Voluntary renunciation of a serious relationship. Can a person refuse his share of a privatized apartment if he is mentally ill?

Call Child Protective Services. If you are under 18 and feel you are living in a dangerous environment, contact your state's Child Protective Services for help. The first major step is to get to a place where you will be safe. Once you are out of your family's home, SZR will help you decide how to proceed to prevent your parents from harming you again.

  • If you're unsure whether to call the CPS, talk to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, guidance counselor, or friends of your parents, about your right to choose.
  • Once you turn 18, your parents no longer have the legal right to make decisions for you. You may not get along with your parents, but are they putting you in real danger? If not, just wait until you reach adulthood. When you turn 18, you can live as you please.

Decide whether it is worth pursuing emancipation. If you are a teenager, the only one legal way to abandon the family - to become “liberated” from it. This means that you will be legally considered an adult with the right to make your own decisions, and your parents will no longer be your legal guardians. In most cases, you must be 16 to become emancipated. This will be the correct decision if the following statements are true:

Become financially independent. The judge will not grant you emancipation until he is satisfied that you can live independently as an adult without your parents. This means you must be able to earn enough money to pay for your home, groceries, medical checks, and other expenses. Once you are released, your parents will no longer have the legal responsibility to provide you with money to cover your basic needs.

  • Start looking for a job as soon as possible. Postpone as much as possible more money and don't waste it on nonsense you don't need.
  • Move from your parents' house to your own apartment. You can also stay with relatives or friends as long as the person agrees that the contract is valid.
  • Get parental permission. The emancipation process is much easier if your parents agree not to be legally responsible for you. If they do not agree to emancipation, you will be forced to prove to them that they are worthless parents.

  • Submit the proper documents. You need to file a Petition for Emancipation, which you can obtain by going to the District Court in your jurisdiction. You will also need to provide documentation of your financial status, employment status, and living conditions.

    • If possible, seek the assistance of a legal representative to complete the documentation. An attorney who is knowledgeable about your state's laws can help you fill out the paperwork correctly. Consider ways to hire an attorney if you have a low income.
  • Attend your preliminary meeting and court hearing. After you have submitted your application and Required documents to the court, you will be informed of the date of the preliminary meeting that you and your parents must attend. Your situation will be assessed, and if your parents do not consent to emancipation, you will have to prove in court that they are unfit parents.

    • Study home environment will be held after the preliminary meeting.
    • If you have successfully proven that you are capable of living adult life, you will be allowed to cut off all ties with your parents and family members - in fact, abandon them.
  • Registration date: 10/20/2010 Messages: 47,004 Re: can sick leave be closed at the request of the patient? By the way, isn’t your husband receiving the first education of the appropriate level? otherwise he would have just brought a certificate of summons and that’s it, why bother so much about sick leave? “You shouldn’t waste time trying to figure out whether you love a person or not. Act as if you were sure that you love him” (c) #13 IP/Host: 94.72.3. Re: Can sick leave be closed at the request of the patient? By the way, is your husband not receiving the first education of the appropriate level? Otherwise he would have just brought a certificate of summons and that’s it, why suffer so much because of sick leave? There will be a call for help. We are concerned that absence from work in the period before the start of the session (and it may even turn out that after the session there will still be further treatment) has official confirmation.

    Can they refuse sick leave - grounds for refusal

    Checking the validity of issuing certificates of incapacity for work falls within their competence. By the way, a written request from the employer is the basis for an unscheduled inspection of a medical organization. If the inspection reveals abuses, the doctor will be punished and the channel for obtaining “additional leave” for the unscrupulous employee will be blocked.

    Is it possible to fire an employee who is constantly sick? This can be done, although long sick leave in itself is not grounds for parting with an employee. Legal dismissal for health reasons is possible in two cases: 1) if the employee is completely incapacitated (according to the conclusion of the ITU); 2) in case of permanent or temporary (more than 4 months) unsuitability of the employee for the work he performs (which was revealed as a result of a medical examination or other medical examination).

    Procedure for closing sick leave

    Deadlines for submission: Sick leave must be submitted immediately after returning to work. If this is not possible, then the employee has six months to complete the document properly. Otherwise, benefits will not be accrued, and days missed from work may be counted as absenteeism and result in disciplinary action.

    Notifying the employer about going back to work It is not necessary, but is desirable, since a temporarily disabled employee will usually be replaced by another specialist. Notification can be made in person or by telephone. It is advisable to come to work with a sick leave certificate already issued, in which all signatures and seals have been affixed. Consequences of an unclosed document The main consequence is non-payment of benefits.

