How to sheathe a ceiling with plastic: technology and a complete description from professionals. Originality of plastic panels Is it possible to sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels

Life modern man It is impossible to imagine without products made of polyvinyl chloride, and this material is found in almost all spheres of life. Construction and interior decoration are the most active areas in this regard.

Very often in Lately You can see ceilings decorated with PVC panels. Appearance Such surfaces are quite stylish, and the cladding itself is characterized by practicality. At the same time, even a beginner in the construction industry or a simple person can perform installation work. House master.

Types of PVC ceiling panels

A polyvinyl chloride panel for finishing the ceiling space consists of two plastic sheets connected by stiffening ribs. Along the edges of the panel there are fastening strips: large on one side, small on the other. The large strip allows you to easily attach the panel to the frame; with the help of a small strip, the panels are fastened together. For greater adhesion strength, each panel is equipped with a spike on the side. With proper care and correct operation plastic ceiling panels can last up to 10 years.

Ceiling panels have two types of connections. In one case, after installation, a visible joint is noted between the elements; in the second case, the junction is not visible.

By color scheme ceiling panels are divided into the following types:

  • Plain products are characterized by simplicity and practicality at the same time. Thanks to its resistance to ultraviolet rays, the shade is maintained throughout its entire service life.
  • Lacquered panels have a glossy surface due to the application of a layer of varnish. This coating makes the surface of the panel stronger and its appearance more stylish. However, varnished panels are afraid of any mechanical impact, as a result of which cracks or scratches form on the surface.
  • Patterned products have specific patterns on them. outside. For the manufacture of such panels it is used soft plastic, which makes them cheaper, but shortens their service life.
  • Laminated panels can imitate natural natural materials, for example, wood and stone. The disadvantage of such products is poor resistance to sunlight, under the influence of which cracks appear on the surface. As a result, consumer performance is significantly reduced.

There are also several standard sizes of PVC panels. The standard length of products is 2700, 3000, 4000 and 6000 mm, the width of the panels can range from 100 to 250 mm.

Depending on the shape, the following types of polyvinyl chloride panels can be distinguished:

  • Sheet products are characterized sufficiently large sizes. Small fasteners are used to secure them.
  • The design of tile-type panels is similar to conventional tiles. The size of such elements is not very large, their appearance is quite aesthetic, and operation is not particularly difficult.
  • The slatted material resembles lining in appearance and in the method of installation. Special construction staples are used for fastening.

What is the difference between wall and ceiling panels

Despite the fact that the panels for finishing walls and ceilings are made of the same material, there is a difference between the products. Wall panels must withstand additional load, for example, from shelves or decorative elements. Consequently, such products are durable and heavier. Panels for decorating the ceiling space are lightweight, this is necessary to simplify installation work on the ceiling. The fragility of such products of great importance does not, since the ceiling space is practically not exposed to physical impact.

Advantages of plastic panels

Ceiling panels in most cases are made from polyvinyl chloride, which is characterized by increased strength and other positive properties.

When comparing plastic panels with other finishing materials, several advantages can be highlighted in favor of PVC panels:

  • Longer service life than natural materials.
  • Reliable protection ceiling from negative impact external factors.
  • Simple installation and easy maintenance.
  • Possibility of laying electrical communication wires.

  • Low cost, thanks to which most consumers have the opportunity to purchase plastic panels.
  • The versatility of PVC products makes it possible to decorate absolutely any premises, regardless of purpose and design style.
  • Plastic does not deform, does not absorb moisture, does not give in negative impact ultraviolet rays and is not afraid of temperature changes.
  • The panels can withstand minor mechanical impacts and are completely resistant to abrasion. In addition, the surface can be washed using aggressive acid-base compounds and any cleaning agents.
  • The ability to maintain color and shape throughout the entire operational period, with the exception of places where direct sunlight constantly falls on the surface.
  • High sound insulation characteristics are excellent for creating an insulating layer in rooms where peace and quiet is needed.
  • Easy dismantling of the panels allows you to remove and reinstall the products.
  • The ability to replace individual ceiling design elements without causing damage to the entire surface.

However, all materials, even with improved qualities, may have drawbacks; in this regard, plastic panels for ceiling decoration are no exception. At choosing PVC panels it is worth considering some points. Firstly, it is not recommended to use plastic panels in rooms with a predominance of high temperatures. Under their influence, products made of polyvinyl chloride tend to become deformed beyond repair. Also plastic Low quality characterized by the release of harmful and toxic substances when heated strongly.

You should avoid using low-quality materials in recreation rooms and for children. In addition, most products made from polyvinyl chloride are characterized by poor fire resistance, which can very often cause a tragedy. Therefore, you should give preference to materials from trusted manufacturers who provide a guarantee for their products.

Calculation of material for installation

For high-quality finishing of the ceiling with PVC panels and to avoid extra expenses it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of material for work. In the calculation process, we take as a basis standard sizes ceiling panels:

  • Length – 2.7-3 meters.
  • Width – 0.25-0.5 meters.
  • Thickness – 5-10 mm.

