Right or left. The secret meaning of habitual gestures

3. Exercise “Napoleon Pose”.

Instructions:“Cross your arms over your chest. The leading hand is determined by the fingers located on top of the shoulder.”

4. Exercise "Weave fingers."

Instructions:“Put your elbows on the table, clasp your palms together. At the command, interlace your fingers. The leading hand is determined by the thumb being on top, covering the other.”

5. Exercise “Pick up a fallen pen.”

Instructions:“On command, drop the pen to the floor and then pick it up. The dominant hand is the hand in which you hold the raised pen."

56 Section 1. Interaction of the psyche and physical body

6. Exercise - “Dynamometry”.

Instruction 1:“Take a dynamometer and alternately squeeze out the greatest force with your right and left hands. The leading hand is determined by the best result.”

Instruction 2:"Take the dynamometer first right hand, squeeze out the force, and then "/ 2 of this force. Perform a similar procedure with your left hand. The leading hand is determined by the smaller deviation from the ideal Y 2 force. For example, you indicated 32 with your right hand, and Y 2 effort - 22: the error was (+5). And with the left hand - 30 and 13: error - (-2). left hand».

7. Exercise “Drawing”.

Instructions:“Take a pen (pencil) in each hand. On command, simultaneously draw a square with your right hand and a circle with your left. Draw a line under the figures and, on command, draw a circle with your left hand and a square with your right. Compare the figures drawn with your right and left hands. More accurate drawings were made by the dominant hand. If the accuracy of drawing is approximately the same, then dominance has not been identified and in terms of accuracy of movements you are ambidextrous.”

8. Exercise “Catch the ball.”

And the proclamation:“Stand in pairs at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other. On command, one throws a tennis ball to a partner, who then catches it with one hand. Exchange. The hand with which you catch the ball is the leading one.” .

. Exercise "Throw".

instructions:“You see a target in front of you. Everyone will make two throws with their right and left hands, trying to hit with this plasticine ball, standing on a line located at a distance of two meters from the target. The leading hand is determined by a more accurate hit.”

Exercises to determine your leading leg

1. Exercise “Self-esteem”.

Instructions:“Imagine that a ball is rolling towards you; Which foot would you kick him with? This leg is the leading (fly) leg.”

2. Exercise “Leg to Leg.”

Instructions:“Sit comfortably. On command, take a sitting position, legs crossed. The leg on top is the leading one.”

Topic 3. Psychomotor and functional asymmetries 57

58 Section 1. PS interaction ihiki And physical body

3. Exercise “Step forward”.

Instructions:“The task is carried out from and. p. standing. On command, rise onto your toes, and then shift your body weight forward, taking a step. The foot with which you took the step is the leading one.

4. Exercise "Step".

Instructions:“The task is performed at the stairs. On command, go up a few steps. The leg with which you started the movement is the leading (fly) leg.”

5. Exercise “Step length”.

Instructions: “The task is performed by several people at the same time. Standing at the line on the floor, on command, step forward with your right foot. Your partners determine the length of the step from the line to the heels using a centimeter tape (as in the long jump). Now the same with the left. The leading leg is determined by the best result.”

6. Exercise “Long jump with a push of one leg.”

Instructions:“You should, without stepping on the line, perform a long jump with a push of one leg. The partner measures the length of the jump on a centimeter scale. Two attempts are given for each leg. The leading leg is determined by the lower average value.”

7. Exercise “Balance test”.

Instructions:“The task is performed alternately in pairs. One accepts and. p. standing hands forward with eyes closed. On command, you should raise your right leg forward and maintain this position for as long as possible. I count down the time out loud. The partner records the time (s) for placing the foot on the floor. The shortest holding time determines the leading leg.”

8. Exercise “Kicking the ball.”

Instructions:“Imagine yourself as a football player. There is a goal in front of you, you take a penalty... run up, kick! Which foot did you hit the ball with? “She is the leader when kicking.”

Task 2. Study of sensory asymmetries of athletes

Introductory remarks. Sensory asymmetries are characteristic of paired distant human sensory organs - the eyes and ears. At the same time, self-esteem presenter eyes and ears often does not coincide with the data of a special examination. It should also be taken into account that the sensory asymmetric

Topic 3. Psychomotor and functional asymmetries 59

asymmetry in vision (dominant eye) is more significant than asymmetry in hearing, especially for training shooters and athletes in various types martial arts with the acyclic nature of motor activity and the need to constantly concentrate attention on the accuracy of the motor actions performed (gymnastics, acrobatics, diving, boxing, fencing, etc.). Below are simple techniques for determining the dominant eye and ear.

Exercises to determine the dominant eye and ear

1. Exercise “Self-esteem”.

Instructions:“Which eye do you think is your dominant eye?”

2. "Vision test"(at an ophthalmologist).

Instructions:“Everyone knows what kind of vision they have. If there are no differences, then the dominance of the eye in terms of visual acuity has not been revealed. If one eye sees better than the other, it is the leader in this indicator. For example, visual acuity of the right eye is 1.0; left - 0.8; This means that the leading eye is the right one.”

3. Exercise “Sighting ability of the eye.”

Instructions:“Take a pen or pencil in your hand and align it (it) with any vertical line, for example, with the edge of a board or window frame. Close your eyes one at a time. Note whether, with the right or left eye closed, the pen did not deviate from the alignment line or deviated to a lesser extent. This eye is the leading one."

