Zlata (Chrisa, Chrisiya) Moglenskaya (Meglinskaya). The meaning of the beautiful name Zlata: persistent like gold

Great Martyr Zlata (Chris) of Meglen
Days of Remembrance: October 13 (Glorification), October 18 (Death)

The Holy Great Martyr Zlata Moglenskaya was born and lived in the Bulgarian village of Slatino, Moglen diocese (+ 1795). Bulgaria at this time was under the yoke of the Turks.
From her youth, Zlata was distinguished by her extraordinary strength of character, firm faith in Christ, chastity and beauty. A local Turk repeatedly tried to seduce the girl and force her to convert to Islam. But neither persuasion, nor threats, nor monstrous torture, which continued for many months, broke the spirit of the glorious confessor of Christ

Holy Martyr Zlata (Chrisa) Moglenskaya

This venerable martyr and pure bride of the Heavenly King Christ the God of Gold (or in Greek Chrysa) was from the town of Meglen. Being poor by origin as the daughter of an unknown and poor Christian who had four daughters, she was rich in her own natural virtues: ardent faith in God, virginity, chastity and physical beauty, for the sake of which she was awarded the crown of martyrdom.

One of the local Turks, seeing her extraordinary beauty, was kindled in his heart with a satanic passion and began to look for an opportunity to carry out his evil plan. And one day, when the saint left the house with her friends, he took his Turkish acquaintances with him, grabbed her and brought her to his house. And first of all, he began to ingratiate himself with the saint with many promises, trying to sway her thoughts and convert her to his faith. The Turk said that if she converted to Islam, he would take her as his wife, but if she did not submit, he would cause her great torment. And Zlata, golden both in soul and in name, having heard such words, was not at all afraid, but mentally calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to her aid, she answered with much boldness: “I believe and worship my Christ and consider Him to be my Bridegroom, Whom I will never I will not refuse even if you inflict thousands of torments on me and tear my body into small pieces.”
The Hagarians, hearing this and realizing that they themselves would not be able to convince the saint, used another means: knowing that by nature women are more skilled in persuasion, they handed the saint over to their wives, commanding them to convince her in any way. Having taken the martyr, the women used whatever means they could, constantly winning the saint over to their faith for six months, but they worked in vain, since blessed Zlata was established on the immovable stone of the faith of Christ. Then, calling the parents and sisters of the saint, they threatened to convince their daughter to accept Islam, otherwise she would be killed and they would be punished.
Parents and sisters, reluctantly coming to the martyr, for fear forced them to do so, began to say everything that could soften even the hardest soul. Weeping, they said: “Beloved daughter, have pity on yourself and us, your parents and sisters, since we are all in danger of perishing because of you, and renounce Christ only visibly in order to help both yourself and us, and Christ is merciful and will forgive you this sin as forced.”
And here let everyone imagine what a great and cruel war the devil raised in order to tempt the saint, and to what feelings and experiences the tears of her mother and father and half-sisters shed before her could have led the soft girl. But take heart, beloved, the power of Christ has overcome this abuse and trick of the devil, since the courageous and generous Zlata, kindled by the inner fire of Christ’s love, did not in the least bow, as nature expected, to the words and tears of her parents and sisters, but became higher than flesh and blood and outside the laws of nature, she told her parents and sisters these amazing, wise words: “You, since you are inclining me to renounce Christ the true God, are no longer my parents and sisters, and I do not want to know you as such from now on, but instead of you I have my Lord Jesus Christ as my Father, my Lady Theotokos as my Mother, and all the saints as brothers and sisters.” And with this answer she left them.
O magnanimous courage! ABOUT true love God's! O wisdom worthy of heavenly praise! Truly, brothers, on this saint what Saint David said was fulfilled: My father and my mother forsaken me, but the Lord took me in (Ps. 26:10). And what the Lord said: Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies are his own household (Matthew 10:34-36).
Seeing the non-believers, and with them that evil man in love with the girl, that they had achieved nothing and did not deviate the saint from faith in Christ even with the means that they used, they abandoned persuasion and words and began to torment the saint. For three whole months she was beaten every day. Then, having skinned her and cut out belts from the skin, they left them hung around the martyr so that she would be frightened when she saw them. Blood flowed in streams from her maiden body, so that the whole earth around her turned red. After which, having heated the tip, they pierced the saint’s head through the ears, so that smoke came out of her nose and mouth.
The martyr of Christ, enduring such terrible torment that could have broken even the bravest men, remained courageous, strengthened by the power of the Cross and heartfelt love for Christ. Having learned that the abbot of the Stavronikitsky Monastery of Svyatogorsk, Father Timofey, who was her spiritual father (and who later recounted her sufferings), was nearby at that time, she conveyed to him through one Christian a request to pray to God for her, so that she would complete the feat of martyrdom in a godly manner.
In the end, the cruel and bestial Hagarians, or, better to say, surpassing the beasts in cruelty, were not satisfied with the torment they inflicted on the saint, but marveled that she was still alive and not dying, became so embittered that they could not defeat one maiden. They hung the lamb of Christ on a wild pear tree and, surrounding her on all sides with daggers, tore the saint’s body to pieces. And thus, good Zlata, who suffered and shone like gold in melting furnace, betrayed her holy soul into the hands of her Immortal Bridegroom, accepting the double crown of virginity and martyrdom. And now she rejoices and rejoices in the heavenly palaces with the wise virgins and martyrs, standing at the right hand of her Bridegroom Christ and reigning with Him forever and ever. Some Christians secretly took the martyr and virgin relics of the saint and buried them with honor. Through her prayers may we also be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Reference and information portal of Alchevsk deanery


