Kissing a handsome man in a dream. Why does the dreamer dream of a kiss on the lips in a dream? Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream of a Man according to the dream book

If lovers or spouses dream of children kissing, this means that reconciliation awaits them and the relationship will improve.

If you kiss your mother in a dream, this foretells the love and respect of a loved one.

Kissing your lover in a dark room means that you will lead a dissolute and dishonest life; kissing her in the light means that your attitude towards women will be noble and nothing can change it.

A kiss with a stranger promises immoral and base actions.

A dream in which your loved one is kissed by a rival means that you may lose her respect.

If spouses dream that they are kissing each other, this foretells a life full of harmony and love.

If a girl dreams that someone took her by surprise while she was kissing her lover, this foreshadows meanness on the part of her friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

The traditional meaning of a dream in which you kiss your loved one is separation, betrayal, parting.

However, kissing relatives means success in business, love and respect from friends and family.

With the enemy - to reconciliation.

With strangers - to immoral acts.

If a woman dreams of a kiss with a man with whom she dreams of intimacy, her wish will come true and their sexual relationship will be very harmonious.

For a man, kissing the woman he likes is to fulfill the dream of a beautiful beloved.

Interpretation of dreams from

If a sleeping woman had to kiss a man on the lips in a dream, then this is an unpleasant and alarming sign for her. Therefore, it is so important to unravel as accurately as possible the meaning of the plot seen. It is interesting that not only a woman, but also a representative of the stronger sex can dream about it.

Dream Interpretation: kissing a man on the lips with tongue

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of a dream, you need to turn for help exclusively to proven, well-known dream books.

It is desirable that they be compiled by popular professional interpreters:

  • In Miller’s dream book, kissing another man in the presence of a legal spouse means dissatisfaction with the relationship. This interpretation is especially relevant if the kiss gave the woman unprecedented pleasure. The same plot can promise a girl an imminent big quarrel with her partner.
  • If you believe Hasse’s dream book, then a bright passionate kiss with your tongue with your soulmate promises the sleeping woman a quick separation from her beloved man. Surely young man I have had a mistress for a long time or even a second family. He simply still cannot decide to tell the dreamer about this. But very soon a difficult conversation will take place. Hasse’s work also notes that a man can see a similar plot. If in a dream he kisses with his tongue with a representative of the same sex, it is likely that the sleeping person will soon commit treason. What he has done will torment him until he confesses his fatal mistake to his beloved or at least to one of his close friends.
  • Vanga’s dream book notes that a kiss with a stranger, whom the girl herself did not want, portends her acquaintance with a man several years older. For the sake of a new lover, a woman will be ready to do a lot. Reckless love can push her into action Negative consequences which will be very difficult to correct.
  • According to the Psychological Dream Book, a kiss with the tongue while drunk with any partner promises a very unpleasant life situation in reality. The sleeping woman will be very worried about what happened.

In a dream, it is considered a sacred symbol, capable of giving vitality, returning from oblivion, and opening portals to other worlds. Nowadays, to find out why you dream of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy is so difficult that they turned to modern predictors professional psychologists in an attempt to unravel secret meaning dreams.

Some interpreters suggest viewing the dream as an upside-down dream, where disgust promises joy, and a feeling of bliss should alert you.

Description from different dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    The interpretation directly depends on the attractiveness of the stranger with whom the kiss took place in a dream. Cute Stranger portends pleasure and entertainment. If you dreamed of a repulsive person, one of your real-life acquaintances may seriously disappoint you.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    He sees in the symbol a lot in common with reality. Often the plot serves as a reminder that your partner should be given more passion and attention. For lonely people, a kiss with a stranger promises a fateful meeting. There is a high probability that the first one will somehow remind you of itself.

    Women's dream book

    Sincere passion in a dream foreshadows a surprise from fortune itself. Mild hostility warns that the long-awaited news will not be at all what it was expected. Complete rejection indicates that personal life fades into the background, giving the green light to other hobbies. If you dreamed of a kiss with an abstract figure at dawn, in reality you will meet like-minded people.

