Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work technique and expert advice. Exhaust hood in the dressing room from steam Making holes for ventilation

There are many reasons for the formation of condensation in a bathhouse, the main ones being:

Ventilation hole diagram

All these factors negatively affect the level of condensation, forming moisture on the walls, ceiling and floor, which can adversely affect the quality and strength of the materials from which the bath vaults are built.

Scheme of condensation formation in the dressing room

To avoid side effects from exposure to condensation on surfaces, you should know what to do to save the room. Special tools, equipment, or simply proper care of the bathhouse space will help with this.

Condensation is not just innocent moisture on surfaces. Due to this phenomenon, the following may occur:

All these moments are extremely unpleasant for those who have erected a wonderful structure for a pleasant pastime in their private sector.

Scheme of insulation of various rooms in the bathhouse

However, there is no need to sound the alarm, if you think in detail about the methods of dealing with the “disease” of a room with high humidity, then everything will work out and you can forget about this problem forever.

A steam room is never a separate element in a bath system; it is necessarily combined with several functional rooms. Since a dressing room is a mandatory structure for a bath complex, it is also necessary to comply with all comfort conditions. Ventilation in the dressing room is designed to provide this room with an influx of clean, oxygen-enriched air. A constant flow of air in the dressing room is also necessary for effective drying of bath items.

Several systems are suitable for ventilating the dressing room: mechanical (forced), natural and combined. Forced mechanical ventilation consists of installing a fan in the room, which will pump fresh air into the room.

The natural way of ventilation is to ventilate the room through open windows. It is advisable to open both windows and doors in the room at the same time.

The combined air ventilation system consists of installing compulsory system injection of clean air and exhaust air exhaust through the toilet or washing room.

Ventilation of the bath does not end only at the dressing room and steam room; it must also be installed in the washing room. Air circulation and condensate drainage will help prevent moisture from accumulating in the bathhouse sink.

Ventilation of the washing compartment has certain nuances. Besides pure fresh air, which enters through the ventilation holes, it is necessary to provide an vent in the floor. A specialized exhaust hole between the rough and finished floor is equipped with a fan, and the exhaust pipe is led to the roof of the washing compartment of the bathhouse complex.

Thanks to this ventilation scheme in the washing room, the greatest comfort for relaxation and washing procedures is achieved.

No matter what type of bath complex is chosen for construction, high-quality installation of an air ventilation system is what is truly important. In a bathhouse made of foam blocks, a log house or a frame steam room, it is necessary to install only a combined or mechanical type of ventilation, since natural ventilation does not guarantee the safety and durability of the structure.

Combined type Suitable for those steam rooms that are located directly in the house, and not in a separate room. There are several standard schemes for organizing the inflow and outflow of air, depending on the type of steam room.

Combined type of ventilation - perfect choice for steam rooms located directly in the house

Most often, sauna lovers choose a Swedish type of construction for their steam rooms, called bastu. In such convection steam rooms, clean air is taken from the street, and it is also discharged to the street. The exhaust duct is installed under or next to the stove, and a damper is installed on the duct itself.

The box is installed at least thirty centimeters from the floor, and a pipe is led up the wall, which goes into a through hole right under the ceiling. A valve with a damper is also installed on the ventilation hole.
Air intake equipment is installed on the wall opposite the furnace. It is best to choose an air intake box made of wood.

Ventilation of the steam room according to the bastu type is carried out according to following diagram:

  1. Cool, clean air from the street circulates along the stove from the intake duct, heats up and rises.
  2. As the stove heats up, warm air masses near the ceiling begin to gradually put pressure on the cold air at the bottom of the room and gradually warm up the walls of the steam room.
  3. Hot air masses press against cold air and gradually, increasing pressure forces hot air out into the vents.

The popularity of this type of baths is high due to comfortable conditions inside the steam room. And the undoubted advantage is the ability to install the bastu at home, in any convenient place. There are even apartments equipped with baths according to this principle.

The principle that must be followed if you start building a bathhouse is to ensure air circulation and avoid stagnation. The supply and exhaust ventilation system is the most suitable option for a frame bath. It will allow clean air to move freely throughout all rooms of the bath complex, and will effectively remove polluted air outside.

Supply and exhaust ventilation perfect for frame baths

For proper operation The system requires two air channels. Using the first channel, clean air enters the steam room, and the second ensures effective removal of heated air. The first channel must be placed almost flush with the floor, when the second is placed right at the ceiling. This difference in hole placement provides effective traction. Small dampers need to be installed in the holes, this will allow you to control the movement of air masses.

The basic scheme for constructing ventilation for a frame room includes: channels for pipes, pipes from the stove, dampers, doors, through holes.
In frame wooden bath principle supply and exhaust system is relevant only if at least one wall has a connection with the street.

Since ancient times, the correct Russian bathhouse was built from wooden log house. Logs were used only from winter log house, since all its pores were sealed with resins and the movement of juices stopped. Such baths served for several decades, even with the use of natural ventilation in the form of cross-ventilation.

Modern bathhouses made of logs can last for hundreds of years, and it is not at all necessary to choose a specific type of log house, thanks to correct system ventilation.

Fungus, mold, bad smell– satellites wet areas with no air circulation. To take a steam bath for the benefit of your health, ventilation in the bathhouse must be done correctly.

All components of the bath complex - steam room, sink, dressing room - have their own characteristics and requirements for temperature conditions and ventilation.

The most difficult and dangerous room is the steam room, where factors such as carbon monoxide and overheated air, without air exchange, can cause damage to health.

There are basic requirements for air circulation and air exchange during the construction of both residential and non-residential buildings.

Even at the design stage of a bath project, the following must be taken into account:

  1. The obligatory presence of circulation is the inflow and outflow of air, produced in equal quantities and in the right direction.
  2. The exhaust ventilation riser is installed above the roof both in the case of forced and natural ventilation, both when installed outside and inside the room.
  3. In forced air exchange, the supply opening is arranged at a height of at least 2 meters from the ground level.
  4. For proper ventilation of the bath, the exhaust from the dressing room is routed through the washing compartment.
  5. When using a gas-powered appliance to heat water, exhaust duct they do it separately for him.
  6. It is advisable to use the hot air exhausted from the steam room to heat other components of the bath.
  7. The combination of forced and natural ventilation systems increases the efficiency of air exchange.
  8. The intake and exhaust of air within an hour should be 2-3 times the volume for all rooms of the bathhouse, and for the steam room - 5-10 times.

