What does it mean to see in a dream? Principles of dream interpretation in the Chinese dream book


You should prepare thoroughly for bed: check if the door is locked. Entrance door whether the lights in the entire apartment are turned off - it is important that nothing distracts you from a healthy sleep. Feelings of anxiety and restlessness will not bring happy and colorful dreams into your life - only nightmares and chaotic confusion.

Ventilate your room - a light breeze will refresh and enrich the room with oxygen. If your room has air conditioning, then lower the temperature a couple of degrees, this is especially good for sleeping on a stuffy summer night. Air rich in oxygen allows the body to relax, and the brain to release the subconscious mind, which will draw amazing world dreams.

Pay attention to your sleeping area - the bed should be comfortable, the pillows fluffed. If you get cold at night, get a blanket or sleep in socks and pajamas. Feet must be warm - this will calm and relax the body. Sit back and concentrate on what you want to see in Morpheus's arms. Of course, conscious dreams They are not given to everyone and not immediately, but you can practice in any case. Nothing should stop you from seeing dreams.

Try to abstract yourself before going to bed from all problems and troubles, your consciousness should be clear and I dreams m. If you experience feelings of anxiety and melancholy, drink herbal infusions before bed that can normalize your sleep. In such cases, tincture of motherwort, hawthorn, tea with mint or lemon balm will be useful.

Try to go to bed early. Healthy sleep a person lasts about 7-8 hours. It is he who contributes to the vision of colorful dreams. Lack of sleep and stress lead to exhaustion nervous system, which can cause nightmares or, in extreme cases, no dreams at all.

Usually, dreams people often dream about them, but they often don’t remember them. There are several simple exercises that will help you remember your dream in the morning. Lie down with the intention of remembering the dream - even if most of the brain turns off, the subconscious mind works continuously. When you wake up, try changing your position without opening your eyes. Perhaps in this situation the memory of the dream has exhausted itself.

After another night of nightmares, do you feel exhausted and tired, but don't know what to do about bad dreams? It is a mistake to believe that people cannot influence their dreams in any way. With a little effort on your part, the nightmares will recede, making way for pleasant dreams.


In most cases, a person has what he thought about before going to bed. Therefore, it is not worth horror evenings and Stephen King for the night. An impressionable person may have a nightmare even after watching the news or reading a column in a newspaper talking about solved crimes.

Give up the habit of eating at night forever - it harms both your figure and your restful sleep. Try to have dinner at least three hours before going to bed. If you are hungry, drink a glass of kefir.

The place to sleep should be comfortable. The brain can interpret any unpleasant sensation in its own way, resulting in you dreaming bad dream. Spend your money and buy comfortable mattress and a pillow, natural linen. If you sleep in pajamas or a shirt, make sure that your clothes are not too tight anywhere.

If your head is filled with heavy thoughts before going to bed, it’s better to go for a walk in the fresh air or do monotonous work - cleaning, cooking, hand wash. Show concern for someone: water the flowers, play with the family, visit your child so that once again he Good night. After you have regained peace of mind, you can go to bed.

What a sleeping person sees in a dream directly depends on the smells that surround him. Therefore, be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed. Do not leave leftover food, dirty plates, or mugs with unfinished drinks. Dying plants should also be moved to another room. Buy yourself a bed linen spray that smells good to you. You can light it before bed aroma sticks or an aroma lamp and dream for ten to fifteen minutes, inhaling the pleasant smell. However, it is better to do this not in the bedroom, since the heavy aroma will also make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

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Everyone dreams healthy people, even babies and the blind. But many people don’t remember them at all, so it seems to them that they are deprived of the pleasure of seeing vivid dreams. In order for dreams to remain in your memory, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations.


Don't overwork yourself. Develop an optimal daily routine so you can do the most important things during the day. If you literally collapse from fatigue late at night, you have very little chance of remembering your dreams at night.

Before you go to bed, mentally set yourself that you will remember everything that you dream about. You will most likely fail the first or second time. But if you regularly continue to tune in to remembering dreams, sooner or later everything will work out. There are small nationalities and tribes that can not only remember dreams in great detail, but also control them. Experiments prove that any person can develop such abilities. And if managing your dreams is not part of your plans, then learning to remember them is within your power.

Vivid dreams come only to those who sleep with high intelligence. But this hypothesis was also refuted by scientists through studies conducted with various segments of the population. Intellectual level does not affect either the content of sleep or its type.

It is curious that colorful dreams appeared only with the advent of color cinema. This observation was based on a study of the dreams of people of different generations. And as it turned out, young people who watch color television from birth see vivid dreams much more often than people who were born during black and white cinema. However, there are those who doubt the reliability of this argument, arguing that older people simply receive an order of magnitude less emotions than active young people.

