A device for cutting plinths at an angle of 45. How to cut ceiling plinths using a miter box template

Methods for cutting ceiling plinths for joining in internal and external corners using a miter box, a template or the wall marking method. Rules for selecting tools and useful tips.

The content of the article:

One of the most difficult stages when installing ceiling skirting boards is cutting them correctly. Only by correctly joining the individual elements at the outer and inner corners will you get the desired result. The fillets will look aesthetically pleasing and neat if they are cut at the right angle and the cracks are sealed. To perform this task, a special tool (miter box) is used. And if it is not there, then other devices will help.

Selection of tools for cutting ceiling plinths

To cut correctly and accurately ceiling plinth, you must use a tool suitable for cutting. It is selected depending on the material from which the fillets are made:
  • Styrofoam. It is characterized by low strength and is relatively inexpensive, and therefore foam models are becoming increasingly popular. Their strength does not particularly affect performance characteristics, since usually the ceiling plinth is not subject to mechanical stress. An ordinary stationery knife is suitable for cutting.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. Cheap material, whose density is several times higher than that of foam plastic. Because of this, cutting it is a little more difficult, and therefore a sharp and thin knife is used for this purpose.
  • Tree. Such skirting boards are more difficult to process, although they have many advantages (environmentally friendly, durable). They cost more
    especially if made from hardwood. Before cutting the ceiling plinth from wood, stock up on a hacksaw.
In addition to the tool for directly cutting the baguette, you will need a miter box. This is a special device made of wood, plastic or metal in the form of a box with notches on the sides. A hacksaw or knife can be inserted into it at the desired angle. Thus, the cutting angle is as accurate as possible.

You can purchase it at a hardware store or make it yourself using the following instructions:

  1. Three planks of 50*15 cm are knocked together with a long edge into the shape of a three-sided, rectangular box. Please note that an angle of 90 degrees must be maintained between the side bars and the transverse plank.
  2. Using a protractor, mark a 45 degree angle on the bars. Instead of a protractor, you can use a school square. In it, one angle is 90 degrees, and the other two are 45 degrees.
  3. Before cutting corners, mark the vertical direction with a simple pencil.

To work with this homemade device it was convenient and safe, the boards needed to be sanded well before fastening.

Technology for cutting ceiling plinths

To carry out the work quickly and efficiently, you need to select a tool in accordance with the material of the plinth and choose a cutting method. If you have a miter box, then there won’t be any particular difficulties in the process. If it is not there, then two options are possible: cut according to a template and measurements on the ceiling, or make this tool yourself.

Features of cutting ceiling plinths in a miter box

You need to work with this device with extreme caution so as not to dull the tool or leave cuts in unnecessary places. During the process, we adhere to the following instructions:
  • We fix the baguette in the miter box in the same way as we plan to place it on the wall. The side that will be pressed against the ceiling on the miter box should be adjacent to the side.
  • Insert into the required gap cutting tool(hacksaw or knife) and cut the fillet.
  • We process the joint of the ceiling plinth and apply it to the wall to check the correctness. Foam molding can be corrected with a sharp knife if the unevenness of the end is about 2 mm. Wooden baseboards can simply be sanded sandpaper. For ease of use, it can be glued to a wooden block.

When cutting and trimming products made of foam plastic and polyurethane, remember that these materials crumble and are pressed, so the tools must be sharp enough, and strong mechanical impact on them is undesirable.

Technique for cutting ceiling plinths using a template

This method can be used if your corners are even and you need to cut the baguette exactly 45 degrees. To do this, before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, you need to draw a miter box on thick paper. We carry out two parallel lines and mark the angles at the required degrees using a protractor.

In this case, we place the fillet in the same way as on a traditional miter box. Please note that you need to cut the baseboard while holding the tool in a strictly vertical position.

Rules for cutting ceiling plinths according to markings

This method is used for cutting plinths in cases where there is neither a miter box nor the parts from which it can be made.

