Why drink delicious wine in a dream? Why do you dream of wine - interpretation according to the Ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing wine in a dream is a sign of guilt. Drinking it in a dream foretells that you should take care of your health and not overload your body. Seeing a glass of wine in a dream and drinking from it means a joyful meeting. If you drink a little wine from a small glass, then prosperity awaits you, but if you drink a lot, then expect failure or an accident. Drink a little wine in a dream, but big company- to quarrels and troubles. Drinking wine on some special occasion is good only for the rich, but for the poor, the dream predicts failures and troubles. Drinking cloudy wine in a dream means disappointment and bad news. Getting drunk on red sweet wine in a dream means that some influential patron will love you and achieve honors and wealth for you. Drinking wine alone is bad news. See drinks, drunk.

Selling wine in a dream means a quarrel. Meeting a wine merchant is a warning that you may fall into bad company and your reputation may suffer. If in a dream you are treated to wine, then soon you will hear accusations against you. Pouring wine into one container means reconciliation and pleasure. Pouring wine from one vessel to another means wasting time on empty entertainment. Spilling wine in a dream is an annoyance, misfortune, and sometimes means that you yourself will harm your happiness. Sometimes for women such a dream predicts an arranged marriage that will be unsuccessful. Breaking a bottle of wine is a sign of getting rid of worries. For lovers, such a dream predicts unbridled passion. See bottle, glass, glass.

Dousing yourself with wine and dipping something in wine is a sign of guilt. See clothing.

Pouring white wine means joy, red wine means discord, and cloudy wine means sadness. Wash your face with wine or take a bath - to losses and damages. Treating yourself to wine means sad events, funerals. Seeing apple wine in a dream is a sign of disappointment. Seeing how wine is made in a dream means success in business.

Why do you dream about wine according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of wine, it is a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, and fun.

Drinking wine with friends in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were drinking wine in a friendly company, it means that a successful deal awaits you, which will bring big profits.

Bottled wine in a dream:
Seeing wine in bottles in a dream is a sign of a productive, economically prosperous year.

Pouring wine into glasses in a dream:
If you pour wine into glasses, then expect an inheritance or an unexpected increase in the budget.

Spilling wine on a tablecloth in a dream:
Spilling wine on the tablecloth is a bad sign, foreshadowing disaster due to excessive wastefulness and improvidence.

Breaking a bottle of wine in a dream:
If in a dream you break a bottle of wine, then expect major trouble, lack of money and poverty.

Why do you dream about wine according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Drinking wine in a dream means you will be overcome by anxiety. Drinking cloudy wine is sadness. Drinking wine diluted with water is a liver disease. Apple wine - modest joys. White wine - entertainment. Red wine is a fun ride. Apple cider - happiness may smile on you. Barrels of wine - living at someone else's expense. Straining wine from a barrel into bottles means love adventures and entertainment. Pouring wine into glasses means new acquaintances. Spill wine - miss your chance, become a victim of an accident.

Dream interpretation of drinking red wine

Making wine is a painstaking and time-consuming task, therefore wine is a symbol of rest and speaks of the desire for relaxation.

A correct and more accurate interpretation of dreams is possible if we take into account the qualities of the wine, that is, taste, color and transparency, as well as the circumstances under which the wine was drunk and internal state drinking.

Auspicious sign

Drinking red wine in your dreams promises good health, good luck, wealth, a happy and long life. If you drink this drink with friends or family, expect a grandiose event, it is possible that a wedding is coming.

If you dream about red wine

If a man dreams that he is drinking red wine, then this promises him in reality to meet his chosen one, receive consent from his beloved, marriage, the birth of his first-born, a family in which peace, harmony and sincerity will reign.
The dream book says that if you dream of bringing red wine to your lips and drinking from a glass, this characterizes you as a passionate person.

Expect your restless desires to be satisfied soon.

If a pregnant woman happens to drink red wine in her dreams, then this is a sure sign that she will give birth to a healthy and strong baby. And for business people, the dream book predicts successful negotiations and good luck in concluding deals that require significant financial investments. The dream book explains in a very interesting way why a young girl or an unmarried woman dreams of drinking this drink, while eating it with a piece of bread. This portends an acquaintance with a rich man.