This venerable martyr and pure bride of the Heavenly King Christ the God of Gold (or in Greek Chrysa) was from the town of Meglen. Being poor by origin as the daughter of an unknown and poor Christian who had four daughters, she was rich in her own natural virtues: ardent faith in God, virginity, chastity and physical beauty, for the sake of which she was awarded the crown of martyrdom.

One of the local Turks, seeing her extraordinary beauty, was kindled in his heart with a satanic passion and began to look for an opportunity to carry out his evil plan. And one day, when the saint left the house with her friends, he took his Turkish acquaintances with him, grabbed her and brought her to his house. And first of all, he began to ingratiate himself with the saint with many promises, trying to sway her thoughts and convert her to his faith. The Turk said that if she converted to Islam, he would take her as his wife, but if she did not submit, he would cause her great torment. And Zlata, golden both in soul and in name, having heard such words, was not at all afraid, but mentally calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to her aid, she answered with much boldness: “I believe and worship my Christ and consider Him to be my Bridegroom, Whom I will never I will not refuse even if you inflict thousands of torments on me and tear my body into small pieces.”

The Hagarians, hearing this and realizing that they themselves would not be able to convince the saint, used another means: knowing that by nature women are more skilled in persuasion, they handed the saint over to their wives, commanding them to convince her in any way. Having taken the martyr, the women used whatever means they could, constantly winning the saint over to their faith for six months, but they worked in vain, since blessed Zlata was established on the immovable stone of the faith of Christ. Then, calling the parents and sisters of the saint, they threatened to convince their daughter to accept Islam, otherwise she would be killed and they would be punished.

Parents and sisters, reluctantly coming to the martyr, for fear forced them to do so, began to say everything that could soften even the hardest soul. Weeping, they said: “Beloved daughter, have pity on yourself and us, your parents and sisters, since we are all in danger of perishing because of you, and renounce Christ only visibly in order to help both yourself and us, and Christ is merciful and will forgive you this sin as forced.”