There is one interesting clarification: responsible for dreams that resemble reality right hemisphere brain, which is actively developed in “left-handers”, that is, it is believed that such people have dreams that are brighter and more realistic. Scientists say that if you want your dreams to become more memorable, you just need to develop your left hand.


We can confidently say that sleep is the “second life” of every sleeper, therefore, if you want your dreams to be more vivid, colorful and memorable, you must first saturate daily life similar emotions and impressions. Because a dream is just a reflection of what you see, feel and experience every day.

If you carefully interpret your dreams, you can look deep inside yourself. About desires that lie in the subconscious, about your state of mind and even about physical health you can find out from your own dreams.

I would also like to note that if you constantly have the same painful and black-and-white dreams, you may need to urgently change something in your life. real life.

The house is clean and quiet, your cat is fed, clean and ready to sleep. I wonder if she dreams? To find out, you need to watch her carefully.

Many people believe that cats sleep most of the day. This is not entirely true. More often they are in a state of dormancy. It allows small predators to rest and quickly respond to any incident. If the cat is really sleeping, its reactions are very slow.

If the cat lies in a relaxed position and with eyes closed, then this does not always mean that she is sleeping. Finding out her condition is quite simple. When dozing, her whiskers will tremble a little, and her ears will move in time with the surrounding sounds. If the sound is sharp and unexpected, when you instantly open your eyes.

There is also another verification method. All you have to do is put your hand on your pet. If he is dozing, you will hear a purr or a questioning “Mr-r-r.” In this case, the cat may not even open its eyes.

A sleeping cat will react differently to stimuli. To begin with, she will slowly wake up and stretch. Then he will either finally begin to stay awake, or, making sure that there is no danger, he will continue to sleep.

During good sleep cats can take incredible poses, bend unimaginably, spread their paws to the sides. Ear movement is also possible, but it will not be related in any way to surrounding sounds. The body of a domestic predator relaxes during sleep, it can meow, shudder, twitch its paws, and the pupils under the eyelids will move. These factors suggest that cats, like humans, enter the REM phase.

When the REM phase begins, the characteristics of brain activity change. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, blood pressure and body temperature rise. People dream during this phase, and cats, according to research, are no different from people in this regard. Yes, they are also capable of dreaming.

Some cats, when they dream about something scary, may jump, wake up and even run for cover. Some meow to someone in their sleep, others may move their paws as if they are running after someone.

Researchers have concluded that cats most often dream of hunting, anger, and fear. They can also be seen exploring the surrounding area or cleaning themselves up and washing themselves. There is also an opinion that a person’s favorite may see a plot with a very piquant overtone.

The owner needs to pay more often to how his pet behaves during sleep. If the cat constantly moves its paws, jumps up unexpectedly, or catches something, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. This behavior may be the result of a head injury or a fall from a height.

It is believed that the deceased mother and father visit the dreams of their children in order to help them, suggest, guide them. true path. Dreams in which a person hugs his now deceased parents are considered auspicious.

Seeing dead parents in a dream. Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller reports that deceased parents, seen in a warm and cozy environment, symbolize well-being. If you dreamed of a father or mother scolding a person in a dream, in reality this may mean disapproval on their part. Apparently the dreamer is doing something wrong. Talking to dead parents in a dream is a sign of help in reality.

Gustav Miller divides all dreams about deceased parents into two groups: the first group - dreams that arise when parents are alive, the second group - dreams that arise after their true death. In principle, Miller sees nothing wrong in both cases. On the contrary, dreams about deceased parents that arise with a living mother and father speak of their longevity.

Dead parents in a dream. Freud's Dream Book

Sigmund Freud calls such dreams symbols of human regrets about their missed opportunities, about any memories and about past successes. If the dreamer sees that his parents have died, while in reality they are healthy, this may indicate the dreamer’s subconscious desire for their death. Freud justifies such a cruel interpretation: apparently, the parents once prevented the dreamer from implementing his plans, for which he was very offended by them.

Dead parents in a dream. Dream book of the 21st century

According to these interpretations, seeing dead parents in a dream means wealth and happiness. If you dreamed about your father today, losses are coming in reality: the dreamer may lose his inheritance. Talking in a dream with a deceased father means a true understanding and rethinking of spiritual values. There is no need to argue in a dream with your parents, especially with your dad, as this can lead to a decline in business.

See in a dream deceased mother- to warn against rash actions in reality. Dead mothers most often come to their sons in dreams to dissuade them from some planned dubious actions that could backfire on them. In addition, a mother in a dream symbolizes changes for the better, but sometimes she can dream about a serious illness of the dreamer or before his own death.

Deceased parents. Dream book of the world

Interpreters of this dream book say that such dreams warn of impending danger. Need to be more careful with strangers. Talking with deceased parents in a dream means receiving some important news in reality. Swearing in a dream with your now deceased mother and father means missing them in reality. The dreamer apparently feels guilty before them. A bad dream is considered to be one in which the deceased parents extend their hand to the dreamer, calling him to follow them.

