Name Andrey is the day of the angel. Andrew's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar

Patron saints of those named Andrew

Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called
The day of remembrance of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is celebrated twice a year - June 30/July 13 and November 30/December 13.
Saint Andrew is called the First-Called because he was called the first of the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ. Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is the patron saint of professions related to the sea. They pray to him for the protection of those who set sail. The saint also patronizes translators and teachers foreign language. The parents of their daughters and the girls themselves ask Saint Andrew the First-Called for a successful marriage.

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Icon of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Icon painter: Marina Filippova
Holy Blessed Andrew of Totemsky
The Day of Remembrance of St. Blessed Andrew of Totemsky is celebrated on October 10/23, the name is also commemorated in the Cathedral of Vologda Saints - this is a moving holiday that takes place on the third week (Sunday) after Pentecost.
Saint Blessed Andrew of Totemsky, who accepted the foolishness of Christ for the sake of Christ, was known during his lifetime for the gift of miracles, first of all miraculous healings from serious diseases, especially of unknown origin, which doctors could not always diagnose and therefore prescribe treatment.
Andrei Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke Saint Prince Andrey was named Bogolyubsky in his youth. He often attended church, prayed, and honored the Word of God. In 1154, when his father Yuri Dolgoruky became the Prince of Kyiv, Andrei Bogolyubsky received control of Vyshgorod. But he left the city, taking with him the icon of the Mother of God, and went with it to Vladimir. From there the path lay to Rostov. But the travelers did not have time to travel far. Suddenly the horses stopped. In a dream, the holy prince saw the Mother of God, who ordered him to build a temple on this place. This is how the famous city of Bogolyubovo appeared.

Saint Andrew remained in Vladimir and built there the Assumption Cathedral, the Golden Gate and the Church of the Savior at the Prince's Court. During his reign, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality gained power and grew in number of churches and temples. All this contributed to the unification of Russian lands. Thanks to his work, 30 churches appeared in Rus', including the most beautiful Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Andrei Vologda, Kamensky - Joasaph Kamensky (in the world Andrei Vologda, prince), Spasokubensky, reverend.

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on September 10/23.
Icon of St. Joasaph of Kamensky. Russia XVIII century.
In the Spaso-Kamensky Monastery, which is located on the island of Lake Kubenskoye in the Vologda region, people noticed that the relics of St. Joseph Kamensky were endowed healing power. They cured many diseases.

Before his tonsure, Saint Joseph bore the name Andrew. He came from a princely family, was the son of Dimitri Vasilyevich Zaozersky and Princess Maria. At the age of twenty, he decided to serve God and entered the Kubensky Spaso-Kamensky Monastery. Among other brothers, he stood out for his special love of prayer and reading books. He did not live long in the monastery, only five years. He spent his last years, seriously ill, in seclusion. Having limited himself in diet, he mainly prayed, thanks to which he acquired special spiritual gifts. Before his death, Saint Joseph (Andrew) said goodbye to his brothers and calmly went to the Lord.

Andrew of Ephesus, presbyter, martyr Hieromartyr Andrew of Ephesus lived in the 8th century and was from Lydia. From childhood, he strove for a righteous life, dreaming of telling people about God and revealing to them the true path of salvation. Having matured, Andrei chose the path of the clergy and became a presbyter in the city of Ephesus.

In those days, under Emperor Leo the Isaurian, a struggle began against the veneration of icons by removing them from churches and burning them. The Monk Andrew of Ephesus, together with his friend and like-minded person, Bishop Hypatius, resolutely stood up in defense of the holy icons, for which they were captured and subjected to cruel torture. But no amount of torment could force them to abandon the veneration of holy images. Unbroken in spirit, the holy martyrs Andrei and Hypatius of Ephesus were executed.

Andrew of Constantinople, Fool for Christ's sake

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on October 2/15.

Saint Blessed Andrew lived in the 10th century, from youth was a God-loving man. One day he had a dream in which there were two troops. In one army the men were dressed in light clothes, in the other in dark clothes, with terrible faces. The angel, holding beautiful crowns in his hands, explained to Andrei that this heavenly treasure is the Lord’s reward to His warriors who defeat the dark hordes. The angel called on Andrei to a good deed - to be a fool for the sake of the Lord. Andrei followed the call of the Lord and took upon himself one of the most difficult feats - the feat of foolishness (imaginary madness), which consists of hiding one’s own virtues and rejecting and exposing worldly values. From that moment on, Andrei began to walk the streets of the city in rags, as if his mind was clouded. Long years he humbled himself before ridicule, beatings and insults; the saint distributed all the alms that he himself received from good people to the poor. For his patience, he received from the Lord the gift of clairvoyance and prophecy, which he used to save and help many people.

