Why can't penguins get up from their backs? The rarest profession in the world - Penguin lifter (penguin flipper)

Our film crew traveled to the southernmost continent of the Earth to meet its black and white local residents and see how they live.

Some say that penguins flip over on their backs when they hear the sound of airplanes flying past.

Antarctic penguins are truly amazing creatures. However, are they endangered by human activities? In 1982, while flying over penguin colonies, British pilots observed a strange phenomenon. They stated that when the penguins raised their heads and looked at the passing planes, they fell over on their backs. Then thousands of penguins remained lying there, unable to rise. However, is this story true?

STEWART, British Antarctic Survey: Everyone knows this story, but anyone who actually knows or has been to Antarctica will tell you that it is not true. It's more like the mythology of Falklands War pilots.

As for the second part of the tale, it was stated that it is necessary to highlight special person in order to turn the birds over, otherwise they will die. One German ornithologist claims that this is indeed her work...

ANKE, ornithologist: Yes, I actually do this, lifting birds and turning them over every day. It's hard work because sometimes they resist, but it's worth it.

A closer look at Anke's responsibilities raised some doubts. Doubts were also strengthened by the head Russian station Bellingshausen, a base located in a unique location - between the runway and a colony of penguins.

N Yep, this is the first time I've heard of it. We don't have people who do this kind of work!

On the background large quantity Given the dubious and contradictory rumors surrounding this position, we decided to turn directly to the heroes of history - to listen to what they have to say on this issue.

Unfortunately, the penguins refused to comment. However, careful observations have shown that sometimes penguins perform special dances. When in a hurry, they can be clumsy and often slip. But we have found evidence that they are very smart and intelligent creatures.

VIKTOR VINOGRADOV, station chief: In fact, penguins are very smart birds. Sometimes they come in a group to the edge of the ice floe, looking out for seals, and if one gets too close to the edge, the other pushes him and watches what happens next.

The myth-debunking site Snopes dot com claims that British scientists conducted a study to find out whether this is true or not. They found that the roar of the plane caused the penguins to scatter, but none of them tipped over on their backs. However, since we did not have our own evidence, we decided to still conduct the final test, with the support of the Chilean Air Force. Our task is to destroy this myth once and for all.

As you can see, the penguins are fine, and no one should go south to do work that doesn't exist.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial board of InoSMI.

Few people know about such a profession as penguin flipper. But it actually exists. It is considered one of the 20 strangest professions on the labor market. According to one of the job search portals, there are not enough such specialists.
Maybe this profession is officially called something else, but that’s not the point. The fact is that if a penguin falls on its back, it cannot get up on its own. Due to their short neck and sluggish body, animals often fall and cannot stand up on their own.
Under normal conditions, a penguin never actually falls. But in Antarctica, near airfields, where all sorts of airplanes and helicopters fly, penguins often raise their heads strongly at the sound of some of them falling on their backs. It is for these purposes that there is such an amazing profession. After every takeoff and landing, he walks around the airfield and gets the poor animals back on their feet.

Disadvantages of the profession - Antarctica, it’s cold there, you can freeze your eggs, there are also problems with food there, there are few vitamins, as you have to choke on canned food.
The advantages of the profession - it improves karma, penguins are cute, you can also raise a “vicious” penguin, he has money and a gadget (and you thought, why do penguins hang out in a circle, they warm up the Wi-Fi so that they don’t freeze in harsh conditions) brought home, the relatives are also grateful, they can also warm it up with lava, in general, it’s not life, but a fairy tale.
BUT...I have to disappoint you: there is no such profession as a penguin lifter. In order to establish the truth in this matter, British scientists (dammit, where would we be without them) organized an expedition to the Southern Hemisphere. The British Navy provided them with about 20 thousand pounds sterling, a patrol boat and two helicopters as support. On South Georgia Island, biologists monitored penguins for five weeks, but not a single penguin fall caused by a helicopter flying over it could be detected. The penguins reacted calmly to planes and helicopters and never abandoned their clutches (they found something to surprise them, they are from the “papihulovka”, they have Wi-Fi and gadgets, they are educated). It should be noted that previously the British Ministry of Defense categorically denied rumors of such a capsizing of penguins, calling this information a favorite April Fool's joke among pilots.
In general, this is the story and who to believe, the vastness of the Runet or British scientists?


Few people know about such a profession as penguin flipper. But it actually exists. It is considered one of the 20 strangest professions on the labor market. According to one of the job search portals, there are not enough such specialists. Maybe this profession is officially...


Only 2 people on the planet own it and serve at polar stations in Antarctica. After the plane takes off or lands, they walk around the airfield and put penguins on their feet, which are knocked onto their backs by a sound wave.

The fact is that the bird cannot get out of this situation on its own, and in nature there are no such situations for such a nuisance to happen. Only with human intervention. He fixes everything himself. In general, the rarest professions are now in great demand. We need specialists whose existence few of us even suspect.

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A smart programmed house is capable of solving problems even in the absence of a person. The owner can only think about how to live further. Everything is so wonderful that there is nothing to even strive for.

