Famous Sagittarius men. Famous women born under the sign of Sagittarius

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius actors by zodiac sign are the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Sagittarians are characterized by liveliness of character, unquenchable optimism and a cheerful disposition. Celebrities born under this constellation possess all these qualities in full.

The queen of rock and roll, Tina Turner, is one of the brightest Sagittarians. Her unimaginable energy, activity and hard work brought her to the top of show business. The singer set herself the goal of becoming famous quite early and confidently walked towards this goal for many years. She perfectly combines fighting spirit and determination with gentleness and romanticism.

Actor Ben Stiller boasts a successful set of Sagittarius qualities. This is an inquisitive and active person. He loves experiments, adventurous adventures and risks. He has a cheerful disposition and is never tempted by base goals. Ben Stiller goes through life with an open mind. It is not typical for him to get bogged down in the quagmire of deception and lies. The actor, like a true Sagittarius, always tells the truth and demands it from others.

American pop star Britney Spears was also born under the constellation Sagittarius. She, like no one else, fits the description of this zodiac sign. She is distinguished by an excessive desire for experimentation. She loves to change and surprise. The simplest confirmation of this is her bald head, which she sported a couple of years ago. Her lifestyle is activity, movement and new knowledge. The singer loves to get new sensations, but this did not always lead to good consequences.

Model Tyra Banks is a typical Sagittarius. This proves her fickleness and desire to try everything. Starting her modeling career, Tyra began to try herself as a TV presenter and singer. She became a producer and even starred in films. This passion for new things turned her life into an endless search for fresh emotions. This woman is capable of trying absolutely everything in her life. In this she is helped by perseverance, liveliness of character and determination.

The artist Sergei Svetlakov also has a similar character. As a true Sagittarius, it is characteristic of him for a long time be in search of yourself. Therefore, he is constantly ready to change his role. Now everyone knows Sergei not only as an actor, but also as a screenwriter, producer, director and songwriter. Sagittarians are by nature people with diverse interests, so there is nothing to worry about if they try their hand at different areas activities. Their confidence and large supply of vitality helps them in any endeavor.

Actor Brad Pitt is also a Sagittarius according to his horoscope. Using his example, one can accurately trace one quality characteristic of all Sagittarius - dislike of all kinds of obligations. Many will disagree, remembering his personal life with Angelina Jolie. After all, the couple has been together for many years, and they have a lot of children. And the trick is that there are no legal obligations between them, because they are not married. Sagittarians tend to avoid anything that could limit their freedom even a little.

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Famous Sagittarius - actors, singers

Sagittarius is one of the most artistic signs of the zodiac. Famous Sagittarians are actors, singers, and historical figures. People born in this period, have many abilities.

The secret of success of famous Sagittarius

As a rule, these people are talented in everything - they sing beautifully, write poetry and set it to their own music, and act in films. In addition to natural data, Sagittarians have many other character traits that contribute in the best way to the development of their personality.

Naturally, Sagittarius men, like men of other zodiac signs, are connoisseurs female beauty, however higher value For them, commonality of views and interests is important. They start a family, as a rule, with the woman who fully meets their requirements.

However, Sagittarius quickly gets bored with the family hearth and they begin to look for new experiences on the side. This is why star families often break up. A striking example of an “amorous” Sagittarius can be Andrei Makarevich, who married many times, hoping each time that he had found the one.

Firstly, Sagittarians are very goal-oriented. In some people this quality reaches the point of stubbornness, but this trait benefits them - Sagittarians always get their way.

It is not for nothing that the famous commander Alexander Suvorov was born under this sign, who, thanks to his determination and faith in own strength, did not lose a single battle.

Secondly, almost all Sagittarius are obsessed with changing places; they do not like to stay at home for a long time, even if it is very comfortable and cozy there. This quality is very suitable for artists who spend their entire lives on “suitcases and wheels.”

Thirdly, people born under this star are very emotional and sociable. They are constantly expanding their circle of acquaintances, but do not become close friends with anyone. The emergence of numerous “friendships” is prevented by the excessive straightforwardness of Sagittarius.

Famous Sagittarius - scientists, actors, singers

It is because of this quality that many stars are considered cocky and scandalous. Garik Sukachev, Boris Grebenshchikov, and Ozi Osborn managed to achieve such fame. Ladies also occupy not the last place in this list– the antics of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are well known to concert organizers around the world.

Fourthly, Sagittarians are quite rarely good family men. That is why famous Sagittarius, often remain lonely, or search for a long time and do not find a suitable match for themselves. The thing is that representatives of this sign demand too much from their soulmate. high requirement, and they relate, as a rule, not to appearance, but to character.

