Seeing a former colleague in a dream. Other common interpretations when you dream with your partner in other situations

“Colleague” is a concept that most often appears in the circles of scientists, teachers, doctors, etc. In general, be that as it may, we associate it with joint work, because we spend a very significant part of our lives at work.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that thoughts about it are present in our minds even during rest. The same applies to dreams in which we see work and our colleagues. Therefore, the topic of today’s article is: why do we dream about a work colleague?

Often, when a colleague has a dream, the dream book interprets such a dream as changes on the personal front. That is, literally, a person who was previously lonely will meet someone with whom he wants to spend time together. Depending on who saw this dream - a man or a woman - its interpretation may be slightly different. But overall the main meaning remains the same.

So, for a woman, a work colleague can promise both light flirting, a fleeting romance, and a meeting with a real man, a protector and support in life. Why do male representatives have such a dream? In this case, the dream book predicts a meeting with a future life partner. She will become a real housewife, the keeper of comfort and family hearth, as well as a support in life.

If you dreamed of not an ex, but a real colleague who did not commit any actions towards you, most likely he has some plans for how to advance in his career. It is possible that you are standing in his way, and his plans include moving you. Be careful and don't let them come true.

Why does a man, a work colleague, dream about you? This dream prophesies a new love relationship. If you are a woman who has had such a dream, know: this does not mean at all that the relationship will develop with the colleague you dreamed about. It’s just that your new chosen one will be very similar to him in terms of character traits, habits or interests.

Have you seen some not-so-pleasant things happen to a colleague? The dream book explains this as dissatisfaction with one’s job or salary. Or maybe you are annoyed by not entirely adequate management, or maybe all of the above together. In any case, you are very tired, and you should take the following measures:

  • Fulfill your responsibilities without taking on extra work.
  • Do not take harsh statements from your boss to heart.
  • Do not think about work on weekends, but, if possible, take a vacation and relax.

A female colleague most often dreams of gossip and empty talk at work. This does not mean at all that you will become the main character of this gossip - most likely, you will participate in it. The dream book advises to avoid such gossip and not to engage in it.

Strange dreams

It is also interesting to know what a female colleague dreams about. If in reality she is not pregnant, then this dream may predict pregnancy for her. Or this dream suggests that you can safely trust her and conduct business together. She will never deceive you or set you up.

In addition, a pregnant co-worker in a dream promises quick profit, especially if she looked beautiful and happy. In general, a dream in which a pregnant employee appears is positive and does not bode well.

A dream in which there was a new male employee whom you have not met before is considered good. The dream book promises good news and surprises. Moreover, they must come from the dreamer. Do not be stingy with positive emotions and good deeds, and people will definitely repay you in kind.

Now let's find out what a former colleague may dream about, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. This dream prophesies you a promotion, a promotion, an increase in salary. To do this, a man will have to draw conclusions from old mistakes, let go of the past, and success will not be long in coming. Representatives of the fairer sex will have to work a little for this.

Also, a former colleague in a dream may be a sign that you need to remember old skills and experience. They will now be useful to you to achieve success in your service and advance your career.

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), about prophetic dreams narrated by the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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Why do you dream about an employee, boss, his secretary or driver? If you regularly have dreams involving colleagues, and the employee with whom you are constantly near in reality haunts you even when you close your eyes, then maybe you should take a vacation and rest? Or move to another place in the office?

What if you dream about an employee?

If you focus specifically on the area of ​​dream interpretation, then you need to remember what situation does the dream show? If in a dream an employee argues and does not obey, constantly contradicts, then soon you should expect unfair insult or humiliation. If the employee is a careerist and unpleasant in life, then an important order will be completed on time. In a dream, an employee appears to be someone who is yet to become a work colleague, then such a dream has nothing to do with work, but means that it is time to give a gift to a friend. Did you dream about a colleague in an unusual situation? Expect troubles from close friends.

The probability that “a dream is in your hand” also depends on when the dream occurred. For example, why do you dream about an employee in the morning if you already woke up at night, you shouldn’t think about it. The dream is empty. The fulfillment of the dream also depends on what day lunar month he dreamed.

Modern man spends most of his time at work. Colleagues sometimes become just a second family. It also happens that they go to work as if they were going to hard labor. It is curious, but if in a dream you dream of a warm relationship and friendship with an employee who poisons your life in reality, then it is not that employee who is to blame for the conflict, but the one who had the dream. The indecisiveness and weak character of the “owner” of the dream are to blame for such dreams. If you dream of an employee helping in difficult situations in reality, then you should be wary. Such a dream foreshadows an imminent conflict.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream of an employee performing some kind of destructive action? For example, dishes break in an employee’s hands, papers fall apart when they appear, office equipment breaks.

