Is there a profession called penguin flipper? Unusual professions of the world: why penguins are turned over

Ratings of unusual professions are compiled every year all over the world. There are many who fall into them: a jam spreader on buns, a lifeguard on a nudist beach (a very special, delicate profession), and a student’s personal stenographer.

In general, if you decide to radically change your occupation, you will have plenty to choose from. You just need to know the pitfalls of your chosen profession.

Waiter in line

This is not a service from the time of the fall of the USSR, but an ordinary British profession. True, it appeared relatively recently, but it is already justifying its existence. According to statistics, the average Briton spends at least a year in queues in his life. Therefore, a specially trained, patient person for these purposes comes in handy for them. Valet services are not cheap - $40 per hour, but, you see, this is nothing compared to a lost year of life.


And this is already a Japanese profession. The disease of the metropolis - loneliness - has not escaped the residents of Tokyo. The city is literally swarming with people, and there is no one to talk to. For this purpose, professional interlocutors sit in special booths in the busiest places. For a reasonable fee, they are ready to listen to everyone and, if necessary, give good advice. In a week, such specialists help an average of 10,000 people speak out. Who knows, maybe thanks to them Tokyo has one of the most low levels crime in the world.


In Russian it sounds like an insult, but in fact it is an international profession. In addition, it is extremely necessary: ​​sulfurizers apply sulfur to the heads of matches. True, with the advent of lighters, the demand for people in this profession throughout the world has fallen. However, many people still prefer matches to lighters in the old fashioned way, so for now, professional oscillators are not in danger of extinction.

Penguin flipper

No, this is not a Greenpeace volunteer, but an employee of airfields near Antarctica. In their natural environment, penguins never fall on their backs, only on their stomachs. From this position they learned to get up. But when penguins walk near airfields, everything happens differently. Curious birds lift their heads to look at the planes taking off, causing them to lose their balance and fall onto their backs. They are no longer able to get up from this position. For such cases, there are rollers that help them get out of their helpless position.

Toilet guide

An official profession registered in China. On the streets of Beijing and other large cities you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to show anyone where the nearest public toilet. In their work books there is a proud entry: “Civil servant - toilet guide”!

From Russia with love

There are also many unusual specialties in our country. Some appeared due to bureaucratic tongue-tiedness. In the official register of professions you can find a tailings manager, a logger, a fire raker, a forest pathologist, and an assembler of small animal skeletons.

Russians invent other professions for themselves. Among them are a wet cleaning manager (cleaning lady), a mouse breeder, a battle hunter (hunter of empty beer bottles), and an organizer of friendly pranks. Psychologists say that people who choose an unusual profession are often difficult to get along with and cause a lot of trouble for their relatives. Perhaps because they feel they are especially needed by society. Awareness of your own uniqueness inspires and obliges you to do a lot...

10 chosen

"I'm at work!" – is this a familiar phrase? We often say it when answering a call and don’t even think about what the person on the other end of the line imagines. Relatives, of course, know who you are and what you do. Now imagine a situation where someone called you completely stranger. What will he think? Perhaps at the moment you are tasting vintage wine in Italy or raising penguins in distant Antarctica? Today we will dream up a little and imagine ourselves in the role of a person with an unusual profession.

1. Penguin Lifter

“You yourself are penguins! I’m not a penguin, I’m a lifter. Do you feel the difference? This profession is necessary and rare - there are only two of us in the world! Would you try to work like this all year round seven days a week in harsh northern conditions in any weather: even if there is a snowstorm or the snow is falling like a solid wall. You have to climb over high snowdrifts, often getting stuck and falling into the snow. Penguins are fine, they don’t freeze. And we are freezing, saving curious birds from certain death. And by the way, these are not folders of papers for you office desk shift - some penguins are obstinate or, even worse, very heavy. Just don’t be mistaken that you are taking them “by the hand” and putting them on their feet. All you have to do is turn your feathered friend onto his stomach... and you're done!"

2. Gondolier

"How how?" - There’s no point in asking again. Especially if you are in Venice. My profession is rare, respected and, as a rule, passed down by inheritance. How many gondoliers do you think there are on our planet? There are 425 people in total and all here in one city. If you think that every fisherman driving his fragile boat can handle a gondola, then you are very mistaken. This profession is difficult and masculine. Although no, there is one woman among us who miraculously made her way into the Guild, but it was not easy for her: we are not used to the female sex managing the ship, and we don’t like to talk about our work.”