4. Exercise “Winking”.

Instructions:“The exercise is performed in pairs. Turn around to face each other and wink at your partner on command. You winked with your dominant eye.”

60 Section 1. Interaction of the psyche and physical body

5. Exercise - “Telephone conversation.”

Instructions:“There’s a telephone in front of you, it’s ringing. Answer the subscriber: to which ear did you put the handset you removed from the device? Try again, which ear is more comfortable for you to listen to?”

Task 3. Study of mental


Methods for determining right/left hemisphere dominance

1. Self-assessment method.

Instructions:“Which hemisphere do you think is your dominant? If it’s difficult, think about which subjects at school were easier for you: mathematics, physics or literature, history? If there are exact sciences, then the leading one is the right hemisphere. If you find it difficult to answer, it means there is no obvious dominance and, most likely, you belong to the mixed type.”

2. Arnheim problem.

Instructions:“Let’s imagine that it’s 3:40 a.m. now. What time will it be in 40 minutes? If you operated with numbers, then the leader is left hemisphere. If represented by arrows or Digital Watch, then it’s right.”

3. Research ways to remember a phone number.

Instructions:“Let’s imagine that you can’t write down a phone number. How do you remember it? If you are looking for some pattern in the arrangement of numbers or an association (for example, house number - date of birth, etc.), then the left hemisphere is leading, and if you imagine how you write down (visual image) or the sequence of typing - that is the right hemisphere.”

4. “Numbers and figures.”

Instructions:"Close your eyes. Now I will show you a poster on which something is depicted. On command, you open your eyes, after a second I remove the poster, and you reproduce on paper the first thing that caught your eye, what you paid attention to. The leading hemisphere is the left hemisphere, if you wrote down the number or numbers, and the right one, if you first paid attention to the figures.”

5. "The old woman and the young woman."

Instructions:“Now I will show the so-called dual image. In the picture you can see either a young woman or an elderly one. Note what you saw first. Attention!.. If you immediately saw a young lady, it means that at that moment your right hemisphere was more active, if you saw an old woman, then your left.” Depending

Topic 3. Psychomotor and functional asymmetries 61

Depending on the size of the image, it should be shown either to everyone at once, or to each pair of subjects separately.

6. Test for hemispheric dominance(N. M. Timchenko). Instructions:“You answer questions using either “yes” or “no.”

    Sometimes I like to dream.

    I rather strive to understand the situation myself than to trust the opinion of others.

    I find being in nature very exciting and inspiring.

    I think about my actions rather than act impulsively.

    I like sad music more than happy music.

    I foresee the consequences of my own decisions better than most people.

    I have expressive facial expressions.

    I often doubt things for a long time.

    Sometimes I feel like an artist.

    As a rule, I see things through to the end.

    I have more pronounced inclinations towards concrete sciences than towards abstract ones.

    I have smooth, calm speech.

    I prefer bright, original clothes.

    I like to calmly think about things.

    I really like to sit in front of the TV (more than other people).

    I choose my acquaintances, acquaintances, and friends very carefully.

    I can work for quite a long time and effectively in noisy conditions.

    Self-criticism is my rule.

    I am considered an open and spontaneous person.

    Being late is not my habit.

Processing of experimental data using the Timchenko test

    Count the number of “yes” answers to even and odd questions. If the sum of points is ODD > EVEN, then it is more active right in hemisphere, and if EVEN > ODD, then more active left hemisphere. This is a preliminary conclusion.

62 Section 1. Interaction of the psyche and physical body

left hemisphere; 8-12 points - mixed type; 13-20 points - dominance of the right hemisphere.

Shutdown. Students draw up a final protocol of experiments on three tasks and analyze their own and their partner’s data, taking into account that pronounced asymmetry - this is a clear predominance of the right or left limb, eye, ear and cerebral hemisphere. To obtain more accurate information about the functional asymmetry of the brain, special instrumental studies (EMG, EEG) are required. In a joint discussion, students formulate criteria leading arm/leg, eye and cerebral hemisphere, and also discusses the role of the F AM profile for success in various sports.

Section 2

Personality psychology of the athlete and coach

Topic 1. Study of intellectual

properties of those involved in sports

Explanations of the topic. In sports activity, a person learns the world primarily through motor perceptions and various motor actions, consisting of simple and complex movements, psycho-muscular sensations and psycho-energetic states of the body, various sports feelings, psychomotor and ideo-motor forms of intellectual activity, i.e. . thinking in motion. Some people who are far from sports still have the idea that athletes are not fully intellectually developed people, act according to the Russian proverb “there is strength, no need for intelligence.” This popular everyday idea about athletes does not correspond to reality, because not only chess, but also any other sport requires high intellectual and volitional tension from athletes, forms and develops the thinking of athletes in their own way, i.e. in accordance with its specificity of tactical and technical actions. Real life person in sports is proven by the fact that physical exercises, training loads, competitions (especially in sports highest achievements) is not only a creatively experienced intense physical work solving the complex life task of physically improving one’s body, “doing oneself,” but also no less intense intellectual activity, forming and developing in athletes a variety of intellectual skills and mental skills, closely related, on the one hand, to the subject and the content of sports activity, and on the other hand, with social models of life’s struggle for one’s place in society.

