Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad about death. Sayings about the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) by outstanding people

Allah Almighty said:

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللهَ وَالْيَوْمَ

الآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللهَ كَثِيرًا

Meaning: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah is good example for you, precisely for those who desire God’s blessing and strive to be saved and joyful in the End of the World, and often remember God.”

When our Prophet spoke, He attracted people with his speech, they listened to His words, and His words penetrated the very heart, reached the depths of the soul, causing respect and humility.

Among the instructive words of the Prophet, peace be upon him:

Prophet Mu X ammad explained the importance of wishing goodness and happiness to other people:

» لا يبلغ العبد حقيقة الإيمان حتى يحب للناس ما يحب لنفسه من الخير «

This means: “The servant of God will not achieve perfection in faith until he desires good for other people, just as he desires it for himself.”

The Messenger of Allah’s attention was directed to spreading goodness. He called for the strengthening of family ties, for the preservation of families, for kind and sincere relationships. And also decency, truthfulness and sincerity. The Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us:

« ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا ويوقر كبيرنا ويأمر بالمعروف وينه عن المنكر «

This means: “He who does not treat the younger ones with mercy and respect for the elders, and also does not command to fulfill duties and save himself from sins,” will not achieve perfection in faith.

The Prophet, peace be upon Him, pointed out the need for a respectful attitude towards parents with these words:

« رضا الرب في رضا الوالد «

It means: “God gives mercy to those believers who treat their parents with mercy.”

The Messenger of Allah paid great attention to fair and kind treatment of women. He pointed to the high position in Islam that the mother occupies. He said:

» خيركم خيركم للنساء «

It means: “The best of you are those who treat women better.”

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We all know very well that forgetfulness is common in humans. After all, even the word “man” itself in Arabic إنسان (insan) comes from the verb “to forget” نسي (nasiya).

Of course, everyone wants to quickly remember and retain in memory as much information as possible for a long time, especially religious knowledge. But in practice, it often fails many of us, so people are looking for ways to strengthen it.

Modern medicine considers such factors as poor nutrition, bad habits(for example, alcohol consumption), a sedentary lifestyle, depression, stress, and certain diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's). Therefore, they associate all their recommendations for improving memory with material reasons: a varied diet, physical activity, various exercises and “systems” for better memorization of information.

To improve memory, they recommend consuming foods containing B vitamins, vitamins O, E, C, P, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc: nuts (especially walnuts), blueberries and black currants, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), pumpkin and flax seeds, whole grains, buckwheat, honey, fresh vegetables in the form of salad with olive oil, fatty fish, beef, potatoes, legumes, bananas, tomatoes, White cabbage, kelp (sea kale), broccoli. In addition, they advise performing special exercises to train complex ones. Simple ones are memorizing poetry or any other texts, exercises with numbers, words and images. It is also believed that any activity that activates mental activity improves memory: mental arithmetic, reading literature, solving crosswords, solving puzzles, intellectual games.

Islam pays special attention to issues related to improving memory, because acquiring religious knowledge is one of the highest priority activities in the life of a Muslim. And there is even such knowledge that a believer must remember.

The Prophet Muhammad himself, as well as Muslim scholars, gave recommendations on how to better remember information and not forget what was learned.

  • Eat exactly 7 raisins every day on an empty stomach. Another option is to eat 7 or more black raisins with a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Eat a small piece of luban (incense)1 daily - it can be chewed or dissolved in hot water or tea and drink.
  • Eat hazelnuts
  • Inhale the smell of cumin, lavender
  • Rub pumpkin oil into your head.
  • For 41 days, read verses 6-7 of Surah Al-A’la 7 times in the morning every day.
    سَنُقْرِئُكَ فَلَا تَنسَىٰ إِلَّا مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ ۚ إِنَّهُ يَعْلَمُ الْجَهْرَ وَمَا يَخْفَىٰ
    and then drink this water on an empty stomach.
  • After each prayer put right hand on the head and read 7 times the 6th verse of Surah Al-A’la
    سَنُقْرِئُكَ فَلَا تَنسَىٰ
  • Memory is better if a person has a clean body and clothes. It is advisable to always be in a state of taharat.
  • Imam Ash-Shafi'i said that the use of perfume clears the mind.
  • Memory can be trained like a muscle. To do this, it is recommended to constantly learn something new and repeat what you already know.