And here let everyone imagine what a great and cruel war the devil raised in order to tempt the saint, and to what feelings and experiences the tears of her mother and father and half-sisters shed before her could have led the soft girl. But take heart, beloved, the power of Christ has overcome this abuse and trick of the devil, since the courageous and generous Zlata, kindled by the inner fire of Christ’s love, did not in the least bow, as nature expected, to the words and tears of her parents and sisters, but became higher than flesh and blood and outside the laws of nature, she told her parents and sisters these amazing, wise words: “You, since you are inclining me to renounce Christ the true God, are no longer my parents and sisters, and I do not want to know you as such from now on, but instead of you I have my Lord Jesus Christ as my Father, my Lady Theotokos as my Mother, and all the saints as brothers and sisters.” And with this answer she left them.

O magnanimous courage! O true love of God! O wisdom worthy of heavenly praise! Truly, brothers, on this saint what Saint David said was fulfilled: My father and my mother forsaken me, but the Lord took me in (Ps. 26:10). And what the Lord said: Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies are his own household (Matthew 10:34-36).

Seeing the non-believers, and with them that evil man in love with the girl, that they had achieved nothing and did not deviate the saint from faith in Christ even with the means that they used, they abandoned persuasion and words and began to torment the saint. For three whole months she was beaten every day. Then, having skinned her and cut out belts from the skin, they left them hung around the martyr so that she would be frightened when she saw them. Blood flowed in streams from her maiden body, so that the whole earth around her turned red. After which, having heated the tip, they pierced the saint’s head through the ears, so that smoke came out of her nose and mouth.

The martyr of Christ, enduring such terrible torment that could have broken even the bravest men, remained courageous, strengthened by the power of the Cross and heartfelt love for Christ. Having learned that the abbot of the Stavronikitsky Monastery of Svyatogorsk, Father Timofey, who was her spiritual father (and who later recounted her sufferings), was nearby at that time, she conveyed to him through one Christian a request to pray to God for her, so that she would complete the feat of martyrdom in a godly manner.

In the end, the cruel and bestial Hagarians, or, better to say, surpassing the beasts in cruelty, were not satisfied with the torment they inflicted on the saint, but marveled that she was still alive and not dying, became so embittered that they could not defeat one maiden. They hung the lamb of Christ on a wild pear tree and, surrounding her on all sides with daggers, tore the saint’s body to pieces. And thus, good Zlata, who suffered and shone like gold in a smelting furnace, gave up her holy soul into the hands of her Immortal Bridegroom, accepting the double crown of virginity and martyrdom.

And now she rejoices and rejoices in the heavenly palaces with the wise virgins and martyrs, standing at the right hand of her Bridegroom Christ and reigning with Him forever and ever. Some Christians secretly took the martyr and virgin relics of the saint and buried them with honor. Through her prayers may we also be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Zlata is charming, curious and admiring. Such a woman makes every effort to please others. She loves to be the center of attention and have recognition. In an attempt to attract attention, she makes any sacrifices. Zlata is lucky and finds a way out of the most difficult circumstances. At the same time, a woman is inclined to make unrealistic promises.

What does the name Zlata mean: character and fate, origin

Zlata does everything to please herself. She is overly inquisitive. The desire to admire makes her selfish. She is demanding of others and supportive of herself. However, a woman is capable of empathy. It depends on my mood.

Zlata's fate is lucky. A woman does not like monotony, so she often changes jobs and strives for better position. Working in an office or government agencies is not suitable for her, because her path is in show business or entrepreneurship. Zlata knows how to choose good sponsors and win them over to her side. It cannot be said that she will be rich, but she will not suffer from it either. Zlata falls in love easily, so she can get married early. In the abyss of fear and anxiety, he is exposed to stress.

The history of the name Zlata began in the Middle Ages, but the name spread from Ashkenazi Jews (German-speaking European Jews who appeared on the border between Rome and the tribes of Germany, on the banks of the Rhine River). According to one version, the name Zlata is derived from the name Golda, and both mean “gold”. In the Baltic countries, as well as Poland and Belarus, the name has changed - Zlate (Zlote).

