How to write a message about my future profession. Essay “my profession is my future”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Department of Foreign Languages

Semester work for the first semester

in English language

Topic: “My future profession”


student of group RHT-249 Arkharova T.A.


Art. teacher Shestakova O.A.

Brief review: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Performance evaluation _________________ points

Volgograd, 2014

My future profession.

A person’s inner world, his individuality and uniqueness largely influence his development, and, of course, his choice of profession.

Today there are many professions, and any schoolchild, including me, faces a difficult choice, deciding what activity to connect his life with, where to study and where to go to work. Work is a huge component of a person’s life; therefore, this issue must be approached with great responsibility, without making hasty conclusions. When a person finds his calling in life, work turns into an exciting process that promotes complete dedication and productivity. The situation is completely different with those people for whom work has become a heavy burden, plunging their days into a gray routine that is directly reflected in their lives. From all this it follows that choosing a profession is a huge responsibility that affects not only the life of a particular person, but also the entire country. After all, if we imagine that all people are not in “their place,” then what kind of economic prosperity of the state can we talk about?

I chose one of those professions that requires mental stress. In the future I want to become an engineer. This was largely facilitated by the example of my dad. He works as a leading engineer at a chemical plant.

A process engineer is a person with an engineering education who is involved in the development and organization of the production process. The profession of a process engineer has many specializations, which depend on the direction of production: process engineers in mechanical engineering, chemical, textile, food production, designers, optics, etc.

Now the engineering profession is once again regaining its prestige and decent wages. Factories, factories, railways, workshops, small private firms are in dire need of people of engineering professions. After all, where there is technology, engineers are needed to work with it. Design engineers, process engineers, mechanical engineers and others. And technology is now everywhere, in all spheres of life! Without her - nowhere!

Without engineers, new bridges cannot be built and residential buildings. Without them, our factories will not be able to produce a refrigerator or a vacuum cleaner. And what can we say about the production of cars, truck cranes, excavators and other equipment! Engineers are also needed in the metallurgical industry, where new metal is smelted.

History of the emergence of the profession Technological Engineer

In the second half of the 20th century, the rapid development of various branches and areas of industry began, which created the need for enterprises to have highly qualified specialists responsible for organizing production, which became increasingly complex. It was during this period that the profession of industrial engineer stood out among the areas of engineering activity.

Significance to society

Modern industry continues to develop at a rapid pace, adding new types of equipment, new technologies and other means of production. Therefore, their activities are impossible without process engineers. A competent specialist is able to make an enterprise competitive and gives it the opportunity to prosper in the market. Therefore, highly qualified specialists are always in demand and receive decent pay for their work.

Features of the profession

The responsibilities of a process engineer are: selecting equipment for carrying out production processes, setting optimal modes of its operation, maintaining technical documentation, and determining methods for product quality control. One of the aspects of his work is rationalization activities. A process engineer must constantly improve himself, monitor the emergence of new technological processes in his industry, and implement them at his enterprise. Depending on the level of qualifications and education, the profession of industrial engineer is divided into four categories. Therefore, a young specialist always has the opportunity to climb the career ladder by increasing his knowledge and experience.

"Pitfalls" of the profession Technological engineer

This job is relatively safe, but it is very responsible. It is the technologist who is responsible for the safety and stable organization of production processes, for the quality of raw materials and materials, for choosing optimal production modes, and drawing up documentation. The quality of products supplied by an enterprise to the market directly depends on the work of the process engineer.

Where can you get a profession as an engineer?

In Russia, many universities, especially industrial ones, have engineering faculties. Most universities train engineers in a specific specialization.

For example, we can conditionally highlight the following areas:

    design direction ( technology development, devices, architectural forms);

    technological (production schemes, technological processes);

    economic (analytics financial situation, search for possible solutions);

    organizational (management staff).

Pros and cons of being an engineer

Each engineering specialty has its own nuances, which are determined by the scope. In a general understanding, the advantage of engineering professions is represented by a high demand for competent specialists, career growth, solid monetary rewards, and the ability to translate a plan into reality.

The disadvantages include the complexity of training, which corresponds to the high responsibility of the profession, high concentration and maximum perseverance in place.