This dream is very symbolic. It is advisable to remember all its details. Your mood plays a big role here. If after waking up you are in high spirits, then this dream is a favorable sign. Dreams that leave a heavy, depressing aftertaste warn of future problems.

If you find a gold chain, then this is a good sign, which indicates that a favorable period in life awaits you.

In a dream, you see a gold chain around another person's neck. This dream suggests that you devote too much time to other people and are interested in the details of their intimate life.

Seeing a chain around your neck in a dream means commitment and loyalty to your life principles. In the near future, someone will turn to you for help. There will come a time when you can prove yourself.

Seeing a gold chain with a pendant in a dream

In such a dream, a pendant means a meeting with a person, mutual interest. For family people, a chain with a pendant is a symbol of fidelity and family relations. The quality, color and shape of the pendant can provide more detailed information. For example, if you dreamed of a huge pendant with a large bright stone, then this could mean endless devotion and harmony on the family front.

Seeing a gold chain with a cross in a dream

If you find a gold chain with a cross in a dream, then a wedding will soon take place in your family. The details of the dream will help you understand the details. If in a dream someone gives you a chain with a cross, then expect a pleasant acquaintance with a person who is very for a long time will play a significant role in your life. However, if the cross is too big, then most often this dream can foreshadow a bad streak in your life and big problems. You will become a hostage to the current situation and will not be able to influence the outcome of future events in any way.

It tore in a dream

The chain symbolizes life path, so if it tears in a dream, then this could mean health problems. If in a dream a chain breaks and a pendant falls from it, then you should pay attention to the physical well-being of people close to you. Also, such a dream can signify the collapse of all plans and hopes, especially if the chain breaks and a cross falls from it.

In a dream you were given a gold chain

Such a dream indicates that the person who is next to you is ready to open his heart to you and treats you with great sympathy.

Buying a gold chain in a dream

This dream symbolizes the collapse of all plans and hopes. You set simply unrealistic goals for yourself, so, unfortunately, they simply cannot be realized in reality. You are deceiving yourself. It is worth understanding yourself and reconsidering your plans for the future.

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Dreams are often very symbolic. Gaining something in a dream can portend good things, while losing something can mean the opposite. Little things and circumstances of a dream can directly or symbolically indicate what is happening or the future course of events. If you don’t miss them, you can notice those that portend good luck and prosperity.


A discovery in a dream is in most cases a good sign, often denoting the fulfillment of desires.

Finding a bag of money in a dream is clear luck and enrichment in the near future, and this will be a win or simply fortunate circumstances. If the bag is empty, but beautiful, then you have hard work ahead of you, and you will be pleased with the result. A full bag of garbage promises prosperity in the near future.

Finding money in a dream means prosperity in business. Most likely, there will be some unexpected lucrative offer that will bring good profits. Or there is already an offer, you just need to decide to take advantage of it, and the result will not be long in coming. Especially if you find or exchange small ones for large ones.

A bunch of keys found in a dream symbolizes the opening of some doors. Most often this good sign. Doors to new opportunities or new knowledge will open. Also, a bunch of keys can mean a place of honor, advancement career ladder. Problems that have not been solved before will be solved, as if a key will be found for them.

Announcing your find to everyone in a dream is one of hidden luck. Usually this foreshadows the receipt of some important, valuable information necessary for the successful conduct of business.

Symbols of nature.

Beautiful wildlife in a dream symbolizes enlightenment and renewal. Man is created by nature, and seeing it in a dream means being fed by its energy and its strength.

Walking in a dream beautiful gardens means that the circumstances around have already developed as needed, and soon everything will change for the better, especially if the gardens are blooming or with fruits and berries.

Bright and fresh flowers in a dream, a wild meadow or a well-groomed flowerbed foreshadow many pleasant meetings. Interesting, emotion-filled events, pleasures and acquisitions are possible.

Pure transparent spring water always carried positive energy. It is associated with cleansing, rejuvenation, and primordiality.

It’s not for nothing that in many dream books the symbol clean water in a dream is a good sign, and if a person sees himself bathing in a spring, good luck in business will certainly await him. Any vessel with clean water portends wealth and prosperity in the near future.

Other symbols.

Many other little things seen in a dream can also portend good luck.

A pile of garbage or manure in a dream is always a harbinger of easy money, and fresh bread or chocolate promises a solution to everyday problems.

Those sitting on the ground are one of the symbols of good luck, great luck. To see a wife in a dream can mean enrichment in the near future.

Dreams can be bright and joyful, anxious, scary and confusing. To decipher them, you need to try to remember the most significant moments. It is in them that we need to look for the solution. But what does a dream within a dream mean? It turns out that the dream coincides with reality?