According to another version, the origin of the name Zlata is ancient Greek. It was a derivative of the word "chrisa", which also means "gold".

Full name meaning for all ages

Strictness is the meaning of the name Zlata for a girl. Such a child is very serious and correct. Little Zlata always tells the truth and simple-mindedly follows all the rules. She rarely indulges and sometimes says things that surprise adults. At school, she proves herself to be diligent, honest and straightforward. Zlata rarely boasts. She is not very successful, but she carries out all assignments responsibly and to the end. Strengths She inherits her character from her father. The girl is neat and even squeamish. She would rather stay home for the holiday than go to visit. She is less strict with her peers: she loves entertainment and enjoys going on hikes.

Little Zlata is sensitive and tactful, so she will never offend another person. At the same time, she chooses the company of only her closest friends.

Young Zlata turns into a sociable and active lady. She chooses only the most prestigious and promising university. Public life the university cannot do without it. She keeps up with her studies, because she reads more than her peers and has good imagination. She is no stranger to sports, drawing and poetry. Her composure and neatness contribute to her, and the girl is often chosen as a prefect or member of the student council. She hates monotony, so she loves organizational work. Zlata chooses friends for life, so she always has few of them. At the same time, she will never believe gossip about her loved ones. If she becomes disappointed in a person, she stops communication forever.

Characteristics of the name Zlata for adult woman– responsibility and discipline. Whatever she undertakes, she will be a professional in everything. Zlata knows how to cope with difficult tasks without worry. Her efforts are not based at all on the desire to build a career, but on a keen interest in any profession. She is emotional and critical, does not tolerate shortcomings. In case of any deviations from the norm, she does not restrain herself and indicates an error.

Zlata is prone to adventure. Many men like her, but it takes her a long time to choose. At the same time, the woman does not care about the provision, because she is looking for a chosen one based on her interests. She loves petty quarrels, but overall her married life is joyful and happy. Zlata loves children, but adheres to strict upbringing. Her child will not be deprived of love.

Name forms and declension

Full: Zlata.

Diminutives: Lata, Latushka, Zlatushka, Zlatitsa, Zlatka, Latti, Zlatochka, Zlatonka, Latushka.

T. Zlatoy

Let's open the Orthodox calendar

In Orthodoxy, the name Zlata is a modern version of the name Chris. By church calendar Two Great Martyr Chrises are honored, but the patroness is Zlata Moglenskaya. Saints are celebrated on October 26 and 31.


Zlata has ideal relationships with Artem, Igor, Sergei, Mikhail, Emil and Albert. A woman’s gaze should not stop at Anatoly, Marat, Ostap, Stanislav, Peter and Yuri.

Interpretation of the name by letter

Z – intuition and fantasy. A person is self-sufficient and tries to withdraw into himself. Scrupulousness and meticulousness are expressed in everything. Indifference to other people's experiences. Loyalty in marriage.

L – creative inclinations. Taste and ability to see beauty are clearly expressed. Man is constantly looking for ideal love, but desires physical satisfaction.

A – the desire to create something new. Activity, initiative and leadership qualities. The desire for comfort at all levels of life.

T – originality. An inventive creator. Thirst for variety. Upholding the truth.

A – doubling the value.