This subconscious indicates that after a while problems arise in business, and one’s own competence to solve them may not be enough. Having listened to such a dream, you can “lay out straws” in advance.

Although this can only mean that the employee in reality does not fulfill her duties at all, and the dream reflects reality.

Dreams cannot be ignored; the subconscious mind works during sleep. A dream helps you deal with the problems of reality and set priorities. If you understand what an employee dreams about, you can avoid problems during the working day.

A dream about an employee, if the dream is repeated often, may indicate that a romantic feeling has developed for her. Whether such relationships are necessary at work, everyone decides for themselves. How to decide whether it’s worth thinking about what an employee is dreaming about?

Why do you dream about a colleague? The dream book gives several different interpretations this image, depending on the details in the dream. It could mean real help, support, success or deceit, gossip, trouble.

Persistence will help you achieve success

Why do you dream about seeing former colleagues? The dream book says: you can achieve success if you apply skills that you have not used for a long time.

Also, former colleagues seem to warn about the danger of losing money in risky transactions.

A promotion may represent actual career growth. Dismissal promises new problems that will have to be solved quickly.

If in the morning you remember: “I saw myself delivering a baby to an employee!” - such a plot foreshadows tedious hard work.

Sex is an ambiguous dream

Why does a girl dream about sex with a colleague? The dream book informs you: she is too emotional, you need to restrain your impulses. Also, sex in a dream is a signal: you should get rid of your talkativeness.

A man's dream of a naked girl working in his team and them having sex promises that in reality a love attraction will really arise between them.

Does a man confess his love to you in a dream? You should be on guard, because you can suffer from his deceit and pretense. Love, an affair with a persistent colleague may portend: the sleeping woman will succumb to the unfavorable influence of this person.

Beware of the deceit of your enemies

Constantly dreaming that your colleagues are drunk - you should not trust open or veiled flattery. Snakes crawling among them are interpreted unambiguously by the dream book: they are plotting bad things against the sleeping person.

When a colleague goes into the darkness, he is hiding something. Very likely - very unpleasant information.

Betraying him in a dream - perhaps some action of yours will offend or seriously harm an employee.

Did you dream about a pregnant woman, an employee? Someone at work is spreading gossip and rumors about the dreamer.

Did you dream about kissing a male colleague, especially when he kissed? Be careful: they want to set you up for their own benefit.

Everything will work out great!

Kissing sometimes means mutual understanding between people. A kiss on the lips foreshadows a woman: she will arouse interest in many men.

Why do you dream of a woman with a child coming to work? The dream book promises receiving good news from afar.

A feast in a dream in the company of colleagues, a banquet foreshadows a salary increase. The feast also promises improvement financial situation. A feast at the sleeping man’s home, where his colleagues have come, symbolizes agreement between them.

Meeting a new employee in a dream means: the dreamer in reality will surprise his relative or friend.

Why dream of hugging a colleague - the success of your business. When he feels sorry for you, good prospects will open up at work.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of arguing or arguing with him? Humiliation awaits the dreamer. Also, swearing in a dream foreshadows an explosion of negative emotions that can cause harm.

What did they do with them?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what you happened to do:

  • quarrel - in reality you want to improve your relationship;
  • slap in the face - according to the dream book, disruption of affairs, failure of plans;
  • fight - you shouldn’t take any action now;
  • buy some product from him - you realize that you are not fulfilling certain obligations in the relationship;
  • dine together - prosperity lies ahead;
  • drink tea - you will help your colleagues;
  • hugging is a new love adventure, but this person does not necessarily become the beloved;
  • have sex - you want more authority and power in the team;
  • cheating on your husband with an employee - the desire for thrills. However, instead of them, a lot of troubles may appear.

Deceased employee

The death of one of your colleagues, according to the dream book, warns of a test that must be endured. Such a death may indicate upcoming losses.

Did you dream about a deceased colleague alive? The dream book indicates: important changes are ahead. Why dream of talking to a deceased employee? This may be a warning of danger.

If a deceased old colleague is serene and calm in a dream, you don’t have to worry about little things, you should trust your fate. A murdered colleague means trouble will begin.

Favorable interpretations

Why do you dream about the boss? If he is calm and friendly, the sleeper’s wishes will come true. Hearing swearing from him is a turn for the worse at work.