Which celebrities were born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius?

Which Russian and foreign celebrities were born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius?

Famous historical figures, writers, artists, performers, politicians born under the sign Zodiac sign Sagittarius, Who are they?

Sagittarius - people who do not recognize barriers, are distinguished by their breadth of soul and large-scale plans. These are real discoverers - of new lands, new ideas and scientific theories. People are generous and noble. This is easy to verify by reading the list below of those born under the sign of Sagittarius:

Mark Twain (11/30/1835) - writer, humorist, satirist, one of the founders of American literature.

Alexander Blok (11/28/1880) - poet, classic of Russian literature, one of the most prominent representatives of the Silver Age.

Georgy Zhukov (12/01/1896) - Soviet commander, “Marshal of Victory” in the Great Patriotic War.

Walt Disney (12/05/1901) - American animator, creator of animation as a genre. Winner of 26 Oscar statuettes, which is an absolute record.

Nonna Mordyukova (11/25/1925) - popular actress, star of Soviet cinema.

Woody Allen (12/01/1935) is a famous American film director, creator of the genre of intellectual comedy.

Alexander Maslyakov (11/24/1941) is a popular Russian TV presenter, leader and spiritual father of all Russian KVN players.

Boris Grebenshchikov (11/27/1953) is a famous rock musician, one of the leaders of Russian rock.

Emir Kusturica (11/25/1954) is a famous Serbian film director who directed the extremely popular film “ Black cat, White cat".

Vladimir Mashkov (11/27/1963) is a popular Russian film actor, winner of numerous television and film awards (“Nika”, “Golden Eagle”, TEFI).

Sagittarius – celebrities (actors, musicians, writers, politicians)

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Astrological forecast for the year of the Rooster for Sagittarius, he advises people of this sign not to burden themselves with unnecessary troubles about their New Year's outfit. The stars recommend that young women pay attention to a short skirt and neckline. This night will take place for them in a relaxed atmosphere, where a simple and flirty outfit will come in handy. Sagittarians can experiment with hairstyles and hats. The more interesting the hairstyle or headdress is, the greater the chance that the Rooster will turn his attention on New Year's Eve.

Sagittarius will simply have tremendous success, because the stars predict that their life will be filled with some special energy. In all areas of activity, Sagittarius will be in first place. The Year of the Rooster promises them a handful of cunning, which they so lacked.

There may be conflicts with colleagues at work. The horoscope recommends tact and caution. You cannot escalate the situation with partners with whom things are not going well on a professional basis.

Health and proper nutrition should be given special attention. Throughout the year, it is better for Sagittarius to ban alcohol.

Many Sagittarius will experience the need for an active lifestyle or sports activities, as well as for any kind of competitions. From a health point of view, this promises representatives of this zodiac sign an increased incidence of bruises and sprains.

The New Year 2015 will be very dynamic - Sagittarius will try to be on time everywhere and at once. In summer, nervous breakdowns are possible due to increased sensitivity and impressionability. Even the most optimistic and determined Sagittarius should not exaggerate their strengths and capabilities during these months.

The health horoscope for 2016 for Sagittarius advises, first of all, to take care of your nervous system, - the time ahead is stormy and changeable, so this particular area will be especially vulnerable. The stars do not promise any special health problems for Sagittarius, but as fatigue increases, ailments and chronic diseases may remind themselves. In addition, in the first half of 2016, representatives of this sign need to be careful when handling sharp and piercing objects and try not to come into contact with explosive substances.

In the second half of the year, the period of increased trauma will end, all worries will go away, and the second half of the year will bring Sagittarius health, healing from chronic processes, and will give a lot of vigor, energy and good mood.

Famous women born under the sign of Sagittarius

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice.

It is almost impossible to find a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy. To turn into a gloomy, depressive creature, fate must batter her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are very smart, people have sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on equal terms, on a friendly basis, and, in the eyes of others, it often looks quite frivolous on the part of beautiful ladies. This is supported by the fact that by nature, representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient grounds not to be afraid for their reputation and to ignore gossip and rumors. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to a close relationship. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous attempts will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will bluntly tell her hapless suitors everything she thinks about them, without trying one bit to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, and honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity characteristic of the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from the unseemly intention of making someone suffer humiliation or offense. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It wouldn’t even occur to them that sometimes optimal solution will simply remain silent.