64 Section l 2, Psychology personalities athlete And trainer

This explains, firstly, the predominant specialization of the intellectual activity of athletes in the direction of their mastery of mental skills of concrete figurative, tactical and practical thinking; secondly, this also explains the enormous popularity of sports as social model of a healthy image life and the competitive struggle for survival in this world. Spectators of the Olympics, world championship competitions in football or ice hockey are more than 3 billion people, glued to their TV screens and empathizing with the athletes. Every sixth inhabitant of the planet is involved in sports in one way or another.

A specific sport develops the athlete’s intelligence in accordance with the psychomotor requirements inherent in this sport for the level of development and manifestation of mental and motor abilities this person in educational, training and competitive activities, which poses the task of sports psychology to study the peculiarities of thinking of representatives of different types of sports.

The test tasks proposed below are intended to study the intellectual potential of athletes - diagnosing the awareness of their mind, measuring the speed of associative verbal-logical, figurative and practical thinking, assessing their creativity and general erudition, i.e. mental abilities, from which the structure of their intellect is formed (from lat. intellectus - understanding, understanding, comprehension). In psychology "intelligence" is defined as “a relatively stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities” 1 .

Exercise 1. Mental capacity athletes

Introductory remarks. There are a lot of mental abilities studied by psychologists. Below is an adapted version of the method of the famous German psychologist Amthauer to determine the main ones. It consists of five verbal tests, each of which contains 20 questions. Each question in the test is an unfinished sentence in which the last word or the last number is missing in meaning. The test taker must choose this word from five suggested for each question or finish

1 See: Brief psychological dictionary / Comp. L. A. Karpenko; Under. ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. - M.: Politizdat, 1985. - P. 119.

Topic 1. Study of the intellectual properties of those involved in sports 65

offer in numbers. General form The experimental protocol for all 5 exercises is attached below. It is also important to take into account the speed of completing tasks, for which a stopwatch is needed.

Method of work. The first thing the subject needs to do is to Clean slate paper draw a table - form experience protocol - 5 columns of 20 lines each (see sample above). The test taker will enter answers to the test questions in the cells of the table.

To standardize the experimental conditions, the experimenter must tell the subject before starting the experiment: “Work calmly and carefully, complete the tasks in the order in which they are located. If you can’t find the answer to the next question, don’t linger on it too long, move on to the next question.”

Exercise 1: Mind Awareness 1

Instructions:“Read the sentence and choose from the list provided the word that, in your opinion, is best suited for the semantic design and completion of the sentence. Remember: the sentence must be completed with one word. Work quickly."

Sample solution:

1. A rabbit is most similar to... a) a cat, b) a squirrel, c) a hare, d) a fox, e) a hedgehog.

Possible correct answer: c) on the hare(place the letter “c” in the table of the experiment protocol form in the first column to the right opposite the question number). When marking the answer in the experiment protocol, remember that after each question in the column of the answer table you need to enter only one letter (or number), since in all tasks for each question only one Document

PSYCHOLOGYUnderby the editors workshop By



    COLLECTED WORKS Volume FOUR CHILDREN'S PSYCHOLOGYUnderby the editors D. B. ELKONINA MOSCOW PEDAGOGY 1984 L.S. Vygotsky... . M., 1931. * Veselovskaya K. Ya. Pedological workshop: Manual for practical exercises By pedology. M., 1924. * With an asterisk...

  • Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed over the chest, arms extended forward with open palms, and hands clenched into fists. At the leader’s command: “One, two, three!”, each participant, simultaneously with the others, must show one of three movements (whichever one they like). The goal is to get the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement.

    Presenter's comment

    This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, it means they are ready to work and are quite open. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's pose shows some closedness or reluctance to work.

    2. Exercise “Carousel of Communication”

    Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader.

    “I love...”, “It makes me happy...”, “I feel sad when...”, “I get angry when...”, “I am proud of myself when...”

    3. Exercise “Test of geometric shapes”

    Participants are asked to choose one of five geometric shapes: square, triangle, circle, rectangle, zigzag - and break into groups in accordance with the chosen shape.

    Presenter's comment

    RECTANGLE: variability, inconsistency, uncertainty, excitement. Curiosity, positive attitude towards everything new, courage, low self-esteem, self-doubt, gullibility. Nervousness, rapid, sharp mood swings, avoidance of conflicts, forgetfulness, tendency to lose things, unpunctuality. New friends, imitation of other people's behavior, tendency to colds, injuries, road accidents.

    TRIANGLE: leader, desire for power, ambition, determination to win. Pragmatism, focus on the essence of the problem, self-confidence, determination. Impulsiveness, strength of feelings, courage, indomitable energy, risk-taking. High efficiency, wild entertainment, impatience. Wit, wide social circle, narrow circle of relatives and friends.

    ZIGZAG: thirst for change, creativity, thirst for knowledge, excellent intuition. Obsession with your ideas, daydreaming, focus on the future. A positive attitude towards everything new, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, spontaneity. Impracticality, impulsiveness, instability of mood and behavior. Desire to work alone, aversion to paperwork, carelessness in financial matters. Wit, the life of the party.