    According to the interpretations of this dream book, an elderly stranger personifies gossip and unpleasant news. A handsome young man in a dream means respect and universal sympathy from those around him.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Considers a kiss from a stranger in a dream to be a very serious warning. If you dreamed about this, it is dangerous to trust your existing partner.

    It is advisable to beware of experiments in bed, interest in which may increase sharply in the near future. The consequences threaten to be disappointing: indecent illness, inopportune, psychological trauma.

    When a guy happens to see his beloved kissing a stranger in a dream, in reality he is upset by the lack of respect on her part. If the dreamer wisely distanced herself from a loving stranger in her night dreams, in reality she values ​​relationships very much and does not dream of anyone else.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing yourself kissing someone of the same sex. The symbol warns a man that a strong rival or competitor in the business sphere will soon appear on the horizon. Seeing this happens to women, who often rightly believe that their lack of femininity makes them unattractive to men.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Offers an interesting explanation of why you dream about your ex as a stranger. It seems that the dreamer still cannot come to terms with separation and dreams of starting a relationship with this person with clean slate. Kissing a photograph of a beautiful stranger happens to those who experience burning envy of a well-known person.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    He claims that anyone who saw a similar plot in a dream is his own enemy in reality. There is a high probability of falling under the influence of suspicious and very authoritarian individuals due to gullibility, recklessness, and dubious adventures. There is a risk of significantly worsening living conditions as a result of bankruptcy due to negligence. Past pranks may unexpectedly become public.

Features and Cautions

From the Noble Dream Book of Nina Grishina you can find out as evidenced by areas of the face and body kissed by a stranger in a dream:

  • Intimate parts reflect the dreamer's unseemly plans.
  • If you dreamed of a kiss on the lips, details of the dream talk about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kiss on the cheek promises an unexpected catch.
  • When he kisses hands in a dream, self-esteem in reality is simply off the charts.
  • When the object of affection is the neck, support from friends will be very helpful.
  • Air kiss reflects a feeling of superiority.

Some interpretations of what it means to dream of a kiss with an unfamiliar guy contain direct warnings. Family indicates an increased likelihood of conflicts between households or in professional circles.

The youngest and most inexperienced English dream book warns against excessive gullibility. Sometimes a disgusting stranger appears in the dreams of young ladies who dream of a profitable marriage of convenience, in which there may be no place for love.

If you dream of a kiss with an unpleasant person stranger. If the gentleman is persistent, circumstances threaten to get out of control and things won’t work out. in the best possible way . You should also beware of moral pressure and physical aggression.

Star Kiss

The erotic dream book claims that in night dreams the role of a stranger can be played well a famous person who is unaware of your existence. As a rule, dreams in which you happened to kiss a celebrity do not contain erotic overtones; they symbolize the area where you would like to achieve success. Now is a favorable moment to achieve tangible results, it is important not to miss it.

Kissing public figures in a dream happens to those who in reality are trying their best to hide their love, considering it inappropriate or shameful.

The esoteric dream book draws attention to the lighting and the people around you. If the kiss took place in bright light and in front of everyone, the dreamer will have to work for the public to the detriment of his ego, and sacrifice his own moral principles for the sake of decency.

In the dream book of the sorceress Medea, a frivolous gesture in a dream serves as a call to overcome internal barriers and phobias to enjoy life to the fullest.

Each dream can be divided into several types, one of which is a nightmare (in most cases, such a dream awakens a person) and another, completely opposite to a nightmare, but also capable of bringing one out of a state of sleep - an intimate dream. Kissing in a dream initially falls into the second category, although any dream is quite spontaneous in nature and even such a harmless, pleasant dream can result in a nightmare.

Fear and passion are one of the most powerful human feelings.

Fear and passion are one of the most powerful feelings of a person, each of which can lead him out of control and force him to succumb to his animal instincts.