All Sagittarius are ardent admirers of freedom and independence, and the weaker sex is no exception. Marital ties do not evoke this sign of enthusiasm in women, and they can calmly live their whole lives in the status of an old maid, without experiencing psychological discomfort. At the same time, they are quite loyal to stronger sex and don’t turn into man-haters. Marriage and loss of freedom are equivalent concepts for Sagittarius women.

Sagittarius women can pretend to be reserved, cold individuals, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary good looks, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that at one time touched their soul.

If a man dreams of getting a Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and calling on all his ingenuity to help bring his beloved to the idea that the role of a wife, mother, and homemaker can give a lot of emotions and various impressions. He will be required to redirect the Sagittarius woman's innate curiosity towards family life, convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her submission and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

The fact that Sagittarius women are not too attracted by the prospect of being in someone’s snare does not negate the fact that in their new role as a wife and housewife, they will be just as energetic and active. The reason lies in inexhaustible optimism, the belief that everything should continue to be good.

Representatives of this sign are not by nature big fans of daily homework, and yet they become good housewives. Even in routine, Sagittarius will find opportunities for search, experimentation and creativity. She can turn her house into a secular salon, cook unusual, gourmet dishes and still spend money - only not on entertainment and travel, but on receiving guests, interior design, and clothes for children.

A Sagittarius woman’s life partner must be mentally prepared for the fact that she will suddenly pack a travel bag during off-hours and not scheduled for rest and leave somewhere, or periodically begin to prefer the company of another person to her husband’s company. Speech in in this case it cannot be about betrayal or selfishness, since representatives of this sign do not know how and do not want to play a double game, they prefer sincerity, clarity in everything and respond to the trust of their spouse with an exclusively honest attitude.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household, and children simply dote on their sociable, interesting, cheerful mother with an inexhaustible imagination.

A Sagittarius woman can be just the perfect partner when we're talking about about intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and her temperament, activity, and emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one thing here important condition: Sagittarius' husband must match her in temperament and just as openly show all his feelings. If this does not happen, then the relationship in the couple may become noticeably more complicated.

Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can lead to more drastic results: going to the left or leading to divorce.

However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fire sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her entire life and will not lose heart, considering all this not a very successful joke that fate has played on her.

People of this zodiac sign could form a very harmonious couple, if not for the strong temper inherent in both partners. In addition, there may be some minor difficulties in intimate life. However, having achieved harmony in the bedroom, Sagittarius and Aries thereby give themselves a good chance to gradually cope with other difficulties.

Representatives of these signs are strikingly different from each other. The persistent Taurus will want to dominate, which the independent Sagittarius will never reconcile with. The impulsiveness of Sagittarius, manifested in sexual relationships, will be in conflict with the constancy of the partner, and his restlessness and mobility will be in conflict with Taurus’s desire for practicality and stability. It is unlikely that their union will last long.

The nature of the partners of these signs is similar in many ways, but their relationship will be far from ideal. These fickle, restless fans of adventure, travel, and adventure will initially experience great interest in each other. Then Gemini's tendency to criticize, which Sagittarius cannot stand, will do a disservice. After some time, restless partners may develop new interests - each has their own, and neither one nor the other is able to work on maintaining the relationship.

Partners born under these constellations are not a match for each other. “Fiery” Sagittarius is overly frank, to the point of tactlessness, while Cancer is too sensitive and touchy for this. Sagittarius's independence prevents him from becoming a strong support and providing stability to relationships. The very first reproaches of Cancer will lead to the fact that the Sagittarius woman will disappear from his horizon. In sex, a couple can find harmony, but outside the bedroom it is difficult to achieve.

These people seem to be made for each other, including in the sexual sphere. They do not limit the personal freedom of their partner, but do not even try to avoid each other: they are comfortable and fun together, especially since representatives of both signs are big fans of adventure. Their union has the most promising prospects.

It is unlikely that this couple will ever become harmonious. A restless adventurer will treat the calm, intellectual Virgo as a boring, boring person, and she will see Sagittarius as a frivolous and unreliable partner. They can come to a certain agreement only under one blanket, but this will not save their relationship.

A pair with good compatibility. Libras are distinguished by their prudence and tolerance, and therefore the originality of Sagittarius’s nature will not confuse them at all. Moreover, they will be able to see undoubted merits in him. Both alone and as part of big company they will be comfortable and interesting with each other. For both partners, this circumstance is very great importance. The relationship has every chance to last a long time.

There is an extremely small chance that the partners will decide to further develop the relationship. Scorpio, who is a big owner by nature, will not tolerate Sagittarius’ desire for personal freedom. A man wants to have a relationship with a person whom he could completely trust, but a Sagittarius woman is a bad candidate for this role.