    SQUARE: organization, punctuality, strict adherence to instructions and rules. Analytical thinking, attention to detail, fact-oriented. Predilection for written speech, accuracy, cleanliness, rationality, caution, dryness, coldness. Practicality, economy, perseverance, perseverance, firmness in decisions, patience, hard work. Professional erudition, a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances.

    CIRCLE: high need for communication, contact, goodwill, caring for others. Generosity, ability to empathize, good intuition. Calmness, tendency to self-blame and melancholy, emotional sensitivity. Gullibility, focus on the opinions of others, indecisiveness. Talkativeness, ability to persuade, convince others, sentimentality, craving for the past. A penchant for social work, a flexible daily routine, a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.

    The Universe is an asymmetric ensemble.
    I believe that life as we know it must be a function of the asymmetry of the world or the consequences that flow from it.

    Louis Pasteur

    It seems to us that the picture of the world that opens before our eyes is holistic and continuous. But in fact, there are two pictures: what is projected on the right half of the retina ends up in the left hemisphere, and what is projected on the left half of the retina ends up in the right hemisphere. Doctors and physiologists call this reciprocity, crossness.

    Only thanks to connections between the hemispheres of the brain do both half-pictures merge together.

    The sound is cross-transmitted to the halves of the brain by the hearing aid. The muscles of the body are controlled in a criss-cross manner and tactile sensations are perceived. What amazing symmetry! – I involuntarily want to exclaim.

    Functions are distributed between the hemispheres both evenly and not very...

    But there is no less asymmetry in our brain and body (in addition to the heart, stomach and other organs).

    In one of the French clinics in the mid-19th century. Two patients suffering from speech disorders died. The famous French anthropologist and anatomist Paul Broca performed autopsies and found that both patients had the same lesion in the left hemisphere: hemorrhage in the posterior frontal region. Accident? It turns out not.

    Ten years later, his compatriot Klodt Wernicke noticed that with hemorrhages in the temporal region of the same hemisphere, the patient ceases to understand speech, although he can speak: for him it turns into meaningless noise. The “speaking” hemisphere, out of respect for such an important matter as speech, was called dominant, dominant, and the “silent” hemisphere was called subdominant, subordinate. (A significant role in this must have been played by the tradition that linked the ability to think with the ability to speak alone. “You can still find statements that language is the only means of thinking,” we read in a book on psychological linguistics.) The terminology contributed to the fact that researchers paid the greatest attention to the dominant hemisphere, and only in the most last years found out: the subdominant is worthy of the closest study.


    Props: pieces of paper, pens.

    From neuropsychology we know that the two hemispheres of the human brain work differently: the left hemisphere is responsible for the logical and linguistic aspects of mental operations, and the right hemisphere is responsible for their imagery, integrity and emotionality. This functional asymmetry of the human body manifests itself in different forms behavior, while certain behavioral reactions can be built according to the right or left type.

    Now we will do several tests and find out what types of reactions predominate in each of you. Prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil. You will do several exercises, in each of them you will mark on a piece of paper which type of reaction - right or left - manifested itself in you.

    They can be marked, for example, with the letters “P” and “L”.

    So, prepare pieces of paper and pens to mark the right and left type of reaction. Please. (Gong).

    Let's start the first task. Place your hands in front of you and interlace your fingers. Look which of the two thumbs is on top - the right or the left. If the right finger is on top, then this is the right type of reaction, so mark it on your sheet. If the left finger is on top, then your reaction type is left. So, interlace your fingers and, depending on which of the two thumbs is on top, mark on your sheet the right or left type of reaction. Please. (Gong).

    Let's move on to the second task. Your eyes are open. Place your index fingers in front of your eyes as if you were aiming a gun, while catching and fixing with your eyes the point at which you are shooting (do not close your eyes). So, place your fingers in the barrel of the gun and aim at the point. Let's start. (Gong).

    Now close first one and then the other eye. See which of these two cases causes the aiming point to move. If the point moves when your right eye is closed, then your reaction type is right, if the point moves when your left eye is closed, then your reaction type is left. So, please, first close one and then the other eye and record in which case the aiming point will shift. (Gong).

    Now we are starting the third task. This is the so-called Napoleon pose. Cross your arms over your chest and see which hand is on top, right or left. Record the result. So, fold your arms across your chest and see which hand is on top. Please. (Gong).

    Finally, the fourth task. First we'll ask you to clap a little. So, let's all clap our hands. (Gong).

    Now pay attention to which hand is on top when you applaud - right or left. So, let’s see which hand is on top when clapping your hands and record this result on your piece of paper. Please. (Gong). Thank you. All tasks have been completed. By the number of right and left types of reaction, you can, to a first approximation, determine your type of interhemispheric asymmetry.

    The first task allows you to judge the general nature of your psychological makeup, whether it is logical or emotional.

    The second task can talk about character traits such as firmness and aggressiveness.

    Third, indicate a tendency towards simplicity or coquetry. Fourth - on decisiveness or indecisiveness of character. You can discuss the results obtained with the presenter and with each other. So, discussion. (Gong).

    Thank you. We hope that the results obtained were able to at least slightly attract your attention to the problem of psychological and psychophysiological asymmetry. (Gong).

    TEST No. 1
    Do the following:
    (mark for yourself with the letter L - left hand or P - right.)

