The name Eugene in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Eugenia of Rome

Venerable Martyr Eugenia, Roman, lived in Alexandria. Her father Philip was appointed governor of Egypt by Emperor Commodus (180-192). Philip and his wife Claudia gave their children - sons Avit and Sergius and daughter Eugenia - a varied education. Evgenia had an amazing memory, so teaching was easy for her. She was fluent in Latin and Greek and studied philosophy. Many noble young men, seeing Eugenia’s beauty and chastity, wanted to take her as a wife, but she did not agree to the marriage, as if preparing herself to accept Christianity and monasticism.
Reading the Epistles of the Holy Apostle Paul led Eugene to the knowledge of the True God Jesus Christ and prompted her to reject idolatry. At that time, Eugenia's father, following Roman laws, expelled Christians from Alexandria, but allowed them to settle on the outskirts of the city. Eugenia went to her nearest estate to see the Christians. Having persuaded two slaves - Protus and Iacinthos, she changed into a man's dress and secretly came with them to monastery, built by Bishop Elliy of Iliopolis (July 14). It was revealed to Blessed Eliius in a dream vision that Eugenia would be a courageous confessor of the faith of Christ. He baptized her along with Protus and Iakinthos and accepted her into his monastery.
The blessed virgin, under the guise of a monk, humbly carried out the most difficult obediences in the monastery. The monks Prot and Iakinthos stayed with her inseparably, imitating her God-pleasing life.
Three years later, the abbot of that monastery died, and the brethren unanimously asked the monk Eugene to be their abbot. Evgenia was lost in thought. She opened the Holy Gospel and the first words “whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant; and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave” (Matthew 20, 26, 27) she understood as God’s instruction and accepted the abbess. Saint Eugenia doubled her deeds, constantly working for the brethren: she carried water for everyone, chopped wood, cleaned cells, and said the Jesus Prayer in her heart. The Lord gave her power over unclean spirits: she drove them out of people and performed many miracles and healings.
One rich woman, named Melania, after receiving healing from Saint Eugenia, at the devil’s instigation, was inflamed with an unclean passion for the abbot and confessed this to him. Saint Eugenia tried in vain to reason with her. The rejected Melania slandered the abbot in an attempt to violate her. The news of the monk's disgrace spread throughout Alexandria and its environs. The abbot and the monks of the monastery appeared for trial before the ruler of Egypt, who was the father of the ascetic. Saint Eugenia was forced to reveal her secret. The relatives were glad that they had found the one they had mourned for so long. Following the example of Saint Eugenia, her loved ones accepted holy Baptism, and many people were baptized with them. Peace and harmony with the Church of Christ were established in Egypt, which was reported to the Roman Emperor. Philip was removed from his post as governor of Egypt. The Christians of Alexandria elected him as their bishop.
The new governor of Egypt, fearing popular anger, did not openly execute Bishop Philip, but sent assassins to kill him. During solitary prayer, the bishop was wounded, from which he died a martyr three days later. Bishop Philip was buried in the church he built. Having become a widow, Claudia, with her daughter and servants, left for her estate near Rome. There she set up a hospitable home and herself humbly served the suffering. Saint Eugenia continued her monastic life and brought many virgins to Christ.
Soon, Emperor Gallienus (260-268) again began persecuting Christians. Many of them found refuge with Saints Claudia and Eugenia. At that time, Saint Eugenia, through her companions Protus and Jacinthos, converted one young Roman woman from the royal family, Vasilla, to Christianity. Having converted to Christianity, Vasilla refused marriage to her fiancé Pompey. Pompey appealed to the emperor with a complaint against Christians. At the trial, where they tried in vain to persuade Vasilla to renounce Christianity, she was stabbed to death with a sword. Saints Protus and Jacinthos were captured and brought to the idol temple to make a sacrifice, but when they entered there, the idol broke. The holy martyrs were beheaded.
When Saint Eugenia was forcibly brought to the temple of Diana, the temple collapsed along with the idols. Then they threw her into the Tiber River with a stone around her neck, but the stone slipped from the martyr’s neck, she stood up and walked on the water. She also remained unharmed in the fire. She was thrown into a ditch and starved for ten days. There the Savior appeared to her and announced that she would enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the day of His Nativity. On the eve of the great holiday in 262, the executioner killed the holy martyr Eugenia with a sword. Soon her mother Claudia was also put to death.

Troparion to the Venerable Martyr Eugenia, tone 4:

Your Lamb, Jesus, calls to Eugenia with a great voice: / I love You, my Bridegroom, / and, seeking You, I suffer, / and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, / and I suffer for Your sake, / for I reign in You, / and I die for You, and I also live with You, / but, as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me with love, sacrificed to You. / Through your prayers, as He is merciful, save our souls.

(Minea December. Part 2. – M., Publishing Council Russian Orthodox Church, 2002).

The first Christians had to make countless sacrifices before they were no longer persecuted for their faith, and their religion was officially recognized in the Roman Empire. This happened in 313 by decree of Emperor Constantine the Great. Emperor Diocletian, who ruled before him, adhered to the pagan faith and was an ardent persecutor of all who professed Christianity.

Many passion-bearers suffered torment for their faith during his reign and were subsequently canonized. One of them was the martyr Eugene of Sebaste, whose icon recalls his great feat of faith.

Persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian

In 302, Diocletian issued a decree to tighten the fight against Christianity. He ordered city rulers to destroy Christian churches, and to bring those who did not deviate from their faith to justice.

However, this law, barbaric in its cruelty, could not stop the zealots of the true faith. Having lost their temples, they did not stop gathering together to pray and hold divine services, only now all this happened in secret, and caves, remote groves and other places far from human eyes served as a refuge for them.

Seeing that his efforts to eradicate Christianity were not bearing fruit, Diocletian issued the following decree: now, if a Christian refused pagan sacrifices and did not renounce his faith, he was subject to the most cruel execution.

The feat of St. Evgeniy Sevastiysky

The Christian Eugenius, who lived in the city of Satalion, had a close friend, also a Christian, named Eustratius, who commanded the city army. Because of their participation in Christian worship, they constantly exposed their lives to danger, but this did not deter their friends, although the imperial governor in this area, Lysias, was a fanatical persecutor of Christians.

Soon after the imperial decree, the arrested presbyter of the Armenian Church, Auxentius, was brought to their city to force him to renounce the Lord or bring him to trial, the outcome of which there was no doubt.

There were other Christians in prison with Auxentius, and he tirelessly prayed to the Lord to grant fortitude and courage to all who were doomed to martyrdom for the glory of the name of the Lord. Having learned that Auxentius was brought to trial and thrown into prison, Eugene and Eustratius hastened to him with a request that he remember their names in prayers. They already had a presentiment of their fate and were ready to fearlessly accept all the torments, but not retreat. Thanks to the prayers of the righteous Auxentius, the Holy Spirit descended on them and strengthened their strength.

The next day, Lysias arranged a trial of the presbyter Auxentius and other Christians who were thrown into prison. He wanted to turn this trial into a show trial to intimidate the followers of the true faith, and therefore all the eminent townspeople and commanders of the army were present at it, the main one of whom was Eustratius.

According to Lysias, all speakers were supposed to condemn and curse Christians, but his expectations were not met. Evstratiy, by virtue of his position, had to speak first. He caused a general shock when he not only did not condemn the unfortunate people suffering for Christian faith, but also brought convincing arguments in its defense.

It was a brilliant speech, and at the end of it Eustratius was not afraid to declare his commitment to Christ’s teaching. Eustratius deliberately went to martyrdom, for immediately, on the orders of the enraged Lysias, he was condemned to execution.

All this made a stunning impression on those present, but before they had time to recover from the horror, Eugene, faithful to his friend and surrendering himself to God’s will, also made a passionate speech about the truth of the Christian faith and, like Evstratius, declared himself its adherent.

Both friends were immediately shackled and thrown into the same prison where they had come the day before to the righteous presbyter Auxentius.

The next morning, all the condemned Christians were taken to the city of Nikopol, where public executions were carried out in the presence of large quantity people. On the way they passed through the city of Aravrakin, where both friends were from and where they were well known and respected.

The overseers mercilessly beat Eugene, Eustratius and other passion-bearers with whips. Many in the crowd recognized them, but were afraid to encourage them even with a word for fear of their unrighteous leaders. And only Mardarius, who also professed the Christian faith, showed courage and courage. He entrusted the care of his family to reliable neighbors, also secret Christians, said goodbye to his relatives and voluntarily joined the procession of brothers in faith led to execution.

There, in Nikopol, they were brutally tortured and then executed. Eugene’s tongue was first torn out, then his arms and legs were cut off, and only after that his head was cut off with a sword.

Later, when Christianity finally triumphed, they were all canonized and are now venerated on December 26, and the icon “St. Evgeniy" is found in many Orthodox churches.

In 1995, a temple in his honor was consecrated in Novosibirsk; The icon of St. Eugene reminds of his feat; it gave the name to the monastery at the Novosibirsk Cathedral of the Archangel Michael.

The meaning of the icon of St. Eugene

Prayer in front of the icon helps to gain courage and faith, to withstand the storms of life, to endure suffering, as he endured it. Often in prayer they remember those passion-bearers who went with him to this feat: Auxentius, Eustratius, Mardaria; all of them are also canonized.

Prayer of St. Evgeniy

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Eugene, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.


The martyr of the all-honorable lordship, the five-numbered passion-bearers, let us sing the glory of those who despised the earth, the bright sun Eustratius, the wise spirit of the sufferers, who dared to face fire and torment for all the King Christ and from the throne of That glory were bestowed with honors of crowns. Through those prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Pre-po-dob-no-mu-che-ni-tsa Ev-ge-nia, a native of Rome, lived in Aleksandria, where her father, Philip, was -slanted to them by Kom-mo-dom (180-192) as the place of Egypt. Ev-ge-niya has a wonderful appearance and has a good disposition and beauty. Many noble young men wooed her hands, but she did not want to get married. Having become acquainted with the Apostle Paul, she with all her soul turned to Christianity and secret from ro-di-te-ley, in co-leadership of his two slaves, Pro-ta and Ia-k-in-fa, having changed into men’s clothes clothes, went to the men's monastery. There she, with her slaves and companions, received Holy Baptism from Bishop Eliya, who would -lo-discovered about her in the vi-de-nium, and he blessed her to come to the mo-nasty in the image of a foreigner Ev-ge-nia.