Of all the combinations of zodiac signs, the union of two Sagittarius is the most unpredictable. There is nothing strange in this, considering that people of this sign are completely spontaneous in their actions. In the process of developing relationships, all the shortcomings of the partners may appear. The time will come when one of them or both at once will rush in search of new experiences, and then the uselessness of the existing union will become obvious.

Communication between representatives of these signs is possible only for a short time. They simply cannot stand being together for long. The impulsiveness and frankness (sometimes excessive) of Sagittarius will arouse the wariness of the calm, prudent, secretive Capricorn, prone to hoarding. In addition, the second one will not put up with Streltsov’s manner of spending money left and right.

A couple with good potential. Aquarius’ desire and willingness to make compromises will help to realize it and thereby give balance to the relationship. It is not jealousy, the lack of desire to lead, or the passion for adventure of both partners that creates the basis for mutual understanding. Compatibility is good.

Sexual life can give partners many pleasant moments, but in other areas everything will not be so smooth. Both Pisces and Sagittarius need to feel reliable support nearby, but both signs are not suitable for this role. The time will come when the partner will be depressed by the excessive modesty of her Pisces partner, and she will rush to a more eventful life. And the man will have no desire to detain her.

(23.11-21.12) - this is
a sincere, frank person with a developed imagination and madly liked by the fairer sex.

This is a person who can talk captivatingly about his worldviews, making him a very interesting conversationalist.

Sagittarius is characterized by a love of music, art, nature, entertainment and gourmet food.

Representatives of this zodiac sign remain young at heart throughout their lives and even after years do not lose their emotionality, activity and mobility.


The Sagittarius man prefers business-style clothes, but is not averse to experimenting with bright colors. His wardrobe always contains rich tones. And to complement the expressive image are expensive accessories - rings, chains, watches, cufflinks and bracelets.

Some representatives of this sign have a beautiful, athletic figure, but even the presence of a small belly or impressive torso size does not spoil those born during this period. On the contrary, many believe that such a feature is appearance gives it credibility.

Sagittarius character

The sincerity of Sagittarius men sometimes reaches the point of absurdity; he can easily tell his interlocutor to his face about his shortcomings. It is paradoxical that no one is especially offended by Sagittarius, since he does not know how to do nasty things on the sly.

Full of new ideas, Sagittarius can captivate the whole company. And the representative of this sign carries out every new task conscientiously. Activity and restlessness are the main character traits of a Sagittarius man.

By nature, optimists and darlings of fate, born during this period, also “infect” their surroundings with optimism.

Sagittarius men are not characterized by revenge and cold calculation, they are unconditionally honest.

But if a new exciting idea appears on the horizon, representatives of the sign may immediately take off from their homes to follow their dreams. Because of this, they often get a reputation as an unreliable and superficial person. Although in most cases this is not the case.


Curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge makes me try myself in different professions.

Representatives of this sign know how to work with information, analyze it and are endowed with excellent business qualities.

Any business that a Sagittarius man undertakes, provided that he is interested in it, will be successful. Sometimes he may exaggerate the importance of his occupation, but this is only for the good.

The only obstacle on the way to the goal is its rapid cooling and complete loss of interest in the chosen business.

Love and compatibility of a Sagittarius man

A Sagittarius man knows how to get along well with women and is always the center of attention. Many ladies dream of becoming the companion of a man born during this period.

If Sagittarius confesses his love, there is no doubt about the authenticity of his feelings, because he does not know how to lie. By the way, if he gives compliments, they are always truthful.

When meeting a lady he likes, Sagittarius will immediately tell her about himself and his destiny, perhaps with some degree of boasting.

Men of this sign of nature are addicted, throughout their bachelor life they have many affairs, but each time they are as honest as possible with the woman and do not promise the impossible.

If Sagittarius fails to win the object he likes, he will not get hung up or suffer, but will switch to a more flexible woman.

Family relationships scare the freedom-loving Sagittarius a little, so he is in no hurry to tie himself into marriage. As a rule, in such cases the woman takes the initiative herself.

In the understanding of Sagittarius, a wife should be patient, easy-going and able to adapt to the man’s lifestyle. General circle interests can also bring spouses closer together.

You should not take Sagittarius’s criticism and his straightforward remarks addressed to you painfully. If a woman manages to adapt, she will truly know what sincere and passionate love is. This will be the gratitude of Sagittarius.

As a rule, those born during this period enter into one marriage for life. For a Sagittarius man, representatives of such zodiac signs as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius are most suitable for starting a family.

