Meaning and origin of the name Victoria. The mystery of the name Victoria

The word "Victoria" has Latin roots. Literally “vic” - pressure, strength, power. Therefore the meaning of the name Victoria can be defined as “victory, winner.”

Victoria is not a very common name. It ranks 19th in terms of frequency of use.

IN ancient Rome This was the name of the goddess of victory. Her name was originally Vika Pota, and then renamed Victoria. In all the paintings of great artists, Victoria is a woman - a winner, strong, strong-willed and heroic.

Victoria - character traits

The name itself suggests incredible activity and determination. Victoria achieves victory under any circumstances. She is smart, proud and mysterious to many. She won't share her plans with strangers, especially if we're talking about about some strategy.

Victoria is capable of leading and leading. She is a leader, she is a symbol of success and victory. But all her achievements are not an accident. She approaches them purposefully and methodically, overcoming obstacles.

For Victoria, winning is important, not participation. Therefore, it is better not to have this woman as a rival.

She cannot be called lucky, because she achieves all the benefits solely through effort. Hard work and confidence positive result- the main qualities of Victoria’s character.

Victoria - name compatibility

As for compatibility, Victoria will get along well with men who are ready to obey her strong-willed character. If Victoria is the head of a department for Evgeniy, Eduard, Sergei, Vasily or Anton, then complete idyll will reign at such an enterprise.

Business relationships with men whose names contain the letter “r” are not advisable. Such people can “roar” in response to the boss’s remark and immediately lose her respect. But Victoria is capable of cunning to achieve her goal. Therefore, she may not show her true attitude towards a person. After completing an important transaction, she will be able to relax and tell the soot everything that she thinks about the behavior of her subordinate.

In marriage, Victoria will be happy with Vladimir, Mikhail, Leo and Semyon. Each of them is also a leader and strategist. In tandem with Victoria, they will create a strong and reliable alliance.

Victoria - famous people who bore this name

Among the celebrities are Victoria Beckham (actress, designer, model), Victoria Lopyreva (model), Victoria Daineko (singer with a unique voice). By the way, the great English queen was also named Victoria.

Victoria - interesting facts about the name

Queen Victoria of England reigned for 64 years! The main intrigue of her life is her connection with Lord Melbourne. Was it or wasn't it? Did you love or didn’t you love? These are the questions to which biographers have not yet found precise answers.


Oksana 04/08/2016

It is very aptly said that Victoria is not at all lucky in life. They have to achieve everything themselves, and they themselves prefer independence. My friend Vika, with a relatively rich husband, went to work almost immediately after giving birth.

Evelina 04/08/2016

I have nothing to add to the above. Everything is just like that. I have several Victoria friends, and they are all really like that. Moreover, all of them occupy leadership positions. True, only Vika is on maternity leave, but she’s already saying that it’s time to go to work, otherwise she’s already tormented her husband with an orderly tone))

When a baby appears in a family, he is always given a name. The choice is always approached with special care; parents want the name not only to sound beautiful, but also to have a deep meaning and beautiful meaning. The name Victoria is recognized as one of the most popular and beautiful names for girls all over the world.

Everything about the name Victoria

According to Mendelev, the name Victoria is light, gentle, feminine, charming and modest. According to Higir - bright, eccentric and individual. According to Rouge: the owner of the name is vulnerable, mysterious and intellectual.

Origin of the name

A popular female name, related to , comes from ancient Latin and means “victory”. In Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory.

Table: forms of the name Victoria

Table: analogues of the name in other languages

Name days and patrons

The name Victoria was not included in the calendar until 2011, so Vic was baptized earlier under the name Nika, which is the Greek equivalent of Victoria. Saint Nike became Victoria's patron saint. But since 2011, Victoria celebrates her own name days on June 7 and 14, November 6, 17 and 30, and December 21. The patron saint of this name is Victoria of Corduba (Cordova).

The patron saint of the name Victoria was the holy martyr Victoria of Corduba (Cordoba)

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person

Victoria captivates and wins, Victoria excites with just a glance. The fire of love burns in her blood - If you surrender to her, don’t call for help.


In childhood

Vika is a strong-willed child who is not so easy to force to do anything. It is necessary to instill in little Vika a love of work, perseverance and attentiveness from childhood. If a child with this name is interested in something, then it is almost impossible to stop him in his quest to get it. She loves the attention of other people, both adults and peers. She always strives to show herself and she succeeds, because from an early age she knows how to present herself correctly, feeling the mood of both the team and one person almost on an intuitive level.

Victoria is a beauty, Always famous for her smile, Responsive, faithful, And the first in every matter, Always knows and knows everything, And life is full of victories, We are proud of dear Vika - Simple and many-sided.


At school, Vika is more frivolous than diligent. For her, lessons are not the main thing. But if she really wants to learn, her success will exceed all expectations. If she sets a goal for herself, she will achieve it no matter what. Victoria has an average memory, it is difficult for her to keep several things in her head at once, so knowledge must be received consistently and in doses. For Vika, grades are much more important than knowledge, so it is important to explain their value to the girl. Victoria at school age is balanced, does not like to talk a lot, is calm, often withdraws into herself, but just like in early childhood, she loves attention. Her distinctive qualities in her youth were adventurism and originality. This results in experiments with your appearance.

Inside Victoria, despite her relaxedness, courage and extravagance, complexes and shyness are hidden. Her attempts to surpass them often take a bizarre form: Vika can distinguish herself with overly provocative behavior, wear too revealing clothes, and dye her hair a poisonous pink color. Her behavior in her youth can rarely be called exemplary: Vika believes that she is always right, and it can be difficult to come to an agreement with her. Maximalism, a thirst for adventure, a desire to stand out from the crowd - all the traits characteristic of adolescence are very clearly expressed in Victoria. Assertiveness, demonstrativeness, and self-will are present in Victoria’s character at any age.