If you dreamed that your colleague was your close friend, this is a sign of inner comfort, harmony and agreement with others. Did you give it a ride by car? In reality he will help.

Have you seen your wedding where your colleagues came to visit with a gift? The dream book states: you can count on their support.

Former work according to the dream book

Why do you dream former job? Dream books call it a symbol of regret about time that cannot be returned. Expect change, but be wary of scams. There are also positive meanings of such a vision in a dream: personal growth, salary increases, success with colleagues - it all depends on the details.

Longing for the past, stress

Why do you dream about seeing your former boss? Perhaps now the dreamer lacks the opportunity to ask him for advice and help. He was close in spirit, but now there is no such person near the sleeping person.

Did you discuss work issues with your previous boss in a dream? The dream book warns: in reality a stressful situation will arise, and perhaps several.

Who did you see?

Remember who dreamed:

  • employees - risky transactions should be avoided, as you can lose money;
  • boss - the sleeping person is overly worried about changes in his personal life, at work;
  • director - personal growth, a surge of energy, but we must not forget about self-criticism;
  • a man foreshadows an office romance for the dreamer, problems for the man;
  • a woman promises interest in a girl for a man, and complications for a woman.

Also, seeing employees in a dream means: professional skills acquired earlier will help you succeed in a new field. You need to actively use this and establish yourself as an excellent worker.

A dream about a woman foreshadows difficulties with new colleagues or superiors.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Receiving a reprimand in a dream from the director of your former job or quarreling with him promises new discoveries, excellent success, harmony, and joy.

Regrets about the past

Why do you dream about returning to your former job? The dream book states: a person is not satisfied with something in his current place, but he considers the old one to be better. Also, a dream about such a return indicates: you should not waste time and energy on the unrealistic, because you cannot enter the same river twice.

Did you dream about the place of your former work, the building where it was located? Changes are ahead. Is the building destroyed? Business problems are possible.

Seeing colleagues with whom you worked at your old place means you miss them, because you have not yet become close to the new ones. Also, a dream about colleagues, according to the dream book, warns of dangerous situation when you can lose valuables or reputation. You need to be wary of fraud, betrayal, and theft.

Shift the focus to relationships

Seeing colleagues in a dream old job means: it is important for you to find out the opinion of a person who has known you for a long time on some issue, and to get advice from him. Perhaps you will meet an old friend.

Why do you dream of a friend, relative, or acquaintance as the employer of your former job? The dream book emphasizes: it is difficult for the sleeping person to establish a relationship with him.

If an employer plays the role of a spouse, friend, or relative in a dream, it means that professional and career interests are too important. great place, crowding out his friends and family from a person’s life.

Positive interpretations

Did you dream that you were called to your former job? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: you will be well received if you decide to return, although the dream may not come true exactly.

Why dream of getting a job there and performing your duties as usual? The dream book promises an increase in income and unexpected bonuses. The vision also promises well-deserved success in the team.

If the enterprise you left prospers in a dream, the fulfillment of desires lies ahead.

Did you dream of a feast at your former job? The dream book foretells a salary increase or management approval. When you and your colleagues were relaxing in a restaurant, a difficult but interesting task awaits you.

Dream Interpretation former job

Why do you dream about your former job?

Former work is often dreamed of by those who take their obligations too seriously. The dream suggests that work is just a part of your life and a way to earn enough money to live. The dream advises paying attention to friends and family and getting more rest. If you dreamed of co-workers from your former job, the dream serves as a warning against risky activities and transactions. There is a danger of losing money. If you dreamed that you wanted to get a former job again, it means that in reality you are not happy with something in your new workplace. Also, the dream may simply reflect your desire to see former colleagues. You may also dream of your former job as a warning that you are careless in your duties, which may result in a reprimand from management.

Former colleague

Dream Interpretation Former colleague dreamed of why a former colleague dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Former colleague in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past. This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love does not want to give up true love a place in your heart. The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals. After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

A dream in which yours appeared ex-lover, suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may studiously avoid memories of it. You wait for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing. The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile on you. If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon. It is difficult to say how favorable it will be. However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter what they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Employees (employees, colleagues)

Seeing your colleagues or simply employees of some enterprise in a dream means trouble awaits you. Imagine that employees are your friends first. You forget about official duties and have a party.