    If the sick leave is not closed by good reason, then the employee can complete the document after he begins his work duties.

    Can a doctor refuse sick leave?

    • Medical law
    • Good afternoon My husband’s sick leave lasted about 2 months after suffering from serous meningitis. Now he wants to close it and go to work, since he already feels well. The doctor refuses to close it, justifying this by the fact that he still has untreated symptoms (hand tremors, which do not affect his work).

      Information about the nature and conditions of work was requested from the place of work. labor activity to establish the need to extend sick leave or transfer to light work. They lean towards the second. But the husband’s job does not provide for light work, therefore, the employer can only reduce it.

    How to close a sick leave if the doctor refuses and not lose your job?

    Such sick leave is closed by the doctor’s decision as soon as the patient, based on the results of an examination at a scheduled appointment, is declared able to work. It’s another matter if an employee falls seriously ill enough, as a result of which a medical commission issues a sick leave certificate for him (or extends the certificate of incapacity for work originally opened by the attending physician). It is quite possible to subsequently issue several certificates of incapacity for work in accordance with the duration of treatment.

    Its duration can be up to 10–12 months. The sick leave generated by the medical commission is closed, as a rule, after a reliable determination of the citizen’s ability to work (this may require several examinations from different doctors).

    Is it possible to close sick leave ahead of schedule?

    Federal legislation in force in Russia defines the procedure for processing and issuing temporary disability benefits. The main document on the basis of which social benefits are calculated is sick leave. The legislation of the Russian Federation imposes very serious requirements on the registration and procedure for issuing sheets of temporary incapacity for work, failure to comply with which may cause the Social Insurance Fund to refuse to pay benefits to the employee.


    Can a doctor refuse sick leave? According to Article No. 183 of Russian labor legislation, the employer must pay his employee for those days of illness that are indicated in the submitted medical document from a hospital or outpatient clinic. However, there are a number of reasons when a worker may not be given this act. If the patient faked his illness - he faked the disease, changed tests, and so on.

    Refusal of hospitalization and sick leave That is, for a day and a half I spent in the hospital just like that, without receiving treatment! During this time, terrible things happened in the hospital: in the first half of the day, a girl fainted in the corridor, no one but the patients ran out to her, the patients themselves ran in search of a nurse. During the day, the terrible, heartbreaking screams of another patient were heard throughout the hospital. When I went to the nurse (again, to find out about my IV), I saw the patient rushing from corner to corner in tears, begging for help.


    Most often, the first doctor consulted in such situations is a general practitioner. Legal Aid Center We provide free legal assistance to the population. Any company employee can get sick not only at his place of registration. Often an unwanted illness occurs during vacation or business trips both within the country and abroad.

    However, being a supporter of the high values ​​that have developed within the corporate culture of the company, the employee has the right to use the options we discussed above with early closure of sick leave. Some employees, without receiving consent from the attending physician or medical commission to close the certificate of incapacity early, come to work with open sick leave. What responsibilities in this case are assigned to the employer and how much will he pay for the work of the employee who appears? How is going to work paid during sick leave? Returning to work during a period of incapacity for work, reflected in the sick leave certificate, is a violation of the treatment regimen. In the sheet itself, this action of the employee corresponds to code 25 in the line “Notes on violation of the regime” (clause 58 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

    Can a person, on his own initiative, refuse to extend sick leave?

    In frequent cases, a medical specialist himself sometimes offers to issue a document, since the birth of a child is accompanied by pain and poor health, due to which the last thing a woman will think about is work. Early deadline pregnancy often ends with discharge and a referral to spend the rest of the time in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. Can a doctor refuse sick leave to care for a child? To issue a sick leave certificate, it is necessary that the doctor, when examining the child, make a conclusion about his illness.

    However, in some cases, it is impossible to conclude a document that allows the person who will care for the child to be released from work.
    There is a one-cell interval between entries. It is prohibited to go beyond the boundaries of the cells, put a stamp on the cells, or indicate incorrect or unreliable information about the patient, the attending physician and the employer. Legislative regulation The procedure for issuing and closing sick leave is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. The requirements for the form of a certificate of incapacity for work are indicated in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 347n.

    Guarantees for an employee in case of temporary disability are indicated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Art. 183, as well as Federal Law No. 255. Closing sick leave The doctor closes sick leave taking into account the patient’s health condition. The document is issued for 15 days. If this time is not enough, then you need to collect medical commission and extend the document for another 30 days.