Steam room ventilation

Ventilation of the steam room is usually carried out by natural air exchange. To do this, it is enough to make 2 holes in the room.

The first is located closer to the floor; fresh, colder air will flow through it. Moreover, the placement is made closer to the heater - heater, electric or gas appliance. Cold air quickly warms up, is saturated with carbon dioxide, moisture and, already contaminated, leaves through the second hole located on the opposite wall under the ceiling.

Ventilation of the steam room in the bathhouse is performed to increase the comfort of your stay.

At the right time, the holes can be closed with valves, bringing temperature regime to the required value and open them again. The person receiving the procedure regulates the ventilation himself.

To achieve uniform heating of the entire steam room, it is recommended to make not one exhaust hole, but two.

The lower hood is placed under the upper hole at a distance of up to 1 meter and connected by a box.

Ventilation in the bathhouse: device, types, do-it-yourself installation features

When the steam room is warming up, both openings are closed with valves. When the desired temperature is reached, the lower valve opens. The air is well mixed and at the same time does not cool as quickly as if only the top hole was open. After the procedures, both valves are opened. The room is fully ventilated.

Ventilation in a sauna and bathhouse works well in a steam room if you use a fan and install it in the exhaust hole.

Then the inflow is located above the furnace, and the outflow is located slightly lower. This system works efficiently, the room warms up quickly and, most importantly, evenly. Ventilation in a wooden bathhouse (Russian) is carried out naturally through the gaps between the lower crowns of the building. To improve air exchange, the outer door is briefly opened, and the circulation process itself is carried out through the furnace vent.

It is located just below floor level, and the heater is installed as close as possible to the entrance.

The cross-section of the openings for air inflow and outflow is selected depending on the volume of the room. If the dimensions of the exhaust and supply ventilation may appear in the bathhouse high humidity, which leads to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, or, conversely, drafts will appear, and the temperature will be impossible to raise to the required level.

Ventilation in the foundation of the bathhouse

Ventilation in the foundation of the bathhouse is laid at the time of construction of the building.

The air supply openings are arranged opposite each other and are closed with grilles to prevent debris from entering. Exits for air flow are also installed in the floor of the room, placing them at opposite ends. Circulation occurs naturally.

Ventilation in the waiting room

Ventilation in the sauna dressing room is carried out taking into account the correct direction of air exchange.

The flow should move towards the vestibule or toilet so that, firstly, the unpleasant smell of the sewer does not enter the dressing room, and secondly, to cut off cold air from the front door.

Ventilation in the sink (washing area)

The characteristics of a room with excess moisture must be taken into account when choosing a ventilation system in a bathhouse sink. Dampness and condensation quickly destroy finishing materials. Water is drained into the sewer system, air is supplied through holes in the floor, and the hood is placed under the ceiling.

Is ventilation needed in a bathhouse?

Condensation on the walls and ceiling, a musty smell are signs of a lack of air circulation. And an indicator of immobility is the unwavering flame of a match brought to the exhaust hole. Lack of air exchange contributes to the processes of rotting and destruction finishing materials. You won’t be able to take a steam bath “for health” and comfortably. Therefore, ventilation must be arranged.

Ventilation with natural air circulation


The simplest and least expensive way to make ventilation in a bathhouse is to create natural air circulation, which does not require purchasing and installing expensive equipment.

All functional areas The baths are united by a common ventilation system with the main riser leading to the roof. At the same time, they try to ventilate all rooms more often. According to the principle of convection, a warm substance is lighter than a cold one. Ventilation in the steam room is carried out according to the basic laws of physics. The moist, warm environment is replaced by a fresh air flow.

This is how natural circulation occurs. Spontaneous aeration occurs in all rooms of the bathhouse. Through the cracks in the frames, doorways, building structures Cold air leaks in, displacing the warm, polluted environment. In the cold season, when the temperature difference between inside and outside is maximum, air exchange increases.

Wind pressure

Wind pressure also affects the indoor microclimate.

The role of natural ventilation in the bathhouse is played by a significant difference in pressure from the windward (high pressure zone) and leeward side (rarefaction zone) of the building at high wind speeds.

Fresh air enters through gaps in building structures. It is not enough to build a building from timber and place a bathhouse complex in it. This building needs sealing of cracks and insulation. Ventilation of a frame bath should not be carried out due to the influx of cold air from the gaps, which causes drafts in the rooms and does not contribute to the comfort of taking water procedures.

Forced ventilation in the bathhouse

If natural aeration is insufficient, then after a short period of time exhaust air and products released by the human body under the influence of elevated temperatures will accumulate in the room.

There will be nothing to breathe. In this case, forced ventilation is used. Let's consider several types of forced air exchange.

Exhaust system

Ventilation in the washing bath consists of a fan and possibly cleaning filters.

The exhaust air passes through an exhaust vent with a fan installed in it. This system is also effective for toilets and swimming pools.

If only the following are used to output spent streams: exhaust devices ventilation in the bathhouse, this leads to the creation of a zone of low pressure, where cold air immediately rushes.

With increased air circulation of more than 0.3 m/s, drafts occur.

Supply system

The implementation of a supply ventilation system in baths allows you to exclude unauthorized access to cold. Its main component is a fan that pumps in fresh air, increases the pressure, and squeezes out the waste medium through exhaust openings, gaps under doors, in cracks in walls and ceilings.

In combination with a heater, it becomes possible to supply a warm stream. If necessary, it can be passed through purification filters.

Supply and exhaust system

Proper ventilation in a bathhouse consists of combining air inflow and outflow systems. Moreover, the injection and removal volumes must be equal. Air from rooms with high pressure will flow into areas with vacuum.

In the toilet located in the bathhouse complex, reduced pressure is forcibly created so that the unpleasant odor does not spread to other rooms.

Forced ventilation of baths and saunas can be organized in the following ways:

  1. Complete replacement. The air flow displaces contaminated air through check valves.
  2. Mixing fresh and used media. Diffusers are installed in the upper part of the premises, through which air passes from supply fan, mixes with the contaminated bath environment.

    Circulation improves.

  3. Recovery. To warm up and ventilate the bath, the energy of heated air, which is a coolant, is used. Passing through a heat exchanger (recuperator), it gives off heat, which is returned to the process chain.

Increased requirements are placed on the ventilation of a steam bath. This is due to the possibility of exceeding the permissible concentration of carbon monoxide and overheating the air, which leads to a direct threat to human life, but does not result in any benefit from bath procedures.