A dream within a dream: what the dream book says

Different dream books interpret such dreams in their own way. For example, the esoteric says that this means our readiness to “order” dreams. To get information, you need to ask a question to your subconscious in the evening. It will show you what interests you.

If you go to bed in a dream, then the famous dream book Maya predicts that you will soon meet your soulmate. Whether this will be your destiny or just a romance, it’s impossible to say for sure. Expect love adventures.

For anyone lucky enough to fall asleep in a dream, Lof's popular dream book promises relief. It is likely that something has been bothering you greatly. Lately. Now the anxiety will go away and the situation will be resolved.

But to sleep in a dream for a long time and soundly - bad sign. Some troubles await you, a serious illness is possible. So you should at least pay attention to your health.

Does it matter where exactly you fall asleep in a dream?

Yes, it has. If you were relaxing in the fresh air, then soon you will have a business trip, a business trip or some kind of travel.

It is not very good to see your dream in a dream on a dirty floor, which means some squabbles, troubles with family or loved ones. You are trying to find support from a loved one, but he may not live up to your expectations and let you down at a difficult moment.

Sleeping with someone in a dream: what does it mean?

Often in such dreams there is someone else present. How to interpret such a dream within a dream, how to understand what a man in your bed means? If you were lying in bed with your loved one, then it is unlikely that you will expect decisive action from him in the near future. Your relationship will remain uncertain. Take the initiative into your own hands if you want some kind of resolution.

Sometimes dead people are present in such dreams, which instills horror in people. Don't worry - this is a good sign. You will live happily ever after. At least now your health is fine and you have nothing to fear.

Seeing a sleeping person in a dream

If you dreamed of a child snoring peacefully, this is a good sign. A cloudless future awaits you, and all problems will soon be solved by themselves. If you see that someone is sleeping restlessly, then some not very pleasant changes may soon occur in your life.

Are you having nightmares?

People often complain: I have the same dream within a dream - I just can’t wake up. This is a sign from your subconscious - the situation is getting out of control and you are not trying or cannot yet change it. Don’t let things take their course - you need to urgently start taking action.

Some dream books interpret this as illness and problems, others warn that you are missing out on some very profitable opportunities. And Freud said that such a dream indicates that either the person has driven himself into strict limits, or someone is putting pressure on him. Therefore, you need to try to win your freedom of feelings so as not to feel the burden of problems.

Why do all dream books have different interpretations?

The dreams of even one person are different from each other: they can be sweet and nightmare, rosy and calm. In his dreams, he can escape from pursuit or meet with dear person. Accordingly, a person can smile at the content of visions or wake up in a cold sweat. Therefore, the statement that a dream is a kind of transition to another reality is completely justified. Surely you have heard about prophetic dreams that predict a person’s distant or near future. By correctly navigating the dream book, you can easily find out right now what your day will be like tomorrow.

If you are not satisfied with the meaning in one dream book or it does not answer the question you are interested in, do not be upset. Look at the interpretation of your dream in another. There are many different dream books on our website. Each of them has its own focus. Analyze your dream, try to remember all the most important points. It's possible that you simply haven't found the clue.

Many people have seen the famous Hollywood film about dream travel and dreams within dreams. Many people can sleep in their sleep. From the point of view of most dream books, this is a warning of danger.

This phenomenon must be analyzed from not only a scientific, but also an esoteric point of view. Some people never have such dreams or only see them once in their entire lives. We need to know what our body and our soul are telling us, because this may be some kind of sign of fate.

Seeing yourself sleeping - what does it mean?

Many experts explain this by the fact that you know how to leave your body and see yourself from the outside. From an esoteric point of view, this means that your soul is as light as a feather, and you know how to control it. Scientists have a slightly different opinion, because they see quirks in everything inner world person. They say that seeing yourself sleeping in a dream is a deep desire to become someone else, to try something new in life. Perhaps you need to change your kind of reality, because, quite possibly, you are tired of everything around you.

Popular observations and dream books suggest that such a dream is an indicator of your reluctance to change. You are afraid of them, you don’t want to accept them. When you see yourself in a dream, it symbolizes the approach of change, not just your fear.

Sleep in a dream

When you are asleep in a dream or woke up in a dream, it is a sign that you need to be careful. You may miss some opportunity, be late somewhere. This is a symbol of an accident that may happen and not make you happy. Something unusual is coming.

Freud said that such a dream, from a psychological point of view, means a certain confusion in oneself, and also shows that your mental capabilities are expanded. You want change, change.

Seeing a dream in a dream

This is an incredibly rare case. You sleep, but you see a dream within a dream, and then you wake up first in the dream, and then you can wake up in real life. There is practically no information in esotericism about such a phenomenon, so many experts in the field of magic and bioenergy say that this is a disaster.

If this interpretation does not suit you, then try to trust the opinion of Freud, who argued that multi-stage sleep is a sign high intelligence, your brain has a lot of power.

