Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Potap. The meaning of the male name Potap


The meaning of the name Potap

A man from an unknown country, a wanderer. “Wanderer” (Greek) “Possessed” (Latin) Potap has been distinguished by his seriousness and thoughtfulness since childhood. He is thorough and consistent. Such qualities allow him to take on the most hopeless cases and successfully implement them. Social and material success for Potap can be brought by engaging in forgotten teachings, abandoned enterprises, outdated methods - Potap’s ability to captivate, organize, distract from trifles in order to see the main thing will manifest itself especially clearly in such situations. Potap is not inclined to waste time: he starts a new business only after he has completed the previous one. Accuracy in handling money allows you to lead a decent existence. Potap cares very much about his appearance- dresses with taste and even grace. Loves jewelry: expensive watches, cufflinks, clasps, rings - but does not overdo it with them. The desire for comfort, mental and physical, can turn Potap into a glutton. The electric stingray is considered a totem animal, and the aspen is considered a totem plant.

Numerology of the name Potap

Soul Number: 8.
Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing things, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to start large quantities friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8

Body number: 9


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The name Potap as a phrase

P Peace
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
T Firm
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
P Peace

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Potap

P - wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, concern for one’s appearance. This letter directs a person’s mind to generalizations and comprehension of reality in its integrity.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the vanity of existence.
T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
P - wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, concern for one’s appearance. This letter directs a person’s mind to generalizations and comprehension of reality in its integrity.

The meaning of the name Potap. This name from the ancient Greek language in most cases has exactly this translation - a certain wanderer, although if you translate this name from Latin language, then we get - mastered something.

The character that is conveyed by the name Potap. Potap s early childhood– a very thoughtful and serious boy. His actions, as usual, are clearly thought out and always thorough, and most likely for this reason he is ready to take on even the most complex cases with great enthusiasm and, of course, manages to complete them successfully. He likes to solve various riddles and try to uncover any secrets.

That is why, usually, this young man is able to achieve some kind of material or at least social success only if he can bring to its logical conclusion someone else’s work that has been started, but not completed. Its capabilities include rescuing enterprises that are on the verge of bankruptcy, as well as analyzing abandoned and forgotten teachings. In addition, he uses absolutely all his skills and abilities - and this, as usual, includes excellent organizational skills, unique passion, extraordinary thinking, as well as the ability to be distracted from various kinds of trifles in order to fully immerse himself in some business.

Origin of the name Potap

The name Potam is clearly of Latin origin.

Thus, while he is engaged in some important matter, only one thing really appears before him - his work, clearly aimed at success. In addition to everything else, he can see the main and understandable matter in almost any situation, completely discard everything unnecessary, and this greatly helps him to simply overcome all serious life problems, difficulties or adversities.

He will not start any business if he is already doing something else, most likely due to the fact that he cannot concentrate 100% on many things at the same time, although he always wants to become a winner, regardless of the situation. Potap, after completing the work he started, is immediately able to get carried away with the next one. He usually tries to handle finances extremely wisely and extremely carefully and therefore almost never goes into poverty and leads own life in complete contentment. If it happens that there is not much money in his family, he will be ready to deny himself something if necessary - he has excellent control and easily restrains his desires and thoughts.

He is often very concerned about his own appearance and at the same time dresses in a sophisticated and unusually elegant manner. He is also partial to a variety of expensive jewelry - watches, cufflinks, rings, but he is very reasonable in this particular regard and he knows and understands exactly what and when it would be appropriate to wear. His aspirations are comfort and coziness, both emotionally and physically; in addition, he can be somewhat unbalanced in food and often overeats.

The name Potap is beautiful and captivating! On our web resource you will find the history of the origin of this name, find out what influence it has on fate and what it means. If the name Potap was chosen for the child, the decoding and meaning of the name will help you find out more about abilities and character. And a compatibility check will help you find your soulmate.

Potap is an old name, very rare in our time. It is of Greek origin and is translated as “wanderer”, “foreigner”.

There is another meaning of the name Potap - “mastered”, as the name is translated from Latin. The church name sounds like Potapiy, it is also synonymous with the name Potap and is mentioned in the church calendar more than once. Affectionately - Potapushka, Potanya, Potashka, Patya, Potya, Potapchik.

What is he like at heart, and what awaits him?

As a child, Potap is a surprisingly serious boy. Very thoughtful, attentive, responsible. He listens to his parents and listens to teachers, loves to analyze new knowledge and information, and make his own own conclusions, find solutions.

He studies very well, is always interested in science, and finds time for all subjects. Potap does not take his word for it and likes to check information, sparing no time. Logic and intelligence have been developed in him since birth, so he rarely makes mistakes.

The guy, whose name is Potap, does not take hasty, rash steps, he weighs everything and carefully analyzes it. But this does not mean at all that Potap is not an emotional guy.

He has a broad soul and a kind heart, can be vulnerable, knows how to empathize, sympathize, will always support and encourage, and help with advice. He is a calm, kind and honest person who is liked by others and people are drawn to him. Potap has many friends, and he always has excellent, warm relations with his relatives.

