What does the name Regina mean in Tatar? Name meaning: Regina

For my future daughter.

Let's meet halfway and tell you in detail about one thing possible option- Regina.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

Regina translated from Latin language means “queen”, “queen”, equally popular in both Western and Eastern European countries. Armenians, Americans, Germans and Tatars love him. There is another version of the origin of this: from Scandinavia, named after the Valkyrie Regin-Leif.

Day Angel

Either Regnia or Ren was born in France, suffered torture there for her faith in Jesus Christ and was beheaded. Many settlements this country is now named after her - Sainte-Reine. They pray to her in case of poverty, as well as people who have become victims of torture.

However, some researchers consider the story about Saint Regina to be apocryphal due to its similarity with the life of another saint - Margaret of Antioch.

The bearer of the name day celebrates September 7 according to the new style among Catholics, on the day of the Martyr Regina. On Remembrance Day, a procession takes place in the French city of Dijon. As an early Christian saint, she is also revered by Orthodox Christians.

In addition, the day of remembrance of the blessed virgin is celebrated Regina Prothmann- January 18.
In Catholic countries, when assigning a name, they sometimes mean not saints with that name, but the Madonna herself, who has the titles:

  • Regina Coeli - Queen of Heaven;
  • Regina Angelorum - Queen of Angels.

In this case, the name day is considered to be August 22, the day of the Queen of Angels.
William Bouguereau, Regina Angelorum, 1900 For Catholics, there are no problems with name day. But in Orthodox calendar this name does not exist, although it appears in lives; the name of Saint Regina of Thessaloniki is also known (June 1/14). Since there are discrepancies on this issue, everything needs to be clarified exactly from the priest of the parish where the child is expected. Most likely, another baptismal name will be proposed, one that is similar in meaning or sound. You can also use the Catholic option, but then you will have to celebrate your name day privately, without the participation of the Orthodox Church.

Diminutive form

Regina, due to her internal structure, is not conducive to a large number diminutive names, but still they exist, namely:

  • Rinochka
  • Reginochka
  • Regina
  • Rinushka
  • Reginushka

If desired, you can also invent diminutive forms of the name Regina.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The name Regina is not clearly defined, it is not clear what nationality it is, the popularity of forms in world languages ​​clearly indicates its internationalism.

  • English: Regina, Regena - Regina.
  • German: Regina, Regine - Regina, Regine.
  • French: Regine - Regine, Regina, Reine - Ren.
  • Spanish: Regina - Regina.
  • Portuguese: Regina - Regina.

Of course, not all forms are given. Let us add that some derivatives have transformed into independent ones, for example, Gina.

Let us note another interesting point. Unlike Russian, in European languages ​​the set of diminutive forms of this name is much richer:

  • English: Reggie;
  • German: Reginachen, Reginchen, Regi, Regel, Rega, Gina, Inchen, Ginhe, Ginchen;
  • French: Reinette;
  • Spanish: Rejis, Reina;
  • Portuguese: Gina, Rerre;
  • Italian: Reginella, Reginetta, Ginetta, Reggie.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

A woman named Regina is characterized by such character traits:

  • independence;
  • determination;
  • knowledge of etiquette;
  • leadership;
  • desire to assert oneself;
  • success;
  • femininity;
  • ability to overcome obstacles;
  • the ability to please people;
  • commitment to an active lifestyle;
  • well-groomed appearance.

Study, professions and career

The meaning of the name Regina, as it were, leaves an imprint on the character and fate of its bearer. The schoolgirl learns easily, without stress, grasping everything on the fly. Often receives a gold or silver medal upon graduation. It would seem that career heights await her. Indeed, making a brilliant career for a woman is not difficult. She could become famous and get rich, but she takes matters of social success calmly.
Choosing professions that people need, he becomes a teacher, doctor, worker social sphere, helping lonely elderly people and disabled people. She is a capable employee, but at every step career ladder is being established slowly. Ambition is not her main trait. But she won’t work in an unskilled, low-paid job either. Golden mean- something that suits a woman quite well.

Health and hobbies

A child who was sick in childhood. But it gets stronger with age. It is impossible to say that health will improve and will no longer deteriorate. Her characteristic ones are hereditary, those that affected women in her family.

Did you know? More than 30% of residents of the CIS countries experience or have experienced in their youth dissatisfaction associated with their name.

She is prone to stooping, which is corrected by moderate exercise - for health, not for achievements. Everything is hers. During various flu epidemics in the class, she gets sick first.