With her own movement, Saint Ev-ge-nia acquired the gift of healing. One day, the young widow Me-la-niya came to her for help. Having seen the young foreigner, this woman was filled with unholy passion, but having rejected it, she had no idea kle-ve-tu about torture on-si-lia. Saint Eu-genia stood before the court of the ruler of Egypt, that is, to her father, and you needed -to reveal your secret. Her relatives got ready and found someone they had been paying for for a long time. After some time, they all received Holy Baptism. But Philip, according to the do-no-su pagan-ni-kov, was displaced from the hundred right-hand position. The Alec-San-dri-Christians made him their bishop. The new ruler, fearing the wrath of the people, did not open the execution of Philip, but sent assassins. During the solitary prayer of the episcopal, he suffered wounds from which three days later he suffered He really died. Ov-do-vev, Claudia with her daughter and servants left for her estate, on-ho-div-she-e-xia in the vicinity of Ri -ma. There Ev-ge-nia pro-longed a foreign life. She brought many virgins to Christ, and Claudia set up a strange house for them and served your widow. After several quiet years, Emperor Gal-li-en (260-268) again began persecution against Christianity, and many Some of them found refuge with Saints Claudia and Eugenia. At that time, the axis of the young Roman from the royal family, Va-sil-la, heard about the Christians and about Saint Ev-ge-nia, I want to meet the saint and write a letter to her. In response, Saint Ev-genia sent her friends and promoters, Pro-ta and Ia-k-in-fa, who spoke about Va-sil-lu was illuminated, and she received Holy Baptism. Va-sil-ly’s servant told her about her, Pom-sing, that his fiancée became chri-sti-an-koy, and Pom-drinking -lo-val-sya im-per-ra-to-ru on Christianity, about-by-ve-du-yu-shchih without-marriage. Attracted to her father, Va-strong-la decided to marry Pom-pe-e, and for this she was f----for -chom. Saints Pro-ta and Ia-k-in-fa went to the idol temple to make a sacrifice, but as soon as they entered yes, the idol fell and broke. The holy mu-che-ni-ki Prot and Ia-k-inf were de-headed. Saint Evgenia was also forcibly brought to the temple of Di-a-na, but before she had time to enter it, everything came together -stay with the idol, ru-shi-elk. The holy mu-che-ni-tsu was thrown into the Tiber with a stone around her neck, but the stone fell off and she was left unharmed. She remained unharmed and in the fire. Then she was thrown into a ditch, where she stayed for 10 days. At this time, the Savior Himself appeared to her and announced that she would enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the day of the Birth of Christ. When this bright holiday arrived in 262, the priest killed the holy mu-che-ni-tsu with a sword. Soon I received a much-needed crown and Saint Claudia. Pre-pre-pre-di-la her about the day of death.

See also: in the book of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Venerable Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Your Lamb, Jesus, Eugenia/ calls with a great voice:/ I love You, my Bridegroom,/ and, seeking You, I suffer,/ and I am crucified, and I bury myself in Your baptism,/ and I suffer for You. Come,/ let me reign in You,/ and I die for You, and I also live with You,/ but, as a blameless sacrifice, accept me with love, sacrificed to You.// Through your prayers, as You are merciful, save our souls.

Translation: Your Lamb, Jesus, Eugenia, cries out loudly: “I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified and buried with You in Your baptism, and I endure torment for You, that I may reign in You, and die for You. to live with You; but, accept me as an immaculate sacrifice, offered to You with love!” Through her intercessions, as the Merciful One, save our souls.

Kontakion to the Venerable Martyr Eugenia of Rome

The adoring Lord has adorned you with your noble disposition, / in the form of a slave from the Virgin, we are united, / Who instituted you in the face of the virgin priests / and united with the martyrs, Eugene, / as a truly good thing Improve the crown of Divine glory.

Translation: With a noble disposition (Eugene from the Greek Εὐγενής - noble), the Lord, who adorned and bestowed upon you with due honor, united with us in the form of a servant () from the Virgin. He numbered you among the host of virgins with lamps () and combined you with the martyrs, Eugene, for truly you have acquired the crown of nobility of Divine glory.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Praise to virgins and glory to martyrs, Venerable Eugene! We fall to you with tender hearts and ask the Lord for your intercession! For you, most glorious martyr, have gained great boldness towards the Lord of all, for you have glorified Him in your pure soul and body through your suffering, despite all the deceptions of the enemy and the reproaches of torment. Having despised the body and endured everything, you cried out: “Christ is my wealth and praise! » Moreover, from that wealth and our poverty, the spiritual gift of gift and from immeasurable sins protect us with your intercession, instruct us towards each other in obedience and brotherly love and instruct the eyes of our hearts towards the Lord Always raise up our people, so that we may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your warm intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Kontakion 1

Chosen ascetic of virtues, preacher of Christ’s teachings Eugene, let us ascribe praise to you according to her heritage. But you, who have boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles and misfortunes and make us heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, so we call you:

Ikos 1

In your life you became like an angel, O holy martyr: from your youth you preserved the purity of your soul and body, you diligently followed Christ’s love and achieved spiritual perfection. For this reason, hear from us this worthy praise:

Rejoice, chosen by God from your youth.

Rejoice, thou called by the favor of the Son of God from the wickedness of earthly Rome to the piety of heavenly Jerusalem.

Rejoice, noble daughter of your parents and vegetation of the city of Alexandria.

Rejoice, you who have shown fiery love for Christ.

Rejoice, you who showed wonderful selflessness for His sake.

Rejoice, you who hate the wealth of this world.

Rejoice, you who courageously rejected his joys.

Rejoice, having been enriched by spiritual poverty and faith.

Rejoice, having preserved the virgin purity of Christ immaculately.

Rejoice, you have betrothed your virginity to the Imperishable Bridegroom.

Rejoice, thou who has loved monastic life.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the impermanence of the beauties of this world, those involved in corruption, the noble virgin Eugene, you loved the incorruptible, eternal blessings promised by Christ, which you desired to comprehend with all your heart. For this reason, you intended to ask your parents to let you go alone from all of them, for the sake of coolness and walking on a chariot with eunuchs and slaves, when you heard the monks singing: “All God speaks the tongue of the devil. “Lord, create the heavens,” - you set your sights on high nobility, you tried to leave your home, parents and wealth, so that you would be pleasing to Christ and be able to sing to Him without restraint: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With a perfect mind you knew the true God and for His sake you rejected Hellenic wisdom, having zeal for the feat of monastic life, you put aside the weakness of the female nature: you left the chariot returning to your city, to your father’s house, shorn the hair of your head and put on a man’s robe , together with your eunuchs you came to the monastery, where by God’s Providence you were vouchsafed to see Saint Elias. For this sake, let us please you:

Rejoice, good earth, who has received the seed of heavenly teaching.

Rejoice, thou who hast been rewarded from above with Divine enlightenment.

Rejoice, thou who hast brought forth a class of living faith.

Rejoice, you who have escaped worldly worries.

Rejoice, star that shone in the darkness of pagan wickedness.

Rejoice, you who left the city of your fatherland, so that you may find the inheritance of the Highest City.

Rejoice, you who counted earthly wealth as nothing.

Rejoice, you who chose self-willed poverty.

Rejoice, you who have understood the apostolic epistles well.

Rejoice, having come to know the Lord through them.

Rejoice, you deigned to serve Him in monasticism.

Rejoice, for you have brought your soul to the Bridegroom Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 3

You understood the power of Christ the Savior, attracting you to Him, holy virgin Eugene, with your soul and body you followed this attraction, and like an Angel, you soared to Him on the wings of virtues, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You had a soul filled with courage in Christ, God-wise Eugene: Fearing God outright, you were not afraid of the hardships of a monastic life. Having left your father’s blood, you prayed to the Lord, O all-praised one, that the sorrow of your parents caused by your departure would be turned into joy, that you might serve Christ and pray for those who gave birth to you. Moreover, we praise you worthily:

Rejoice, you who loved Christ the Savior with all your heart.

Rejoice, thou who hast desired the path of the holy mother-in-law.

Rejoice, thou who has known the vanity of this world.

Rejoice, you who sought truth and righteousness.

Rejoice, for you have corrected your course towards the Highest.

Rejoice, for you left your home and parents for the Lord’s sake.

Rejoice, thou who loved poverty.

Rejoice, you who have found the salvation of your soul.

Rejoice, you who despised the earth and thought about heavenly things.

Rejoice, pure virgin.

Rejoice, you who have chosen the path of monastic life.

Rejoice, you who showed the good path to the monastic rite.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 4

A storm of bewilderment has confused you, holy virgin Eugene, who is still unbaptized, as if she were to receive the signs of the Christian faith. God, by His secret Providence, brought you to the monastery of the monastics, so that you were reborn by water and the Spirit, and in the purity of your heart, in the midst of the monastic face, you sang to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Thou, wise virgin Eugene, heard the Apostle say: “I say to the unmarried and to widows, it is good for them, if they remain, as I did: he who is not married, for he cares how to please the Lord!” - You were jealous of this. The same with tears you prayed to the Lord about this. The Lord revealed about you and those with you to Saint Elias, who came to the monastery, and you called him and asked you about your names, family and fatherland. And she answered: “For us, O divine head, our race and fatherland is beautiful Rome, we are brethren according to the flesh: the name of the first is Prot, the other is Jakinthos, and I am called Eugene.” Filled with the gift of clairvoyance, the saint said: “Indeed, you were called Eugene, O Eugene, changing your female image and name, for the sake of Divine love: blessed are you of such a nature for the sake of friendship and union with Christ!” Also in the name of the Most Holy Trinity you baptize and clothe yourself in the image of an angel. We praise you, you:

Rejoice, enlightened by holy baptism in the monastery.

Rejoice, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in holy baptism.

Rejoice, for with your free mind you have approached the Lord.

Rejoice, for from the hand of the saint the image of a monk, even though you were still young, was worthy to be received.

Rejoice, you who showed in him a virtuous life of old age.

Rejoice, thou who hast taken the good yoke of the Lord upon thy frame.

Rejoice, for you have diligently followed the footsteps of Christ.

Rejoice, for you have prepared your soul for all the monastic exploits.

Rejoice, you who served the Lord early in your labors and struggles.

Rejoice, you who have shown the image of perfection.

Rejoice, you who lived according to the monastic rank.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 5

You have become like a god-loving star, the venerable virgin Eugene, the world and everything you left in it, covered with a man’s clothing and name, in the weight where your father the eparch was, in a monastery of unknown goodness you labored, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen your brethren, your companions, the Venerable Eugene, your courageous and godly life, which is incomparably superior to all the fasting people in the monastery, three years after your life in monasticism, I unanimously pray for you to accept the leadership. But you, who are afraid, and not against the law, are a wife who exists, will have husbands, and who are ashamed of so many honest faces to reject prayer, you commanded that the Holy Gospel be brought, and when you read: “Whoever wants to be in you, let it be done for you.” servant!" - You humbly obeyed Christ’s command and served with great zeal for your brethren, forcing everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, spiritual way of life.