Dream Interpretation - Colleague from previous job

Hello, a dream could mean the return of the past, past worries. There may be some reminder of this person or your past work. Also, some situation from the past may happen again. Think about what you remember about that place and those people? What of what happened can happen again? Some kind of error? Any business? Situation? Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Colleagues in my house

You experience, digest, analyze and integrate... As you please, all these people in the experience of your own life. You strive to take / and take / the qualities you liked from your colleague - a lady (also bake a cake) and “wash away” the colleague who hated you, that is, let him go with God and not remember. Experienced colleagues sleep in the nursery - over time, you will grow professionally. Your apartment is you, your closet is your experience. Maybe you are oversaturated (everyone wants to live with me), tired (the apartment is small), you need to distract yourself somehow. These are also higher demands on yourself (everything must be perfect).

Dream Interpretation - Colleagues

I have always admired your dreams! There is something bright and conquering despondency and hopelessness in them. As you already know, dreams are very rarely straightforward, they like to act for sure only in two cases - with a direct threat to life and at a turning point in life (dreams about the end of the world), in all other cases dreams are a subtle hint at course correction... Now about the dream . It is about love, even about a fiery desire to dissolve in a person and be lifted to heaven by this feeling. This is wonderful!... And this place is reserved for the word “but”. We will deliberately avoid it in this interpretation. What prevents the heart from blooming like a snowdrop? in early spring? Lead feet? Fear of an unknown future? But no - we have nothing to fear anymore, the world has changed as much as this particular case required. So what are we afraid of? And I will answer you through your dream. Children in dreams are problems, you probably remember this. The subconscious very accurately finds and compares perceived allegories. What is an unexpected allegory in this dream? Absolutely right - his desire to help, at a time when no one is waiting for help. And in this dream, help is nothing more than reciprocity. It is in a different direction, and its position is 3-4 steps higher, based on the material provided. But he came down! And the most telling thing about this dream is that the problem arose and went away even before you reached the top. In fact, this is not always reciprocity or happiness at the end of the road, unfortunately. But the Dream told us something else: “Without throwing a stone into the water, you will never see circles spreading across the water.” Circles are nothing more than the effect of a butterfly and the flapping of its wings near your face will turn into a tsunami in his soul! The dream only hinted to you that the time is favorable and you have this opportunity! Thank you for your dreams!

Dream Interpretation - Former drunk guy

Your dream conveys exactly what you think and analyze during the day...” From an excess of feelings I involuntarily begin to remember everything former relationship: what would you like to change” That is why you get into transport again and act completely differently in relation to your MCH, not like the first time... Transport in your dream is some kind of life period of time,... If a tram... Then... This is something.. That you can’t turn back.. In general, all your thoughts are in such pictures at night...

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend

While a person sleeps, his brain continues to work and process data in a free mode. In a dream, you see images and symbols that are understandable to you. Data processed during sleep can come from a variety of information sources. The human field, his body, the surrounding space, absolutely everything contains information. In this dream, your consciousness touched the sector in which information about your relationships with female representatives is stored. The image of a black, sick kitten, which you saw AFTER the image of your ex-girlfriend, indicates that the breakup was not easy for you. There is a record of this in the memory, which can serve as an obstacle to creating new relationships. For a comfortable, unhindered implementation of a new relationship, you need to rethink the period of stress caused by the breakup with your ex. This is what your brain told you about through dreams. Dreaming about an ex means having a record of the past with this person. “problematic” entry of a stranger you are hugging - you are striving for a new acquaintance. The contrast between the ex and the black kitten is a record of a negative memory associated with this person. The ex disappeared and a white kitten appeared - rethinking negative memories leads to certain results. White color— purity and sincerity are important to you. You have to meet a girl. For a comfortable realization of this event, the subconscious should free itself from negative memories.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband and his family

Hello, different personalities can indicate their existence, like some forms of sub-personalities in your memories, head, soul. Everyone is responsible for their role within you. Father-in-law - eldest, adviser, theoretical knowledge, intelligence, Mother-in-law - eldest, wisdom, experience, practical knowledge. Wet trail - you may have left unfavorable memories of yourself. A sheet can mean something personal, personal thoughts, opinions. A towel can also be an opinion. The mirror is also the embodiment of an opinion - you are happy with yourself, but your mother-in-law is not. Perhaps you act according to your thoughts and opinions - a towel, ignoring previous experience and opinion, like the advice of elders - a sheet. You may also be renouncing previous experiences to form new ones based on your current needs. Perhaps your action leads to memories of your ex-husband as a past life experience. Now your former opportunities are at the mercy of another woman, and you no longer have what life and fate could give you. You get angry and throw the woman out - perhaps you are turning against your memories of the past, against your past feelings and driving them out of your head (home). Your husband - that is, in a dream he can mean logic, consciousness turned to the present and future - remains satisfied with you because you take a rational approach to the situation. This way, you are being reasonable instead of worrying about the past. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband and his children

The dream contributes to the comprehension of family relationships, understanding of connections with family and ancestors; unusual changes in the way of life are possible, situations when you have to act decisively and atypically. A favorable time for concluding contracts, new partnerships or marriage.