In short, Regina’s weakness is everything related to the respiratory system: bronchi, lungs. Seaside holidays are highly recommended for prevention.

Playing sports for the sake of improving health often develops into a serious hobby. Among Regina there are many athletes with world fame.

Friendship, love relationships and family

The girl is amorous and often gets married early. She has no luck with her first love. After suffering for a couple of years in an unsuccessful marriage, he leaves his spouse without regret. She is self-sufficient, and she doesn’t particularly need a man. But motherhood is something without which the bearer feels like a failure.
Therefore, when she marries for the second time, her chosen one turns out to be a worthy and reliable life partner. Next to such a person, a woman becomes an excellent housewife and mother. Her children grow up in a calm environment, in a clean cozy home. The second husband is often much older than her. And still, Regina will try to dominate the family, regardless of the age of her husband. If she fails, then her second marriage will be in jeopardy.

But as a friend, a friend, a woman with that name is simply irreplaceable. She is sociable, loves hiking, traveling, and has a great sense of humor. She is responsive and will always help in difficult times. It is clear that people are drawn to her, and as a result she has many friends.

Did you know? Typhoons and hurricanes are called female names. Military weather forecasters from America are to blame for this. They assigned the names of unloved wives and mothers-in-law to terrible phenomena.

Meanings of all letters in the name and numerology

Numerology is an empirical technique that is increasingly gaining popularity. It can be used to more fully characterize the carrier.

Important! Numerology does not have a theoretical basis, so information of this type should be treated with caution.

Letter meaning:

  • Extraordinary thinking
  • Responsibility
  • Intuition
  • Striving for Leadership
  • Communication skills
  • Selfishness
  • Charm
  • Scrupulousness
  • Thirst for new knowledge
  • Disgust
  • Kindness
  • Peacefulness
  • Honesty
  • Hard work
  • Critical Thinking
  • Striving for success
  • Initiative
  • Aversion to routine

As you can see, the analysis of the letters complements Regina’s characterization - a portrait is formed from small bricks.
In addition, the name should be characterized as a number. A purely numerological technique is used for this. Each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned a number. If you add up all the numbers of the letters included in the name, you get the number 9.

“Nine” has high spiritual properties, and as a result is endowed with the ability to forgive. Creative abilities help to realize oneself in the fields of art and show business. It evokes love and sympathy for oneself, but can use people’s attitudes both positively and negatively.

Name Astrology

The astrological characteristics will add additional details and help you feel this name more deeply.

  • Color - purple.
  • The tree is pine.
  • The plant is poppy.
  • Totem - eagle.
  • Talisman - ruby.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Zodiac sign - Leo, Pisces.

Different sources interpret the theme of the mystery of the name differently. For example, purple, steel, white, brown are also believed to be name colors. Amethyst and charoite are added to the stones. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: this kind of information must be treated critically.

Name in history: famous and successful people

It should be noted that truly significant people there is no history with that name. The short list of outstanding personalities contains show business stars, athletes, and very few serious scientists, statesmen. The conclusion suggests itself that the name, which in its meaning should belong to rulers, is in fact bohemian.

However, there is one exception to this rule.

The wife of the Bijapur king, who lived in the 16th century. As regent for her young nephew, she personally, under a veil and in armor, fought with the troops of the Great Mogul Akbar. She became the heroine of folk legends.

Did you know? Traditionally, a Russian female name ends in«- A» . Those that end in«- I» , many times less.

Some representatives of show business and sports:

  • Beautiful name 85%
  • Sexual 79%
  • Modern 78%
  • Outdated 22%
  • Successful for life 82%

Nothing will be lost if her parents call her with this sonorous, aristocratic name.

The female name Regina comes from the Latin word meaning “queen.” It is not very widespread in the world, but is still found in the USA (Regina), France (Regine), Hungary (Regina) and some other countries of the world. In Russia, the name Regina is not very popular, but it is found everywhere.

Characteristics of the name Regina

Phonosemantically, the name Regina is quite strong and rude. As a rule, the character of its owners is distinguished by inner strength, self-confidence and independence, but in general it is a completely feminine, slightly insidious nature. From an early age she strives to be the most beautiful and the most popular. Raising her is not difficult, but parents should remember that Regina needs to be brought down to earth all the time, otherwise she will grow into a capricious and proud girl, who in adolescence can bring on a lot of problems. The adult owner of this name is energetic and decisive. She is able to achieve a lot, knows how to rally people around her, and is not afraid of difficulties. In general, others like her character. Regina usually has a lot of friends who love her because she takes life lightly, loves to communicate and have fun, is never gloomy and cold, and has a good sense of humor.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Regina is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Leo, that is, from July 23 to August 23. In temperament, Leo is very similar to the owner of this name, whom he will make a real leader. Under his influence, Regina will maintain and increase her energy, will, organizational skills, and creative inclinations. However, to some people she will seem too strong, which may label her as unapproachable and proud.

