What does a Pisces woman like according to her horoscope? Pisces woman: who is she and what kind of man does she need? Health and appearance

A creature sent by the heavenly office as a warning to all other signs: do you see the signs of the Universe? No? And they exist! In a sense, Fish has inhuman insight and outstanding intuition, with the help of which Fish can easily make you believe that our Magic Ball is telling the absolute truth. And it will make you believe in anything else too.

Totem animal - Aramis: an abbot pretending to be a musketeer, and a musketeer pretending to be an abbot. Life credo - “Everything is the will of the Universe.” The motto is “Fatalism, Jesuitism, Arrogance.”

Positive traits

“God” level empathy: Pisces can cry into their vest for any reason, from divorce after 50 years of marriage to grief over the death of seedlings - Pisces will always listen to a complaint like a seasoned psychotherapist. She is as perceptive as our Magic Ball, so it is completely useless to hide something from Rybka, but, most importantly, there is no need: Pisces know how to accept people as they are (however, our Magic Ball suspects that it is not a matter of pumped-up tolerance, but the fact that Pisces doesn’t care about anyone).


Negative qualities

Smart Elsa: regularly mourns her terrible losses before she actually gains what she is supposed to lose. She is vindictive and vindictive: if you accidentally crushed a Fish’s tail fin in a tram, you can be sure that you have added to your list of terrible sins, for which you will certainly be rewarded, and even in this life. Asking for forgiveness is useless, because the avenging Pisces sincerely imagines itself as the punishing hand of the Universe and does not even take revenge at all, but bears retribution in the name of the Moon. Well, that's how she thinks about herself. In general, all newborn Pisces should not only have a tag attached to their arms, but also immediately, right in the maternity hospital, be given tin foil hats: the belief in everything mystical in Pisces is so strong that it is not possible to convey reasonable arguments to them.


Pisces are always looking for love, because without this very love they feel out of water. But for some reason they consider love to be a cocktail of frenzied passion and immeasurable suffering, they love to the point of literally bursting the aorta, they are suffocating with love, as if they were pulled out of the water, yes, yes. If Pisces feels that the current romance does not imply any tragedy and that it will not be possible to suffer to its fullest, it will come up with a secret love for itself and begin to enthusiastically play in the love triangle.


For a good night of love, Pisces needs the perfect mood. And for the ideal mood, Rybka needs a long, tender date, pink petals on silk sheets and an athletic, blue-eyed brunette as a partner. And let him also be an outstanding lover, and let him smell like an elf - fresh morning dew and nectar. Then maybe Rybka will show him his class. If she decides that she has fallen in love. If not, let him do everything himself and be grateful to the end of his life for access to Rybka’s divine body.


Complicated marriage. The husband never knows what she is thinking and, naturally, has no idea what she has been doing all day. But he himself always has something to do: firstly, all his life he has been trying to figure out what his sweetheart really is. And secondly, it must work stone wall, breadwinner, owner, lover and interesting conversationalist. Because if the Fish is not provided, protected, pleased, entertained and gifts are not thrown at its feet, it will wag its tail and - come on, goodbye. You ask, what does Pisces do in marriage? Oh, the hardest part. She Decorates Being with Herself. Literally working tirelessly.


Pisces + Aries

The only feeling that can arise in this union is xenophobia: “What are you?!” - both seem to ask and, without waiting for an answer, they go in different directions - out of harm’s way. And rightly so!

Pisces + Taurus

A strong and certainly eternal union. The fish, sensing guaranteed stability and submission, will grab it and drag it under the snag. Over time, Taurus will find a certain charm in the fact that he is constantly being poked with a wand: such, you know, an amazing, incomprehensible woman!

Pisces + Gemini

“In church, when the priest asked whether we wanted to become husband and wife, we unanimously answered “no” - and we were immediately married. After the wedding, my wife and I went on our honeymoon. I went to Turkey, she went to Switzerland, and for three years they lived there in love and harmony.” Actually, there is nothing more to add to the words of the classic.

Pisces + Cancer

At first everything is very good: soft, gentle, intuitive, delicate. And then one fine morning they both jump up on the bed shouting “Who’s there?!” And really, who? God knows, they never talked about it.

Pisces + Leo

An excellent start: Fish falls for the lion’s shine and radiance, Leo swells with arrogance about “Everything about me is unusual, even a woman!” A very bad ending: as soon as the hormonal storm subsides, both look at each other with sober eyes and seem to ask, “What are you?!” Predictably, they don’t find an answer: it’s difficult for him, she’s lazy.