Seeing someone else's dream in a dream

When someone is sleeping in a dream, and you see it, this person most likely needs your help, your patronage, support. It is quite possible that he will need this support in the near future.

WITH psychological point In terms of vision, seeing another person sleeping means that you very much want to achieve something. This is the case when you see an enemy. If in a dream you see someone sleeping close person or friend, then this shows your subconscious desire to strongly protect him or her.

Despite the fact that such dreams are very rare for people, they are not always dangerous. One way or another, you shouldn’t think that there’s something wrong with you. This is not entirely common, but it can speak of many positive things or upcoming changes. Happy dreams, success, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

Why might one dream of seeing oneself in a dream? In general, every person sometimes wants to look at what is happening from the outside. And especially for yourself, because this can help solve many problems, or at least understand in which direction to work next. And it happens that a person can see yourself from the outside in a dream, so what does this dream mean? Our dream book will easily answer this question.

This dream indicates inner desire stand out, no matter how, perhaps with the help of your appearance, which you use as a trump card.

If in a dream you not only saw yourself from the outside, but also heard a voice or saw interaction with other people, then pay the closest attention to these details.

If it seemed to you that you behaved too provocatively and ambitiously, then it’s time to think about changing your image.

Your friends and acquaintances consider you too arrogant.

If this is not the reputation you wanted, try to change yourself, behavior and manners. Did you happen to in a dream, see yourself from the outside and hear your voice?

A rather rare dream, it portends the receipt of some gift or pleasant news. But if it seems to you that your voice is smoky or has a cold, then in reality someone will greatly distort your words.

The situation requires your intervention, look around, pay attention to your friends and loved ones. Someone wants to deceive you, your plans may collapse because you trust.

Check all your loved ones, there is no need to conduct some kind of espionage, but it is necessary to correlate their words with their actions.

Good dream - see yourself sleeping next to your friend, this person will not leave you in any trouble and certainly will not be able to betray you.

Pay attention: what is this person doing next to you? If he sleeps the same way, then most likely you together can become a victim of deception. Be careful. If a loved one reads or drinks tea, then your relationship or friendship may soon collapse for the most stupid reasons or a banal misunderstanding.

A very bad dream. It portends great losses, devastation, hypocrisy and subsequently long-term depression. The more beautiful and expensive the dress, the worse everything will be in real life.

Deception awaits you, it will be almost impossible to achieve the truth, and this will be the beginning of a whole series of failures.

If you are with a man, then expect deception from the outside young man or a close friend. Listen less and check the real state of affairs more often.

If in a dream you had to see from the outside, then in reality expect gossip that will really appear out of nowhere. It will take a long time to solve the problems, but, nevertheless, everything will end very well.

What does it mean to see yourself driving a car?

Everything that happens now should be under your complete control. All financial operations, household chores, worries and worries of loved ones.

It is now necessary to take the reins of power into our own hands. Lead, but remember that not everything can be controlled.

Calculate any situation, especially paying attention to the little things. You are considered the most worthy person to decide everything now. Don't let your loved ones down. Responsibility for everything that happens lies entirely with you.

You will have to endure too much during this time; the dream warns you that everyone around will consider you guilty of all mortal sins, although you will really become a victim of the situation.

There is only one way to avoid this - try to avoid ambiguous situations, cases that may fail, and you may be found guilty.

If from the outside in a dream you saw yourself dirty V, then in reality you will be interfered with in some not entirely legal matter, your hands will be dirty, and you will not be able to wash them.

With your actions, albeit accidentally, you will ruin the life of more than one person. If you want to avoid such a dishonest situation, then before taking on any business, study it carefully and find out all the details.

You must be sure that everything is legal and you will not ruin anyone's life. Too much depends on you now.

The dream book warns you: stay away from all dubious matters and people who can deceive you.

Interpreted by all dream books as betrayal and shame, perhaps some of your secrets will soon become known to everyone, and therefore you will not be able to trust people for a long time.

I dreamed of seeing myself from the outside pregnant in? Because someone will spread vile gossip about you, you will have to endure the judgment of others. You will be disgraced and convicted in absentia.

It will take a very long time to cleanse yourself of lies, because not all people can accept the truth. Sometimes it's easier to believe cleverly crafted gossip.

Miller interpreted such dreams as an opportunity to obtain the necessary information. If you managed to look at yourself from the outside, even in a dream, then you can rest assured: what you want will be yours.

Mr. Miller also admitted that such a dream would help the dreamer in the future: by seeing yourself from the outside, you can understand what mistakes and shortcomings in yourself can be corrected.

But Miller warned: see– to illness, anxiety and betrayal even of those closest and dearest.

This dream is interpreted as the possible death of your reputation, self-confidence and relationships with those closest to you. This is how a dream in which you saw yourself from the outside is interpreted, according to Miller’s dream book.