In her youth, Victoria loves to experiment with her appearance

As an adult

In adulthood, Victoria changes, more often in better side. More firmness appears in her character. The girl becomes practical and strict realist, the meaning of the name is fully expressed in her. Her goal is success in the financial field; such qualities as down-to-earth views (in the good sense of the word), strength of character, assertiveness and energy come to the fore. She does not understand poetic personalities, dreamers and dreamers; it is better to communicate with her from the point of view of an earthly person; romanticism and excessive sensitivity are alien to her. Vika also does not understand people who do not strive for material wealth; for her, any goal or idea has only a monetary motive.

Outwardly, Victoria is charming, feminine and very beautiful, as if from the cover of a fashion magazine. She carefully monitors her appearance, but does not try to show off herself. Vika can also be ambitious; she loves compliments, especially about her extraordinary mind and well-groomed appearance.

Despite her sociability, Victoria does not trust people too much, which is why she has few real friends.

Victoria has an analytical mind; she can patiently and thoroughly study the details of any case and perform painstaking or monotonous work. Victoria has willpower, but often it is not enough to achieve her goal.

A girl with this name is distinguished by her sociability, but she is also very selective in her connections - she has very few real friends; Vika finds it difficult to communicate with narrow-minded, ignorant and shameless people. She values ​​trust and warmth in friendship. Sincerity in communication even with strangers, a sense of humor, and sincerity make Victoria a pleasant interlocutor. Sometimes Victoria can withdraw into herself, internal complexes and fears do not leave her even in adulthood, but she successfully fights them, showing herself as a responsible and successful worker, an exemplary daughter, wife or mother and a sociable, sincere woman.

Talents and career

Victoria has abilities in various fields of activity. Considering her character traits such as hard work, sociability, and eccentricity, a profession that involves interacting with people will suit her. Victoria is bad at planning, so she mainly relies on inspiration. Thanks to her creativity, she can find herself in writing and acting, music, dancing or drawing. Since Victoria prefers that the result of her work depend only on her efforts and abilities, the professions of a doctor, cook, and hairdresser are also suitable for her. Attention to detail and patience allow Victoria to achieve success in the professions of an engineer, architect, and programmer.

If Victoria really likes the work, she will do it responsibly and conscientiously

The profession of a fashion model also matches the girl’s character. Victoria often displays extraordinary abilities in the exact sciences. She can become a chemist, mathematician, biologist or even an archaeologist - this unusual profession will satisfy her love of travel. Victoria copes with the role of a housewife with no less success. Her talent for pedagogy allows her to become an educator or teacher. Vika also shows an ability for languages, so the professions of a linguist, philologist, and translator are also suitable for her. Thanks to her friendliness and organizational skills, Victoria can also be a talented leader, so you should pay attention to entrepreneurial activity, profession of manager or marketer. Just remember that she is proud and treats people with respect; these qualities will not allow her to achieve her goal by any means, as is often necessary. Whatever profession Victoria chooses, parents should not convince their daughter - Victoria achieves significant success only in what she really likes. Victoria is generally a responsible and efficient employee; management values ​​her for her hard work, perseverance and creativity.


Thanks to such qualities as responsibility, diligence and decency, Victoria has every chance of becoming a successful businesswoman, provided that it will be truly profitable and interesting for her to run her own business. To run a successful business, Vika also needs to learn to fight laziness and be more decisive in defending her point of view. Victoria prefers to run her business alone; she is used to keeping everything under control. Success in business does not come to her immediately, but Victoria achieves it in any case thanks to hard work and perseverance.

Thanks to hard work, perseverance and the ability to convince people, Victoria can achieve considerable success in business

For her subordinates, Victoria will become a strict but fair boss, sometimes prone to dictatorship. Victoria has a talent for persuasion; from the first minutes of a conversation, she unmistakably identifies strong and weak sides opponent. Despite her excessive haste and impulsiveness, she is able to win people over to her side. Victoria is lucky in financial matters; she knows how to manage money wisely. These qualities allow her to achieve considerable success in the field of business.


Victoria's health can be called average; it needs to be monitored since childhood. Fresh air, long walks, and sports are necessary for Vicky’s well-being. There is a predisposition to viral diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the bones, otherwise musculoskeletal problems, arthritis and osteochondrosis may appear. Any injury must be treated, as it can later develop into a much more serious illness. Frequent and nervous disorders, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Victoria is predisposed to musculoskeletal disorders

Victoria in love and family

Victoria attracts men with her apparent fragility and defenselessness; she allows a man to feel like a knight, and she herself plays the role of a defenseless princess, when in fact she can easily stand up for herself and achieve her goal. It's rare that Victoria opens her soul completely to any man. A series of frivolous novels loses meaning for her when she finds the one and only one. Her loving nature is immediately transformed, Victoria becomes a faithful and devoted companion. Victoria is very picky when choosing a spouse or partner, but this is explained by her indecision. She starts a family late, even after the wedding she is capable of doubting the correctness of her choice for a long time. The ideal for her is an understanding and sensitive man who gives her support and confidence. For a man who truly loves and respects her, Vika will become the most loving and faithful wife, she will be ready to do anything for him, but will never forgive betrayal or lies. She is able to turn the head of almost any man thanks to her natural charm, beauty and temperament.

