Personal astrological forecast for the week. Personal astrological forecast for the week Weekly horoscope for everyone

The general weekly horoscope will tell you what awaits us in the period from March 16 to March 22, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020- Today in the horoscope Mercury returns to Pisces in direct motion. This means that a week begins when all the secrets, intrigues, gossip and confusion that arose in February-March under the influence of retro Mercury in Pisces will become clearer and revealed. The horoscope recommends listening carefully to everything that they say to you (or to you, or those around you).

Tuesday, March 17, 2020- despite the business atmosphere of the day, the horoscope invites you to experiment. For example, do something at work not the way you are used to, but in a new way. You are generally not recommended to be distracted by anything from work - it is in the business sphere that you may be unexpectedly lucky today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020- the height of the working week will be truly businesslike, energetic and productive. The horoscope will contain astrological influences that patronize big things, major projects, business successes and scope for action. But do not try to act around the authorities or laws - everything should be strictly within the official framework and for the benefit of the matter.

Thursday, March 19, 2020- be careful, today the horoscope includes astrological influences that will make your week very happy and productive. Do not miss your chance. The first influence patronizes large-scale actions in business life, large projects, and successful work. The second will add patience and responsibility to you, and help you focus on the main task.

Friday, March 20, 2020- today the trends of yesterday continue in the horoscope. And to them is added the transition of the Sun into Aries. This is the astrological New Year, a new round of life, a point from which you will accomplish a lot in a year. Initiative and courage will be more valuable now than ever.

Saturday, March 21, 2020- the main trends of the week continue today. The horoscope still patronizes brave and strong individualists who are busy with something global. And besides, today will bring an unexpected meeting or news. It is possible that you will have to go somewhere unplanned.

Sunday, March 22, 2020- today the horoscope harmoniously combines the most contradictory aspects of life: frantic energy with the ability to relax and enjoy some everyday little things, practicality with romance, focus on business victories and being busy with serious things - with the opportunity to chat with friends or take a walk. You can do all of the above at once or choose what you want more by the end of the week.

  • Lucky Zodiac signs of the week: The horoscope portends luck for almost all signs. Lucky people will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. What sign is missing? This, and also why this sign was not among the lucky ones, see below.
  • Neutral zodiac signs of the week: Cancer. And only because the Moon is waning, and this does not put Cancers in the best mood. If they do not look at life pessimistically, everything will be fine for them too.
  • Unlucky Zodiac signs of the week: No.


Astrological event of the week:

From February 2017 to April 2021, with a peak this week, there is a favorable interaction between the two higher planets: Neptune and Proserpine. There will be several such peak situations during 2019 and 2020. The planet Proserpina (a transplutonian planet) was discovered by the Americans in 1983, then they “lost” it again; The orbit is still unknown, but the ancients wrote about it 2000 years ago, indicating its epochal cycle around the Sun - 555 years.

In the mythology of the ancient Romans, Proserpina is the goddess of vegetation. She helps some heroes of myths (for example, Orpheus and Theseus) return to Earth (Proserpina - Persephone).

Previous times, favorable aspects of Proserpina and Neptune were in 1806-1813 and in 1877-1882. During such periods, there is a growth in the national-patriotic spirit, new scientific discoveries occur, the rebirth of the national spirit, there is a leap in the birth of great people who in the future become “the engines of all mankind”: military men, doctors, discoverers, teachers, esotericists, architects, musicians and composers, since Neptune is responsible for music, and Proserpina for the system of transforming the world.

In the chart of the average person, this aspect has a subtle influence, but can encourage the search for new horizons. If our civilization ever meets with representatives of other worlds, then this meeting will take place under the conjunction or favorable interaction of Proserpina and Neptune.

This aspect enhances the craving for beauty, increases the tendency to connect current events with mystical experiences, and another dimension, the third eye, can open up. It is not for nothing that this aspect is considered a connecting link between our world and the afterlife. Under it, the ability to see prophetic dreams, talk with the souls of ancestors, discover, train and cultivate extraordinary qualities in yourself, train your body and soul in a single harmonious way, like the fictional character of Boris Akunin’s books Erast Petrovich Fandorin, can awaken.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (mystical writer - April 1, 1809) had the trine of Neptune and Proserpine in their horoscopes; Franz Liszt (outstanding composer - October 22, 1811); Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova (wife of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - August 27, 1812); Alexander Fleming (microbiologist who discovered penicillin - August 6, 1881); Albert Einstein (genius - March 14, 1879), and will also have children born:

from May 5 to August 15, 2015;
from March 21 to October 8, 2016;
from February 9, 2017 to April 24, 2021;
from September 15, 2021 to March 19, 2022;
from November 8, 2022 to February 2, 2023.

On Monday, the horoscope warns: you should not expect either diplomacy or subordination from yourself and others. The stars are positioned in such a way that the rebellious spirit will prevail over any other emotions. But such a state is extremely favorable for creative endeavors - the flight of your thoughts will not be limited by anything, and on this wave you can create masterpieces! An unconventional view of the problem and clarity of mind will allow you to find solutions even to those tasks that have long been abandoned as impossible.

Tuesday, March 17

This day is similar to the famous London fog: in it you may not notice anything around you except gray clouds that have descended to the ground, even if you suddenly collide with the Queen of England herself! But, unlike the external world, in your own inner world you can make a lot of interesting discoveries: according to the horoscope, this day is perfect for introspection, making plans for the future and thinking about any, even the most confusing, situations.

Wednesday, March 18

A relaxing morning run and low-intensity home exercises for all muscle groups can be a good start to the day on Wednesday! The horoscope promises on this day many interesting and unusual events related to active pastime and meeting new people. In order not to get too tired during this interesting, but active and sometimes overly fussy day, morning exercises in the morning are what you need to get a charge of vigor and positivity for the next 24 hours.