  • Fear is perhaps the most powerful feeling of a living being. It is based on self-preservation, the desire to live, to breathe air, etc. The dreamer's fear of a nightmare can quite easily bring him out of the sleep state and remember the picture itself for a long time, since this feeling does not disappear immediately.
  • Passion or voluptuousness is one of the essential manifestations that control a person’s train of thought, capable of pushing him to the most reckless actions. After all, how many wars or clashes are there in the world because of women? Passion can equally well awaken a person and encourage him to commit various follies. One of its softest manifestations is a kiss.

A kiss in a dream for men (in most cases) is a reflection of a subconscious state, which is facilitated by the desire to be in the arms of a woman and relieve sexual tension. This feeling is developed by great physical attraction, sometimes dissatisfaction, which forces a man to see sexual pictures in his dreams and experience irrepressible passion.

If a person is actually not very susceptible to unbridled impulses of nature, then his subconscious simply does not accumulate and, accordingly, does not manifest hidden desires. Based on this, a kiss in a dream begins to acquire a certain meaning:

  • If a man or woman kisses a stranger on the lips, then in the near future the dreamer will face an unexpected and, at first glance, quite advantageous situation (possibly new opportunity, new earnings, new acquaintances that can bring good profit or benefit), but the consequences of this situation are actually little predictable.
  • If a woman kissed her lover in a dream, then such a dream promises a quick wedding, a happy marriage and a dream come true.
  • If a woman kisses a handsome man, then the meaning of the dream indicates a successful combination of circumstances in the business she has begun. A kiss is interpreted as a sincere investment of strength, hope for a positive outcome of any matter.
  • Seeing people kissing means solving an important issue for yourself, making a certain choice.

For men, kiss in a dream with beautiful woman interpreted similarly.

Kissing in a dream (video)

Why do you dream of a kiss with your husband, beloved man, woman?

Kissing your husband or wife

It also happens that a married woman dreams that she is kissing her husband, although the husband, in fact, is always at hand. The exact interpretation of this dream directly depends on the actual feelings and associations associated with the husband.

  • If the husband is in real life the dreamer is a support, a stronghold of great sincere feeling, then to see such a dream is a sign of the possible conception of a child, the joint beginning and successful outcome of any business.
  • Sometimes a woman can associate a husband with a certain, pronounced quality inherent only to her man, such as: courage, firmness, intelligence, etc. In this case, a long-awaited event awaits the woman or positive result in any enterprise in which she contributed the qualities inherent in her husband. In rare cases - timely manifestation of firmness and perseverance to defend one’s point of view.

It also happens that a married woman dreams that she is kissing her husband

A kiss with a wife, with similar feelings for her, fully corresponds to the decoding of women's dreams.

Kiss with your beloved woman, man

Also, if a woman kisses her beloved man in a dream, or a man dreams that his beloved woman is kissing him, then the interpretation of night vision can have several meanings:

  • In the direct fulfillment of the dream, a man (woman) will have a long-awaited meeting with his beloved (beloved).
  • Indirectly, the dream indicates a certain favorite activity (usually a child) that the dreamer is engaged in.

Also, if a woman kisses her beloved man in a dream, or a man dreams that his beloved woman is kissing him, then the interpretation of night vision can have several meanings

The development of this business requires special, painstaking work, sometimes completely unexpected, fresh look on things.

Why do you dream of kissing on the lips with your boss or a stranger?

Such dreams relate more to business relationships, although there are exceptions here, so the interpretation will begin with them.

The very image of a boss in a dream can have both direct meaning, and no.

  • In the first case, the dreamer faces a promotion at work, a higher salary, an unexpected trip and the favor of a person higher up the ladder.
  • Also, the image of the boss is a kind of patron, his participation in the dreamer’s fate. But more often than not, such an image has an association with circumstances weighing on the dreamer (the dreamer), which have little to do with themselves.
  • In a more direct interpretation, it means kissing fate, luck on the lips, i.e. the dream indicates the most favorable outcome of any matter that concerns financial resources(project financing, assistance, etc.).
  • According to Miller's dream book, kissing a stranger in a dream means getting into a completely unforeseen situation, the consequences of which are almost unpredictable.