Rejoice, you who have surpassed the feminine nature of Christ.

Rejoice, you who asceticised courageously in the monastic rank.

Rejoice, having prayerfully established your mind and heart in God.

Rejoice, for through your unceasing vigil you were jealous of the incorporeal.

Rejoice, you who have surpassed everyone in your exploits.

Rejoice, diligent and faithful performer of the will of Christ.

Rejoice, O authorities, who accepted love for Christ’s sake like a yoke.

Rejoice, all-wise one, who taught the monks in their labors.

Rejoice, O kind one, guardian of the brethren.

Rejoice, wise organizer of the monastic deanery.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 6

The preacher and performer of the Gospel words, who do not hide treasures on earth, you appeared, the Reverend Eugene: for this reason you instructed your brethren to seek the one Lord all the days of your life, to cleave to Him with all your heart and to unceasingly sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Your godly life has shone above the sun, all-praised Eugene, and like the stars of heaven, your virtues have illuminated your abode and its surroundings: for I have received many instructions and healings of illness from you. From them a certain wife, named Melanthia, was rich in property, but poor good deeds, calling you to his house, imaginary for the sake of his illness, and seeing you in the form of a youth and a beautiful face, not leading in the courageous image and name of the hidden nature of womanhood, with fornicating words began to seduce you, drawing you to sin, all your wealth in your own hands yours presenting. But you, chaste Evgenia, being ashamed of such lack of study, you proclaimed: “Our wealth is a hedgehog with Christ. Oh, pure and blessed one, we will not sell you for perishable wealth! O Mother of God and Virgin, I will not change my vows! Marriage is one for us - the desire of Christ!” She put to shame your cold-free wife by defeating a malicious enemy. For such zeal for the purity of monastic life, accept this praise:

Rejoice, thou who hast revealed the life of angels.

Rejoice, you who have put an end to sinful passions.

Rejoice, healer of the weak.

Rejoice, guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, mirror of perfect patience.

Rejoice, you who lead sinners to correction.

Rejoice, you who have crushed the enemy’s networks with the wings of God-thinking.

Rejoice, having consumed the darkness of passions with your courageous patience.

Rejoice, having completed the course of life in day and night struggles.

Rejoice, thou who hast whitened the robe of virginity with purity.

Rejoice, exalted by voluntary poverty.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to be faithful to the end to Jesus Christ, your Sweetest Bridegroom, who took away the sins of the whole world, you showed great meekness, gentleness and humility, chaste Eugenia, when the coldless Melanthia, filled with anger, slandered you to the eparch for committing adultery with her. Present your slave as a testimony, and add a lie to these lies, so that they may please their mistress. You joyfully endured the reproaches, reproaches and slander inflicted on you, knowing that it is fitting for them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, where the Angels cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You showed marvelous courage and patience, Reverend Eugene, when by the command of the eparch, your father, who ate the faith with the false words of a cold wife, for your sake the entire flock of monastics was imprisoned. I will condemn you to death, burn some with fire, give others to be devoured by wild beasts, hang others on a tree, and destroy others with various deaths. Hearing this, you suffered in your soul and tried to extinguish all the arrows of the evil one that were fired at you with prayer and patience. We, marveling at your courage, cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who ardently desired the Heavenly Fatherland.

Rejoice, thou who has loved the sweetness of Jesus.

Rejoice, you who brightly entered through the earthly prison into the heavenly palace.

Rejoice, in her through patience you spent your wedding garments.

Rejoice, for through you sinners are healed from many wounds.

Rejoice, for through you those who call upon you with faith are healed from all illnesses.

Rejoice, speedy bonds of sin for the resolute.

Rejoice, kind healer of painful ulcers.

Rejoice, hardest adamant in unharmed patience.

Rejoice, strongest pillar of stone in unshakable courage.

Rejoice, for with Christ, for His sake, you suffered on earth.

Rejoice, for you are glorified with Him and about Him in heaven.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 8

A strange and terrible vision, when a multitude of people had gathered, Eparch Philip came with his son and, sitting in the usual judgment seat, began to judge you, blessed Eugene, with your eunuchs and other monks, who had kept secrets about you. And there was a cry from the people: May you be destroyed, as you are wicked. I commanded the eparch to bring you closer to the test and offer all the tools of torment, not knowing the secret, nor singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Thou hast put on all the armor of God, the venerable virgin Eugene, and thus was able to overthrow all the power of the devil: for thou stood at the judgment before thy father and brethren, innocent of being in the clothes of a man of monasticism, with a bowed face to those who had it, so that you would not be known from them, and formidable You have heard the rebuke to death. But you, let not lawlessness triumph over innocence and pagan wickedness do not swear at the Christian pious and chaste monastic life, you have confessed that the power of the name of Christ is just as much as the wives who live in His divine passion are worthy of manly dignity. For this reason, hear this praise from us:

Rejoice, you who hated the charms of the world and loved only God.

Rejoice, teacher of humility and chastity.

Rejoice, for through your patience you have reached the rank of angels.

Rejoice, for you were immaculately jealous of their lives.

Rejoice, for you have betrayed your soul to the Bridegroom Christ.

Rejoice, lifted up by humility, flying to eternal shelters.

Rejoice, not afraid of temporary torment.

Rejoice, teaching us not to be afraid of human reproaches.

Rejoice, you who were jealous of the glory of the name of Christ.

Rejoice, you who showed fiery love for the Lord.

Rejoice, you who brought your petitions to the Lord with warm tears.

Rejoice, you who raised monastic life to heights.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 9

All the angelic nature rejoiced with great joy, beholding your courageous strength, Reverend Eugene, and marveling at how you are a woman, struggling in courageous form among the faces of the monks, and enduring innocent slander, for everything you are grateful to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The worlds of multi-proclamation are perplexed to adequately praise you, reverend virgin, more than human nature you strived in the rank of monasticism and love for the sake of it, you deigned to reveal yourself at the trial: you shook your clothes from above, you showed yourself to be female and, turning to the eparch, advertised: “You to me father according to the flesh, Claudia is my mother, and Avit and Sergius, who sit with you, are brothers, and I, Eugene, your daughter, have rejected the world and all its sweets for the sake of Christ!” We, struggling with love, cry out to you with tears:

Rejoice, zealot of the glory of the name of God.

Rejoice, lover of the rules of monastic life.

Rejoice, zealous performer of them.

Rejoice, for you have subdued your flesh and the spirit.

Rejoice, for you continued unremittingly in vigil prayers.

Rejoice, for through the mortification of the flesh you acquired dispassion.

Rejoice, you who have hated all earthly pleasures.

Rejoice, thou who walked the narrow and sorrowful path.

Rejoice, for you bore the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ on your body.

Rejoice, for by the power of the Cross of the Lord you crushed the demonic machinations.

Rejoice, you who have always sought the highest.

Rejoice, who continually looked with your mental eye towards the Everlasting Light of Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 10

Although you saved many and turned to Christ, you exposed the slander being applied to your flock, and you deigned to reveal the truth about yourself with humility. Your father, mother and brothers, having come to know you, rose up from their places, flowing with indescribable joy and tears, falling on your neck, embracing, kissing, crying with joy and rejoicing at your sudden acquisition. The people, looking at this, marveled and raised their voices, crying out: “One Christ! The one true Christian God!” This is what you taught everyone to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

A solid wall and a strong fence appeared to the monastics and to all the Orthodox, O Reverend Eugene: through you the monks who innocently suffered from the bonds were released, and as true servants of Christ, revered by all, they returned to their abode. The judgment of God has come upon the shameless slanderer: even more to her disgrace: fire from heaven fell on her house and burned her with all her wealth. And not only in Alexandria, but throughout the entire country of Egypt, piety flourished and peace returned to the Church of Christ. Your father Philip, having put aside the rank of diocesan bishop, became a bishop and, with the glory of martyrdom, ascended to heaven. But you, having gathered Christian girls to yourself, worked for the good of the Lord, challenging us to cry out to you:

Rejoice, illuminated by the tri-illuminated light of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, you who have undertaken many labors and deeds for the truth of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, image of true humility.

Rejoice, mirror of true self-denial.

Rejoice, shining star in the darkness of sin for the lost.

Rejoice, ladder, raising those who follow you along the steps of virtues from earth to heaven.

Rejoice, for through your good life you have shown us the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, for you have directed many to the heavenly light.

Rejoice, for you have driven away the darkness of superstition.

Rejoice, for you have enlightened our lives with the purity of our hearts.

Rejoice, monks who strive well, intercessor in prayer before God.

Rejoice, good leader for the salvation of those.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 11

You sent forth songs of praise to the King of Glory, your Heavenly Bridegroom, the wise virgin Eugene, who moved with your mother and brethren to your fatherland - beautiful Rome, where you multiplied the Church of God, even in the midst of persecution, like a corn among thorns. You are many maidens, your mother - wives, and the blessed eunuchs Protus and Jacinth - many young men, you have gained to God, and St. Cornelius secretly baptized them, performing the Divine Liturgy in your house, vouchsafed the communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You have become like a light-receiving candle, Saint Eugenie, by your chaste life you have turned many girls to Christ, teaching them that virginity is the first approach to God, like an Angel, the mother of eternal life, a comfortable path to heaven, warmth and the crown of faith. You also exhorted them to remain in immaculate virginity, and even more glorious than virginity, to die for the sake of it. Having followed this teaching, a certain maiden from the royal tribe, named Vasilla, left her fiancé and accepted baptism, living in the commandments of God, and for this reason the royal commandment was given, so that all Christians would be killed. The maiden Vasilla, who loudly confessed her Heavenly Bridegroom, was quickly slain with a sword, and the blessed eunuchs were beheaded. You are a reverend virgin, guilty of the conversion of many, and you were known to many torments. On this path we greet you with these greetings:

Rejoice, brighter than God's zeal, filled with the oil of mercy.

Rejoice, adorned with the color of incorruptibility.

Rejoice, marvelously exalted in your humility on earth and in heaven.

Rejoice, you who through the purity of your heart have been granted the vision of God.

Rejoice, adamante, who adorned the ring of the immortal betrothal to Christ.

Rejoice, crowned with kindness, held in the hand of the Lord.

Rejoice, tireless in your labors.

Rejoice, you who diligently performed all-night prayers and vigils.

Rejoice, you who lifted up your reverend hands to God.

Rejoice, many people who believed in Christ through you, reconciled to God.

Rejoice, faithful leader of those who march to the Lord along the narrow path of monastic life.