To prevent mustiness, dampness, and air stagnation in the bathhouse, all rooms of the complex must be equipped with ventilation.

The right system will allow you to carry out procedures comfortably.

← Return to all articles

How does ventilation work in a bathhouse?
Air exchange methods
How the type of bathhouse building affects the type of ventilation system
Features and subtleties of hood design
Organization of a ventilation system in a Russian bath
Schemes for arranging a hood for a bath

The full and durable functioning of a bathhouse of any type and size depends not only on the competent construction of the building, its finishing and installation of the stove, but also on the organization of the ventilation system.

How does ventilation work in a bathhouse?

Air circulation in the bathhouse, as well as in any other room, occurs according to the laws of physics, so circuit diagram hood is quite simple.

To install it, you need to make two types of holes:

Through the supply channels, fresh air penetrates into the room from the street. As a rule, when designing a ventilation system inside a bathhouse, such openings are provided almost right next to the floor, not far from the stove.

This is done so that the cold air quickly heats up from the stove and the overall temperature inside the bath does not decrease.

In order to prevent carbon monoxide accumulating indoors and overheated wet air could be removed from the room, exhaust openings are provided. They are placed slightly below the ceiling level opposite the supply channels so that the air can be freely renewed and does not stagnate inside the bathhouse.

However, you should not make a hole in the ceiling itself for the hood, since in this case the bathhouse will cool very quickly.

We can say that the layout of the input and output ventilation holes is not very difficult. Much more worrying is the need for timely and effective removal accumulation of carbon monoxide in the steam room and simultaneously maintaining the temperature at high values ​​necessary for a comfortable stay in the steam room.

In addition, you need to think about how to make ventilation in the dressing room, shower and rest room so that it is pleasant and not cold to be in them during the respite after the steam room. So you should work out the ventilation scheme in the sauna dressing room in advance if you plan to perform construction works on one's own.

Air exchange methods

Air circulation in the bath can be done in two ways:

  • spontaneously;
  • forcibly.

When deciding how to make ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you need to take into account the size of the room itself and its functional features.

Natural ventilation

Natural air movement is achieved due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside the building and outside.

When arranging such ventilation in the dressing room of a bathhouse, you need to correctly place the supply and exhaust windows. It is optimal if cold air comes from below, through a passage located 25-35 cm from the floor in close proximity to the stove. The exhaust hot air will be exhausted through a hood 15-20 cm from the ceiling.

It is worth noting that often this air exchange option is not suitable for steam rooms, since cold air stagnates and accumulates near the floor, and the hottest air near the ceiling.

In this room it is quite difficult to create optimal air circulation naturally, although if you try very hard and correctly arrange all the elements of the ventilation system, nothing is impossible.

Forced exhaust

Force air currents You can move inside a steam room in a Finnish or Russian bath using mechanisms.

There are two types of systems forced ventilation:

  1. Using electronics. Such a system controls the air temperature, its humidity, and automatically regulates its supply and cleaning. However, the installation of such complex technological installations can be quite expensive and may not fit into the budget.
  2. Combined method the arrangement of the hood assumes that, along with the installation of openings for air supply and exhaust, special fans are installed.

    They will force air masses to move, while creating a feeling of natural air exchange.

How the type of bathhouse building affects the type of ventilation system

Natural ventilation is best achieved in log cabins for a Russian bath, if during its arrangement all technological requirements were met and the air ducts were installed in the right places.

If the building for a bathhouse is of a frame type, then it is, as a rule, quite airtight. Therefore, in order to ensure better air flow into the steam room and complete ventilation, it is advisable to install a blower fan in the supply window.

Brick buildings are completely unable to breathe and do not allow air to pass through. In such a bath, exhaust hood in the dressing room, steam room and relaxation room can only be forced.

Features and subtleties of hood design

When starting to design a ventilation system in the dressing room and other rooms of the bathhouse, you should consider all the subtleties and features of the placement of its individual elements.

This is very important, because the slightest violations in the movement of air flows due to improper localization of ventilation windows can provoke a disastrous result.

Carbon monoxide can accumulate in the steam room, which can cause health problems. In addition, difficulties may arise with maintaining the desired temperature. Read also: “Ventilation device in a bathhouse - from design to installation.”

Therefore, you need to decide how to make an exhaust hood in the dressing room, steam room and relaxation room at the planning stage of building a bathhouse.

The passages themselves, through which air flows from the street will enter the steam room, dressing room, shower and rest room, and exhaust air and accumulations of carbon monoxide and steam will go outside, will need to be completed during the construction of the bathhouse frame.

And here additional elements in the form of grilles, valves to control the intensity of air supply, as well as fans and other mechanisms, are installed already in the process final finishing baths from the inside.

The following parameters influence how efficiently the ventilation system in the bathhouse will work:

  • principle of placement of air duct windows;
  • the dimensions of the supply and exhaust openings, which are calculated based on the volume of the room in which they are located, and it does not matter whether it is a shower room, a relaxation room, a dressing room or a steam room.

Calculation of window sizes for ventilation

It is necessary to calculate the size of windows for blowing and blowing air based on the size of a particular bathhouse room, that is, for a steam room, relaxation room, washing room or dressing room, these indicators will be different.

At the same time, it is equally important to provide the ability to regulate the size of such a window and, accordingly, the power of air flows, by installing special grilles and valves.

Note that if the ventilation ducts are made too large, it will be quite difficult to maintain the temperature in the room at the optimal level, which in parallel entails unnecessary costs of electricity or fuel. And adjusting the size of the gap in the air duct by which the damper needs to be opened will be quite difficult.

When constructing ventilation in the dressing room of a bathhouse with your own hands, you should start from the estimated size of the blow-in window of 24 cm2 per 1 cubic meter of the room.

But the blowing hole should be made bigger size to ensure good traction.

It is worth remembering that too much carbon monoxide and humid exhaust air can accumulate in the room, dangerous to human life, if the size of the hood windows is not enough for full circulation of air flows.

The principle of placing holes for the hood

The replacement of air in the room occurs due to the gradual rise of heated air masses up to the ceiling in the direction of the exhaust hole, their removal outside and the entry of a similar volume of cold, fresh, heavy air from the street through the supply window.

It is desirable that the direction of warm air flows coming from the furnace can be controlled.

Therefore, it is advisable to place two blow-in holes in the steam room at once. Using valves on them, you can create a directed heat flow, leaving one or another gap in the air ducts.

