The meaning of the name David, origin, character and fate of the name David. The name David in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

It was he who became one of the founders of Georgian monasticism. He was a faithful disciple of John Zedazeni. Together with him he came from Syria to Iberia in order to preach Christianity.

The Monk David began to labor on the mountain. He himself dug a cave in the depths of the rock. It was here that his feat began, and with a prayer of repentance. He asked God to forgive all the inhabitants of this country. He acquired the gift of tearful prayer, so that during periods of prayer, tears flowed from the eyes of the saint. Every Thursday he went down to Tbilisi and preached, and spent the rest of the time in silence in his cell. Many people began to accept Christ’s teaching and were baptized. The Zoroastrians did not like this state of affairs, and they decided to slander the Monk David. The wicked bribed the fallen woman to accuse the saint of indecent acts. But the Lord allowed the slanderer to be exposed: the child, who was still in her womb, cried out to the people and declared that all his mother’s words were lies. The inhabitants of Iberia at the same moment threw stones at her, although the Monk David tried with all his might to dissuade them from this.

As a sign of great sorrow for such a cruel execution of this woman, the monk left the city and settled in the Gareji desert. Here he met the hermit Dodo, and so the two righteous began to live here, praying for mercy for the sinful world. However, after some time, the place of their feat was discovered by people, and people who also wanted to serve the Lord in solitude began to flock here. When quite a lot of brethren gathered, a monastery was founded in Gareji.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name David, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name David mean?: “favorite”, “beloved” (Slovenian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Tatar name David is of Armenian origin).

In Russia it is pronounced as Davyd, and it is believed that the surname Davydov was derived from him.

Muslims also know King Daud, whose name is translated as David. Many historians, analyzing the meaning of the name David, are sure that it was borrowed by the Tatars from European countries, after which it gained popularity in these lands.

Short meaning of the name David: Davy, Dai, Davey, Dinetto, Dino, Doda, etc.

Angel of David Day: The name David celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 5, 10 and 27
  • February 8 and 14
  • March 1, 5, 18
  • 25th of April
  • May 15, 20, 31
  • June 4, 5, 14, 26
  • July 8 and 9

Zodiac name David: Aries, Scorpio

Characteristics of the name David

Character of the name David: David is distinguished by his poise and self-confidence. He has a good nature, but his character cannot be called soft, because many will envy David’s willpower. He has the gift of persuasion and always keeps his promises. David strives for leadership, and it must be said that he is truly capable of leading people. So, the name David is worth taking a closer look at the political or business sphere when choosing future profession– the role of a subordinate is not for him.

It must be said that the meaning of the name David sometimes has hints of selfishness in his character, and it is important for him to receive approval of his own actions from others. At the same time, such shortcomings as greed, rancor, and resentment are completely alien to David. He himself does not like such people. If he meets them, he may flare up, but calm down quickly enough.

David and his personal life

Love and marriage: David has a good understanding of women, but in his youth his first marriage may be unsuccessful. In the family, David often takes on the responsibility of preparing meals, as he is very successful at it. Family and its well-being are very important to him. The name David devotes all his free time to children, raises them moderately strictly and is very proud of them in the future. Strong, strong-willed, smart and beautiful woman is able to find happiness in her marriage to David. Especially if she remembers to constantly praise him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Throughout his life, the name David is constantly engaged in self-improvement, and it must be said that he manages to do this. He is constantly looking for new experiences and knowledge, be it work or travel. David will make an excellent diplomat, speleologist, and geologist. He is physically and mentally strong, and therefore can try himself in serious areas that require concentration, endurance, and efficiency.

The fate of David in history

What does the name David mean for a man's destiny?