Only Saint Blessed Andrew and his disciple Epiphanius were honored to see the appearance of the Mother of God in the famous Blachernae Church during all-night vigil(prayers), when all the inhabitants fervently prayed for deliverance from the enemy who surrounded Constantinople. In memory of the intercession of the Mother of God, one of the most solemn Mother of God holidays was later established - the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 1/14).

Andrew of Crete, Archbishop Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete was born in the 7th century in Damascus into a virtuous Christian family. From birth the child was mute, but suddenly, being already a youth, after the next celebration of the Sacrament of Communion, Saint Andrew regained speech and from that time began to diligently study the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, preparing himself for undivided service to the Lord. Over the years of his ministry, Saint Andrew shone forth in the Orthodox Church as the creator of many wonderful liturgical hymns, first of all, the canon, a new liturgical form. The Penitential Canon of Andrew of Crete, the canon for the Nativity of Christ, the stichera for the Presentation of the Lord and many other hymns, as well as words for some church holidays gained him the glory of “the true lamp of the Church, the great hierarch - theologian, teacher and hymn-maker.” His followers were the great singers of the Church, such as John of Damascus, Cosmas of Maium, Joseph the Songsinger, Theophan the Inscribed. Saint Andrew died in the first quarter of the 8th century on Fr. Militina, his ashes were transferred to Constantinople - the Russian pilgrim Stefan Novgorod testified to this in 1350 after his visit to the Constantinople monastery in the name of St. Andrew of Crete.

Andrew of Crete, venerable martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on October 17/30.

There is a sad period in the history of the Orthodox Church - the period of iconoclasm, when a heretical movement arose, whose followers destroyed holy icons, considering them to be like pagan idols. Many Orthodox Christians suffered during this period by defending icons and their veneration. They died not at the hands of those professing a different faith, but at the hands of their yesterday’s co-religionists. So the Venerable Martyr Andrei of Crete suffered at this time. Saint Andrew led a strict ascetic life on the island of Crete. He lived during the reign of Emperor Constantine Copronymus (8th century) - the most severe follower of the iconoclasts.

When Saint Andrew learned that Christians, on pain of death, were forced to destroy holy icons in their homes and churches, he went to Constantinople and openly in the temple denounced the emperor for persecuting the faith of the holy fathers. He was taken into custody and subjected to severe torture, after which he died. According to legend, healings occurred from the relics of St. Andrew of Crete.

Andrew of Lampsaki, martyr Andrew of Lampsacus, a martyr, suffered for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century, during the reign of the cruel emperor Decius in Lampsacus, a city on the shore of the Hellespont Strait - now the Dardanelles. A Christian warrior originally from Mesopotamia, Saint Andrew was taken by the hegemon of Decius Opitiminus along with another warrior, Paul, openly testified about Christ and was executed along with Paul and with the previously taken Saints Peter, Dionysius and Christina after everyone refused to bow to the Roman gods. Andrew of Lampsaki, like his comrade-in-arms Paul, as well as the holy martyr Dionysius, were stoned; after prolonged torture, Peter also died, while the holy martyr Christina was beheaded with the sword.

Andrei Mesukevisky, Georgian, martyr Andrei was a noble man who served the ruler of Caucasian Albania. In the 2nd century, this state was located on the territory of modern Azerbaijan. One day, the ruler began to gather a squad that would accompany his daughter, who was heading to her husband, King Artaxars, in Armenia. The detachment included Andrei and 15 other men.

They fulfilled their mission with honor, and it was time to go back. Leaving the capital of Armenia - the city of Artashat, the travelers lingered in a deserted square. Near the wall made of cobblestones, they noticed a man with people standing around him. Andrei and his companions decided to come closer and listen to what they were talking about. The Greek Chrysos professed Christianity. His words were so interesting and correct that the listeners wanted to stay with him.

Andrew and his friends, following Chrysos to Mesopotamia, were baptized. They erected a wooden cross at the site of the ceremony near the Euphrates River. Since then, the brothers have always been together. After the death of Chrysos, their community was led by Sukhiy.

They lived in a place remote from human settlements. At this time, the ruler of Albania heard rumors about the fate of his missing squad. He equipped Barnapas with soldiers to persuade the hermits to return to the palace. And so the armed detachment appeared before seventeen men. Sukhiy responded to the offer to return by refusing, Andrei and everyone else supported him. Then Barnapas ordered to kill them. The relics of the saints lay incorrupt for three centuries before they were found and buried by Christians.

