpkin.


  • green sour apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 300 ml
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and peel the apples. Don't throw away the skins, they will come in handy. It is the peel that contains twice as much pectin as the apple pulp. Therefore, these peelings will be boiled together with the jam so that it thickens faster. Place the skins in gauze and tie them into a knot, leaving long tails of the gauze. You will then use these ends to remove the peel from the pan.

2. Cut the peeled apples into 4 parts and cut out the core. Weigh the peeled apples. For 1 kg of peeled apples, take 150 ml of water. Pour water into a stainless steel pan. Place it in the water at the bottom apple peeling, sprinkle apple quarters on top.

3.Place a saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil under closed lid. After boiling, turn the heat to medium and cook the apples for 15-20 minutes.

Do not fill the pan more than 3/4 full. Otherwise, foam will come out through the top.

4.Check the apples with a skewer - they should be soft. If this is the case, take out the cheesecloth with the peelings and wring it out of the pan. No more skins needed. Boiled apples need to be pureed. First, place them in a sieve to drain excess liquid. It does not need to be added to jam. Next, grind the apple pieces through a sieve or use an immersion blender.

5.You need to add sugar and lemon juice to the applesauce. For the perfect jam, take 600 grams of sugar per 1 kg of peeled apples. This amount will help the jam stand for a long time and not ferment, but at the same time the jam will not be cloying. Lemon juice will prevent the apples from becoming too dark. Stir the puree with sugar and juice.

6. To make the jam thick, you can simmer it over low heat. But this will happen for a very long time. To reduce the time by three times, you need to bake the jam! To do this, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pour applesauce and sugar onto a baking sheet and smooth out the layer. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 3 cm. The thinner it is, the faster the liquid will evaporate. The baking tray does not need to be covered or greased with anything.

7. When you put the jam in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, reduce the heat to 150 degrees and bake it for 1 hour. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and lids.

8.Check the readiness of the jam. It should decrease in volume by about half. Place some jam on a saucer and turn it over. If it doesn't fall (like ) then it's ready.

9.Hot jam should be quickly poured into hot sterilized jars. The jars are sterilized over steam for about 15 minutes until transparent. Therefore, 15 minutes before the jam is ready, put the jars to sterilize, 5 minutes before the jam is ready, boil the lids. The jam should be placed along the “marusin belt” - this is the place of the jar where it begins to narrow (the shoulders).

Don’t forget to rinse the ladle you will use to pour the jam in boiling water.

10. To prevent the jam from becoming moldy, sprinkle sugar on top. The sugar layer should be about 5-10 mm. This is the so-called sugar castle or sugar plug. Condensation from the lid will fall not onto the jam, but onto the sugar. And immediately roll up the hot lid, which you need to remove from the boiling water and shake off all the water. Turn the jar over and check that the lid is tight and there are no leaks.

11.Now the jam is ready. Once cooled, store it in a dark, dry place where it can be stored for up to 3 years. When the jam sits for a while, it will become even thicker, almost like marmalade. Use it as a filling for bagels, pies and just for tea.

I think from these 7 recipes you can choose a recipe that will become a favorite in your family. For recipes for other jams, see the section.

The apple season is coming to an end and we continue to stock up on vitamins for the winter.

I like apple jam in slices because you can eat it not only on its own, but also use these same slices in other dishes. For example for .

There are a lot of options for making apple jam; in this article I tried to choose ones that would simplify the cooking process as much as possible, but without losing taste.

Apple jam slices “amber”: recipe with photo

To begin with, I offer you a classic recipe for amber jam, which uses only apples and sugar.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg

That is, for every kilogram of apples, you need to take 1 kilogram of sugar. Decide for yourself how much jam you want to make.


Wash the apples well and wipe them thoroughly - we don't need any extra liquid.

Remove the core from the apples and cut them into slices.

If the apples are fresh with a thin peel, then peeling is not necessary. If it is dense and hard, then it is better to peel the apples

In this multi-layer design, the last thing to be added is sugar.

Cover the bowl with a lid or towel and leave it until the apples release their juice. This usually takes from 12 to 20 hours.

The fact that the apples are ready will be evident by the fact that the top layers of sugar will completely dissolve, and a lot of liquid will appear in the bowl.

Transfer the apples from the bowl to a deep saucepan. Add the juice and sugar from the bottom of the bowl there. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the future jam to a boil. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off and wait until the pan cools completely.

Then boil the jam again and cook it for 10 minutes. Turn off again and let the pan cool.

The third boiling will be the final one. When the jam boils, cook it for 5 to 30 minutes, depending on what color you want. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the jam.

Several rounds of boiling and boiling are necessary so that the apples have time to boil, but retain their shape, and the sugar does not darken and turn into caramel. If you want to boil everything in one go for 40-50 minutes, you will end up with an unattractive dark slurry.

