Yuri's name day according to the church. Yuri's name day according to the church calendar

When and how are Yuri's name days celebrated?

When and how Yuri's name day is celebrated. Meaning of the name. Character of the birthday boy. Yuri's birthday. What does this holiday mean? Name day traditions.

Over the past few years, the name Yuri has become less popular than, for example, about 10 years ago. As a result, parents of today's children rarely use such a name and are more inclined to names such as Tikhon or Mark, but in former times it was widespread. It is important to remember the fact that in ancient times the name Yura was often given to children who were born into noble or other high-born families. It was from those very times that Yura’s name day was celebrated, since such a celebration was considered the most important in his life. It is also worth noting that many people claim that the tradition of celebrating a person’s name day is returning to modern life. As a result, it is important to know exactly when name days are and on what dates they fall; at the same time, we should not forget that there are a number of rules according to which name days must be celebrated.

Meaning of the name

Before you talk about Yuri’s name day and what rules exist for their providence, you need to find out what meaning this name carries? Since it is known that every human name assigns a certain human destiny, as a result, many parents study its meaning when choosing a name for their child. At the same time, it is important to note that Orthodox believers believe that human destiny in no case can depend on the name, but only on the Almighty Himself.

Yuri is an ancient Greek name, which is a kind of offshoot from the famous name George. It is worth noting that Yuri means the so-called “farmer” or the literal translation sounds like a person “cultivating the land.” Similar names to male name Yuri are Georgiy and Egor.

Character of the birthday boy

Experienced and competent specialists have been observing people named Yuri for many years. Thus, they establish characteristic behavioral differences at different ages.

Boys with the same name, Yuri, show some independence from childhood. They are prone to housekeeping, do their homework on their own and, of course, take care of their own pets. Also, as a child, Yuri is often extremely curious, that is, an inquisitive child, so he looks for any means of information in order to study it. It is important to note that scientists have found that boys often do not listen to parental advice, that is, they do not tolerate any kind of care, reproaches fall on deaf ears, but at the same time they are excellent helpers in household chores.

Competent experts have established that Yuri has many excellent qualities: he is observant and has an excellent memory. At the same time, like any child, he is active and loves various sports competitions.

In youth and maturity, a person named Yura has enormous knowledge, that is, thinking, and is also present a large number of perseverance. It is worth noting that such people are not afraid of various difficulties, so they take on even the greatest responsibility. At the same time, the main distinguishing quality of such a person is restraint and prudence, since the nature is such that Yuri can hide certain impulses of his own soul. As a result, people who bear the name Yura can become excellent teachers, scientists, architects or even surgeons.

Over the past few years, experienced and competent specialists have discovered that the main characteristics of a person named Yuri are a sense of humor, activity and, of course, independence.

Yuri's birthday. What does this holiday mean?

In former times, name days were only of a religious nature, but later such celebrations were given a certain secular character. However, despite the advent of such a celebration, it is believed that the name day of this or that person is a kind of holiday of the soul.

Every Orthodox believer knows that in ancient times a name was given only at the time of baptism, which often occurred at about 8 days of age. At the same time, the choice of name was involuntary, since the baby was named after one or another Saint. The day of remembrance or name day, which is located near the date of birth of the baby. Thus, religious believers believed that a child on the 8th day of birth acquires his own patron, who will protect and help the baby throughout his life. Since then, it has been customary that the name day is the date of memory of the highly revered Saint namesake, that is, the patron.

Name day traditions

In ancient times, name days were special and practically one of the most important celebrations in a person’s life at that time. The main tradition of such a day was considered to be a trip to a temple or church so that the birthday person could receive communion and confess. This act was also the main ritual of the celebration. It is also important to note that in addition to the birthday person, his relatives and close people had to come to the temple in order to order a service in the name of celebration, as well as to light a candle. The person whose name day was celebrated on this day had to place a candle near the Holy Face of his own Patron; further celebrations were in no way different from the current name days.