Andrew of Oxyrynthus (Egyptian), Venerable

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Memorial Days are established by the Orthodox Church on July 12/25 and December 2/15.

Lived in the 4th century. After receiving secular education He realized that worldly passions were weighing him down, but his soul was rushing to the Lord. Together with his friends Saints John, Iraklemon and Theophilus, he retired to the Egyptian desert. The friends spent their entire lives in hermitage, fasting and prayer, learning spiritual wisdom.

Unfortunately, the icon of the saint has not survived to our time; on personalized icons the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is most often depicted.

Andrey (Oslyabya) of Radonezh, warrior, schema-monk Andrei Oslyabya and his brother Alexander Peresvet are heroes of the famous Battle of Kulikovo. They came from a family of boyars of the Bryansk principality. From childhood they were raised as warriors, called to defend the Motherland and the Christian faith. Having matured, they became famous as brave heroes. However, tired of a hectic life, the brothers decided to choose the path of monasticism and ended up in the Trinity Monastery under the leadership of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The 14th century was especially difficult for Rus'. The Tatar yoke not only ruined the country, but also crippled the soul of the people. Fear deprived the Russian people of their will, making them obsequious slaves. Another disaster was the enmity of the Russian princes, whose civil strife resulted in no less bloodshed than the Tatar invasion. Salvation lay in one thing - uniting and confronting the enemy.

In 1380, Khan Mamai gathered a huge Tatar army and went to the Russian Land. Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy decided to gather an army and repel the enemies on the Kulikovo field. The decisive battle was preceded by the prince's meeting with Sergius of Radonezh and the received blessing for a feat of arms. The monk said: “Go against the godless, and you will win...” Prince Dmitry asked St. Sergius Radonezhsky to give him two warrior-monks for the battle - Peresvet and Oslyabya, who could serve as an example for his warriors. The monk fulfilled the prince's request, although it was against church rules. He called the monks of Peresvet and Oslyabya and, sending them off to the feat, ordered them, instead of iron armor, to put on monastic schemas with the image of the Cross of Christ.

On September 8, 1380, on the Kulikovo field, two forces came together before a mortal battle: a horde of nomads, who knew no pity, accustomed to winning, and the Russian army, led by Prince Dimitri Ivanovich, inspired by the faith of Christ and Sergius’s prediction of victory. The battle was preceded by a duel between Alexander Peresvet and Chelubey, who was the best warrior of Khan Mamai. The heroes encountered terrible force and, having struck each other with spears, both fell dead. The fight seemingly ended in a draw, but Peresvet’s sacrifice was not in vain. The Tatars were scared, but the Russian soldiers, on the contrary, were inspired to fight. And we won it! Andrei Oslyabya also fought like a hero and fell on the Kulikovo Field.

The victory in the Battle of Kulikovo became the beginning of the revival of Rus', had strong influence on the course of its entire subsequent history, and most importantly, influenced the character of the Russian people. After much fear and humiliation Tatar yoke, the Russian people believed in their strength, in the possibility of victory over any enemy.

The holy brothers Peresvet and Oslyabya were buried in the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. They are considered patrons Russian army and will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people as an example of courage, love for the Motherland and unbreakable faith.

Andrey Rublev, Venerable, icon painter
Andrei Simbirsky (Ogorodnikov), blessed

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Memorial Days are established by the Orthodox Church on May 21/June 3 and November 27/December 10.

Blessed Andrei was born in 1763 in the city of Simbirsk into a family of pious parents. The family lived poorly, but pleasing to God. From an early age, blessed Andrei was different from his peers; it was as if from birth he took upon himself the most difficult of Christian feats - imaginary madness - foolishness for Christ's sake. Chosen by God from childhood for a special ascetic service, he did not get up until the age of three, saying only “mother” and “Anna” (mother’s name), although the townspeople could see that he could speak. As if, along with the feat of foolishness, he took upon himself the feat of silence; in his entire life they did not hear many words from him.

From childhood, he turned his gaze to God, leaving all human conventions. Blessed Andrew walked in a long shirt and barefoot in any weather and at any time of the year. I ate almost nothing, and for long periods absolutely nothing. He slept on the ground or on bare boards. He never laughed. Such oddities in behavior (in the opinion of others) caused a lot of ridicule, beatings and bullying. Blessed Andrei endured everything with humility, never answered the offenders, but quietly walked away. Already in his childhood, the Lord gave the blessed one the gift of clairvoyance.