Pisces + Virgo

A suitcase without a handle: it’s hard to carry and it’s a shame to throw it away. And it’s completely mutual: Virgo thinks that the Fish, soaring in the clouds, simply won’t survive without him; Rybka is sure that only she can enlighten this insensitive Pinocchio at least a little. Both, of course, are wrong.

Pisces + Libra

Not love, but a Christmas tree toy: it shines beautifully, pleases the eye, and gives a festive mood. For a couple of weeks. Then you definitely need to carefully, almost without breathing, take it, wrap it in cotton wool and hide it on the mezzanine. However, it will still break at the most inopportune moment.

Pisces + Scorpio

Ta-damm! Here she is - perfect couple for Scorpio. And for Rybka, oddly enough, too. These two are sure to be happy together until death do them part. And after that, they will probably also be happy together, because they will return to that underworld from where someone released them, chthonic monsters, to us. May this good man be healthy and not cough!

Pisces + Sagittarius

A sad story about unjustified expectations: Fish wants to live with a strong man who will take care of her, and Sagittarius’s manner of either bringing millions into the house or drinking away the latest game console does not really fit into this concept. Sagittarius dreams of a holiday woman, or, at worst, a magical woman, and not about all this: “I went to the astral plane, I won’t be back soon.” In general, it will not take off.

Pisces + Capricorn

This is the very case when complete opposites attract mutual pleasure and - most importantly! - to mutual benefit: everyone gets what they wanted, and as a bonus, no one is caulking anyone’s brains.

Pisces + Aquarius

Pisces needs to be loved, but Aquarius doesn’t know how. On the other hand, Aquarius is so talented at pretending that he loves that Pisces, on reflection, may decide that it will do just fine.

Pisces + Pisces

Beautiful couple! It is possible that after 50 years of marriage, both will turn into elderly hippies who have nothing in their souls except three pairs of sneakers between them, but for the rest of their lives they will retain in marriage the main thing from their point of view: some kind of mystery. However, most likely, point one will not come true: they will simply lay out more eggs, and one of the grown-up fry will probably learn to take care of them.

Pisces is the last sign of the entire zodiac circle, belongs to the element of Water, is under the protection of the planet Neptune, and combines various qualities taken from previous signs. People born in this constellation are spiritually developed, they perfectly feel the pain of others, they are generous and kind. The Pisces woman is perhaps the most sensitive and romantic person; everything that happens inside her cannot be understood by those around her, because she is not used to talking about it.

Characteristics of a Pisces woman

A lady born in the constellation Pisces is charming, feminine and romantic. She is incredibly seductive and capable of self-confidence without difficulty, and there are few men who can resist her charm. She always strives to join high society, the elite, where people of a certain circle gather - respectable, successful, creative, and it is among them that the refined and sophisticated Pisces girl feels comfortable.

Most women born under the sign of Pisces are not ready for cruel reality; they like to live in their own fantasy world, among illusions and naive dreams. They are too sensitive, sentimental and helpless in the face of everyday difficulties. They definitely need someone they can rely on and who will help them cope with any problems.

Sometimes among Pisces there are women who have an inner core, are strong and resilient, but even they outwardly look too defenseless and sensitive, in need of support.

The Pisces woman is very dependent on the phases of the Moon. During the full moon, their thirst for activity awakens, they are cheerful, active, ready for any accomplishment, but when the Moon is born and enters the growth phase, it becomes apathetic, lethargic, sad, and often falls into depression.

The Pisces woman's horoscope states that she is a good conversationalist. She is polite, pleasant and calm, she does not tend to make trouble or try to impose own opinion. Thanks to her charm, delicacy and gentleness, she is able to easily achieve what others achieve for a long time through hysterics and endless swearing. Any conflict situations she tries to avoid them without bringing them to a critical state. It’s easier for her to calmly leave than to waste her nerves on sorting things out. The Pisces woman does not like quarrels, is afraid of coercion, and besides, she is kind and attentive, so she has no enemies. She is reluctant to take on any responsibility, and she skillfully hides her inherent insecurities or hurt pride behind ostentatious fun.

In general, due to excessive sensitivity, it is common for her to inflate any, even the most insignificant problem to a universal scale, so it seems to her that there are more troubles and disappointments in her life than others. She is always ready to give everything to people without asking for anything in return. She has a kind, sympathetic heart, but she is completely unsuited to the struggle for happiness. The Pisces woman will sit back and wait for a better life, believing that fate will definitely turn her face to her, and she will meet her prince on a white horse.