    The total duration of sick leave cannot exceed 12 months.
    As you can see, these deadlines are set for medical institutions. You only have the right to check their compliance when calculating benefits. For example, if you see that the doctor has single-handedly extended the certificate of incapacity for work for a period of more than 15 days, then this is a reason to send the employee to the clinic to receive a properly issued sick leave.
    After all, the FSS will not accept expenses for such a certificate of incapacity for work, and the court will support it. If the prognosis for the patient is unfavorable, then no later than 4 months after the onset of the disease he should be sent to the ITU (for obtaining a disability group). If favorable, then no later than 10 months (12 for tuberculosis) the patient should be discharged.
    However, the employer does not have the right, based on these deadlines, to demand that the employee stop being sick.

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    Refusal to testify

    I have a question: I refused to testify in a criminal case in court and explained that there was pressure from the investigators, now they are calling the investigator to give an explanation... is it possible not to go or what to do in this situation? The case is not yet closed, the courts are still in progress. I am the victim in the case.

    Remember the responsibility under Articles 306 and 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Give only correct testimony.

    Can I refuse my testimony already given if a criminal case has already been opened? I am a witness who gave testimony under pressure from investigators and in a very drunken state.

    Yes you mean it every right.

    Uv. Olga, alas, you won’t be able to simply refuse, because... You risk being prosecuted for refusing to testify. But you need to send a written request to the investigator for your interrogation. During the interrogation, explain that they gave incorrect testimony.

    I gave my testimony as a witness, but now I don’t want to say anything at all, can I refuse it?

    No, the witness does not have such a right, except if you are giving evidence in accordance with Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Good afternoon If you testified in a criminal case, then you can refuse to testify only on the grounds established in Art. 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code: 3. The following are not subject to questioning as witnesses: 1) a judge, a juror - about the circumstances of the criminal case that became known to them in connection with their participation in the proceedings in this criminal case; 2) lawyer, defender of the suspect, accused - about the circumstances that became known to him in connection with the application to him for legal assistance or in connection with its provision, except for cases where the lawyer, defender of the suspect, accused applies for questioning as a witness with the consent of and in the interests of the suspect, accused; (as amended by Federal Laws No. 92-FZ dated 04.07.2003, No. 73-FZ dated 04.17.2017) 3) lawyer - about the circumstances that became known to him in connection with the provision of legal assistance, except for cases where interrogation in a lawyer applies as a witness with the consent of the person to whom he provided legal assistance; (as amended by Federal Law No. 73-FZ of April 17, 2017) 4) a clergyman - about the circumstances that became known to him from confession; 5) a member of the Federation Council, a deputy of the State Duma without their consent - about the circumstances that became known to them in connection with the exercise of their powers; 6) executive tax authority- about the circumstances that became known to him in connection with the information provided contained in a special declaration submitted in accordance with the Federal Law "On Voluntary Declaration" individuals assets and accounts (deposits) in banks and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation", and (or) documents and (or) information attached to it; (clause 6 introduced by Federal Law dated 06/08/2015 N 140-FZ) 7) arbitrator (arbitrator) - about the circumstances that became known to him during the arbitration ( arbitration proceedings). 5 of this Code. If a witness agrees to testify, he must be warned that his testimony may be used as evidence in a criminal case, including in the event of his subsequent refusal of this testimony. If there are no such grounds, then refuse; You cannot testify; you may be prosecuted for this.

    What are the legal grounds for refusing to testify at the tax office?

    Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. No one is obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and close relatives, whose circle is determined by federal law.

    Do I have the right to refuse my testimony against myself?

    Hello, yes, you have the right.

    I agree with my colleague. You can refuse at any time; only the initial testimony will be taken into account.

    Can I refuse to testify again as a witness? The accused is my husband, I refused to testify against him.

    Yes, you have the right to refuse in accordance with Article 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

    Can I not testify against my husband if the investigator asks? Can I refuse to testify?

    Yes, you have the right to do so.

    Hello, can I refuse to give testimony and explanations at the first stage, and how to do this.

    You can, in accordance with Art. 51 of the Constitution.

    Uv. Alexander, if you are a suspect, then you have the right to refuse to testify in accordance with Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If you are a witness, then you have no right to refuse to testify, with the exception of testimony regarding close relatives.

    Can I, as a witness, refuse my testimony?

    Criminal liability is provided for giving knowingly false testimony and for refusing to testify (). So, if you were previously warned during interrogation against signature about criminal liability for the above, and the change in testimony/refusal of testimony does not concern your close relatives, you risk being prosecuted. So it goes.