The calculation begins by determining the area of ​​one panel, multiplying its length by its width. Then they begin to calculate the area of ​​the ceiling space, which is to be finished with plastic panels. For this purpose, it is also necessary to multiply the length of the surface by its width. The next step is to calculate the required number of panels; to do this, divide the ceiling area by the area of ​​one panel. The result is increased by approximately 20% for the margin, the resulting value is rounded up.

To solve the question of how to properly cover a ceiling with plastic panels, in addition to the panels, you should calculate the amount of materials that will be required to create the frame. To facilitate the calculation process, a reduced ceiling plan with longitudinal lines drawn will help. Most often, slats and profiles are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm, with this calculation the number of frame elements is determined.

As for fasteners, the distance between fasteners and the number of profiles are most often taken as a basis. The standard step between fixation points is 30-40 cm. We advise you to understand in advance how to properly attach PVC panels to the ceiling so as not to make mistakes.

When performing any calculations when finishing the ceiling with panels, it is necessary to make provisions in case of unforeseen situations.

Preparatory work

Preparatory activities prior to the installation of polyvinyl chloride panels on the ceiling include the selection necessary tools for work and surface treatment of the main ceiling.

In the process of deciding how to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels, you may need the following tools:

  • Hammer to facilitate frame assembly.
  • A screwdriver for fixing the sheathing elements and the panels themselves.
  • A building level, without which no surface marking can be done.
  • Marker or pencil.
  • Tape measure for taking measurements.
  • Electric jigsaw, which is used to adjust elements to the desired size.
  • A ladder or stepladder for performing installation work at height.
  • Rubber mallet for fitting PVC panels.
  • Construction stapler may be necessary when using special brackets as fasteners.

In the process of preparing to finish the ceiling with PVC panels, do the following with your own hands:

  • Turn off the power to electrical appliances and lighting and disassemble them.
  • Remove old finishing materials.
  • Clean dust and dirt from the ceiling.
  • Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, tap the ceiling surface with a small hammer and identify problem areas. Correct any detected defects before starting installation work.
  • Finished surface cover with a layer of primer, wait for it to dry and proceed directly to finishing the ceiling with plastic panels.

Methods for finishing the ceiling with PVC panels

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling can be done by a simple home craftsman. Although, in order to qualitatively solve the question of how to decorate the ceiling with panels, you need to know that there are several ways to decorate the ceiling with polyvinyl chloride panels. In the first case, the panels are attached directly to the ceiling, in the second, a suspended frame is used.

Frame method of fastening panels

Lining the ceiling with plastic onto the frame sheathing is a popular method of finishing surfaces, since in this case it becomes possible to hide any defects on the ceiling. Using the frame, you can fix plastic panels in absolutely any room, including those in which there is no heating or where there is high humidity. You can install the frame yourself, without involving experienced craftsmen.

You can hem the ceiling with plastic with your own hands at wooden blocks, plastic strips or metallic profile. When choosing the type of material for lathing, you should consider several factors:

  • The size of defects on the ceiling.
  • An indicator of the humidity level in the room.
  • Level of skill in working with certain types of material and knowledge of how to sheathe walls and ceilings with plastic.

It is easiest and most financially profitable to work with plastic sheathing. It can be installed in a room with any humidity, and its low cost gives it a great advantage over other finishing materials. Due to their small thickness, it is possible to hem the ceiling with plastic panels in a room with low ceilings, the height of the room in this case will not undergo much change.

The disadvantages of plastic sheathing include limited use. Such profiles can only be installed on a perfectly flat surface. Even if there are defects in the main ceiling of about 5 mm, an ideal coating will not work.

Metal profiles and wooden bars are popular due to their low cost, durability and resistance to the adverse effects of external factors. Such options are quite often used to create a frame when finishing the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands.

The creation of a frame for attaching plastic panels should be taken quite responsibly; only in this case can a high-quality result in the work be achieved. Frame technology in most cases it is used in rooms without heating or with high humidity. Under such conditions, the coating without a frame undergoes deformation and simply peels off from the main surface.

The frame is assembled and fixed to the ceiling, placing the main elements at a distance of up to half a meter. Fastening the panels to the sheathing when finishing the ceiling with plastic is done with nails or self-tapping screws.

The panels are applied one by one to the frame and each panel is cut off. Pre-cutting elements can cause unnecessary damage to the material.

After installing all the polyvinyl chloride panels, decorate the corner joints of the walls and ceiling with skirting boards and borders, securing them with liquid nails.

Fastening PVC panels without frame

Already by the name you can understand that polyvinyl chloride panels are attached directly to the main ceiling. Therefore, you can line the ceiling with plastic using a special adhesive composition, which allows you to securely fix the panels to the ceiling.