Rejoice, ladder that raises the godly monks to the heights of perfection.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 12

Grace from God was given to you, holy martyr Eugene, because you were brought into the temple of the idols, you destroyed the temple with idols; thrown into the Tiber River, tied with a stone around your neck, you walked on the waters as if on dry land; You remained unharmed in the fiery furnace; Even in the deep and gloomy ditch, after ten days of starvation, you were preserved. For consolation, our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to you, saying: “I am your Savior, whom you loved with all your heart and suffered for My sake. I will clothe you with much glory and fill you with much joy. May this also be a sign of your honor, for on that day I will receive you into the heavenly village, on the same day I came to earth from a pure virgin’s womb!” But you, filled with unspeakable joy in Christ Jesus, sang: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your mighty deeds, we honor your sufferings, we praise your long-suffering, we bless your death, which you received on the very day of Christ’s Nativity, we glorify your invincible courage, which appeared in your feminine nature, for which you were glorified on earth and in heaven, Saint Martyr Eugene, and For the sake of your victorious deeds and sufferings, let us write this praiseworthy:

Rejoice, you who ended your martyrdom with a sword-like death.

Rejoice, in the voice of the angelic singing your soul soared into heaven.

Rejoice, you who rejoiced the martyr's regiment in heaven.

Rejoice, you who brought joy to the face of the saints.

Rejoice, you who combined fasting life and martyrdom in yourself.

Rejoice, for you will soon heal incurable diseases.

Rejoice, you who grant help to those who want to endure illness.

Rejoice, for we have seen the feat of your long-suffering, and are ashamed of our cowardice.

Rejoice, for your courage is remembrance, and we strive to wage war on the flesh.

Rejoice, for the consolation of your weeping mother, blessed Claudia, who appeared in great glory.

Rejoice, for you have announced the good news of her righteous death and the canonization of her entire noble family.

Rejoice, to all who grieve in monasticism, giver of eternal joy.

Rejoice, Holy Martyr Eugene, decoration of monastics.

Kontakion 13

Oh, all-praiseworthy holy venerable martyr Eugene! Having accepted our present prayer, deliver us from all illness, adversity, human slander and from enemies visible and invisible, so that after living a quiet and peaceful life in the vale of the earth, we will inherit the bliss of paradise in heaven and together with you we will be worthy of the Saints of the Most Holy Word to sing the song: Alleluia .

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Praise the virgins and glory to the martyrs, Venerable Eugene! We fall to you with tender hearts and ask the Lord for your intercession! For you, most glorious martyr, have gained great boldness towards the Master of all, for you have glorified Him in your pure soul and body through your suffering, before, having despised all the seductions of the enemy and the rebuke of the tormentor, you have endured everything and cried out: “Christ is my wealth and praise! » Moreover, from that wealth and our poverty, grant us spiritual gifts and protect us from immeasurable sins through your intercession, instruct us in obedience and brotherly love to each other, and always lift up the eyes of our hearts to the Lord, so that we may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the power your warm intercession forever and ever. Amen.

In the seventh year of the reign of the Roman Emperor Commodus, who inherited the throne after his father Marcus Aurelius 1, a certain famous nobleman named Philip was appointed ruler of all Egypt. Having received this appointment, Philip moved with his wife Claudia and their children from Rome to Alexandria.

He had two sons, Avit and Sergius, and an only daughter, Evgenia, beautiful in face and chaste in spirit, about whose life this story is offered.

Philip ruled Egypt according to Roman laws and according to the customs of his ancestors. He really disliked sorcerers and wizards and persecuted them in every possible way.

He also did not like Jews, even to the point that he could not hear a Jewish name. He was most merciful to the young men who wanted to get engaged to her, but she refused everyone, under the guise that she did not like their way of life, but in fact avoiding marriage out of love for virgin purity, for her only desire and concern was to to remain in virginity.

Thus, a beautiful and pure vessel was prepared to receive the Divine world, and soon true faith followed her good deeds, and Eugenia approached the pure source of piety.

The beginning of her appeal to God was the following event. By chance, or, better to say, by Divine will, she had to read the book of epistles of the Holy Apostle Paul. Carefully reading and understanding it, Eugenia learned about the existence of the One True God who created the universe: and her mind was immediately enlightened, which had long been purified and prepared for the reception of the Holy Spirit. She firmly believed in Christ in her heart, but did not dare to openly confess Him with her lips, fearing the wrath of her parents.

When, by royal command, Christians were expelled from Alexandria, whose teachings Eugenia strongly wanted to hear, she asked her parents for permission to go to one of her nearest estates, under the pretext of relaxing in rural solitude, but in fact in order to fulfill her desire . Unaware of Evgenia's intentions, her parents let her go to the estate. Driving in a chariot with her eunuchs and slaves past a monastery located in one of the Christian settlements, Evgenia heard the monks singing behind the fence: " All the gods of the pagans are demons, but the Lord created the heavens"(Ps. 96:5). Hearing these words and ashamed of her father's delusion, she sighed from the depths of her soul and said to her two eunuchs, one of whom was called Protus, and the other Jacinthos:

You have studied enough science with me; Together we comprehended the teachings of the philosophers: Socrates, Aristotle and Plato, the well-known errors of the Stoics and the opinion of Epicurus, 2 and also read and studied the works of other sophists and poets. You, of course, understand that all these are fables that have nothing behind them except perhaps a deceptive semblance of truth for many. It is also not unknown to us how the Hellenes boast of their wisdom, some of whom prove in every possible way that there is no God, while others believe that there are many gods, and some gods are considered greater and others lesser. Christians defeat them all with one word, saying: " All gods of the pagans are demons"(Ps. 95:5), for faith in these pagan gods is real madness and leads to destruction. And the teaching of Christians: " The Lord created the heavens"(Ps. 95:5) - openly recognizes the One God and gives us knowledge of our universal Lord. The Apostle Paul teaches them in accordance with this, whose writing, proving the existence of the One God, I read yesterday and the next day. And I believe in the words of this apostle, as very clear and worthy of trust, for they base faith on works. The apostle in his epistles clearly shows the way to salvation, and you, if you wish, can follow his instructions. I will no longer be called your mistress, but sister and co-servant, for we have a common Lord and Father - God. Let us be unanimous and like-minded, like brothers, and together we will decide to turn to Christ. I heard that the Christian bishop Eli 3 built a monastery here, where the monks constantly glorify with hymns day and night God. The bishop entrusted the monastery to a certain presbyter Theodore, about whose miraculous deeds they say that with his prayer he gives sight to the blind, casts out demons and heals all sorts of diseases with one word. They also say that women are not allowed to enter this monastery under any circumstances. Therefore, cut my hair, dress me in men's clothes and take me there at night. We will schedule our return to the city late in the evening, let all the slaves go in front of the chariot, and you two behind. I will quietly get off the chariot and we will hide secretly from everyone, the chariot will return home empty, and we will go to the servants of God.

Such words of Eugenia, as well as her intention, pleased both eunuchs, and when night fell, they acted as agreed in advance. Late in the evening on the way back to the city, they secretly lowered Eugenia from the chariot, so that none of the slaves noticed it, hiding, they dressed her in men's clothing, cut off her maiden hair and headed towards the monastery. Before reaching the monastery, they saw the approach of blessed Elias, Bishop of Iliopolis 4. In Egypt there was such a custom that when a bishop went around monasteries and churches, the people accompanied him with chants. So here, with Bishop Elius, in front and behind him, walked about ten thousand men, singing and exclaiming:

- "The path of the godly is straight, You make straight the path of the godly."(Isa. 26:7).

Hearing these words, Evgenia said to her friends:

Look into the meaning of these verses and notice how all their words apply to us. When we talked about the True God, we heard singing: " All the gods of the pagans are demons, but the Lord created the heavens"(Ps. 95:5). Now, when we have set out on the path by which we wish to come to Christ, turning away from idolatry, several thousand people, meeting us, unanimously sing: " The path of the godly is straight, You make straight the path of the godly."(Isa. 26:7). And it seems to me that this did not happen by chance, but by Divine will. Let's see where these people are going, and if we are heading to the same monastery, then we will join them and go together , as if their friends.

Having joined the people walking and singing, they asked one person along the way:

Who is this old man who rides on a donkey in the midst of the people surrounding him?

And they heard in response that this was Bishop Elius, a Christian from his youth, who grew up in a monastery. When, as a boy, he was sent to bring fire from a neighbor, he brought burning coals to the field of his clothes, and his clothes did not scorch: this is how he pleased God even in childhood.

A few days ago,” the questioner continued, “a certain sorcerer named Zarius appeared in these places, seducing people with various tricks and charms: he called Bishop Elius a deceiver, but said about himself that he was a good mentor sent to people by Christ. And so many Christians gathered and came to our father, whom you see, and said: we hear how Zarius claims that he was sent by Christ, therefore, either accept him into fellowship with you, or, if his words are false, reject him, and we will follow whoever emerges victorious from the verbal contest. Holy Bishop Elius agreed to a dispute with Zarius: he hoped in Christ, as Zarius hoped in his demons. A day was appointed for the dispute and a place was prepared in the middle of Iliopolis. The sorcerer Zarius appeared with his magical spells, the bishop came with God-inspired verbs and, blessing the people, said: " Now you know the Spirit of God, who has come in the flesh, is from God"(1 John 4:2). Then turning to Zarius, he began a great verbal competition with him. But the sorcerer was skilled in his deception, proud and disorderly in speech; he tried to win not by the power of truth, but by shameless verbosity. Therefore, meek and the kindly bishop could not argue with him, and the people grieved that Zarius was defeating the bishop in the competition. Noticing this, Elius demanded that the excitement calm down and said to the people: we must now follow the instructions of the Apostle Paul, which he gives to his disciple Timothy: “ do not enter into verbal disputes, which does not serve any good, but only serves to upset the listeners"(2 Tim. 2:14). But lest anyone think that we bring this testimony of the apostle not to clarify the truth, but out of fear, let a fire be kindled in the middle of the city and we both enter into the flame, and which of us will not be burned, he is the true messenger of Christ. This proposal caught the hearts of all the people, they immediately lit a great fire. The bishop began to call the sorcerer into the flame, but he answered: enter the fire first, since you proposed this test. Having overshadowed yourself sign of the cross and raising his hands to heaven, the bishop entered the middle of the fire and stood there for about half an hour, surrounded by a great flame, but not in the least scorched by it: the fire did not touch either his hair or even his clothes. He also called Zaria to enter the fire, but he, frightened, tried to run away. Then the people grabbed him and forcibly threw him into the fire. The sorcerer immediately began to burn and would have burned completely if the holy Bishop Elius had not delivered him from the fire, half-burned but still alive. After this, they expelled the sorcerer with dishonor from the borders of Iliopolis. And the bishop whom you see, wherever he goes, is accompanied everywhere by the people with divine singing.