Those who came from Simbirsk for a blessing to Father Seraphim of Sarov were sent back by the great Russian saint, saying that they had their own, much better one - Andrei Ilyich. During the life of Blessed Andrei, not a single serious fire occurred in Simbirsk, and after his death they resumed. Simbirsk was then a small wooden city; it could burn out entirely if any major fire happened there. Blessed Andrew possessed the gift of healing and insight. He healed someone from a serious illness, warned someone of trouble, and prepared someone for an imminent death. All this without words, maintaining silence. All his life, Blessed Andrei helped people, some with prayer, others with warnings, and others with deeds. For 78 years Saint Andrew performed his exploits in the name of Christ.

The townspeople were very kind to their saint. When he died, his body stood open for six days so that everyone could say goodbye to the patron saint of the city, his body remained incorrupt. So many people came to his funeral that the procession stretched for a mile. Miracles continued and continue to happen from the grave of St. Blessed Andrew.

Andrew of Syracuse, martyr Andrey was one of the Smolensk princes. Exact date His birth is unknown; the events took place in the second half of the 14th century. At that time, the Smolensk land was fragmented into numerous principalities, the rulers of which were at enmity with each other. Being close relatives, they quarreled with each other all the time. Andrei did not like such infighting. When his parents could, he did not want to be a prince. Having put on beggarly clothes, Andrei left the palace forever.

His path led to Pereslavl-Zalessky. He became a sexton at the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint rang the bells, cleaned the temple, performed various handmade, helped the priest. At the same time, he always remained silent, limited himself in food and water, and wore iron chains on his naked body. So 30 years passed, and no one knew that the blessed sexton was actually a prince.

After death, they found a paper in his hand on which it was written that he was Andrei, Prince of Smolensk, and under the iron chains they saw a princely chain, a hryvnia (an ornament worn around the neck) and a ring. He was buried with these things.

The relics of St. Andrew were found only in 1540. When they opened the grave, they turned out to be incorrupt. Evidence of their miraculous action was received, and many people received healing. There was also such a miracle: there was a fire in the church, it burned down, but the coffin with the relics of Andrei and the icon of the Mother of God Odigria remained intact. People said that the fire was beating like a whirlwind around them, but the flames did not even touch the holy place.

Andrey Stratelates, Taurian, martyr Stratilates - military commander. This title was received by Andrei, who served in the army of the Roman Empire. He was distinguished by extraordinary courage, was strong and fair, but he also secretly believed in Christ. One day a decisive battle was to take place with the Persians who had seized foreign land. Appointed stratilate, Andrei stood in front of his soldiers to give them parting words before the battle. He started talking about Christ, convincing them that the Lord would help them win, since he always supports those who believe in him. The warriors listened to the stratilate, and went against the enemy in the name of the Savior, and won.

The Roman governor found out about this, he ordered the arrest of Andrei and his soldiers and put them to torture. But he did not dare to kill them; the people loved the victorious military leader. Then the ruler decided to release them and destroy them secretly.

After leaving prison, Andrei and his soldiers were baptized. In the gorge of the Taurus Mountains they were overtaken by enemies sent by the Roman ruler. Without offering resistance, Andrei and all his people accepted death. At the site of their death, a miraculous spring arose, from the water of which people began to be healed.

He was the very first to follow Christ, and only then did his brother, the Apostle Peter, follow the Savior. The future apostle was originally from Galilee. He heard about the saving teaching from John the Baptist, when many thought that he was the Messiah. However, John the Baptist explained that it was not He, but only called to prepare the way for Him. Soon what was said in the book happened Holy Scripture. The Lord Jesus Christ received holy baptism in the Jordan River.
Andrew the First-Called immediately decided to follow Christ, becoming His disciple. The Apostle Andrew was with the Savior almost the entire time of His earthly ministry and preaching.
After the death of the Lord on the cross, Andrew the First-Called was among the disciples to whom the Savior appeared on the Mount of Olives. Having already acquired the Holy Spirit, Apostle Andrew sets out to acquaint humanity with the teachings of Christ; the lands along the Black Sea fell to his lot. He visited the Tauride Island, climbed north from the Dnieper, and reached the future site of Kyiv. He blessed these places by installing a cross here.
Then he returned to Greece and began to live in the city of Patros, where he healed and preached. The ruler Egeat hated the apostle and decided to crucify him on the cross. He ordered the guards to do everything to ensure that the saint’s torment lasted as long as possible. The apostle was tied with the letter X to the cross; no nails were driven in, so that death would not occur immediately. Andrew the First-Called prayed all this time. At the moment of his soul’s departure to the Lord, his body was illuminated with extraordinary light.
From time immemorial in Rus', the Apostle Andrew was especially revered. Peter the Great founded an order in his honor, which was awarded to government officials. It was in honor of the apostle that the Russian fleet installed the St. Andrew's flag as a banner. As you know, it is a blue cross on a white background in the form of the letter X.