Former colleague in a dream

A colleague from a previous job in a dream

Yesterday I dreamed that I was working at my previous job, the environment was very good. And a former work colleague (who quit before me) appears and talks to me about work and I understand that he has returned to work. Why could I dream about this?

Colleagues in my house in a dream

I dreamed that my work colleagues were spending the night in my apartment. (I’m still new at work - 1 year). The young woman is my colleague and good friend - very positive married woman, no one will say anything bad about her - you rarely meet people like her - a real lady and plus, she is not at all boring. — he rents my apartment, I don’t understand why, they have their own. I come home and she greets me with puff pastries with cheese - it looks good (and I know that she rarely cooks, I’m even sure that she doesn’t know how to bake and hasn’t tried it.) I’m surprised: you don’t know how! And she: I always loved doing this. And then I also wanted to bake a pie that I recently learned how to make (salty with cheese, fish or chicken) And I take it out of the oven - beautiful and immediately cut into even pieces like in a restaurant)). I try it myself and treat her... Then we wake up in the morning - someone goes to work today, and someone stays. There were 2 guys sleeping in the nursery - my stylist colleagues - much more experienced than me. And my ex-colleague, who hated me and recently left, is taking a bath in the bathroom. (it seems to me that her hatred turned against her, I never responded to her provocations, and she couldn’t stand people like me. In the end, she stupidly got drunk at the holiday and confessed her love to our boss)) - the scene is still the same) Maybe I unconsciously pushed her a little (I just said that I thought about her quite tactfully, and I really didn’t expect such a quick and shocking outcome, in general, at the beginning I thought that we would become friends and work together, all the negativity was hers).. What was she doing in my bathroom ? I haven’t seen her for a long time... Then one boy had already left, and the second asked if he could spend the night with me again in the evening - I allowed him and he left. Then my mother unexpectedly arrived from far away - and I only have 2 rooms in my apartment - what should I do?! Everyone wants to live with me, but there is no room)). I'm thinking of asking for help ex-husband— he lives a couple of floors higher. I'm starting to worry that there is dust in my kitchen on the TV (which is not there in real life). I’m starting to clean - it’s a shame)) now the guests will return and everything must be perfect, otherwise they will laugh - such a nice apartment and such a mess. In the closet I find other people’s things - my colleagues who settled there))) Thank you!

Colleagues in a dream

Today I had strange dreams. Some pieces, but emotional enough that I woke up at 5 am. I dreamed that one of my colleagues was carrying me in his arms. You can say, “lifts me to the skies.” In the dream, he picked me up in his arms, grabbed me around the waist, and lifted me up, as if circling me around the room. Then I suddenly see and feel myself hugging someone young man from the back. He has a bare torso. I just walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him and pressed myself against him. I only remembered that it was very prominent. Such a sporty, pumped up torso. And the third piece - on the steps in front of the door to the entrance there is another colleague, whom I liked, as he liked me, but communication at a distance did not work out. And when, 5 years later, I moved to another city where our company has an office, I began to encounter him more often. But we don’t cross paths at work, and when we meet we greet each other dryly. And then I suddenly dream about him - he’s standing on the porch at the entrance, and I’m trying to climb 4-5 steps, and I can’t manage them. My legs are like lead, I just can’t lift my leg to move it one step. Barely, very slowly and with great effort, I still overcame them. And I'm about to enter the entrance. Suddenly it turns out that I am with a stroller in which a child is sitting. I’m going to lift this stroller myself, but this guy suddenly unexpectedly decided to help, which surprised me, i.e. I didn’t expect help from him, I was going to do it myself. We took the stroller from both sides and began to carry it into the entrance, while the child seemed to come out of the stroller or something. And I woke up. Can anyone tell me if this is the meaning of a colleague’s dream?