Listening to this story, blessed Eugenia rejoiced in spirit, was amazed, sighed deeply and, finally, began earnestly to ask her husband who was talking with her (his name was Eutropius):

I pray you, my lord, to tell the holy bishop about us who want to turn from idols to Christ. We are brothers and with common consent we decided to become Christians and live together in this monastery, never being separated from each other.

Now keep silent about this,” the husband answered them, “until the bishop enters the monastery and rests a little from the journey, and when the time is convenient, I, according to your desire, will tell him about you.”

When they approached the monastery, monks came out to meet the bishop and chanted: " We have received, O God, Thy mercy among Thy people". (Ps. 47:10).

Together with the bishop and the people, Eugenia, who looked like a young man in her robe and short hair, and her eunuchs entered the monastery. Having performed the Divine service in the church, and refreshed himself with a little food at ten o'clock in the evening, as was the custom among fasters, Saint Elius rested from his labors and saw in a dream the following vision: some men carried him in their arms and, like God, they worshiped him as victims and worship of a female statue similar to one of the Hellenic goddesses. It was hard for the bishop to see how people were seduced, falling into idolatry, and he said, turning to the goddess who was among them:

Is it right for you, a creature of God, to be revered by people as God and to receive from them the worship that is due to God alone?

Hearing these words, the goddess immediately left the husbands who worshiped her and followed the bishop, saying:

I will not leave you and will not retreat from you until you lead me to my Creator and Maker and hand me over to Him.

Rising from sleep, the bishop reflected on this vision. And then Eutropius came in to him and said:

Lord! Three youths, brothers, unanimously abandoning idolatry and wishing to be numbered among those serving Christ in this monastery, today followed you into the monastery and with tears begged me to announce them to your shrine.

The bishop exclaimed in great joy:

I thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, who has made me worthy to hear such joyful news today!

And he ordered to immediately call those three youths to him. When they alone entered and appeared before the bishop, the saint first said a prayer, and then began to talk with Evgenia in a fatherly and loving manner, asking about their names, origins and fatherland. In girlish embarrassment, Evgenia humbly answered:

We come from the glorious city of Rome and our fatherland is Rome. We are brothers in the flesh. The name of the first of us is Protus, the other is Iakinthos, but I myself am called Eugene.

Looking at her affectionately, Bishop Elius said:

You are correctly called Evgeniy, Evgeniya! Your name 5 is consistent with your spirit, for you have a noble, courageous soul and are a man in every way. Hold your decision firmly in mind, conquer your feminine nature, and you will mature and become established in Christ, for whose sake you, being a wife, pass yourself off as a husband, changing your feminine image and name out of love for God. I say this to you, not reproaching you, not blaming your feminine nature and not wanting to distract you from your intention, but so that you know what care God has for you, who revealed to me everything pertaining to you, without hiding anything: who you are , and how you will come to me, and who else will come with you to me. So, Evgenia, try to appear no less courageous in spirit than in your appearance: for my Lord also revealed this to me, that you have prepared for Him a pure vessel from yourself, immaculately preserving your virginity and rejecting the temptations of earthly life.

Turning then to Protus and Jacinthus, the saint said:

You are slaves by name, but free in spirit, for your spirit is not enslaved by anything earthly. Therefore, it is not I, but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who says to you: " I no longer call you slaves, but friends"(John 15:15). Blessed are you for the sake of your freedom, but even more blessed for the sake of your fellowship and unity with Christ: for you unanimously agreed to take on His yoke, and did not in the least hinder Blessed Eugenia in her intention, but together with burn with her spirit and desire to serve the Lord, and when she leaves this life, then you and her will receive from the Lord the same crowns and rewards as she did.

No one was present during this conversation between Eugenia and the eunuchs and the bishop. Eliy ordered Evgenia to remain in men's clothing, because no one knew her secret. And she, along with the eunuchs, did not leave the monastery until the bishop baptized them all and canonized them as monastics.

Now we will find out what happened since the saint, together with Protus and Jacinthos, secretly left the chariot from the slaves, and how her parents grieved for her.

The empty chariot continued its journey and was already approaching the house, and the slaves kept walking ahead of it, unaware of what had happened. The house servants came out with lamps to meet Eugenia. Approaching the chariot, they found it empty and, not seeing their mistress, were in great bewilderment. Her father, mother, brothers and all the servants were confused and screams, screams, sobs and strong crying were heard everywhere. Questions began throughout the city, and the people of Alexandria wondered what had happened to the ruler’s daughter. Numerous slaves were sent everywhere to find Eugenia. They walked around not only the entire city, but also the entire Egyptian country, and did not forget to ask anyone along the way and in their houses: merchants, farmers and wanderers, but nowhere could they hear anything about that precious pearl that the Hand of the Most High kept until the end in his treasury .

Parents cried day and night for Evgenia and sobbed inconsolably, often calling on her name, tormenting their faces, sprinkling ashes on their heads and falling to the ground from exhaustion and heartfelt grief.

Evgenia, our dear daughter,” they cried, “our light, where have you hidden from our eyes? Our consolation, where is it hidden? Our hope, are you really dead?

And the parents wept for their daughter, the brothers wept for their sister, and the male and female slaves shed tears for their mistress. All citizens also regretted Eugene and sympathized with the grief of the ruler, as their good master and ruler. Then they began to question the wise men and sorcerers and make numerous sacrifices to the idols, in the hope that one of the gods would not announce the dead maiden. But they couldn’t learn anything from them either. The wise men and sorcerers were silent, being deceitful and ignorant, and the idols, being soulless. Finally, one of the residents of Alexandria invented a fable to console the ruler, namely, they claimed that it was revealed to them that the gods loved the beauty of Eugenia, kidnapped her to heaven and included her among themselves. The distressed father believed this fable, was a little consoled in his sadness, and with difficulty changed his crying to joy. He immediately ordered an idol made of gold, similar to his beloved daughter, placed it in a prominent place in Alexandria and began to publicly venerate Eugenia as a new goddess with new celebrations and the offering of numerous sacrifices. And with this he thought to console his sadness. However, Eugenia's mother Claudia and brothers, Avit and Sergius, did not believe the fable and continued to cry incessantly and inconsolably for Eugenia.

Meanwhile, the blessed virgin, hiding under a man's clothing and name and considered a man due to her harsh lifestyle, lived in the mentioned monastery, diligently undergoing monastic obedience and serving God. She succeeded so much in Divine teaching that after two years she already knew all the Holy Scriptures by heart: her soul was so filled with peace that everyone revered her as one of the angels. No one could find out about her feminine nature, which was hidden by the power of Christ and immaculate virginity, and in her life she surprised even perfect husbands. Her speech was humble, friendly, meek and laconic, filled with the fear of God and edification. No one arrived before her for the church service and no one left after it. She was for the benefit and edification of everyone: she consoled those who mourned, she rejoiced with those who rejoiced; those who gave themselves up to anger and rage were subdued with one word; the proud one was so affected by the sight of her humble life that it immediately humbled his pride and made him meek.

After a little time, she received the gift of miracles from God. When she visited a sick person, her very presence immediately drove away the disease and gave the patient full health. Her two eunuchs, Protus and Iakinthos, stayed with her relentlessly and were imitators of her life, her faithful slaves and friends.

Three years after her conversion to God, the abbot of that monastery died, and the gathered brethren began to unanimously pray to the blessed one that she would be their abbot: they did not know the secret protected by God that their Eugene was by nature not a husband, but a wife. They saw her wise, immaculate and God-pleasing life, incomparably superior to the life of all the fasters of this monastery, and therefore they prayed for a long time and forced her to accept leadership over them. On the one hand, fearing that it was indecent and illegal for her, as a wife, to rule over their husbands, and on the other hand, ashamed to deceive and reject the fervent prayer of so many honest monks, the saint said to them:

I pray you, brothers, bring the Holy Gospel here.

And when it was brought, she continued:

It is fitting for Christians to first of all ask the Lord Christ Himself about any election. Let us see what Christ commands us in this matter and let us obey His will.

When the Gospel was heated in the presence of all the brethren, they found the following words: “Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant; and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave” (Matthew 20:26-27).

After reading these words, the saint exclaimed:

So I obey the command of Christ and your request. Let me be a servant and slave of your love.

And everyone was delighted with her agreement. And the imaginary Eugene, in reality Eugene, accepted the abbess in that monastery, and became for everyone, as it were, a captive and a slave, constantly working for all the brethren, carrying water, chopping wood, cleaning all the cells and serving everyone with great zeal. For her stay, Evgenia chose the goalkeeper’s cell, so as not to show herself superior to others by the superiority of the cell. Working on monastic affairs, she never missed the usual church rule, i.e. matins, hours (and on special days, liturgy) and vespers. And it seemed to her that the hour in which she did not give praise to God seemed wasted in vain, and she carefully watched to ensure that not even an hour passed without praising God. She had work in her hands, and unceasing prayer in her mouth. And she received power over unclean spirits in order to drive them out of people, and she was given the grace to perform other miracles, which there is not enough time to tell in detail about. But let us tell you how the persecution of the saint began, as well as other times and the end of her life and suffering.

There was a woman in Alexandria named Melanthia, rich in property, but poor in good deeds. She fell ill with a fever and suffered from it for more than a year. Her estate was located near the monastery where Evgenia lived. Having heard one day that a monk named Eugene healed all sorts of illnesses, she hastily went to him and begged him to heal her from her illness. Taking pity on her, Eugenia anointed her with holy oil, and she immediately threw up everything that was inside her that was harmful, causing her illness, and, having recovered, returned on foot to her estate. After a little time, she prepared three vessels of pure silver and, filling them with money, sent them to her disinterested doctor in gratitude for the healing received. But Evgenia did not accept the gift and sent it back to her, saying:

We abound and abound in all the good things of our God. I advise you, beloved Melanthia, to distribute all this to the poor and needy.

Seeing her gifts returned, Melanthia was very sad. Arriving at the monastery, with whatever prayers she begged and with whatever requests she forced Evgenia not to refuse the gifts she brought! Finally, with difficulty she managed to beg the abbot Eugene to order the vessels to be taken to the church vessel depository, where things for church service were kept.

From then on, Melanthia began to visit Eugene often, and developed a strong love for him, not knowing that under a man’s clothing and name there was a woman hiding. Seeing him so young and beautiful, Melanthia did not think that such a young man could always live in purity, his own She began to attribute the healing not to holiness, but to his medical skill. And so, from day to day, she began to flare up with a greater and greater desire to enter into a carnal relationship with him and was looking only for a convenient time and place to fulfill her desire. And then one day, while on her estate not far from the monastery, Melanfia, inflamed with unclean lust for the young monk, pretended to be sick and sent to him with a request to visit her alone and help her, as the first time.