Victoria, trouble or victory? I was defeated by you a long time ago. I once lived and didn’t know about you. You were given to me by Fate! My fate, seemingly quite simple, One day quietly suggested to me: Open your eyes, because the golden maiden has been sad for a long time, dreaming of you... Fate this time was not joking: I met the one I had long dreamed of. Beauty and strength lived side by side in her, I saw her alone in my sweet dreams.


Victoria is a wonderful housewife and caring wife; she loves to pamper her household with delicious food. Raising children is an exciting and interesting process for her, and she enjoys spending time with children. Even with all the difficulties of family life, Victoria does not forget to take care of herself. Even after tying the knot, Victoria remains freedom-loving and independent. Victoria is very jealous; she will not tolerate even a glance from her husband in the direction of another woman. At the same time, most often he hides his jealousy deep inside, not wanting to reveal his true feelings. The husband must first of all earn Victoria's trust, only in this case she will become the most sensitive and loving wife.

Table: compatibility of the name Victoria

Spelling a name

V. Honest, cheerful, sociable, scrupulous. Passionate personality and at the same time monogamous. He attracts people to himself with his charm and extraordinary sense of humor.

I. The letter is a symbol of harmony, grace and spirituality. Caring about appearance, mystery, unconventional thinking, straightforward skepticism, honesty - such people are not always liked by others. Promiscuity or frequent divorces are possible.

K. Maximalism, sexuality, spiritual strength, diplomacy and insight. Extremely attractive to others due to beauty and grace.

T. Creativity, originality, ingenuity. Passionate and amorous. They love variety. Their goal in itself is the search for truth. Frequent health problems.

O. The symbol of infinity, mystery. Rich inner world, into which no outsiders are allowed. The letter gives a person strong intuition, the ability to see the essence of things and the ability to deeply feel and empathize.

R. Dogmatism, but not religiosity. The ability to see the essence of things, the ability to physical labor, compliance and patience. Their feelings are easily hurt, then they ardently defend their rights.

ME: The main thing in life is self-esteem. Correct assessment of your own feelings, capabilities and aspirations. Diversity and richness of the inner world. They greatly need attention and admiration from other people, but dignity and self-respect are more important to them than compliments. Sexual liberation and passion of nature.

Table: matches for the name Victoria

Character by seasons

Her temperament and behavior also depend on the time of year when a girl was born:

  • winter Victoria is stubborn, freedom-loving, ambitious and proud. The aggravation of these qualities does not have a very good effect on communication with men, so she is often unhappy in her personal life.
  • Mystery and unpredictability distinguish spring Vika. She is eccentric, loves attention, for which she is ready to do anything. She can be two-faced and insidious, you need to behave carefully with her. Thanks to her cunning and seeming defenselessness, she has no problems in her personal life. A loving mother and wife approaches her choice of husband responsibly.
  • summer Victoria is frivolous and amorous. She loves men for their very nature, is very promiscuous in relationships, often falls in love and just as often is disappointed in love. Every time it seems to her that this love will definitely last a lifetime. A sympathetic and kind person, she does not tolerate deception and betrayal, and she herself is not capable of them. She is very kind and sympathetic, always helping those who are weaker than her.
  • autumn Victoria is shy about such qualities as sensitivity and tenderness, hiding them under the guise of severity and rigidity. This girl is organized, assertive, practical and attentive. Her character is very tolerant and understanding, she is a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. Strives for tenderness, warmth, love and affection.

Victoria, born in the summer, cannot stand insults and betrayals

Table: horoscope named Victoria

Victoria-AriesAn eccentric personality, he is always active in his life position. She always knows about everything, is always aware of events, always in the spotlight. She can often impose her personal opinion on others; she has a personal point of view on everything. She has a lot of ambitions and is very straightforward. In her personal life she is fickle; each of her chosen ones seems to her to be the very man who will love her forever.
Victoria-TaurusThis girl is tactful, confident in her abilities and balanced. It’s as if she lives according to a pre-formed plan. She has difficulty getting used to changes; stability in life is important to her. She ties the knot quite early and almost always manages to build a strong family. Victoria-Taurus is honest and open, but she lacks femininity.
Victoria-GeminiResponsive and kind, she is always ready to help other people. She is condescending towards the imperfections of those around her, but does not see her own, and tolerates criticism extremely painfully and acutely. Temperamental, active, willingly participates in any activities. Men feel comfortable and at ease with her, so Victoria-Gemini does not lack male attention.
Victoria-CancerShe is somewhat of a romantic and a dreamer. Shy, charming girl. Often she cannot fully realize herself due to her passive nature and uncertainty, although her potential is enormous. Family life is going well thanks to her kindness, thriftiness, non-conflict and complaisance. Victoria-Cancer's family is her main value.
Victoria LeoCalculating, self-confident and elegant, she definitely knows her worth. She gets out of the most awkward situations with her inherent dignity, she is very smart. She is honest in achieving her goals, but she may well sacrifice the interests of others. Pragmatic. She loves male attention, but it is very difficult to win her: a man will have to make many sacrifices for the sake of Victoria the Lioness.
Victoria-VirgoPractical, looks at life extremely realistically. She needs guarantees in everything; she will never take unnecessary risks. She will only take on a project that is sure to be profitable; dubious enterprises are not for her. Such prudence helps her climb the ladder. career ladder, but Victoria-Virgo’s family life lacks sincerity and warmth.
Victoria-LibraA calm, peaceful, open personality with an excellent sense of humor. She easily overcomes life's difficulties. The gift of persuasion helps her reconcile enemies and convince people of her opinion. She is popular with the stronger sex and, although at first glance she is frivolous and amorous, she sincerely dreams of bright and great love.
Victoria-ScorpioImpulsive, impressionable. Her life consists of mood swings from apathy to joy and constantly changing black and white stripes. But, no matter how difficult it is for her, she never reveals her problems to her loved ones out of pride. Love for her is a sea of ​​burning passion, without this relationship she quickly gets bored. A passionate, temperamental and strong man suits such a woman.
Victoria-SagittariusA strong-willed, decisive leader and a defenseless, fragile lady are constantly fighting in her. She is impressive and powerful, these qualities do not always allow her to easily get along with other people, which is why she has very few friends. Men, fearing the fate of a henpecked man, also do not favor Victoria-Sagittarius with attention. Those who still decide to win her favor need patience, since Victoria-Sagittarius is very selective and will test the chosen one for a long time before reciprocating his feelings.
Victoria-CapricornHer equanimity knows no bounds, so she does not show violent passions and feelings. Doesn't like to give advice, is reserved. People easily trust her with their secrets and secrets. In relationships, Victoria-Capricorn is suspicious, very afraid of disappointment, and looks closely at her chosen one for a long time.
Victoria-AquariusShe is witty and energetic, has many friends, whom she still very rarely allows into her inner world. It is difficult for her to survive betrayal or insult; she withdraws into herself for a long time. The attractiveness and charm of Victoria-Aquarius attracts men, her life often consists of many whirlwind romances. It is difficult for a man to keep her, because she hates routine, she needs to be surprised with something new every day.
Victoria-PiscesTender, sensitive and empathetic, she sees the world with her originality in mind. She is not a consumer, but a creator. A sophisticated personality with a developed mental organization, she is often susceptible to neuroses, self-critical and touchy. For her, the ideal chosen one would be a romantic, for whom she would happily become a muse.