To do this, you need to make markings on the wall in this order:

  1. Place the baguette in the corner to the fastening point.
  2. Along one of its edges we draw a base line on the ceiling for the mounting level.
  3. We apply the fillet in the same way to the perpendicular line drawn on the ceiling and again draw a straight line along one side. We should get two segments that intersect at one point.
  4. We again apply two skirting boards in turn and mark this point on them.
  5. We repeat the same procedure now on the wall to mark the cutting location from below on the products.
  6. Connect two points with a line. It can take place at an angle of 38-45 degrees, since walls and corners in living rooms are often uneven.
  7. Cut the baguette along the drawn line.

When cutting in this way, it is important to accurately draw all the lines and mark the points. An error of even a few millimeters will cause a gap to form. This method is suitable for cutting and joining both internal and external corners of ceiling plinths.

Method for cutting ceiling plinths without a miter box

To neatly join the fillets in the inner corners, you can do without a miter box.

We carry out the work in this order:

  • We apply the end part of the baguette to a sheet of paper and trace the outline of the convex side. It is more convenient to use a small piece of plinth (if you have one).
  • Cut out the resulting template.
  • We transfer the outline to the surface of the baguette with a simple pencil.
  • Cut along the drawn curve.
  • For fitting, we apply one plinth tightly with the end part to the wall, and then the second.
  • If there are small cracks, they can be processed with a stationery knife or subsequently sealed with sealant.

When working with a miter box, two points need to be taken into account:
  1. The inner corner of the ceiling plinth is formed from two elements: we insert the first from the right into a miter box and cut from right to left, the second we insert from the left and cut from left to right.
  2. We start the first part of the outer corner from the left and cut it from right to left, we start the second part from the right and cut it from left to right.
In addition, you need to know the following nuances before cutting the baseboard:
  • Before you start cutting a baguette using a miter box, try cutting a test strip to avoid mistakes.
  • You can take correct measurements by measuring the length of the internal corners of the plank according to inside, and external ones - from the point internal corner the width of the fillet deep into the room.
  • If the baguette is installed under a suspended ceiling, then it should only be attached to the wall. Adhesive composition Under no circumstances should it get on the vinyl sheet.
  • The final fastening of the plinth should be carried out only after precise adjustment of the strip.
  • If the corners and walls in the room are smooth, then the adjustment can be done on the floor.
  • When installing baguettes, it may be necessary to adjust them several times, so stock up on tools and patience.
  • Instead of a template and a miter box, you can cut in the corner between the wall and the floor, or by moving a table to the wall. In this case, you need to mark the cutting angle of the end on the wall, ceiling and baguette.
  • If you are interested in the question of how to cut a ceiling plinth without a miter box, and you don’t have time to use templates, then you can purchase special corner inserts in advance. They will hide the cracks, but will protrude and stand out on the coating.
  • If you have a plinth made of valuable wood, then you need to cut and install it very carefully, because a large number of putty for sealing joints will be too noticeable, and painting over the baguette is an inappropriate solution, because this way you will hide the natural texture of the massif.
  • Expanded polystyrene products do not need to be fitted end-to-end due to the softness of the texture, but wooden and plastic models must fit well together.
  • If trapezoidal niches on the wall need to be surrounded by plinths on top, then we join the walls at an angle other than straight.
    In this case, we cut the plinth at an angle equal to half the joint. For example, if the walls meet at an angle of 120 degrees, then we cut the fillet at an angle of 60 degrees.
How to cut ceiling plinth - watch the video:

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Every summer resident or owner of his own home should know how to cut the corners of ceiling plinths, and do it at home without the involvement of builders. Nowadays, repairs are an expensive business. Therefore, many people try to do as much as possible on their own. After all, in fact, if you make an effort, be patient and necessary materials, then you can do it as well as builders. And to do beautiful ceiling, you need to know how to create a beautiful vault from plasterboard, both for and for the hall.