Pros and cons of the name Regina

What are the pros and cons of the name Regina? This regal, energetically powerful name is suitable for parents who want to see their daughter successful. Its sound, although a little rough, is quite good for combining with Russian surnames and patronymics. It is also positive that several good abbreviations and diminutions can be selected for this name, such as Reginka, Reginochka, Regi, Rina, Rinushka, Gina, Gina. And if you consider that people often really like the character of the owners of this name, then we can say that it has practically no drawbacks.


Regina is in good health. She usually leads an active lifestyle, loves hiking, sports, and also pays a lot of attention to her appearance and the state of the body. Regina's nervous health is a little worse, because she is very excitable, which is why she can get tired quickly, have problems sleeping, and suffer from migraines and stress.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Regina strives to maintain her leadership position, which can become a stumbling block, because she chooses a strong-willed, enterprising and wealthy man as her husband. Usually she makes a very good housewife who loves to cook, receive guests, and arrange the house. Regina tries to raise her children with discipline, instilling in them independence and responsibility. In her relationship with her husband, fidelity is especially important.

Professional area

IN professional field Regina will perform well working as a physician, choreographer, researcher, journalist, photographer, fashion model, manager, restaurateur, public figure, flight attendant, and travel agency employee.

Name day

Since this name does not appear in the Orthodox calendar, Regina celebrates her name day according to the Catholic calendar on March 7.


It is believed that the name Regina is of Latin origin (ancient Roman), but in fact its homeland can be considered Scandinavia. And all because initially it was in Scandinavia that this name became most widespread. Translated from Latin, this name is interpreted as “queen” or “queen”.

The female name Regina was quite common in European countries in the 90s, but now it is much less common. But it began to appear in our country. But in fact, this is not surprising, because this female name sounds beautiful and has pretty good compatibility with male names

Popularity: The name Regina has long been classified as a rare name. Names from this category occur no more often than in the case of 5 girls out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Regina

Modern English analogues: Regina

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Regina endows the named baby with “royal qualities”, such as independence in judgment, courage, assertiveness, perseverance and perseverance, narcissism, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, assertiveness, energy and activity...

Often this is a narcissistic and self-sufficient lady who knows how to establish herself well in society, respected and revered, with a good memory and a cheerful disposition. With such women it is both difficult and comfortable.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of this name is that they are able to make important decisions on the fly, while still having time to think through all the consequences.

Regina has a bad attitude towards people who have no goals, live aimlessly and uselessly. And bearers of this name do not allow selfish and overly self-confident people to approach them...

It is interesting that in Scandinavian mythology the name Regina was mentioned earlier than it became widespread. There is a mention more than once of a warrior named Regin-Leif...

Character of the name Regina

It is difficult to say exactly what the character of Regina’s girl will be as a whole, especially if you focus only on the energy of this difficult name. But, however, even if we focus only on energy, something can still be said. For example, we can say for sure that this should be the character of a stubborn, persistent, arrogant, principled, tough, active and purposeful woman who will do anything but achieve her goal.

At the same time, bearers of this name do not tend to achieve goals through self-interest, deception, or exploiting the weaknesses of other people. Regina achieves everything on her own, relying solely on own strength, abilities, abilities and skills.

And you can also add that Regina is usually a woman with incredibly correct moral principles that translate into literally everything. Regina will never betray a loved one, deceive a loved one, hurt someone who does not deserve it, and will not stand by when she sees that someone is being unfairly offended. That’s how they are for the most part, Regina’s warriors...

Early childhood

IN early childhood Reginas, for the most part, are very positive girls, causing delight and positive thoughts in everyone. Since childhood, she has been an open girl, a dreamer and visionary who wants to never be alone. He tries to attract everyone, gain respect and attention, and does not hesitate to resort to unusual techniques in achieving these goals.

With all of the above, Regina can be very self-confident and self-sufficient already at such a young age. early age. She can show these traits in everything without exception, she can behave as if she were not a child, but already an independent adult woman. She is self-confident, goes ahead, is not afraid of difficulties and complications, persistent and emotional.