3. Chimney sweep

“There are still a lot of chimney sweeps in Europe. For those who think that we are always up to our ears in mud, this is not so. It’s not every day that we climb into chimneys. But if we’re at work, then beware of passers-by! I know that previously it was forbidden for chimney sweeps to walk on the sidewalks so as not to dirty people. And now I’ll tell you a little secret: why do you think I need a big and tall top hat? Not for beauty, of course, in the 18th century it was worn for safety (instead of a helmet): suddenly a brick will fall on your head or soot will fall.”

Did you know that previously almost all chimney sweeps in St. Petersburg were from Finland? Well, that's how it happened. There were no specialists in our profession in Russia. What now? Now there are many colleagues in Germany. Chimney sweeps are again in price there and use modern Computer techologies: no one is roaming around the pipes, let’s take it special device, a video camera and... let's get to work!

4. Hired relative

My job is difficult and responsible. You will never guess that I am on the official service of providing hired help to relatives and friends. I live in China. These are our traditions. Why am I being invited? If some serious man organizes a wedding or banquet and lacks “relatives”. Actually, in this way they raise their status in the eyes of acquaintances or friends. Why are you surprised? They say that such services are provided all over the world, only unofficially.

5. Wrinkle smoother

“Do you think that face cream from luxury brands will do a great job with my job? You’re wrong. My profession involves smoothing out folds and wrinkles on shoes. Just imagine, you are choosing brand new boots for yourself. You liked one model so much that you decide to buy it. It turns out that that there was the last pair on display, and someone had already tried them on 15 times before. Of course, the product had lost its marketable appearance. So my work is important and necessary. Only luxury brands can afford to hire such a highly qualified and rare specialist like me" .

6. Oserifier

When I'm at work - no time mobile phone. And in general, it’s hardly worth distracting me over trifles and pestering me with stupid questions. O-se-ri-va-tel! Do not confuse or distort. Agreed? My job is to monitor the process of applying sulfur to matches - to operate the machine. If you find the nearest match factory or simply ask a friend of yours if his work is hard, you will hear an unequivocal answer: “I make you light.”

7. Cap tester

“How? Haven’t you, coffee lovers, heard of such an important and necessary profession? It sounds complicated and mysterious, but in fact I am a professional coffee bean sorter. Who else but me is able to distinguish the so-called “pure” varieties consisting from one type of bean, from mixtures. Who can recognize numerous flavor shades, various aromas, determine the country of origin of coffee almost “by eye.” These skills are rare and require constant training and a complex diet: cap testers are strictly forbidden to smoke or eat any spices and alcohol, so as not to lose your rare gift."

Whatever profession you choose, it is worth remembering that real professionals are always and everywhere needed. Love your job, because it brings not only profit, but also benefit to someone else.

Which rare profession would you like to master?

Lyubov Kozyreva , especially for

Information was used from the sites:,,


Antarctica is for many a distant and mysterious place at the opposite end globe. Due to the severe cold - in winter the temperature varies from -60 to -75 ° C, and in summer it rises from -30 to -50 ° C - there is practically no population here, except for brave polar explorers - participants in polar expeditions, winterers at the polar station comprehend the unknown world. And among these brave researchers there are representatives of one of the rarest professions - penguin lifter. A very necessary and kind specialty.

The fact is that these flightless seabirds are quite clumsy on land, and if they also fall on their backs, then all is lost. Of course, in natural conditions this never happens to penguins - either their tail helps them or their center of gravity is located in a special way.

However, in places where people are, especially near airfields, where planes and helicopters often fly, curious birds (who usually have nothing to look at in the sky) lift their heads so much towards the sound, following the sight of unprecedented iron creatures, that they lose their balance and fall right on your back. They cannot get out of this situation on their own. So it turns out that a person has to eliminate the consequences of his own actions, helping the indigenous people of Antarctica to literally get back on their feet.

There is a belief that every place on the planet has its own guardian - in the forest it is a goblin, in reservoirs, accordingly, a water one, in houses - a brownie, and so on. On South Pole this is precisely the “lifter” of penguins, which received its name for performing this work.

Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, Soviet explorers of the ice-covered continent, noted in the logbooks of the sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny” an incident that occurred with one of the sailors, who, as a joke, threw a hat at a penguin standing on the shore. The hat was thrown with such heroic force that it knocked the penguin off his feet. The poor bird floundered for a long time, unable to get to its feet on its own. But then a strange fog swirled next to the penguin, which a little later took the form of an extremely furry humanoid. And this humanoid, gently stroking the fallen bird, lifted it to its paws, and then disappeared. And they say that this mysterious creature can cruelly punish those who offend his beloved flightless charges.

This is a myth, or an embellished story, but this profession is real. Only 2 people on the planet own it and serve it for polar stations in Antarctica. Such work will always be very important and consists of turning the “feathered friend” onto his stomach - from such a position they can quite easily rise on their own. That is why there is a second name - penguin flipper.

On the one hand, this seems very simple and even funny, but in reality this is far from the case. Firstly, you have to go out and save birds in any weather, be it a blizzard or heavy snow. Secondly, it is not so easy to get to the lying penguin; to do this you often have to climb through hefty snowdrifts, falling waist-deep into the snow. Thirdly, these individuals can be too naughty and quite heavy.

But there is also a lot of pleasure in this work, since these penguins are very funny and over time they get used to the person who raises them, becoming almost tame. In addition, they are practically not afraid of people.

According to many who visited Antarctica, the birds mistook them for their own kind, albeit a little strange-looking penguins.

Only 2 people on the planet own it and serve at polar stations in Antarctica. After the plane takes off or lands, they walk around the airfield and put the penguins on their feet, which sound wave throws him onto his back.

The fact is that the bird cannot get out of this situation on its own, and in nature there are no situations in which such a nuisance could occur. Only with human intervention. He fixes everything himself. At all, the rarest professions are now in great demand. We need specialists whose existence few of us even suspect.

Throw away all your old clothes and buy a new wardrobe. Oksana Trifonova is determined. True, she doesn’t go to a store at all, but to an agency - for a consultation with a professional shopper. These are your colors, these are your sizes, these are your models, and the rest is not your concern. Shopper Olga goes on a shopping trip in Moscow alone. Her service costs an average of three thousand rubles per hour. That hour she spends in the store directly with the customer. For this money - any whim: earrings to match a dress, and a coat to match the color of lipstick.

The shopper takes on an order only if the client is willing to spend at least thirty thousand rubles to update his wardrobe. Oksana assures that without Olga’s help she would have wasted this money.

Having completed work on appearance, it’s time to think about the internal content. It is incredibly fashionable today to have an exclusive library in your home. The compiler of private libraries will tell you which books you can impress your friends with. This unique repository contains volumes with a circulation of no more than one hundred copies. The cost of some reaches up to five hundred thousand rubles.

The so-called "men's club" includes books about cigars, weapons and hunting. The women's shelf is occupied by the history of costumes and jewelry. It is still fashionable to have a complete collection of classic works in your home. Only they should at least be in leather with gold embossing, or better yet, with elements of fur, precious stones and silver threads. The most extreme order is to make a library in the pool.

Read without leaving the pool. Water the garden without looking up from the TV. All home control buttons are on one remote control. System integrator Sergey Burov frees wealthy people from unnecessary worries. Sergey is able to connect everything that can work from an outlet into a single system.

A smart programmed house is capable of solving problems even in the absence of a person. The owner can only think about how to live further. Everything is so wonderful that there is nothing to even strive for.

You don't have goals - coaches will help you set them. What do you mean by coaches, teachers? Arsen Avetisov came to a coaching seminar during the most difficult period of his life. And he got so excited that he turned from a client into a coach. Now he teaches people to think about the future. Imagine the most the best option your life and find ways to achieve it. Ekaterina Demina assures: thanks to coaching, she managed to make a career and give birth to a child.

You couldn't do it without them. They will teach you to live happily ever after. They will dress you with impeccable taste, tell you what to read, and give you the remote control of the universe. For their successful activities, only one thing is needed: that you have little time and a lot of money. And people of new professions will do the rest for you.

One of the most unusual professions is that of a polar bear scarer. Not long ago, an expedition going to the North Pole was looking for such a person to join its staff. The worker's duties included ensuring that polar bears did not throw themselves under the icebreaker. For these purposes, the employer was obliged to provide the employee with ultra-modern special equipment, which, however, was not specified.