Famous people named Victoria

There are many famous girls named Victoria in history:

  • Victoria Yagling - cellist from the USSR;
  • Victoria Abril - actress from Spain;
  • Victoria Daineko - actress and singer;
  • Victoria Perez - human rights activist from Argentina;
  • Queen Victoria - Queen of Great Britain;
  • Victoria Kovalchuk - writer and artist;
  • Victoria Nikiforova is a playwright from Russia.

Photo gallery: famous Victorias

Victoria Bonya - famous TV presenter, participant in the show "Dom2" Victoria Yagling - an outstanding cellist, laureate of international competitions Victoria - Queen of England, who made her country one of the leading world powers Victoria Abril - actress from Spain Victoria Daineko - popular Russian singer Victoria Tolstoganova - Russian actress theater and cinema

Victoria is a name with a deep meaning and a beautiful sound; it gives a person many qualities necessary in life. This wonderful female name will endow your child with leadership qualities, hard work and perseverance, making him a real winner.

Choosing a name for your child is not an easy task. Some parents take this so seriously that their child lives without it for up to several months. Our article is intended to help young parents. From it you will learn everything about the wonderful name Victoria.

A name for a girl, and choosing it in particular, is a very important and significant moment. After all, it greatly influences the future fate of a person. It is now a common occurrence to change the name in a passport, and in the relevant government agencies no one has been surprised by this for a long time.

Everyone knows that "Victoria" means "Victory". But not everyone understands where it came from. In Roman mythology, the goddess of victory Victoria has long been known. The origin of the name is associated with her. The cult of the deity arose long before it appeared in Greek mythology. Later, the Roman goddess began to be identified with her “relative” from Greece. And therefore the name Victoria stood on a par with the name Nick. The Greek goddess was depicted as a winged woman holding a wreath of laurel branches, which she awarded to the winners.

In Indo-European culture, the root of the word “vic” also has a similar meaning and is translated as “pressure of force.”

Russia learned this name relatively recently, in the 18th century, during the reign of Peter I.

Is the name Victoria in the calendar? What name are babies baptized under?

Believing parents sometimes avoid calling their daughter this name. The reason is that Saint Victoria is not present in the calendar. The origin of the name, although quite ancient, is that the priest will baptize the baby Nika. In this regard, disputes and confusion often arose.

But since 2011, the situation has finally changed radically. The Moscow Patriarchate has made changes to the official Orthodox calendar, and the calendar now contains the name of the holy martyr Victoria of Korduba. So now (to the joy of believing parents) those who want to name their daughter this wonderful name will not have any problems with baptism.

The celebration, in accordance with the calendar, falls on November 30 according to the new style. This means that name days should be celebrated on this day.

If your name was Nika before 2011, this does not mean that the holy martyr Victoria of Korduba will become his new patron. She will still be considered the holy martyr Nike, and her name day is celebrated on April 29 or March 23.

Victoria in childhood

As we wrote earlier, a name has a huge impact on its owner. A special science that studies the meaning of the name Victoria for girls and others is called onomastics. It is analyzed from many sides: from the point of view of astrology, numerology, phonetics, letter composition.

So what does onomastics tell us? What should you expect from a person with the victorious name Victoria?

She is like a flower, it does not open immediately, but only over the years, growing from an indecisive, quiet girl into a passionate, business woman.

Very often, as a child, Victoria does not like noisy games and the dominant role in them. She cannot be called the ringleader and the soul of the children’s company; she is rather a “mother’s daughter.” Vika has a very hard time with the separation from her parents. She is taciturn and even reserved. It is in raising Victoria that you need to use exclusively the “carrot”, hiding the “stick” far away. This child is much more motivated by affection than by punishment, which can only make her embittered and withdrawn even more.

It is very good if parents understand this. If not, long live the complexes that you can get rid of in adult life It will not be at all easy, taking into account the character of the little person.