Also, the bearers of this beautiful name for girls in childhood have excellent imagination and creative potential, which, if not developed, may simply disappear.


Later, selfishness may also appear. Being too confident in herself, she will become arrogant and selfish, but sensitive and friendly. On the one hand, it may seem that Regina is a very arrogant, selfish and tough girl, but on the other hand, she may seem too soft. As a result, it can be very difficult for people to understand what she really is like.

Teenager Regina is too critical and loves to criticize everyone around her, sometimes so much that she often offends her, but she is ready to apologize and admit guilt. He loves to work on himself, to achieve perfection, but he does this by no means with beautiful actions, without evil intentions.

And in general, the bearers of this name are very friendly and good-natured, despite the fact that from the outside they seem too tough and rude.

Adult woman

In adult life she cannot be alone - the lack of friends is compensated by a large number of suitors, but she will give all of herself only to a knight on a white horse, faithful, strong in spirit, but subservient to her. She herself will never betray or deceive, she will become an excellent wife, caring and attentive.

An adult Regina is always a purposeful, hardworking, principled, punctual, obligatory, reliable and committed woman. And by the way, if all these traits are directed in the right direction, then their owner will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Regina often makes good bosses, promising specialists in narrow fields, and quite successful businesswomen. Although, again, there are exceptions, so you still shouldn’t rely on the energy of the name - you need to at least show personal perseverance.

Interaction of Regina's character with the seasons

Spring - the representative of the spring season with the name Regina can be different. In the first half of the spring period, a hot-tempered, unpredictable and independent woman is born. In the second half, on the contrary, the growth will be calm and moderate, without conflict. In both cases there is devotion to blood ties, perseverance, and responsibility.

Summer - here a difficult nature is born, on the one hand, naive, frivolous, simple and capricious, and on the other, a tough, strict and demanding lady. Broad outlook, intelligence, the ability to be guided by intuition and logic at the same time, honesty and kindness - these traits, when combined, give the world a girl who is unique in nature, unlike anyone else.

Autumn - the capricious months of autumn, surprisingly, endow the baby, named thus, with simple, optimistic and sensitive inner world. She is vulnerable and sentimental, dreamy and romantic, cheerful and sociable, smart. She is so fun and good, she knows how to attract, but she is demanding in choosing a chosen one - she cannot stand boring men.

Winter – a winter girl will grow up vulnerable, sensitive and receptive. She does not like criticism and teaching, she tries to be independent, but does not know how to be independent. This is a friend, a devoted soul mate, and an ideal mother, but she has few friends - she is afraid of deception, avoids hypocrites and flatterers. Shy and indecisive, but eloquent.

The fate of the name Regina

It is the most difficult thing to say exactly how the fate of the bearer of this name should turn out. And yet, something can still be said. For example, you can accurately notice the fact that the fate of all Reginas, without exception, is to be very popular with members of the opposite sex in their youth. Well, a girl who is promised such traits as self-confidence, self-sufficiency, energy and femininity cannot help but attract the attention of men. But these traits are promised by the energy of this name to all bearers without exception...

Another thing is that fate is unlikely to reward Regina with romantic novels and other feminine joys throughout her life. But not because she is unworthy, but because Regina herself will most likely avoid all this. For what? Yes, at least so that feelings and relationships do not distract from the goals that she will probably set for herself. Bearers of this name tend to be loners until all their goals are achieved.

But an adult woman named Regina who has decided to get married can become an exemplary wife and an excellent mother to her children. True, there is also a controversial issue here - she can be either the head of the family or give leadership into the hands of her husband.

Love and marriage

Regina is a very neat and punctual woman who knows how to arrange all events in life in a clear and planned sequence. She travels a lot and there is a high probability that Regina will meet her future husband on one of these trips. Their short holiday romance may end in marriage. However, their happiness may quickly end due to the gradually emerging shortcomings of both spouses.

As a leader in life, Regina tries to take a dominant position in family relationships, but her chosen one does not always like this. Only a strong, wealthy and successful man, determined to lead the family, can become her husband. In this case, conflicts and disputes about primacy in the relationship are possible. They will be resolved if the wise and patient spouse agrees to play along with his lady love and pretend that he has obeyed her.

Regina is the true keeper of her family hearth. It cooks deliciously, manages the house well, vigilantly monitors order and cleanliness, and also knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. In its bright, cozy and beautiful house There is always calm, order and harmony in the relationships between all family members. However, in some cases, a happy and established family life remains out of reach for Regina if her marriage does fall apart.