Ruby wine

Ruby colored wine

You can drink this drink in a dream under different circumstances:

  • alone;
  • eat and not get drunk;
  • for brotherhood;
  • taste nectar of different tastes.

Why dream of drinking this drink alone? To enlightenment in thoughts, to the emergence of productive, some new and, perhaps, non-standard ideas.

If in a dream you consume red burgundy in considerable quantities, it means that a special event is coming soon, at which you will not spare money for pleasure.

Why dream of drinking this nectar and not getting drunk? This is a call to reconsider your opinion about yourself. You are arrogant and behave quite disdainfully towards others. Such people are usually given nicknames like “Narcissist”.

If you dreamed that you were drinking a ruby ​​drink from a beautiful glass, then a fascinating voyage awaits you ahead, surrounded by loved ones.

If you drink a sweet drink, the dream book promises financial profit. But drinking sour wine in a dream means saving on yourself where it would be more appropriate to go all out.

Drinking a ruby ​​intoxicating drink for brotherhood foretells a successful partnership in your business.

Pay attention to the taste

The dream book interestingly interprets cases when you dreamed of drinking such wine with a tart taste. Soon you will have a trip to exotic countries, where you will not just relax, but experience incredible pleasures and delights. The bitter taste of this drink calls for the need to pay more attention to your family and their needs than you do.
If, while tasting ruby ​​nectar, you spill a little of it, be careful - the people around you will envy your happy and cloudless life. If you spill it on yourself, you'll have fun in great company. If you spilled it on someone, you will bring good news to a loved one

. Why in your dreams, when tasting a drink, do you drop your glass and it breaks?

This is a life-affirming sign - you will overcome all enemies and envious people.

But the dream book indicates that if in your dreams the drink was quite thick, then this indicates that you are subject to anger, you can easily be overcome by emotions, which can lead to big troubles and even beatings.

Red sparkling

Red sparkling wine

  1. You taste a drink in a dream and in reality you also give preference to it;
  2. Tasting in a dream, but in reality not liking this drink.

Preference for champagne

If you dream of drinking such a drink from a beautiful narrow glass with a long stem, a meeting with old friends is not far off, which promises to be interesting and meaningful, will create a good, warm atmosphere and will provide a cheerful mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

If, while tasting the drink, you spilled it, then you missed the chance to relax in luxurious company, but you should not regret it, since the opportunity will likely arise again. And finally, if you broke your wine glass, it means that in reality some old memories and past grievances that darken your life will be released from you.

There are also such dreams in which the sleeper drinks sparkling champagne with strangers. This promises to experience new, fascinating feelings.

Denial of champagnes

If you don't like champagne

If in life you do not like this drink, but in a dream you had to drink it, then the likelihood is growing that, due to your wastefulness or frivolity, you may find yourself in a delicate situation, involvement in which will ruin your reputation.

If a drink is spilled, then you have a chance to get out of such a situation unsullied, but on your own, without outside help.

In the case when you break a wine glass with a drink by accident, then a well-wisher will appear in your life who will help you avoid unpleasant consequences in such a situation, but if you break a wine glass or a glass on purpose, then in reality you will be smart enough to get out at the last moment games, do not take risky steps.

Do you know why you dream of not tasting this drink, but simply tasting it? You will experience long-awaited happiness in love. This joy will envelop you and intoxicate you so much that you will surrender to it completely, forgetting about everything in the world.

Happiness and love

And if you dream that you tasted red Bordeaux and didn’t like it, and you decided to sell it to someone. What is it for? This is a warning - you will be accused of dishonest or incorrect behavior. And although they will be false, proving the opposite will be problematic. But, in part, this is also your fault. You are not a completely decent person, so people are inclined to facts that discredit you than to the truth coming from you. Why dream of opening a bottle of drink with the desire to take a sip? This is a call for the need to reconsider our understanding of. You idealize events, and when you encounter them in reality, you are disappointed. The dream book gives advice instructing you to soberly assess current events and adjust your thoughts, taking into account life experience.

Such, let's say, complex dreams happen, where you see yourself sleeping and already in that dream you dream about how you taste the ruby ​​drink that they treat you to. The dream book explains why this is so: the color itself, that it is red, is already an excellent sign. This is a sincere friend whose good attitude you enjoy, because he cannot refuse you. But you are going too far, abusing his sincerity and reliability, risking losing a true friend and his trust in you. Think about it, because you have no one to rely on more than him.