Having come to her, blessed Eugenia sat down in front of the bed of Melanthia, who suffered not from illness, but from carnal lust. Looking at Eugene’s face, Melanthia was no longer able to hide the fire that had been hidden within her and had been kindling her for a long time. She opened her shameless lips and began an adulterous speech, seducing him and leading him to sin, as the Egyptian wife of Pentephry once led Joseph (Gen. 39: 7-20).

“I am overwhelmed by unbearable desire and love for you,” she said, “and my spirit cannot calm down until you agree to become master over all my property, and for me a husband.” Why are you in vain killing yourself with unnecessary abstinence and arbitrarily wasting the days of your youth in poverty and need, exhausting your body to such a great extent and drying up the beauty of your face? Here are huge estates, here is a lot of gold and silver, precious stones and expensive clothes, a great number of male and female slaves! Now, finally, you see me, a beautiful young woman, widowed only this year, and also childless, so there is no heir to my wealth. Inherit them yourself and become my lord and master.

All this and much more was said by Melanthia, seducing Eugenia. But the Monk Eugenia, ashamed of the shamelessness of this harlot, answered her threateningly:

Shut up, wife, shut up! And don’t try to harm me with the venom of the ancient serpent. I see that you have made yourself a great dwelling place of the devil, retreat from the servants of God, temptress, and let lusters like you inherit your riches; our wealth lies in poverty with Christ. As for marriage, let not even our mind ever think about carnal pleasures. O blessed purity, we will not sell you for perishable riches! O holy virginity, let us not defile you with fornication! O Mother of God and Virgin, in whom I trust, I will not betray my vows! We have one marriage - our love for Christ, we have only one wealth - the blessings prepared in heaven, one inheritance - the knowledge of the truth!

Having said this, the blessed one immediately got up and went to her monastery, while Melanthia, filled with inexpressible shame, and at the same time anger, went to the city and, appearing to the ruler, said to him:

A certain Christian youth, posing as a doctor and living in a monastery not far from my estate, came to my house, and I allowed him to enter my chamber for healing. But he, considering me to be one of the dishonest and shameless women, began to force me to do a bad deed, first with flattering words, and then wanted to use violence; and if I had not screamed and the slave had not rushed to run to my call, then this shameless young man would probably have desecrated me with violence, like a barbarian captive.

Such words of Melanthia brought the ruler into great anger, and he immediately sent servants to take not only the young man Eugene, called the doctor, but also everyone living with him, and, shackling them in iron shackles, kept them in bonds. But since one dungeon could not accommodate all the monks who were with Eugenia, they were distributed to different dungeons. The rumor about this event spread not only throughout Alexandria, but also throughout the surrounding cities, and Christians suffered many insults and reproaches from the pagans, for everyone who heard Melanthia’s story believed in the truth of her words, since she was famous among the pagans for her honesty and nobility of origin.

They set a day when the trial of the monks and their execution were to take place; the ruler wanted to give some of them to be devoured by wild animals, burn others with fire, hang others on a tree, and destroy others with various other torments. And so, when the appointed day arrived, a multitude of people came not only from the city, but also from all its surroundings. Very many Christians also gathered, among whom were many presbyters and several bishops: they came to see the death of the innocent servants of God (the Christians were sure in false slander), take their remains and give them an honest burial.

As soon as the ruler Philip arrived with his sons Avit and Sergius, and sat down in the usual place intended for the judge, they immediately brought blessed Eugenia, whose secret no one had yet known, into the middle of the disgrace, with her eunuchs and other monks, shackled in heavy iron shackles. . Then the people shouted loudly:

Let these wicked lawless men perish!

The governor ordered that the leader of the evil (as they said), the immaculate lamb of Christ, be brought closer to him for testing, that all the instruments of torment be placed before her, and that ready and formidable executioners appear.

And Saint Eugenia stood at the trial before her father and brothers, innocent of any evil, hidden under men's monastic clothing and lowering her head so as not to be immediately recognized. Turning to her, the ruler asked menacingly:

Tell us, lawless Christian, is this what your Christ commanded you to do, so that you do bad deeds and use cunning to persuade honest women to fulfill your evil desires? Tell us, wicked one, how did you dare to enter the house of the most serene lady Melanthia and force her most noble purity to desecrate? By slyly posing as a doctor, you turned out to be an enemy and a rapist. And so you will accept a worthy execution for your shameless and daring intention, and, being evil, you will die an evil death.

So the ruler spoke with great anger, and blessed Eugenia meekly answered him:

My Lord, Jesus Christ, whom I serve, teaches purity and promises eternal life to those who maintain immaculate virginity. We can immediately show that Melanthia accuses us falsely. But it is better that we ourselves suffer and not lose the fruits of our patience, than that she, defeated and exposed, should have to endure any evil. However, if you swear to me in the name of your kings that you will not cause any harm to this false witness, then we will now interrogate her about the sin of which she innocently accuses us, and we will see that she herself will be guilty of it.

After the ruler swore to her and promised to fulfill what he asked, Eugenia said, turning to Melanfia:

Melanthia, your very name 6 testifies to blackness and darkness! You have prepared many different torments for Christians with your false slander. Well, insist that we be tormented, burned and beaten! But make sure that Christ’s servants are not what you falsely show them to be. Bring that slave whom you called an eyewitness of our sin, so that from her lips the lie will be exposed and the truth will become clear.

But the brought slave added lies to lies in order to please her mistress, for how could she say anything against her?

“I know,” she said, “that this shameless young man often sins with ordinary women, he is impudent, repeatedly pestered me, and finally dared to encroach on my mistress. Entering her bedroom at the first hour of the day, he first talked to her like a doctor, taking care of her health, then began to speak shameless speeches and, finally, wanted to commit violence against her, and probably would have committed his lawless deed if I She did not hastily call other maids and did not deliver our mistress from the hands of this fornicator.

The judge ordered to call other servants, but they also testified against the monk Eugene, helping their mistress. Then the ruler exclaimed in great anger:

How can you object to them, wicked one, when so many witnesses defeat you and expose your iniquity?

Now the time has come to speak, answered Saint Eugenia, for the time of silence has ended. The time has come to freely confess the truth, so that the lies that are endlessly erected against us do not triumph and evil rumors about Christians do not circulate among the pagans. Truly, I wanted to keep my secret until the end of my life, and thereby expose at the future judgment of Christ the lie erected against us and prove my purity before the one out of love for Whom I kept it. What until now I have carefully tried to conceal, now I will have to reveal so that lawlessness does not triumph over innocence and pagan wickedness does not mock and mock the pious and chaste Christian life. I will reveal the truth not out of vanity, but to glorify the name of Jesus Christ; for such is the power of this holy name that even wives who live in the fear of God are granted the dignity of husbands, and people of one sex cannot be superior in faith to people of the other sex, as the teacher says Christian Apostle Paul: God makes no difference between husband and wife, " for you are all one in Christ Jesus"(Gal. 3:28). So I also desired for the sake of Christ, in whom I believed, whom I loved with all my soul and in whom I placed all my trust, in life and in life. appearance to be a husband rather than a wife, observing your virginity to the one pure and incorruptible Heavenly Bridegroom.

Saying this, she tore the top of her clothes, exposed part of her holy and pure maiden body, and the ruler saw that she was a woman. Then Evgenia told him.

My lord, you are my father in the flesh, Claudia is my mother, and Avit and Sergius, who are sitting with you, are my brothers. I myself am your daughter Eugenia, who renounced the world and all its pleasures out of love for Christ, here are Protus and Jacinth, my eunuchs, with whom I accepted the teachings of Christ. And Christ showed such grace to me that, by His mercy, He made me the conqueror of all lusts and passions, and I unshakably believe that He will keep me to the end the same as I am now.

She had not yet finished her speech when her father and brothers, based on her words, as well as on some features of her face (for they peered intently at her), recognized that she was really Eugene. Immediately, in unspeakable joy and with tears, they jumped up from their seats and rushed to her, hugging her, kissing her, crying with joy and having fun that they had suddenly found Eugenia, without whom the very light of this world had ceased to be pleasant to them. It was immediately announced to her mother, Claudia, that her daughter Eugene had been found. She hurriedly came and did everything she could when she saw her beloved Evgenia, no matter what kind words she showered on her, looking at her daughter as if she had risen from the dead. Seeing what had happened, the people were amazed and cried out loudly:

One Christ, One true God, Christian God!

And many Christians, who came with their bishops and presbyters to bury the bodies of the martyrs, also sang, filled with unspeakable joy: “Thy right hand, O Lord, is glorified with power; he exposes the secret, he delights the wise in their own wickedness" (Ex. 15:6; Ps. 76:14; Job 5:13).

Then they brought gold-woven clothes with precious ornaments, in which Eugenia’s parents and brothers clothed her against her will, and sat her in a high place so that everyone could see her and rejoice with them in finding what she had lost. They immediately freed the monks who were in bondage with Evgenia from their shackles, treated them kindly and began to honor them as true servants of Christ.

Melanthia was filled with great fear and shame, and before she had time to leave the place of judgment, fire fell from heaven onto her house and burned it to the ground with all the riches and treasures, so that not a trace of anything remained. And there was great joy of the day for all believers in Alexandria and throughout Egypt, especially when the ruler Philip himself was baptized and believed in our Lord Jesus Christ with his wife, sons and the whole house, a great multitude of pagans then received holy baptism, and the world was returned to the Church of Christ.

Soon after these events, the ruler Philip sent a message to the kings Severus and Antoninus 7, in which he wrote that it was not useful for the kingdom of Rome to expel Christians from the cities, who were very necessary for the common good of the people. The kings listened to his advice and in all Egyptian cities Christians regained their places, lands, temples and dignity, taking advantage of the world - and Christian piety flourished.

But the shrine is always accompanied by the envy of the enemy, and sin fights against virtue. So now it was hard for some of the noblest idolaters of Alexandria to see how the number of Christians was increasing from day to day, and the number of idol worshipers was decreasing more and more. Taught by their father Satan, they went to the kings with slander against the ruler Philip.

For nine whole years, they said, Philip ruled the Egyptian country well and strictly observed the royal laws. But we don’t know what happened to him now: he has changed. He left the service of the gods of our fathers and draws all the people with him to the worship of the One Whom (as everyone claims) the Jews executed in Palestine by crucifying him on the cross. There is no more respect and due obedience to your royal laws. He preferred wicked Christians to all of us, many of whom, visiting the temples of our gods, shower them with countless blasphemies, calling them wood, insensitive stones and soulless idols.