Regina as Mother

In Regina’s life, the main place is, of course, occupied by children, no offense to her husband. She treats her children very kindly and tenderly. It happens that her marriage is unsuccessful and after the divorce she will raise the children on her own. Regina is a self-sufficient and self-confident woman, a loving and caring mother, so there is no doubt that she will be able to put her children on their feet.

She pays special attention to their intellectual development. Regina instills in children a love of reading, introduces them to theater and classical music. If necessary, she spares no expense on tutors, and also takes children to various sections related to art and creativity. Sons play sports, and daughters dance. She tries to lead her daughter as an example and raises her, focusing on her instincts. If possible, the father takes more care of his son, trying to raise him to be a real man.

Regina carefully ensures that her children grow up as educated, independent, responsible and purposeful people. They should not forget about humanity, honesty and kindness, because these are the most important qualities of decent people.

Horoscope named after Regina


Aries - a girl named Regina, born under the sign of Aries, will grow up impulsive, ambitious, emotional, hot-tempered and aggressive. She is frivolous and selfish, does not like hypocrites, easily speaks the truth to her face and is not capable of low acts. She will become an ideal wife.


Taurus – under the auspices of Taurus, a restrained personality will appear, calm, conflict-free, not principled, stubborn and assertive. She will always achieve success in her chosen direction, is honest with herself and people, is incapable of betrayal and self-interest, and strives for justice.


Gemini - here the bearer of the name Regina is born with a cheerful, friendly, easy-to-communicate, charming and caring nature, prone to self-sacrifice for the sake of good. She is in demand among men, but is selective in love affairs. She is demanding of people and surrounds herself only with loyal and fair people.


Cancer - the patronage of this zodiac promises the girl named Regina naivety, capriciousness, infantility, frivolity, uncertainty and carelessness. She needs a leader in life, a real man who is ready to support and guide her. Her trust is hard to earn, and she is also too independent.

a lion

Leo is the owner of strong ambitions, determination, strong character and selfishness. It is difficult to find a common language with such a lady - she is reserved, but not always. It can explode and turn into a predator thirsty for revenge. He speaks to everyone from a high position and tries to achieve superiority.


Virgo - the owner of this name, patronized by Virgo, has excellent compatibility with the opposite sex. Popular with representatives of the stronger half. Versatile, intelligent, talented, erudite and sensitive, but slightly arrogant and domineering.


Libra - under this sign the bearer of the name Regina will appear tactful, diplomatic, soft, romantic, and dreamy. She neglects material benefits, only human relationships are important to her. Having created a family, she will become an ideal mother and an exemplary housewife.


Scorpio is fickle, unpredictable, hot-tempered and sentimental, vulnerable and sensitive. Her mood changes quickly - it’s difficult to predict. He does not know how to control emotions, and is guided by them. The chosen one will be lucky with her, but he will have to give in and obey her a lot.


Sagittarius is the sociable and cheerful owner of the name Regina. An optimistic person with a simple and naive character. But she is an idealist, and assigns traits to everyone that they do not have. She needs to learn to understand people. She will be unlucky in love affairs - she is easy to deceive, and many will take advantage of this.


Capricorn is not a hard worker or a leader, but a person with a kind heart. Such a lady will become a devoted friend who does not know how to ignore other people's troubles. He will always help and advise, and sacrifice himself if necessary. She will become an ideal wife and mother, an excellent housewife and keeper of the family nest.


Aquarius - this woman values ​​only moral values ​​and high feelings. Doesn't dream of wealth and power. She thirsts for justice and goodness, is sociable and eloquent, finds a common language with everyone, and knows how to be on an equal footing. He hates flattery, lies, and hypocrisy - he avoids the owners of these qualities.


Pisces is a gentle and sweet person, vulnerable, receptive, calm and shy. Naive and super kind. She is indecisive and timid, but tries to appear strong and unshakable. She needs a husband with leadership qualities, only those she is compatible with, she needs him to protect her, not to let evil and negativity get to her.

Compatibility with male names

The compatibility of the name Regina with such male names as Gabriel, Ermolai, Igor, Kazimir, Laurus, Nikita and Ostap is considered ideal. There is every chance of building a really strong, durable, happy, perfect marriage. True, you will have to control and support feelings, because for both halves they can quickly cool down without support.