Barrel of wine

If in that second dream you yourself bought and drink this drink, either alone or surrounded by friends, this promises you new lucrative offers that will bring high profits and ensure stability of income.

Do you know why you have a dream in which you sip a drink straight from a barrel? The dream book says that in this case the drink is a love potion, a harbinger of unearthly love, as huge as the sky, capable of overcoming all imaginable boundaries. And if you pour this drink from one container to another, inhaling the vapor with pleasure, then in life you will experience unconventional, but exquisite pleasures and pleasures, but maybe these will also be extreme types of travel.

The dream book also gives an interpretation of dreams in which you go down to the cellar and choose red wine among the plurality of wines, which means that there is a high probability that either, thanks to your tireless efforts, you will find a very well-paid job, with the possibility of career growth, or on your path in life you will meet a rich, but most importantly, noble and worthy chosen one.

Interpretation in a global context

Global interpretations

The ruby ​​color of the drink symbolizes prosperity and well-being. But there are nuances.
Do you know what it might be like to taste a drink if, next to the container where it is located, there is a weapon on the table, along with other products? This is evidence that peace can be maintained until the moment when in the land where the sleeping person lives, they follow the traditions of hospitality and hospitality that were laid down by their ancestors.

If the color of the drink you were drinking was pale, then listen to the advice of such a dream. This is a signal of deception, or some kind of dirty trick, but, what’s even worse, murder by poisoning. And the official services will give the go-ahead for this, but it will be organized by people from your circle. Caution in everything will not hurt here: in trusting your closest friends, in flattering acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex.

Everything is so veiled that it will not arouse the slightest suspicion.

Vineyards, amphorae, golden cups


If in your dreams images of huge vineyards appear, where ruby ​​​​grapes are in full swing, work is in full swing and men with red hair take part in preparing the drink, then you have some kind of blood ties with Germany. This is a harbinger that you will have the opportunity to visit your historical homeland, moreover, you will be able to go to that country for permanent residence.
And there your companions will be luck, prosperity, career growth, but in compliance with local traditions. If you have tasted this nectar from ancient amphorae, this means that you will be faced with a dilemma, which you can resolve only by listening to the teachings and advice of the elder and several previous generations, or by diligently studying your pedigree.

It happens that a sleeping person sees how in a dream some person was treated to this alcoholic drink, but after tasting it, the person became poisoned. In fact, this person will be the so-called primary source of your success. You can safely prepare for luck that will seem random to you. But that's not true.

But be careful if you dream that you are drinking a ruby ​​drink from a cup that is poured from pure gold. This is a warning that you are in captivity of illusions. Return to earth and learn to reason soberly.

Dreams in detail Wine has always been considered a drink that brings joy and helps strengthen friendships between people - of course, if consumed in moderation. Ancient dream books give many unfavorable interpretations of “wine” dreams, but today’s interpreters are sure that seeing wine in your dreams is very

good sign

Often dreams about a cheerful drink are also interpreted in connection with a person’s material well-being, in the improvement of which a successful combination of circumstances should play a significant role. To accurately explain why you dream about wine, it’s worth remembering where you saw it, what it was like, and with whom you happened to drink it in your dreams.

  • In a dream, you simply saw wine in barrels or bottles.
  • You bought an alcoholic drink or made it yourself.
  • Poured wine into a glass.
  • Or spilled a drink.
  • They drank it alone or in company.
  • It is also important who paid for the drink.
  • What was the color of the drink?
  • Maybe you've seen people drinking and having fun from the outside?

The meaning of each of these “wine” dreams will depend on the subtleties of the plot and setting in your dreams. If in your case the interpretation of what wine means in a dream does not seem the most rosy, you should follow the advice of dream books on what to do to improve your life situation.

As Miller's dream book says, wine you see in barrels in a wine cellar promises good news. Also, dreams about wine cellars can mean that you will get pleasant impressions - maybe from a trip, or maybe from communicating with friends. If there was a lot in the cellar wine barrels- prosperity will not bypass you.

Seeing wine in a still corked bottle in a dream means that you have not yet fully revealed the talents given to you by nature and you have something to strive for. If at the same time the corked bottle stands on a shelf, very high, almost right up to the ceiling, then in reality the path for career growth is open to you, and your abilities, coupled with hard work, can lead you to stunning professional heights.