The holy virgin and bride of Christ Zlata was born and suffered in the Mglin Bulgarian diocese, in the village of Zlatin. The daughter of a poor simple villager, she shone with both mental and physical high qualities: spiritual - with firm faith in the Lord Jesus, humility and purity of heart, physical - with rare beauty, which was the reason why her life was adorned by the sufferings of the great martyr. The local Turk, seduced by the rare beauty of Zlata, decided to find time and at all costs satisfy his vile passion. One day Zlata and others went into the forest to get firewood. The voluptuous Turk, having persuaded scoundrels like himself, with their help, seizes her and takes her to his house. He first tries to seduce her into Islamism with various promises and gives her his word to marry her; If she refuses, he threatens her with torture. Zlata was amazed at the insolence, but refused with firmness. Calling on the name of the Lord Jesus for help, she answered: “I believe and worship only the Lord Jesus and I will not renounce Him, even if they cut me down; and I also took a vow of virginity, which I also will not change for anything.” - The Turks realized that this girl could not be won over to their side by ordinary means, but they needed to come up with something special. They entrust it to women who, in such matters, are more capable of luring the girl into deception. And what didn’t they do with the poor woman? What tricks were not used to seduce Zlata into the bestial, sensual life of Mohammedanism! And the delights of a luxurious life, and the benefits of wealth, and the passions of sensuality were presented to her in the most tempting pictures. It was all in vain. Zlata’s pure soul felt the stench of the preachers and turned away from them with trepidation. - Their singing was for her satanic singing. The Turkish women were irritated by the firmness of the bride of Christ; they call on the parents and three sisters of the sufferer to use their influence on the girl - to persuade her to Mohammedanism; otherwise, they said, they would be subjected to severe torture. Struck by fear, her parents and sisters persuaded Zlata to accept Mohammedanism, but their words did not change her intentions. “Our daughter, our dear! Father and mother, sobbing, said, have pity on us and our sisters; We will all perish if you do not agree to the wishes of the Turks, God is merciful and will forgive your sin, forced by necessity.”

One can imagine the struggle that Zlata had to endure. Love for parents, love for sisters pulled in one direction, but the duty of a Christian demanded its own. The tears of her parents and sisters tore and tormented her heart. “Finally she said: “If you are already forcing me to renounce Christ the Lord, then you are not my parents or sisters!” My Father remains only the Lord Jesus and my Mother, His Most Pure Mother, and my brothers and sisters are martyrs and martyrs.”

When the infidels, and especially the kidnapper of the girl, saw that all their tricks had led them nowhere, they turned to torture. At first, for three months, they beat the sufferer every day with sticks. Then they cut the straps from her back and hung them in front of her eyes; blood flowed from her and covered the entire floor. That wasn't enough for them. Animals, not people, heated an iron rod and pierced her head from one ear to the other.

The patience of the sufferer was obviously beyond human strength. It was a work of the strong grace of Christ, always close to humble hearts. Despite her high patience, the sufferer did not expect anything special from herself. She expressed this in experience. A rumor reached her that the abbot of the Stavronikita Athos Monastery, her father’s confessor, Fr. Timofey. She sends one Christian to him with her earnest request to pray for her, so that the Lord will grant her the ability to complete her feat in a manner pleasing to God. - Her humble prayer was fulfilled: the Lord gave her the strength to complete the feat of the great martyr. The bloodthirsty Mohammedans finally hanged the sufferer in a vacant lot and chopped her whole body into pieces. So St. Zlata, purified by the fire of suffering into pure gold, gave up her soul to the Lord, whom she loved with a love as strong as death. The great martyr moved to heaven in October 1795.

This venerable martyr and pure bride of the Heavenly King Christ the God of Gold (or in Greek Chrysa) was from the town of Meglen. Being poor by origin as the daughter of an unknown and poor Christian who had four daughters, she was rich in her own natural virtues: ardent faith in God, virginity, chastity and physical beauty, for the sake of which she was awarded the crown of martyrdom.