What impairs memory

  • Committing sins. Some scientists have said that memory is greatly impaired when a person looks at forbidden things.
  • Some foods, if consumed in large quantities: onions, garlic, lemon, sour apples, cilantro.
  • Scientists said that if you eat a lot, then mental capacity worsen, and a small amount of food improves memory.
  • Before class, make an intention for the sake of Allah.
  • After the lesson, recite the following du‘a:

    اللهم إني أَستَودِعُكَ ما علَّمتَنيهِ فارْدُدْهُ علَيَّ عند حاجتي إليه يا ربَّ العالمين، اللهم أخرِجْنا من ظُلُماتِ الوهمِ وأكرِمنا بِنورِ الوهم وافتحْ علينا بِمعرِفةِ العِلم وحسِّن أخلاقَنا بالحِلم، وسهِّل لنا أبواب فضلِك وانشُر علينا من خزائِنِ رحمتِكَ يا أرحمَ الراحمين

    “Oh, Allah, I ask You to preserve what You have given me to know, and grant me to remember it at the right time. O Lord of all worlds! Oh, Allah, grant us to emerge from the darkness of illusions. And grant us the light of understanding, knowledge, excellent morality and wisdom with patience. Make it easier for us to enter the “Gate of Good.” And grant us even more mercy, O All-Merciful One!”

  • Before learning the text by heart, say salayat to our master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and also read du’a and dhikr.
  • The best time to memorize is early in the morning, that is, just after dawn.
  • To make memorization easier, it is recommended to learn texts according to this principle: learn the first line, then the second, and then repeat from the very beginning. And so every time: having learned a new line, repeat everything from the beginning.
  • Transferring knowledge to other people allows you not to forget what you know.
  • Passing the exam allows you to remember the material you covered longer.

When entering the office, read verse 23 of Surah Al-Maida:

قَالَ رَجُلَانِ مِنَ الَّذِينَ يَخَافُونَ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِمَا ادْخُلُوا عَلَيْهِمُ الْبَابَ فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُمُوهُ فَإِنَّكُمْ غَالِبُونَ ۚ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَتَوَكَّلُوا إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ

Before starting the exam, read:

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي

After that say:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم توكَّلتُ على الله

and start taking the exam.

If during the exam you cannot remember the answer, then read the 8th verse of Surah At-Tariq:

إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ

One of the good deeds that Muslims strive for is to memorize the Holy Qur'an. Reading some verses and du'a helps to learn the Qur'an by heart. Many theologians and their students have tried this on themselves. Here are some of these recommendations:

  • Read the 79th verse of Surah Al-Anbiya 10 times daily:

    فَفَهَّمْنَاهَا سُلَيْمَانَ ۚ وَكُلًّا آتَيْنَا حُكْمًا وَعِلْمًا ۚ وَسَخَّرْنَا مَعَ دَاوُودَ الْجِبَالَ يُسَبِّحْنَ وَالطَّيْرَ ۚ وَكُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ

يا حَيُّ يا قَيُّومُ يا رَبَّ مُوسَى و هارونَ و ربَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، و يا ربَّ مهمدٍ صلى الله عليه و سلم أَجمعين، ارْزُقْني الفَهْمَ و ارزقني العِلْمَ و الحِكْمَةَ و العَقْلَ برَحْمَتِكَ يا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِين

it means: “O Living One, Needing nothing! O Lord of Musa and Haruna! O Lord of Ibrahim! O Lord of Muhammad! Oh Allah, grant them all even more greatness and honor. Grant me understanding and grant me knowledge and wisdom and understanding by Your mercy, O All-Merciful One!”

  • Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah have mercy on him, narrated the hadith of the Prophet that if someone is afraid that he will forget the Qur'an after he has learned it, or forgets a lesson he has learned, let him say:

    اللهم نَوِّرْ بالكتابِ بَصَري واشْرَحْ به صَدْري واسْتَعْمِلْ به بَدَنِي وأَطْلِقْ بِهِ لِسانِي وَ قُوِّ به جَنانِي واشْرحْ به فَهْمِي وَ قُوِّ به عَزْمِي بِحَوْلِكَ وَ قَوَّتِكَ فإِنَّهُ لا حول ولاقُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِكَ يا أَرْحَمَ الراحمين

  • To better remember the memorized verses of the Qur'an, read the following du'a:

    اللهم افتح عليَّ فُتُوحَ العارِفين بحِكمَتك ، وانْشُرْ عَليَّ رَحْمتَكَ ، وذَكِّرْني ما نَسِيتُ يا ذا الجلال والإكرام

Tips for those who want to find something that they lost or forgot where they put it

  • Read the 8th verse of Surah At-Tariq:
    إِنَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ
  • Read the du'a:

    يا جامِعَ النَّاسِ لِيَومٍ لا رَيْبَ فيه إجْمَعْ عليَّ ضالَّتِي

To keep your memory strong, follow Sharia. Knowledge is a special light, and this light is not given to sinners.

Test your memory: do you remember where this article started?

How to get what you want?

God has given us a special benefit - the ability to ask Him for what we want for ourselves out of goodness. Allah Almighty said in the Holy Qur'an (Sura "Ghafir", Ayat 60) meaning:

“And your Lord said: “Speak to Me with du’a, and you will be answered.”

Appealing to the Almighty with a request is one of the types of worship of the Creator, because by turning to God in our prayers, we thereby recognize His Uniqueness and Omnipotence. We know that He alone is the Creator of both benefit and harm, and therefore we ask Him in the hope that our prayers will be fulfilled. Turning to Allah, we believe without a doubt that only He creates health, happiness, success in doing good, protection, safety from sins and all other benefits.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, urged us to read du'a more. He said: “Prayer is the worship of Allah.” And after that, he said an Ayat from the Kuran, which means: “And your Lord said: “Contact Me with du’a - you will be answered.” This Hadith was narrated by Ibn Hibban and other imams.

Attention! Appealing to Allah with a request does not change fate. If a person received what he asked for, it means that it was predestined for him even before his birth, just like his du’a. In any case, there are great benefits from reading du'a.

Benefits of dua

The Creator promised that there will be an answer to the request of the one praying, and the hands of the one asking “will not remain empty”:

  • the person will receive what he asked for;
  • even if a person did not get what he wanted, then his dua can become the reason that Allah will protect him from troubles;
  • For turning to Allah, the believer will receive a reward in the Next World.

In addition, reading dua frees the heart from anxiety, heaviness, sadness, and the person becomes lighter.

The likelihood of the prayer’s request being fulfilled is greater if he follows these recommendations:

  • during dua, it is recommended to raise your hands and turn your palms up, as mercy and grace descend from Heaven;
  • it is advisable to be able to taharat and turn in the direction of Qibla;
  • It is recommended to begin reading the dua by praising Allah, for example, with the words “Alhamdulillah”;
  • in especially important cases, before reading the dua, it is recommended to use a sunnah of two rak’ats;
  • There are special times 8 which are more likely to fulfill a request. For example: “the last third of the night; " last hour Fridays; “between two sermons during jumu’ah 1; "holidays"; “night of Predestination; “day of ‘Arafat; “day of Ashura”; “the night of the middle of the month of Sha’ban; “between Azan and Iqamat; “when the imam rises to the minbar to deliver a sermon”; “when breaking the fast after Lent”; “when it starts to rain”; "in Sujud 2"; “during the performance of some Hajj rituals”; “when they drink zam-zam water; “at the first glance at the Ka’bah”; "on a journey"; “in some places dua is more likely to be fulfilled, for example, at the graves of Prophets and SAINTS”;
  • It is recommended to read exactly those texts of the dua that are transmitted in the Qur'an and Hadith. However, you must be careful and not make mistakes either in the text or in pronunciation;
  • it is recommended to ask a saint or pious person to read the dua for you, as well as someone who has just returned from Hajj;
  • the likelihood of dua being fulfilled is greater when special Names of Allah are mentioned;
  • It is recommended to pray to Allah through Prophets and saints, since they are honorable creatures of God.