If a bottle of wine is already open, in reality you will soon have a pleasant time with friends. Half empty wine bottle in your dream symbolizes that in the near future life will present you with a choice, in which you need to be honest with yourself. To see an empty table on the table in your night dreams glass containers wine bottle - this means you need to be more careful in financial matters and not make unnecessary expenses, since you will soon need the money for something really important.

Why do you dream about wine placed on a festive table? Dream books say that this is a symbol of an upcoming family celebration - it is possible that it will be a wedding. If you lie next to a wine bottle in a dream, life will bring you together with a wealthy and influential person. You may dream of a full flask of wine before you get ready to go out into nature or go traveling with friends.

Buy, pour and spill

If in your dream red wine - unintentionally or intentionally - was spilled on another person's clothes, a scandal may threaten him. If this is your friend, it is better to warn him about the likelihood of events happening. White wine spilled on your clothes - you will be able to make peace with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

Red or white

What it means to drink wine in a dream depends primarily on whether it was white or red. The ruby-colored alcoholic drink has always been a symbol of love passion. Therefore, dream books interpret all plots in which red wine appears in connection with love relationships and sensual pleasures.

Red wine in night dreams can speak of the dreamer as a very passionate person. Its use in dreams is considered a very favorable sign. Drinking it with friends or family means that you should expect an invitation to a big celebration.

Dreams in which you have to drink red wine are interpreted by the interpreter of Catherine the Great as a harbinger of fun and love adventures. The interpreter advises not to overly revel in the attention of the opposite sex, so that complicated romantic stories do not result in a showdown. For a girl, drinking red wine in night dreams can also mean the appearance of a secret admirer.

If a man dreams of drinking red wine in a dream, dream books indicate that he will experience favorable developments in his personal life. Perhaps the dreamer in reality will meet the woman he has long dreamed of, or will receive consent to marriage from his chosen one. If in reality consent has already been obtained, then for a man drinking red wine in a dream means a quick wedding and a happy family life.

For those who in reality are not particularly concerned about matrimonial plans, a dream where red wine appeared can mean success in their chosen activity, good health and financial security. In contrast to a ruby-colored drink, white wine signifies the romantic nature of the sleeper.

White wine in dreams is also a symbol of the joys of life and satisfaction from the work done. Drinking white wine in your dream can also mean that in reality you will soon be invited to a pleasant company, where you will have a very good time and communicate with people you are interested in.

Drinking an alcoholic drink from a glass means that in the near future you will have an interesting trip with a lot of positive impressions. If a patient suddenly dreams of drinking a cheerful drink from a glass, this means that in reality he will get better. Drinking wine from a glass in a dream can also mean that an event awaits you in the near future that will give you pleasure. For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises birth healthy child, say the dream books.

At whose expense is the banquet?

Did you dream that you drank a grape alcoholic drink at someone else’s expense? Interpreters consider such a dream to be a warning: you need to be more careful about your own finances and avoid unnecessary spending. Otherwise, in reality the dreamer may be reminded of old debts that he himself no longer remembers.

The dream book of Nostradamus gives its own interpretation to such a dream: if in a dream you had a chance to treat yourself to wine at someone else’s expense, then you should not be frank with people not from your inner circle. Ridicule and public condemnation of the slightest mistakes have never benefited anyone. To save face in the eyes of others, for now it is better to remain silent about what you think and what you do.

However, if in a dream you were invited to a party where there was no shortage of drinks, this can be interpreted as an upcoming profitable purchase or a successful investment for the dreamer. For a person who is engaged in commerce, such a plot in night dreams can foreshadow a successful deal in reality. The Assyrian dream book believes that an invitation to a company to drink wine is dreamed of by someone who will not be deprived of friendly participation in life.

If you dreamed of buying bottles of drinks yourself to treat your friends, this means that extravagance is not for you in the near future. the best option behavior. It’s worth moderating your requests a little so as not to get into a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of spoiled wine - cloudy or too sour? If you had to drink or see a peroxidized grape drink, this symbolizes the disappointments that you will experience in life. love relationships. However, unfavorable developments can be avoided if you show more tact and understanding towards the object of your passion.

Cloudy wine can be seen if an upcoming deal or planned project is too risky and may not bring the expected financial return. However, if you dreamed of pouring out cloudy wine, money luck will return to you.