The dream in which you had to see yourself from the outside is not always good; it may seem strange or incomprehensible.

Indeed, this dream requires detailed analysis, because it can warn about problems and even suggest solutions. We have explained all the most famous variations of this dream. Be prepared for anything and have good dreams.

A dream within a dream is very interesting. What does it mean, dream books tell. Different sources interpret this dream differently.

American dream book

If a person sees himself sleeping in a dream, then most likely this means that he is traveling in the subtle worlds and sees his body from the outside. This dream can also be deciphered as a strong reluctance and resistance to change. It can lead to stagnation. What does it mean to see a dream in a dream? This gives us the right to say that a person sees lucid dreams.

Idiomatic dream book

If a person dreams that he went to bed in a dream, then in reality he wants to step away from business. Waking up in a dream is an awakening to a new life. Sleeping soundly means unconsciousness.

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If a person dreams that he is sleeping, this indicates that he needs a pause, respite or respite in making some important decisions or in overcoming difficulties. Such dreams are not so rare.

Small dream book of Veles

A dream in a dream is an unkind sign. The sleeper may go crazy. Sleeping in a dream means various obstacles in business, illness and laziness. Doing this while standing means immediate disaster. Sleeping on the grass means a joyful and carefree life.

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As a rule, when a person sees himself sleeping, this is a harbinger of a protracted illness, which can even result in disability or a serious complication.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A dream in which a person sees himself sleeping, or he has a dream, may foreshadow his death. It can also mean that the dreamer must wake up some positive sides your personality (faith, conscience, etc.).

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When a person sees a dream in which he is sleeping or about to go to bed, this is a sign of his inattention and inaction. If in a dream the atmosphere is heavy and bad, then in reality you should expect troubles. However, if a person is going to bed at in a great mood, in real life he needs to forget about some painful problems and troubles. Most likely, they will resolve themselves, or in the future the sleeper himself will find a way to do this.

Modern dream book

When a person in a dream sees that he is sleeping and at the same time he has a dream, this means that in reality he is two-faced in relation to very to a good person and doubts the correctness of his actions. If someone tells a dreamer about his dream, his relatives will have troubles and will ask for help. Seeing a nightmare means a happy resolution to a very difficult situation. Colorful and good dream- to disappointment.

Dream interpreter from A to Z

A dream in which a person after have a hard day dozed off in a cozy soft chair, is a harbinger of betrayal by a loved one precisely at the moment when the sleeper’s trust in him is almost limitless.

Esoteric dream book: dream in a dream - what does it mean?

If a person realizes that he is seeing another dream in a dream, he needs to try to fix this state. In the future, he may learn to order dreams for himself. Such dreams mean that a person is inclined to work with dreams and receive information from the subtle world in this way.

Chinese dream book - interpretation of dreams with search

All typical dream books clearly interpret images and situations in dreams. Such dream books are very simple. Interpretations of this dream book are psychophysiological in nature and proceed from the fact that dreams, with the help of images and symbols, report what is happening in a person’s life.

Principles of dream interpretation in the Chinese dream book

Since the dream book cannot cover the entire variety of human stories, we offer an interpretation of the 10 most popular dreams that every person has had at least once in their life. An interpretation is given by Western scientist physiologist Naris Di and Chinese psychotherapist Zhang Hong.

Interpretation of the ten most popular dreams in the Chinese dream book

So do dreams have a connection with real life? American physiologist Narys Dee analyzed the 10 most popular dreams and gave them an interpretation.1.

Often, having fallen asleep, we dream that we are falling down, and during the fall, as if we are hanging in the air. Experts believe that this is how we fall asleep, which means that this is not a dream at all, but just a physical reaction of the body, and we mistake the reaction of the brain for sleep.

When we fall asleep, especially when we fall asleep quickly, the eyeball begins to rotate rapidly. The limbs become cottony. Science explains it as a muscle spasm. In real life, this phenomenon also has its manifestation: when we go down a steep mountain, we experience a similar sensation. And, upon waking up, our subconscious interprets such a physical reaction as a dream.

It is easy to understand that this dream means that we are afraid to face difficulties or have already involuntarily encountered them.

When you dream that someone is chasing you and you cannot run, this is actually a manifestation of another type of natural reaction of the brain. This dream occurs especially often during the period of rapid falling asleep. At this time, the body is truly paralyzed, and in the subconscious you feel helpless and as if you cannot run.

Sometimes chasing can be seen as your hostility towards someone or as hostility towards you. And only when you understand where this hostility comes from, you will not be tormented by such nightmares at night.