Cutting plinths for the ceiling

Many people think that cutting a ceiling fillet does not involve any difficulties, and what is the problem anyway? In fact, there are many features that come with it Negative consequences. Therefore, in order for the ceiling to be perfect, you should know how to cut the skirting boards correctly and accurately, making high-quality ones from your own production.

Beautiful ceiling with skirting boards

Variety of skirting boards for ceilings

In order for the work to be perfect, it is worth knowing the features of each type of skirting boards. Therefore, before you start trimming and actual installation, find out what kind of material you have in your hands. Each type requires a special approach and technology in its work.


The construction market offers a lot of products various shapes, which are divided into three groups.


This type of plinth is also called stretched. Because the cross-section pattern in any part of the segment will be the same. The entire pattern is identical and consists of bulges or grooves that run lengthwise. Selecting a pattern is not a problem for you, but if you putty the cracks, it will take a little more effort.

Extruded type plinth


This type of baguette is the most unpretentious in installation, and very little effort is required to install it. There are no drawings here, so possible cracks can be easily filled and removed. The main task is to trim it correctly.

Laminated baguette


This type of ceiling plinths requires the most attention and effort for installation. Here the pattern has a periodicity, but the meticulousness of trimming should be at its best. IN in this case putty will not hide the sides, because it will create an effect artistic modeling. In terms of aesthetics, this type of material is really chic.

Injection type plinth


In addition to the shape, you should also pay attention to the material from which they are made. Because this also affects the characteristics of the work.

Expanded polystyrene

This material is most in demand on the market. It is inexpensive. Density directly affects the quality of baguettes. It is worth choosing denser textures - they are easier to work with. But loose ones are difficult to install. But the main problem with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene is made from it) is the difficulty of sanding. Any flaw or even minor putty will be visible on the baguette.

Trimming is done with a hacksaw or a sharp knife (construction knife).

Expanded polystyrene skirting boards

Polyvinyl chloride

Working with plastic baguettes is even more difficult than with foam ones. The fact is that in this form it is generally impossible to putty or correct flaws. For installation, you should use a special tool - molding. If not, then the master will have a hard time. Basically, such baguettes are installed on plastic ceilings. Therefore, you can’t really talk about beauty. You need to cut it with a sharp tool.

Plastic moldings for ceilings


Wooden baguettes are very difficult to install, but they belong to the elite segment due to the naturalness of the material. Most often they are used for sheathing a wooden vault. Its cutting occurs using a special saw with teeth. small size. Alternatively you can use good canvas on metal.

Wooden ceiling plinth


This type is the most expensive. You can find another name - stucco. Basically, it is created by the master himself, so his skill is important. There are also purchased options. The gypsum baguette looks really chic. The main advantage is that flaws and jambs are easy to remove - putty, sanding, painting). The disadvantages include the great fragility and high cost of both the material itself and the work involved in its installation. Moreover, the cutting should be as correct as possible the first time. In addition, when installing a gypsum molding, it is worth considering its considerable weight.

Gypsum baguette


Now polyurethane baguettes are the most optimal when it comes to price-quality ratio. Although its cost is considerable, this material is significantly superior in comparison with gypsum. Advantages: lightness, no cracks, excellent adhesion, nice texture, possibility of factory painting, ability to create imitation of various natural materials, as in the photo below. In addition, installation is not required special effort. To cut it, you should use a special knife that will not form crumbs.

Ceiling plinths made of polyurethane

Features of cutting ceiling plinths

To ensure that all your efforts and finances are not wasted, you should arrange the corners correctly. The ceiling plinth or fillet can be beautifully laid independently. Of course, stores sell ready-made corners for these tasks, but this is still an additional expense. And with a little effort, you can do it all yourself.

Next, we’ll talk about how to cut the corners of ceiling plinths at home and at the same time maintain a beautiful and neat appearance. There are two ways to perform this task - with and without a miter box.