To obtain a high-quality result when deciding how to sew up a ceiling with plastic, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • WITH work surface remove dust and dirt.
  • Apply a layer of primer.
  • Apply using a notched trowel adhesive composition onto the treated surface.
  • Glue is also applied to the panel; these can be dots or lines on the inside.
  • The panel is applied to the ceiling and pressed with little force for a short time.
  • The position of the glued panel can be adjusted until the adhesive has dried.

Unfortunately, with this method of fastening polyvinyl chloride panels, it is impossible to install spotlights and other lighting devices that are used when installing lighting for multi-level structures. Therefore, before lining the ceiling with PVC panels, you should consider all the options.

Main manufacturers

Ceiling panels are produced by companies from different countries peace.

The Belgian company Venta can be called a leader in the construction market. The products of this brand have a wide variety of technical specifications and design.

The world-famous Italian manufacturer Forte is famous for its products manufactured using the most advanced technologies.

The Moscow factory "Planet Plastic" has only recently entered the construction market, but has already managed to win the hearts of consumers. This became possible thanks to the use of imported materials and foreign equipment.

Today one of the simplest, but effective methods in terms of finishing the room, this means finishing the ceiling and walls with plastic panels. Let's take a closer look at advantages of PVC panels and installation.

This type of material has occupied a fairly strong niche in the domestic market among other finishing materials. The panels contain durable, lightweight and hard polyvinyl chloride.
Therefore, finishing walls and ceilings with plastic panels is often done not only in residential premises, but also in offices, shops and other institutions where there is a lot of traffic.

Advantages of PVC panels

The material gained its popularity due to its numerous advantages when decorating premises.
Distinctive characteristics:

  • Low price, which attracts many consumers.
  • Increased moisture resistance, which allows the material to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • The strength of the material will allow it to be used for a long period.
  • For cleaning, you can use any means without restrictions.
  • It is easy to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands.
  • PVC panels are a good sound insulator.
  • Finishing the ceilings with plastic panels will allow you to implement any design solution.

The disadvantages include:

  • The material is very sensitive to temperature changes, and the panels tend to deform.
  • When finishing the ceiling with plastic, it is recommended to do everything carefully, since a strong impact or pressure can damage them.
  • Naturally, the quality of the material is inferior to natural raw materials, so installation in the bedroom and nursery is not advisable.

Types of PVC panels

Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, let’s take a closer look at all types of panels.
Types of panels are divided into three main types:

  • Slatted PVC panels, which have the same appearance as the lining. The panels are installed using fastening brackets.
  • PVC panels for tiles are mounted in exactly the same way as slatted panels, but have a more attractive appearance.
  • Sheet PVC panels are installed using nails and glue, cracks are sealed using sealant or a narrow strip of the same color. Most often they have a large pattern, similar in appearance to plywood, see photo.

What should you consider before choosing panels?

Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​the ceiling, after which it is necessary to determine the type of material, and also correctly determine the length and width.

Attention. If we talk about traditional sizes, they are sold 20-50 cm wide and 5-100 mm thick with a matte or glossy surface.

After the maximum thickness is determined, a plastic cornice is then selected. If the walls are finished with the same material, then it is necessary to purchase special joining profiles for the corners (internal and external).
The length of the panels ranges from 2.6 to 6 m. Therefore, when calculating the area, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions so that a minimum amount of waste remains at the finish.
The ideal plastic ceiling finish is when the dimensions of the ceiling match the material.

Attention. When choosing panels, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. If waves and differences are found on the surface, the finish will be distorted.
It is not recommended to install defective material even in corners and invisible places; anyway, one element can affect the structure as a whole.

When choosing quality material the ceiling will last a long period of use, and the surface will be perfectly flat.

Any kind finishing works provides for the use necessary materials and tools.
For finishing we will need:

  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Scissors.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette.
  • Square.
  • Pencil.
  • Metal profiles or wooden slats for sheathing.
  • Stationery knife.

Plastic finishing of ceilings provides several installation methods. The choice of method directly depends on the surface and humidity level in the room.

Installation methods, instructions

One of the methods is frameless, PVC panels are installed directly on the ceiling or walls. This method used when the surface is relatively flat.
The second method is wireframe. In this case, finishing the ceilings with plastic begins with installing the lathing.
The frame can be made of wood or metal profiles.

Frameless finish

In this case, PVC panels are attached directly to the surface; liquid nails or special glue are used as fastening elements. The method is used only in a dry room.
The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel, which is used during installation. tiles. Frameless installation will significantly save time on frame assembly.
The photo shows the installation of PVC panels using the frameless method.

Listening. When using the frameless method, you should remember that it will not be possible to install recessed lamps.

Installation of panels using a frame

If the room has high humidity or the surface is uneven, then you cannot do without a special sheathing. For assembly you will need wooden blocks, plastic and metal profiles.

Remember. It is better to use a wooden frame in a dry room. If for some reason this is not possible, then the frame must be carefully treated with special means before installation.