After confession and communion, you must return to own house and serve a festive dinner for all family members, as well as for close and dear relatives. It is also important to note that according to ancient tradition, various dishes should have been present on the table, but the main condition was their home preparation. Therefore, a special holiday was celebrated with the help of pies and loaves, since every Orthodox believer could not afford such baked goods at that time. The largest loaf on name days was supposed to be taken to a neighboring house for godparents, and take other goodies and pickles to nearby neighbors so that they can celebrate the name day of the patron of this or that person. In ancient times, it was customary to stuff loaves and pies with a variety of berries, mushrooms, fish and even jam. At the same time, baking could have both open and closed view. It was customary to celebrate Yuri’s name day in such a way that the most beautiful and main loaf was located in the center of the festive dining table, but the loaf must be decorated directly with the name of the hero of the occasion. Consequently, using the test, the name Yuri was placed on the loaf.

Angel's Day, or when is Yuri's name day?

Day of the angel and the man who bears the name Yuri according to the church Orthodox calendar must be celebrated depending on the date of its nearby patron.

It is also worth noting that Orthodox believers have some folk traditions and signs that are especially often effective on the day of the angel Yura. Some people say that on the day of the angel of St. Yuri it is necessary to offer a prayer for the protection of girls, as well as for patronage in starting agricultural work. If Yuri's angel day falls on winter period time, then he is considered a kind of lord of wolves. There is a popular belief that on this day not a single wolf will be able to touch livestock without the command of Saint Yura.

Especially important dates, that are Angel Day for men named Yuri is February 17 and August 13- these dates are according to church calendar are his name day.

What do they give for name days?

Since in ancient times name days were a spiritual holiday, therefore, gifts were appropriate. In ancient times, the optimal gift for a name day was an icon depicting the Patron Saint. Also, many people gave the birthday boy various church literature or paraphernalia.

It is important to note that in some settlements there was a tradition of giving a measured icon drawn with my own hands. The main condition for such a gift is that the baby’s height matches. It is important to note that the measured icon was considered not only a powerful amulet, but also a kind of divine symbol, as a result of which the people to whom it was given often took it with them on a long journey. Servants of temples and churches claim that the measured Holy Face is a kind of means of communication between the patron and the birthday person himself.

Previously, measured icons were supposed to accompany Yuri throughout his life, and after his death the Holy Image was passed on to other family members in the form of an heirloom. It is also important to note that holy images could be made from the most simple materials, but it was often customary to give icons that were made from a variety of precious stones or materials. The basis for applying the drawing with one’s own hand was canvas or wood. It is also important to note that the birthday boy Yuri often valued the external beauty and the opportunity to communicate with his own patron in a gift, and not what materials the icon was made from.

The story of the patron saint of all Yuri

The widely known name day of Yuri according to the Orthodox Christian calendar is February 17.

It is this date that is associated with the Memorial Day of Yuri Vsevolodovich, who was once the Prince of Vladimir. However, he was canonized and canonized under the name of Georgy Vsevolodovich.

It is known that every Orthodox believer knows exactly what role in the formation Orthodox Church Georgy Vsevolodovich plays, as a result of this, canonization took place and his memorial day is February 17, so it is on this day that every person who was named Yuri at the time of baptism celebrates his name day.

Orthodox names. Choosing a name. Heavenly patrons. Saints Pecherskaya Anna Ivanovna

Georgy (Egory, Egor, Yuri)

Georgy (Egory, Egor, Yuri)

Meaning of the name: from ancient Greek ge?rgos- "farmer".

Main features: pride, generosity.

Character traits. Little George is a fidget, a bully, a hooligan. From the early childhood he demands to be respected as an individual. He has a very difficult character.

Adult George is warlike, brave, self-confident, bold. With strangers he is cold and arrogant, with his own people he is cheerful, charming, and sincere. He has few friends, because Georgy gets along with people hard, but firmly, remaining faithful to them. The slightest deception can turn him away from a person forever. Georgy has excellent self-control; he does not shift his problems onto anyone.