Such dreams concern business relationships

Typically, the outcome or decision in in this case will depend not on the efforts of the dreamer, but on a random combination of circumstances or other people. If a person dreams of this, then he is not recommended to get involved in an adventure, no matter how beautiful the result may seem.

Seeing a passionate kiss in a dream: what does it mean?

Kisses in a dream are not much different from real life and mean complete trust each other.

In a dream, everything depends on who the dreamer kisses or what feelings he experiences about it.

  • If you dreamed of a kiss with a loved one, then in reality the dreamer will experience a surge of great inspiration in the business he has begun. In some cases, this is a manifestation of hopes associated with a favorite activity, where the dreamer did everything possible, gave a lot of effort to ensure that his plans came true. Night vision can be a manifestation of a person’s dreams themselves, his dreams, but as practice shows, such a dream is more connected with their real fulfillment.
  • Kissing a celebrity passionately means receiving an invitation, good news.
  • Kissing a friend is a pleasant surprise.
  • If the dreamer dreams of kissing his wife, then this is associated with the future use of those qualities that the dreamer himself possesses (usually hidden).

Kisses in a dream are not much different from real life and mean complete trust in each other

The meaning of sleep is completely identical for a woman.

Kissing passionately in a dream, interpretations of various situations

A passionate kiss in a dream is practically no different from a passionate kiss, with the rare exception of impressions received in a dream.

  • Kissing passionately with a stranger means completely relying on chance and circumstances.
  • According to the dream book, for a guy to passionately kiss a beautiful girl means a new love adventure, romance, new relationship.
  • Kissing your ex (ex) - to unexpected memories, nostalgia, sometimes meeting mutual friends or reviving relationships, also to meeting old acquaintances or childhood friends.
  • Also, kissing a former loved one may mean returning to old habits, long-abandoned activities, or providing a new chance.

Why do you dream about a kiss (video)

Kissing in a dream is just as pleasant as in reality, so in most cases this dream has a positive effect on life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Such a gentle, pleasant, intimate act as a kiss can evoke emotions not only in real life, but also in a dream. Moreover, the interpretation of such a dream largely depends on small details, on the person with whom you had to kiss. Why do you dream about a picture of kisses? Our dream book will tell you about this.

Kissing in a dream: for worse or for good?

All dream books have a slightly different interpretation of what it means to kiss in a dream. And in some predictions, the interpretation of a dream even depends on the time of year in which the dreamer was born. For someone born in the autumn months, such a plot in a dream predicts an insult that he will inflict on the kissed person in front of everyone in real life.

What does kissing in a dream mean for a man born in the summer? The dream book gives a negative interpretation: he will become a victim of his wife’s betrayal. It's the same for a woman bad sign: Serious scandals await her in the family. And here unmarried girl who sees such a picture in a dream can prepare a dowry - soon they will propose marriage to her.

Small Velesov's dream book gives a negative interpretation of a dream where a guy had to kiss, and the subject of this action was a beauty. This means that the young man will face deception and deceit on the part of a representative of the fair sex, who is very dear to him. And if the dreamer had a homosexual kiss, then this symbolizes enmity, or an acquaintance that was specially arranged.

According to Miller's dream book, kissing in a dream is a bad omen, especially if it is a kiss with a loved one that takes place in pitch darkness. This is a threat of debauchery and unrighteous life, which will ultimately lead to a deterioration in the financial situation.

A kiss with a stranger is also interpreted negatively by the dream book. This is a prediction about immoral acts that the dreamer will be able to commit in the near future. But if you touched your mother with your lips, then it’s the opposite - good sign. You will be honored and respected.

According to Vanga’s dream book, seeing children kissing in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation in the family if the person who saw the dream does not have a good relationship with his or her spouse. If everything is fine in the relationship, then there is no need to worry either. Such a plot promises maximum satisfaction that you will receive from the work done and an increase in your financial condition.

According to the same dream book, the meaning of a dream where you managed to kiss your wife or husband promises harmony, the absence of conflicts and disagreements in family life. And kissing your enemy is a prediction of a quick reconciliation with him. A person will appear in life who can reconcile you, and he will do it easily and naturally.