Among the requirements for the candidate are: good health(absence of chronic heart and gastrointestinal diseases), willingness to spend 21 days on a ship and high stress tolerance.

The work schedule is strict: work 4 hours, rest for four hours. But the payment is corresponding to $6000 for the expedition.

A vacancy posted by the company on one of the employment resources immediately received dozens of responses. Even despite the difficult working conditions, those who want to go to scare away polar bears in arctic ice there were a lot.

Penguin Lifter

While the North Pole is looking for a bear repeller, the South Pole is in dire need of... a penguin lifter. The profession is rare, supposedly only mastered by a couple of people on the planet, but extremely necessary.

The thing is that after the plane takes off or lands, the penguins are thrown onto their backs by a sound wave. The bird can no longer rise on its own; for this it needs help.

A company that posted a vacancy on one of the employment resources, in addition to a high wages 80,000-100,000 rubles per month, promised her employees time for meditation, fresh air, no traffic jams, as well as a kind and helpful staff. Whether or not a specialist in raising penguins was found remains a mystery. Many took this vacancy for a joke.

Oil workers, doctors and cooks

In addition to exotic professions, such as bear scarer and penguin lifter, both at the North and South Pole there are jobs for those with the most ordinary professions.

And while at the North Pole oil-producing companies are in dire need of personnel, at the South Pole it is mainly scientific polar expeditions. There are both Russian and foreign companies.

For example, in Antarctica, on a huge (14 million sq. km) continent, about 40 polar stations operate today. Among them there are Russian bases, Australian, German, English, Swedish, Norwegian, and French. It should be taken into account that in order to get a job at foreign stations, you need a work permit from the country to which the station belongs.

"Australian Antarctic Division"

The Antarctic station of the Australian Antarctic Division presents the largest number of vacancies for foreign workers every year. For the 2015-2016 season, all of them (with the exception of the doctor’s vacancy, which is open all year round) are already closed, but you can try your luck and leave your resume on next year. The company promises that you will be contacted as soon as a new recruitment is opened.

Acquainted with full list vacancies, as well as working conditions, can be found on the Australian Antarctic Division website. Here you can also find email addresses to contact the station’s HR department and send your resume.

British polar stations

The United Kingdom has 6 polar stations in Antarctica. Only one of them - "Rother" - is permanently inhabited by about 100 people in the summer and about 20 in the winter.

Among the vacancies that are open at British stations for this season are mechanics, electricians, R&D development managers, chefs, carpenters and others. The salary at the British polar station is from 23 thousand pounds sterling per year. The stations have free Internet access, are equipped with computers, darts, billiards and a movie library.

You can submit an online application to participate in the work, as well as find additional information on the work of the stations on the website:

Russian Antarctic Expedition

You can get a job at a domestic station. There is no need for any additional work permits, and there are no fewer open vacancies than for foreign colleagues.

“The Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) carries out work in the southern polar region - Antarctica, which includes the continent of Antarctica and the adjacent continent South ocean. These inaccessible areas, in certain seasons of the year practically cut off from the main base of the expedition, are characterized by the most severe natural conditions on Earth and are associated with increased danger for RAE participants, lack of comfort in life, and prolonged separation from family. Therefore, when carrying out work in Antarctica, strict adherence to labor and production discipline, clear organization of work, readiness to overcome adversity and hardships, and an increased sense of responsibility for performing the assigned work are required,” says the official website of the RAE.

Selection for the Russian Antarctic Expedition is carried out from October to March. Meteorologists, geophysicists, hydrologists, programmers, radio engineers, surgeons and anesthesiologists, cooks, and other specialists are constantly needed. Those wishing to take part in the RAE can leave their online application on the official website or independently go to the personnel department of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, which is located in St. Petersburg on Bering Street, 38.

In fact, those who imagine working at polar stations as living in an icy hell are victims of stereotypes. Today there is everything here: and cozy cottages, and constant high-speed Internet, GYM's, bars and even cinema halls. In a word, everything for modern, but solitary life. That is why, most often, when applying for a job, preference is given to married couples who can devote more than one year of their life to exploring the polar beauties without feeling homesick on the mainland.