To finish a wooden frame you will need:

  • Reiki (from 1-4 cmX4-5 cm).
  • Dowels or screws.
  • Electric drill.
  • Building level.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.

Wood slats First, they are attached along the entire perimeter, then in increments of 40 cm, using dowel nails or self-tapping screws. PVC panels are attached to a wooden frame using a stapler or small nails.
For a metal frame you will need all the materials and tools as for installation under plasterboard construction. The frame is installed similarly to plasterboard, only without transverse profiles.
UD goes along the perimeter of the room, and CD is hung across the panels.

In order to mask the joints, you can use L-start and foam plinth. The very last panel will most likely need to be adjusted and secured with glue.
The ceiling plinth will help hide all the cracks. To ensure that there is a slight deflection in the middle, it is recommended to insert the very first panel into the fillets on the sides and lightly press it against the frame, pushing until the element fits into the parallel fillet.
In the case of wooden frames, a construction stapler is used, with metal screws. For more accurate information, you can watch the training video.

Properties of PVC panels

To know exactly what to expect from this type of material, you need to refer to the properties of polyvinyl chloride:

  • Lack of hygroscopicity.
  • Waterproof.
  • Lack of large pores (therefore not subject to rapid contamination).

For reference. Please note that when installed, the glossy panels hardly get dirty. Contaminants may remain on the matte surface, which can be easily removed.

The density of plastic is much greater than that of water, the material is considered heavy, however, the honeycomb structure provides light weight with optimal rigidity. The material is also resistant to alkalis, so you can safely use household chemicals, but it melts easily, so you should be wary of temperatures above 80 degrees.
When installing PVC panels on the sheathing, there is no connection to the rough load-bearing flat ceiling.
Inside it is possible to hide all electrical wires and communications. You can easily install spotlights directly into the ceiling.
There are only 2 reasons why a user might refuse a material in favor of a different finish:

  • If the room is provided with too bright lighting, you will have to abandon the too bright halogen lamps in favor of LED lamps.
  • Longitudinal seams are visible even in seamless panels, which is especially problematic for large rooms.

The use of PVC ceilings in the interior

IN in this case about the use of plastic panels are often used in small wet rooms.
This includes categories:

  • Kitchen.
  • Bathroom(see Finishing a bathroom with plastic panels: how to do it yourself).
  • Toilet.
  • Narrow corridors.

For rooms such as a hall, nursery or bedroom, they are more suitable plasterboard ceilings, tension structures. What parameters can you choose? PVC ceilings, here should be based on the design of the room.
Light shades visually make the room much taller and more spacious, and glossy surface further enhances this feeling, but emphasizes the unevenness. Therefore, care should be taken during installation work.

The plastic surface is suitable for absolutely any ceiling, be it a kitchen, bathroom or balcony. The covering procedure is quite simple, and to understand what needs to be done and in what order, just watch a few videos on the topic of covering the ceiling with plastic. In this article we will try to consider all the nuances of this process.

What material to choose for covering the ceiling with plastic

Plastic lining is similar to wooden lining, but it is a little thinner and is made not of wood, but of polymer material.

Plastic panels are also made of plastic, but they are 3-4 times wider than the lining. Therefore, their installation takes much less time. In addition, the color range of panels is much wider; manufacturers have taken care and prepared an assortment in which you can find a shade to suit every taste. But plastic lining usually only comes white.

By sheathing the ceiling with plastic, you can and should save on material. It's very simple. To ensure that there is as little scraps and leftover plastic as possible, first determine in which direction the panels will be placed, measure the width or length of the room and select panels whose width or length will be a multiple of your measurements. For example, if you want to sheathe a room 2.5 meters wide, placing the plates crosswise in a transverse version, then you need to find 5-meter panels and simply cut them in half. You can do the same with the width of the panels by first measuring the length of the room and calculating how many panels will fit on the ceiling.

Preparing consumables for ceiling cladding

To cover the ceiling with plastic, you will need not only the panels themselves, but also some other materials:

  • Wooden beams or aluminum profiles for the future frame;
  • All kinds of fastenings - screws, hangers, dowels, etc.;
  • Ceiling plastic plinth.

Once the materials have been purchased, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Plastic ceiling cladding technology

Installation of supporting frame

Plastic panels must be attached to something. Naturally, you can't just glue them to the ceiling. To install panels, you must first create load-bearing frame, which will hold your entire plastic ceiling.

Step-by-step installation instructions:

Covering the frame with plastic

So let's get started.

Continue attaching the plates to each other, thus filling the ceiling space.

Sixth, when you get to last panel, then you will first need to trim it a little in width, and then insert one side in the same way as all the previous ones, and hide the second side behind the previously attached ceiling plinth. It is not necessary to firmly fasten the last element.

We wrote earlier that it is worth making holes for lamps in advance. If you took care of this, then simply install the lamps and your ceiling is ready! We hope that our detailed description of the steps together with photographs will help you figure out how to sheathe a ceiling with plastic.