Organization of a ventilation system in a Russian bath

How effectively a do-it-yourself hood will function in the waiting room, steam room and washing room in a Russian bath depends on the quality and literacy of the project development.

Although the air masses in different rooms will vary in temperature, the ventilation system should be designed in such a way that the differences are felt as little as possible and do not cause inconvenience. Read also: “How to design and make the ventilation of a sauna and bathhouse correctly.”

It is very important that the change in air temperature when moving from the steam room to the washing room and dressing room is gradual.

In addition, it is equally important that the air at the floor and at head level does not differ too much in temperature.

The number of passages for air inflow and outflow, their size and location in the room directly affect the intensity and uniformity of air circulation inside the building. A optional equipment greatly simplifies this process.

Schemes for arranging a hood for a bath

The main task of ventilation in the relaxation room of the bathhouse, as well as in the dressing room and steam room, is to ensure constant renewal of air, maintain constant temperature and humidity, and remove carbon monoxide out. Since all bath rooms are constantly in contact with high temperatures and humidity, they need regular drying.

However, just ventilate the steam room and dry it wooden elements– not enough. To prevent the wood from accumulating moisture, the bathhouse must have a constant, stable exhaust hood.

Then it will last much longer and remain hygienic and clean.

Ventilated floor system

To improve air circulation in the steam room, you can install a ventilated floor.

To organize such a design, a number of conditions will need to be met:

  • air holes must be provided in the foundation of the bathhouse;
  • in the boardwalk you need to leave gaps of 1 cm, sufficient for the passage of air;
  • supply channels are located in parallel walls, having previously protected them with gratings;
  • the finishing coating is laid out above the level of the furnace vent so that it serves as an additional hood;
  • At the end of the bath procedures, all doors in the bathhouse are left open until the floor is completely dry.

Air exchange in the waiting room

Both the dressing room and the relaxation room are not exposed to aggressive influences high temperature and humidity.

Therefore, ventilation and air exchange in these rooms is easiest to do. Here, the method of natural ventilation is used, or the installation of additional fans in exhaust openings connected to air ducts in the bathroom, vestibule or steam room.

If desired, you can install electronic ventilators. However, they require an electrical connection and direct access to the street.

Hood in the shower room

Typically, a shower room requires a power-assisted ventilation system to remove accumulated steam and moisture. In this case, the dimensions of the inlet and outlet holes are made the same. The inlet channel begins at a level of 2 m above the ground, and the outlet channel ends above the roof.

Ventilation system in the steam room

One of the main requirements for the ventilation system in the steam room is the absence of drafts.

In this case, the room should heat up quickly, and the humidity level should be maintained at the level necessary for bath procedures. In this regard, the principle of location of supply and exhaust openings installed during construction is considered optimal.

The intensity of air flow can be adjusted using valves.

Ventilation in the bathhouse: diagram, device

At the same time, the large size of the room requires the installation of additional fans for blowing or blowing.

Why do you need a hood in a bathhouse?
The design of the hood in the steam room
How to make ventilation in a steam room
Hood installation method

The steam room is used most intensively in the bathhouse, because it constantly increases the level of humidity and temperature.

Ventilation in the bathhouse: types, arrangement rules, diagrams

To ensure that the air in this room does not stagnate and that fungus and mold do not grow on surfaces, you should take care of high-quality ventilation. In this article, we will talk in detail, with photos and video materials, about how to properly make a hood in a bathhouse so that bathing procedures are not only useful, but also enjoyable.

Why do you need a hood in a bathhouse?

In traditional log bathhouses, common in villages and intended for personal use, as a rule, no ventilation holes were made.

The fact is that such a bathhouse is ventilated naturally through cracks in the door, windows or floor, and is not used too intensively.

But in the case of large rooms, especially if they are built of brick, forced ventilation of the steam room must be taken care of.

The hood serves the following purposes:

  • replacing the air inside the steam room and removing carbon dioxide, especially if the sauna is used several times in a row;
  • drying the room, removing excess moisture so as not to form musty smell, and mold did not appear;
  • proper circulation of warm air inside the steam room, preventing stagnation.

If you are installing ventilation in a bathhouse with your own hands, try to take into account all the nuances so that phenomena such as:

  • temperature reduction while using the steam room;
  • improper air distribution - according to the rules, the coldest layer of air is at the bottom;
  • accumulation of carbon dioxide and release of fresh air.

The design of the hood in the steam room

The exhaust hood in the bathhouse is developed at the stage of planning the steam room.

According to it, ventilation is installed during the construction process. But after completing the construction of the bathhouse building, installing a hood in the steam room with your own hands will be quite problematic, because you will have to make extra holes, and there is a risk of damaging the walls.

The ventilation diagram in the steam room with your own hands is as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the bathhouse, in the wall or floor, there is a hole for the flow of fresh air.
  2. On the opposite side of the steam room, in the upper part of the walls, where hot air accumulates, an exit hole is made.

    However, it should not be placed too close to the ceiling to prevent the bath from cooling down too quickly.

Very often, two exhaust windows are installed in a steam room at once, one above the other at a distance of 1 m, connecting them with a corrugated tube. In this way, you can control the outflow of air from the bath.

For example, when heating a stove in a steam room, leave the entrance and lower exit windows open. And when you need to dry the steam room, open the dampers on the upper ventilation window.

An alternative solution to the problem of how to make a hood in a bathhouse could be the installation of a mechanical ventilation system.

It forces the air to circulate in the room forcibly, and some modernized models, if necessary, open the ventilation gaps themselves, and their location does not matter much. In addition, the mechanics allow you to adjust the imperfections in the natural ventilation of the steam room.

There are several standard schemes for organizing a hood in a bathhouse with your own hands.

Their difference lies mainly in the location of the ventilation windows.

How to make ventilation in a steam room

Among the ways to make a hood in a bathhouse with your own hands, we suggest considering the most suitable options for doing it at home, both natural and artificial ventilation.

Option 1

This is the most common method of ventilation, which provides one inlet and two outlets. An inlet hole is made in the wall 30 cm from the floor directly behind the stove. Exit windows are connected by a wooden box with a built-in corrugated tube 1 m long and are equipped with plugs. In addition, grilles are placed on the ventilation windows to prevent insects or rodents from entering the bathhouse.

This type of ventilation is most often used for small private baths.