This is one of the most common dreams. Many people have had such a dream during the period of growth of the body. Dee himself had this dream at least 10 times as a child and, upon waking up, experienced pleasant sensations each time. There are two explanations for this. First: during sleep, the soul leaves our body, and therefore, when we wake up, we seem to return to reality. The second explanation is more scientific: Darwin already mentioned the reaction of this dream in his work “ Genetic memory”, since he believed that our ancestors were birds. And, of course, the person who sees this dream cannot be sad. Dee explains it this way: this dream means that the person has hope and strength to solve his personal problems.

Tooth loss

If we see our teeth falling out in a dream, this is actually a very good omen. This means that our lives will soon change for the better.

Why does this dream mean some changes? In fact, everything is very simple; when teeth fall out on their own, it is usually baby teeth that fall out, that is, in real life this indicates changes that occur from childhood until adulthood. Therefore, this dream means that you are an adult, mature person and that you can take on even greater responsibilities.

Cheating on or cheating on a loved one

If you are married or you simply have a loved one, then you may have a dream about how he cheats on you or how you deliberately cheat on him. This means that you constantly suspect him of this, or you yourself have already cheated on him.

It is curious that if your loved one has the same dream, it means that his feelings for you are insincere, and perhaps your relationship has long been at a dead end or is in doubt.

To make love

Often young guys have such a dream, but even at the age of 50-60, men can have this dream again. This suggests that if sexual intercourse is pleasant in a dream, it means that the relationship with your beloved person is just beginning to develop. If in a dream you watch someone's sexual intercourse, then this means that you are very happy with your loved one, but your relationship is nearing completion, and nothing and no one can help them.

It is curious that if in a dream you make love with a blood relative, then in the future you will face a fall through the ranks or economic losses.


When you dream of a car accident, a train derailing, a plane crash, a ship sinking or another disaster, then you should be more careful, as this is a harbinger that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation when driving a car or boating .

If you dream that an accident happened not to you, but to someone, this means that this person is being dishonest towards you. Conversely, if you dream that a person has died, this means that his friendship is sincere.

Meeting with an old friend

This dream often occurs when Last year or two significant changes occur in your life. In your subconscious, you hope to see familiar places or old friends, but you also know that this is impossible.

There is such an example: you may dream of an old childhood friend, and this will mean that you want to forget about the troubles that are happening in your life, you want to find a real, sincere friend, like you had in childhood.

Regardless of whether you dream of a calm lake, a small stream, a stormy river, a calm sea, seeing water in a dream always means everything that is most valuable in life, it is like holy baptism and resurrection.

When difficulties arise in your life, you may dream that you are drowning; water in the lake means that you need to move to a calmer pace of life, calm as the water in the lake. If you dream of a flood or a stormy river, then this means that you are in difficult situation, in which nothing depends on you.

Scary snake

Suddenly one day you had a dream that a huge snake was wrapping around you, but you did not feel the least bit of fear, on the contrary, you confidently and calmly took the situation into your own hands.
According to Freud's theory, the snake is a symbol of the worship of the genital organs, but Naris Dee said even earlier that this is a manifestation of the strength of spirit, character, and morality of a person.

If in a dream a snake stands in front of you and tries to attack you, then this means that you are surrounded by deceitful, cunning and envious people. If you dream of a huge, clumsy snake, then this is a sign of acquiring new knowledge.

Alternative interpretation of the 10 most popular dreams in the Chinese dream book


“I dream that one of my school friends is running as fast as she can across the field. I run after her, calling her name. I climbed a high mountain, but she never saw me. In a hurry, I look for her everywhere. Suddenly she was behind me and began to push me down the mountain. After that I woke up in fear.”

This dream symbolizes anxiety, helplessness, worry, and panic.

“I dream that I am returning home from work late at night, when suddenly I come across a fight; the people who were fighting, it seems, also saw me, and unexpectedly for me they stopped fighting and began to approach me. I felt that they wanted to kill me. And then I began to run away, but my legs did not obey me. After that, I woke up in fear.”

This dream is a harbinger of a tense state and internal contradictions.

“I had a dream several times that I had an extraordinary ability - the ability to fly. Each time I climb higher and higher through the air. And when I can no longer rise up, I fall. There is a feeling that I am in some other world, in which I am a sorceress.”

This dream suggests that someone is in the process of physical growth. Flying in a dream means discovering some abilities in yourself. At the same time, this means that a person is in a stage of physical development.

Tooth loss

“My tooth is loose, I’m trying to hold it with my fingers. But who would have thought that it would fall out…..”.

When you dream of teeth falling out, it means “loss of face,” unnecessary chatter, and disrespect for elders.

Go to the toilet

“As a child, I often had a dream that I was in a very dirty public toilet. There is no strength in the legs, it is very difficult to squat. There is feces all over the floor. Suddenly I fall into a dung pit.”

“I dreamed that a huge boa constrictor was wrapped around me.”

The snake symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and the culture of sex. This dream suggests that your mother is very strict with you and has a huge impact on your sex education.