What Pisces women love

Women of this sign naturally have excellent taste, so they always look impeccable. They know how to select gifts, sparing no expense, although sometimes Pisces have difficulties with finances. Pisces women love luxury and comfort too much, so they try to surround themselves with the appropriate things, which require considerable funds. At the same time, they are completely incapable of saving money or skillfully solving financial issues in their favor.

Pisces is the most talented sign of the zodiac; representatives of the fair sex are unusually musical and often achieve success in the creative profession. In addition, thanks to their extraordinary artistry, Pisces women are able to try on different roles not only on stage, but also easily embody them in Everyday life. Sometimes it is very difficult for others to understand where is sincerity and where is the game, so strongly do they get used to the chosen role.

Representatives of this sign are selective when choosing their environment, they have few friends, because each of them must correspond to the mass high requirements, and if it happens that a friend fails you at least once, then the friendly relationship with this person will cease completely. In addition, Pisces women never forgive insults, and at the first opportunity they will definitely take revenge for their wounded pride.

Pisces - a woman and the love in her life

The psychological portrait of a Pisces woman reflects a person who rarely falls in love. But when this happens, she gives herself over to her feelings completely and always idealizes her chosen one too much, although most often he is completely unworthy of it.

She is not inclined to show leadership in relationships, preferring to give the leading role to her partner. Sometimes a representative of this sign becomes too attached to a man, and he, knowing how dependent she is on him, allows himself to say unpleasant things to her.

Because of her strong charm and external defenselessness, a woman of this sign always has a lot of fans and patrons, and each of them is sure that she will choose him as her life partner. She treats this state of affairs completely calmly, taking it for granted. The Pisces woman is not flirtatious, but she perfectly feels that with her attractiveness and charm she is able to keep men near her.

Men lose their heads when in her company, but she is too secretive, and it is impossible to guess who she will prefer. Her choice often causes misunderstanding, because neither her influence nor her presence great fortune, nor attractive appearance play a role when choosing a partner.

She can determine who she should marry by paying attention to various factors that sometimes defy logical explanation.

The Pisces woman easily hands over the reins of the family boat to her husband. Expecting that he is able to create a certain material level on his own, although in a difficult situation, she is able to moderate her appetites and begin to spend money more economically. But in general, the Pisces woman is caring and loving wife, capable of making the man he loves the happiest.

She loves her children beyond measure, considering them the main happiness in the life of any woman. She will make every effort to give her child the best. She sees the future in her child and places it on him big hopes. She rarely has many children, most often it is one child, because she tends to worry too much about children and is afraid that her love simply will not be enough for everyone. She tries to help the child make his way in life, but sometimes such excessive care makes the child too dependent.

Sex life of a Pisces woman

A woman of this sign feels confident in the bedroom, she is able to create the necessary atmosphere and knows exactly what needs to be done so that her partner receives a portion of incredible emotions. She is used to pleasing her partner, so she is not able to refuse. In bed, she behaves at ease and naturally, she likes sensual games that add variety to her sex life.

It is enough for her to watch an erotic film, and she is already excited and ready for exploits with her partner. She is not averse to repeating with him what she saw on the screen. Most likely, the first author of the erotic textbook was a man born in the constellation Pisces.

The Pisces woman, thanks to her natural artistry, can make such erotic sounds that the man, experiencing a powerful surge of strength, greatly increases his zeal to give her even greater pleasure.

Having found out what exactly her partner loves, she will create a mesmerizing atmosphere, wear the sexiest lingerie, and use all her inexhaustible imagination, even learn how to satisfy all his secret desires. She likes to make love in the “on top” position, so she can better match the pace with her partner and can control the situation to achieve a better effect.

Because of her reliability, she sometimes falls into an unpleasant dependence on a man, when he behaves towards her like a master, ordering what and how she needs to do. Sometimes a partner’s sadistic tendencies awaken on this basis, and a woman of this sign will endure this as long as she has enough strength.

Representatives of this sign have a pronounced tendency towards fetishism. She likes to dress in the same clothes for sex, wear jewelry that will slide over the body at the moment of intimacy, causing additional pleasant sensations. Many items of her clothing also have a stimulating effect on her partner, these include lace stockings with garters, gloves, crotchless panties and erotic bras without cups. If she wants non-standard sex with sadomasochistic tendencies, then she will definitely wear leather underwear, high-heeled boots, leather gloves and not forget about the whip. She accepts everything in sex that many consider abnormal.