August, Akim, Alfred, Arnold, Varlaam, Vissarion, Gabriel, Gordey, Kazimir, Kirill, Kondrat, Laurus, Lazar - there is also compatibility here, at least in terms of characters. but in terms of family life it is practically non-existent, and therefore relationships can be quickly destroyed.

Izyaslav, Innokenty, Isaac, Kim, Panteley - and here astrologers do not recommend creating a couple at all, because nothing good will definitely come of this idea. This is how the meanings of these name forms are arranged.

Name " Regina" comes from the Latin word, which literally means "queen". The name is not Orthodox, therefore in Rus' it has never been particularly common. They started giving it to girls at the end of the Soviet era, when some freethinking (to a very limited extent) was still allowed.

The name “Regina” reeked of some bourgeoisism, so it could not stand on a par with the most common female names. Regina is now the name given to girls by those parents who strive to be especially original. The name goes well with Russian patronymics that contain the letter “r” or “g” in the word.

Regina - character traits

Regina has shown a regal disposition since childhood. She is proud and proud, in kindergarten reputed to be a real pest. And this quality prevents her from making friends. It cannot be said that the desire to set oneself apart goes away over the years. On the contrary, an understanding of how this life works will early lead a girl to the conclusion about the need to surround herself with the “right” people. Regina will either not want to deal with the rest at all, or will behave deliberately arrogantly and pretentiously.

Teenager Regina is a shining example of individualism. She wants to be praised, noticed, a positive assessment from teachers is important to her, but only until she graduates from school. Regina knows how to use and manipulate people in whom she is interested. Her life turns into a theatrical performance in which she is the main character, and the world around her is just scenery.

Having matured, Regina will strive to build a career. She is not one to stop halfway and let her plans be ruined. Regina will not mix business and personal relationships, and would never have an office romance. For her, feelings in general are a manifestation of weakness and inappropriate behavior. Therefore, if she gives free rein to her feminine nature, then the next day she will prefer to forget about the one with whom she spent the night.

For Regina, love exists only within the framework of sexual relationships. She will never allow anyone to give herself completely, not only with her body, but also with her soul. It is for this reason that Regina seems to others to be a callous and calculating lady. She is upset only by professional failures. All other aspects of life are, by and large, not so important.

Regina - name compatibility

Since Regina is not able to immerse herself in feelings, then if marriage happens, the most suitable option there will be a business contractual relationship with a male partner. Regina will marry only on the condition that she will not be strained by family responsibilities. She will want to maintain actual freedom. Therefore, the best person for her would be a man who knows how to perceive his woman as she is. After the first serious attempt to change Regina, there will be a breakup, divorce and the impossibility of restoring the relationship.

Regina in marriage will feel comfortable with Grigory, Leonid, Arkady or Sergei. And absolutely nothing positive should be expected from a relationship with Roman, Ruslan or Victor.

Regina - famous people who bore this name

Regina Zbarskaya is an actress, fashion model.

Regina Myannik is an actress, model.

Regina Razuma is a Latvian actress, dancer, ballerina.

Regina Dubovitskaya is a famous TV presenter, author of the “Full House” program.

Regina - interesting facts about the name

Regina Dubovitskaya has been the permanent host of the TV show “Full House” for many years. The idea of ​​bringing all domestic comedians into one studio was born a long time ago. Since then, the composition of “Full House” has changed, new talented actors came to it. Regina herself believes that the purpose of such a program is not educational or training. For Regina, it is important that people, watching the program, simply smile and lift their spirits. Once you turn off the TV, you can forget about the program. But the positive attitude will remain. And this is the main point.


Regina Ismagilova 10.15.2016

Sorry, but complete nonsense... I don’t fit the description at all... Family is important to me first of all, true love, and then a career... I know how to love with all my heart, I am the kindest and liveliest of the whole family, as my loved ones say. Very emotional. I enjoy everything in life... I love helping people, doing good... So don’t believe what they write...

Rimma 08/13/2016

Regina is super! Regina is awesome! The brightest, most unusual, creative! Girls with this name will never be lonely.

Short form of the name Regina. Reginka, Rina, Gina, Rena, Renya, Renette, Gina.
Synonyms for the name Regina. Regina, Regina, Ren, Reina, Regina.
Origin of the name Regina. The name Regina is Tatar, German, English, Catholic, Armenian.

The name Regina means “queen” in Latin. There is also a translation option as “queen”. In Catholic countries, the name is usually given in honor of the titles of the Virgin Mary - Regina Coeli ("Queen of Heaven") and Regina Angelorum ("Queen of Angels"). The name Regina is widely used among Tatars and Armenians.