Option 2

Ventilation ducts can be located at the same level. This ventilation option involves making an inlet hole 30 cm from the floor behind the stove.

And the exhaust window must be equipped with a fan that extracts carbon dioxide out.

Option 3

According to this scheme, two holes are cut in the steam room. The inlet hole is cut 0.5 m above the heater, and the outlet ventilation duct is located below, 20 cm from the floor.

A fan is installed to force air out.

Option 4

If the design of the bathhouse provides only one wall facing directly onto the street, then the ventilation scheme involves the construction of two passages located on one wall opposite the stove.

Fresh cool air enters the lower window 30 cm from the floor, which, hitting the stove and heating up, gradually rises up and exits through the exit window to the outside. The exhaust hole is located 30 cm from the ceiling and a fan is installed in it for good air circulation.

Option 5

The floor ventilation diagram in the bathhouse will be useful if the steam room has a plank floor with holes between the boards and the underground.

In this case, a window for air flow is installed behind the stove. As it cools, the air sinks down and exits through the cracks into the underground, and from there out through the ventilation duct in the basement wall, connected to the air exhaust pipe above the roof.

Option 6

Finally, the vent in the stove can serve as a ventilation duct for removing exhaust air if it is located in a steam room.

The only thing that needs to be done is to ensure air flow by cutting a special gap in the wall opposite the stove.

Hood installation method

Proper organization of a hood in a bath requires adherence to certain principles:

  • in the bathhouse attached to the house, air should flow in the direction from the living quarters to the steam room;
  • the ventilation window for air exhaust must be connected to a pipe going outside above the roof of the bathhouse;
  • It is not recommended to install an exhaust duct under the ceiling, so that the draft does not fall on steaming people.

So, if we consider the ventilation installation process as a whole, it includes several stages:

  • First, places for ventilation ducts are marked and holes with a diameter of 10-20 cm are cut.
  • Next, metal, wooden or plastic boxes are inserted into the windows.
  • If necessary, a fan is mounted on the exhaust hole for forced exhaust.

    Moreover, electrical equipment for a bath must be heat-resistant and with a safety class of IP-44 (read also: “What kind of heat-resistant cable is needed for a bath and how to install it”).

  • Close the ventilation gaps with grilles and plugs.
  • A pipe is attached to the outlet and brought to the roof.

It is worth remembering that the air should not only be renewed, but also circulate freely above the floor.

For this purpose, small windows with bars are cut in the base of the bathhouse in opposite walls to protect against rodents.

By following these instructions, you can safely begin installing a hood in the bathhouse so that your stay in the steam room will only bring pleasure.

Requirements for the development of a ventilation system
List of basic rules and recommendations
Standard diagrams of ventilation systems
Design and principle of the supply and release system
The principle of the ventilation system in the steam room

Providing adequate ventilation in sauna and sauna rooms is extremely important. In this article we will try to understand the design of ventilation devices in a sauna and bathhouse, explain why you cannot do without it and what threatens its absence.

Anyone who understands ventilation systems knows that without proper air exchange, the lifespan of bathtub elements is reduced by approximately 3-4 times.

Below we'll look at how to create high-quality sauna ventilation without the help of experts.

Requirements for the development of a ventilation system

In order to successfully complete the entire planned list of works, it is necessary to at least take a logical approach to the implementation of technological operations, study practical recommendations and photographs various options exhaust systems.

The master must clearly see his work at each stage, since it takes some time, how much money will be spent on organizing the ventilation system, and also whether it is worth doing the whole thing with your hands.

First of all, the following conditions must be met:

  • organize a continuous flow of fresh air from outside;
  • Ensure a constant temperature in the room, especially in the steam room, because it should be very high.

Sauna and bath ventilation are very similar, but there are also differences, since the latter distinguish air heating on the go - the sauna creates a dry climate.

In this regard, it would be completely unacceptable to adopt a sauna ventilation scheme and use it for a bath.

Rules and regulations for regulating the ventilation system

Since the sauna has almost all rooms with a minimum square footage, it is better to install such a sauna and sauna fans so that fresh air enters at least every 15 minutes.

During the creation of the project and subsequent installation, all problems with the possibility of drafts and places with stagnant air must be resolved.

Standard diagrams of ventilation systems

Mechanical diagram

At the same time, it is the most expensive, but also the most effective.

To complete the set you need ventilation valves for sauna, filters, diffusers, noise neutralization devices and other components.


This type of sauna and steam room ventilation is the easiest way to organize your own hands. But this can only be said about the process of its installation, since sufficient air exchange can only be organized after accurate false calculations. In addition, such a system has many negative aspects.

For example, it depends on the wind speed and its direction.

Intake and exhaust system

This type of ventilation is recommended to be placed in the steam room, in other areas such as lounges or lounges, as long as there is sufficient natural ventilation (it reads: “Reliable manual ventilation in the wardrobe - how to do it right”).

It is important to understand the design of such ventilation.

Design and principle of the supply and release system

It is not that difficult to organize such a system, the main thing is to understand some of its main components.

Creating air intakes

If we are talking about a steam room, the inlets should be placed on the walls near the floor and also near the stove. Cold air from the road can warm up faster.

How to ventilate a bath: device modes

In addition, it prevents unheated air from entering the area where the person is in the couple.

In addition, to improve air exchange, leave a 5cm slot between the floor cover and the door when installing the door frame.

Installing the cover

The exhaust openings are always located on the walls on the opposite side of the supply channels.

In a steam bath there should be two of these extracts, one at level 1 of the ILO floor, and the other under the ceiling (read: “How to quote in a bathroom - design and installation of ventilation”).

They will be connected to the box. To ensure that the wind force and the height of the ventilation tube do not affect the air forces, it is also necessary to install a fan.

In general, when installing such a ventilation scheme, adjustable dampers (i.e., shutters or doors) must be installed to control the microclimate and air flows.

If you notice that there is condensation on the walls, air is being blown into the rooms, then you can talk about signs indicating a problem with the ventilation system.

The principle of the ventilation system in the steam room

Organization of ventilation

Turn on the fan, completely lock all locks and doors - 5-10 minutes, the air is completely replaced with fresh air.

Heating procedure

To quickly heat the room and drain the required temperature with minimal fuel, the doors and flaps are closed, and the supply channels are poorly open. Read how: “Ventilation device in the bathroom - from design to factory”

Sauna procedures

Opens the lower channel cover slightly. In this case, the process of circulating currents while heated air accumulates below the ceiling, which maintains the desired temperature.