    1. Interlace your fingers. Which hand's finger is on top? (L or R)
    2. Determine the leading (dominant) eye. To do this, take a sheet of paper and make a hole in it. Now look at any object through the hole with both eyes. Then, remaining in the same position, close your left and right eyes alternately. You will only see the object with your dominant eye! Which is the dominant eye?
    3. Interlace your arms over your chest. Which hand is on top?
    4. Applaud. Which hand is on top?

    From the resulting combination of letters, determine your type:
    PPPP - orientation towards generally accepted opinion, towards stereotypes. This is a conservative character type. The type with the most stable (correct) behavior.
    PPPL - uncertain conservatism, weak temperament. In the presence of one test against the background of the opposite others, the corresponding trait manifests itself most clearly. IN in this case- indecision.
    PPLP - such a person has the ability to coquet, determination, sense of humor, activity, energy, temperament, artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are necessary, since this strong type character does not accept the weak.
    PPLL is a rare and independent character type. Close to the previous type, but less decisive and energetic, somewhat softer. Some contradiction between indecisiveness (left applauding) and strength of character (right leading eye). High contact, but slow addiction.
    PLPP is a business type of character, combining an analytical mind and gentleness (the main trait). More common in women. The generally accepted type of business woman. Slow addiction, caution. Such people never go into conflict head-on; they are dominated by calculation, tolerance, slowness in the development of relationships, and a certain coldness.
    PLPL is the weakest character type, very rare. Defenselessness and weakness are associated with the inability to enter into conflict and with exposure to various influences. Occurs only in women.
    PLLP - a tendency to new experiences and the ability not to create conflicts, some inconstancy. Such characters are characterized by emotional slowness, languor, simplicity, rare courage in communication, the ability to switch to new type behavior. Much more common in women.
    PLLL is a fickle and independent character type. The main feature is analyticity in combination with other left-handed tests. Rarely seen.
    LPP is one of the most common character types with good adaptation to different conditions. The main feature is emotionality combined with sufficient persistence, which manifests itself primarily in the main strategic issues of life - marriage, education, etc. High susceptibility to other people's influence. Easily communicates with almost all other character types. In men, emotionality is reduced and there is a tendency to be phlegmatic.
    LPPL - even less persistence, gentleness, compliance with cautious influence. Requires a particularly careful attitude towards yourself. The "little queen" type.
    LPLP is the strongest type of character, difficult to convince - this requires strong, varied influence. Able to show persistence, but sometimes it turns into “obsession” with minor details. Strong personality, has the ability to overcome difficulties. Some conservatism due to insufficient attention to someone else's point of view. Such people do not like immaturity.
    LPLL is a strong, but not intrusive character, practically impossible to persuade. The main feature is internal aggressiveness, covered with external softness and emotionality. Fast interaction, but slow mutual understanding.
    LLPP - friendliness and simplicity, some scattered interests.
    LLPL - main features - innocence, gentleness, gullibility. This is a very rare type.
    LLLP - emotionality combined with determination (the main feature). Energy and some scatteredness lead to the fact that such types can quickly make ill-considered decisions under the influence of emotions. Therefore, additional “braking mechanisms” are important in communicating with him.
    LLLL - owners of a full set of "left" tests - these are people who are characterized by the ability to look at things in a new way, the greatest emotionality, individuality, selfishness, and stubbornness. The desire for self-defense sometimes turns into isolation.

    TEST No. 2

    When answering questions, write down the numbers:

    “Left” -1 point, “Don’t care” -2 points, “Right” -3 points

    1. Which hand do you usually write with?
    2. Which hand do you draw with?
    3. Which hand do you throw the ball with?
    4. In which hand do you hold a tennis, squash, etc. racket?
    5. In which hand do you hold the toothbrush?
    6. In which hand do you hold the knife when cutting something? (without plug)
    7. In which hand do you hold the hammer when hammering nails?
    8. When you light a match, which hand holds it?
    9. Which hand do you use the eraser with?
    10. Which hand do you remove the top card of the deck?
    11. Which hand do you use to thread a needle?
    12. In which hand do you hold the fly swatter?


    33-36 = Absolutely right-handed
    29-32 = Right-handed
    25-28 = Almost right-handed
    24 = Ambidextrous
    20-23 = Almost left-handed
    16-19 = Lefty
    12-15 = Absolutely left-handed

    Test for right-left hemisphere thinking

    This test shows the person’s current condition. This especially applies to ambidextrous people, i.e. people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere brain function. Ambidextrous people are a special group of people with extraordinary abilities.

    Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. For left-brain logicians, the girl rotates to the right. For right-hemisphere eidetics of the artistic type, the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. For ambidextrous people, when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction, then to the right, then to the left!

    Instructions for Vladimir Pugach's test for ambidexterity


    This test shows your current condition. This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right).

    Ambidextrous and “two-handed” are not the same thing, although they are close concepts. People can be right-handed or left-handed by eye movements, by the dominant eye (when shooting, for example). And also by the auditory channel (to which ear the telephone receiver is applied), by the arm, by the leg, by the rotation of the heart axis on the electrocardiogram, etc.


    Make yourself comfortable.

    So, in the picture you see the silhouette of a rotating figure.

    1st stage. Psychological adjustment.