  1. David of Bethlehem is the second king of Israel.
  2. David, Prince of Murom - before baptism, bore the name of Gleb Vladimirovich. He was the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. He was killed by mercenaries, presumably on the orders of Prince Svyatopolk, his half-brother. Canonized in Russian Orthodox Church.
  3. David Svyatoslavich is the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
  4. David Rostislavich is the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince of Smolensk.
  5. David I the Saint is a Scottish saint.
  6. David Ben-Gurion is one of the founders of the Israeli state.
  7. David of Thessalonica is a reverend Greek saint.
  8. David IV the Builder is one of the most famous statesmen Medieval Georgia, belonging to the Bagration dynasty.
  9. David Bagrationi - Georgian writer, prince, educator.
  10. David Friedrich Strauss is a theologian of German origin.
  11. David Oistrakh is a Soviet conductor and violinist who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Short form of the name David. Davidka, Dava, Dev, Vidya, Dai, Davi, Davy, Davey, Dai, Day, Davidek, Videk, Vidya, Doda, Davydka, Dodya, Dodik, Dino, Dinetto.
Synonyms for the name David. Davyd, Daivi, Devi, Taaveti, Davide, Daud, David, Taavi, Dave, Davy, Dawood.
Origin of the name David. The name David is Tatar, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

The name David is of Hebrew origin and translated from Hebrew means “beloved”, “favorite”. In Russia, this name had a popular version - Davyd, and it was from him that the surname Davydov was formed. Among Muslims, King David is known and revered under the name Daoud (Dawood).

Dino's diminutive Lately also used as an independent name. Analogues of the name David in other countries are David in England, Taavetti (Taavi) in Finland, Daivi (Davi) in Scotland, Davide in Italy. The name is common throughout Europe. The name David was borrowed by the Tatars from European languages ​​and is widely used among them in modern times.

A person named David is balanced and confident in his abilities, persistent, proud and somewhat pragmatic. They are characterized by developed willpower and good nature, the ability to sympathize, these people know how to convince and always keep their word. David loves to travel, he is a physically strong man, which is why he strives for leadership in all areas of life.

David's character is somewhat selfish; he needs praise. Envy and rancor, greed and resentment are alien to him. David does not like deceitful people, he is quite quick-tempered, but easy-going. David has been engaged in self-improvement throughout his life, and successfully. This is a person who appreciates people with a sense of humor.

IN professional activity David is looking for new experiences, travel and adventure, so he will make an excellent diplomat, warrior, and traveler. These men can try themselves in geology, speleology, mountaineering, and sports. Due to their inherent physical strength and endurance, they can become sculptors and jewelers. Monotonous and routine work does not suit them; it tires David. This person will definitely find a way in life and will be able to provide good financial situation to your family. David will receive many chances to develop his career throughout his life. He can become a successful businessman.

David knows about women. David's first marriage usually ends in failure. A second marriage will bring long-awaited happiness to the owner of this name. David is an excellent host and knows how to cook skillfully. Family is the most important thing in his life. His wife should be a beautiful and attractive, intelligent and strong-willed woman who will help David in implementing his plans. It is the wife who must give David self-confidence through praise and close relationships. David, born in the summer, adores his children and has a kind, sympathetic disposition.

David loves to communicate, he always has a lot of friends, because of whom this man often finds himself in unpleasant situations. This person is a bit of a romantic, he is attracted by adventures and mysterious distances, he likes to talk about it with friends. If the conversation takes on a business-like tone, the prudence and caution of the owner of the name David immediately appears. To maintain a good relationship with David, you should be guided by logic and not try to reach his feelings. David's friends value him for his good nature, balanced by developed willpower, which makes this person responsive and capable of empathy.

David's name day

David celebrates his name day on January 5, January 10, January 27, February 8, February 14, March 1, March 5, March 18, April 25, May 15, May 20, May 31, June 4, June 5, June 14, June 26 , July 8, July 9, July 15, August 6, September 18, September 19, October 2, October 7, October 15, October 31, November 14, December 16.