Colleagues ignore you in your sleep

I dreamed that I was at a bar, I came first, sat down at the counter, took a cocktail (in my life I don’t go to bars, I don’t sit at the counter, it’s uncomfortable, high). Then 2 more girls came, they didn’t look like anyone else, but I know that they are my colleagues. I am offended that they sat separately from me, clinking cocktails, but not with me. I say that, supposedly, for inti corporate behavior, I came first, and you ignore me. Another dream, same night. I'm in some room, like at work. Everyone is building, I stood at the end, I feel cramped. Another man came and stood in my place in front of me, as if he didn’t see me. In the distance, another manager from another department is very tall (he’s the same in real life) and the only familiar face says, can’t you see her? Another man is standing nearby and I push him so that I have somewhere to stand. There’s a new boss at work, there’s a conflict (everything we did before and everything we’re doing is all wrong, it’s not clear what to do).. In principle, a decision has been made to quit soon, but somehow we need to hold out for a couple more months

Ex-husband and ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband and ex-girlfriend Olga. We all spent the night together in the same house, different rooms. As I walked out into the corridor, I saw that my ex-girlfriend was heading to her ex-husband’s room. Going into his room with her, I saw that tea utensils had been brought there. Although I didn’t feel any jealousy or indignation, for the sake of decency I created a scandal for both of them. My husband tried to explain the situation, but I moved on in my attack to explain that he had never taken part in raising his son, even today. My husband said something that in the near future he is leaving for his home, he will just rent out the apartment he has and names the price - 9 thousand. I explain to him that my son and his young family now really need housing and it would be better if if he had allowed his son to live there, or rented the house to him for little money. He refused. I explain that my son is studying at the institute and it is very difficult financially. The husband verbally agrees that he will rent out the apartment and transfer the rent to his son. Then I see that my former classmate arrived at my parents’ house, with suitcases and several other people in company, it seems to be her sister and mother. The suitcases were all the same color and very beautifully packaged. I helped her carry her suitcases to the door. She went into the house. I also dreamed that I was still taking a shower with the same ex-girlfriend. At some point, she couldn’t find the shampoo because she was lathered up and I helped her go to the water and take the shampoo. Until that moment, I took a shower exactly where my friend was now washing, but we swapped places. In reality, all the people in the dream did not even know each other. I’ve actually been raising my son for 15 years alone without the support of my husband and his family at the moment a difficult situation with housing.

Drunk ex-boyfriend in a dream

So where to start. Perhaps because I often have dreams, I understand that I can control them, but for some reason I don’t. For a long time I didn’t have a boyfriend, either studying or having a family. And from an excess of feelings, I involuntarily begin to remember all my former relationships: what I would like to change, do wrong, or not start them at all. Why don't I date guys? Suggestions were often made, but I simply didn’t see the point in starting all these relationships, since I was replaying in my head a short affair - then a breakup, pain, etc. Perhaps it all started with the fact that I was hopelessly disappointed in the guys. My last 2 exes were completely different (age, body, height, manners, etc.) They had only one thing in common - they cheated on their girlfriends with me. I can’t imagine how it was for the girls, I naturally didn’t tell them anything, but I was so disgusted that I didn’t want to meet with them. So, in total, I didn’t have a relationship for a year. Now my dream. I’m traveling on a bus (or a trolleybus, or a tram I couldn’t figure out), and I meet a group of my ex. I realize that this is his company, but I only recognize 3 faces (along with my ex). All of them are sober and only the former (hereinafter referred to as “HE”) is drunk, or whatever, killed. He doesn’t recognize me, I see that HIM’s friends won’t help him and I decide to come up and take him out of the transport, as soon as I pick him up, HIS friends come up to me and start pestering me, moreover, they start saying: “Why do you need HIM? Let it lie there. “I run out of the transport, and find myself in it again, pick HIM up in my arms and we get out. THE END.. I would be grateful for any explanation)

Ex-girlfriend in a dream

I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, then a former classmate and me with her in the Maldives, then unknown girl, I hug her and next to me my ex calmly treats it this way. Then I had a dream where my ex was, and after her I saw a sick black kitten with red eyes, then she disappeared and I saw a small white kitten in the corner with icons. Find out why I dream of my ex, the stranger I am hugging, as well as the contrast of my ex and a black kitten and then she disappeared and a white kitten.