    I would like to know how to refuse to testify in court in a criminal case against my spouse.

    Hello! Easily. Based on Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The child turned out to be a witness to an accident, the child is a minor, can I refuse to testify as a witness, since the child has no right to answer questions without me, the child is 14 years old,

    The child cannot participate in investigative actions without your participation. He may refuse to testify on the basis of Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Hello! Yes, your child has the right to refuse to testify.

    Can I actually manually renounce the evidence against myself that I gave 5 days ago?

    You can, but the court will not take this into account.

    Vania! everything is in your power - BUT Obviously you imagine that if you renounce your own testimony, it will be joyfully accepted by the judge and the prosecutor. It is also obvious that you should be familiar with the fact that the Constitution gives you the right not to testify against yourself and close relatives. And the testimony you previously provided will be used as evidence, which the judge will evaluate according to his personal conviction. That is, she has the right to decide whether to believe what you showed earlier or what you say now. But as you and I understand, this will not strengthen our position.

    Can I refuse to testify at trial if I previously testified against my spouse to the investigator?

    There is criminal liability for giving knowingly false testimony. They can also initiate a criminal case for false denunciation if you admit that you initially slandered the person.

    If I testified, can I withdraw it at trial? It will be about the husband.

    No one has repealed Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. No one is obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and close relatives, whose circle is determined by federal law. At the same time, it does not matter whether he previously testified before the trial or not.

    You can refuse everything... even your husband... But the fact is that the testimony given earlier during the preliminary investigation was documented in the interrogation protocol and is in the case file as one of the evidence. And the judge evaluates all the evidence in its totality according to his personal conviction, based... but still remaining his own and personal... Therefore, in jurisprudence there is such a concept as refusal to testify against oneself and close relatives. Don’t say anything because everything you say may be considered by the court not in your favor.. Well, saying one thing, thinking another and doing a third, in principle, is not beautiful. Be courageous!

    Can I refuse to testify if a criminal case has not yet been opened?

    Hello Christina. You can always use Art. 51 of the Russian Constitution.

    If you believe that possible testimony can be interpreted to the detriment of you or your close relatives, then, in accordance with Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, you have the right to refuse to testify. In addition, if they want to interrogate you as a suspect, then you have the right to refuse to give any testimony, since in accordance with Article 46 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, giving testimony is the right, not the obligation of the suspect.

    You can not. Interrogation - investigative action as part of the preliminary investigation of a criminal case, consists of giving evidence on the merits of the questions asked. Before interrogation, the witness and the victim are warned on criminal liability for refusing to testify and for giving knowingly false testimony. CONCLUSION: the witness and the victim cannot refuse to testify, under pain of criminal liability.

    Hello. Yes you can. In accordance with Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, before initiating a criminal case, not testimony but explanations are taken. Obtaining an explanation at the stage of initiating a criminal case differs from the testimony of a witness (victim, etc.) given during interrogation. Their differences are as follows: 1) the person being questioned by the preliminary investigation body is not obliged to answer the questions put to him; 2) information from the interviewee must be obtained at the place of his location (residence, work), in other words, the law does not provide for the right of the investigator (inquiry officer, etc.) to summon a person somewhere for these purposes (by subpoena or other means) before initiating a criminal case, who may be aware of the circumstances mentioned in the statement (report) of the crime; 3) the person being interviewed cannot be brought into custody; 4) a person who informs the preliminary investigation body, before the initiation of a criminal case, of information relevant for the consideration and resolution of an application (report) about a crime, is not warned of liability for giving knowingly false testimony and for refusing to give testimony.

    Can I refuse to testify... I am a witness for deprivation of rights...

    Hello. Yes, that's your right. Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Can a HIV-infected person refuse a polygraph for medical reasons without having other illnesses?

    He can refuse without any problems; forcing him to take a polygraph is unlawful.

    What is the threat to the victim if he refuses his testimony during the consideration of the theft case in a special manner?

    Threatens criminal liability for refusal to testify or for giving knowingly false testimony.

    Dear site visitor! Under a special procedure, interrogations are not carried out, because The defendant fully admits his guilt. If he or you do not agree with this, then there will be court hearings in the “usual” order; if he is acquitted and the verdict comes into force, you will receive a conviction under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    You can refuse testimony that was obtained under pressure from law enforcement agencies.