Correctly cut baguettes on the ceiling

Using a miter box at home

A miter box is a simple tool that is a carpenter's assistant. It makes it easy to cut workpieces at any angle needed. Its design is not complicated - the tray is made of wood, metal or plastic. This tray has special slots (placed vertically) for cutting at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees.

Some models have a more complex structure with the ability to cut at an angle of 60 degrees. For professional work There are special models where the workpiece is fixed at any given angle.

Miter box - a simple but important tool

Internal corner

Advice: To ensure better orientation during the design of the internal corner, you should start cutting from the front side of the fillet. Where cuts have been made, most will require filing to fit both sides of the corner.

External corner

Such work should begin precisely from the inner corner. This will help to better maintain the proportions and dimensions of the baguette. If you start from the outside, then if you make a mistake, you will end up with a lack of strip along its entire length.

  1. The fillet should be attached to the ceiling and marked according to the required dimensions.
  2. Using left hand, hold the baseboard and press it against the wall that is closest. In this case, the hacksaw (its handle) should be as close to the hand as possible.
  3. Cut the workpiece.
  4. The right hand holds and presses the striker against the wall. The tool blade should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. Cut off the excess baguette.
  6. The corner is joined.

This method of cutting fillets is suitable if the corners in the room are perfectly even and straight. Otherwise, the result will be disappointing, and it is better to resort to another pruning option.

Trimming fillets without a miter box

If you don’t have a miter box or the corners of the room want to remain the best, then the next option will do perfect. Cutting the ceiling plinth should be done step by step.

Creating markings on the ceiling

By creating a mark on the ceiling, you are guaranteed to cut off the excess correctly and in exact size. You just have to work hard, because holding the fillet suspended and basting at the same time is quite inconvenient. But this method is the most accurate and practical.

By attaching the baguette to the ceiling in the right place, you will immediately notice all the features. This will allow you to immediately outline them and take them into account when cutting and installing.

Making a mark on the ceiling

Cutting ceiling plinth

A pair of blanks is initially cut at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, the end of the plinth rests against the wall, which is placed perpendicularly. After this, add one baguette. A line on the ceiling is drawn along its contour.

After this, the first plank rests, and according to this principle, the counter plank is applied. Again, a line along the contour is marked.

The point that is located at the intersection of both lines is the mark for cutting the baseboard. Each fillet should be applied again to the ceiling to mark points for subsequent cutting.

Draw a cut line that runs from the established point to the second edge of the baguette.

Having carefully cut the baseboards, they should be joined and mounted in place. Using this method, internal corners are easily and beautifully processed.

Cutting ceiling plinth

In order for pruning to occur not only accurately, but also as correctly as possible, you should take into account several important little things that can affect the result.

  1. It is necessary to take correct measurements, which you then use to cut the skirting boards for the ceiling. To determine and mark an internal corner, you should start taking the length directly from the corner. To note external corner, do not forget to take into account that the baguette will look into the room at a length equal to the width of the baseboard itself.
  2. It is prohibited to fix the ceiling plinth strips until you have approximately established their placement and cut the back molding. Only when the corner fits perfectly with both strikers can you begin their full installation and fastening.
  3. Defects and flaws in skirting boards for ceilings made of wood or polyurethane can be removed and corrected using a special nail file or file. Expanded polystyrene skirting boards are corrected with the sharpest blade.
  4. If all adjustments do not bring the desired result, then you can use regular putty.
  5. In order not to spoil your ceiling plinth, it is worth doing several preliminary cutting tests on small pieces. This will allow you to study the process in practice and get better at it, you should start with.

If you are properly armed and have patience, cutting skirting boards for the ceiling will not be difficult. The main thing is to choose the most suitable way to perform such an action. It is important not to forget about attentiveness and accuracy, because the material is very delicate and does not accept brute force.