Famous people named David

  • David (second king of Israel, youngest son of Jesse (Ishai) from Bethlehem (Beth-Lehem). Reigned for 40 years (c. 1005 - 965 BC): seven years and six months was king of Judah (with his capital in Hebron) , then 33 years - king of the united kingdom of Israel and Judah (with its capital in Jerusalem))
  • Gleb Vladimirovich ((c.987 – 1015) baptized David, Prince of Murom, son of Kyiv Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, who died at the hands of hired killers (presumably on the orders of Gleb’s half-brother Prince Svyatopolk) and canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church)
  • Davyd Svyatoslavich ((c.1050 - 1123) David Svyatoslavich, son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, grandson of Yaroslav the Wise)
  • Davyd Rostislavich ((1140 - 1197) David Rostislavich, Prince of Smolensk, great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh)
  • David I the Holy ((1084 - 1153) King of Scotland)
  • David II, David Bruce ((1324 - 1371) King of Scotland from the Bruce dynasty)
  • David Ben-Gurion ((1886 - 1973) real name – David Yosef Green, one of the founders of the state of Israel)
  • David of Thessalonica ((5th century - c. 540) Greek saint, revered among the venerables)
  • David IV the Builder ((1073 - 1125) king of Georgia, son of King George II, from the Bagration dynasty; one of the most prominent statesmen of medieval Georgia, who contributed to the unification of the Georgian principalities into a single centralized state)
  • David of Wales (Menevian) - patron saint of Wales)
  • David Bagrationi ((1767 - 1819) Georgian prince, writer and educator; David is the name of several Georgian kings)
  • David Friedrich Strauss ((1808 - 1874) German theologian)
  • David Yanovsky ((1868 - 1927) chess player, journalist)
  • David Burliuk ((1882 - 1967) poet and artist)
  • David Oistrakh ((1908 - 1974) Soviet violinist and conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • David Livingston, David Livingston ((1813 - 1873) Scottish traveler, missionary, explorer of Africa)
  • David Cameron ((b.1966) Prime Minister of Great Britain)
  • David Bowie ((b.1947) English rock musician, vocalist, composer)
  • David Rene ((1906 - 1990) French scientist, one of the leading specialists in the field of comparative law. Rene David is also a leading specialist in the field of legal geography of the world (a relatively new science at the intersection of law, history, geography))
  • David Dubrovsky ((born 1929) Russian and Soviet philosopher, psychologist, specialist in the field of analytical philosophy of consciousness)
  • David Coverdale, David Coverdale (English rock musician)
  • David Beckham (English football player)
  • David Suchet ((born 1946) English film actor, performer of the role of Hercule Poirot in the television series of the same name)
  • David Duchovny ((born 1960) American film actor)
  • David Copperfield ((born 1956) American illusionist; character in Charles Dickens's novel The Life of David Copperfield, as Told by Himself)
  • Dave Matthews ((b.1967) South African and American rock guitarist and vocalist)
  • Davy Jones (English pop singer)
  • David Hilbert, David Hilbert ((1862 - 1943) German mathematician)
  • Davide Sanguinetti ((born 1972) Italian tennis player)
  • David Ferrer (Spanish tennis player)
  • David Sandved ((1912 - 2001) Norwegian architect)
  • Dawid Murek (Polish volleyball player)
  • David Vyborny (Czech hockey player)
  • David Alyques (Spanish football player)
  • David Stolbun ((1904 - 1938) Soviet stratonaut, neurophysiologist, candidate of medical sciences, military doctor of the 2nd rank)
  • David Loria (Kazakh footballer, goalkeeper of the Kazakhstan national team)
  • David Heinrich Müller ((1846 - 1912) Austrian Semitologist)
  • David Mujiri (name of Georgian football players, father and son)
  • David Dako ((1930 - 2003) President of the Central African Republic from August 14, 1960 to January 1, 1966 and from September 20, 1979 to September 1, 1981)
  • David Goberman ((1912 - 2003) Soviet and Russian artist, graphic artist, photographer, art critic, ethnographer; member of the Union of Artists of the USSR)
  • David Nuriev, also - Ptah a.k.a. Zanuda (Russian rapper and film actor)
  • David Navara (Czech chess player)
  • David Anakht, David the Invincible ((late 5th century - 1st half of the 6th century) ancient Armenian Neoplatonist philosopher, representative of the Alexandrian school of Neoplatonism; in 1980, by decision of UNESCO, the 1500th anniversary of David Anakht was celebrated)
  • David Morskoy ((1887 - 1969) real name - Meerzon; Soviet director)