In order for the du'a to be accepted, it is also important to pay attention to the following issues:

  • the more God-fearing a person is, the higher the likelihood that his request will be fulfilled;
  • the food and clothing of the person asking must be halal;
  • There must be humility in the heart before the Almighty, because everything happens according to the Will of Allah.

The du'a most often recited by the Prophet Muhammad:

This means: “Oh Allah! Grant us prosperity in this world and happiness in the Next World, and save us from the torment of hell.”


1 While the imam is sitting between reading two sermons

2 If the words of this du’a, pronounced out loud, stop the Namaz, then let him read them in his heart.

7 reasons to smile more often in Islam

In Islam, good relationships with others are a great benefit for a believer. But in order to achieve wonderful relationships with people, you need to work a lot, and first of all, on yourself, on your shortcomings, desires and ambitions, fighting your nafs. It is also important to develop in yourself good qualities and high culture of behavior.

If you want to win the love of others, then take the first step yourself. Be friendly, polite and modest, say nice things to people, that is, behave with others the way you want them to behave with you. And this is easy if you strive with all your heart to do good deeds, hoping for the reward of the Almighty. If you are sincere in your intention, then no troubles in life will confuse you or make you angry, learn to be pleasant in communication, cheer people up with kind jokes 1 and a sincere smile.

  1. A smile is easy way receive a reward.

Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him , said meaning: “Do not neglect any good deed, even a smile to a Muslim brother” 2.

And indeed, it’s easy to smile; it doesn’t require special effort and costs, but even for such a simple good deed there is a reward if it is done sincerely for the sake of Allah.

And the Prophet also said this meaning: “Smiling at a Muslim brother is almsgiving” 3

The companion of the Messenger of Allah, Juraij ibn Abdullah, said 4 that whenever he met the Prophet, peace be upon him, the Messenger of Allah always smiled at him.

  1. Sincere smilethis is the path to success in relationships with people.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, said this meaning: “You will not win over as many people with your wealth as you can attract with your smile and good disposition” 5 .

A smile makes people around you happy. A joyful, shining face, an open look and a kind smile help you quickly find a common language and engender love in the hearts of other people. It is pleasant to communicate with a smiling person, it is easier to accept advice from him, and he wants to help and support if he needs help.

People want to know what's in your heart, but they can only understand it by indirect signs - looking at your face, listening to your words, seeing your actions. And if there is a sincere smile on your face, then they want to be with you, listen to you and support you.

To ensure that your smile is sincere and comes from the heart, think well about people. Even if you were treated wrong in the best possible way, find an excuse and don't hold a grudge against others. Farewell and wish everyone well.

A smile is contagious. It has long been noted that a smiling person makes others smile and lifts their spirits.

  1. Smiling makes us happy.

Smile, even if in your heart you are upset about something or are in pain. No one knows what's in your heart, so when they look at you, let everyone think that everything is fine with you and be happy for you. If you smile even in a difficult situation, then there is a benefit for yourself - it makes it much easier to endure troubles, because by the will of Allah, a smile gives peace and relief. It is also a manifestation of patience and humility, for which there will be a reward.

As practice shows, smiling actually makes a person happier, while frowning makes a person unhappy.

  1. Smiling makes us more attractive.

It has long been noted that gloominess and a gloomy expression on the face repel people, but a smile attracts. If we see someone smiling, we want to know why.

Love, sincerity and a smile adorn a person much more than expensive and beautiful clothes. Therefore, pay more attention to your inner world than appearance. Don't waste your time constantly looking for new outfits and jewelry. What you already have is enough - the main thing is that the clothes are clean, and appearance neat. One of the signs of success is to be happy with that what Allah has given, and not to chase wealth and status. True wealth is not at all in money or in the number of beautiful and expensive things. One wise man said: “If you have a significant other who supports you, a child who treats you with respect, and a friend who loves you sincerely for Allah's sake ha, then yourich man".