Stories from our readers

She is a girl straight out of the pages of a classic novel. Soft, sensitive, artistic and infinitely tender. Pisces is every man's dream. After all, it is with her that every representative of the stronger sex will be happy to reach the level of a gentleman. It’s just that with Pisces, any man wants to be a knight, a cavalier, a charming suitor. But who will suit her according to the stars - about that right now.

Pisces (Latin “Pisces”) is the last, 12th sign of the zodiac, which takes the baton from Aquarius and passes it on to Aries, who begins a new cycle. Sign symbol- two fish connected by their tails and looking in opposite directions. This sign does not indicate frivolity at all. In fact, fish are a symbol of wisdom. One side they look at is familiar to all earthly people: this is the voice of reason. But the other is intuition, a supersensible perception of the world, because of which many fish are sincerely misunderstood by those around them.

The element of fish is water. Mysterious, mystical emotions, sensory perception of the world. Pisces always puts intuition higher than sound calculation. And the most interesting thing is that their approach works quite well. Colors of luck– blue, green, purple and silver. Talisman stones– pearls, tourmaline, lapis lazuli, seraphinite, tiger’s eye. Pisces sign rules Neptune- a planet that personifies, perhaps, the greatest creative force - human faith. Yes, for Pisces, faith is always a priority over knowledge.

It is no coincidence that all famous ladies who were born under the sign of Pisces are directly related to creativity. And they are distinguished not only by their bright talents, but also by their deep, truly interesting personalities, which I want to talk about again and again. These are Sharon Stone and Cindy Crawford, Elena Yakovleva and Tatyana Bulanova, Valentina Tereshkova and Nadezhda Babkina, Natalia Vodianova and Anna Semenovich, Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Pisces woman: how the stars see her

Pisces is a mysterious girl, she seems to be out of this world. The image that has developed in the ideas of the environment and the one that she has in her head diverge quite noticeably. To her friends and colleagues she seems rather strange, contradictory, but at the same time very sweet and soft. The fish itself does not see any quirks in itself. She considers herself a harmonious, established person who never acts against her heart. And this is how the stars see her.

Curves instead of corners

If a Pisces girl is asked to choose between a circle and a square, she will choose the first option without hesitation. This simple test would not say anything truthful if not for the very behavior of our heroine. Yes, she doesn’t like sharp edges, she can’t stand rudeness and aggression. Pisces sincerely do not understand why some people love to be rude and make trouble so much, when any issue can be resolved peacefully - to do this, it is enough to simply calm the person down and feel his mood.

For this reason, we simply will not meet impudent, narcissistic people among fish who adore conflicts and sow discord. On the contrary, Pisces are a peacemaker who can defuse tensions in the family and team. Yes, it is difficult for her to organize people, it is difficult to command them. But she is a real lightning rod, because this is her earthly mission.

Cindy Crawford

Fine arts

Creativity, creativity for the sake of creativity, the constant search for perfect forms - this is all the style of our heroine. Perhaps she never learned to cook well, but the napkins in her house are always woven, attractive, perhaps stylized with ancient motifs. And there is always a nice picture hanging in the kitchen. And on the shelf there are graceful figurines next to volumes of classical literature. Yes, fish cannot live without art. They are creators themselves and surround themselves with creations.

Life without feelings is not life

These ladies perceive our world with their feelings. And they can’t live without them. Pisces have nothing against logic, but they experience the world differently - in a way they know only. Perhaps they do nothing without inspiration. And if the muse does not visit them for a long time, they begin to mope. It is at such moments that they need kind-hearted support. And the one who can provide it will certainly become the main contender for his hand and heart.

Attitude to work and money

For this girl, the main thing in life is not money and career, but her family. First the parents, then the husband and children. Therefore, Pisces rarely set any career goals for themselves and do not strive to become a commander in a skirt. Our heroine excels in creative work. It’s just that Pisces are creative people, they feel with their hearts, so in any form of art they find correct application with your talent.

Another area that is most interesting for this girl is working with small children. It’s just that fish are mothers by nature. She loves to educate, admire children and is literally inspired by her work. At this point, the stars are simply obliged to warn our heroine - as for your own children, you should get used to the idea that someday you will have to let them go Big world precisely for the reason that they have already grown up and ceased to be children. The fact is that fish love to take care of their children, and they tend to always see children in them, regardless of age.