One of the local Turks, seeing her extraordinary beauty, was kindled in his heart with a satanic passion and began to look for an opportunity to carry out his evil plan. And one day, when the saint left the house with her friends, he took his Turkish acquaintances with him, grabbed her and brought her to his house. And first of all, he began to ingratiate himself with the saint with many promises, trying to sway her thoughts and convert her to his faith. The Turk said that if she converted to Islam, he would take her as his wife, but if she did not submit, he would cause her great torment. And Zlata, golden both in soul and in name, having heard such words, was not at all afraid, but mentally calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to her aid, she answered with much boldness: “I believe and worship my Christ and consider Him to be my Bridegroom, Whom I will never I will not refuse even if you inflict thousands of torments on me and tear my body into small pieces.”
The Hagarians, hearing this and realizing that they themselves would not be able to convince the saint, used another means: knowing that by nature women are more skilled in persuasion, they handed the saint over to their wives, commanding them to convince her in any way. Having taken the martyr, the women used whatever means they could, constantly winning the saint over to their faith for six months, but they worked in vain, since blessed Zlata was established on the immovable stone of the faith of Christ. Then, calling the parents and sisters of the saint, they threatened to convince their daughter to accept Islam, otherwise she would be killed and they would be punished.
Parents and sisters, reluctantly coming to the martyr, for fear forced them to do so, began to say everything that could soften even the hardest soul. Weeping, they said: “Beloved daughter, have pity on yourself and us, your parents and sisters, since we are all in danger of perishing because of you, and renounce Christ only visibly in order to help both yourself and us, and Christ is merciful and will forgive you this sin as forced.”
And here let everyone imagine what a great and cruel war the devil raised in order to tempt the saint, and to what feelings and experiences the tears of her mother and father and half-sisters shed before her could have led the soft girl. But take heart, beloved, the power of Christ has overcome this abuse and trick of the devil, since the courageous and generous Zlata, kindled by the inner fire of Christ’s love, did not in the least bow, as nature expected, to the words and tears of her parents and sisters, but became higher than flesh and blood and outside the laws of nature, she told her parents and sisters these amazing, wise words: “You, since you are inclining me to renounce Christ the true God, are no longer my parents and sisters, and I do not want to know you as such from now on, but instead of you I have my Lord Jesus Christ as my Father, my Lady Theotokos as my Mother, and all the saints as brothers and sisters.” And with this answer she left them.
O magnanimous courage! O true love of God! O wisdom worthy of heavenly praise! Truly, brothers, on this saint what Saint David said was fulfilled: My father and my mother forsaken me, but the Lord took me in (Ps. 26:10). And what the Lord said: Do not think that I came to bring peace to earth, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies are his own household (Matthew 10:34-36).
Seeing the non-believers, and with them that evil man in love with the girl, that they had achieved nothing and did not deviate the saint from faith in Christ even with the means that they used, they abandoned persuasion and words and began to torment the saint. For three whole months she was beaten every day. Then, having skinned her and cut out belts from the skin, they left them hung around the martyr so that she would be frightened when she saw them. Blood flowed in streams from her maiden body, so that the whole earth around her turned red. After which, having heated the tip, they pierced the saint’s head through the ears, so that smoke came out of her nose and mouth.
The martyr of Christ, enduring such terrible torment that could have broken even the bravest men, remained courageous, strengthened by the power of the Cross and heartfelt love for Christ. Having learned that the abbot of the Stavronikitsky Monastery of Svyatogorsk, Father Timofey, who was her spiritual father (and who later recounted her sufferings), was nearby at that time, she conveyed to him through one Christian a request to pray to God for her, so that she would complete the feat of martyrdom in a godly manner.
In the end, the cruel and bestial Hagarians, or, better to say, surpassing the beasts in cruelty, were not satisfied with the torment they inflicted on the saint, but marveled that she was still alive and not dying, became so embittered that they could not defeat one maiden. They hung the lamb of Christ on a wild pear tree and, surrounding her on all sides with daggers, tore the saint’s body to pieces. And thus, good Zlata, who suffered and shone like gold in a smelting furnace, gave up her holy soul into the hands of her Immortal Bridegroom, accepting the double crown of virginity and martyrdom. And now she rejoices and rejoices in the heavenly palaces with the wise virgins and martyrs, standing at the right hand of her Bridegroom Christ and reigning with Him forever and ever. Some Christians secretly took the martyr and virgin relics of the saint and buried them with honor. Through her prayers may we also be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.