With such and similar speeches they incited both kings to anger against Philip, who sent him the following message:

The most divine king, who ruled before us and knew your piety and veneration of the Roman gods of your fathers, made you not a ruler in Alexandria, but, as it were, the king of Egypt, and legitimized that you would permanently rule this country until your death and that no one else would be placed in charge. your place. We also respected this honor inviolably, but only as long as you were a friend and servant of the gods. But now we hear about you that you have abandoned the gods and are not disposed towards us. Therefore, we command that you either return to your former veneration of the Roman gods and then continue to enjoy honors and glory as before, or, if you do not stop rejecting the gods, immediately leave your dignity and renounce your estates.

After reading the royal message, the ruler said he was sick in order to have time to sell all his property and distribute it - partly to the churches, and partly to the poor.

Blessed Philip possessed the gift of eloquence and convinced and converted many noble Hellenes to Christianity with his speeches, and strengthened and confirmed the cowardly and wavering in the faith.

When his estate was sold and distributed, he removed himself from the rank of ruler and immediately all the Alexandrian Christians elected him to be their bishop. After some time, another ruler, named Terentius, arrived in his place from Rome, who wanted to kill Philip, but was afraid of the people, because everyone was ready to sacrifice their lives for their bishop. Therefore, he hired secret assassins, who, entering the saint and finding him alone praying to God, struck him with swords and, going out, disappeared. This immediately became known throughout the city, and great crying, outcry and confusion spread everywhere. Fearing that the people would not understand his treachery, Terenty ordered to immediately find the murderers and imprisoned them, tying them with heavy shackles, as if intending to betray them to cruel torture and execution. Blessed Bishop Philip lived for three days after receiving his wounds and, having died a martyr’s death in the Lord, was also honored with a martyr’s crown. He served as bishop for a year and three months. He was buried inside the city at a place known as Isium, in a church that he himself had built.

Having kept the murderers in prison for some time, Governor Terenty released them, as if by royal command, and then everyone understood that the holy bishop had been killed on his orders. After the death of her father, Saint Eugenia gathered Christian virgins around her and continued to serve God with them, leading a virginal life, while her mother, Claudia, built a vast hospice house and devoted herself to serving strangers and the sick. After a considerable time, she returned to her fatherland Rome, taking with her both sons and blessed daughter Eugenia, and settled there on her estate. The Roman government favorably received Avitus and Sergius, and one of them was appointed regional commander in Carthage 8, and the other as royal governor in Africa.

Meanwhile, Saint Eugenia, living in Rome, secretly brought to Christ and exhorted many virgins, the daughters of noble nobles, to preserve their virginity. At that time, there lived in Rome a young maiden of the royal family, orphaned after the death of her parents, named Vasilla. She was entrusted until she came of age to her grandfather Elin, and betrothed by the kings to one young man known for his courage and nobility, named Pompey. But the marriage was postponed for several years, because Vasilla was still very young after the death of her parents. Often hearing about the name of Christ and about Eugene, about her virgin and chaste life, and about the miracles performed by the power of Christ, she was inflamed in spirit, for the Lord in mysterious ways was calling her to His heavenly chamber. She had two desires: to learn reliably about Christ and to see Eugenia. But she could not go to her and talk with her, both for fear that her fiancé would find out about it, and because of the persecution of Christians that was happening in Rome at that time. Therefore, Vasilla sent a servant devoted to her to Eugenia with a request that she, albeit in writing, tell her about Christ and teach her how to believe in Him.

Saint Eugenia was greatly rejoiced at such a messenger. Having decided together with her mother and the eunuchs that a letter cannot teach as much as words coming from a person’s mouth, she ordered the eunuchs to get ready, wanting to send them as if as a gift to Vasilla. Sending them, Evgenia wrote:

Here I am sending you as a gift, beloved sister Vasilla, two of my faithful servants, the eunuchs Protus and Jacinthos, who grew up with me from their youth, and may they be a living letter from me to you.

Vasilla joyfully received the eunuchs, who appeared to be slaves, but in reality were apostles of Christ. Talking with her day and night, they taught her the holy faith, for she constantly listened with attention, joy and tenderness to the Divine words coming from their lips, and with all her heart she believed in the one Christian God, the Creator of everything. Notified of this, the Pope, Blessed Cornelius 9, secretly came to her and baptized her in the name of the Holy Trinity. Then her uncle Elin believed in Christ, so Vasilla could easily see Eugenia and enjoy a holy and pleasant conversation with her. Every night Evgenia came to her house without any restrictions, under the protection of her uncle.

In this way, Saint Eugenia and her blessed mother Claudia converted many people to Christ. All Roman Christian widows took refuge with Claudia, and virgins with Eugenia, and found peace in body and soul with them. Every Saturday evening, Holy Pope Cornelius sent prayers and psalms 10 to Claudia’s house so that they would pray all night and praise God, and in the morning, when the roosters crow, he himself would come to them, baptize those turning to Christ, perform the Divine Liturgy and give communion to all the wives Divine Secrets. And the Church of God multiplied and flourished amid persecution, like a lily among thorns. Oh, how many holy virgins Eugenia and Vasilla turned virgins to God, Saint Claudia - wives, and the blessed eunuchs Protus and Jacinth - young men!

When the wicked kings Valerian and Gallienus 11 reigned, the persecution of Christians intensified. The kings issued an order to kill all Christian teachers, and first of all they began to look for Pope Cornelius to kill the saint.

Having met Saint Vasilla at this time, Saint Eugenia said to her:

The Lord revealed to me that you will soon accept the crown of martyrdom for your virginity.

The Lord also deigned to inform me about you,” answered Vasilla, “that you will receive a double crown of martyrdom - one for the sorrows and misfortunes you endured in Alexandria, the other for the blood that you will shed in suffering for Christ.”

Then blessed Eugenia raised her hands to heaven and said:

Lord Jesus, Son of the Most High, for the sake of our salvation, born of the Virgin, Your Most Pure Mother, bring all the virgins You have entrusted to me in incorruptible virginity into the eternal Kingdom of Your glory!

Then turning to the multitude of virgins of Christ who were sitting with her and Vasilla, Blessed Eugenia said:

It is time for the grape harvest, when the grapes are pruned and then offered as wine to the royal table. And there is not a single strong kingdom or high rank that is not adorned with the blood of these grapes. So you too, my branches and grapes of my heart, be ready for the Lord. Virginity brings us closer to God, virginity likens us to angels, it is the mother of eternal life, a friend of shrines, a safe path to heaven, the mistress of joy, the leader of the power of miracles, the warmth and crown of faith, the strength and affirmation of love. There is nothing we should try so hard for, nothing we should be so concerned about, as remaining in immaculate virginity, but it is still glorious to die for virginity. What are the vain and deceptive pleasures of this world, which, appearing, cause temporary joy, and disappearing - eternal suffering; they bring short-term laughter to amaze with eternal crying; show soon-fading flowers of pleasure to bring lasting sorrows; promise happy life in the present century, in order to betray in the future eternal torment. For the sake of all this, O most beloved virgins, who have hitherto labored with me in virginal feats, continue to abide in the love of the Lord as you began. The days of temporary mourning have come for you, so that you may rejoice and rejoice in eternity. I commend you to the Holy Spirit and believe that He will keep you pure and blameless. Do not try to see my fleshly face anymore, but look with spiritual eyes at my deeds and actions.

Having given them such an admonition, Evgenia kissed each of them and consoled the crying ones, then prayed together with Vasilla and kissed, they parted. On the same day, one of Saint Basilla’s slaves went to her mistress’s fiancé, Pompey, and said to him:

My lord, I know that the kings promised you my mistress as a wife, and you have been waiting for her to come of age for more than six years and have not entered into marriage. I have now come to inform you that you will no longer have to marry her, for her uncle and teacher is a Christian, and she herself has converted to the Christian faith with all her soul and now abhors not only you, but the whole world. She has two eunuchs sent to her by Eugenia, and she honors them as her masters, kissing their feet every day, as if they were immortal gods. These eunuchs are the teachers of Christian sorcery.

The slave's story brought Pompey into extreme anger, jumping up from his seat, he immediately went to Elin, Vasilla's teacher.

These days, he told him, I decided to get married. Therefore, let me see the maiden whom the invincible kings gave me as my wife.

The teacher immediately guessed that Pompey had learned about their conversion to Christ, and replied:

While Vasilla was small and foolish, until then I took care of her and kept her like the apple of my eye, and raised her in the appropriate way. But now she has already reached perfect age and intelligence, and due to the nobility of her origin, she wants to be completely free and not subject to anyone. Therefore, it is not in my power to allow you to see her: it depends on her own consent.

Enraged even more, Pompey came to Vasilla’s home and began knocking on the doors, ordering the gatekeepers to inform Vasilla about him.

But, having learned about his arrival, Vasilla did not let him in. “It is not proper for a young man,” she answered, “to have conversations alone with a girl, and it is indecent for a girl to even look at a man’s face. Moreover, I do not know with what intent Pompey came to me.”

Retiring in shame, Pompey begged some nobles and, together with them, threw himself at the feet of the kings with a complaint about his bride and Eugenia.

“O brightest kings,” he said, “help your Romans and drive out of the city the faith in the new God preached by Eugenia. These people, who call themselves Christians, have been harming the people for a long time. They trample our laws, despise our gods, as if they were vain idols, and distort the laws of nature itself, not allowing the bride to marry her betrothed groom. If there are no marriages, then where will people be born, and if they are not born, then over whom will you rule? Where will the troops and strength of the Roman people come from? Who will defeat the enemies? How will our fatherland exist, and how will human life turn out?

Pompey said a lot of other things in the same way, shedding tears. King Gallienus and all his nobles took pity on him and immediately issued a command that the virgin Basilla either agree to marry her groom or be executed by the sword. Regarding Eugenia, he commanded that she make a sacrifice to the gods, or die in agony. In addition, the king commanded that all Christians be put to death - and not only Christians, but even those who dared to shelter Christians among themselves would also be executed.

When the royal command reached the holy virgin Vasilla, she answered loudly and fearlessly:

My groom is the King of kings, Christ, the Son of God, and besides Him I do not want to know another, corruptible husband.