Why dream of hugging and kissing with your loved one in a dream? According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream carries negativity - parting and tears. Hugging and covering the faces of parents with kisses, as if saying goodbye to them, is also a bad forecast from the dream book. Take a closer look at their health in reality; perhaps you can still save them from the oncoming illness and gain time.

Hugging a stranger in a dream, and even more so, touching his lips is a warning from the dream book that people you consider friends are actually plotting against you. Be careful and carefully choose your friends.

Kiss loved ones and relatives

Why dream of kissing your loved one in a dream? This is a frequent dream of a girl in love, and there is nothing bad in it; the dream book predicts only good events in reality. Such a gentle touch is a symbol of harmony and balance in a relationship; you will feel unprecedented warmth and tenderness from your chosen one.

The dream book gives a completely different interpretation: if, when your lover tries to kiss you, you pull away and resist his touch in every possible way, then this is a reflection of your uncertainty in your feelings. Before you give the person you care about hope for continued romance, take a good look at yourself: are you ready for serious actions?

Why dream of kissing your ex in a dream? This picture has a psychoanalytic interpretation. In real life, you just can’t let go of this person, and even if you don’t see him, your subconscious is tightly tied to the memories of him.

Also, this could be an otherworldly signal that your ex is sorely missing you, he is depressed, and cannot forget you. Call him, meet him, reassure him - he needs your care more than ever before, because what such a picture means in a dream indicates his vulnerability.

If a man saw his wife kissing another in a dream, then this may well be a warning about real adultery. But you shouldn’t immediately accuse your other half of cheating; first, take a close look at yourself, how long have you been passionate about her? Such a dream may be a reflection of your subconscious, which requires you to love your spouse.

For a married woman, the dream book gives bad predictions if she had to kiss her lover in a dream. Soon your betrayal may be revealed, so you should either tell your spouse about everything, or end the vicious relationship.

Also, this may be a subconscious signal that in your family life you lack love, passion, affection, and also, you are very worried that the deception will be revealed. Is it worth tormenting yourself if what such a picture means in a dream predicts the revelation of your secret to your spouse.

For family people, kissing your brother in a dream is a very good sign. At the family hearth you will be surrounded by care and attention. Respect for you among your relatives will rise sharply. The dream book gives especially pleasant prophecies if you kissed your brother on the cheek.

Why dream of kissing your sister? This is also a very good forecast, especially for business people who are not doing well in business. Very soon all the problems will end, and your career will go uphill, as you will earn respect for your good deed among your work colleagues and the patron of your company.

The dream book gives sad forecasts if you had to kiss a friend in a dream. This is a sign of an imminent separation, which will not happen because of a quarrel or conflict, but because your friend will leave the city, or even go to another country. But don’t be too upset, in any case you will keep in touch and remain friends, but only over a long distance.

For a man, why dreaming of kissing a girlfriend is a sign that in reality he will achieve his goals, despite moral principles and generally accepted norms of behavior. If a girl sees such a picture in a dream, the dream warns that the friend you treat so well is false. She is scheming behind your back, and soon you will be very disappointed in her.

It’s sad, but if a loved one kisses another, it means that what such a plot means in a dream foreshadows insincerity, callousness, and perhaps even betrayal of the beloved in reality. Whether you need such a relationship is up to you to decide, but the dream book will not give vain prophecies, so it is better to take a closer look at your soulmate and act in accordance with the current situation.

Kissing strangers

A strange dream where you had to kiss a stranger is interpreted depending on the general environment of the dream and the specific situation. On the one hand, this may mean a surge of strong, all-consuming, violent emotions in reality, but it’s a pity that they will be rather short-lived.

And if the kiss took place in a dark room, or, even worse, in the entrance, then this is evidence from the dream book that you are extremely wasteful and take your money lightly. This attitude can lead to financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing your boss in a dream? This is a warning from the dream book that your carelessness and inattention can lead to dismissal and subsequent financial difficulties. You need to approach your work with all responsibility in the near future, not to slack off, and then, perhaps, everything will work out.