Famous Sagittarius men

Many people were born under this zodiac sign famous people. Here is just a small list of surnames that are known throughout the world:

  • Emir Kusturica
  • Bruce Lee
  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Alexander Blok
  • John Galliano
  • Mark Twain
  • Woody Allen
  • Georgy Zhukov
  • Gianni Versace
  • Brendan Fraser
  • Walt Disney
  • Jim Morrison
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Heinrich Heine
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Brad Pitt
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Leonid Brezhnev
  • Uri Geller
  • Samul L. Jackson

As you can see, the company is quite worthy of respect.

They love themselves and the world, these are sybarites and conformists with an excellent sense of humor. Among famous Sagittarius there are many talented leaders. Sagittarians hate painstaking boring job, they are passionate and used to doing everything in one go, they love improvisation and spontaneity.

An arrow that loses interest in the goal - this could be the symbol of this zodiac sign, whose representatives are not distinguished by determination and perseverance. These darlings of fate are accustomed to receiving many benefits just like that, for beautiful eyes. Sagittarius is an eternal struggle of opposites: feelings and reason, romance and practicality, emotionality and restraint. In the most businesslike of Sagittarius, the inner fire always burns brightly, the most unrestrained and reckless from time to time strives to become more serious. Representatives of this zodiac sign often change their point of view, dream a lot, do not know how to count money, and value freedom above all else.

Boris Grebenshchikov, who became a legend of Russian rock music, has always been free-thinking, but at the same time he managed to achieve recognition at the official level. A typical situation for Sagittarius. The leader of the Aquarium group was born in Leningrad, received a mathematical education, but in Streltsy the physicist always fights with the lyricist - Grebenshchikov worked at the Research Institute of Sociology, but at the same time gave concerts, performing songs of his own composition.

Boris Grebenshchikov, like a true Sagittarius, has always been an addicted person. He studied Buddhism, Christianity, they say, tried soft drugs, wrote several books, and was engaged in translation work. The spiritual quest of one of the founding fathers of Russian rock did not exclude the search for material gain: for example, a once disgraced musician who expressed his protest against any form of government today declares that he supports Russia’s political course and happily accepts official titles and awards. Sagittarians generally change their point of view often.

The famous actress was born in Leningrad, and from childhood she was interested in theater, which is natural, because her father was an actor. Together with her mother, Alisa survived the siege of Leningrad; her father was in Tashkent at that time, which saved him, because then repressions against the Germans began in Leningrad. Alisa, being an emotional and enthusiastic person, took an active part in the activities of the school drama club. When the time came to choose a profession, the girl did not think for a long time and did as her heart told her: she submitted documents to the Leningrad Theater Institute.

Director Eldar Ryazanov noted that Freundlich is incredibly charming, her warmth and friendliness are liked by others, and her talent gives people joy. Indeed, Sagittarius, always in in a great mood emitting positive energy will certainly endear you to your colleagues and acquaintances. Freundlich herself could become an excellent theater director, however, according to her, she is afraid to take on such responsibility - and her fears are not unfounded, because Sagittarians are often unpunctual, absent-minded and unnecessary.
Alexander Maslyakov (November 24, 1941)

The permanent host of KVN is cheerful and resourceful, has a sparkling sense of humor, like all Sagittarius. Alexander Vasilyevich is a talented leader: despite the inability to concentrate on one goal for a long time, Sagittarius sometimes become wonderful leaders, but only if all that is required of them is the ability to inspire the team and direct the process in the right direction. Charismatic, friendly Maslyakov is one of the best television presenters on Channel One: he is sympathetic to the audience, authoritative, and prone to improvisation. It is noticeable that the father of the KVN movement is a dual nature: he is characterized by restraint and emotionality (he rarely laughs, but on special occasions he cannot contain his laughter), solidity and youthful enthusiasm.

Alexander Maslyakov was born in Sverdlovsk into the family of a military pilot and a housewife. The son of his parents, Maslyakov is both an idealist and a pragmatist, a romantic and a practitioner, in general, a real Sagittarius. At the age of four, Alexander came to Moscow: his family moved. In the capital, Maslyakov graduated from school and entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and then almost accidentally ended up on television. It is known that Alexander Vasilyevich is quite authoritarian, which is typical for Sagittarius, but he is also friendly and honest. The TV presenter himself admits that he is not without vanity and pride, however, these qualities, inherent to one degree or another in all Sagittarius, are compensated by the talent and charisma of the Russian television star.