    Psychological adjustment lasts approximately 2 minutes.

    2nd stage. Actually testing.

    If the figure steadily rotates only clockwise, it means that your left hemisphere brain activity predominates. And this is logic, calculation, the ability to speak and express thoughts.
    Rotation only counterclockwise is predominantly a right-hemisphere activity - eidetics, intuition, imaginative thinking, musicality, a sense of orientation in space and time.
    If the figure rotates alternately in one direction or the other, this is a sign of ambidexterity, that is, the work of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This is a fragile state of harmony.

    For some, this switching of silhouette rotation occurs when the head is tilted to the right, then to the left, and vice versa.

    For others, a change in the direction of rotation is noted when the gaze is concentrated on the face, then it becomes defocus, and vice versa.

    Sometimes it is useful to cover with your hand bottom part the torso of a spinning girl - it works better.

    Consultations for parents “Left-handed child”

    "Interlocking fingers"

    Invite the child to clasp his hands (Fig. 1). The test must be performed quickly, without preparation. It is believed that for right-handed people it goes on top thumb left hand, for left-handers - left.

    "Napoleon Pose"

    Invite your child to fold his arms at chest level. It is generally accepted that right-handers right hand lies on top of the left forearm.

    "Simultaneous actions of both hands"- drawing a circle, square, triangle. The movements performed with the dominant hand may be slower, but more precise. The lines of the figures drawn with the leading hand are clearer, smoother, tremor (shaking of the hand) is less pronounced, the corners are not smoothed, and the connection points do not diverge. Some researchers recommend performing this task with your eyes closed, then it is possible to more clearly highlight the violation of the shape and proportions of the figure, which is drawn with the non-dominant hand.

    The speed of movement and strength of the leading hand is greater than that of the non-dominant hand. To estimate speed, you can use the number of taps with your index finger in 10 seconds or the number of points (pen touches) on the sheet plane. The task is performed three times, then the average value is calculated.

    The strength of each arm should be measured three times with a hand dynamometer and the average calculated. The leading hand is considered to be the one that is 2 kg stronger than the non-dominant one.

    The German scientist F. Kretschmer suggests asking the child to demonstrate the following actions to determine the leading hand: watering flowers, pouring sand with a shovel, brushing teeth, pushing a ball with a stick, getting books from a shelf, opening a zipper, lighting a match, removing a stopper from a bathtub, etc. d.

    If a child chooses his left hand to perform all tasks, and his movements are easier and more accurate, then he is left-handed. However, using the tasks proposed by F. Kretschmer is not as simple as it seems at first glance. When determining the leading hand, everything is important: where the object that can be manipulated is located, where the child is, how the instructions are given.

    This system includes game tasks selected taking into account the methods of manipulation characteristic of children of preschool and primary school age. Children perform everyday, frequently used actions with both hands, which makes it difficult to identify the dominant hand. Therefore, we give some tasks in two versions. In order for the test results to be objective, try to comply with the following conditions:

    1. It is better that the child does not know that you are checking something, so invite him to study or play.

    2. This must be a game according to the rules: the adult must sit strictly opposite the child, and all devices, aids, and objects should be placed in front of the child in the middle of the table, at an equal distance from the right and left hands. It is better if boxes, beads, a ball, scissors, etc. will be laid out next to the table on a low table so that the child does not see them and is not distracted.

    First task:"DRAWING".

    Place a piece of paper and a pencil in front of your child and invite him to draw what he wants. Don't rush your child. After he finishes the drawing, ask him to draw the same thing with his other hand. Often children refuse: “I don’t know how, I won’t succeed.” You can reassure your child: “I know that it is difficult to draw the same picture with your right (left) hand, but try.” Encourage him, tell him that he is doing everything right. In this task you need to compare the quality of the drawings.

    Make sure that the child holds a pen or pencil correctly and comfortably, does not strain while completing the task, and sits correctly. In all the tasks given below, the leading hand should be considered the one that performs more active actions.

    Second task:"OPENING A SMALL BOX."

    To complete this task you can use Matchbox or boxes with counting sticks. The child is offered several boxes so that repetition of the action eliminates chance in the assessment of this test.

    Task: “Find a match (figure) in one of the boxes.” The leading hand is the one that opens and closes the boxes.

    Third task:"BUILD A WELL FROM STICKS."

    First, a quadrangle is built from sticks, and then the second and third rows are laid out.

    Fourth task:"GAME OF BALL"

    You need a small ball (tennis) that you can throw and catch with one hand. The ball is placed on the table directly in front of the child, and the adult asks him to throw the ball to him. The task must be repeated several times. You can throw the ball at a target, for example, a basket, bucket, circle.


    You can use any card (cut out a flower, bunny, pattern, etc.). Please note that the hand with which the child holds the scissors may be more active, and the one with which he holds the card. The scissors can be stationary, and the child will rotate the postcard, making the cutting process easier. You may get incorrect results if the size and shape of the scissors does not match the child's hand. This task can be replaced by laying out lotto cards (cards). The child should take all the cards (10-15 pieces) in one hand, and lay out the cards with the other (usually the leading hand). You can use children's lotto cards.

    The cards should be placed in a stack strictly in the middle of the table in front of the child, and only after that the task should be formulated again: “Take all the cards in one hand and lay them out in front of you with the other.” To make it more interesting for your child, ask him to name what is drawn on the cards.