Victoria in her youth

At school and adolescence, Victoria literally comes to life. She is trying to overcome her natural shyness. And the most are used different ways. At school and institute (college), Victoria actively participates in acting productions, amateur performances and KVN. Everything ordinary and uninteresting is not for her. Like a magnet, she is attracted to informal communities, be it punk culture or gothic.

She often tries herself as a singer, writes poetry or draws. She is actively trying to understand her place in the world, often her hobbies replace each other at the speed of light.

The fate of the name Victoria and its owner are very closely interconnected, and it is not for nothing that it is interpreted as a victory. This is an eternal struggle. This is a victory over complexes and uncertainty. Wanting to assert herself, Vika often goes to extremes and shocks those around her with her extraordinary appearance.

Assertiveness and challenge, which at first glance seem so natural to her, are in fact nothing more than an eternal struggle with herself, overcoming complexes, proving her strength not to someone, but to herself personally.

But she keeps her experiences deep in her soul, which is actually so vulnerable and sensual, not allowing even those closest to her there.

Victoria in the family

The meaning and origin of the name Victoria is inextricably linked with victory. Victory often means maximalism. Therefore, for Victoria it manifests itself in literally everything.

Husband? It must be perfect. Vika sometimes puts forward too high demands on her chosen one, and therefore finding a life partner is not an easy task for her. She does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal. Wants to see in her spouse But if she decides to take such a serious step as starting a family, then her loyalty and caring will know no bounds. He is often a leader in the family and likes to command.

Mother Vika will love her children without looking back. Maximalism will not give her peace here either. She will try to be the best in everything: in their development, leisure, protection. She will want to buy only the best for her kids. With this approach, she is quite capable of spoiling children.

Victoria is an excellent cook, and those around her get the impression that there is no task that she cannot do. If she wants, she can be talented in everything. She tries to do all her deeds not just well, but perfectly. But in return, Vika expects that her work will be appreciated. The husband should always remember this. An affectionate word, a simple “thank you” from the heart can inspire her and give her strength for new victories.

Victoria's professional qualities

The meaning and origin of the name Victoria leave their mark on the professional sphere in a very complex and difficult way.

Victoria has ambition and a desire to be a leader in the team. But her inner uncertainty is the cornerstone in achieving these goals.

Vika's looks are more masculine than feminine. She loves to analyze and always weighs the pros and cons before making a responsible decision. The owner of such strong name prefers serious activities. This could be science or even the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If she is faced with a choice, she will always give preference to the work where the final result will depend only on her.

As you can see, the character of the name Victoria, and therefore its owner, is quite complex and contradictory. Vika can even be insolent to her superiors. But, as a rule, she is forgiven and gets away with it for her intelligence, professionalism and determination.

Celebrities named Victoria

Such bright celebrities as:

  • reigned in Great Britain from 1837 to 1901.
    She became the monarch with the longest reign - almost 64 years.

  • Victoria Beckham is now a famous fashion designer, English. This is a bright representative of its name. Hesitant as a child, she became an uninhibited and prominent singer in her youth. Everyone knows one of the brightest youth girl groups - the Spice Girls. Now Victoria is a popular clothing designer and style icon. She is a wonderful wife and mother. But with all this success, she once admitted in an interview that she didn’t like her smile and was still embarrassed by cameras. Isn't this the same inner uncertainty that haunts the owners of this name all their lives?

  • Victoria Abril - film actress, ballerina, Spanish.
  • Victoria Tokareva is a Russian writer.
  • - Russian singer.
  • Victoria Daineko is a Russian pop singer.

Short form of the name Victoria

You can affectionately call your daughter, friend, girlfriend, wife, mother or just an acquaintance like this:

  • Vikusha;
  • Vicky;
  • Vichka;
  • Vikulya;
  • Vikusya;
  • Vikochka;
  • Vikusik;
  • Vikulechka;
  • Vikonka.

Can be shortened full name and “invent” a diminutive from its second part:

  • Tory;
  • Thorium;
  • Tosha;
  • Torya and even Kusya.

Victoria: name compatibility

Onomastics is an extremely entertaining science. She claims that a woman named Victoria is most likely to find her happiness with Vladimir, Mikhail, Sergei, Semyon, Lev, Savely and Eduard.

She will not be able to find a common language (or it will be very difficult to do so) with Albert, Dmitry, Grigory and Vitaly.

If you can't find compatibility information for the name you're interested in, don't despair. You can analyze the combinations of letters in two names yourself. And the more they have the same, the better.

Example: the names Victoria and Boris have three identical letters (o, r, i) out of eight female and five male. This is considered a very good result, which means that the percentage of creating a strong union is quite high.

Now you know how much his name influences the fate and character of a person. Don't forget this. And the science of onomastics will help you do right choice. is defined not simply by the word “victory.” This is a difficult struggle, hidden from view. Victoria moves forward with her head held high, winning victory after victory.

But she does this solely for herself. Victoria is maximalism in everything. But at the same time it is brightness, sensuality and passion.

The name Victoria came into Russian from Greek mythology, when the goddess of victory was called Victoria. The Greek goddess was depicted on coins of that time as a winged woman holding a laurel wreath in her hands, which she placed on the head of the winner.

There is another version of the origin of this beautiful name. Vandals and pagans rampaged through ancient Carthage, subjecting Christians to persecution and torture. A woman named Victoria was captured by vandals and brutally tortured. Her husband begged her to renounce Christ and the Christian faith, but Victoria was adamant. The pagans abandoned her, thinking that the woman had died from torture, but Victoria survived, and all her wounds were miraculously quickly healed.

Victoria's name day

The name came to Russia relatively recently, during the reign of Peter I. Believing parents sometimes refuse to name their daughters this beautiful and sonorous name, since the saint named Victoria is not present in the calendar. Therefore, the priest will baptize the baby under the name Nick. Nika's name day is celebrated on April 29 and March 23, and Saint Nika will be considered her patroness.