Beautiful baguettes indoors

Knowing the rules and features of how to cut the corners of ceiling plinths at home, you can easily create beautiful view your premises, and repairs will take much less money. All that remains is to complete the repairs and you can live. After all, the work of master builders is not cheap these days. And to master the entire technology of cutting ceiling plinths in even more detail and learn about the secrets from professionals, watch the thematic video.

May 17, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

The question of how to cut plastic skirting boards can be answered quite concisely and unambiguously, pointing to a hacksaw for metal, but this will still not be entirely accurate information. After all, by and large, in this question there is a subtext that points to the full action, and not to the tool itself, so that without a full familiarization with the process, the purpose of a particular tool is difficult to understand. Therefore, I want to tell you about my own experience gained over years of practice, and in addition, you can watch the video in this article.

Cutting corners of floor and ceiling skirting boards

In Russian, plinth means decorative strip, covering the junction of the wall and the floor (ceiling).
This name comes from the Greek πλίνθος and Latin plintus.

Tools and accessories

Let's start with the fact that cutting plinths at an angle of 45⁰, 90⁰ and others can be done with any cutting tool, but here, as elsewhere, there are preferences:

  • the most convenient tool, which leaves behind the highest quality cut, can be called a hacksaw, and this applies not only to plastic fillets, but also to fillets;
  • due to the fact that the blade has fairly fine teeth, the cut is clear and, most importantly, accurate, which is important for joining profiles - the more precise its processing, the better the joint, since there will be no gaps there;

  • Of course, as we have already said, the instructions do not necessarily indicate one or another tool, so for plastic you can also use a construction knife;
  • there are options here, since these knives are similar in that they have a removable blade, but at the same time it can be of different thickness and length (for wallpaper, as in the top photo or for drywall);
  • but in these cases such a tool is only suitable for thin-walled profiles– polyurethane, for example, cannot be cut with it.

For precision in fitting joints, a miter box is often used for cutting skirting boards, which can be different:

  • the difference in the design of such a tool lies in the complete or incomplete presence of all grooves for corner cutting;
  • a tool with a full set has grooves at a slope of 45⁰, 60⁰, 67.5⁰ and 90⁰ (its price is not much more), while for a simplified tool everything comes down to 45⁰ and 90⁰;
  • In addition, a full-set miter box, as in the top photo, has grooves for cutting boards, that is, here you can easily cut a profile in the form of a flat strip.

What it looks like in practice - method one

So, cutting the corners of a ceiling plinth (or floor) first of all comes down to the correct direction of the slope, since the joint can be internal or external, depending on the configuration of the corner. Let's figure this out using the image above - there, on the left and right, two opposite options are indicated - the redundant (deleted) parts of the profile are shown in red.

If we are decorating a ceiling, then the option on the left is suitable for the outer corner, and the one on the right is suitable for the inner corner. For floor decoration, everything will be identical, but exactly the opposite - there will be an internal corner on the left, and an external one on the right. Shown in the middle between the options correct position processed profile.

If you use a carpenter's miter box, then cutting the corners should be done at the side of the tool closest to you!

Method two

But, as you have seen, the number of grooves for cutting corners is limited even in a miter box with a full set, which makes such a tool in some cases simply useless. The fact is that in houses you often have to deal with the fact that rooms do not have right angles, therefore, a slope of 45⁰ for joining will not suit you, since after such a connection there will be a gap.

But there is a way out, and it’s quite simple - you can mark the profiles with your own hands.

Let's look at how to fit a joint in the inner corner without using a miter box and to do this, install the profile close to the adjacent wall, and draw a line along the ceiling, as shown in the top photo. We perform exactly the same operation on the other side, as a result of which we get two crossed control lines, where the intersection will be the starting point for the cut.

The lower point will correspond to the angle at which the two walls meet - the cut line is highlighted in red in the image.

If the corner is external, then the intersection of the marking lines will naturally be further, and for this you will need not to rest the profile against the adjacent wall, but to push it beyond it in order to extend the line. You will need to perform similar markup steps for floor plinth, only all this will look like a mirror image, on the contrary.