The diminutives Rena, Rina, Gina are also independent names.

Nature endowed Regina with such royal qualities as independence and determination. At the same time, it is not necessary that she will be an aloof and narcissistic person; rather, on the contrary, she will draw from people everything that she lacks at the moment. Regina can behave well in people, have an excellent memory and know how to seize the moment.

Regina is a leader by nature, but, unfortunately, not every one of them wants to assert herself; for some, simply knowing about themselves that they are as successful as they are at the moment is enough. The attention that they already have, the benefits and the environment is enough for them. Some lack of ambition may leave Regina at a level that will one day be achieved.

At Regina's a strong character, she can endure various adversities. But depending on how she perceives them, her life may have completely opposite development scenarios. In one of them, Regina is a successful and independent woman. In another option, Regina will constantly look for a way out, but will have difficulty finding it. And only her determination and self-confidence will constantly spur her to action and new searches.

Regina has a great sense of humor. And it is precisely this that helps her overcome various obstacles in life. Her cheerfulness and love for a change of scenery, love for travel give Regina more and more breaths of life-giving air, which can again give her another round for new achievements.

Regina is self-confident and independent. She has significant inner strength, but at the same time always remains feminine. Regina is not without cunning. Since childhood, she wants to be the best in all its manifestations. The girl does not cause any trouble for her parents, but if they forget to bring their daughter back to reality from time to time, then Regina will grow up to be too proud and capricious. Such qualities can cause a girl a lot of trouble in adolescence.

With age, Regina's character becomes more energetic and decisive. Regina perfectly unites people around her, knows how to overcome obstacles and, as a result, is able to achieve a lot. The girl usually wins over those around her. She has a huge number of friends whom she attracted to her with her easy-going attitude towards life. Regina has a great sense of humor and a cheerful disposition.

Regina has the ability not only not to lose over the years, but also to increase in every possible way her abilities such as will, energy, and creativity. To some, she may seem too strong, even proud.

A girl named Regina likes an active lifestyle like no other. She spends all her free time hiking and playing sports. Always takes care of his appearance and health.

In the family, Regina is always the leader, which sometimes becomes the cause of conflicts. Moreover, this woman will not choose a husband weak man. Only a successful and wealthy man will suit her as a life partner. Regina excels as a housewife, knows how to cook, create comfort in the house, and receive guests. Regina is clean, thrifty, knows the value of money, without becoming stingy. A woman demands obedience and responsibility for her actions from her children, and first of all, she expects fidelity from her husband. Unfortunately, Regina is most often unlucky in her marriage. She quickly gets divorced without trying to save the marriage, and raises her children alone.

Regina often chooses a career as a doctor, choreographer or research fellow. She can equally prove herself in different areas, the list of which is very wide. The beauty and stateliness of a girl will help her become a fashion model, her sense of taste will help her become a photographer, well-spoken speech and quick mind will help her become a journalist or manager, and her high intelligence will help her become a developer of new technologies. Regina succeeds in any job, even if we're talking about about purely male professions. A woman with this name is unusually responsible and capable of achieving high career heights.

Those around her know Regina as a persistent and sometimes even stubborn woman. At the same time, this is unusual cheerful person, never experiencing melancholy or gloom. Thanks to her sociability and charm, Regina is always surrounded by well-wishers. In her actions, Regina is guided not only by her mind, but also by her intuition, which she has developed quite strongly. Although from the outside it seems that the girl is open to the outside world, this is not entirely true. Regina rarely lets anyone into her soul, making no exception even for her loved ones.