Consequently, the air is constantly renewed, the necessary microclimate is maintained and fuel is preserved.

It is important to highlight several main mistakes with an autonomous ventilation system:

  • Installation of only one air duct in case of ventilation in a sauna with electric heater or any other steam generators.

    After installing the hood under the ceiling, we will get an error in the system in which the heated air will quickly leave the steam room. In this regard, internal temperature control will be quite difficult and fuel consumption will increase.

  • Installation of inlet and drain holes at one level from the ground.

    This will lead to a deterioration in air exchange and the appearance of drafts.

  • The exhaust pipe is smaller than the inlets. This will result in poor air flow. It is recommended to calculate 24 cm2 of opening in the channel for every 1 m3 of space.

The ventilation system described is most suitable, although it is easy to take care of yourself.

Its effectiveness is determined by practice. We hope that all doubts about sauna ventilation should be ventilated so that everyone can equip their sauna with a real and high-quality ventilation system.

Right installed ventilation will ensure the comfort and safety of bathhouse visitors.

Regardless of the type of bath, ventilation is installed according to general rules And engineering requirements to the bathhouse premises. Read below about the ventilation system of the bathhouse and its nuances.

  1. Ventilation ensures the comfort and safety of visitors

In an hour, one person emits up to 18 liters of carbon dioxide. Without ventilation in a small, crowded steam room, the concentration of carbon dioxide will reach life-threatening levels in a short time. Through ventilation, carbon dioxide is removed from the room and oxygen is supplied.

  1. Ventilation is necessary for the sauna to operate.

According to the laws of physics, wood in the firebox will burn only when oxygen is supplied. The oxygen supply system is installed separately from all ventilation.

  1. Proper ventilation will extend the life of the room

Moisture concentrated after the sauna operation negatively affects the structure, causing fungus and mold. Ventilation will prevent moisture accumulation.

Ventilation standards

Air exchange in steam rooms and saunas is calculated according to several standards.

By building regulations, exhaust hood for public buildings is calculated based on a frequency of 1 time per hour. For dry heat baths, a frequency of at least 5 times per hour is recommended.

It is possible to monitor standard indicators only when using forced ventilation. Natural air exchange depends on natural factors. Ventilation in the dressing room is carried out based on the same air exchange standards, but the minimum amount of air for one person is also used - 30 m 3 / h.

The ventilation scheme in the bathhouse takes into account the direction of supply and removal of flows and complies with the following principles:

  • Fresh air is supplied close to the firebox; it is preferable to ventilate the floor in the bathhouse to allow oxygen to enter the furnace;
  • Air distribution devices (grills and diffusers) for organizing air exchange are made of wood, which does not emit harmful substances when heated;
  • During installation, a standby hood will be organized, which will operate continuously during periods between use of the steam room.

Types of ventilation

Bath ventilation is divided into two groups:

  • natural ventilation, operating under the influence of natural factors without the use of electrical equipment;

Hike to bathhouse For everyone initiated into the mysteries, steaming is not a way to wash away dirt, it is a procedure that will result in the removal of impurities and toxins. And a ritual, during which the stress of a hard day, and sometimes a week, will be relieved, along with the pores, something elusive in the soul will open and begin to sing.
Associations associated with visiting baths– a lot of hot humid steam, a feeling of cleanliness and relaxation. In order for the steam to be beneficial, to circulate correctly in the steam room compartment, for the remaining condensation to not affect the condition of the wood from which the bathhouse is made, and for the building itself to serve faithfully for more than one year, it is necessary to think through and calculate even when the project is being created ventilation in the bathhouse.
Correctly calculated mechanism ventilation, exchange of air masses will increase the service life of the wood, and the steaming procedure in such a bathhouse is good for health. The service life of a bathhouse, for example, made of timber, is seventy-five years, but if the ventilation is not designed, moisture constantly accumulates in the steam room and washing room, plus temperature changes , the bathhouse building will have to be rebuilt or overhauled in five years. Within a year, a putrefactive fungus will develop, the decay products of which will have to be breathed in, carbon monoxide will no longer evaporate normally, and it is not safe to steam in such a room. In a good bathhouse, the flow of hot steam is directed by precise calculations.
The constant supply of additional oxygen also increases draft, which means the intensity of heating increases, and, consequently, fuel economy. Steam is removed, which makes drying easier. Wood absorbs less moisture, it does not create a favorable environment for the growth of microorganisms, and the wood lasts longer.

A correctly calculated mechanism for ventilation and exchange of air masses will increase the service life of the wood, and the steaming procedure in such a bathhouse is beneficial to health.

Typical ventilation schemes in a bathhouse

Based on the principle of outflow and inflow of air flows, three types of circulation patterns are distinguished.

  1. Natural ventilation. Natural ventilation is an arrangement of vents, air exchange occurs due to the difference in pressure and temperature outside and inside the building. This method of air exchange is effective in the case of “breathing” walls made of wood and no insulation. Air penetrates through the pores and cracks in the wood.
  2. Mechanical or forced ventilation. This ventilation technology uses special devices that provide forced air inflow and outflow. The more complex and functional the devices, the more expensive they are.
  3. Combined ventilation. In this case, the principles of natural ventilation are used, which are supplemented with simple mechanisms, for example, a fan that additionally pumps out waste.

The following schemes are considered popular options.
Mixing of air layers due to convection. The first vent is installed below, behind the heater, the second on the opposite wall, at the top. The inlet flow rushes through the lower exhaust hole, and the waste is squeezed out into the upper one. This gas recirculation option is suitable for a small steam room for one family. This method can be strengthened by using a fan and opening the door. An effective option would be to place the hoods at the same height on opposite walls, but the second, opposite the stove, is necessarily strengthened by a fan. The third method of locating the holes is both on the same wall, the one that faces the street. Holes are made at two points on the wall equidistant from each other. Both of the latter options save the generated steam and condensate is removed. Sometimes, instead of the lower vent, a furnace vent is used. Air from the street enters through a hole, which is located next to the stove, and exhaust air is discharged through the ash pan due to draft. The second hole is not made. This kind of ventilation works while the stove is burning; after heating ends, in this case it is necessary to additionally ventilate both the steam room and the washing room. If the stove is lowered below floor level and the vent is designed into the foundation, the used air will also escape through the stove vent.

Air from the street enters through a hole, which is located next to the stove, and exhaust air is discharged through the ash pan due to draft. The second hole is not made.