  1. A smile is a sign of a successful person.

A pleasant facial expression, goodwill and a sincere smile are signs of a truly successful person. He is calm, patient, self-confident and does good deeds regardless of what others do to him. He is generous and polite even with those who harm or contradict him. And that was exactly the behavior the best creation Allah - Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him.

  1. A smile helps make a good impression when meeting people.

As you know, the first impression lasts a long time and sometimes it can be very difficult to correct it. Successful people know that a smile is one of the simple and easy ways to win over a person and leave a pleasant opinion about themselves.

  1. A smile helps smooth out conflict situations.

One way to resolve conflict is to smile. Patience, goodwill and a friendly expression will help extinguish anger and aggression and prevent a quarrel from developing. And if a quarrel has already occurred, then a smile will help restore good relations again.


1 jokes should not contain anything prohibited by Shariah, that is, cunning, deception, humiliation of human dignity, and they should not harm others

2 This hadith was narrated by Abu Dharr Al-Githariy

3 This hadith was narrated by Ibn Hibban in his collection

4 this was reported by Imam Al-Bukhariy in his collection

5 this saying was conveyed by Imam Al-Hakim in the book “Al-Mustadrak”

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Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) around 570 AD. e., in the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhammad's father, Abdallah, died before the birth of his Son, and Muhammad's mother, Amina, died when He was only six years old, leaving the Son an orphan. Muhammad was raised first by His grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, a man of exceptional piety, and then by His uncle, the merchant Abu Talib.

At that time, the Arabs were inveterate pagans, among whom, however, a few adherents of Monotheism stood out, such as, for example, Abd al-Muttalib. Most Arabs lived a nomadic life in their ancestral territories. There were few cities. The main ones among them are Mecca, Yathrib and Taif.

If what I do is for the benefit of me and my faith, my life now and then, my task is easy and blessed.

Muhammad Prophet

If what I am doing is to the detriment of me and my faith, my life now and later, then spare me from performing this task.

From his youth, the Prophet was distinguished by exceptional piety and piety, believing, like His grandfather, in One God. He first tended flocks and then became involved in the trading affairs of His uncle Abu Talib. He became famous, people loved Him and, as a sign of respect for his piety, honesty, justice and prudence, they bestowed the honorary nickname al-Amin (Trustworthy).

Later, He conducted the trading affairs of a wealthy widow named Khadija, who, some time later, proposed to Muhammad to marry her. Despite the age difference, they lived a happy married life with six children. And although in those days polygamy among Arabs was common. The Prophet did not take other wives while Khadija was alive.

This newfound position freed up much more time for prayer and reflection. As was his custom, Muhammad retired to the mountains surrounding Mecca and secluded himself there for a long time. Sometimes His seclusion lasted several days. He especially fell in love with the cave of Mount Hira (Jabal Nyr - Mountains of Light), majestically rising above Mecca. On one of these visits, which occurred in the year 610, something happened to Muhammad, who was about forty years old at that time, that completely changed His entire life.

There is no success like patience.

Muhammad Prophet

CT He who knows the Truth and follows it is safe.

In a sudden vision, the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) appeared before Him and, pointing to the words that appeared from outside, ordered Him to pronounce them. Muhammad objected, declaring that he was illiterate and therefore would not be able to read them, but the angel continued to insist, and the meaning of these words was suddenly revealed to the Prophet. He was ordered to learn them and convey them exactly to the rest of the people. This is how the first revelation of the sayings of the Book, now known as the Koran (from Arabic “reading”), was marked.

This eventful night fell on the 27th of the month of Ramadan, and was called Laylat al-Qadr. From now on, the life of the Prophet no longer belonged to him, but was given to the care of the One who called him to the prophetic mission, and he spent the rest of his days in the service of God, proclaiming His messages everywhere.