When cutting ceiling plinths (floor) without a miter box, manually, the hacksaw should be directed to the center of the corner, that is, its slope will be approximately 45⁰.

Method three

In the same way, with a slope, you need to cut the profile to build it up on straight sections of the ceiling or floor, and if you cut the strip at 90⁰ or even 45⁰ for this, a gap will be visible. Therefore, in such cases, you can use a miter box with grooves of 60⁰ and 67.5⁰, that is, the length of the cut should be at least twice as large as its cross-section.

This method minimizes the appearance of a gap at the connection as much as possible; in any case, it is almost invisible unless you look closely at this place.

But no matter how hard you try when marking and cutting skirting boards, it can always work human factor– we’re not even insured against this the best masters and an error of a fraction of a degree is possible, which will cause a small gap. If you are dealing with plastics, then in such cases this error can be very easily repaired with silicone, and for other materials - with wood putty or plaster, respectively. In some cases, even a coat of paint is enough to seal.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the cutting tool itself will be of paramount importance, but how you do it, that is, how correctly you mark the cut and how accurately you adhere to the approximate lines. But if something remains unclear to you, ask your questions.

May 17, 2016

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You can do the work with the ceiling plinth yourself. Their installation is not difficult, but there is one point that can ruin the whole job: namely, cutting the plinth for the corners. We will discuss how to cut the ceiling plinth correctly in the article.

Ceiling plinths differ in the materials from which they are made. Price range and appearance vary depending on the material. Choosing the right skirting board depends on your financial capabilities and interior design.

  1. Foam fillets;
  2. Polystyrene foam baseboard;
  3. Plaster plinths;
  4. Wooden skirting boards;
  5. PVC skirting boards.

Foam skirting boards

The most common option. They are sold primarily in white, so they must be painted if a different color is needed.
Such skirting boards are inexpensive and, due to their lightness, can be installed on stretch ceiling. Installation is simple, no need to call specialists or friends for help, all work can be done alone.

One of the disadvantages of polystyrene foam is its sensitivity to many substances. Finding glue is quite difficult. Those that are too weak are not able to hold the panel, and the glue with chemicals the composition may simply corrode the material.

Foam doesn't hold up mechanical influences, so working with it requires care. You cannot press on it, you need to cut it with extreme caution.

Foam panels look beautiful, but you should not use them with more expensive materials, it will look ridiculous.

Polystyrene foam baseboard

They feature a wide range of designs. You can choose one suitable for any interior.

The price for such fillets is much higher than for foam fillets. It will depend on the pattern and size. It is much easier to care for them; they are not afraid of wet cleaning. They will not harbor insects or mold.
However, during installation it is not convenient to work with them: they are very fragile and are afraid of any impact.

It will take a long time to choose the glue, since the material is easily susceptible to chemical attack. It is not elastic, which means it is quite difficult to install it on a curved area. They are advised to be sure to paint them, since over time there is a high probability that they will turn yellow. Highly flammable. Expanded polystyrene is not an environmentally friendly material; it contains synthetic components.

Gypsum skirting boards

In terms of their design, they represent the widest range of choices among ceiling skirting boards. They look rich and add sophistication to the room. They will cost significantly more than other types.

Gypsum is an environmentally friendly material; they can be installed in any room. Do not support combustion. But in terms of weight they are ahead of their counterparts. Not just any glue can withstand gypsum; you will have to use special compounds. During installation, you will need two people, because the plaster does not attach well to the surface due to its weight.
Plaster panels will not fit into any interior. They are more suitable classic style. Their use in modern styles doubtful. You can make a drawing to order, but the material still limits the design.

PVC skirting boards

They are distinguished by their durability and variety of design options. Plastic is not afraid of moisture and fire. Easy to care for, can be cleaned with detergents.
The cost of PVC fillet does not exceed the cost of other synthetic skirting boards. However, plastic tends to turn yellow, but it cannot be painted.