Andrei's name day in Orthodoxy church calendar

Andrew's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar. History of the origin of the name. Andrey: angel day. When to celebrate name day?

If we recall historical data and information, it is known that Christianity arose on the territory of Rus' many centuries ago. From time immemorial there has been a tradition of baptizing newborn children and naming them with Orthodox Holy names. Because according to the Orthodox religion, every baby should have its own invisible Guardian Angel. Currently, many parents come up with names for their children on their own, but it is necessary to baptize a newborn under the name of some patron, therefore, such a name is often suggested by representatives of church authorities.

It is important to note that in a temple, church or monastery during the baptism of a child, the minister looks for a suitable date, if there are no holy commemorations on the day the baby was born, then they turn to information about the names of the shrine for the next three days. This tradition arose more than a century ago and continues to this day. As a result, Orthodox believers treat her with great respect and understanding, since every person understands the importance of the existence of an invisible guardian angel. As a consequence of this choice of the church minister, the child receives a new name at the time of the baptismal ceremony, this name subsequently becomes a kind of amulet for the child for the rest of his life, since it is known that a guardian angel comes to the rescue in any situation.

Servants of Orthodox holy places recommend that every person have a church calendar on hand in order to choose the optimal patron for a child. It is also very important, before choosing a name for a child, to familiarize yourself with the life history of a particular significant Saint. Over the past few years, many foreign names have become widely popular, but church ministers recommend choosing names for children such as Macarius, Arseny, Ignatius, Claudia, Fedor, Vasilisa, Anania and Sava.

Also ecclesiastical orthodox calendar rich in names such as Maria, Peter, Pavel, Anastasia and, of course, Andrey.

It is important to recall the fact that the name Andrew became widely known in the Orthodox Faith thanks to the emergence of the Great Apostle Andrew the First-Called. That is why over the course of one calendar church year Name day, this shrine is celebrated several times, so at any time of the year, you can call the baby the name Andrey.

When to celebrate name day?

Name day can otherwise be called Angel's Day, and it is often celebrated in honor of one or another shrine, the name of which was given to the baby during baptism. Previously, such a holy date was celebrated more extensively, but now this tradition is more loyal. It is worth recalling that in historical information one can find information that in ancient times name days were one of the most important holidays of the year, since they were celebrated with a large number of guests, that is, relatives, but at the same time the person’s birthday was not celebrated and were practically not recognized.

Nowadays, if you look at the church calendar, you can find many identical names of saints. In the Orthodox church calendar, the day of the angel Andrew occurs monthly. However, you should not take such words literally, since a person who is baptized in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called should not celebrate his name day every month. It is worth noting that some temple ministers claim that there are people who make such celebrations every month, claiming that in this way they thank their guardian angel and spiritual mentor. In this case, the ministers of the church say that it is necessary to choose one single Saint who is close to Andrei in terms of the number of births of a new person into the world, it is he who will be his patron throughout his life, and others are not connected with him in any way.

Representatives of the Orthodox religion claim that last years The celebration of the days of angels is being revived, so modern parents choose a name for their baby using the Orthodox calendar, which is why Andrey is the most common name in the territory of the Slavic powers.

Andrew: angel day

It is necessary to mention the name days of all the Saints, who are celebrated throughout the calendar year.
December 23 and July 7 celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the most caring Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. He is known for the fact that throughout his life he not only religiously believed in the Almighty, but also cared for the needy and sick people. We should also not forget the fact that it was Andrei Bogolyubsky who built the monastery near the city of Vladimir, which to this day bears his name.

September 1- this is a holy day and the day of the angel martyr Andrew, who died for the Christian Orthodox Faith, together with other two thousand heroes around 302.

December 13 and June 25 name day of Andrei Kritsky, who in the future will become Andrew the First-Called. He is the very first disciple of Jesus Christ, as a result of which he is highly revered and loved by many believers, for a long time in the territory of the present Russian state.

In addition to the saints presented above, there are many dates in every day and in every calendar of the year, however, in order to find out about this or that Saint, you can contact the servants of the temple and they, with special love and respect, will explain to a believer what event happened to the saint after which he was elevated to the rank.

History of the origin of the name

On December 13, the Orthodox Christian Church remembers the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. It is worth noting that he ranks high in church rank, since he is one of the twelve known apostles.

From time immemorial, the Russian state has revered the memory of Andrei with great pomp. Even during the reign of Peter I, it was created highest award, which was called the imperial order named after the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Such an award in those days was given only by various dignitaries of the Russian state, since the order bore the name of the most famous Shrine. Also, do not forget that it was from the time of Peter the Great that St. Andrew’s flag has existed, which is official for the Russian Navy. It was with the St. Andrew's flag that the sailors of the Russian state were able to win many battles and win a large number of victories at sea.