As for finances, Pisces somehow manage to live well and at the same time not deny themselves anything. They can purely intuitively make a purchase that was not planned, and in general, at first glance, is inappropriate. But our heroine chooses with her heart: if some thing literally caught her eye, it will definitely add to her home collection. Nevertheless, thanks to the same intuition, this lady always manages to stay afloat. And her fans will never refuse their support - she’s such a lucky girl.

What kind of man does a Pisces woman need?

It is difficult to answer this question according to some scheme, because the stars once again remind us that our heroine chooses with her heart. However, there are several important notes that can help potential chosen ones understand the character of the most mysterious representative of the horoscope:

  1. First of all, Pisces are conservative ladies who value the good traditions of the family. They are sure that the head of their house will certainly be a man. And they look forward to happy family days with pleasure. Pisces would really like to see in a man strong man. A person capable of turning a blind eye to her little weaknesses, sometimes indulging her modest whims. And in some situations even give in to her. On the other hand, she will answer a lot. Pisces are sacrificial people who give their all if they are sure that they are loved.
  2. The ideal of a Pisces is a stable, predictable man. Yes, our heroine does not like to take risks. She approaches the choice of a companion incredibly seriously and responsibly. And he gives himself completely to his family and children. We can say that the ideal of her life is serving her loved ones. But for service you need to choose the most reliable partner.
  3. Finally, Pisces really appreciate kind, gentle men. But only in relation to them and their loved ones. In all other respects, her ideal is a person of strict rules who knows how to defend the interests of others. Yes, it's a difficult combination. But quite real.

How not to behave around fish

The stars warn in advance - it’s easy to offend a fish. And at the same time, a true gentleman always feels the zone of what is permitted and the zone of risk. However, he should pay attention to some stellar tips:

  1. First of all, never be rude to fish. Neither jokingly nor seriously. This girl can appreciate humor. But not rudeness or vulgarity. Yes, she is a supporter of truly beautiful manners, a chivalrous attitude towards a lady. And the fish rightly believe that male power is to protect the girl and not use his weapon against her.
  2. Do not return the fish to the sinful earth. Even if she didn’t quite get the dish right or she made another financial miscalculation, you shouldn’t scold her like a little girl. She will draw her own conclusions, she will understand everything herself, because she always thinks about her failures, perhaps even more than her victories. If the Pisces companion tries to constantly demonstrate her shortcomings, our heroine will simply close herself off and begin to plan an escape.
  3. Don't criticize the fish's views, no matter how strange they may seem. Many representatives of this sign are religious or believe in something of their own. Among them you can often find fatalists - people who believe in fate and the manifestation of its signs. Be that as it may, our heroine takes her views very seriously. As well as to someone else’s worldview.
  4. Finally, don't raise your voice to her. Yes, the soul of a fish is very subtle and vulnerable. She can make a lot of mistakes, but she is always happy to admit it if you say it delicately. One thing needs to be understood: a soft-hearted approach can only be taken to a soft-hearted person.

Who is suitable for a Pisces woman, and who is not so suitable

Soft, sophisticated Pisces should look for a real prince - a man in whom the traditional qualities of the stronger sex are combined with endless tenderness and kindness. Yes, these ladies sometimes demand compatibility of the incompatible. But they themselves carry such a multifaceted nature that they can well count on such a generous reward from fate.

And to make it easier for you to navigate the diversity of male types, the stars are already rushing to the rescue:

  1. The most optimal life partners for such a sensual girl should be considered representatives of their own water element. A man is a person who will surround the fish with such care that they will literally melt in his caresses and will be able to close their eyes to many shortcomings. If Pisces want to feel like they are behind a stone wall, they should turn their attention to a strong, balanced Scorpio man. There will be good emotional and sexual contact with him. As for the representative of his zodiac sign, this is a bohemian family of two actors who work part-time at night as storytellers. Yes, mutual understanding in such a couple is beyond all expectations. But the material side of life can cause significant difficulties.
  2. Representatives of the earthly element fully correspond to the image of a strong man who can take a lady under his protection. From this point of view, the stars recommend that the Pisces girl pay attention to a persistent, balanced man. This person will be able to give you stability and a long-awaited feeling of security. A hard worker will relieve you of material worries. But as for - he is quite stubborn, but at the same time strong man. If you initially manage to understand each other and not violate recognized boundaries, the tandem will be incredibly successful.
  3. Quite an interesting, although risky, union of a sophisticated fish with active, energetic and powerful fiery men. In this regard, our heroine can turn her attention to, who loves to patronize the lady of her heart, elevating her to the status of a real queen. - a rather assertive man who may rightly seem to Pisces to be excessively rude and unrestrained. And, who is constantly looking for adventure, poses a threat to family stability in the understanding of our heroine.
  4. As for the representatives of the air element, the fish will develop deep human contact with them, which, however, does not guarantee a truly strong relationship. The fickle one will pay much more attention to his friends. The windy one may start walking left and right. But aristocratic ones can attract the attention of fish with their bohemianism, but this is not exactly her type of man. Libras are just indecisive and somewhat cool. Often they tend to shift responsibility to a companion, in whom they want to see a like-minded person. In this sense, their ideas are very different from those of fish.