The name David is one of the most famous names in the world. All Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism are associated with this name. One of the most revered names. Translated from Hebrew The name David means "beloved" or "favorite". Previously, in the Russian tradition there was a pronunciation Davyd, which gave rise to the surname Davydov. Muslims pronounce the name David as Daoud or Dawud. The name David is among the 30 most popular names in France and the 10 most popular German names.

The meaning of the name David for a child

David grows up as a balanced, joyful and confident boy. He pleases his parents with obedience and at the same time has good leadership abilities. The boy easily makes contact with peers and adults. The child has many friends and has a certain authority in the team. He has a well-developed imagination and at the same time is quite pragmatic. Good combination qualities

Studying is easy for David, but only if he himself wants to study. Here parents will be faced with the task of instilling a love of knowledge from childhood. The boy is more inclined to the exact sciences and has good analytical skills. This becomes especially noticeable in adolescence.

David's health is quite good, and his passion for sports only contributes to this. The boy happily goes to different sport sections and has a certain predisposition to sports. The weak point of David's health can be called his nervous system, although this is rarely noticeable in childhood.

Short name David

Dava, Davi, Dodya, Dodik.

Diminutive pet names

Davidik, Davidushka, Davidka, Dodenka, Dodechka.

Children's middle names

Davidovich and Davidovna. Folk form of abbreviation Davidych and Davidyshna.

Name David in English

IN English language the name David is spelled David

Name David for international passport- DAVID.

Translation of the name David into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Davud and Davut.
in Arabic - داؤود
in Armenian - Դավիթ
in Hungarian - David
in Greek - Δαβίδ
in Georgian - დავით
in Hebrew - דויד and דָּוִד
in Spanish - David
in Italian - Davide
in Chinese - 戴维
in Korean - 데빗 and 데이빗
in Latin - Davidis
in Latvian - Dāvids and Dāvis
in Lithuanian - Davidas and Davydas
in German - David
in Polish - Dawid
in Portuguese - Davi and David
in Romanian - David
in Serbian - David
in Turkish - Davut and Davud
in Ukrainian - David
in Finnish - Taavetti
in French - David
in Czech - David
in Japanese - デイビッド

Church name David(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged, unless, of course, a different name was chosen for him at baptism.

Characteristics of the name David

As we have already written, David was given good characteristics from early childhood. It is characterized by integrity and an excellent balance of qualities. As he grows older, David becomes increasingly influenced by his upbringing. No matter how good the initial data is, even they can be spoiled. Usually David grows up to be a brave and persistent person. He is confident in his abilities and good-natured. It always attracts people to you. David has many friends and good comrades, which often helps him in life.

For David, work is an important part of life. His work is usually related to the exact sciences. David has excellent abilities for analysis and systematization, which is always in demand. He is not only an excellent theorist, but also a practitioner. David knows how to use his knowledge to his advantage. Sometimes, without receiving the proper education, he receives it as an adult. David never stops learning.

Family for men named David is what they live for. He chooses his life partner for a long time and fastidiously. Understanding the responsibility of this step, he tests the chosen one in every possible way. However, having made sure that it is she, David will “carry in his arms” his chosen one for the rest of his life. He loves children very much, but his beloved woman always comes first for him.