    Sixth task:"FIND THE HOLE"

    Invite your child to string beads or buttons onto a needle and thread or lace.


    The child is asked to open several bottles and jars (2-3 pieces) with screw caps. Please note that the child can hold the bottle or jar by the lid and twist the bottle itself.

    Eighth task:"UNTYING KNOTS"

    Loosely tie several knots in advance using medium-thick cord. The leading hand is the one that unties the knot (the other hand holds the knot).

    In this task it can be difficult to identify the leading hand, because Untying knots is a rather complicated process and the child, as a rule, uses both hands. You can use another version of this task - making a chain of paper clips. As a rule, the child holds a paper clip in one hand and tries to attach the other paper clip.


    The leading hand is the one that most often takes, places and adjusts the cubes. When stacking cubes, both hands are often used. In addition, this is a fairly familiar type of activity for any child, so you can duplicate the task by offering the child a constructor, a mosaic with a specific task.

    In order not to keep in mind the results of completing tasks, it is convenient to enter them in the following table:

    Exercise Left hand Both hands Right hand
    1. +
    2. +
    3. +

    If, when performing a task, the child works more actively with his left hand, then a “+” sign is placed in the “Left hand” column, and if the right hand is preferred, in the “Right hand” column. If he uses both his right and left hands equally, the “+” sign is placed in the “Both hands” column.

    Tenth task: FOR PARENTS.

    This is data on familial left-handedness. If a child has left-handed relatives in the family - parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, you need to put "+" in the "Left hand" column; if not, in the "Right hand" column. If you received more than seven pluses in the “Left hand” column, then most likely the child is left-handed.

    Analyze the results carefully. If you received all the pluses in the “Left hand” column for tasks 2-9, and for the first task - drawing, the plus will be in the “Right hand” column, then this means that the child can actually perform everyday activities better with his left hand, and graphic - right. In this case, when choosing a hand for writing, you should take into account the advantage of the right hand in performing graphic tasks.

    Very often, ten tasks described in the previous consultation are not enough to determine which hand the child is more active and dexterous with. In these cases, you can choose Additional tasks, for example, from those proposed by the French researcher M. Ozyas:

    1. Clean your shoes with a brush.
    2. Insert the rod into the hole of the button or bead and lift it up.
    3. Wind the thread onto the spool.
    4. Pour water from one container to another.
    5. Hit a small point with a needle (you can make a “target” on a piece of paper or use the game “Darts”).
    6. Unscrew the nut by hand (with a wrench). You can use parts from a metal or plastic construction set.
    7. Place small parts (buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder, into a bottle with a narrow opening.
    8. Puncture holes in a sheet of paper (5-6 times) with a needle or pin.
    9. Erase the previously drawn crosses with an eraser.
    10. Thread the needle.
    11. Shake off the specks and dust.
    12. Drop from a pipette into the narrow opening of the bottle.
    13. Remove the bead from the glass with a spoon.
    14. Ring the bell.
    15. Close, open the zipper.
    16. Drink water from a glass.

    In cases where it is difficult to determine the leading hand, pay attention to tasks 3, 4, 6, 12-14. These actions are unusual, untrained and allow a more objective assessment of the superiority of one hand over the other.

    But what if the child is equally good with both his right and left hands?

    Often he begins to write with both his right and left hands, sometimes he draws with his left and writes with his right, or shifts the pen from one hand to the other, alternately using his right and left hands, which greatly complicates the process of developing writing skills. Often adults - both teachers and parents - adhere to the following position: "which hand

    uses it more often, let him write." But it’s one thing to perform familiar everyday actions, and another to write. There are even special terms: “graphic functional superiority” (i.e. there are “graphic left-handers” and “graphic right-handers”) and “everyday functional superiority”.

    Research by French scientists has shown that in 90% of cases, “graphic left-handers” also turn out to be “everyday left-handers.” The same ratio applies to right-handers. But there are children who are ambidextrous in both everyday and graphic activities. Such a variety of options creates difficulties when choosing a hand for writing. Therefore, let’s look again at some possible options.

    1. Pronounced everyday lefties, but graphic ambidextrous, i.e. those who write and draw equally well with both right and left hands. As a rule, these children are left-handed, but at home or in kindergarten they were retrained from early childhood, when drawing, they encouraged working with the right hand. These children will find it easier to learn to write if they write with their left hand, although the quality of their writing may be unsatisfactory.

    2. Pronounced right-handed people in everyday life, but they write and draw with the left hand or equally with the right and left. In practice, the reason for using the left hand rather than the right hand when writing and drawing may be an injury to the right hand or a violation of the motor functions of the right hand. In this case, it is advisable to teach the child to write with his right hand.

    I came across one old test for determining a person’s character. To be more precise, this is an attempt at express character analysis, based on the functional asymmetry of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Of course, the test results should not be taken as the absolute truth, because despite all the achievements of science, the proverb “another soul is in the dark” still remains relevant. For me, it was not so much the test itself that was interesting, but the fact that statistical data was obtained based on observation and a survey of 500 people.