Ex-husband and his family in a dream

Today I saw myself in a dream in my ex-husband’s house, leaving the bathhouse, I felt good after it. And I was relaxed.. I heard the voice of my former father-in-law behind me that my mother-in-law (now deceased, alive in the dream) would be unhappy because there was a wet mark on the carpet in the dressing room after me.. It needs to be hidden and so that she is happy, I go to her bed and took the sheet, pulled it off the mattress and covered the floor for her.. I was surprised - why didn’t he take a towel... I did it my way. I laid out a towel.. I went up to the mirror, I was satisfied, but I understood that this did not please my mother-in-law.. I went up from the bathhouse to the second floor of the house, I went into the bedroom and saw my ex-husband half naked in bed with her current wife (in the dream she is a mistress) next to her. my father-in-law is with them... He looks at me like - what am I going to do... My husband’s current wife looks at me in this way - he (the husband) has a lot of money, I’ll go for everything, and I’ll send you out. I was outraged by this, I took her by the hair, she was ashamed.. Her face flushed, I said - there was no need to act dishonestly and escorted her out the door.. Naked.. My husband was smiling.. He would have said that a long time ago.. Why sleep, if in real life I have another man in my heart, although only in my heart.. I’m waiting for another man, not my ex-husband..

Former man in a dream

I very often have dreams about my ex-man, with whom I broke up almost 2 years ago. Moreover, these dreams begin to occur precisely when I stop thinking about the past, begin to forget everything... And then bam - I dreamed. After that, I again plunge into memories, all the negativity comes up, etc. The feeling is not pleasant. When all this happens, I don’t dream about him, and when I start to forget, he comes in dreams that I cannot forget. I don’t understand what these dreams mean. Even his close relatives dreamed about it more than once. There were many dreams, I will describe two of the last ones. 1st dream. I was visiting my parents and was already leaving home and went out into the yard. The former man walked past me (without noticing) in the yard of my parents’ house, got into the car and drove away. I was surprised that he didn’t notice me and walked further along the road to the exit from the yard. Then my ex-man calls me on my mobile phone. I also thought - “Did you notice? What does he need? "; In general, I was surprised and answered the call. I don’t remember the whole conversation (it was short), but the last words were like this - “You don’t want to tell me anything? “I clearly heard his voice and these words. I didn’t answer him and the dream was interrupted. 2nd dream. I dreamed that I was in the house of an ex-man. I was alone in his house, lying on his sofa and covering myself with my blanket. The house was a mess. Suddenly I heard a car approaching, I heard male voices and looked out the window. I saw that he arrived with some acquaintances. I was afraid that he would find me in his house and quickly got ready to leave. She threw her blanket into the corner (between the wall and the sofa) and quickly left the house. She went outside and walked away from his house. As I walked, I turned around several times and saw that he was following me. He doesn’t just walk, but seems to be minding his own business and doesn’t see me, but I just can’t leave/hide from him. At the same time, I felt a sense of anxiety that he would notice me and find out that I came. When I came across an obstacle (a fence) and realized that I would not have time to overcome it, I became afraid that he would notice me and I hid among the trees and bushes. As a result, he didn’t notice me, I sat out, came out of the shelter onto the dirt road and calmly walked away. Help me understand this dream. The thing is that this is not the first time I have had dreams of this kind. We broke up about two years ago, the parting was difficult. If this dream doesn't mean anything, then at least I'll calm down.

Ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend in a dream

This night I had two dreams, or maybe one, but in a dream everything flows so smoothly, so I still think there are two. 1) I dreamed that my parents built a small three-story building outside the city wooden house, it was so small that on the first second and third floor there were only one or two rooms, leaving the house I saw my ex-boyfriend (now I am on friendly terms with him, we see him often), he came up to me and picked me up and carried me to the bus and said that it was time for him to leave, but he didn’t want to let me go because he would miss me a lot. 2) I’m in some room, it’s familiar to me, it reminds me of the children’s camp I went to as a child, my ex-girlfriend (with whom I haven’t talked for a long time) comes into the room, gives me one white rose, introduces me to her boyfriend and says that she will soon marry him, she says that she came to me to invite me to their wedding. Please help me decipher my dreams

Ex-husband and his children in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-husband... My son... I see my mother-in-law who wants me to give up something in favor of my son... We start talking to her in a raised voice, and then I loudly declare that I have decided to return to my husband. Everyone is in shock.. Suddenly I see. That my ex-husband has three children.. Boys.. But in general, I kind of know that he has five in total.. And there’s a thought in my head. What do you need... How many women did he have and they all gave birth to children... Among these three is my son... (but in fact, my child is not there, and the boys are all 6-10 years old). I think: oh well.. I’ll raise other people’s children.. Then I see my husband again.. Some conversations.. Today all day I feel like the reality of a dream.. At work I caught myself thinking that it seems that everything is real.. Me again I live with my husband...