Elena Yakovleva

Pisces in bed

Pisces is the eternal artist. Even if this girl is engaged in routine, monotonous activities, she is certainly interested in something beautiful - she draws, knits at night, or simply writes poetry in the moonlight. Neither time nor difficult life circumstances can conquer the romantic nature of our heroine. Needless to say, intimate intimacy for such an unusual lady is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate her true creative potential.

It’s interesting that Pisces will never even reward a man they don’t trust with a kiss. Moreover, things are done at night - here it is very important for our heroine to feel loved, tender and desired. That's when it opens up in full. And I must say that one can only envy the man who won her heart: the fish has a completely unusual sexual energy. This lady is literally mesmerizing. She does not make any direct proposals, does not violate what is permitted, but with her whole appearance she seems to encourage the man to plunge into the world of passions. Her water passions.

The Pisces woman is a classic lady, a true mother and the true conscience of humanity. If a man wants to discover his true natural qualities, he should undoubtedly pay attention to her.

Pisces is a zodiac sign belonging to the element of water and under the protection of the planet Neptune. Women born under this constellation love a beautiful and carefree life. They always have a lot of suitors, who often suffer due to lack of attention. Pisces women are also generous, kind, sensitive and romantic.

General characteristics of behavior

The characteristics of the Pisces woman are mostly positive. They are charming, charming, sophisticated natures, whose behavior depends on the phase of the moon. At new month the woman is full of optimism, enjoys life, loves every passerby. But during the new moon, the behavior changes dramatically and the Pisces woman often falls into a depressed state, which causes her to spoil her relationship even with close people.

Astrological characteristics notes the following positive features:

The woman has behavior and shortcomings which she carefully hides. She may suddenly cry at the slightest trouble, at some point become pessimistic and see only black colors around her, and at the wrong time she shows others her following qualities:

  • defenselessness;
  • slowness;
  • extravagance;
  • jealousy;
  • isolation.

Despite their shortcomings, they manage to find a common language with all the signs of the zodiac, and she gets along well with people, but her own interests may suffer. As you can see, this is the whole sign of the Pisces woman. Characteristics of behavior not only positive, but there are also negative traits that often affect relationships with others.

Owners of this sign try not to conflict and easily turn all unpleasant moments into humor, sometimes smoothing out the situation with the help of compromises.

They don't like noise, so they feel out of place and bored in large groups. No one will be able to cheer her up until she goes to a quiet, calmer place. If a noisy company or party cannot be avoided, he may pretend to be sick just to avoid going where he doesn’t want to go.

That's all there is to it general characteristics zodiac sign Pisces woman. They don't hide theirs positive traits Moreover, they are proud of their kindness, because they understand that they are the only ones like that.

Love and sex

Even in their youth, girls become romantic. If they meet a guy, they do everything to ensure that love always sparkles between them. However, she quickly gets bored with guys who are too pushy, and then she immediately ends all relationships with them.

The older a girl gets, the more she wants not just a guy, but a prince on a white horse who would take her to restaurants, give her expensive gifts and not forget about romantic relationships.

For all her commercialism, she gets married solely for love. It doesn’t matter how others treat your loved one, as long as everything between them is harmonious. top level. Of course, a girl dreams not only of a man, but also of a reliable shoulder on which she can always lean.

Girls love sex. They emotional and bright personality And. Therefore, in an intimate relationship, the man is delighted with her, the girl will do everything to ensure that her loved one never wants to leave for another.

home and family

Not everyone knows the Pisces woman. What kind of mother, wife or housewife is she? After all, a family in which Pisces is present is closed behind seven locks from prying eyes. But her husband knows perfectly well what she is like and loves her for all her strengths and weaknesses.

This woman - a wonderful wife who loves coziness and comfort in the apartment. When her husband arrives, she will always set the table, talk to him, listen to him, and also share her joys and sorrows.