Finishing ceilings with PVC panels with your own hands is quite simple work, which you can easily produce yourself and save some money on hiring specialists. This finishing material It is quite light and durable, while it has a long service life. Special additives ensure its temperature stability, non-flammability and absence of unpleasant odors. Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels does not require preliminary leveling of the surface. You can use it to hide engineering Communication, but you will have to sacrifice a few centimeters of wall height.

The modern construction market offers panels that imitate color and texture natural materials, and simply colorful products. It is only important to remember that covering the ceiling with plastic panels cannot be carried out using wall products. Ceiling strips are lighter and more flexible, making them easier to work with at height and they will not fall off under the influence of gravity.

The parameters of plastic panels are as follows: thickness ranges from 5 to 10 mm, width - from 250 to 500 mm, length - from 2700 to 3000 mm. Mounting profiles are available in standard length- 3000 mm.

First you need to calculate the area of ​​one panel (multiply the width by the length), and then the area of ​​the ceiling. The second number must be divided by the first, and then add 15% for trimming and stock. It is recommended to round the resulting figure to more so that during work you do not have to purchase additional material.

It is also very important to correctly count the number of metal profiles or wooden slats. For this purpose, you need to draw on paper a proportionally reduced ceiling plan. After this, draw longitudinal lines along one wall, and set a distance of 400-600 mm between the profiles. Now it’s easy to calculate how much material is needed for the entire room.

Having completed the calculations, draw a line on the walls along the perimeter of the ceiling: more rigid profiles that can support the entire structure will be laid here. This data also needs to be recorded. The number of dowel screws is calculated based on the number of profiles and the installation pitch of fasteners measuring 30 cm. It is also advisable to add a little for reserve. To reduce the cost of work, you can replace the metal profile with a wooden one, and the fasteners with brackets.

Preparatory work

As mentioned above, finishing the ceiling with plastic does not require serious preparation; it is enough to do the following:

  1. Remove the old coating, dismantle all lighting equipment, wires and clean the ceiling of dirt and dust.
  2. Tap its surface with a hammer, checking for weak fragments.
  3. If such are found, they should be removed, and the resulting defects and detected cracks should be repaired with cement-sand mortar.
  4. Wait a few days for the solution to dry and apply an antiseptic primer.

Now you need to prepare the following tools and supplies:

  • Construction level, pencil or marker, tape measure.
  • Dowel screws or staples, metal scissors, profiles or wooden slats, hammer drill.
  • Hacksaw, screwdriver.

Installation of panels on the frame

This method of finishing the ceiling with PVC panels with your own hands has become the most widespread. Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, markings are applied and a frame is mounted for the future structure, which will become a rigid and reliable foundation for it.

Ceiling markings

The first step is to identify the ceiling blockage using a building level. This will be the lowest point. Taking into account this level, lines should be drawn along the perimeter of the walls under the ceiling. If you plan to install it on suspensions, it is important to consider the distance by which the surface must be lowered. After this, you need to find the center of the ceiling and draw a longitudinal line using a building level. Each new markup element must be checked for correct placement. Then apply longitudinal lines along the remaining area, retreating 400-600 mm.

Using a building level, surfaces are marked for installing the frame on the ceiling

Installation of suspended frame

In order to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands in a high-quality manner, you need to correctly assemble the frame. This stage consists of the following steps:

  • The metal profile is cut to length and leans against the markings. Holes are made in the profile and the wall at a distance of 300 mm from each other into which dowels are installed.
  • After this, hangers are installed and the metal profile is fixed at a certain height. Then the ends are secured with screws.
  • The edges of the suspended profile should be inserted into the cavity of the carrier around the perimeter and also secured with screws.

Installation of lathing on the ceiling under PVC installation panels

On a note! A 60x27 metal beam can be quite expensive for large areas, so you can save a little and buy a wooden frame.

If you plan to install lighting, then in the places where the lamps are fixed you need to strengthen the structure with jumpers. These products are mounted using special fasteners - crabs. You can also cut the profiles in the corners and bend them at right angles.

Mounting the frame directly to the surface

To cover the ceiling with PVC panels you can use next way frame installation:

  1. Installation of the supporting structure occurs in the same way as in the previous case. The edges of the profiles are also fixed with fasteners.
  2. The profiles or beams are attached to the ceiling surface using dowel screws. It is important that the length of the product is sufficient, so it is recommended to choose fasteners with a length of 60 mm.
  3. If the installation of bars is necessary to level the ceiling, then they are attached first, and then the frame is attached to them.
  4. Using the building level and taking into account the markings, it is carried out complete assembly frame.

Ceiling cladding with plastic panels is often carried out in order to hide utility lines and install spotlights. Installation of these systems must be carried out precisely at this stage. For safety reasons, it is recommended to run electrical wiring in a pre-installed corrugated casing. If a spark occurs, the box will extinguish it and thus prevent a fire. This element is mounted to suspensions or a side supporting structure.