Potap's profession is determined in early age. He loves to delve deeply into something, to look for the origins and secrets of something ancient and forgotten, to explore what is hidden “behind seven seals.” He has an amazing ability to find something abandoned and forgotten and apply it, improve it, even rediscover it.

For example, he can find an abandoned project, take it on and bring it to life. Achieves brilliant success in science, research activities. As a subject of research, he may be interested in everything - from space to art, from ancient civilizations to the psychology of modern society.

He is very painstaking in his work, achieves perfection, and never leaves his workplace until he finishes what he started. Gets so carried away that he may forget to eat or sleep.

The man, whose name is Potap, values ​​safety, comfort and the absence of surprises. Therefore, he earns well and provides himself with everything that can give him a real feeling of comfort and calm, stability and confidence in the future.

He is partial to beauty - he loves and knows how to dress expensively, but not pretentiously, to wear modest-looking wardrobe items that cost big money and last a long time. Hates cheap things, everything of poor quality and tastelessness, flashy and vulgar.

In women, Potap looks for beauty, excellent taste and the absence of vulgarity. He needs a modest, stylish, smart girl who knows how to appreciate beauty, has life goals, interests, and hobbies. Potap is not in love, maybe long years be alone, focusing on your own work.

But one day he meets the love of his life, achieves her and begins to build a family. In his home there is comfort, prosperity, stability. He doesn't like clutter and doesn't keep broken or old things in his house.

He has few children - a maximum of two, but more often one child, and invests enormous resources and effort into his upbringing in order to raise happy offspring. It is very important for Potap that his family is prosperous and happy, and he will do everything for this.

Compatibility with female names

With which names is the name Potap compatible, and with which there is almost no chance?

  • December 8th.
  • 21 December.
  • December 22.
  • Potap is a rare name, but it is worthy of naming a son. Because a person with this name will grow up to be a real man, he will be worthy of happiness, he will create it for himself and will be able to make many people in his life happy. Author: Vasilina Serova

    The name Potap translated from Greek means “wanderer”; in modern times it is used as a folk form of the church name Potapius, as well as more rare name Potamy. From Latin this name will be translated as “mastered.”

    You can address a man affectionately by calling him Potanya, Potapka, Patya. The diminutive address Patya is also used for male names Spartak, Hypaty, Patroclus, Patrik (Patrik), Paty, as well as for female names - Cleopatra, Patricia (Patricia, Patricia). Several surnames are formed from the name Potap, the most common are the surnames Potapov, Potapchuk, Potapenko. The name Patapius is mentioned in Orthodox and Catholic calendars.

    The date of the Catholic name day of Patapia is December 8. The remaining dates listed are Orthodox name days Patapia. WITH early years Potap shows himself to be a thoughtful and serious boy. He is always consistent and thorough in his actions. With age, these qualities help him realize all his ideas and take on even the most difficult tasks. Financial success and public recognition can be brought to Potap by engaging in abandoned enterprises or forgotten teachings. He knows how to organize, captivate and see the main thing in a situation. Potap always takes business seriously. He always finishes the job he has started and only then takes on a new one. The owner of this name knows how to handle money and leads a decent life. Potap pays great attention to his appearance. He always dresses with taste.

    A man loves expensive jewelry that gives him grace. Such a person strives for comfort in everything. From childhood, parents notice responsibility and independence in their son named Potap. It is absolutely not typical for him to have a frivolous attitude towards his duties or studies. The boy rarely plays active games. He prefers construction sets and puzzles. They help him develop intuition, generate ideas and show logic. Potap knows how to generalize and find the essence of any problem. This man has few friends, most of whom have known him since childhood. He rarely changes his affections and habits.

    If Potap undertakes something, then there can be no doubt that he will fulfill his obligations. He is not greedy and knows how to solve financial issues. Having found his purpose, Potap will have the opportunity not only to receive a stable material income, but also moral satisfaction from the work done. Neglect of one's duties may be enough to cause a quarrel with Potap. He is capable of very quickly losing his disposition towards a person. Potap is modest and serious. In some matters he may even show some slowness. The owner of this name is always cheerful, good-natured and responsible. He constantly develops his intellect and is able to penetrate into the essence of any issue. Potap has the ability to concentrate on the main thing, brushing aside the details.

    The ability to concentrate helps Potap to perform any task efficiently. He is inquisitive, confident and analytical. It can be difficult to find a common language with the owner of the name. He is quite selfish and likes to criticize other people. At the same time, Potapam finds it difficult to perceive any comments addressed to him. In some situations he can be petty and pedantic. Most often, Potap chooses work in his specialty. Potap has excellent organizational capabilities that will definitely find their use. The owner of the name Potap is not characterized by a boundless thirst for fame and luxury. He knows how to save and plan his income correctly.