If we turn to historical data, we can find out the fact that the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was born in Bethsaida of Galicia. Subsequently, he lived on the shore of the lake with his brother and was engaged not in holy teachings, but in fishing. Historical information says that from a young age the Saint offered daily prayers to the Almighty. That is why, in adulthood, he refused to marry and accepted the teaching of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, who announced the Incarnation. Also historical information they say that the Holy Apostle was the very first disciple of the Most High, therefore, it was he who first confessed his mission and led his own brother Simon to the faith of the Most High, who later became the Apostle Peter.
After the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, a witness to this act, Andrei returned to Jerusalem together with the other apostles, as well as Holy Mother of God and fulfilled the spirit of the Most High exactly as he himself predicted.

Preaching about God's word, Saint Andrew made many journeys, during which he returned to Holy Jerusalem more than once. During the sermon, he passed through not only Macedonia, Scythia, the Black Sea region, but also Thrace and Asia Minor. After some time, Saint Apostle Andrew climbed up the Dnieper to present-day Kyiv, where he said that in the future it would be recreated on these mountains. great city, on which the Almighty will place many different churches, monasteries and temples.

Then he went to Rome and returned again to Thrace, where he found a small village near Byzantium, which would later be called Constantinople. It was here that he founded a new Christian Orthodox Church and here he ordained the bishop as an apostle of Christ.

Historical evidence tells that on his own path the Saint encountered a lot of sorrow from various pagans; he was not only beaten and tortured, but expelled from many cities. However, throughout the entire journey, the Almighty helped his own chosen one and performed various miracles for Andrew the First-Called. It is known that Andrew the First-Called died around the year 62 in the city of Patras. However, before his own death, the apostle appealed to people so that they would recognize Christian faith and accepted humility and love in order to comprehend the mystery eternal life and the miraculous power of the Almighty. It is important to know that the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified on the orders of an angry resident named Egeat, who was the ruler. During the crucifixion, the Saint made a decision calmly and personally ascended to the place of future execution. In turn, the angry ruler wanted to prolong the torment of the holy apostle, so he ordered that under no circumstances should his legs and arms be nailed to the cross, but only tied to them. Every Orthodox believer knows that the cross on which the Saint was crucified at that moment has the shape of the Latin letter “X” and is known to mankind under the name St. Andrew’s Cross.

Many years later, around 357, the relics of St. Andrew the First-Called were transported to Constantinople and located in the Church of the Holy Apostles, close to the relics of other shrines. In 1208, after the crusaders took Constantinople, the relics of the shrine were transported to Italy and placed in the cathedral church. During the reign of the Pope in 1458, the relics of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called were transferred to Rome to St. Peter's Basilica.

Strong energy

Due to so many different facts, the energy of Andrei’s name only becomes stronger with each passing century. According to the data, this name is given to strong-willed and purposeful people who are endowed with a certain character. Experts say that the name affects a person depending on which shrine is his guardian angel. Andrey is often a calm and balanced person, sometimes he can be a joker and joker, but basically in life he is an optimist.

Servants of the temple, the church, say that if you name a child in honor of a shrine, that is, the First-Called Apostle, then the baby will definitely have his own strong patron who will point him to True path in life.

Many centuries have passed since the arrival of Christianity on the territory of Rus'. But, as before, in our country they are given the names of Orthodox saints, who become their invisible guardian angels. What name the child will bear is determined by the church calendar.

How to choose the right name according to the Saints

If the baby’s birthday fell on a date when there were no suitable nicknames, then information about the name days of the next three days was consulted. The Russian people have always respected this tradition and understood its importance. And the name thus obtained became a talisman for the baby for life.

When you have an Orthodox church calendar at hand, choosing the right one or girls will not be difficult. It is better to choose sonorous names of the most significant saints. Here, for example, are interesting names for babies: Ignatius, Arseny, Macarius, Vasilisa, Claudia, Fedor, Savva, Anania and many others.

Also in the calendar there are many such common names as Anna, Anastasia, Maria, Mikhail, Peter, Pavel and others. However, today we will talk about Andrey.

This name appeared thanks to the great Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Andrei's name days happen very often throughout the year, so this is a great name for a boy born at any time of the year.

When to celebrate name day?

Today there are many saints with the same names in the church calendar. However, let's return to the topic of our conversation. As mentioned earlier, Andrei’s name day occurs almost every month. They shouldn't be celebrated as often as they do. modern people out of ignorance. True is celebrated once a year, choosing a date as close as possible to the person’s birthday. Only that Saint Andrew, whose name day is close to the date of birth of the child, is his patron; the other saints are not associated with him.