Warning visions also include a dream about a drunken friend or relative. This means that you should not shift the solution of problems to others - you need to start solving them yourself. Then luck will be on your side.

Since ancient times, our ancestors tried to guess the finger of fate in dreams and attached enormous significance to dreams, endowing every object or event they saw with symbolic meaning. Red wine enjoys a special reputation in folk dream books.

Many sources agree that this drink symbolizes:

  • well-being;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • love and luck.

But you shouldn't fall into euphoria. Intoxicated by success in life, people often tend to commit rash acts. Therefore, in any situation you need to be extremely careful.

But first things first.

Sweet red wine

A dream in which I happened to drink sweet red wine has auspicious meaning– fulfillment of desires and pleasant changes at work and in your personal life await you ahead. If the dreamer, you will meet an important person, which will develop into friendship and have a positive impact on the dreamer’s career growth.

For people in creative professions, such a vision will bring inspiration, which will serve as the beginning of a new successful project. The efforts made will definitely be crowned with success. The main thing is not to miss your chance!

Delicious red wine

Very a dream is considered successful, in which the red wine you drink will seem unusually tasty.

For a young girl, such a vision promises a meeting with a decent, handsome and wealthy young man who. A marriage with such a guy will be strong and happy, so you should take a closer look at the men from your immediate circle. For everyone else, the vision will become a symbol of upcoming joy and good luck, which means you can tune in for the best.

To people who are already in Lately have achieved great success in life, the dream suggests that you should to have a break at work and a little relax.

Particularly active and purposeful people can switch their attention to other areas of life or simply take a vacation and work on active species sports.

What to drink from?

From a glass

Sipping red wine from a glass in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have pleasant communication with friends. Perhaps there will be a joint entertainment or a noisy weekend in a large company of friends.

In business fantastic changes are coming. A successful development of events will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s reputation and will serve to quickly take off in career ladder. However, success, like wine, often causes dizziness. Therefore, you should not “get drunk” from positive changes in fate. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting involved in a dangerous adventure, and a dizzying rise may turn into a rapid fall.

From the bottle

True gourmets drink red wine from tall transparent glasses. But dreams do not always comply with the rules of etiquette, so in dreams you sometimes have to drink this noble drink straight from the neck of the bottle. Such a dream has a positive meaning. The vision speaks of good health and equally strong relationships with friends and loved ones.

But there is another version. Some dream books say that such a dream makes a person think about his well-being.

Since red wine has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, perhaps in reality it needs close attention, and you should devote more time to your health.

From a glass

When interpreting the meaning of this dream, it is worth paying attention to the details.

Drink red wine from a small, neat glass - to new positive prospects in life. Improving living conditions, establishing positive contacts with loved ones or new interesting job– you should expect only pleasant changes.

But if a person in a dream lost his measure, and the portion of wine he drank turned out to be too large, in real life you need to become extremely careful. Such the dream foretells failure. A major one in the family or a fiasco in official affairs is possible. In addition, there is a risk of an accident, so you need to think about every step and not give in to emotions.

Drinking wine with someone

With a man

Drinking wine with an unfamiliar man who takes the initiative and pours the drink into a glass himself means that someone close to him is showing increased interest in the dreamer.

If the counterpart with whom you had to drink red wine in a dream is a familiar man, it is likely that he is the secret admirer who will soon take the first step and reveal his feelings.

With a dead man

There is no need to be scared in a dream. Vision Serves, quicker, warning. In your personal life and business, you should be as careful as possible. Excessive persistence and impatience can result in undermining the dreamer’s authority among colleagues and deteriorating relationships with family.

In the process of communication, there is no need to insist on your own - the interlocutors also have the right to speak out. And if you can’t agree, it’s enough to just listen to their opinion. It is also necessary to control the financial sphere and try to avoid thoughtless spending.

With the boss

Conquering career heights - this is how this dream can be interpreted. By devoting enough time to work, showing patience and professionalism, you will be able to achieve great success. The main thing is to fairly assess your capabilities, and luck will not keep you waiting long! If in a dream there was “too much”, in reality the dreamer will have to victory over enemies and strengthening your own authority.

If a woman drinks red wine

This dream for young girls promises a successful marriage And . The spouse will be a rich man, and the family will live in abundance. At the same time, the man will be able to surround his wife with warmth and affection for many years.