Important! When wiring, you need to work only with products disconnected from the network. Connection can only be made after the installation of the ceiling panels has been completed.

Of these two options metal carcass is preferred. Plastic ceiling in the house, installed on such a frame, will last quite a long time. Wooden slats have a relatively short term operation, but are cheaper and easier to install.


Installation of panels

The finishing of ceilings with plastic panels looks like this:

  • A special U-shaped profile is mounted on the installed supporting structure along the perimeter of the walls. Self-tapping screws are used for fixation. You can also use a mounting rail ceiling plinth.

  • After this, the ceiling plinth is mounted into the installed profile. As a result, between this element and load-bearing structure a small gap is formed, which will be used for installing the panels.
  • Now the first bar is installed. It is mounted on a U-shaped profile or in the resulting gap. To do this, the panel tenon is secured to the frame with a screw with a wide head, and the groove remains intact.

  • The correct installation of finishing materials is checked by the building level.
  • Next comes a set of ceiling panels, which are mounted in the groove of the previous element. At this stage, it is important to ensure the tightest contact of the products with each other. It is also recommended to frequently check the correct installation using a building level.
  • After covering the area near the walls, it is necessary to cut holes in the panels for spotlights and install them according to the above diagram. For convenience, it is recommended to immediately take the wires out.

  • Then the main part of the ceiling is sheathed. To install the last panel, you will have to trim the material. In addition, in order not to waste a lot of time on its installation, it is recommended to simply secure the panel to the wall with two screws; subsequently this connection will be hidden by the ceiling plinth.
  • At the end, install the plinth and close the corners with special plastic plugs.

The ceiling covering with plastic is completed. All that remains is to connect the lamps to the previously routed cables, install them in the prepared holes and connect them to the electrical network.


Glue mounting

Ceilings can also be finished with panels without assembling the frame. Let us immediately note that this method requires a perfectly prepared and flat surface. Liquid nails or tile adhesive are used as the working substance. Before covering the ceiling with plastic panels, the surface must be cleaned and primed. Then prepare the adhesive solution according to the instructions on the package. Using a putty knife, apply a thin, even layer to the back of the panel and tenon it to the corner. The following panels are mounted in the same way, inserting the tenon into the groove. The last element is trimmed if necessary. At the very end, the ceiling plinth is installed. This completes the finishing of the ceiling panels.

To sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels, you do not need specialized education or professional tools. It is enough to follow the above instructions and remember the safety rules when working with construction tools.

If you want to update the interior of a living room, bathroom, hallway, or apartment, then you can’t do without reconstructing the ceiling. And one of the options would be to install plastic lining on it. Today, the assortment of construction stores includes many polymer panels made in various color scheme or with patterns imitating natural finishing materials - stone or wood of various species. Therefore, this cladding can be selected to suit any exquisite interior, made in the style you like.

How can you independently, so that the final result looks “professional”, become an integral part of the design of the entire room? This question arises for everyone who starts renovating residential premises, and you should try to answer it within the framework of this article.

Characteristics of PVC ceiling panels

Finishing polymer panels, as a rule, consist of two thin plates, spaced at a certain distance, between which there are stiffening ribs that connect the external and inner side and at the same time make the material more durable. Along the sides of the panels there are elements for connecting individual parts to each other, arranged according to the tongue-and-groove principle. They facilitate the installation of panels and reliably hold them in any position strictly in the same plane.

  • PVC lining, intended for installation on the ceiling, can have dimensions in length from 2400 to 6000 mm, and the width of the strips varies from 100 to 500 mm, thickness - from 5 to 12 mm.
  • Panels are produced with the most different surfaces– they can be glossy and matte, perfectly white or colored, in the form of tiles and slats, with textured pattern or without it.
  • For high-quality finishing, PVC panels are equipped with the necessary assortment of fitting profile elements that help give a finished look to any of the surfaces lined with this material.

Outside corner covers the joint of panels on external corners. Its design allows you to hide the joints of cut unsightly edges.

— F-profile is used to decorate the edges of the finishing structure. You can’t do without it, for example, when lining window slopes, or when finishing a ceiling that has several tiers.

— The joining profile is used in cases where the lining changes its direction. For example, panels are first installed on the ceiling along and then across, which helps to divide the surface into different design zones.

Internal corner installed at the junction of the ceiling and walls, if it is not planned to install a ceiling plinth in this place.

— The starting profile can be set to different places structures, where it is necessary to close the edge of the plastic panel.

— Ceiling plinth is mounted along the perimeter of the ceiling before installing the lining panels, giving the design neatness and completeness. To connect the plinth at the corners, special connecting corners will be needed, under which the cut edges of the plinth are hidden.