One of the most immodest TV presenters, Anfisa Chekhova, excites the imagination of many men - both colleagues and ordinary TV viewers. The program “Sex with Anfisa Chekhova” remained a real hit on Russian television for a long time. Attractive, alluring, desirable, like all Sagittarius women, the actress clearly does not like to be bored at work. Boring, painstaking work is not for her: Chekhova prefers rather extreme genres associated with the sphere of feelings and fantasy.

Anfisa Chekhova was born in Moscow, already at school she began to be interested in theater, entered GITIS, but violated unspoken prohibitions by becoming a member of a vocal group, for which she was expelled. The girl quickly forgot about her dream of becoming a theater and film star, as well as her career as a singer - Sagittarians often easily give up their plans if, for example, the task is beyond their capabilities. According to her, a positive attitude helps Chekhova overcome all adversity. Having become a famous TV presenter, the muse of all night owls and erotomaniacs, Anfisa still cannot find her man. According to the freedom-loving star, like all Sagittarius, she knows one thing: her partner should not limit her in anything.

When a simple village guy, Igor Sukachev, studied at the railway technical school, hardly any of his fellow students or teachers could have imagined that in the near future Sukachev would have fame, money, recognition... But Sagittarius are usually lucky: having received a director's diploma in the Lipetsk Regional Cultural educational school, the guy quickly became famous. The group "Brigade S" earned the love of thousands of fans and even starred in films.

Sukachev was first in love with the theater, then he fell out of love with it and became interested in cinema, but music was always part of Sukachev’s sphere of interests. After the collapse of Brigade C, the Untouchables appeared. Sukachev's stage image shocks, energizes, irritates and delights. Eccentric, like many Sagittarius, the singer can sometimes seem rude, but fans forgive him many antics for his straightforwardness, positivity and love of freedom.

Famous and great Sagittarius people - they were born in different countries and parts of the world, but they are all united by the common zodiac sign Sagittarius. He bestows qualities such as optimism, self-confidence, enthusiasm and an unrivaled sense of humor.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in the United States. Already in childhood, his talent for drawing manifested itself. Walter's father did not recognize his creative abilities, loading his son with all kinds of work, for example, Walt was engaged in delivering newspapers.

When the boy was 4 years old, the Disney family moved to a farm. During those years, Walt spent a lot of time with animals. Like many Sagittarius, he adored animals. He drew them in his childhood drawings and later made them into cartoon characters.

The first commercial cartoon, “The Thrilling Adventures of Alice,” brought Disney success and fame in America. After his success, Walter faced many ups and downs, but he always remained true to himself and his ideals. Truly Sagittarius qualities.

Disney created the first animated film with sound and the first feature-length animated film. For its time this was a breakthrough. An inquisitive mind and ingenuity helped Disney. For example, he made a series of cartoons about wildlife with sound, because he considered it useful in teaching children.

Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 in England. Jane's parents were enlightened people; her father even taught his daughters. My childhood years were spent in an atmosphere of literature and conversations about the books I read.

As she grew up, Jane Austen became attractive but reserved (in english style) girl. She will never get married like that. But in her novels, Jane created exciting marital adventures for her heroines.

Jane Austen's books are recognized literary masterpieces. In them the simplicity of the plot and artless sincerity are combined with deep penetration in inner world heroes. And of course, it cannot do without ironic and gentle English humor. Humor and sincerity are qualities that are common to all Sagittarius people.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770 in Germany. From childhood, the boy was taught music, as his father dreamed of Ludwig becoming a great composer. The teachers immediately realized that the boy had talent. He was taught to play the violin, organ, and harpsichord.

Ludwig had a thirst for knowledge. He studied the works of philosophers and thinkers of different eras, drawing wisdom from them. During his student years, Ludwig would compose the “Song of a Free Man,” where he would write: “He is free for whom the advantages of birth and title mean nothing.” For Sagittarius, freedom is always important and dear!

Beethoven's achievements in classical music cannot be overestimated. He composed works of all genres. He was not afraid to take risks, to try something new, not yet recognized. By nature, Ludwig was harsh and sometimes rude; he did not like to be mannered, but expressed his thoughts directly.

Despite the fact that Beethoven lost his hearing in the late 1790s, he continued to engage in musical creativity. He could not listen to musical concerts, but he read musical notations with his inner ear. The whole life of the great composer was connected with music. She was his main and great love.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain, named Samuel Clemens at birth, was born on November 30, 1835 in the USA, in Missouri. In his youth, Samuel managed to work as a pilot on a steamship, enjoying the romance of the life of a sailor.