Married ladies have such a vision won't bring anything good. Family conflicts are possible, not without the participation of outsiders. It is possible that one of the women he knows has designs on him. A serious test of loyalty awaits. Their future family life directly depends on how wise and balanced the decisions of both spouses are.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

How many people, so many opinions - this old proverb is confirmed by the well-known site on love and human relationships in Runet, junona.org. “Juno” generously shares with readers educational information about the interpretation of dreams, and its collection includes several meanings of dreams about red wine, collected from 75 folk and author’s dream books from different years.

  • Drinking red wine in a dream - to quarrels and big troubles, which can escalate into conflicts and even massacres.
  • Thick red wine - passionate love awaits, which will visit the dreamer in real life very soon.
  • well-being and good mood.

These interpretations are somewhat contradictory, but nevertheless very interesting.

By paying attention to dreams, people get the opportunity to comprehend upcoming events and even have time to prepare, having tuned in properly, especially if we're talking about about negative changes.

Of course, you shouldn’t believe dreams one hundred percent. However, the information received can be the key to solving many life problems. The main thing is to be able to read not only dreams, but also your heart, respect the opinions of others and independently build your own bright future. Is not it?

People who dream about objects or events related to their immediate life should not even open books that interpret dreams. If a numismatist or a banker dreams of money, then in their dreams it means only money and nothing else. If a summer resident dreams of a vegetable garden, then this can only mean that he is too worried about it.

So in the case of why red wine is dreamed of, if a person drinks it every day, then any dream about it cannot mean anything to him, except that he dreams of a hangover, but he should take care of his health.

In the case of other people who drink wine occasionally or don’t drink at all, a dream about it can mean a lot. It’s still worth looking into the dream book, even just for fun.

Dream Interpretations

The problem is that there are a great many collections of this kind. Since ancient times, people have tried to understand their dreams. As civilization developed, accumulated observations were analyzed and entered into special dream books. Here is the list the most ancient similar collections:

  1. Aesop
  2. Ancient Persian Taflisi
  3. Chinese Zhou Gong
  4. Azara
  5. Kananita
  6. Assyrian

Time passed, the standard of living changed, and the ancient books could no longer cope with explaining dreams. People began to dream about things that had not happened before. Appeared new collections of interpretation dreams, and each nation had its own version:

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Russian
  4. Gypsy

Some dream books gravitated towards one religion or another, if such predictions were allowed within its framework:

  1. Muslim
  2. Islamic

Many dream books were born from the hands of one author, if the author was great enough for such works:

  1. Nostradamus
  2. Freud
  3. Tsvetkova
  4. Wangi
  5. Miller

On modern stage lives are created combined collections of interpretation dreams for the average consumer:

  1. Family
  2. Modern
  3. 21st century

They began to appear on a broad front highly specialized publications:

  1. Esoteric
  2. Love
  3. Intimate
  4. Female
  5. Children's
  6. Wedding

It is hardly possible to list all of them in a short article. And one can only imagine how difficult it is to modern man, waking up in the morning, interpret the dream that has just died out. For example, why dream of drinking wine?

Wine in a dream

Trying to figure out why you dream about drinking red wine is to bring together the facts from different dream books and draw the right conclusion.

This is how the Russian dream book interprets it: drinking red wine in a dream, in reality promises nothing but trouble. Noble dream book adds that the troubles can be very great, even ice battle, and, most likely, it foreshadows an ordinary hussar fight.

The gypsy dream book for drinking an invigorating drink is more merciful and even promises a happy marriage with a loved one. People who are already married are promised to further strengthen their marital ties.

The new family dream book is not far behind in the promise of marriage. It is enough to just drink wine in a dream, and if you also spill it, break a bottle of wine, then the promised marriage will be accompanied, in addition, by a sea of ​​love passion. The idyll will reach its climax if in a dream you just have to drink from a barrel - this a sign of approaching luxury.

Miller’s dream book also fully agrees with this interpretation of the question of why wine is dreamed of, but at its apogee it is not limited to one barrel, but takes on the task of explaining the presence of a sleeping individual in a wine cellar. It comes down to the promise of great and pleasant life experiences.

Tsvetkov’s dream book on the question of why wine is dreamed of is laconic and narrowly focused on specific details and details. The drinking process is laid out on the shelves, as in a laboratory, but, unfortunately, the color of the wine is not taken into account.