However, in 2011 the situation changed, and everyone who was born after 2011 can celebrate their name day on November 30. The fact is that the Moscow Patriarchate made changes to the official orthodox calendar, and now the name of Saint Victoria of Corduba is present in the calendar. So now parents who want to give their daughter the name Victoria will not have any problems with baptism. All Russian parishes Orthodox Church have the opportunity to prayerfully honor this saint.

Characteristics of the name

Victoria's main character traits are firmness, mobility and the ability to achieve her goal. She is a rather doubtful person, and if she is not sure that she is right, she will not go ahead. But if this confidence is present, then nothing and no one can stop it. Vika has a strong will, but lacks determination, and she cannot always complete the work she has started.

Victoria's whole life is built on confrontation with the opposite sex. She tries to challenge men everywhere - at work, in her personal life, her father, brother, boss. In this bizarre way, Victoria is trying to assert herself and overcome her insecurities. Often sloppy appearance and some eccentricity in behavior is also a way to assert oneself.

By type of character, Victoria is phlegmatic, that is, moderately lazy and with a slow reaction. She never does anything hastily, never panics - she stands firmly on her feet and does not build castles in the air. It is not Victoria's rule to rely on inspiration or luck, so she always carefully plans her affairs.

Vicky has few friends, but she is devoted to all those she has, just as she is to her loved one. Secrecy is another character trait of Victoria; she does not let anyone into her thoughts. She is very observant, knows how to listen, hear and draw the right conclusions. Unmistakably guesses a person's attitude towards himself. He is distinguished by sensitivity, fairness and aversion to any show off. He does not forgive betrayal, as well as rudeness and excessive familiarity.

Victoria’s mood is also changeable, she is quick-tempered, but easy-going. Vika has a good memory, she is a cultured and well-read person with high morality. She never acts basely and unworthily; this is completely out of character for her.

Victoria has a masculine mentality, she knows how to collect scattered facts and see a clear picture in front of her, she patiently delves into all the details. Gets along well in any group, but prefers male company.

The origin of the name Victoria leaves no doubt that she is an extremely active person. Such famous people like the American actress Victoria Beckham, the Russian socialite Victoria Bonya, the singer Victoria Makarskaya, the actress Victoria Isakova, the writer Victoria Tokareva, the English Queen Victoria - direct proof of this.

Victoria in childhood and youth

Little Vika was the first to start games; she has more boys than girls as friends. But, despite her mobility and sociability, Vika can withdraw into herself, become silent and thoughtful, and for no apparent reason.

She will grow up to be a kind child with a deep inner world, but very insecure. Parents need to praise their daughter more often and pay attention to even the smallest merits and achievements. When raising a girl named Victoria, adults need to hide the “stick” away and leave only the “carrot”.

The girl will begin to read and write a little later than her peers, and at school she will also not shine with special knowledge. The grades will not be very good, not because she is lazy or unintelligent, but because she, as always, is not confident in herself. It may even happen that the girl becomes an outcast and is ridiculed by her peers.

As Victoria gets older, she will begin to change not only externally, but also internally - she will begin to take care of her appearance and become more confident. Throughout the rest of her life, the girl will make various attempts in order to increase her importance. Unfortunately, attempts to assert oneself will not always end in success.

Young Vika will be a maximalist and an adventurer by nature, who tries in every possible way to attract attention to herself - with bright makeup, extravagant clothes or non-standard behavior. She will be attracted like a magnet to all sorts of non-standard cultures and hobbies - gothic, punks and other informals. The girl will be interested in theater, cinema, and attending exhibitions and parties. Victoria will actively seek her place in the sun, and her hobbies and passions will change frequently.

The main hobby of adult Victoria is to indulge her whims. She loves beautiful life, fashionable clothes, eat deliciously and relax luxuriously, therefore, while she is not burdened with family and children, Vika will spend all her time and money on herself, her beloved.

As Victoria grows older, she will become calmer and lose the desire to stand out and attract attention. She, like a flower, does not open up immediately, but only over the years, gradually turning from a quiet, downtrodden girl into a passionate and businesslike person.

Victoria's sexuality

Victoria is an amorous person; without love and passions, life seems insipid and uninteresting to her. She likes love itself, the feeling of romance and surroundings - courtship, gifts, compliments. Sex will always be in second place for her, as a consequence of love.

She knows how to skillfully hide her stormy temperament and seem like a gentle creature in need of protection and patronage. It will seem to the man that he is the one and only, whom the woman has been waiting for all her life.

In fact, this is just a mask - Victoria is a completely independent and strong person. She does not need any protection, but simply skillfully manipulates the feelings of a man in love.

For Vika, sex is first and foremost a way to assert herself, and only then a way to gain pleasure. Quite often among the owners of this wonderful name there are women who are frigid or simply indifferent to sex, but they are excellent at portraying passion in such a way that a man will never guess that he is dealing with an experienced simulator.

Victoria does not accept rudeness and violence, but in bed she prefers to dominate - a woman expects admiration, compliments and submission from her partner. And she is also very jealous and never forgives betrayals.

Victoria married, compatibility

Victoria cannot get married for a long time, and the point is not that she has few fans, but the same indecision. And even when she makes her choice and gets married, she will be tormented by doubts about the correctness of her choice.

Her chosen one must be impeccable, because the slightest offense can lead to divorce - this is how the maximalism inherent in all Victorias is manifested. Attention, sensitivity, decency - these are the main traits of a man with whom Victoria can be happy. In return, he will receive the boundless love and devotion of a passionate and such a difficult woman.

