Dear forum users, good day!
I would like, with the help of the forum, to understand some points that periodically bother me. I would be grateful for your help in finding answers. This is not my first topic; I see huge progress in my emotional state and life in general, but there are some points that still cause discomfort.
My requests to the forum:
1. How to understand what I am (my character) and what I want? It may sound strange, but very often I cannot determine what I want, what my opinion is on this or that matter (this leads to anger at myself).
2. The second follows from the first question: what to do with the feeling that you are not like everyone else? (in a bad way), that is, a feeling as if something is wrong with me. A rather difficult feeling, similar to the fear of being rejected, is possible. That is, the feeling that everything is on topic, but you are not. I often don’t understand what people are talking about, which makes me react slowly; in general, it’s quite difficult to describe, but it can be noticeable from the outside and is felt well by me.
3. Is it possible to become a calmer/peaceful person through willpower? Probably, the question is again related to the first one, since I would like to understand my character. And I can sometimes behave (and feel) diametrically opposite and I don’t know how normal this is. Usually, by looking at people, one can well describe and predict behavior, reaction, character. But for some reason I remain incomprehensible to myself. For example, it’s very easy for me to get used to the role. This is the opinion of others, not mine (this opinion is very large quantity people, I’m voicing their words, not my opinion) - many say that I have acting talent, they often ask why I didn’t go to the theater. Transformation and play are very easy. Many people around me are surprised to see me on stage, they say that they didn’t know that I could be like that. It’s always been like this; I’ve heard it from everyone since childhood. I guess I always hold back a lot of things. But this confuses me even more.
I would like to value and accept myself more, although this desire probably sounds rather abstract.
Probably the main thing is how to hear your desires, needs and be confident that I am OK, and not in constant fear of receiving a negative reaction from the outside. Because the reaction from the outside, telling me that I am not completely OK, drowns me for some (sometimes long) time (a strong feeling of rejection, I want to hide from everyone, that I seem to be contagious and not acceptable, wastes resources and time).
Sometimes I stress myself out too much when the situation is not worth it, I reflect too much and don’t know how to get rid of it. I compare myself with others and the comparison is most often not in my favor; I try to adopt certain manners of communication and behavior from those who are nice, but for some reason they don’t stick. And without them, it’s as if she’s naked, unprotected.
Because of such an insecure state, there is a fear of having children, that is, a feeling as if there is no fulcrum on which one could rely in oneself and feel it constantly.
When I watch/hear stories about children - how harmful, self-confident, unfriendly they are - and I’m scared that my child is unlikely to be so strong and strong-willed, narcissistic, arrogant, and confident. And this fear that he might be offended and that he will feel morally bad, lonely, and damaged - simply discourages him from having children. This is probably something of mine, but very powerful.