The owner of this constellation is a wonderful mother. She will never hurt her children in her life. She will stand up for them and claim that she has the best children, although she knows that this is not so. As for different sections and clubs, I will take children everywhere, the main thing is that there are enough funds. The best schools, kindergartens and others educational establishments provided for her children.

Work and career

It all depends from a specific person. One Pisces woman will be happy to sit at home, bake pies and feel comfortable at the same time, while the other, on the contrary, will try to build her career as much as possible in professional activity. Such a person will not be able to sit idle; he will devote all his strength to work. Maybe it will stop her a little a newborn child on whom you need to spend more time.

The zodiac horoscope says that Pisces Women find themselves in those professions where they need to communicate with people and help others. For example, they will be happy to work as a nurse, caregiver, nanny in kindergarten. They can also be social workers.

However, there is another category of Pisces who go to work on stage and become actors, writers, poets, singers. They also ideally work as accountants, economists, financiers, and bank employees. They are comfortable being in this area, since there is an opportunity to climb the ladder. career ladder. And Pisces like to tinker with numbers, which is not given to every person.

What are Pisces like in friendship?

Fish - friendly personalities. They will always come to the aid of even a stranger. A woman will always listen and give useful advice and will directly say what he thinks about this. She will never gossip behind her back, no matter how hard they try to bring her to light.

Pisces almost always seek the support of friends. If they don’t receive it, then they can calmly say goodbye to such an unreliable comrade. After all friendship for Pisces comes second after family.

Most often, Pisces girls, whose characteristics are positive, can behave in unexpected ways. If a person has repeatedly betrayed her, she may eventually treat him the same way, but she will only wait for the right moment.

Appearance and health

Pisces are not only romantic in nature, but also feminine. They love to dress beautifully and do not forget to visit a beauty salon, as they always want to look chic among others. It is difficult for them to understand why some individuals do not take care of themselves, since Pisces themselves are convinced that there are no ugly women, you just need to present yourself correctly. Thanks to this point of view, they always find a way to outshine those around them, even on those days when there is no money for good cosmetics or a salon.

Fish have a hard time withstanding even a minor disease like ARVI, and therefore doctors are at a loss, as they cannot decide on a diagnosis. After all, a woman at such moments complains about absolutely everything. She is sure that her legs, arms, stomach, teeth, head and even internal organs hurt. Because of this, doctors often prescribe Pisces a full medical checkup, which includes all kinds of tests.

They need to receive as little negative emotions as possible. They should avoid their depressive state and try to control yourself. To do this, they need to distract themselves with sports or regular morning exercises. Pisces also needs water procedures in winter time, and in the summer it is advisable to go to the sea for at least two weeks.

What kind of men does a woman like?

As a rule, many women are not very concerned about a man’s appearance, but this statement is not about Pisces. Before the meeting, they describe in their thoughts young man and imagine what it should be like. Representatives of this sign need their loved one to have a beautiful appearance. He must be elegant, gallant, with his own point of view. They expect the young man to fit the girl's description.

A woman should be next to a strong, authoritative and fashionable young man. The main thing a lady needs is sincerity. She will immediately sense false notes and leave the young man without thinking about the consequences.

What gifts does the Pisces woman like?

Pisces are mysterious personalities, and therefore it is difficult to decide on a gift. However, this is possible. First you need to understand that Pisces definitely cannot be given as a gift. If you present them with practical, business and household items, they will be very upset. Even if the gift is very expensive. For example, you could give washing vacuum cleaner the latest model, but the girl won't understand it. Since this gift is practical, needed in everyday life and does not bring her personal moral satisfaction.

Therefore, you should take the choice of a gift very seriously. Since they are romantic people, ideal option will write congratulations right in front of the windows. She will definitely never forget such a surprise and will always remember it with tenderness.

Pisces love souvenirs with a hint of love, Greeting Cards, bright envelopes and various trinkets in the form of soft toys. They also really appreciate the surprises that are being prepared. with my own hands: This could be a cake, quilling craft or origami.

If you give a painting that is of artistic value, Pisces will hang such a gift in the place where they are most often found to admire the work of art.

If finances allow, you can give a product made of gold, but pretentiousness should be avoided. The jewelry should be elegant, sophisticated, and delicate. And the decoration must have some artistic value.

It is advisable to present gifts in blue, light green and light purple. For owners of this sign, talisman stones are suitable: amethyst, emerald, Moonstone, pearls, aquamarine, sapphire and everything shiny, iridescent.