The belief in luck, common to all Sagittarius, led Samuel to Nevada, where he became a miner and mined silver in the hope of getting rich. However, fortune was in no hurry to turn its face to Samuel. And he had to retrain as a journalist. It was then that he took the pseudonym Mark Twain.

Literary successes were not long in coming. After all, Samuel had finally found his calling in life. Your books and literary notes Twain often wrote while traveling. Still would! Sagittarians are always attracted to new places and cities. It’s hard to believe, but during his writing career Twain managed not only to travel around the United States, but also to Asia and Africa, Europe and Australia.

Mark Twain became famous as a writer with an unrivaled sense of humor. His humor and satire ridicule and expose the ugly aspects of society and politics. Some of his couplets represent serious philosophical reflections on the future of civilization.

Yury Nikulin

Yuri Nikulin was born in the city of Demidov on December 18, 1921. Yuri's youth fell on the Great Patriotic War. During his service, he showed courage and bravery, for which he was awarded medals.

After the war, work began at the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Before this, there were attempts to enter VGIK, but Yuri was not accepted there due to “lack of acting abilities.”

Working in cinema, Yuri Nikulin created images of bright and inimitable characters. He became a truly great people's artist. The image of the Goonie in the famous Soviet troika exudes the cheerfulness and charm that Sagittarius people always exude.

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 in San Francisco. At this time, his parents were in America on tour, after which they returned home to Hong Kong. Since childhood, the boy acted in films, usually playing the roles of “difficult” and cocky children.

Bruce showed an interest in martial arts from childhood. But during my school years I did not study them seriously, and in general I never showed much diligence at school. In his youth, Bruce decides to take up kung fu seriously. He demonstrated remarkable talents and was persistent in his training. This is exactly how the best representatives of Sagittarius go towards their dreams!

Bruce Lee mastered the art of kung fu and even founded his own style called Jeet Kune Do. He starred in films and took part in productions of fight scenes. In the movies, Bruce showed the whole world what real martial arts are like.

Of course, this article only names some of the great Sagittarius people. In reality, there are many more. There is a section on our forum where information about many fellow zodiac signs is collected.

December 15, 2013, 02:35

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice.

It is almost impossible to find a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy. To turn into a gloomy, depressive creature, fate must batter her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are very smart, people have sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on equal terms, on a friendly basis, and, in the eyes of others, it often looks quite frivolous on the part of beautiful ladies. This is supported by the fact that by nature, representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient grounds not to be afraid for their reputation and to ignore gossip and rumors. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to a close relationship. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous attempts will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will bluntly tell her hapless suitors everything she thinks about them, without trying one bit to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, and honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity characteristic of the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from the unseemly intention of making someone suffer humiliation or offense. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It never occurs to them that sometimes the best solution is to simply remain silent.

All Sagittarius are ardent admirers of freedom and independence, and the weaker sex is no exception. Marital ties do not evoke this sign of enthusiasm in women, and they can calmly live their whole lives in the status of an old maid, without experiencing psychological discomfort. At the same time, they are quite loyal to the stronger sex and do not turn into man-haters. Marriage and loss of freedom are equivalent concepts for Sagittarius women.

Sagittarius women can pretend to be reserved, cold individuals, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary good looks, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that at one time touched their soul.

If a man dreams of getting a Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and calling on all his ingenuity to help bring his beloved to the idea that the role of a wife, mother, and homemaker can give a lot of emotions and various impressions. He will be required to redirect the Sagittarius woman’s innate curiosity towards family life, to convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her submission and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

The fact that Sagittarius women are not too attracted by the prospect of being in someone’s snare does not negate the fact that in their new role as a wife and housewife, they will be just as energetic and active. The reason lies in inexhaustible optimism, the belief that everything should continue to be good.

Representatives of this sign are not by nature big fans of daily housework, but they still become good housewives. Even in routine, Sagittarius will find opportunities for search, experimentation and creativity. She can turn her house into a secular salon, cook unusual, gourmet dishes and still spend money - only not on entertainment and travel, but on receiving guests, interior design, and clothes for children.

A Sagittarius woman’s life partner must be mentally prepared for the fact that she will suddenly pack a travel bag during off-hours and not scheduled for rest and leave somewhere, or periodically begin to prefer the company of another person to her husband’s company. In this case, we cannot talk about betrayal or selfishness, since representatives of this sign do not know how and do not want to play a double game, they prefer sincerity, clarity in everything and respond to their spouse’s trust with an exclusively honest attitude.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household, and children simply dote on their sociable, interesting, cheerful mother with an inexhaustible imagination.