“Those two days the feeling of imminent death did not leave me. My friend took me to all the hospitals. The results of the medical examination showed that by 9 o’clock in the next day I would no longer be alive. I couldn’t hold back my tears when I suddenly woke up.”

In fact, this is not real death at all. This dream is a harbinger of loss of vitality, vital energy.

“I dreamed of someone’s garden in which very beautiful flowers grew. I enter this garden and want to pick one flower. Suddenly a man dressed all in black blocks my way. I angrily tell him: “What do you care? This is not yours personal garden" The man stands his ground and then we start fighting.”

A fight symbolizes various conflicts.

Take the wrong bus number

“I dream that I am going to go to my friend. I'm getting on the bus. And after a while the conductor tells me that the stop is final. I look out the window, everything is unfamiliar…..”

This dreams of problems on a trip. Warns that you should not travel anywhere in the near future.

“I dream about a restaurant. There are a huge number of people close to me in the restaurant. I understand that I am a bride, only the groom is not next to me. I try to find out from everyone where he is, but everyone doesn’t seem to notice me. I go to the exit, a taxi pulls up. I get into a taxi and leave.”

A wedding is dreamed of as a sign of breaking a contract, termination of cooperation, etc.

Why do you have a dream within a dream?

A dream in which you see horrible dream and wake up, live all day ordinary life and suddenly strange events begin to happen. At the end, do you wake up again and realize that you had a dream within a dream?

A dream within a dream - what is it for?

If you see yourself going to bed, it means deception.

Seeing yourself sleeping is a surprise

“dream about sleep” is an emergency signal that the body is tired! Need a break and rest from everything! try to get away from the hustle and bustle for a couple of days and just relax.

Sleep at least 10-12 hours! in a quiet, well-ventilated room! In any weather, open the window before going to bed for at least 5-10 minutes so that you can come in. Fresh air

. This is very good for a restful sleep!

What does sleep mean?

I walk through the house, there are passage rooms, in short, I walk into the room, everything there is white. I move on to the next one - everything is black there. And so in order the whole dream

Oljga bashkirceva
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http://www.astroguide.ru/list.php/8/ +lucid dreams
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House, housing (according to Miller’s dream book) - If you dream that you are building a house, then in real life your undertakings are reasonable and will bring tangible results. If you dreamed that you had a beautiful, rich house, then this predicts that life will take a favorable turn, and perhaps you will improve your living conditions. Old and dilapidated houses, on the contrary, foreshadow failures and deteriorating health.
Room (according to Miller’s dream book) - A dream in which you are in a richly furnished room promises great financial success associated with winning or an unexpected inheritance. For a young woman, such a dream promises a rich husband. However, if the room is poorly furnished, then in marriage she will have to constantly save.
White, White color(according to Miller’s dream book) - Seeing yourself and others dressed in white in a dream means sadness. Walking with a person dressed in white in a dream means that person is ill. However, if this is a young woman or a child, then in life you will only be surrounded by pleasant people. If in a dream a woman sees white stockings on her legs, then such a dream is a warning. She is threatened by sad disappointments or illness. Seeing a snow-white bed in a dream means a successful outcome of your endeavors. If a kind white dog approaches you, a tempting offer awaits you, whether in business or in love. For a woman, this is a sign of imminent marriage. Riding a beautiful white horse is a good sign that predicts joys associated with people close to you. If the horse is thin and dirty, beware of betrayal by envious people. Seeing a snow-white cat in a dream means troubles that you may not initially pay attention to, but which will later turn out to be much more serious. If a woman dreams of a beautiful white kitten, then she needs to be careful, as her enemies will try to trick her into cunningly placed nets; she should rely on intuition and common sense. Polar bear - a warning about possible deception. You risk being deceived by wishful thinking. However, if you see the skin of a polar bear, then you will be able to defeat all your enemies. Seeing a white bull in a dream means that you will rise to a higher level than those who follow fashion without hesitation. Such a dream always means profit. A dream in which you see white swans swimming peacefully is very favorable, as it promises prosperity and well-being. It is also good if you dreamed of a white donkey, as it promises you long-term success, which will allow you to achieve the pleasures and knowledge that your heart strives for. For a woman, such a dream promises entry into a society into which she has long and persistently strived to get into. Snow-white hair means that fate will be favorable to you. If in a dream you admire your even white teeth, then this is a sign of satisfaction with what you have achieved. White flowers mean sadness. If in a dream you cut white chrysanthemums, then in reality you cannot avoid losses and disappointments. White roses portend a serious illness. However, if you see them on a sunny morning with drops of dew that have not yet dried, then you have nothing to fear. If you dreamed that you received a letter written on black paper with white ink, then only the support of friends will save you from bitter disappointments.
Black color (according to Morozova’s dream book) - Things are black, everything in black light is a sign of sadness, grief, bad luck. put on black dress- to mourning.