Our industry, unfortunately, now lags behind other countries in the world. We buy many products that we could produce ourselves, abroad. Therefore, an engineer is one of the most useful professions for our country. I believe that, together with my fellow engineers, I will lead the country's industry to progress and success in the future!

A message about professions for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about professions will help children choose their future.

Report on professions

Profession is the main type of occupation or work activity.

Sometimes a profession refers to the community of all people engaged in a given type of work. These people work in different parts of the country at different enterprises in different institutions, and, of course, not everyone knows each other by sight. But they are busy with the same thing, this makes them similar. People of the same profession are engaged in the same business, have similar interests, knowledge, skills, and lifestyle.

There are a great many professions on earth. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand professions, and this list is constantly growing. Most likely, you have never heard of the vast majority of them, and you have a very vague idea about many of them.

Some professions disappear, and some appear. More recently, the following professions have appeared:

1. Web designer
2. Programmer
3. Blogger
4. Trend watcher
5. Community manager
6. Style consultant
7. Nano-medic

But I would like to tell you in more detail about professions that have been relevant for a long time.

A story about the profession of a PILOT

A pilot is a very brave profession. There are pilots who fly passenger planes, and there are those who fly cargo planes. And there are pilots who fly small planes: putting out fires, spreading fertilizer, delivering food and letters to polar explorers. The pilot must lift the plane up into the air and at the end of the flight smoothly land it on the ground. Instruments help him control such a colossus. They show how fast the plane is flying, what the weather is like outside, and they also warn the pilot about problems. In the cockpit with the pilot there is a navigator, a mechanic, a flight attendant, and on the ground there is an air traffic controller.

A story about the profession of a DOCTOR

Being a doctor is a very difficult and ancient profession. A doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body and the work of its internal organs, be able to understand the symptoms (signs of illness), but there are a lot of diseases in the world. Of course, now doctors have assistants - special devices, for example, x-ray (it was invented by physicists). Doctors need it to make a diagnosis. These devices are very complex, and the doctor must be able to handle them. And most importantly, a real doctor should be kind, take pity on his sick patients and try very, very hard to help them get better.

A story about the profession of METALLURGIST

Even in ancient times, people made various things from metal: weapons, dishes, jewelry, but nowadays we simply cannot do without iron. It is made from iron ore, which is melted in huge furnaces. Metallurgists pour the resulting metal into special forms, in which it freezes. The resulting ingots are in the form of large bricks. They make them hardware. Parts of airplanes, trains, cars, and even the hooks on which we hang clothes are all made of metal that is smelted by a metallurgist.

A story about the profession of ENGINEER

A very necessary profession both in the city and in the countryside. Engineers help scientists, doctors, miners by creating new devices, engines, pumps, machine tools and other useful equipment. Engineers know everything about technology: what causes it, how to treat it. Engineers work together with inventors. The inventor invented and drew it on paper, and the engineer must calculate everything based on this drawing and make a drawing. Using these drawings, workers will assemble the required machine in parts. Testers will test this car and report to the engineer what is good and what is bad, and he will eliminate these shortcomings.

A story about the profession of a DRIVER

The driver drives cars, trucks and buses; when working on buses, he controls whether passengers comply with the rules for exiting and boarding, and eliminates problems that arise along the way. The profession of a driver is very interesting. But it is simple only at first glance. Firstly, the driver must know the traffic rules well so as not to break them and not miss road signs. Secondly, he must know the structure of the car in order to be able to repair it: after all, if his faithful horse breaks down somewhere along the way, the driver will have to fix it himself, without counting on a technical assistance car. In addition, the driver must know the brands of all cars, and there are a huge number of them: Zhiguli, Volga, Mercedes, and BMW.

A story about the profession of CARPENTER

Many people believe that a carpenter is the same as a joiner, but these two different professions should not be confused. The only thing they have in common is that they work with wood. A carpenter makes furniture and other products from wooden planks and other materials, and also decorates them with wood carvings. Where does he get all these materials from? wooden boards, panels, etc.? All these things are made by a carpenter. The material for them is mainly wood. coniferous species, from which, after processing, the carpenter makes logs, beams, boards, plates, plywood sheets, wooden slabs and other standard wooden structures, from which the carpenter will then make various products, for example, furniture.
Wood processing is also done by a carpenter, and he can work with carpentry tools or use special machines - it all depends on the scale of the construction. For the construction of large projects, wood processing is carried out on woodworking machines, and for a small amount of work, the carpenter does everything himself. Its main tools are a saw, an axe, a plane, a chisel and others.
Having processed the wood, the carpenter begins to make it various products and details - building materials. He also carries out installation work on various wooden structures. Installation of piles, laying wooden foundations, construction wooden walls and partitions, floors and roofs - all this is included in his work.
To become a carpenter, you need to receive a special education, know geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry and be a responsible person: after all, the stability and service life of the building, and therefore the lives of many people, depend on the quality of the carpenter’s work.