Name day

May 6 (April 23), November 16 (3), November 23 (10), December 9 (November 26) – St. George the Victorious, Great Martyr.

February 4 (January 22) – George of Develta, Adrianople, bishop, martyr.

June 18 (5), October 2 (September 19) – Georgy Olegovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke.

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Chapter XXII. Last morning breakfast for departing travelers. Parting words for children. Once again Ariadne. Mulga's story about Radanda. Secluded monastery of the Shrews. Staranda and Georgiy. I.'s conversation with Andreeva and Oldenkott Having returned to my place, I still did not sleep for a long time, and my dear Eta, not wanting to

From the book Orthodox names. Choosing a name. Heavenly patrons. Saints author Pecherskaya Anna Ivanovna

Yuri (George) Name meaning: from ancient Greek. ge?rgos – “farmer”. Main features: calmness, nobility, self-control. Character traits. Independent, sociable, cheerful nature. Much depends on the time of year in which Yurik was born. Yura loves sports very much,

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Oksana and Yuri I could run around the corner - only pride, only pride won’t let me... Oksana was 34 years old, she worked as a journalist. An energetic, confident woman, a leader by nature. Not married, no children. Yuri was 39 years old, he also worked as a journalist. He was married,

When is Yuri's name day according to the church calendar?: August 13 – Yuri Petrogradsky, martyr; February 17 – Yuri Vsevolodovich, Vladimir, Grand Duke.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Yuri:

Slavic form from the Greek name George - farmer.

The farmer is always associated with reliability, perseverance, and prudence. So is Yuri. He is persistent in achieving goals, reliable in relationships, reasonable in Everyday life. In his career, he is capable of achieving a lot, since he hardworkingly cultivates his field, but, like a Russian peasant, he is always ready to take up the sword in order to defend with arms in his hands what he is working for. This is a philosopher and warrior rolled into one, Conflict situations Yuri prefers to settle things immediately and completely. If, after quarreling or arguing with him, you avoid resolving the problem, it will not be easy to regain his favor. Yuri knows how to have fun - he is by nature cheerful, endowed with liveliness, even artistry. Therefore, the female gender also uses continued success. But Yuri is very picky in this regard, he is able to choose his soul mate for a long time, but even having found it, he will not rest on his laurels, he can continue his search while he is married. This is due to the fact that Yuri treats women with some distrust. But Yuri’s wife is like stone wall: he always cares about the well-being of the family, strives to ensure that there is prosperity and comfort in the house.

Congratulations on Yuri's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Yuri's name day and congratulate Yuri on Angel's Day.

Yurochka, congratulations to you

I'm in a hurry with the name day.

If you want, I’ll invite you to visit,

To celebrate your Angel's day?

I promise a nice evening.

It'll just be you and me.

I've loved you for a long time!

There is a reason - I invite you!

Let's light bright candles,

I'll set the festive table,

I'll be gentle with you -

Let's have a wonderful evening!

And all your angels

They will sing the anthem of love for us!

May your guardian angel, Yuri, protect you

Your life is danger and risk.

Let fate connect with love

You value your life.

After all, you deserve the best share

You are a bright warrior in life.

You give yourself everything without reserve

You have an iron grip!

Our dear Yura is a “farmer”,

He is a master in everything,

A great craftsman in the profession -

Everything, while improving!

Overcomes obstacles

Our Yura with a “light” hand,

He manages everything in the world

And rushes home in joy.

We congratulate you Yura

Happy name day, our dear,

Let all the adversities of life, storms

You are being passed over.

Short form of the name Yuri. Yura, Yurik, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha, Yusha.
Synonyms for the name Yuri. Jiri, George, Yrjo, Georges, Jorgen, Jorn, Jori.
Origin of the name Yuri. The name Yuri is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Yuri is the Russian form of the Greek name Georgiy, meaning "farmer". And this version is traditional, basic. In this context, the name Yuri has many European analogues - these are all forms of the names Georgy and Egor, although they are all used independently and independently of each other.