The mystery of the name David

The secret of David can be called his penchant for vanity. Knowing this weakness of David, some use it for their own purposes. He needs to be careful, especially with flatterers. They may fall in love with him with their sweet speeches, and only then begin to use him for their own selfish purposes.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Tour.

Name color- Dark brown.

Tree- Laurel.

Plant- Mac.

Stone- Ruby.

David's name day is celebrated several times a year. This name does not lose popularity these days. Who are the modern Davids named after, and what is the significance of this? male name? Let's figure this out by studying biblical stories and the Orthodox calendar.

David's name day - the day of this saint - is the holiday of the patron saint of Wales. It is celebrated on March 1, the day of the death of St. David in 589 AD. The holiday has been regularly celebrated since the canonization of David in the 12th century (by Pope Callistus II), although it is not a national holiday in Britain.

The traditional symbols of the holiday are daffodils and leeks, recognized as symbols of Wales and St David. On this day Welsh food is eaten. The women are dressed in traditional Welsh dress to pay tribute to ancient traditions.

Saint David

Saint David (Welsh - Dewi Sant) was born in Caerfay, southwest Wales, into an aristocratic family. He was reportedly a scion of the royal house of Ceredigion and founded a Celtic monastic community at Glyn Rosyne (Valley of the Roses) on the western cape of Pembrokeshire (Welsh Sir Benfro), on the site where St David's Cathedral stands today.

David's fame as a teacher and his asceticism spread among Celtic Christians, and he helped open some 12 monasteries. Its base at Glin Rocyn became an important Christian shrine and the most important center in Wales. Therefore, grateful descendants honor this Saint today, organizing mass events on his memory day.

The date of death of Saint David is believed to be March 1, 589. His final words to the community of monks were: “The brothers will be permanent. Bring to the end the yoke that you took with one mind, no matter what you see with me and hear, observe and fulfill.”

For centuries, March 1st has been a national holiday. St David is recognized as the national patron in the 12th century, during a tense time of Welsh resistance to the Normans. He was canonized by Pope Callictus II in 1120. The 17th-century diarist Samuel Pepys noted that Welsh celebrations in London on St David's Day signified wider events among English neighbors: life-size effigies of Welshmen were symbolically lynched, and by the 18th century the custom of confectioners making sand figures had emerged , baked in the shape of a Welshman riding a goat on St. David's Day.

Features of the holiday

Unlike St. Patrick's Day in Ireland, David's Day is not a national holiday, although there are reasons for it to become a holiday in Wales. St David's Day is also celebrated in expatriate Welsh communities outside the UK. Many families name their children after David.

How many name days does David have?

The name David means "beloved" in Hebrew. David's name day church calendar celebrated several days a year. All these dates are written in the church calendar. It is compiled monthly for each year separately.


Name day

Reverend David

David of Aragvet, martyr, prince

Reverend David

David of Dvinsk, Armenian, martyr

David the Psalmist, prophet, king of Israel

Reverend David

David III the Renewer, King of Iberia and Abkhazia

David of Mytilene, confessor

David of Valaam, venerable martyr

David of Palestine, venerable martyr

David of Gareji, venerable, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism

David the Georgian Martyr

David of Murom, Peter (monastically David) of Murom, prince

David of Thessalonica (Thessalonica)

David of Ermopolis, Venerable

David of Serpukhov, Rev.

David the passion-bearer, Gleb (in the baptism of David), prince

David of Yaroslavl, prince

David's name day according to the church calendar is indicated for every year. This is how you can choose a name for a newborn boy.

Let's sum it up

David is a common name. David's name day is celebrated several times a year. If the baby was born when David's Day is celebrated, then he rightfully deserves to be called by this name.

David celebrates his name day in Orthodox style almost every month. If parents want the meaning of the name to be translated as “beloved,” then naming the baby this way will be an excellent option to express their love. This name is very popular throughout the Christian world today, which is why there are more and more Davids.