Freud's dream book does not delve into the details of the process at all, why wine is dreamed of. The main thing here is that wine is essentially alcohol. I dreamed about alcohol, which means there will be drinking in reality. And where there is drinking, there is sex. A subtle, promising philosophy.

Although the modern dream book classifies wine as a strong drink, its appearance in dreams is still associated with positive emotions. Probably so as not to offend his drinking contemporaries too much. You dream about it being red or white, but everything is for joy or as a sign of true friendship.

IN esoteric dream book They dig deeper and in the question of why red wine is dreamed of, they take into account not only the color of the wine, but also its consistency. Drinking a red and thick grape product in a dream means passionate love. Almost like Freud, but more beautiful.

What will more ancient sources please you with, explaining why you dream of drinking red wine?

The dream book of Aesop, a representative of the Greek people, in fact, the inventor of this miraculous drink, explains dreams about wine, to a greater extent, by a person’s desire for relaxation. Apparently, the Greeks were very tired of inventing this magical liquid.

IN Chinese dream book Zhou gong, like yin and yang, is entirely dualism. If in a dream someone offers you a drink, then this sign of longevity. If in a dream you get drunk and drunk, then this is already a sign of illness.

The ancient Persian dream book Taflisi undertakes to interpret dreams in which wine flows straight like a river. People bathe, float, drown in it - a truly imperial scale of consumption, even in a dream. There's no time for color when you have to swim across a river of wine. And if in a dream everything ends in drowning, then in reality a bad end awaits.

What about old Europe?

In Nostradamus’s dream book, a lot of attention was paid to the question of why wine is dreamed of, but with regard to the color of the drink, the great predictor was only interested in the moment of consuming a pale pink variety. If you dream about this, then in life you should be afraid not only that red will be diluted with water until Pink colour, but also a bigger catch, up to and including poisoning with a deadly poison.

Old French dream book red wine is presented as a harbinger of bloodshed. If it is also of poor quality, then a prediction of treason and betrayal is added to the shedding of blood. Something here echoes the Russian dream book: fights, duels, blood.

An old English dream book interprets wine quite complacently. If a single person drinks in a dream, it means he will get married soon. If a father with many children drinks, his children will love him more deeply. To the merchant - profit; to the loser - good luck. Even if you don’t wake up at all, life will still get better, as long as you drink in your sleep and not in reality.

And what does the most modern dream book 21st century? Here it is short and clear: whoever drinks strong red wine in a dream will have a good mood and nothing more. This dream book puts forward wine as the dominant drink in the world of Morpheus optimists.

Summary conclusion

If you collect the information obtained from a small part of the dream books, what will be the general answer to the question: why do you dream of drinking red wine?

Main, do not treat anyone to it in a dream. This is the worst omen.

There are people who know how to control their dreams. It will be easier for them to resist the machinations of fate. If in a dream you hold a bottle of wine in your hands, not a drop for anyone. It’s better to hide, lose, break, spill. To drink yourself is to harm yourself. So, when they give you a treat, then you are the first in line with an empty mug. It’s good if they treat you straight from the barrel, but sharing luxury is still an unrealistic dream.

Advice to people who have dreams about drinking wine too often is to choose a convenient dream book to interpret them. But here it follows act according to status, existing at the moment.

For married people with many children, as well as bachelors who dream of creating a strong family, the best option is the old English dream interpreter.

For people who drink, for whom wine is an object of desire both in dreams and in reality, and family is nothing to them, English version it won't work. A modern dream book, or at least a 21st century dream book, is ideal for them.

A new family dream book table guide for girls who dream of getting married. The problem is only for decent girls; they hardly have dreams about drunkenness too often.

Gypsy dream book more convenient for girls who already have a chosen one, but he does not yet respond to their passion.

For those who like to fight, the Russian dream interpreter is indispensable. For those who like to fight more seriously to the point of blood, it doesn’t hurt to connect the noble and French options.

In general, with such a variety of interpretations, it is best to check everything for personal experience. Keep a small notebook and write down the contents of your dreams with a date stamp. In another column, mark actual events also limited by some time frame. When keeping such a diary for many years, a picture of the individual perception of dreams and the effectiveness of their predictive essence will certainly emerge.