  • The material from which the panels are made is environmentally friendly and recognized by the Ministry of Health as safe for the human body.
  • The surface decorated with plastic panels is easy to clean and can be cleaned both wet and dry.
  • The service life of this material is correct installation and care, can be 10 ÷ 12 years, without losing the original appearance.
  • The ease of installation allows, even without experience in this work, to carry out the process of installing the material on the desired surface independently, without the involvement of specialists.
  • Price for plastic lining- not too high, so if one or more panels are damaged, they can be replaced with new ones, without damaging the rest of the surface.

Criteria for choosing plastic ceiling panels

When buying PVC panels, you need to rely on several selection criteria:

  • Panel sizes: width, thickness and length.

The length of the water needs to be said separately - it must be chosen in such a way that there is as little waste as possible. For example, with a room width of 2400 mm, it is worth purchasing lining 2500 or 5000 mm long.

  • Since panels can be of different quality, their prices also vary significantly. You should not purchase cheap finishing materials, as they will last less long than high-quality ones. Determining the quality of the panels is not so difficult, paying attention to the following points:

— Appearance: correct geometry of the panels, quality of the surface, its evenness and uniform distribution of the pattern. Stiffening ribs installed inside the lining should not appear on its surface.

In high-quality panels, the thickness of the outer walls should be at least 1.5–2 mm, the same applies to the stiffeners - the more stable they are, the longer the material will last. If the ribs bend when pressed with your fingers, this indicates low quality of the material, since they should not react to such impact.

— The surface should be uniform and perfectly flat to the touch; longitudinal and transverse distortions are unacceptable.

— It is also necessary to check the ease of joining the two panels. To do this, you need to connect them and see whether you get a single plane without gaps, or whether the surface has unforeseen gaps. High-quality panels should fit together easily, the tenon should fit completely into the groove, leaving no clearly visible traces of assembly on the surface.

Checking the quality of the material - when bending, the plastic should not break

— Another quality criterion is testing the plastic for bending. To do this, you need to bend and straighten the corner of the protruding mounting strip near the panel groove several times. If after these manipulations there are no traces left on its surface and it remains intact, it means that the material used for manufacturing was of high quality, and the technology for molding the parts was fully observed.

Prices for popular types of plastic ceiling panels

Plastic ceiling panels

Calculation of the required amount of materials

In order to calculate the required amount of lining to decorate the ceiling in a certain room, you need to make the following calculations:

  • Determine the area of ​​the ceiling and one panel.
  • Then the resulting surface size must be divided by the panel area - the result will be the number of elements required for installation.
  • It is recommended to add 15% to the result obtained, and then this number is rounded up to a whole number.
  • To determine the length of the fitting starting profile and ceiling cornice, add up two lengths and two widths of the ceiling surface, and then add 15% of the resulting total perimeter to it.
  • To know how much metal profile or wooden beam is required for installation of the frame, which will be installed around the perimeter of the ceiling and on its surface, you need to carry out the following calculation:

— You can determine the length of the frame elements installed around the perimeter in the same way as in the calculation required quantity starting profile.

— Then the size of the ceiling surface between the walls must be divided into equal sections from 400 to 600 mm long. Later, lines will pass through them along which the middle guide battens will be fixed - this will determine the amount of timber (metal profile), and its length will be equal to the width or length of the room, depending on the planned orientation of the finishing material.

If timber is chosen for the frame, its cross-section should be 20×50 mm.

In the case when a metal profile is selected for the sheathing, you can use the table to calculate the number of parts that may be required to install the frame:

Appearance of partsPart name and size in mmUnitConsumption rate per 1 sq.m
Ceiling profile CD 60/27Linear meter3.2
Profile extension 60/110. Used to increase, if necessary, the length of the main profilePC.0.6
Direct ceiling suspension 60/27PC.1.3
Single-level connector (crab) 60/27PC.Can be used to strengthen the frame, for example, when installing additional jumpers or in places where lamps are installed. The quantity is calculated by location.
Self-tapping screw TN 25PC.17
Dowels for securing frame elements to the ceilingPC.1.3

In addition, you will need to purchase screws with a wide head (press washer), with which the lining will be attached to a metal profile or wooden beam, at the rate of 1 piece. per 500 mm length of lining panels.

What else needs to be done before installing the sheathing?

Even if the unsightly surface of the ceiling is completely covered with plastic panels, this does not mean that it does not need to be put in order.

It is necessary to carry out certain renovation work– and, if necessary, even with subsequent priming of the surface with antifungal compounds. Recommendations for performing these operations are on the pages of our portal.

Installation of lathing under ceiling panels

Ceiling markings

Whatever material is chosen for the frame, the markings before attaching it are done in approximately the same way.

  • The ceiling on opposite sides of the room is marked into equal sections.
  • Then a colored twine is taken, stretched along the length or width of the room, and straight lines are struck on the ceiling along which the frame guides will be attached.