WesternKazakhstan Industrial College

Report « Profession - building the future»

Performed:master p/o Gubaidulina B.K.

Uralsk 2015

There are a lot of interesting professions in the world, but which one to choose. First of all, I should like my future profession. There is nothing better than getting up every morning and being excited to go to work. My profession should bring me joy. A person who loves his profession becomes a professional in his field, which is why it is so importantchoose a profession you like.

Work and everything connected with it takes up, on average, about half of a person’s life! Finding yourself in the world of professions means getting the opportunity to earn decent money and feel to the right people, reveal your abilities to the fullest, earn honor and respect. There is a direct correlation between how satisfied people are in their profession and how happy they perceive their lives to be. On the one hand, choosing a profession is always a look into the future. What do I want to do, what and how to achieve it, what difficulties will I have to face on my chosen path? On the other hand, it is at the same time a look inside oneself: what are my strengths and weak sides What am I willing to overcome in order to succeed? The main difficulty in choosing a profession is that it usually has to be done blindly. As a rule, it is not possible to own experience find out what the profession you decide to acquire is like. It often happens like this: a person first chooses a specialty to study, spends years on it, and only then realizes how much he likes it. If you like your chosen profession, then you are lucky. And if not? It is bitter to realize that several years of intense study have been wasted. To avoid finding yourself in a similar situation, you need to approach professional self-determination meaningfully and start thinking about the prospects for future work. One of the ancient instructions to man says: build a house, grow a tree and raise a child. This is exactly what it is - to build, to educate, to grow, the visible features of life and its highest meaning. To build means to erect, create, create. The profession of a builder and welder is surrounded by special honor and attention. The work of a builder and welder is visible to everyone, it gives people joy, aesthetic pleasure, and creates coziness and comfort. From the first days of civilization, man has been building. It is human nature to build and create. In the process of our life, there comes a time when each person must make his own choice, sometimes a very difficult choice is the choice of a profession, something that a person will do for the rest of his life. The choice of profession should be voluntary. Of course, parents, relatives, elders, friends can and should suggest or advise any profession to choose, but the choice must still be made by the person himself. If a person consciously and independently makes a choice of his future profession, then throughout his life he will experience pleasure and positive emotions from his favorite profession and favorite work. Such a person will treat his profession as a favorite activity that will not weigh him down. Every morning, going to work, such a person will experience positive emotions from the upcoming working day and, accordingly, devote his energy to work. The person who has decided to choose the profession of a welder or builder or another profession must understand the seriousness and responsibility of such a choice. In construction, as in almost any other profession, the defining qualities are responsibility, decency, hard work, and love for one’s work. The profession of a builder and welder is difficult, it requires constant dedication, painstaking daily work. And at the same time, this is the most peaceful profession, giving people the most important thing - a roof over their heads, the comfort of their own home. In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the President said: “We are turning the whole of Kazakhstan into a giant construction site and create tens of thousands of jobs.” The constructive and even creative profession of a welder and builder also stimulates many other sectors of the economy. And it is thanks to welders that bridges, houses, and ships are built. Everywhere we can see the work of a welder, and even though his clothes are plain and his mask covers his face, but the arc, burning like a star, brings new and progressive things into our lives. Moreover, the profession of a builder and welder provides employment and, in general, gives a visible sense of change, so these professions will always be in demand. The work of a welder is very different physical activity and is harmful to vision, therefore to this employee can't do without good health, endurance and compliance technical safety. It is strong enough to handle heavy metal structures. The welder is also extremely careful and precise, which helps him do small, detailed work. A representative of such a profession cannot do without dexterity of mobility: he especially needs these qualities when welding in cramped, confined spaces or in uncomfortable work. He has a good eye and excellent coordination of movements; otherwise, the results of his work would be of high quality and would look untidy. Among other things, he has knowledge about the properties various metals and everyone possible ways its processing. But a special place in the structure of ideas about the personal future is occupied by labor motives, professional activity. But most importantly, we are free citizens of a free country. We love our Motherland and are ready to do everything for its prosperity. A popular proverb says: “Elindi suysen erlik isteysin“(Whoever loves the Motherland is ready to accomplish a feat) We are confident that each of our citizens is a true patriot and carries love for the Motherland in his heart. Each of us and all of us together are responsible for the future of our country. Our task is to be a true professional in our field, to live and work for the good of our Motherland. And when I think about my profession, first of all I am interested in its usefulness and practicality in activities.