    If you were interrogated as a suspect, then it is possible. According to current legislation You can defend yourself in all permitted ways, including by giving various testimonies. However. If you want to refuse testimony citing pressure, you need to prove it.

    Dear Tatyana, Syktyvkar! Regarding this fact, I recommend that you contact the Prosecutor's Office. Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich Ufa 11/23/2018

    It is possible, but this is an ineffective method if the testimony was given in the presence of a defense lawyer. And such pressure needs to be justified somehow.

    Hello Tatyana, it all depends on what status you were in when you gave your testimony. Firstly, if this was an explanation, then it does not have legal force; when interrogating you, you can already indicate the information that in reality is different from the testimony in the explanation; secondly: if you are a suspect and earlier in the protocol of interrogation of a suspect you said one thing, then you can change your testimony at any time - this will not threaten you in any way, since this is your line of defense; thirdly: if you were interrogated as a witness or victim, and you now want to radically change your testimony, then you may face criminal liability under Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (giving knowingly false testimony), unless you prove that you really gave this testimony under pressure from law enforcement officers, which is very difficult. Sincerely!

    How to refuse to testify against your spouse? Without consequences.

    Art. 69 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation: “The right to refuse to testify: 1) a citizen against himself; 2) a spouse against his spouse, ...

    Can I, as the cause of the case, refuse to testify?

    Good afternoon, Christina! If you or close relatives are accused, you have the right to refuse to testify in accordance with Art. 63 of the Constitution of Ukraine. If you are involved in a case as a witness, you are required to testify truthfully about what you know about the case.

    At the beginning he signs the testimony. Consequence. The court may refuse. From the testimony of article 319.

    It depends on what status a person has. The defendant may refuse to testify, and the witness and the victim may refuse to testify only against themselves and their loved ones.

    What will be the punishment for refusing to testify?

    Hello, Valery. If a person has not been sentenced based on your testimony, then you are not subject to criminal liability. This is according to Art. 306-307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    How can one refuse to testify in court due to threats from a criminal?

    Good afternoon Olga, in your case, if you refuse to testify, you may be charged with false testimony! Therefore, do not refuse anything, contact the police - you are entitled to protection. The provisions of the criminal procedure law on ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings are detailed by the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 119-FZ “On state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2006 N 630 “On approval of the Rules for the application of certain security measures in relation to victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2007 N 134 “On approval of the Rules for the protection of information on the implementation of state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings." According to the provisions of the listed regulatory legal acts, several or one of the following security measures can be applied simultaneously to the protected person: 1) personal protection, protection of home and property; 2) issuance special means personal protection, communications and danger alerts; 3) ensuring the confidentiality of information about the protected person; 4) relocation to another place of residence; 5) replacement of documents; 6) change in appearance; 7) change of place of work (service) or study; 8) temporary placement in a safe place. The grounds for applying security measures are data on the existence of a real threat of murder of the protected person, violence against him, destruction or damage to his property in connection with participation in criminal proceedings, established by the body making the decision on the implementation of state protection.

    Hello. According to Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Note. A witness, victim, expert, specialist or translator are exempt from criminal liability if they voluntarily, during an inquiry, preliminary investigation or trial, before a court verdict or a court decision, declare the falsity of their testimony, conclusion or knowingly incorrect translation. If you need help, please contact us.

    I want to give up my baby 3.5 months after birth for medical reasons. The child is recognized as palliative and 1st degree disability. What do I need to do.

    You need to apply to the court to renounce parental rights, but at the same time, you must understand that you will be paying child support until your 18th birthday.

    I gave evidence to the investigator that could be harmful. ex-husband. Can I refuse this testimony?

    Hello, did the investigator not warn you about Article 51 of the Constitution, on the basis of which you have every right not to testify against yourself and your loved ones? Have your rights been explained? You can refuse, although I don’t know for what reason, what reason you will name. The main thing is to remember that there is also responsibility for giving false testimony... and simply saying that you lied... it means bringing yourself under this responsibility.

    Is it possible to refuse water meters if the readings are too high?

    Hello Svetlana! If the water meter fails for any reason (including mechanical damage). Then you will need to officially report this to management company(Household association, water utility - depending on the water supplier). After this, consumption will be accrued according to standards.


    Reasons why people give up disability, can be different: a non-working group and, as a result, a feeling of social isolation, a drop in self-esteem, financial insecurity and much more. Commercial firms do not really want to deal with disabled people, who are entitled to additional leave, the opportunity at any time, if necessary, special conditions labor, etc. As for going around for the next re-examination, this is a separate unpleasant issue for almost all disabled people. Also, people often give up simply out of confusion, because they see only the parties involved in obtaining the status of a disabled person and do not know the rights they are entitled to under the law.