According to the second version, the name Yuri is a Slavic name. According to one opinion, the name Yuri is related to the concept of “high place”, therefore it can be translated “high” in the sense of important, honorable - “highly respected”. There is also an opinion that the name Yuri could appear from the verb “yurit”, i.e. hurry, hurry, be nimble, fast, frisky. Therefore in in this case The name Yuri can have much more interpretations. It is possible that after the advent of Christianity in Rus', the Slavic pagan name was given a new life.

There is also a version that the name Yuri has Latin roots. This name comes from the Latin “jura”, which means “to swear”, “to take an oath”, so the name is also interpreted as “faithful”.

The European spelling of the name Yuri is Yuri, which is also a Japanese and Korean feminine name. In Japan this name means "lily" (identical to female names Lilia and Liliana), possible in Korea various options depending on the character used.

Yuri's boys are very quiet as children. They are somewhat withdrawn, often living in their own world. They are very fond of quiet, quiet activities - fishing, growing plants, caring for animals, collecting. Yuri is focused, thoughtful and not quick to make decisions.

Yuri does not like to attract the attention of others, but people themselves are drawn to him, since the owner of this name is not devoid of charisma. People feel in him a strong, strong-willed personality.

His accuracy, pedantry and natural beauty help him find true friends. In marriage, Yuri is faithful and loves children. But all initiatives in family life, all innovations in Yuri’s usual habitual way of life always come from his wife. This also applies to vacation trips, purchasing a car or home, visiting or receiving guests. Yuri is a very homely owner, loves comfort and order.

Yuri always chooses a very responsible profession for himself. Yuri often become prominent politicians or stars of cinema, music and literature.

Yuri's birthday

Famous people named Yuri

  • Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut)
  • Yuri Dolgoruky (Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh)
  • Yuri Vsevolodovich (Grand Duke of Vladimir)
  • Yuri Levitan (all-Union radio announcer)
  • Yuri Grigorovich (ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher (born 1927))
  • Yuri Nikulin (circus performer, film actor (1921–1997))
  • Yuri Bashmet (outstanding Russian violist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Yuri Senkevich (traveler, doctor, TV presenter (born 1937))
  • Erjan Ramberg (Swedish stage and film actor)
  • Yrjo Lindegren ((1900 - 1952) Finnish architect)
  • Yuri Olesha (writer, author of the book “Three Fat Men” (1899–1960))
  • Yuri Vizbor (playwright)
  • Jorgen Mohr ((1640-1697) Danish mathematician)
  • Jorgen Leth ((born 1937) Danish poet and film director)
  • Yuri Lotman (literary critic, cultural critic, historian (1922–1994))
  • Yuri Luzhkov (Russian political figure, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management major cities International University in Moscow)
  • Yuri Andropov (Soviet politician)
  • Yuri Antonov (Soviet and Russian singer)
  • Yuri Zhivago ( main character Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago")
  • Yuri Bogatyrev (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Yuri Yakovlev (theater and film actor)
  • Yuri Timoshenko (pseudonym - Tarapunka; Soviet pop artist and film actor)
  • Yuri Roerich (orientalist scientist)
  • Yuri German (writer, playwright, screenwriter)
  • Yuri Vizbor (bard, film actor, journalist, writer, screenwriter)
  • Yuri Katin-Yartsev (theater and film actor, teacher)
  • Yuri Solomin (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Yuri Rytkheu (Chukchi Soviet writer)
  • Yuri Khoy, Yuri Klinskikh ((1964-2000) Soviet singer and musician, founded the Gaza Strip group, for which he wrote songs and music)
  • Jorn Utzon ((1918-2008) Danish architect, author of the Sydney Opera House building)
  • Jorgen Jonsson (Swedish ice hockey player)
  • Göran Högosta (Swedish ice hockey player)
  • Jyrki Seppä (Finnish ice hockey player)
  • Jüri Jaakkola (Finnish public figure)
  • Jori Hulkkonen (Finnish DJ)
  • Matti Jyrjana Joensuu (Finnish writer, author of detective novels)

Linguists claim that the name Yuri is a common form of the name Georgiy among Slavic peoples. In the first millennium AD, the Slavic peoples adopted Christianity, and with it a list of church names. Taking into account the rather different phonetic apparatus of languages, many names have undergone serious changes. This is exactly how the name George came about. For a long time the name George was not used in secular life, but was a purely ritual name. The name Yuri was precisely its secular form. Only in the 19th century AD did the name Yuri begin to emerge as an independent name.