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You couldn't do it without them. They will teach you to live happily ever after. They will dress you with impeccable taste, tell you what to read, and give you the remote control of the universe. For their successful activities, only one thing is needed: that you have little time and a lot of money. And people of new professions will do the rest for you.

Probably, many have read about this mysterious worker of the Arctic Circle - the flipper (or lifter) of penguins. Typically, notes about this profession have the following content:

Penguins living near polar stations react vividly to flying helicopters. Animals lift their heads and lean back, and since their necks are short and their bodies are clumsy, they often fall onto their backs. Penguins cannot roll over and stand up on their own, so after each arrival or departure a specialist comes to their aid. Otherwise the animals will die.
This profession was even included in the rating of the strangest professions compiled by the Rabota.Mail.ru service. And the bird portal kryliev.net posted an illustrated version of this interesting vacancy:

Antarctica is inhabited by penguins - very good fat dead-end birds. In addition to penguins, there are polar stations in Antarctica.

Sometimes to polar stations planes are arriving.

Ok, ok, helicopters are coming too.

And the penguins, who usually have nothing to look at in the sky, lift their heads and tragically fall on their backs. Not all, of course, but only the most stupid individuals. The fattest of the dead-ends cannot get up on their own after this.

Only he, the Penguin Flipper, will save them.

Every time, in the dazzling Antarctic summer and the harsh dark winter, he comes to the rescue.

And in his free time, the Flipper knits sweaters for the little Tasmanian penguins.

But still, such a profession does not exist, sad as it may be:

In 2000, scientists from Great Britain put an end to the question that had troubled the country for the past 18 years. All this time it was claimed that penguins, watching a helicopter fly over them, lift their heads so much that they eventually fall on their backs. This phenomenon was allegedly observed by British Navy pilots who participated in the war with Argentina over the disputed Falkland Islands in 1982.

In order to establish the truth in this matter, British scientists organized an expedition to the Southern Hemisphere. The British Navy provided them with about 20 thousand pounds sterling, a patrol boat and two helicopters as support. On South Georgia Island, biologists monitored penguins for five weeks, but not a single penguin fall caused by a helicopter flying over it could be detected.

The penguins reacted calmly to planes and helicopters and never abandoned their clutches. It should be noted that previously the British Ministry of Defense categorically denied rumors of such a capsizing of penguins, calling this information a favorite April Fool's joke among pilots.
P.S. I'm sorry if I broke someone's dreams and faith in beauty
P.P.S. By the way, I never found the original source of information about the expedition of British scientists. Maybe there is such a wonderful and kind profession in this world as Penguin Flipper...

Material from the id104 team Endemics - creative tour [[Distance learning Olympiad in biology, 2007|Preschool educational institution in Biology 2007 "Unfamiliar biology"]]

Penguin Lifter

If you ask around your friends or surf the Internet in search of rare professions related to biology, you will definitely hear about such a profession as a penguin raiser. Our choice for this week's posts was between a pathologist and a penguin lifter, and we chose the latter. This is largely due to the fact that this profession was given to us (quite seriously!) by two people at once, one of whom is a candidate of biological sciences. True, he specializes in the field of botany, but... This fact amazed us.

So, there is an opinion that in Antarctica there is the rarest profession on Earth - penguin raising. When helicopters fly by, these cute funny penguin creatures lift their heads to see what is making noise and fall on their backs. And from this situation, according to many, penguins are not able to rise. For these purposes, such an unusual position was “opened”. After each takeoff or landing, the flipper walks around the airfield and puts the birds on their feet. This opinion is as widespread as the myth that cacti supposedly absorb radiation coming from computers. The rarest profession on Earth is a penguin flipper.

By the way, Zadornov talks about it in his speeches and many people quite seriously then tell each other about it, citing the comedian’s speech as a source of valuable information!

Even journalists mention this profession in their articles, for example, we were able to find this in the Krasnoyarsk news: http://www.sgzt.com/sgzt/archive/content/2007/04/035/sections/S010/articles/P24A0022P00

We are very sad, but we have to disappoint you: there is no such profession as penguin lifter.

Scientists from Great Britain have put an end to the issue that has troubled the country for the past 18 years. All this time it was claimed that penguins, watching a helicopter fly over them, lift their heads so much that they eventually fall on their backs.

This phenomenon was allegedly observed by British Navy pilots who participated in the war with Argentina over the disputed Falkland Islands in 1982.

In order to establish the truth in this matter, British scientists organized an expedition to the Southern Hemisphere. The British Navy provided them with about 20 thousand pounds sterling, a patrol boat and two helicopters as support.

On South Georgia Island, biologists monitored penguins for five weeks, but not a single penguin fall caused by a helicopter flying over it could be detected.

The penguins reacted calmly to planes and helicopters and never abandoned their clutches. It should be noted that previously the British Ministry of Defense categorically denied rumors of such a capsizing of penguins, calling this information a favorite April Fool's joke among pilots.

So, don't believe everything they say on TV!