    In addition, you are entitled to free travel on any type of urban and suburban transport, mandatory work leave of 30 calendar days, and unpaid leave of 60 calendar days, as well as free sanatorium treatment once a year.

    The list of benefits provided to the first group includes a reduction in the working day or working week, as well as a ban on being involved in night and overtime work without their prior consent. Disabled people of the first group are also exempt from paying land taxes.

    If you have a second disability group, you are entitled to the same benefits as the first group. In addition to them, you are partially exempt from paying taxes associated with ownership Vehicle and real estate.

    People with the third disability group are provided with a smaller amount of benefits compared to people with disabilities of the first and second groups. The list of benefits includes: free travel by public transport (except taxis), 50% discount on rail travel during the autumn-spring period, free sanatorium and resort treatment once every 2 years.

    Disabled people of the third group can also apply for mandatory labor leave of 26 calendar days, as well as leave without pay for 30 calendar days. With the consent of the organization’s management, a disabled person of the third group can work part-time or part-time. working week. The salary will be calculated in proportion to the time worked. The list of benefits for such people also includes a ban on forcing them to work at night and overtime.

    Disabled people of the first, second and third groups have the right to receive a monthly cash benefit, the amount of which does not depend on their work experience and the circumstances in which the injuries were received or that led to disability.

    Only a medical and social examination (MSE) can recognize a person as disabled. Based on its results, a person can be assigned one of three disability groups.

    If an adult partially or completely loses the ability to work at any age, he is recognized as disabled. Children can be diagnosed as such immediately after the appropriate diagnosis is established. We can talk about birth or intrauterine trauma. As a result, there may be a need for ongoing treatment and care.

    After the disease is diagnosed by a neurologist, the child is assigned a disability for a period of two years. After this period, the disabled person is subject to re-examination. If in Once again the manifestation of syndromes does not weaken, disability is issued indefinitely. A disability group is not established for children. It is only for adults. The criteria by which a person is recognized as disabled are established by the Ministry of Health.

    The pension for disabled people since childhood is equal to the minimum old-age pension. Children under 16 years of age receive a supplement of half the amount. In addition to material payments, disabled people have a number of benefits since childhood.

    Benefits for disabled people from childhood

    Disabled children have a large list of benefits. They can:

    Under 16 years of age, purchase medicines, as well as handrails, wheelchairs and other rehabilitation equipment for free;
    - as a matter of priority, be provided with places in kindergartens, medical, preventive and health institutions;
    - ride free of charge on all types of public transport, except taxis (for children with visual impairments, without two limbs or with paralysis);
    - receive a seasonal discount on the price of a ticket for travel through railway, water, intercity road transport;
    - issue free vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment;
    - be provided with a 50% discount on travel to the place of such treatment (disabled children from 3 to 16 years old inclusive and persons accompanying them, which may be one of the parents, guardian, trustee).

    Since February 2013, payments to parents of disabled children under 18 years of age have increased. Decree No. 175 “On monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and disabled children of group I”, their amount increased 4.5 times. Unemployed parents of disabled children can count on this money. Moreover, at any age.

    What is needed to receive a monthly cash payment (MCA):

    Accruals are made based on the data available in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, those who had the corresponding status before 2013 do not need to submit any new documents there. For everyone else, you need to collect the following documents:

    Passport, birth certificate or residence permit in the Russian Federation in order to pay;
    - extract from the inspection report in GSME;
    - passport of the person caring for a disabled person, birth or adoption certificate;
    - certificates from housing authorities;
    - documents from FMS departments;
    - personal statement.

    Of course, you need to bring both copies of documents and originals for verification. If some documents are not enough, specialists must still accept the existing ones. After this you need to collect the missing ones. From the first day of the month in which the application was received, the amount will be calculated. To do this, it is important to ensure that when accepting documents the date of their submission is indicated. The disability payment is added monthly to the existing pension.

    Advice 5: Is there a disability group for a herniated disc?

    With this dangerous disease, like a vertebral hernia, a person can be completely or partially unable to work. After all, with such a nuisance, it is difficult not only to fulfill duties at work, but even to do household chores.

    Medical and social examination

    The state must recognize legally. To do this, the patient undergoes an MSE - medical and social examination. It is its passage that can become evidence that a person is. During the examination, everything is clarified: the person’s income level, ability to work, legal capacity, degree of disability and other factors.