The answer is simple, because it is a very important profession. My dad serves at the outpost, and my mother works in the medical unit.

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Every person is a social being. Therefore, in order to receive at least some kind of pension in old age, you have to work. And choose a profession so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure.

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There are many professions in the world, each person has to choose his own, look for his calling. “All professions are needed, all professions are important,” a famous children’s rhyme tells us.

Every inhabitant of the planet faces a choice in life. A difficult choice in a person’s life is choosing a profession. You need to choose it based on your personal preferences and desires.

Policeman is a very difficult profession. Being a police officer is a calling as a person must have courage, honesty and good logic. All police officers have good physical training, even when they accept people for training, they are checked.

There are people for whom feat is their daily work. These are completely ordinary people living among us.

The time is coming to finally find the answer to the question: Who do I want to be? After much thought, I realized that I wanted to become a nurse.

Essay No. 1 I always admire my parents. They love to work and devote a lot of time to work. My dad works as a welder.

Ever since early childhood I liked the profession of a designer. What I like most about it is that I can show my full creative potential to the fullest.

Choosing a profession is a very important step on which your future fate depends. A profession should, firstly, be something you like, and, secondly, provide you with a decent life.

High technologies are developing rapidly. Just ten years ago it was difficult to imagine what importance they would play in modern society computers and special programs.

Parents often ask me, “Son, what do you want to become in the future?” When I was little, I really wanted to become an astronaut, to conquer new planets, but then I didn’t know that there was such a profession as an engineer.

When all the paths are open to you, you can get lost in the variety of professions and opportunities. But I have already chosen my path. I know what I want to be - a hairdresser!

When I grow up, I will definitely become a chef. This is my most A big dream. I think cooking is a wonderful activity. All people like to eat delicious food. When they are full, they become happy. Everyone loves a good cook

Every boy in childhood dreams of being the protector of his family and friends. It is common for every patriot of his Fatherland to stand guard over the borders of his native land.

Giving a person health is a very honorable thing. Good doctors are recognized and respected in society. It is enough to be an ordinary doctor in a small town for several years to become part of the local elite.

When I was still in kindergarten, I really wanted to go to school. The schoolchildren seemed so mature, smart and happy to me. When the time came for me to become a student, I realized that the credit for this belongs to the teachers.

This section contains essays on various professions. Choose the one that interests you.

My future profession is a doctor.
My future profession - a doctor - is the most necessary, the most important for a person. What could be more valuable than life and more necessary than health? And therefore, a person does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is trusted with the most valuable thing - health. Training in medical school- the process is long, at least 6 years. Studying is not easy even from the first courses, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture may cost the patient his life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The subjects will be extraordinarily difficult. A medical student simply has to do great understand biology and chemistry. You won't be able to relax. The profession of a doctor is much more complicated than it seems at first glance, and much more interesting. Many people imagine her only from TV series, but in life everything is completely different. The future doctor must be patient, understanding, and merciful. Patients are different, but you have to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone’s fate depends. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a real professional. Being a doctor is a matter of pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. It is not without reason that this has been one of the most prestigious professions since ancient times. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people, who can empathize, and those who are efficient. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital D.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, will forever remain in history, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor’s behavior, as well as the commonly used name for the oath taken by everyone who intends to become a physician. "Oath" contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
. commitments to teachers, colleagues and students;
. the principle of no harm;
. obligations to provide assistance to the patient (principle of mercy);
. the principle of concern for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
. obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
. a commitment to personal improvement;
. medical confidentiality (principle of confidentiality).