But options that use the stove in the ventilation circuit work while the stove is burning. Recirculation will have to be strengthened - think through a window, leave the door half open, adjust the air with a towel, and so on.
It is impossible to give exact instructions. It is necessary to think over the ventilation device in the bathhouse for each individual steam room, taking into account the peculiarities.
To equip a steam room with natural ventilation, serious requirements are taken into account.

  • It is required that one wall borders the street for ease of exhaust gas removal.
  • There should be no draft.
  • When installing bath doors, a gap of 20 mm is made under them to enhance ventilation.
  • A correctly calculated gas exchange scheme changes the total volume of air three times in one hour.
  • Holes in correct scheme maintain the required volume of steam so that it does not have time to escape in an amount that will cool the room and does not stagnate.
  • Formula for calculating the diameter of the exhaust hole: Volume of the ventilated room * 24 cm

Practice advice! In Russian baths, which were built taking into account traditions, we have reached folk remedies ventilation. The bottom of the door to the steam room is decorated with a ventilation grill, thereby ventilating the room.

In Russian baths, which were built taking into account traditions, folk means of ventilation have come down to us

Although natural ventilation is reliable and cheap way get rid of dampness and ensure an influx of air mass into the steam room, but it also has disadvantages. This method is enough for one family and for a wooden bathhouse. It is not possible to regulate the inflow and exit of gases; the mechanism is subject to natural conditions outside the walls of the room. To account for these shortcomings, mechanical ventilation is used.

In mechanical models it is used special equipment, controlling air flows using instruments and sensors. This technology has many advantages. The volume of incoming air is regulated and purified. The device itself maintains the desired microclimate and distributes air indoors. Disadvantages - noise during equipment operation, additional costs for electricity and equipment installation. And the price of this method of ventilation is, of course, higher than the cost of natural ventilation.

Types of mechanical ventilation

  1. Supply- the kit includes an air duct, grille, air filter and valve. To obtain the effect, recirculation is enhanced by a fan.
  2. Exhaust. The scheme provides for the outflow of cooled air using an air duct, grille, motor and fan.
  3. Supply and exhaust. Mechanical ventilation. Combination of exhaust and supply model. The principle of operation is either displacement of heated air coming from the street, or constant mixing of layers of air.

Mechanical effect better effect natural.

Types of mechanical ventilation

Secrets and nuances that will help when creating ventilation in the bathhouse

Exhaust holes in the wall, floor and foundation of the bathhouse are made during construction. Cutting holes in a finished room is hard Sisyphean work. The ventilation model is selected during the creation of the project, along with the location of the vents. To speed up the exit of exhaust air, the linear area of ​​the hood is increased, or two holes are made. Valves or special blinds are installed on the vents to regulate recirculation. During heating, the hoods are closed, so the temperature will reach the desired level faster. In winter, during severe frosts, cold air literally “bursts” into the room, and this flow can be restrained with a plug.

Taking a steam bath is becoming a fashionable ritual for caring for your health and appearance. And its device is becoming more complicated and improved, taking into account the wishes of those who like to steam. About ten years ago, the arrangement of a bathhouse was limited to the dressing room and steam room, today it includes three or even four rooms. A separate washing room and rest room were added to the steam room and dressing room. Particular care should be taken when it comes to ventilation in the washing room and steam room, but moisture also spreads into the dressing room, and therefore all rooms need an air exchange mechanism.

Any of the schemes is suitable for the steam room. But before flooding, be sure to ventilate the steam room and leave the door and vents open. You need to ventilate for about fifteen minutes. When the steam room is ventilated, the door and vents are closed. When the temperature rises to the desired level, the hoods, using valves, are carefully and slowly opened to regulate the flow. The exhaust vent must be larger in diameter than the inlet vent, otherwise the volume of incoming air will drop due to reverse draft. It is important to ensure that circulation does not disturb the temperature microclimate.

The exhaust vent must be larger in diameter than the inlet vent, otherwise the volume of incoming air will drop due to reverse draft

Ventilation in the washing room

Moisture accumulates in the washing room no less than in the steam room, and getting rid of it is no less important. Dampness and mold are not beneficial either to humans or to the bathhouse. Water in the washroom accumulates under the floors. That's why ventilation pipe It is better to place it in a corner, placing one end between the floors and the other leading to the roof.

Ventilation in the waiting room

The dressing room is also a locker room, and there is a stove in it. The stove is placed in the dressing room when there is not enough space in the steam room. In such cases, the air flows are recirculated through the stove; if there is no stove there, then the dressing room is additionally ventilated and dried after steaming. You can additionally make an vent in the wall, reinforced with a fan.
As can be seen from the above, ventilation in a bathhouse is not a complicated thing, but it is necessary, so it is worth considering the project when planning a future building, thereby extending the service life of the building and a healthy life.

DIY ventilation

To determine the value of ventilation in the bath you should know its purpose:

  1. Rapid heating of the room, uniform distribution of heat. Savings in heating costs.
  2. Constant air renewal while vaping. This is necessary for the comfort and health of vacationers.
  3. Quick removal of moist air. Carrying out mandatory drying of the room.
  4. Preservation of the building for more for a long time. No fungus or mold appears. Objects do not deform or change color when exposed to moisture.

No or insufficient ventilation Unpleasant odors gradually accumulate in the room and the air becomes damp. There is no fresh air coming in, it becomes more difficult to breathe. There is a risk of poisoning from accumulating carbon monoxide. Without ventilation, gradually the entire warm air will go up, and cooling will accumulate below.

Proper ventilation system in baths

In saunas made of natural logs any cutting of holes to provide ventilation is considered unnecessary. The lower crowns of the walls are laid with holes installed, through which a moderate amount of fresh air passes. If you have a stove-heater in which the vent is also designed to vent air outside, you can limit yourself to its presence. Air is let in through an open door; a gap of 5-7 mm is sufficient.

Ventilation is designed for regular intake of fresh air into the bathhouse and outflow of cooled and humid air. For fresh air flow need to build vents. If they are not there, then you can use windows and doors. Exhaust also occurs through special holes; a stove ash can be used; the chimney is of great importance in the outflow of steam. To ensure complete control of air exchange, the openings are equipped with shutters, which can be adjusted to stop or resume the flow and exit of air.