“...Eat what has been given to you Allah V inheritance, and do not commit wickedness on earth..."

When receiving revelations, the Prophet did not always see the angel Gabriel, and when he did, the angel did not always appear in the same guise. Sometimes the angel appeared before Him in human form, eclipsing the horizon, and sometimes the Prophet only managed to catch his gaze on Himself. At times He heard only a voice speaking to Him. Sometimes He received revelations while deeply immersed in prayer, but at other times they appeared completely “at random”, when Muhammad, for example, was busy worrying about the affairs of everyday life, or went for a walk, or simply enthusiastically listened to a meaningful conversation.

The servant will appear before the Lord on the Day of Judgment and will answer the question of what wealth he owned, how he acquired it, and for what needs he spent it.

Knowledge is the tree, and action is the fruit.

Muhammad Prophet

The best is the one who is the best towards his family.

At first, the Prophet avoided public sermons, preferring personal conversations with interested people and with those who noticed extraordinary changes in Him. A special path of Muslim prayer was revealed to him, and He immediately began daily pious exercises, which invariably caused a wave of criticism from those who saw him. Having received the highest order to begin a public sermon, Muhammad was ridiculed and cursed by the people, who thoroughly mocked His statements and actions. Meanwhile, many Quraysh became seriously alarmed, realizing that Muhammad's insistence on establishing faith in the One True God could not only undermine the prestige of polytheism, but also lead to the complete decline of idolatry if people suddenly began to convert to the faith of the Prophet. Some relatives of Muhammad turned into His main opponents: humiliating and ridiculing the Prophet himself, they did not forget to do evil against converts. There are many examples of bullying and abuse of those who have accepted new faith. Two large groups The first Muslims, in search of refuge, moved to Abyssinia, where the Christian Negus (king), very impressed by their teaching and way of life, agreed to provide them with protection. The Quraysh decided to ban all trade, business, military and personal connections with the Hashim clan. Representatives of this clan were strictly forbidden to appear in Mecca. We've arrived very much hard times, and many Muslims were doomed to severe poverty.

In 619, the Prophet's wife Khadija died. She was His most devoted supporter and helper. In the same year, Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Talib, who defended Him from the most violent attacks from his fellow tribesmen, also died. Stricken with grief, the Prophet left Mecca and went to Taif, where he tried to find refuge, but was rejected there too.

The Prophet's friends betrothed a pious widow named Sauda as his wife, who turned out to be a very worthy woman, and also a Muslim. Aisha, the young daughter of his friend Abu Bakr, knew and loved the Prophet all her life. And although she was too young for marriage, however, according to the customs of that time, she nevertheless entered the Muhamed family as a sister-in-law. It is necessary, however, to dispel the misconception that exists among people who completely do not understand the reasons for Muslim polygamy. In those days, a Muslim who took several women as wives did so out of compassion, graciously providing them with his protection and shelter. Muslim men were encouraged to help the wives of their friends killed in battle, to provide them with separate houses and treat them as if they were their closest relatives (of course, everything could be different in the case of mutual love).

A kind word is alms.

Oh Allah! I appeal to you because you are omniscient and know even what is hidden.

Muhammad Prophet

The best way to remember Allah is to say: there is no other deity but One God.

In 619, Muhammad had the opportunity to experience the second most important night of his life - the Night of Ascension (Laylat al-Miraj). It is known that the Prophet was awakened and carried on a magical animal to Jerusalem. Over the location of the ancient Jewish Temple on Mount Zion, the heavens opened and a path opened that led Muhammad to the throne of God, but neither he nor the angel Gabriel accompanying him was allowed to enter the beyond. That night the rules of Muslim prayer were revealed to the Prophet. They became the focus of faith and the unshakable basis of Muslim life. Muhammad also met and talked with other prophets, including Jesus (Isa), Moses (Musa) and Abraham (Ibrahim). This miraculous event greatly consoled and strengthened the Prophet, adding confidence that Allah did not abandon Him and did not leave Him alone with his sorrows.