Now the jam is ready and can be spread out. Fill the jars up to the shoulders, compacting them tightly but without damaging the slices.

Then we close the jars with lids and leave them to cool upside down. There is no need to cover the jars, otherwise the apple slices will boil and fall apart.

After cooling, store the jars in a cool, dark place.

Quick five-minute apple jam

The peculiarity of this recipe is that we do not wait for the apples to “release their juice” and the resulting syrup is suitable for making jam. We will prepare the syrup ourselves, which will save at least 12 hours.

But this speed will have to be paid for by the meticulous preparation of the fruit.

It’s no secret that the speed at which apples soak directly depends on the size of the slices into which you cut the apples. Classic recipe“Five-minute” generally means grating apples on a coarse grater.

But we need slices. So that's what we'll do.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water - 1 glass (250 ml)
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch


The better we prepare the apples, the better they will be soaked in syrup. Therefore, we not only remove the core of apples, but also peel them. After that, cut them into slices as thin as the sharpness of your knife allows.

Now let's start preparing the syrup. This is incredibly simple - pour one kilogram of sugar into one glass of water, put it on low heat and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Don't forget to stir periodically.

While making the syrup, pour salted water over the apple slices to prevent them from browning.

When the water boils and the sugar dissolves, add apples to the pan and boil them for just two minutes. Then turn off the stove and leave the jam to cool.

When it has cooled, take a sample - if the jam is too cloying and sweet, add a pinch of citric acid to it.

After the first cooling, turn the heat back on low and bring the jam to a boil again. After which you can immediately put it into sterilized jars.

Apple jam slices “amber with orange”

Let's start adding other ingredients to apple jam to delight ourselves with a variety of flavors.

First, add an orange to the apple jam.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Oranges – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg

This amount will make one liter jar of apple jam.


Peel the apples, cut out the core and cut into slices.

And we cut the oranges, take out the seeds and pass them through a meat grinder along with the peel.

After this, combine all the ingredients in one pan, put it on the fire and cook over low heat for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally.

For making jam best choice there will be enamel dishes (saucepan or basin)

When the jam is cooked, the apple slices should become transparent, and the syrup should flow heavily from a spoon (like honey).

Once you have reached this consistency, you can put the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Store cooled jars in a cool, dark place.

Transparent apple jam “amber with lemon”

Theoretically, apple jam with lemon can be prepared according to the same principle as with oranges. But I tried to select recipes, each of which has its own distinctive feature. In this option we will do without a meat grinder.


  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water


The first step is to prepare the syrup. Add 1 kg of sugar to 1 glass of water (250 ml) and bring the syrup over low heat until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved.

While the syrup is cooking, prepare the fruit.

Cut the lemon into small slices along with the peel.

Don't forget to remove the seeds from the lemon, otherwise the jam will taste bitter.

Place the lemon in the boiling syrup and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into small half-centimeter slices.

One and a half kilograms of apples should yield approximately 1 kilogram of apple slices.

Add apples to syrup and cook for another 5 minutes.

After this, turn off the heat and let the jam cool completely. Then turn the heat back on low, bring to a boil and cook the jam for another 30 minutes until thickened.

After this, you can either let it cool and put it in clean jars (without sterilization) for storage in the refrigerator (for 3-4 months), or put the still hot jam in sterilized jars and safely store it in the cellar for a whole year.

Long-term storage is ensured by the citric acid content in the jam, which acts as a preservative.

Apple jam slices from ranetki: video recipe

And here is a very interesting recipe for ranetki jam. The process is shown in great detail, so I recommend watching it. Moreover, the video lasts only 6 minutes.

Apple jam with cinnamon

Well, the last recipe, which completes the familiar methods of making apple jam in slices, is a recipe with the addition of cinnamon. Cinnamon complements the taste of apples very well, giving them a special aroma.

This recipe does not require long-term storage and can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month.


  • Apples – 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Water 50 ml
  • Cinnamon 1 stick


Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into small slices.

Place the apples in a deep saucepan, pour in 50 ml of cold water and add half of the prepared sugar. Mix everything well and put a cinnamon stick on top.

Place the pan over high heat and bring the syrup to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

Then turn off the heat and let the jam cool for one hour.

Then put the pan back on the fire, add the remaining sugar and cook over medium heat for another 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

During this time, the apples become transparent and the syrup becomes thick.

After the specified time, remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam to cool right in it. After cooling, the apple jam is ready for use.

Whatever you are not ready to eat right now, put it in jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. Do not put cinnamon sticks in jars.

As you can see, clear apple jam in slices can be prepared absolutely different ways: You can do it with preliminary sugaring, or you can do it without it. You can cook for 5 minutes so as not to lose the vitamins, or you can cook for an hour to get thick jam.

I hope I helped you decide what you need.

Thank you for your attention.