Compatibility with other signs

Pisces get along perfectly not only in love, but also in friendship with the zodiac sign Cancer. It is these two signs that understand each other perfectly and can swim on the same wave all their lives. Pisces often find mutual understanding with calm and practical Taurus. Virgo is a reliable and stable option for Pisces. A woman with them will not know material problems.

Pisces have a very difficult time with Aries, Capricorn and Gemini, since these signs know how to suppress their partner, which a woman will never tolerate.

Relationships with Libra and Sagittarius are completely impossible. These two signs will lead the family, and Pisces will resist. After all, the owner of this sign accepts only equality between partners.

Psychology of relationships th is a complex science. After all, compatibility depends not only on the zodiac sign, but also on a person’s upbringing, his behavior, and character.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Pisces?

Many people were born under this zodiac sign famous people who were able to overcome some sense of duty to their family. They became actors, writers, singers, artists, etc. That is, they chose a profession related to creativity.

So, female celebrities who were born under the zodiac sign of Pisces:

  1. Natalia Vodianova is a Russian top model.
  2. Anna Semyonovich is a Russian figure skater, actress and singer.
  3. Olga Budina is a Russian actress.
  4. Tatyana Bulanova is a Russian pop singer.
  5. Sharon Stone is a Hollywood actress, producer and model.
  6. Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman to fly into space.
  7. Elena Yakovleva is a Russian actress.
  8. Nadezhda Babkina is a People's Artist of Russia.
  9. Irina Alferova is a Russian actress.
  10. Linda Fiorentino is an American actress.

All these famous women became successful and outstanding people. And if you ask them today how they achieved this, no one will answer for sure. Everything happened naturally only because these people were born under the successful zodiac sign of Pisces.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pisces women are a very mysterious zodiac sign. They always raise more questions than answers among others. Despite their fragility, grace and sophistication, these ladies can shake people to the core with their unpredictability. Neither the thoughts nor the actions of a Pisces can ever be explained in terms of logic or reason. Yes, of course, most often she is very smart, sometimes even logical, but from time to time Pisces can do something that you don’t expect from her: for example, throw away everything that has been built for years and start new life from scratch.

There simply cannot be an explanation here, because Pisces is never guided by reasons that are understandable and visible to others, and sometimes she herself cannot explain why she did it this way and not otherwise. That is why (the zodiac sign is extremely interesting) people are perceived as mysterious and a little strange. Just as bright and characteristic feature is their utmost sincerity and honesty. (a woman in particular, although this also applies to men) will always come to the rescue, and even free of charge. You need to really annoy Pisces so that it places a person in the category of complete scoundrels and does not respond to a cry for help.

Pisces are quite sensitive and caring people who love life and the world around them. Pisces women, a talented and multifaceted zodiac sign, are passionate natures, capable of inventing reality for themselves and immersing themselves in it headlong. Sometimes this leads to nightmares, because thanks to their natural sacrifice, vulnerability, softness and tenderness, these ladies often act to the detriment of their own interests, remembering only the needs of those around them.

Pisces are weak creatures, easily excitable and prone to extremes. As a rule, there is simply no golden mean for them. Moreover, they often hide their innate weakness and softness under the guise of an “iron lady.” As a result, they can really move mountains if they convince themselves that this is necessary. Pisces women, the last sign of the Zodiac, are like a beautiful mirror, in which the traits and characters of any of the previous signs can be reflected in the most unpredictable way. They can be vain like Leo, flighty like Sagittarius, or stubborn and stubborn like Aries or Taurus. In addition, they tend to absorb the influence of others, but get rid of it very easily and quickly if what they have learned goes against their own essence.

So, the subject of our research today is the Zodiac sign Pisces: a woman whose compatibility with other signs is a very interesting question. Under no circumstances should she get along with selfish and cruel creatures. These are, first of all, Scorpios, who are capable of simply destroying morally and emotionally vulnerable and sensitive Pisces. An affair with Cancer can turn out to be just as unsuccessful: the latter’s uncertainty and slowness will irritate Pisces, and their own fishy frivolity and withdrawal into fantasy will not find a response from their partner. Pisces need reliable signs that can support them and encourage them, tying them to reality at a time when they lose touch with it. These are Taurus, Virgo. It is not always possible to form an alliance with Leo, but even here everything is possible. In response to understanding and care, the Pisces woman, an unusually feminine and responsive creature, will fill life with the wealth and beauty of her own inner world, warmth and joy.