From now on, the fate of the Prophet changed in the most decisive way. He was still persecuted and ridiculed in Mecca, but the Prophet's message had already been heard by people far beyond the city's borders. Some of the elders of Yathrib persuaded Him to leave Mecca and move to their city, where He would be received with honor as a leader and judge. Arabs and Jews lived together in this city, constantly at war with each other. They hoped that Muhammad would bring them peace. The Prophet immediately advised many of His Muslim followers to migrate to Yathrib while He remained in Mecca, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion. After the death of Abu Talib, the emboldened Quraish could calmly attack Muhammad, even kill him, and he understood perfectly well that this would sooner or later happen.

The Prophet's departure was accompanied by some dramatic events. Muhammad himself miraculously escaped captivity thanks to his exceptional knowledge of the local deserts. Several times the Quraysh almost captured Him, but the Prophet still managed to reach the outskirts of Yathrib. The city was eagerly awaiting him, and when Muhammad arrived in Yasrib, people rushed to meet him with offers of shelter. Confused by their hospitality, Muhammad gave the choice to his camel. The camel stopped at a place where dates were drying, and it was instantly presented to the Prophet for building a house. The city received a new name - Madinat an-Nabi (City of the Prophet), now abbreviated as Medina.

O Allah, I seek Your protection from cowardice and cowardice.

The man is sleeping; must he die before he wakes up?

Muhammad Prophet

Allah has forbidden you disobedience, disrespect and callousness towards your parents.

The Prophet immediately began preparing a decree according to which He was proclaimed the supreme head of all the warring tribes and clans of Medina, who were henceforth forced to obey His orders. It established that all citizens were free to practice their religion in peaceful coexistence without fear of persecution or disgrace. He asked them only for one thing - to unite and repel any enemy who dared to attack the city. The former tribal laws of the Arabs and Jews were replaced by the basic principle of "justice for all", regardless of social status, skin color and religion.

Becoming the ruler of a city-state and gaining untold wealth and influence. The prophet, however, never lived like a king. His dwelling consisted of simple mud houses built for His wives; He never even had own room. Not far from the houses there was a courtyard with a well - a place that from now on became a mosque where devout Muslims gather.

Almost the entire life of the Prophet Muhammad was spent in constant prayer and in the instruction of believers. In addition to the five obligatory prayers that He conducted in the mosque, the Prophet devoted a lot of time to solitary prayer, and sometimes devoted most of the night to pious reflections. His wives performed night prayer with Him, after which they retired to their chambers, and He continued to pray for many hours, falling asleep briefly towards the end of the night, only to wake up soon for the pre-dawn prayer.

In March 628, the Prophet, who dreamed of returning to Mecca, decided to make His dream come true. He set out with 1,400 followers, completely unarmed, wearing pilgrim attire consisting of two simple white veils. However, the followers of the Prophet were denied entry into the city, despite the fact that many citizens of Mecca practiced Islam. To avoid clashes, the pilgrims made their sacrifices near Mecca, in an area called Hudaibiya.

In 629, the Prophet Muhammad began plans for the peaceful capture of Mecca. The truce concluded in the town of Hudaibiya turned out to be short-lived, and in November 629 the Meccans attacked one of the tribes that was in a friendly alliance with the Muslims. The Prophet marched on Mecca at the head of 10,000 men, the largest army to ever leave Medina. They settled near Mecca, after which the city surrendered without a fight. The Prophet Muhammad entered the city in triumph, immediately went to the Kaaba and performed a ritual circuit around it seven times. Then He entered the shrine and destroyed all the idols.

It was not until March 632 that the Prophet Muhammad made His only full-fledged pilgrimage to the shrine of the Kaaba, known as Hajat al-Wida (The Last Pilgrimage). During this pilgrimage, revelations were sent to Him about the rules of Hajj, which all Muslims follow to this day. When the Prophet reached Mount Arafat to “stand before Allah,” He proclaimed His last sermon. Even then, Muhamed was seriously ill. He continued to lead prayers in the mosque as best he could. There was no improvement in the disease, and He fell ill completely. He was 63 years old. It is known that His last words were: “I am destined in Paradise to remain among the most worthy.” His followers found it difficult to believe that the Prophet could die like a common man, but Abu Bakr reminded them of the words of revelation spoken after the Battle of Mount Uhud:

“Muhamed is only a messenger. There are no longer any messengers who once existed before him;

If he also dies or is killed, will you turn back?" (Qur'an 3:138).