Regina's name day

Famous people named Regina

  • Regina Dubovitskaya ((born 1948) popular TV presenter of comedy programs)
  • Regina Zbarskaya ((1935 - 1987) famous Soviet fashion model)
  • Regina Kulikova ((born 1989) Russian tennis player)
  • Regina Spektor ((born 1980) American singer and pianist of Russian origin, author and performer of her songs)
  • Regina Karpinskaya ((1928–1993) specialist in philosophical problems Biology, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor)
  • Regina Razuma ((born 1951) Latvian film actress and ballerina)
  • Regina Chand ((XVI century) Indian heroine, who was the regent for her young nephew and resisted the troops of the Great Mogul Akbar)
  • Regina Horowitz ((1900 - 1984) Ukrainian Soviet pianist and music teacher)
  • Regina Derieva ((born 1949) Russian poet, novelist, translator)
  • Regina Moroz ((born 1987) Russian volleyball player. Central blocker. Master of Sports. Two-time champion of Russia. As part of Dynamo Kazan in the 2010/2011 season, she won the Russian Cup and Championship. She was recognized as the best blocker of the “Final Four” of the Russian Cup. In 2011, she became a finalist in the Russian Cup, in 2012, a bronze medalist in the Champions League, Russian champion, and winner of the National Cup. In August 2011, she was the captain of the Russian student team, which took third place at the XXVI Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, China.)
  • Regine Pernu ((1909 - 1998) French medieval historian. In 1974 she founded the Joan of Arc Research Center in Orleans. She wrote more than 20 works on the history of the Middle Ages.)
  • Regine Heitzer (Heitzer) ((born 1944) Austrian singles figure skater, silver medalist at the 1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, two-time champion Europe (1965 and 1966), three-time world vice-champion (1963, 1964, 1965), seven-time Austrian champion (1960-1966))
  • Regina Ezera ((born 1930) birth name - Regina Kindzule; Latvian writer. People's writer of the Latvian SSR (1981). Knight of the Order of Three Stars, IV degree.)
  • Regina Myannik ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Regina Shchukina ((born 1973) Russian theater, film and dubbing actress)
  • Regina Shimkute ((born 1985) Ukrainian handball player, player of the Ukrainian national team. Participant of the 2010 European Championship.)
  • Regina Zhuk ((born 1936) Soviet, Latvian and Israeli scientist)
  • Regina Stertz ((born 1985) nee Mader; famous Austrian skier, participant Olympic Games in Vancouver. Specializes in speed disciplines.)
  • Regina Kazaryan ((1915 - 1999) Armenian artist, savior of the manuscripts of the Armenian poet Yeghishe Charents, who was repressed in 1937. Charents met Kazaryan in 1930, they became friends. After Charents’ arrest, the young artist was able to bury in front of her house and hide many of the works of the last years of her life poet (“Requiem for Komitas”, “Nameless”, “Autumn Songs”, etc.)
  • Regina Rakhimova ((born 1989) Russian athlete, Master of Sports of Russia. Member of the Russian Olympic freestyle team at the Olympics in Vancouver.)
  • Regina Taylor ((born 1960) American actress and playwright, winner of the Golden Globe Award. Taylor is best known for leading role in the series I'll Fly Away, for which she received a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Television Series - Drama in 1993, and was also twice nominated for an Emmy. Taylor is also active on the Broadway stage. She became the first black actress to play the role of Juliet in the play Romeo and Juliet. She has also performed in such productions as As You Like It, Macbeth and The Tempest.)
  • Regina Razuma ((born 1951) Soviet and Latvian actress)
  • Regina Sharafutdinova ((born 1992) Russian wrestler (belt wrestling), is a member of the main team of Russia, weight category up to 48 kg. Master of Sports of Russia (2012). Silver medalist of the World Championship in freestyle belt wrestling among youths and girls (2011, Astrakhan).)
  • Regina Kulikova ((born 1989) Russian tennis player. Winner of 15 ITF tournaments (13 in singles).)
  • Regina Schlegel ((1822 - 1904) nee Olsen; a Danish woman who was engaged to the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard from September 1840 to October 1841. The relationship with Regina had a great influence on his intellectual development, philosophy and theology, and there is much evidence of this appear in his writings.)
  • Regina Hall ((born 1970) American film actress)
  • Regina Lisits ((born 1963) pianist, songwriter, drama theater director, laureate of numerous Song of the Year festivals)
  • Regina King ((born 1971) American actress)
  • Régine Crespin ((1927 - 2007) French opera singer (soprano and mezzo-soprano))
  • Alice Regina Carvalho Costa, known simply as Alice Regina ((1945 - 1982) is a Brazilian singer who performed in the genres of bossa nova and Brazilian popular music. She remains one of the most respected and beloved Brazilian pop stars. She has collaborated with such famous authors as António Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Morais, Gilberto Gil, Chico Buarque, Baden Powell, Milton Nascimento, Caetano Veloso, Rita Lee, Violeta Parra and many others. Possessor of a voice rich in intonations, she performed equally brilliantly both the fast numbers of bossa nova and tropicalia. and ballads in the style of Brazilian popular music.)
  • Regine Kavanu ((1970 - 2001) French alpine skier, 2001 world champion in super-G)
  • Regina Duarte ((born 1947) Brazilian television and theater actress)