A Sagittarius woman can be just the perfect partner when it comes to intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and her temperament, activity, and emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one important condition here: the Sagittarius husband must match her in temperament and just as openly show all his feelings. If this does not happen, then the relationship in the couple may become noticeably more complicated.

Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can lead to more drastic results: going to the left or leading to divorce.

However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fire sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her entire life and will not lose heart, considering all this not a very successful joke that fate has played on her.

Sign compatibility

Sagittarius woman - Aries man

People of this zodiac sign could form a very harmonious couple, if not for the strong temper inherent in both partners. In addition, some minor difficulties in intimate life are possible. However, having achieved harmony in the bedroom, Sagittarius and Aries thereby give themselves a good chance to gradually cope with other difficulties.

Sagittarius woman - Taurus man

Representatives of these signs are strikingly different from each other. The persistent Taurus will want to dominate, which the independent Sagittarius will never reconcile with. The impulsiveness of Sagittarius, manifested in sexual relationships, will be in conflict with the constancy of the partner, and his restlessness and mobility will be in conflict with Taurus’s desire for practicality and stability. It is unlikely that their union will last long.

Sagittarius woman - Gemini man

The nature of the partners of these signs is similar in many ways, but their relationship will be far from ideal. These fickle, restless fans of adventure, travel, and adventure will initially experience great interest in each other. Then Gemini's tendency to criticize, which Sagittarius cannot stand, will do a disservice. After some time, restless partners may develop new interests - each has their own, and neither one nor the other is able to work on maintaining the relationship.

Sagittarius woman - Cancer man

Partners born under these constellations are not a match for each other. “Fiery” Sagittarius is overly frank, to the point of tactlessness, while Cancer is too sensitive and touchy for this. Sagittarius's independence prevents him from becoming a strong support and providing stability to relationships. The very first reproaches of Cancer will lead to the fact that the Sagittarius woman will disappear from his horizon. In sex, a couple can find harmony, but outside the bedroom it is difficult to achieve.

Sagittarius woman - Leo man

These people seem to be made for each other, including in the sexual sphere. They do not limit the personal freedom of their partner, but do not even try to avoid each other: they are comfortable and fun together, especially since representatives of both signs are big fans of adventure. Their union has the most promising prospects.

Sagittarius woman - Virgo man

It is unlikely that this couple will ever become harmonious. A restless adventurer will treat the calm, intellectual Virgo as a boring, boring person, and she will see Sagittarius as a frivolous and unreliable partner. They can come to a certain agreement only under one blanket, but this will not save their relationship.

Sagittarius woman - Libra man

A pair with good compatibility. Libras are distinguished by their prudence and tolerance, and therefore the originality of Sagittarius’s nature will not confuse them at all. Moreover, they will be able to see undoubted merits in him. Both alone and as part of a large company, they will be comfortable and interesting with each other. For both partners this circumstance is very important. The relationship has every chance to last a long time.

Sagittarius woman - Scorpio man

There is an extremely small chance that the partners will decide to further develop the relationship. Scorpio, who is a big owner by nature, will not tolerate Sagittarius’ desire for personal freedom. A man wants to have a relationship with a person whom he could completely trust, but a Sagittarius woman is a bad candidate for this role.

Sagittarius woman - Sagittarius man

Of all the combinations of zodiac signs, the union of two Sagittarius is the most unpredictable. There is nothing strange in this, considering that people of this sign are completely spontaneous in their actions. In the process of developing relationships, all the shortcomings of the partners may appear. The time will come when one of them or both at once will rush in search of new experiences, and then the uselessness of the existing union will become obvious.

Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

Communication between representatives of these signs is possible only for a short time. They simply cannot stand being together for long. The impulsiveness and frankness (sometimes excessive) of Sagittarius will arouse the wariness of the calm, prudent, secretive Capricorn, prone to hoarding. In addition, the second one will not put up with Streltsov’s manner of spending money left and right.

Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man

A couple with good potential. Aquarius’ desire and willingness to make compromises will help to realize it and thereby give balance to the relationship. It is not jealousy, the lack of desire to lead, or the passion for adventure of both partners that creates the basis for mutual understanding. Compatibility is good.

Sagittarius woman - Pisces man

Sexual life can give partners many pleasant moments, but in other areas everything will not be so smooth. Both Pisces and Sagittarius need to feel reliable support nearby, but both signs are not suitable for this role. The time will come when the partner will be depressed by the excessive modesty of her Pisces partner, and she will rush to a more eventful life. And the man will have no desire to detain her.