Those who leave their parents in old age will not enter heaven.

Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran:

“Do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives sins completely, for He is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Az-Zumar, 39/53)


Faith. Believe in God, but tie the camel.
Paradise. I can promise you heaven if you abstain from the 6 evils:
lies, perjury, deception of trust, unclean deeds and thoughts, striking the first blow, accepting the bad and illegal.

Paradise for the young. Before going to heaven, all old women turn into young girls.
As the believer sees. The believer sees everything in the light of the Lord.
Prophet. A man who lit a fire, to which all the moths flocked to burn in it.
Koran. There are 7 levels in knowledge of the Qur'an. Each sura carries both an internal (secret) meaning and an external one.
Piety. It was the pious people who broke my back.
Monasticism. There is no monasticism in Islam.
Fight with yourself. Only one who fights with himself can be called a holy warrior.
Mirrors. Believers are like mirrors for each other.
The future of Islam. The hour will come when you will split into 72 sects. But in one of them there will be my people - the people of Salvation.
Sermon. Preaching the truth to the unbelievers is significant better than any"holy" war.
A curse. You ask me to curse the unbelievers. But I was not sent at all to curse.
Death. Die before you die.
Charity. This is my covenant - help anyone in need, regardless of whether he is a Muslim or not.


Chatter. People fall more often because of their tongue than because of their legs.
Generosity. An indispensable quality of the noble.
Anger. Never be angry, for only those who control their anger are truly strong.
Pride. Pride in one's origin is a sign of attachment to this world.
Unity. Souls that recognize each other gather together, while others quarrel.
Greed. Attachment to things makes you deaf and blind.
Wish. Do not desire worldly things - and God will love you. Don't covet what others have and they will love you.
Envy. Fire consumes wood, and envy consumes good deeds.
Laziness. Sleep is the brother of death.
Day and night. The night is long - don't shorten it with sleep. The day is clear - do not darken it with sins.
Lies, oaths, trust. The person who lies, doesn’t keep his word, and doesn’t justify trust is not mine.
Love. Do you love your Creator? To begin with, love your neighbor.
Detractor. This is an unbeliever.
Accusation. If you slander your brother in sin, you will not die without doing the same.
Thoughts. Good thoughts are also a blessing.
Privacy. He who interferes in other people's affairs and secrets corrupts people.
Freedom. A free bird dies even in a golden cage.
Modesty. Modesty and politeness are part of godliness.
Judge. If they appoint you as a judge, consider it to be stabbed to death without a knife.


Knowledge. Knowledge deserves to go even to China in search of it.
Knowing. Whoever extols the knower extols me.
Beauties and students. The best of the beauties runs to the sage, and the worst of the disciples runs to the beauty.
Duty to learn. The search for knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.
Understanding. Speak to everyone according to his ability to understand.
Practice. The knower is the one who was able to apply his knowledge.
Contemplation. An hour of contemplation is worth more than a year of worship.
Study and prayer. One hour of study is worth more than a night of prayer.
Determination. Whoever reduces his tasks to one, Allah helps with all the rest.
Ink and blood. The ink of a knower is more valuable than the blood of a martyr.

About the Woman

Woman. A woman is the other half of a man.
Wife. A virtuous wife is the best treasure a man can have.

About Me

Poverty. Poverty is my pride.
Heritage. I have nothing to leave you except my name.
Food. There is no better food than what you get with your own hands.
Traveler. Treat the world like I do. I am a traveler who stops briefly to rest in the shade and then continues on his way.
Journey. When traveling, a man's master is his servant.
Job. I'm a hard worker.
Distribution. God gives, and I only distribute.


Poets. And poets are sometimes sages.
Idris Shah, "Follow Your Guide"