    It is very rare for people with a vertebral hernia to have good passive income or financial support from wealthy relatives. This is explained by the fact that in this case the patient can be treated for a fee. And in paid clinics, in case of illness, better rehabilitation is provided than in public hospitals.

    All people with a spinal hernia are sent for a medical and social examination immediately after surgery. This procedure was created more to identify improvements in the patient’s health and remove them than to confirm the person’s disability.

    In what cases does a vertebral hernia not give disability?

    As already mentioned, in the case of financial assistance from relatives, the patient will not be given a disability group. The same will happen if the patient receives passive income. All a person’s income is clarified during a medical and social examination.

    But sometimes it happens that a person himself is to blame for not receiving disability. For example, if a person says that he is great at his job, but does not mention that he works part-time. During a medical and social examination, such a statement will most likely be perceived as an improvement in the patient’s health status. This may become a reason for the withdrawal of benefits from a person who already has a disability. As a result, the patient will have to work all day. And with a disease like

    IN modern society full of self-sufficient people who don’t need a serious relationship.

    Many ladies who have experienced a divorce from their spouse do not strive to create a new unit of society, fearing an unhappy life in a new marriage. In extreme cases, they refuse relationships due to their reluctance to please and please, wash and cook for “some guy.” Men are not far behind, for whom refusal of relationships sometimes develops into some kind of mania. There are representatives of the stronger sex who represent all girls and women as exclusively greedy and hypocritical individuals (“they only need money”, “don’t expect anything good from women”). As a result, we meet wealthy, intelligent, skillful people who are inclined to meet with representatives of the opposite sex “without obligations.” The main explanation here is “it’s easier this way.” Why is this happening?

    Where does relationship reluctance come from?

    Most often, the reason for refusing to look for a partner and further happy marriage is unsuccessful relationships with former spouses or lovers.

    It is not surprising that, having experienced, for example, her husband’s betrayal, a woman will not trust all representatives of the stronger sex in the future. A man who has suffered enough from his chosen one in a relationship (hysterics, constant suspicions, reproaches, etc.) will not be eager to start a family again and plunge into the previous model of relationships. On the contrary, he will begin to suspect every woman passing by of the same sins that his wife had.

    But no matter how whole a person is and happy alone with himself, he will need a more or less close connection with another person. Even those who say that they do not need a serious relationship would hardly refuse an ideal (according to their parameters) partner. A person, of course, can exist without love, build a career and work to achieve personal goals. And that's great! However, the emptiness in the sphere of personal relationships will still make itself felt sooner or later. To understand how to build relationships correctly, you should begin painstaking work on yourself.

    Refusal of relationships or correct behavior in new ones?

    If you realize that living for yourself is normal, and now you do not intend to enter into a serious relationship, but “someday later” you don’t mind taking up the issue, start small now. Below you will find a number of recommendations that allow you to create strong, healthy connections between people.

    It is not necessary to consider every new partner as a contender for your hand and heart. Just chat and have fun.

    These recommendations and build healthy interpersonal relationships between two people who like each other. You will be able to abandon those behavior patterns that inevitably lead you to frustration, disappointment and neurosis.

    Stop comparing your new partner to your previous one.

    If your ex cheated on you, you should not suspect the entire male population of the country of infidelity. If some sweetheart was distinguished by a scandalous character, there is no need to see in every woman a person with an unstable psyche. And you shouldn’t compare past relationships with present ones. Even if you had a bad experience in past relationships, benefit from it. Unsuccessful relationships harden any person.

    Don't lose yourself

    This advice is especially valuable for women. Dissolving in your partner, giving up your desires, you will soon be left with a broken heart again. You can love, be close, participate in the fate of your chosen one, but you don’t need to become his shadow. From the very beginning of the relationship, set clear boundaries of what is permitted, do not allow your desires to be pushed into the background.

    Don't expect the impossible from your new partner

    Accept that every living person has his own shortcomings. Don’t try to demand everything from your new boyfriend or girlfriend at once. Don't try to "fit" it to suit you. It is clear that ideally we all want to be close to a kind, smart, attractive, considerate and generous partner. But we don't live in a fairy tale. Therefore, do not try to discern in the person you like those traits that he does not have. In addition, remember that the chosen one does not have to be the same in character as you. For example, you are very emotional, but you shouldn’t expect wild passions from your partner if he is a secretive and reserved person by nature.

    Don't expect him to be ready to solve all your problems.