Thursday, March 19

On Thursday, opportunity stars will fall from the sky: try to catch at least one of them, realizing a rare chance! Of course, walking under falling stars is not always safe: starburst can also occur if you do not take precautions. The horoscope encourages: on Thursday you can and should dare to take decisive actions, unless, of course, their need is ripe and they are not associated with reckless risk.

Friday, March 20

On Friday, the heavens give many the opportunity to turn back time: you get a chance to take back words spoken in vain, remember the joy of communicating with an old friend, correct a mistake or apologize for a wrongdoing. The horoscope on Friday suggests rethinking the moments of your relationship that concern you, and, perhaps, giving up stupid pride, taking a step towards the one with whom you have lost mutual understanding.

Saturday, March 21

On Saturday, the horoscope promises an easy and pleasant day for work and communication! In the morning, the stars advise you to concentrate your energy on those tasks that you have never dared to take on before: it will not be difficult for you to start them and finish them successfully. The only thing is, try to politely refuse those who try to borrow an amount that you consider serious: Saturday is absolutely not suitable for borrowing money. Well, you can take part in any other way of helping others.

Sunday, March 22

On Sunday, the stars promise an extraordinary surge of strength - both physical and creative. There is no need to resist the desire to sort out the accumulated tasks, they can be completed with ease and there will even be time to start new ones. The horoscope advises on this day not to be afraid to decisively dot the i’s, and this applies not only to work, but also to love relationships. On Sunday, it's time to clarify the unclear situation, ask disturbing questions and take control of the situation. The decisions made will bring peace and peace of mind.

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Weekly horoscope

It would be a good idea to use the rhythms of this week to maximize your own potential, power over yourself, and acquire reliable practical skills. After all, this time is favorable for creative growth and inspired work in any field. There may be a desire for independence, a change in relationships and the search for new connections, and the manifestation of leadership positions. It is possible that you will have a chance to take your family and romantic relationships to a new height: start treating each other more carefully. Although on weekends there is likely to be inconsistency in actions and actions.

At the beginning of this week, try to avoid showdowns with loved ones, especially with your loved one. In the second half of the week, in the flow of information received, you will be able to grasp the latest trends and trends, but at the same time you will be able to maintain the ability to think soberly and be able to develop

Participating in collective activities this week will bring you a lot of trouble, however, you can gain invaluable experience. However, on Thursday, refuse to sign financial documents and official papers, as they will be extremely unprofitable for you. Although by the end of the week

Ordinary life will probably seem too boring and predictable this week, so you will happily jump at the opportunity to take part in some adventure or adventure. And on Wednesday, new partners can turn your head, so it will be important to decide at the very beginning what goals

This week you will be able to turn even an unfavorable situation to your advantage if you listen to the voice of your intuition. Although a lot will still depend on whether you can be in the right place at the right time. But don't rely completely on the blind

Those close to August Leos these days, however, like colleagues and superiors, will be kind and attentive. In addition, it is possible that during this period one of you will receive a very tempting offer, either career-related or love-related. And miss this one

Try to finish urgent matters this week first and only then engage in hobbies or entertainment. But do not be surprised that your secret plans will inevitably be interfered with by forces whose influence you could not predict in advance. However, it is in the struggle that you can strengthen your

In the first half of the week, October Libras may still have echoes of a showdown or dissatisfaction with work and bosses, but from Thursday many of you will enter a favorable period, and what recently irritated, touched a nerve or upset you will seem worthless, petty, empty and

This week is a good time to start new partnerships or strengthen old ones, so take the time to hold a family council and discuss your plans with family members. This will save you from making wrong steps. However, on Friday, try not to change anything in your life, because

The beginning of this week is not suitable for concluding contracts. In addition, you will have to completely depend on people who are unlikely to want to take into account your opinion. Therefore, try not to be led by your emotions, as this can deprive you of your ability to think constructively. But in

The events of this week may turn out to be instructive for you - some circumstances will force you to learn good lessons in order to either bypass or take advantage of a similar situation in the future. Moreover, all this will happen without any special storms or outbursts, so the science of

You will be able to work tirelessly, so try to alternate work with rest this week and act according to plan so as not to do more than the situation requires. And try not to promise something that you really can’t deliver. At all costs, try at the very beginning

No problems are expected either at home or at work, and even, on the contrary, in some ways you will be able to outperform your competitors and rivals. And everything seems to be fine with my health. So we can consider it a good week. Although those born in February

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign

Planning your affairs in advance is the key to their success. And in order to make a realistically feasible plan, it is important to carefully review the weekly horoscope, which is guaranteed to become your good advisor.

Having studied a woman’s horoscope for a week, representatives of the fair half will know when and what is most appropriate to do to achieve the best result, manage everything and at the same time enjoy life. In addition, with its help you can avoid many conflicts and troubles, bypassing all the pitfalls.

Who among us has not wanted to look into the future at least once in our lives? At the same time, everyone has their own reasons. Those who have a family would like to gain confidence in the future. In adolescence and adolescence, many expect something incredible and unusual from the future, so they can’t wait to get to know it.

Horoscopes help solve this issue. However, it is very difficult to independently understand all the signs of the zodiac and the influence of planets on them. Therefore, our astrologers, taking into account all factors (the influence of the Moon and the Sun, the astrodynamics of the planets and their influence on each zodiac sign), have created an accurate weekly horoscope that will help you make the right decision and avoid many problems and misunderstandings.

By compiling a weekly horoscope, we tried not only to most accurately predict your future, but also to give the right advice that will help you achieve harmony and attract luck into your life. Following the recommendations of our astrologers, problems that recently seemed like a difficult task will seem like minor troubles to you.