  • Lines are also drawn along the perimeter of the ceiling, since bars or profiles will primarily be attached in these areas. Here you need to pay attention to the fact that if the ceiling is lowered on suspensions, then markings for the outer profiles are made on the walls below the joint line to the distance that the plan is to lower the entire structure.
  • If the sheathing will not be mounted on the ceiling surface itself, but in a suspended state, lowered at a certain distance, marks are made on the broken lines, at a distance of 500 ÷ 700 mm from each other, along which the hangers will be fixed.

Frame installation

There are several ways to attach the frame:

1. Installation of the frame, which planned to be lowered to a certain distance, begins with securing the suspensions at the marked points of the broken lines. To do this, holes are drilled in the ceiling through a plumb line using a drill, into which two or three dowels are driven. In this way, the suspensions are fixed on the entire surface of the ceiling.

  • Next, a metal profile is fixed to the walls along the marked lines. Holes are also drilled through it in the wall in increments of 300 ÷ 350 mm, and dowels are driven into them.

  • After this, a metal profile is installed in the hangers at the required height, and fixed on both sides with metal screws.

  • The ends of the hanging profile are installed in the guide profile on the walls and are also secured with two self-tapping screws.

  • If desired, instead of a suspended metal profile 60×27, you can use wooden beams.
  • After this, in the places where the lamps will be fixed, the profile or slats are reinforced with jumpers.

They can be secured using “crabs”, or by cutting the profiles at the corners and bending them at right angles.

2. Another option for securing a wooden frame is to install the timber directly on the ceiling or on pads that are used instead of hangers.

  • The edges of wooden beams on the walls are also installed and secured in metal guide profiles or also on a beam installed on the wall and fixed with metal corners.

  • The timber is nailed to the ceiling with dowels through holes drilled through it. In this case, you need to purchase dowels of such length that they enter the ceiling 50 ÷ 60 mm.
  • If between the ceiling and wooden frame Once wooden pads of the required thickness are installed, they are attached to the ceiling, and timber is screwed onto them using self-tapping screws.

After completing the installation of the frame, it is stretched between its elements electrical wiring for installation of lighting fixtures.

Electric wires It is recommended, for safety reasons, to be pulled through a special insulating material that can be attached to hangers or side parts of a metal profile. When installing wiring, the cables must not be electrically powered. Connection is carried out only after completion of all work on fixing the lining and installing lamps.

Installation of plastic panels

Installation of PVC panels is carried out in the same way, What on a metal profile frame, What on made of wooden beams. It is worth noting that screwing self-tapping screws into wood is easier than using metal elements, but, on the other hand, the frame is made of galvanized profile - in total it is much lighter in weight.

So, the installation of plastic panels occurs in the following sequence:

  • Along the perimeter of the ceiling, on a metal profile or wooden beam The starting U-shaped bar is screwed on.

  • Instead, a rail can be attached for installing a ceiling plinth if you plan to install it.

  • Next, the ceiling plinth itself is installed into the strip, which, together with the strip, forms a gap for installing plastic panels into it.
  • To make it crystal clear how these two parts are mounted, you need to carefully consider the following photo.

  • Next, the first sheathing panel is installed in the U-shaped profile or in the gap formed by the ceiling plinth and strip.

  • The lining panel is leveled and screwed to each beam or frame profile with a self-tapping screw with a wide head.

  • The next panel is inserted with its tenon into the groove of the previous one, thereby hiding the screw head. It is necessary to ensure complete insertion of the mating elements along the entire length of the panel, so that there are no gaps or distortions. The inserted panel is fixed in the same way - using self-tapping screws.
  • In the future, these operations are repeated with each next panel.

  • On the lining panels that fall into the place where it is to be installed, holes are cut out before installation, and the cable is passed through them immediately during installation.
  • The difficulty is in installing the last cladding element, since this process must be carried out very carefully. The main catch here is that the panel fits into the groove of the previous one and into the gap of the starting profile or ceiling plinth. This is difficult to do, so it will be easier to attach the panel to the wall with self-tapping screws, and then the heads will be hidden by the ceiling plinth.

  • The last step is to close the joints with a special corner, which covers the sections of this decorative and functional element.
  • After completing the installation of the casing electrical cables Spotlights are attached.

Switching electrical wiring of lamps...
  • The cable is then tucked under installed panel, and the lamp is inserted into the hole, fixed on special metal “ears” - spacers.

... and installation of lamps in the sockets intended for them.

Craftsmen who professionally install ceiling cladding from any type of lining recommend that during the installation of panels, constantly monitor the evenness of its rows, since bevel of one of them will entail a decrease in the quality of assembly of the entire surface of the ceiling.

Video: step by step Video instruction for installation of ceiling panels

Carry out a similar ceiling update using the recommendations and choosing necessary materials, within the power of every home owner. Therefore, if such a desire arises, you need to boldly take on the work and carry it out slowly, carefully performing each technological operation.

You can try other ceiling finishing options.

Yes, many people like it. True, here, most likely, you will have to face the need for careful decoration.