    There are couples where one spouse is constantly responsible for the other. Remember that your problems are not always your new lover's problems. Do not be offended if your chosen one (or chosen one) does not want, for example, to listen to complaints about colleagues for hours. Understand correctly, if your beloved person does not want to go to visit your relatives who have a negative attitude towards him.

    Learn to discuss all troubling problems calmly

    Screams, reproaches, and especially silence will not lead to the successful development of relationships. Respect both yourself and your partner. Slipping into hysterics will definitely not lead to anything good. Silence in a couple is also unacceptable. It’s better to say what exactly worries you, and try to figure out how to resolve the situation together. Learn to compromise. This is not difficult if you realize that in front of you is “the same” person. By the way, this realization often comes “out of the blue.”

    Respect your partner

    It happens that after suffering in previous relationships, people say: “Now I’ll be smarter!” And they seem to test the strength of the new chosen one (they can be rude, secretly go outside, deceive, etc.). There is no question of any respect. The “I” position comes to the fore. This is a failed method. Your relationship is not a competition, and your partner is not a way to prove to someone in the past that you are better. Be prepared to treat the new person in your life as an equal and worthy.

    Don't try to be something you're not

    If sentimentality is alien to you, do not shed insincere tears. If you do not share the hobbies of your new chosen one, do not lie that you will consider it a blessing to attend football matches with him. Don't invent something that hasn't happened in your life. Fictions about education, rich and famous relatives, huge inheritances and others of the same category are quickly revealed.

    Learn to feel your loved one

    It is not enough to just listen, you need to hear and understand when he (or she) is feeling bad, when help and support are needed. Don't hesitate to ask how exactly you could help in a specific situation. One person, for example, just needs to be listened to. Someone needs affection good words. But for some, the silent presence of a person nearby is simply necessary.

    Be grateful

    Even if it is not always possible to avoid conflict, still try to remember all the good things that your chosen one (or chosen one) did towards you. Don’t harbor grudges and anger, it’s better to remember the good. After all, after a quarrel, you are driven by momentary emotions, fueled by your past grievances (perhaps even against another person). But are you ready to immediately give up everything good that binds you?

    Don't focus only on relationships

    There is a lot of interesting things in life, much more than communication with one person: meetings with loved ones and friends, success at work, travel, interesting pastimes. Don't deprive yourself of small joys by spending every minute working to build a strong connection with your potential spouse.

    Mistakes that hinder new relationships

    Refusal from relationships is often dictated by a reluctance to change something in oneself. Agree, it is always easier to blame someone than to admit that you are wrong. Pay attention to exactly what mistakes can destroy feelings already on the threshold of their formation:

    1. Expecting too much from your partner.

      As mentioned above, your chosen one is a person with his own weaknesses. You shouldn't compare him to anyone. If you feel good together, don't look for flaws. Surely there are some of your “peculiarities” and troubles will still give a head start to his oddities. So forgive your neighbor’s imperfections.

    2. The desire to change a partner and blackmail.

      Phrases like “If you don’t buy me the thing I want, then I won’t cook,” “If your mom comes to visit us again, I’ll leave home,” or “If you don’t lose weight, then we won’t have intimacy” may sound from the lips of a not quite mature person. You have the right to ask for something, but you should not demand and set conditions. If he doesn’t agree, but you can’t accept it, leave.

    3. Attempts to “crush” the chosen one (or chosen one) under oneself.

      Even if your character is like steel, you should not make your partner your slave. Pressing with authority will not build lasting relationships. Respect your dear person, even if he is soft and easy-going by nature. And don’t turn into a “mom” who is used to solving all the problems of her “child”.

    4. Allowing you to be dominated.

      Sometimes, in order to please, we try to remain silent somewhere, swallow the insult, pretend that we didn’t understand something, didn’t hear. This behavior greatly lowers self-esteem, and there is also a risk of losing the partner’s respect (“She (they) can easily be twisted”). Appreciate yourself if you are thinking about how to build relationships correctly. Immediately set boundaries that should not be crossed. Don't let anyone raise their voice at you. Or don’t turn offensive jokes about your shortcomings into a joke (short height, rare hair, a couple of extra kilos, etc.).

    Be wise, forgiving, talk about your feelings, don’t hush up problems, love yourself and don’t lose your zest for life. Appreciate those relationships that bring you satisfaction, even if your loved one is far from ideal. Don’t let the loner syndrome take hold of you: by abandoning a relationship to avoid difficulties with your partner, you are still dooming yourself to problems later. Only of a psychological nature.