    The study itself will actually include four tests, each of which determines the dominance of the right or left hemisphere of the brain. The combination of these four tests then gives 16 possible combinations. Each of them has its own psychological portrait. Subsequently accepted symbols, "P" - right reaction to the test, "L" - left reaction to the test. After passing 4 tests you will have a combination of 4 letters. So:

    Test 1. Leading hand. If, when intertwining your fingers, the left finger is on top, then you mark “L” for yourself, if the right finger – “P”. In general, “L” is associated with a more emotional personality, “P” - with an analytical one.

    Test 2. Dominant eye. You need to look at an object through a scope (for example, the tip of a pen or a hole in a sheet of paper). If you close your leading eye “P”, the object will move relative to the sight. If you close your non-dominant eye “L”, there will be no displacement. In general, the leading eye “P” corresponds to a firm, persistent, more aggressive character, while the non-leading eye “L” corresponds to a softer and more compliant character.

    Test 3. Napoleon pose. If, when intertwining your hands on your chest, your left hand is on top, you must mark “L”, the right hand – “P”. In general, the left hand on top indicates the ability to coquetry, the right hand indicates innocence.

    Test 4. Applauding. When performing it, we mark “P” with our right hand, and “L” with our left hand. In general, applauding with the right hand speaks of a more decisive character, while the left indicates indecisiveness and a desire for greater justification for one’s actions.

    After passing these four tests, you should get a combination of their four letters (the letters are arranged in the order of test numbering), then 16 possible combinations are considered, each of which corresponds to its own psychological portrait. So:

    1. PPPP. Conservative character type. Focus on generally accepted opinion and stereotypes. Correct behavior, non-conflict, unwillingness to argue and quarrel.

    2. PPPL. Uncertain conservatism, weak temperament. In the presence of one test against the background of the opposite others, the corresponding character trait manifests itself most clearly - in this case, indecision.

    3. PPLP. Such a person has the ability to coquet, determination, a sense of humor, activity, temperament, and artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are necessary, since this a strong character does not accept weak types. According to statistics (based on observation of 500 people), this type of character is inherent in 16.5% of men and 17.9% of women.

    4. PPLL. A rare and independent type of character. Close to the previous type, but softer, more hesitant
    and less energetic. Some contradiction between indecision and (left applause) and
    strength of character (right leading eye). High contact, but slow addiction.

    5. PLPP. Business type of character, combining an analytical mind and gentleness as the main feature. More often
    meets women (3.6%). The generally accepted type of business woman, slow to adapt and cautious.
    Such people do not go into conflict head-on; they are dominated by calculation, tolerance, and slowness in
    development of relationships, some coldness.

    6.PLPL. The weakest type of character, very rare. Vulnerability and weakness are associated both with the ability
    go into conflict, and with exposure various influences. According to the statistics given, it occurs
    only in women - 0.8%.

    7. PLLP. Tendency to new experiences and the ability not to create conflicts. Some inconstancy
    the ability to flirt on the “right”, analytical background with particular gentleness. Similar characters
    characterized by emotional slowness and languor. Simplicity and rare courage in communication,
    the ability to switch to a new type of behavior. More common in women - 8.5%, in men - 3.5%.

    8. PLLL. Fickle and independent character, the main feature is analyticalness in combination with others
    "left" tests. The desire to do everything and decide for yourself. This type of character is not common, 2.6%
    in men and 1.6% in women.

    9. BOB. One of the most common character types (15.7% in men and 12.2% in women),
    with very good adaptation to different conditions. The main feature is emotionality in combination
    with insufficient persistence. High susceptibility to other people's influence. Characterized by friendliness
    easily communicates with almost all other character types. Men are emotional
    decreased, there is a tendency to phlegmatic behavior.

    10. LPPL. Even less persistence, softness, compliance, naivety. Requires special care
    attitude towards oneself - the “little queen” type.

    11. LPLP. The strongest type of character, difficult to convince, this requires a strong
    diverse influence. Able to show perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. Strong
    individuality, energy, ability to overcome difficulties, some conservatism.
    Such people do not like immaturity.

    12. LPLL. A strong but unobtrusive character, practically impossible to convince. Main feature
    - internal aggressiveness, covered with external softness and emotionality. Fast interaction,
    but slow mutual understanding. Difficulty making friends.

    13. LLPP. Friendliness and simplicity, some scattered interests and a tendency to introspection.
    14. LLPL. The main features of this character are simplicity, gentleness, and gullibility. This is a very rare type
    It practically never occurs in men.

    15. LLLP. Emotionality combined with determination as the main trait. Energy, some
    scatteredness leads to the fact that in such characters emotional, quickly accepted,
    ill-considered decisions.

    16. LLLLL. Holders of a full set of “left-handed tests” are people who are characterized by the ability to do new things.
    look at things, the greatest emotionality, individuality, selfishness, stubbornness, security sometimes
    turning into isolation.

    Observations have shown that when tests coincide, communicators experience a state of “mental comfort”
    and mutual sympathy. Even companies that form by chance usually consist of people of similar character,
    having similar tests. The greatest effect is possible with complete coincidence, mutual antipodes meet
    very rarely.


    1. Bragina N., Dobrokhotova P. “Functional asymmetries of man”

    2. Springer S., Deitch G. “Left brain, right brain”

    3. Maslov S.Yu. "Asymmetry of cognitive mechanisms and its consequences"