Currently, the tradition of celebrating name days is gradually being revived. More and more parents are choosing a nickname for their baby according to the Orthodox calendar. The name Andrey is one of the most common in our country.

Andrew: angel day

He celebrates his name day on the following dates of the year:

  • On July 17 and December 23, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, caring for the deprived and sick, built the Bogolyubsky Monastery near the city of Vladimir;
  • September 23, Prince Andrey of Vologda;
  • October 3, Great Martyr Andrew of Ephesus;
  • October 15, holy fool Andrew of Constantinople;
  • July 17, Archbishop Andrew of Crete;
  • October 30, ;
  • May 31, martyr Andrew of Lampsak;
  • April 28, Georgian martyr Andrei Mesukevisky;
  • December 15, Rev. Andrew of Egypt;
  • July 13, brother of the Apostle Peter, Andrew the First-Called;
  • July 17, icon painter Andrei Rublev;
  • October 6, martyr Andrew of Syracuse;
  • June 5 and November 9, Prince Andrei Pereslavsky, Smolensk;
  • September 1, martyr Andrei Stratelates, Taurian, died for the Christian faith along with two thousand soldiers in 302;
  • October 23, holy fool Andrei Totemsky;
  • June 25 and December 13, Andrew of Thebaid, and in the future the First-Called, one of the first disciples of Jesus Christ, he has been especially loved and revered in Russia for a long time.

Now it will be easier for you to understand. Every day Andrei's name day is celebrated in accordance with this calendar.

History of the origin of the name

We owe the appearance of the name in the Orthodox church calendar to St. Andrew the First-Called. He lived in Galilee and was engaged in obtaining food for himself through fishing. Andrei was one of the first to fall in love with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Having gained faith, he went with him everywhere, becoming an apostle.

The well-known St. Andrew's Cross is the one on which Christ's beloved apostle was crucified. Now he is depicted on flags, orders and medals. The Russian fleet has acquired this symbol of the saint since the time of Peter the Great.

In Rus' this name spread in the eleventh century. Since then, many martyred princes with this nickname have been canonized and added to the church calendar.

Nowadays, Andrei celebrates name days according to the Orthodox calendar many times.

Strong energy

Over the centuries, the energy of the name Andrey has only become stronger. This was the name of purposeful, strong-willed individuals with great destiny and character. All this was deposited in the subconscious of people, and now good luck, good luck, and conquests in all areas of life are expected from every Andrei. For those who celebrate Andrei's name day, it is sometimes difficult to live with such people's opinions. After all, not everything in life is so easy for them, although they certainly have plenty of energy and patience.

Andrey is a calm person who looks at the world soberly, but you can’t tell by his behavior. You still have to look for such a joker and joker, so rarely anyone takes him seriously. Andrey's optimism and cheerfulness quickly charge those around him with positive energy and good mood. However, you should not offend the owner of this name, he will not forget this.

Characteristics of Andrey

As a child, Andrey likes to indulge in dreams, is interested in different games: mobile and requiring perseverance. He is no stranger to cunning and ingenuity when playing with his peers. He is not inclined to listen to adults, he does everything his own way. Sometimes Andrey does not stand out from his surroundings, but as a result it turns out that he has become much more successful than his peers. He is fickle in love, changes girls like gloves. As a result, he chooses a spectacular woman as his wife, without having any special feelings for her.

Unpredictability is another striking feature. He can make an unexpectedly pleasant surprise, or he can bring you to tears over a trifle. At work, he is valued and his opinions are listened to.

If Andrei’s name day is in winter, he has a talent for art; autumn name holders have a predisposition to the exact sciences. They make good businessmen.

When choosing a name for a child, everyone decides for themselves how to do it. If desired, the church Orthodox calendar will do a good job, then Andrei will celebrate his angel day knowing that he honors the saint who became his patron for the rest of his life.

The name Andrei came to our culture from the ancient Greek language. Sometimes, without knowing it, parents in the first minutes of their baby’s birth can already largely determine his character. This happens after choosing a name, because it has a direct impact on the rest of your life and largely on your character traits. Of course, this is all very individual and will depend on other factors, but the influence of the name is very large.
It was and remains quite popular even today. Many people do not know that literally translated it means “strong, courageous.” By giving a child just such a name, parents unknowingly add strength and endurance to him, which will definitely come in handy.