After these words, she was immediately stabbed with a sword. Two holy eunuchs, Protus and Jacinth, were also taken, and they were dragged to the idol temple to worship the bad god Dius 12. But as soon as the saints had time to enter the temple, the idol fell at their feet and crumbled into dust and ashes. The ruler of the city, Nikity, having learned about this, ordered to cut off their heads, believing that they had crushed the god Dius with their sorcery. He summoned Saint Eugenia to him and began to ask her about magical art. Answering him, the saint began to speak in detail and wisely about the One True God, whose very name demons fear and tremble, so that they fall along with the idols. Not paying attention to her words, the ruler ordered her to be taken to the temple of Diana to make a sacrifice, but before she had time to enter it, the temple collapsed along with the idol. Having learned about this, the king ordered her to be thrown into the Tiber River, with a stone tied around her neck. But when this was done, the stone immediately came loose and the saint walked on the water as if on dry land. Then they grabbed her again and threw her into a very hot furnace, but the furnace suddenly cooled down, without in the least harming the saint, who came out of it completely unharmed. Then she was thrown into a deep and gloomy ditch and starved for ten days, but the ray of Divine grace did not cease to illuminate the saint and food was sent to her from heaven. Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Eugene in the ditch and said:

I am your Savior, Whom you loved and love with all your soul and all your heart, and for whose sake you endure these sufferings. I will clothe you with great glory and fill you with unspeakable joy. Let it be a sign for you that I will accept you into My heavenly habitations on the very day when I was born on earth from a clean, virgin womb.

This appearance of the Lord filled the heart of the holy virgin with indescribable joy, and she began to joyfully await the time of her separation from her body. On the very day of the Nativity of Christ, an executioner was sent to her in the ditch, who killed her with a sword 13.

Thus, the holy and reverend virgin Eugenia accepted the end of temporary life and her earthly suffering, and the beginning of eternal and blessed life. Her blessed mother Claudia and her household took her holy and honorable body and buried her in the family estate, not far from Rome, where Saint Eugenia buried the bodies of many believers during her lifetime.

When one night her mother was weeping at her tomb, Saint Eugenia appeared to her with many other virgins, surrounded by great glory, and said:

Rejoice and be glad, my mother, that Christ has brought me into the joy of the saints, and my father into the number of patriarchs: on Sunday He will accept you into eternal joy. Command your sons, my brothers, that they sacredly observe the Christian title received in baptism to the end, that they not only in body but also in spirit be my brothers, and that we thus offer our entire family as an auspicious gift to God.

When the saint spoke thus to her mother, the voices of many holy angels began to be heard, singing and glorifying the Father and the Lord and the Holy Spirit, the One God in the Trinity, to Him and from us sinners be glory and praise forever. Amen.


1 Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor, reigned from 161 to 180. Commodus, his son, reigned from 180 to 192.

2 Socrates, Plato (his student), Aristotle (Plato’s student), Epicurus - famous Greek philosophers who lived in the 4th century. BC

4 Iliopolis is a city in lower (northern) Egypt.

5 Eugenia translated from Greek means “noble”, “courageous”.

6 Melanfia translated from Greek means “black-colored.”

7 The Roman emperor Septimius Severus (from 193 to 211) had his son Antoninus as co-ruler.

8 An ancient city in northern Africa. Nowadays Tunisia is located in its place.

9 St. Cornelius, Pope of Rome, ruled the Roman Church from 251 to 252.

10 That is liturgical books, which at that time were rare and not many people had them.

11 Valerian - Roman emperor, reigned from 253 to 260. Galliam, his son, reigned from 260 to 268.

12 The death of Saints Eugenia, Claudius, Basilla, Protus and Jacinthos followed around 262. The tombs of Protus and Jacinthos were opened under Pope Damasus in 366 and a church was soon built over them. Currently, the relics of Protus rest in Rome in the Church of John the Baptist among the Florentines, the relics of Jacinthos in the Church of the Apostle Paul of Ostia, the relics of Eugenia in the Church of the 12 Apostles, and the relics of Vasilla in the Church of Praxeda.

13 According to the word of the month, blessed. Jerome and some others, St. Evgenia was injured on December 25th.

By month: January February March April

There are people we only learn about after their death. They live next to us, and their feat is invisible and unknown. And we will be honored to find out about someone only at the Last Judgment of the Lord, when everything secret will become clear. Not only the bad, which for some reason most often comes to mind in such reflections, but also the good. And there are people who are born to be famous. They are always in sight, they are talked about, they are recognized, they are written about, their opinions are listened to. Of course, not everyone is burdened by fame; no one will refuse such an attitude towards themselves, if only for some time. Not for long. Not forever…

Saint Eugenia was born in the house of a noble Roman. He was made the emperor's viceroy in Egypt, at that time a rich province of Rome. The daughter of the emperor's viceroy, the most glorious man throughout Egypt, received the most better education, which the Egyptian priests and Alexandrian philosophers were able to give. She was fluent in Latin and Greek and had an amazing memory. The future promised her to become one of the most famous women of its time. Evgenia read a lot and studied philosophy.

Somehow she came across the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul, from which she learned that there was Something, next to which everything she owned was considered garbage. “I consider everything as rubbish, just to have Christ” - these words turned Evgenia’s whole life upside down. Unable to meet with Christians in Alexandria itself, she went outside the city to her nearest estate. On the way, an escape plan matured, and she, with two slaves, Protus and Jacinthos, who turned out to be secret Christians, men's clothing came to the monastery. Bishop Ily Eliopolsky received a revelation in a dream that Eugene was a woman, but had a courageous soul and should become a monk in the monastery he created.

Another life has begun. Poverty, obscurity, endless labors, prayers and silence, humility and rudeness environment. It was three times more difficult for her. She had just turned to Christ, before that she was taught differently, different customs, rules, behavior, philosophy. Here I had to grab it on the fly, willy-nilly, and even pretend that she was a man.

Four years later, the abbot of that monastery went to God. And in all the brotherhood there was no more humble, more obedient, more authoritative monk than the silent Eugene.

What to do? She fled from glory to glorify Christ in obscurity, but glory found her in poverty. Say she's a woman and leave the fraternity? But where will she find such a school of true wisdom? Having opened the Gospel, Evgenia read: “Whoever wants to be the eldest among you, let him be like a slave to everyone.” Truly, this is the path indicated by God to all leaders and leaders.

The girl headed the monastery. She increased her work, prayers, and was an example for everyone. No one suspected that she was not a man. The feat changed her beyond recognition. And then God gave her the gift of healings. Like a slave, Evgenia hurried to everyone who called her for help. She taught, led, prayed and healed. One rich woman, named Melania, received healing from Eugenia and often invited her to her place to listen to the saint’s teachings and donated a lot to the monastery. The devil set Melania up with unclean thoughts and she, not knowing that in front of her was a girl, began to tempt Eugenia into sin, but having received a harsh and fair rebuff, she decided to take revenge and reported to Eugenia’s father against a certain Christian abbot who wanted to take possession of her in her house by force.

It must be said that after the strange and inexplicable disappearance of his daughter, the governor of Egypt even turned to the Egyptian priests, who, having decided that Eugenia might no longer be alive, announced publicly that the gods loved Eugenia for her beauty and wisdom and took her to themselves . Therefore, the search was stopped, and another statue appeared in the square of the capital of Egypt, depicting Eugenia, in front of which her father prayed and made sacrifices, like a goddess. Eugenia's mother, Claudia, did not believe these stories and continued to mourn her daughter, whom the Egyptians now praised as a goddess.

Evgenia and her brethren were dishonorably taken to the city prison until trial. And the Name of Christ was blasphemed among the pagans, repeating and passing on this slander to each other.

At the trial, Evgenia saw her father and the ruler, her two brothers were sitting next to her. At first she tried to defend herself in the usual way, but false witnesses were presented. Then, defending not her own honor, but the honor of the Christian community, Evgenia revealed to everyone who she was, why she was here, and thus revealed her secret and the whole truth about the slander brought against her.

She was recognized by her father and brothers. Overwhelmed with joy, after the first signs of family love, they dressed her up like a princess and took her to the palace with royal honors. Evgenia did not immediately manage to free herself from this fame; those around her did not understand the inconsistency with the secular world, her path and the path following Christ, but nevertheless, soon not only her relatives, but all of Alexandria glorified Christians, marveling at them, and Christians glorified God, who gave Eugene such a noble, courageous heart.

The third great period began in the life of Saint Eugenia, which led her to the crown of martyrdom. After the entire family converted to Christianity, her father was removed in rank. The Christians made him their bishop. The new governor did not dare to execute Bishop Philip, but secretly sent assassins to kill him. While praying, he was wounded and died three days later.

Eugenia, together with her mother Claudia, set up a hospice outside the city and there with their own hands they did a lot of good to the sick and traveling beggars. Soon Emperor Gallienus again began persecuting Christians. Many then found refuge with Claudia and Eugenia.

Among the converts was one young Roman woman of the royal family - Vasilla. Having accepted Baptism, she refused marriage to her fiancé Pompey. Pompey complained to the emperor. In response, the emperor summoned Vasilla to trial, where she was stabbed to death with a sword for disobedience to Roman authority and refusal to renounce Christ.

Evgenia was summoned to Rome for trial. Forcing her to make a sacrifice to the gods, the saint was brought to the temple of the goddess Diana, but the temple collapsed along with the idols. They wanted to drown her in the Tiber, but the stone fell from her neck, and she herself walked on the water. She remained just as unharmed and invincible in the fire. Not knowing what to do with her, her tormentors threw her into a ditch and starved her for ten days. There the Savior appeared to her and announced that she would enter the Kingdom of Heaven on His Birthday.

On the eve of the great holiday in 262, the sent executioner killed the holy martyr Eugenia with a sword. Her memory is celebrated by the Church on the day of her death - 6th January, together with his father, the holy martyr Philip and his mother, the martyr Claudia, and the martyrs Protus and Iokinthos.

A particle of the relics of the Holy Martyr Eugenia is kept in the Assumption Church of our monastery.

Holy Martyr Eugenia, pray to God for us!

The relics of the Venerable Martyr Eugenia are located:

- in the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Rome.

Particles of the relics of the martyr Eugenia are available:

– in the Assumption Church of the Nikolo-Solbinsk monastery;

– in the monastery of the Great Martyr Barbara (island of Cyprus);

– in the monasteries of the Life-Giving Spring on the island of Andros and the Holy Trinity in Koropi (Greece).

Prayer to the Venerable Martyr Eugenia

Praise the virgins and glory to the martyrs, Venerable Eugene! We fall to you with tender hearts and ask the Lord for your intercession! For you, most glorious martyr, have gained great boldness towards the Master of all, for you have glorified Him in your pure soul and body through your suffering, before, having despised all the seductions of the enemy and the rebuke of the tormentor, you have endured everything and cried out: “Christ is my wealth and praise! » Moreover, from that wealth and our poverty, grant us spiritual gifts and protect us from immeasurable sins through your intercession, instruct us in obedience and brotherly love to each other, and always lift up the eyes of our hearts to the Lord, so that we may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the power your warm intercession forever and ever. Amen.