    A man always handles money skillfully. Potap does not hide that he loves cheerful holidays, where he can have a great time in the company of his friends. His close circle is usually not numerous, but it is in such a team that he feels comfortable. Potap dreams of a friendly family. He strives to meet a woman who will become not only an accommodating wife, but also a wonderful mother of their children. The chosen one of such a person should be a good housewife. He respects his wife.

    He appreciates her calmness and kindness. Family life Potapa's life usually turns out quite happily. He enjoys raising children and doing some housework.

    • Short form of the name Potap. Potanya, Potapka, Patya, Pata, Potapko, Potaponko, Potapchik, Potapochko.
    • Synonyms for the name Potap. Potapius, Potamiy, Patap, Patapios, Patapius.
    • Origin of the name Potap. The name Potap is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

    Origin of the name Potap. Name Potap Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

    Name synonyms Potap. Potapius, Potamiy, Patap, Patapios, Patapius.

    Short form of name Potap. Potanya, Potapka, Patya, Potapko, Potaponko, Potapchik, Potapochko.

    Name Potap translated from Greek means “wanderer”; in modern times it is used as a popular form of the church name Potapius, as well as the rarer name Potamiy. From Latin this name will be translated as “mastered.” You can address a man affectionately by calling him Potanya, Potapka, Patya. The diminutive address Patya is also used for male names Spartak, Hypaty, Patroclus, Patrik (Patrik), Paty, as well as for female names - Cleopatra, Patricia (Patricia, Patricia). On behalf of Potap Several surnames were formed, the most common ones being Potapov, Potapchuk, Potapenko.

    The name Patapius is mentioned in Orthodox and Catholic calendars. The date of the Catholic name day of Patapia is December 8. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Patapia.

    From an early age Potap shows himself to be a thoughtful and serious boy. He is always consistent and thorough in his actions. With age, these qualities help him realize all his ideas and take on even the most difficult tasks. Financial success and public recognition can be brought to Potap by engaging in abandoned enterprises or forgotten teachings. He knows how to organize, captivate and see the main thing in a situation. Potap always takes things seriously. He always finishes the job he has started and only then takes on a new one.

    The owner of this name knows how to handle money and leads a decent life. Potap pays great attention to her appearance. He always dresses with taste. A man loves expensive jewelry that gives him grace. Such a person strives for comfort in everything.

    From childhood, parents notice in a son with the name Potap responsibility and independence. It is absolutely not typical for him to have a frivolous attitude towards his duties or studies. The boy rarely plays active games. He prefers construction sets and puzzles. They help him develop intuition, generate ideas and show logic. Potap knows how to generalize and find the essence of any problem. This man has few friends, most of whom have known him since childhood. He rarely changes his affections and habits.

    If Potap undertakes something, there can be no doubt that he will fulfill his obligations. He is not greedy and knows how to solve financial issues. Having found my purpose, Potap will have the opportunity not only to receive a stable material income, but also moral satisfaction from the work done.

    Neglect of one's duties may be enough to cause a quarrel with Potap. He is capable of very quickly losing his disposition towards a person. Potap modest and serious. In some matters he may even show some slowness. The owner of this name is always cheerful, good-natured and responsible. He constantly develops his intellect and is able to penetrate into the essence of any issue.

    Potap has the ability to concentrate on the main thing, brushing aside the details. The ability to concentrate helps Potap to perform any task efficiently. He is inquisitive, confident and analytical. It can be difficult to find a common language with the owner of the name. He is quite selfish and likes to criticize other people. At the same time, Potapam finds it difficult to perceive any comments addressed to him. In some situations he can be petty and pedantic.

    More often Potap chooses a job in his specialty. Potap has excellent organizational capabilities that will definitely find their application.

    The owner of the name Potap a boundless thirst for fame and luxury is not characteristic. He knows how to save and plan his income correctly. A man always handles money skillfully.

    Potap He doesn’t hide the fact that he loves happy holidays, where he can have a great time in the company of his friends. His close circle is usually not numerous, but it is in such a team that he feels comfortable.

    Potap dreams of a friendly family. He strives to meet a woman who will become not only an accommodating wife, but also a wonderful mother of their children. The chosen one of such a person should be a good housewife. He respects his wife. He appreciates her calmness and kindness. Potap's family life usually develops quite happily. He enjoys raising children and doing some housework.

    Potap's birthday

    Famous people named Potap

    • Potap((born 1981) pseudonym, real name - Alexey Potapenko; Ukrainian singer, author of his own songs, also producer, TV presenter, video director. Known for his duet " Potap and Nastya,” this duet has won numerous awards and music festivals. Having won in 2007 at III All-Russian competition“5 stars”, got the opportunity to perform the anthem of the 2014 Olympics.)
    • Peter Emelyanov ((1184-1936) in monasticism - Potapius; Orthodox monk, Catholic priest)
    • Archbishop Peter ((1866-1957) in the robe - Pitirim, in the world - Potapiy Ladygin; Bishop of Russia Orthodox Church, activist catacomb church. Athonite monk.)