For a man to kiss a woman in a dream is a good dream book prophecy. In family life, or in a relationship with a lover, complete harmony and peace are expected. But if such an action in a dream happened in front of many people, in public, then this is a signal that your relationship will be surrounded by gossip and unfounded rumors.

Kissing a celebrity in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a good sign. You subconsciously associate yourself with this person, and touching him with your lips is a symbol of continuity, that in real life you will act like an idol, and thanks to this you will achieve success in love and career.

Why dream of kissing a classmate in a dream? It all depends on whether your paths now cross or not. If you communicate quite well with him and consider him a friend, then soon there may be conflicts in your relationship that will lead to separation. If there is no friendship between you, then very soon it may appear - these are the predictions of the dream book.

Why dream of kissing an enemy? This is a dream book signal for reconciliation. Listen to yourself, remember where your hostility and misunderstanding began. Don't these problems seem stupid to you now? If you can forgive your enemy, then in addition to a simple truce, you will receive in him a very reliable friend, who may even become the best.

The dream book interprets, depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, what it means to dream of kissing the director in a dream. If at the same time you feel passion and satisfaction, then in real life you will experience unprecedented success and promotion. On the contrary, if you feel hostility when kissing, you can actually expect a decrease in salary and even a layoff.

The dream book gives a psychoanalytic interpretation to the plot where you managed to kiss the president in a dream. Why do you dream about such a plot? Here, a lot depends on the dreamer’s political affiliation, and if he is directly related to politics, then this is a symbol of his anxiety about the situation in the country.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, kissing an acquaintance who is not your friend, but someone with whom you simply keep in touch from time to time is a sign of meanness from this person. If you are experiencing warm feelings to a character from the realm of dreams, then the dream book’s forecasts are sad - soon you will part forever.

In real life it is almost impossible to imagine that you can kiss a dead person, but in the kingdom of Morpheus anything is possible. And such a plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on the emotional situation of the dream. If you feel disgust when kissing, then this is a very bad sign: a serious illness may overtake you.

Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, if you had to kiss a dead person, and at the same time you experienced joy, happiness, reverence, then in reality you can expect a lot pleasant events that will bring love and happiness into your life.

Also, kissing a dead person in a dream is regarded by the dream book as an omen that some celebrity will pay attention to you, and in the end it is possible that real feelings will flare up between you, which can lead to a wedding.

Also, why you dream of kissing the deceased in a dream is a dream book prediction that you will soon reveal someone’s secret, which will plunge you into confusion. But if the deceased himself touched you with his lips, then your secret will be revealed - such an outcome, according to the interpretation of the dream book, cannot be avoided.

Different kisses

Why dream of kissing passionately in a dream? If the subject of the kiss is your real-life lover, then you can rest assured of his devotion and honesty. In any case, you don’t have to wait for a trick on his part; your chosen one deserves real and unquestioning trust.

Kissing on the lips in a dream is always a dream book prediction about changes in life, but whether they will be good or bad depends entirely on the details of the dream. A long and tender kiss with a loved one is a sign of an imminent separation, but the reason for separation will not be a quarrel, but a vacation or a long business trip.

Why dream of kissing in a dream with a hickey? This is a dream book forecast that a serious illness is approaching you, and in order to overcome it, the main thing is to start treatment on time, so don’t delay and run to the doctor as soon as possible - delay is like death.

Kissing passionately and for a long time with your tongue is a sign in the dream book that you will receive enormous satisfaction in real life from your victories on the love front. And here married woman who saw a kiss with a tongue in a dream, and her partner was not her husband, in reality she experiences a lack of attention from her husband, and she simply needs tenderness and affection.

Why dream of seeing people kissing in a dream? This dream is a good omen. The dream book promises that your life will soon change in better side. This is especially true for those who are currently experiencing financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing an actor? Such a plot can be interpreted as positive if in reality you love this actor and look up to him. Then the dream book promises success in business, and the acquisition of fame and respect.