Because of such high requirements Finding Victoria's life partner is problematic. In the family, she wants to lead and likes to command.

As soon as Vika feels comfortable and safe in family relationships, she will be able to shed her bitch mask and become soft and fluffy. Victoria feels great in her role as a wife and housewife. May sacrifice career for quiet family happiness. Children are raised to respect their father, instilling in them from childhood that the father is the main one in the family.

Victoria's maximalism will manifest itself both in boundless love for her husband and children. With this approach, she risks seriously spoiling the children.

A successful marriage will be with a man named Vladimir, Mikhail, Lev, Semyon, Arkady, Valentin and Valery. You should avoid relationships with Victor, Vladislav, German, Yuri, Alexander and Grigory.

Victoria's health

As a child, Victoria's health was rather poor - she often caught colds and could suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and sore throat. After an illness, there is a risk of complications. Therefore, the girl needs early childhood toughen up, or even better, send the girl to the sports section.

Being a schoolgirl, Victoria needs to strictly adhere to her daily routine. She has difficulty waking up in the morning and can fall asleep during class at school, so she definitely needs long sleep.

Over the years, closer to old age, Victoria may develop polyarthritis, cholecystitis, rheumatism or diabetes.

Career and business

Victoria is not able to push with her elbows and walk over heads, so she is unlikely to make a good businessman. But she knows how to work well in a team, is endowed with a share of ambition and has a desire to be a leader. But, as always, self-doubt can prevent her from making a career.

Vika can change many professions in life until she finds one in which she feels comfortable and confident. Of all the professions, Vika will choose the one that does not require close communication with people, and where the final result will depend only on herself. Victoria is quite lucky in financial matters, and money loves her.

Victoria has a masculine mentality, so it is better for her to give preference to a non-creative profession. She can become a scientist, engineer, designer, or work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, among the owners of this victorious name there are many people with creative professions - hairdressers, fashion designers, actresses and writers. Vika can make an excellent teacher or educator - children love her very much, and she herself is infinitely kind to them.

Talismans for Victoria

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Uranus.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky color is purple.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli and amber. Lapis lazuli will bring Victoria success and luck in business, and will help get rid of the blues and depression. Amber symbolizes health, happiness, loyalty and love. It strengthens a love connection and makes its owner attractive to the opposite sex. In addition, the stone is considered a mascot for travelers, protecting against troubles on the road.
  • Totem animal - toad and bumblebee. The toad is a symbol of the origin of life, longevity, immortality and material well-being. The bumblebee represents hard work, health and good luck in business.
  • Totem plant - mimosa and cedar. Mimosa is a symbol of sensuality, shyness and timidity. Cedar is the personification of dignity and greatness, health and beauty.

Horoscope for Victoria

Aries- an active nature, always at the center of events. She knows everything about everyone, she has an answer to any question, which she never hesitates to express. She is in love, often changes partners, each time confident that the last one is forever.

Taurus- a well-mannered and balanced woman, accustomed to planning everything in her life. Any surprise or non-standard situation can unsettle her; she also finds it difficult to adapt to changes. Stability is the motto of her life. But she really lacks femininity and charm.

Twins- the young lady is responsive and sensitive, always ready to help. He treats the shortcomings of others condescendingly, and cannot tolerate criticism of himself. Victoria has a cheerful disposition and loves clubs and parties. She never lacks fans.

Cancer- charming and timid Victoria, who really lacks energy and self-confidence. Possessing great potential, she rarely manages to realize herself in life as a professional, but she becomes a wonderful wife and mother.

a lion- an intelligent and practical person who knows her worth. He knows how to take advantage of any situation, without going overboard or losing his dignity. She loves when she is beautifully looked after and demands that all her whims be fulfilled. She loves luxury and strives for a beautiful life.

Virgo- a realist and materialist, avoiding all dubious matters. He always looks for profit in everything. Calculation and pragmatism help her do successful career, but they greatly interfere with building a personal life. Men feel nothing in her except cold calculation.

Scales- a woman with a wonderful sense of humor, open and pleasant to talk to. Healthy indifference and natural optimism help her move through life easily, without leaving behind grievances and discontent. Men really like Victoria, she easily enters into new relationships, but deep down she dreams of one and only one.

Scorpion- a passionate, emotional and impressionable person who rushes from one extreme to another. Pride and pride do not allow her to ask and accept anyone's help, but sometimes she really needs this help. She can find her personal happiness only with an equally temperamental man, for whom love is inconceivable without a constant intensity of passions.

Sagittarius- a domineering and imposing nature who has very few friends. She likes to subjugate and use people, which is why she also has few fans. Her man must be very patient and calm, as Victoria will constantly test and provoke him.

Capricorn- a completely unperturbed woman, devoid of any temperament. He never bothers anyone with his advice, sincerely believing that every person is the architect of his own happiness. She is a very reliable and devoted friend, she knows how to inspire trust in people and justify it. She is afraid of men, so she gets married very late.

Aquarius- a witty and energetic young lady, the star of any company. But she carefully protects her inner world, because she does not know how to forgive betrayals and disappointments. It is difficult to bear grievances and often withdraws into himself. Her chosen one must be able to surprise, otherwise Victoria will quickly find a replacement for him. Despite the abundance of fans, he may never make his choice.

Fish- a very sensitive and gentle person who reacts very sharply to any injustice. She tends to blame herself for all troubles and is prone to depression and neuroses. She may be happy with a romantic man who will understand her subtle mental organization.

Now you know everything that the name Victoria brings to its owner - it’s not just “victory”, it’s a daily struggle, hidden from prying eyes.