The ex-girlfriend is dreaming again in a dream

I had a dream in which my ex-girlfriend was taking me somewhere in her car and holding my hand. At the same time, he says something... As if complaining about something. Why do you dream Ex-girlfriend dreaming again in a dream?

Ex-boyfriend in a dream

Ex-boyfriend with your parents and relatives. I see my relatives clearly. They don't notice me, as if they don't know me. And my ex-boyfriend tries not to notice me and avoid me. His face is not visible, but in a dream I understand that it is him. I also try to mind my own business, but I watch him…. His image is not clear, his face is not visible. But I understand that sad, serious... And he doesn't notice me at all. Not him, not his parents...

Former man in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking with ex-man, then, we saw his father (who, in truth, died a long time ago), and approached him, he seemed to be sitting on some kind of a tight rope... And my 2 friends were next to us, when my ex approached him, my father took out a gun to show it to us, but accidentally shot his ex (his son), and he falls back. Some time passed and I was sitting on my own swing with my friends, and I saw the spirit of my boyfriend, he came up to me, asked for forgiveness, and I started crying, and then he kissed me. Then somehow he moved into someone’s body and I felt him physically and again we began to have tears, tenderness, etc. And I woke up!

Ex-boyfriend indifference in a dream

From Thursday to Friday I dreamed about my ex. I spent the night at his house, his parents talked to me normally, but he didn’t seem to see me. Then we all went on vacation together. I went out for a walk with our dog and it started to rain, warm and sunny. My ex’s mom came out to tell me something, but he still didn’t seem to notice me. And only when no one was there he spanked me and then sat there as if I didn’t exist.

Former work colleague

Dream Interpretation - Work

Lose your job - you may face troubles in your personal life or in your relationship with a loved one. To be unemployed is to fail in the business you put your mind to big hopes. Looking for a job means unexpected income. Entrusting your work to someone else means trouble in your career. Working hard leads to well-deserved success and new beginnings. I dreamed about others working - you will have hope for a favorable course of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Work

The dream in which you get a job suggests that in any case you must remain consistent with your convictions and only then will you find success. Hard work - in reality, show disagreement and obstinacy, causing the anger of people who could ruin your entire career. Being late for work means that in reality you will not keep your word, skipping work time- you will be ignored. Taking time off means you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Everything suits you. If you feel discomfort, then you better take a vacation. If you are fired, then you are afraid of something, you have a bad feeling. If you have protection, you are confident in yourself. If you dream of working in the position you occupy, you feel pride and satisfaction. But if you are very unhappy and restless, this is a warning that you are overtired. You need to take a vacation or take up a hobby that is completely different from work. If you dream that you are losing your job, this reflects a loss of confidence and a sense of security. You may be experiencing the loss of a loved one or home. If you are helped in moving up the career ladder, you are confident in your abilities and in reality you will also receive a promotion or salary increase.

Dream Interpretation - Work (labor)

Working in a dream means achieving success. The explanatory dictionary gives the following definition of work: “work is the process of converting one type of energy into another.” Therefore, if at home they pester you and reproach you for doing nothing, you can answer that by watching TV, you gained one type of energy, and now, while lying down, you are transferring it to another.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Wellbeing; entrust your work to someone - illness, dismissal; work - luck; working - wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Be on your own regular work- to a reprimand from your superiors or to some kind of trouble related to your work.

Dream Interpretation - Work

Seeing your work in a dream means you will be acknowledged at work with gratitude.

Dream Interpretation - Work

It’s good to have a dream in which you see yourself working or watching someone else work. It foretells wealth, abundance and success.

Dream Interpretation - Work yourself

luck; seeing another at work is wealth

Dream Interpretation - Work

You won't have time to work because you'll get sick, and when you get better, your place will be taken.

If you dreamed of a man, it means that you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If the man you saw in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of plans you have long nurtured.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in your dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying communicating with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a small man tries to start a quarrel or fight with a person superior to him in strength, this means that you are wasting your time over trifles. The dream also promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources provide numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his “Comparative Lives” by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 – c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 70 – c. 140) and many other ancient authors talk about prophetic dreams.

Plutarch’s story from his famous “Biographies” has been preserved about one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune. One night before the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had attached importance to this warning from above given to his wife, he would have remained alive (he was stabbed twenty-three times in the Senate, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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