Wooden skirting boards

The most expensive. Their prices will vary depending on the type of wood, but even the cheapest ones will cost a pretty penny.

Wooden panels used much less frequently than others. It is quite difficult to fit them into the interior of the apartment. They are used mainly in private homes.
Their installation requires certain skills. In addition to using glue, it is recommended to additionally use nails and screws. It is impossible to complete the installation alone. Of course, you can choose any design; in a carpentry workshop you can have a unique carving made according to your own sketches, but then the cost will at least double.

the tree remains natural material, which means that it is absolutely safe. Pay attention to the impregnations that were used when processing the fillet. They should not contain toxic substances, otherwise there is no point in the fact that the tree is environmentally friendly. tree most durable material You have to try hard to damage it.

Required tools and materials

First you need to prepare the panels themselves. Depending on the material you will need different instruments in order to cut the fillets correctly.

PVC fillets are not as fragile, but are still susceptible to dents. You can cut them with a construction knife or a hacksaw. Expanded polystyrene is more fragile than PVC. It may simply crumble when cut. You need to use well-sharpened tools. A sharp knife or hacksaw will do. When working, do not put too much pressure on the material. Polyurethane panels are easy to cut and do not crumble. They can be cut with a knife. It is most convenient to cut wooden panels with an electric saw or a hacksaw. The teeth must be small.
What else you may need while working:

  1. Miter box;
  2. Knife, hacksaw or power saw for cutting panels;
  3. Paper and pencil for drawing and marking;
  4. Ruler and square.

A miter box is a special tool for cutting panels at a certain degree. It is inexpensive, so it makes sense to buy it for more quality work. You can make it yourself or draw a layout on paper in its likeness.

How to cut ceiling plinth

Using a miter box

Corners in an apartment are divided into external and external. The cutting technology will be slightly different. How to properly cut skirting boards for an internal corner.
The fillet is installed on the corner. Mark a cutting line on it right along the corner of the wall. The markings on the opposite plinth are done in exactly the same way, only on the other side.

The panel is installed in a miter box, the side that is attached to the ceiling should be at the bottom. Place the end at an angle of 45 degrees into a special hole. The panel should fit snugly against the wall of the miter box. Smoothly cut off the unnecessary edge. The adjacent part is also cut in a mirror image. After cutting, check the joint of the skirting boards by placing them against the corner. If the joint is uneven, you will have to cut it again.

If you are performing the procedure for the first time, then you can first practice on small unnecessary pieces, so you will get better at it.

The cut for the outer corner is made in the same sequence, only in the opposite direction. The side that is attached to the ceiling should be on top. Cutting occurs from right to left for right side corner and vice versa for the left.


When cutting corners, a miter box makes the process easier, but you can do the job without it.

Then you can make markings directly on the corner or make a mock-up of it.
If you decide to make markings directly on the ceiling, then attach the panel to the corner. Draw a line on the ceiling along the baseboard, do the same with the opposite side. By right line a mark is placed on the left bar at the place where they intersect. On the right bar the mark runs where it intersects with the left line. Connect the line marks to the end of the underside of the baseboard. Now cut the plinth according to the markings.


You can make an imitation miter box on paper. On a piece of paper, draw two lines running parallel to each other. Using a protractor, connect them at an angle of 45 degrees, the line should go to the left. Step back 10 centimeters to the left and draw a line at an angle of 45 degrees, already going to the right. Now just instead of installing the panel into the cut, attach it to the lines on the paper and cut it.

If you have uneven corners at home, then this is also not a problem. Measure the angle and divide the resulting number by 2. This will be the right degree for cutting. Then draw lines to simulate a miter box at the same angle.
If you can’t cut it correctly or don’t want to bother, then you can buy ready-made skirting board corners. They are inexpensive.

At first glance, installing ceiling plinths may seem easy to you. If you do not take into account some points, then this is true. But what points are we talking about? The matter concerns cutting fillets or baseboards. After all, a room has its own corners. And if you don’t have any problems on straight sections, then corners and other shapes can bring headache. At the corners, materials need to be joined to obtain perfect angle at 90°.