Despite her outward calm, poise, and silence, Victoria is looking for new experiences and adventures. Free, independent, she always enjoys respect and trust. Her opinion is always listened to. In appearance and character, Vika almost always resembles her father. Looks impressive because he is interested fashionable news, following the trends of the times. The meaning of the name Victoria will help you unravel the secret of her success.

Brief meaning of the name Victoria

Interpretation of the name Victoria

The origin of the name Victoria is believed to be Indo-European. The root "vic" means "pressure of force." The Latin word "Victoria" translates to "victory". This is where the name Victoria comes from and it means “victory” or “victor.”

If you divide the word into parts, it turns out that VICTO - soulful, -RIYA - sensuality. The deciphering of a gentle, light, feminine name does not exclude verified emotionality.

Vika Pota was the name of the goddess of victory in the Roman Empire. Later they began to call her Victoria. In Greek mythology, she corresponds to the goddess Nike. Victoria was depicted on Roman coins as a symbol of victory.

The full name Victoria in short form sounds like Vika. In the Russian language there is a long and short form declension. Other sounds: Tusya, Vikusya, Vikulya, Vichka, Vikusha, Vitulya, Vita, Tora, Vira, Tusya, Vitusha. All derivatives are easy to decline in Russian.

Declension by cases of the full form:

Nominative case – Victoria

Genitive case – Victoria

Dative case – Victoria

Accusative case – Victoria

Instrumental case – Victoria

Prepositional case – Victoria

The declension of derived forms can be done according to the model of the full name.

The name Victoria is spelled Victoria in English. It is also written in Spanish and French. But in Latin it is written slightly differently - Viktoriya.

Name Victoria in religion

According to some sources, this name is not in Orthodox calendar. According to others, her patrons in Catholicism are the Great Martyrs Victoria of Ephesus, Thessalonica, Nicomedia, and Culuz. By church calendar they celebrate their name days on the following days: February 12, March 12, May 25, June 1, 14, July 10, September 12, October 6, 15, 24, November 6, December 8, 21, 23.

The fate of a girl, girl, woman named Victoria

The meaning of the name Victoria will be reflected differently on women born in different time. For example:

The winter “winner” will dominate her man, so her personal life, as a rule, does not work out. Arrogance, stubbornness, and pride do not provide the opportunity to establish good relationships with friends, colleagues, and family.

The mystery and cunning of spring Vicky has a different effect on her fate. Men really like what others perceive as deceit and two-facedness. It turns out that Vika behaves absolutely correctly, because her personal life ultimately turns out well.

The characteristic of the name Victoria for a woman born in the summer is frivolous, amorous. Vika loves each of her men completely sincerely. But, despite her eccentricity, she cannot be considered a deceiver or a traitor.

The interpretation of the name for the autumn “winner” is organization, practicality. Properly planned work and rest allow her to achieve success in many areas. Despite the apparent callousness and severity, her personal life and professional destiny always develop well.

All these characteristics are especially clearly manifested if Victoria has one of the patronymics: Andreevna, Alekseevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Mikhailovna.


When wondering what the name Victoria means, parents should know that a “winner” in childhood can be a completely insecure child. Because of this, the girl is not always able to realize her potential.

The slow girl is a real leader in games. She makes friends easily and is more often friends with boys.

The “winner” also easily gets acquainted with the world around her and quickly masters new subjects, despite the fact that she begins to learn to read and write later than other children. Today Vika is a fidgety, fidgety person, and tomorrow she is calm and balanced.

Another one characteristic– girls who are “winners” can suddenly withdraw into themselves. You should not try to find out what reason led to this condition.

In general, little Vikuli are obedient, cheerful, and endowed with a rich inner world.

Little Vika is very accurately and correctly described in verse:

Vika is a mystery girl,

Maybe they found it in the garden

Such a miracle berry

Groovy, mischievous?

Young woman

Curiosity and activity are inherent in young Vika. A girl with this name always looks great because she takes care of herself and her health. She equally actively visits beauty salons and gyms. At the same time, she may be completely unsure of herself, and attempts to assert herself may end in failure.

Young Vika is a true, sincere friend. She always sets realistic goals for herself and always fulfills them. This quality greatly sets her apart from her peers.

Despite responsibility, practicality, and real success, she is haunted by a feeling of insecurity and a desire to assert herself.


An adult “winner” can be described as purposeful, scrupulous, sociable, beautiful woman. She tries to manage her time correctly, so she is successful in her profession and family life, but a feeling of insecurity is her constant companion. The interpretation of the name does not affect her inner world in any way.

Male names that are well compatible with her are Oleg, Makar, Albert, Valentin and Arkady. These men are suitable for marriage with Vika. And all the features of the winner are most clearly manifested if her patronymic is Andreevna, Alekseevna, Sergeevna or Viktorovna.

On the question of what surname is suitable for Vika, many agree that it should be beautiful, pleasant to the ear, harmonize with the name, and also end in –skaya, -tskaya. It is important to remember, no matter what Vika’s patronymic and surname are, this is not the most important thing in her mental organization.

Famous people named Victoria

Famous Russian singer - Victoria Daineko

In history, probably the most famous woman with this name is Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

Among our contemporaries there are many famous names of women - “winners”. Famous singers bear this name with pride and everyone knows their last names: Balf, Tsyganova, Dainego, Beckham.

Many people know the names of famous writers Sandor, Tokareva, Baginskaya, Ocampo.

Among famous women— “winners” include TV presenters, athletes, actresses, and artists.

The characteristics of the name Victoria include many positive points. Keep this in mind if you want to name your daughter this. After all, this may determine what fate awaits her.