As you understand, the meaning of the names George and Yuri are the same. And if so, then The meaning of the name Yuri is “farmer”. You can always find out more about the name Georgiy by following the links, but remember that today these names are considered independent.

The meaning of the name Yuri for a child

IN childhood Yuri is characterized by such traits as calmness and seriousness. These traits will not leave Yuri even as he grows up. His calmness, prudence and decency attract others. He cannot be called a popular child, but most of his peers treat him with respect. Little Yura doesn’t cause much trouble for adults. He is a fairly obedient child, but he demands respect for himself from childhood.

The boy’s perseverance helps him in his studies. He does not have a special talent for learning, but with his hard work he can achieve a lot. However, Yuri often does not see much importance in education. Here Yuri needs an example, and he cannot be convinced with empty words. The boy's good athletic abilities can be noted. Yuri is often endowed with excellent innate talents that can be seriously developed. The boy will be happy to go swimming or to the martial arts section.

The child's health is good. The boy is beautifully built, and his passion for sports will strengthen him even more. It is worth paying attention to his eyes. The boy reads quite a lot, but does not always do it correctly. If this skill is not corrected in time, then over time it will affect his vision.

Short name Yuri

Yura, Yurka, Yurets, Yurakha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Diminutive pet names

Yurochka, Yuronka, Yurasik, Yurastik, Yurushka, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha.

Children's middle names

Yuryevich and Yuryevna. The folk form of abbreviation of the patronymic Yurich and Yurishna.

Name Yuri in English

IN English language the name Yuri is spelled George, which is pronounced George. The Slavic form of the name George is not available in English, but of course transliteration can be used.

Name Yuri for international passport- IURII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Yuri into other languages

in Belarusian - Yurka and Yuras
in Chinese - 尤里 (read as Yuli).
in Latvian - Juris (read as Yuris)
in Ukrainian - Yuriy and Yurko
in Czech - Jiří (pronounced Jiří)
in Japanese - ユリイ (read as Yuri).

Church name Yuri(V Orthodox faith) - remains unchanged. Of course, Yuri can be given another name at baptism, which is quite acceptable in church practice.

Characteristics of the name Yuri

Adult Yuri, just like in childhood, does not like fuss, and his calmness and poise are perceived as one of the attributes of masculinity. He is quite skeptical of people who do not possess peace of mind. One can also say about Yuri that he is a very decent person. This trait of his attracts people to him even more. Yuri has many friends and comrades with whom he likes to spend time.

Yuri knows how to work and loves it. Usually Yuri chooses a business that generates income and that he likes. Colleagues often consider him lucky, but rather his excellent ingenuity helps him. This feature helps solve many problems that arise. Yuri usually has good friendly relations with his colleagues. Usually Yuri's profession is related to technology. Yuri also loves to work with his hands, which has been noticed in him since childhood.

Family for Yuri is a serious step, and therefore he gets married quite late. Yuri is monogamous and loves his chosen one, and his courtship will not leave her indifferent. Yuri shows his love for the rest of his life. He needs a caring and loving woman. Home comfort he completely trusts his other half, but is ready to do all the “manly things” at the first request.

The secret of the name Yuri

Yuri's secret can be called his desire to look "macho". It is very important for him how others perceive him. In this regard, Yuri is often reserved, since the manifestation of emotions does not fit into the image of himself. He himself does not notice the crossing of the line where it looks completely unnatural. It is worth knowing that Yuri does not accept criticism of this trait of his at all, so don’t even try to change him.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- White bull.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Emerald.