That’s why many people ask the question: how to cut a ceiling plinth? This article will help you solve this problem. You will learn several ways to cut ceiling plinths, the materials used and the principle of operation. This way you can easily install a ceiling molding at home.

Choosing the right cutting tool

The primary task is to prepare all the tools and materials. If we're talking about about cutting, it is clear that the main tool for this work should perform cutting work. It is chosen depending on what material the ceiling plinth is made of.

But, cutting material- this is not the only one necessary tool. Our task is to create an ideal angle of 45° on the baguette. A miter box is ideal for this purpose. The product can be made of metal, wood or plastic. It looks like a box with templates for cutting materials at a certain angle. A hacksaw or knife is inserted into the cut, cutting the baseboard perfectly. The product can be purchased in the store. This necessary thing on the farm. This option for cutting skirting boards is the simplest. There are other ways. Let's look at each of them.

How to cut a ceiling plinth with a miter box

Any ordinary person can cope with this task. No construction skills required. All you need is a cutting tool, a miter box and the ceiling plinth itself. You need to work with the product carefully. Otherwise, you may dull the tool and leave cuts where they are not needed.

How to properly cut a corner with a miter box, instructions:

The same must be done with another baguette. Just remember, the angle of the ceiling plinth must be opposite to the first one, so that when joined, a right angle is formed.

The angles can also be different. Eg, simple wall has an internal corner that rests inward. The technology for cutting plinths for this angle is described above. And here is a visual photo.

And if the design of the room offers a clone or an unfinished partition, then the external corners on them are directed into the room. Here everything is done the same way, only the cut on each product is the opposite. Compare these photos to see the difference.

A clear example of an external and internal corner in a room can be seen in this photo. Here, a ceiling plinth is already glued to the ceiling, which was cut using the above methods.

Cutting the ceiling plinth according to the template

If you don’t have a miter box and decide not to buy one, then you can make do with improvised means using a template. Only this method is appropriate when the corners of the room are perfectly even, and the baseboard needs to be cut at 45°.

You need to make a sketch on paper that will imitate the same miter box. The paper should be thick. Draw two straight and parallel lines on it. Then spend desired angle using a protractor. Another option is to draw a large square and connect its diagonals. The square must be perfectly flat. This is shown in the photo.

Now it will be reminiscent of cutting a baguette using a miter box, only without any gaps. You need to lay the product in exactly the same way, making sure that the edges are on the same line. And when cutting, it is important to hold the knife or hacksaw strictly vertically.

Cutting ceiling plinth using markings

Another alternative to the miter box. The work consists of creating markings on the wall. The whole process boils down to the following steps:

Now you have as many as 3 in your arsenal different ways how to cut ceiling plinths in corners. Choose one of them to cope with the task. A visual video will help you in your work.

Before you start work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with these rules, which will not only simplify the task, but also help you get everything done quickly, efficiently and without disappointment. So here are the rules:

  1. Before you start slicing a baguette for the first time, you can practice on another plank that is unnecessary. This way you will fill your hand.
  2. For correct measurements, you need to measure the length of the inner corner of the plank along the side that is inside, and the length of the outer corner, starting from the corner point inside to the width into the room.
  3. When installing the product under suspended ceilings, it is fixed only from the wall side. Your task is to prevent glue from getting on the vinyl canvas, otherwise it will deteriorate.
  4. The final installation of the plinth is necessary only when the strip is completely adjusted.
  5. With perfectly even angles, you can adjust the moldings on the floor.
  6. When installing products, not everyone manages to do it perfectly the first time. Needs some adjustment. Be patient and don't give up!
  7. If we talk about EPPS products, then it is not necessary to fit them end-to-end. After all, the structure of the material is soft. Wood or plastic is another matter. This is where the connection should be of high quality.