There is a large list of ventilation systems:

  1. For inlet and outlet openings located opposite each other, one level is used. In some cases, placing the inlet low can help retain heat longer. To activate air exchange, a fan is installed; an air duct or deflector can also be used. Holes cannot be positioned exactly at the same level. As a result of the rapid release of air, accumulations of cold air may form at the bottom and warm air in the rest of the bath.
  2. Air flows directed by an operating ventilation device reduce the pressure inside the duct. The exhaust air is drawn out due to a decrease in pressure inside the bath. To raise the pressure again, fresh air is introduced.
  3. The vents can be positioned in this way: the supply air vent is 30 cm from the floor, the outlet located opposite does not reach the ceiling 30 cm. Fresh air is immediately heated from the stove, rises, gradually leaving the room.

To ensure constant control over the speed and volume of incoming and outgoing air, dampers are created. It is advisable to make them retractable, opening them to the required distance. The length of the air duct is determined by the size of the bath, as well as the maximum volume of required incoming air.

When the room is just being heated with a hot stove, all openings should be covered. When the temperature becomes optimal for vaping, the valves are opened slightly and immediately adjusted so that the exchange of air does not change the temperature in the room. Both inlet and outlet openings should have a connector close to the same. To increase the flow of fresh air, you can slightly enlarge the outlet.

The supply connector should not be larger than the output connector. This leads to reverse draft, which promotes the exit of fresh air from the bathhouse, rather than its active circulation.

Ventilation in a Russian bath

In a classic bathhouse, created according to the Russian model, no special holes are made, so air exchange should be done in a more natural way. Typically, conventional ventilation is used to provide a flow of fresh air. You can open the door leading to the street and the window opposite it. Sometimes forced exhaust is used with the door open. To better get rid of accumulating dampness, you should promptly sweep away the leaves from the broom. Benches and other wooden objects that become very wet can be dried; sometimes, flaps of sheets are used. These procedures will not allow heavy steam to form and will remove unpleasant odors and decay products from the room.

After the bathhouse has been ventilated and dried, need to start steaming. To do this, pour water in small portions onto the stones. The prepared steam quickly rises up and remains there for a long time, so it may turn out that it is already very hot at the top, but still cool at the bottom. If there is a strong temperature difference, you can wait until the steam drops or use artificial methods to lower it.

It is enough to work with brooms to create movement in the steam room, the air will immediately mix. Swings of a towel or broom should be carried out closer to the ceiling.

You can make a fan: on wooden handle There is a stainless steel loop on which the fabric is pulled. This device makes horizontal or vertical movements to move warm and cold air. Sometimes people start using it when making steam. To do this, one person pours water on the stones, and the second works with a fan.

In the steam room

In classic bath ventilation schemes it is assumed air flow in the steam room from below. The hole is usually located below half a meter from the floor. The hood can be placed close to the ceiling by making a hole on the opposite wall. Regulation of the level of humidity and heat of the air is carried out by extending or closing the valves.

The best option, especially for a small steam room, is to create an inlet opening next to the stove. This is necessary to instantly warm up the incoming fresh air. This arrangement will prevent the formation of strong drafts and helps to avoid big difference temperatures in different parts of the steam room. Heat from the steam room can not only be removed outside, but also transferred to other rooms for high-quality heating.

Proper ventilation works by bringing fresh air under the box. Air masses leave the device through the upper opening. The steam room warms up quite evenly until the warm air reaches the bottom of the box. Hot air will gradually displace colder air, providing warming before leaving the room. The steam room heats up and dries out at the same time.

In the waiting room of the bath

The ventilation channel is directly connected to the duct, the diameter of which usually exceeds the chimney by no more than 20%. With these parameters, oxygen fills the room rather than leaving it. There is no need for air flow from the underground.

The walls of the stove, if there is one in the dressing room, needs to be placed close to the floor. The shelves are not necessarily placed in a strictly horizontal position. They are able to slow down the rise of heat to the ceiling. To better absorb warm air, it is better to equip the stove with several chimneys.

Sometimes, when heating a bathhouse, a large amount of smoke is formed and retained in the room. This means that the air inside the dressing room is colder than the outside air. Cold air is somewhat more massive than warm air, so it often creates a shell in chimneys. In order to push out this air, you need to equip an additional door for burning ash.

Forced ventilation

Ventilation in the bathhouse using electronic systems carried out, if it is impossible to ensure good air circulation by natural means. Fans can be installed on both the supply and exhaust vents. They accelerate the movement of air masses, providing the room with fresh air and quickly removing humid air.

Exhaust ventilation

The design of this ventilation always includes exhaust fan. For air circulation, a supply air supply must be constructed. Sometimes cracks in the walls are used to bring in fresh air, or windows or doors are opened slightly. The advantage of exhaust ventilation is the reduction of pressure in the bathhouse. The action must be compensated by a constant flow of air from outside.

Ventilation with powerful exhaust perfectly removes harmful gases and moist air with an unpleasant odor. You can build such a ventilation system not only in the steam room, but also in showers, washrooms, areas with a swimming pool or in bathrooms. Typically, a basic exhaust ventilation system kit includes a fan and a duct. If the device is too noisy, you can use a silencer.

Forced ventilation

Installed according to the exhaust principle, however the fan must be placed on the inlet. When the supply ventilation system is activated, an increase in pressure in the room is observed, which must be promptly compensated by the release of air through the hood or gaps in the walls, floor, ceiling, vents, and doors.

Supply fans are not considered convenient if they operate at cold temperature. In winter, they supply ice-cold air, which must be additionally heated by pre-installed air heaters. If it is necessary to purify a large amount of incoming air, filters can be used.

Supply and exhaust ventilation

Combination of artificial inflow and exhaust air is often equipped with recuperators, silencers, and filters. Additional devices provide comfort while in the bathhouse, while at the same time there is constant, good air circulation. In order not to worry about ventilation, you can equip it with an automatic control unit.

Creating a design for supply and exhaust artificial ventilation often causes difficulties. It is necessary to calculate the optimal air exchange in all rooms of the bathhouse at the design stage. The amount of air coming out must match the amount of air coming in. Sometimes air flows are not deliberately balanced. To prevent the spread of excessive humidity or unpleasant odors from a certain room, the pressure in it is artificially reduced. To do this, a hood is installed with greater intensity than in other rooms.

When arranging ventilation in the bathhouse, you should take care not only of the steam room, but also of others important rooms. To save on heating costs, you can use the warm air generated in the steam room, venting it through other rooms rather than outside. Adapting ventilation system For specific requests, you can make the most successful option.