A baby with this name is unlikely to have a calm character and perseverance. Rather, quite the opposite, it will simply be a fountain of energy that needs to be directed somewhere. A child can enthusiastically collect or construct something, build, draw, and in an instant switch to a completely different thing. IN kindergarten It is little Andrey who will become the main organizer of all the games and tricks of the children. He can easily and almost instantly come up with something interesting. Teachers sometimes simply cannot cope with such an active child. It is for these qualities that already at a young age he will gain his authority and become simply an unquestioning leader among children.

At school, the child will undoubtedly delight his parents with his successes and his teachers with his talents. Thanks to his artistry and desire to take part in everything, he can play in the school theater or be a member of the KVN team. A child can search and realize himself in many directions. Sports will not be left behind either. The boy will be happy to do what interests him. During adolescence, parents must learn to trust their child. Freedom to choose his future will be very important to him. Various designing or even drawing. All ideas should be supported and be sure to be interested in your son’s successes. This will be very important for him. Among his friends, Andrei can become the life of the party; he always stands for honesty and does not like deception.

As they grow older, loved ones will not notice very strong differences in character young man. As before, he will be able to organize any event, defuse the situation with a funny joke or something else. In relationships with close people, you can see his compliance and complaisance. For a mother, he can become a real support with age. He is always able to put things aside to come home and help in any way he can.
Thanks to his persistence, the young man will succeed in everything. He will be able to clearly outline all the necessary steps in order to reach the intended peak. He has one very good quality– Andrey is able to concentrate on the desired result and not see anything other than this. This tactic really helps and speeds up achieving your goal.

Despite all positive traits in certain situations Andrey can be quite tough. First of all, this applies to those people who intentionally or accidentally offended him. Most likely, such people simply pass away, remaining just memories. If the offense is not very serious, then you can still count on him to forgive, and the relationship will be able to improve.

A series of bright and cheerful events can sometimes end for Andrey. Failures or problems may be hidden behind the next turn, but Andrei very often himself is not able to solve certain issues. Close people can become a support. It is in them that he finds inspiration and strength to move on. Andrey should not be afraid that he will find himself alone in a difficult situation. His easy-going and cheerful character will be the main reasons that he will always have friends by his side.


Andrey in his youth and youth can be a very loving young man. The girls who are next to him change very quickly. Some continue their search until they meet their match. true love. This girl will become his soul mate, whom he simply cannot refuse. Very often, in order to independently realize that this is really love for life, he will need courage. If such a union ends in marriage, it can truly be called happy. In another case, cheating and flirting on the side are not excluded; it is very important for Andrey to be in the center of female attention. He enjoys being admired. Andrey really values ​​appearance in girls. First, he will pay attention to the figure and physique, and then to the character of the beauty.
In marriage, he will demand constant attention from his wife and even children. This is what will allow him to feel like the head of the family. Andrey is very jealous. Because of this, scandals can constantly arise in the house. The reasons for jealousy can be completely different; even excessive attention to children on the part of the spouse will not be approved by him. In some cases, such manifestations may be hidden, but sometimes quite loud and emotional scandals cannot be ruled out. If the chosen one supports her husband in all situations, then there is the possibility of a long marriage. It is possible that a man will marry several times in his life. His love for bright and attractive girls will not always give the desired result. External beauty sometimes simply does not combine with a beautiful inner world.


Andrey enjoys playing sports because he has had no health problems since childhood. Of course, this does not mean that you can put yourself at risk or seek dangerous adventures. Everything should be in moderation. Physical exercise They will be a wonderful release for him, in which he can get rid of accumulated energy and anger. Boxing or some kind of martial arts will be just a great option for him.


Andrey can be considered a very conscientious employee who takes a responsible approach to doing his job. He very rarely changes his field of activity because he is afraid to take risks. Such a decision can only be made after the aspects have been well thought through. Andrey can look for his calling, both in sports and in creative professions. Often he chooses theater or cinematography education in order to later become a director or act on stage. You can also see Andrey as an artist behind the canvas.

Andrey will persistently pursue his career in order to become an even greater authority for his family and receive the desired recognition. In his work, he will always first carefully calculate the material benefits and only then think about how he personally feels about such an activity. In pursuit of material benefits he can realize himself very successfully as an entrepreneur. It should be noted that in such an area he will only work honestly and legally. No corruption or shadow work schemes are simply acceptable to him.

The imprint of the name in the child's life will, of course, be very noticeable. Therefore, you definitely need to think carefully about how parents want to see their son in the future.

When is Andrei’s name day according to the church calendar:

Winter: December 13 – Andrew the First-Called, one of the 12 apostles, martyr. Summer: July 17 – Andrei Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke; Andrei Rublev, icon painter, student of St. Sergius of Radonezh; July 13.