What was covered up by the Tatar-Mongol yoke? Mongol-Tatar yoke: causes and consequences.

The mythical Mongol Empire has long since sunk into oblivion, but the Mongol-Tatars still do not allow some people to sleep peacefully. They were recently remembered in the Ukrainian Rada and... wrote a letter to the Mongolian parliament demanding compensation for the genocide of the Ukrainian people during Batu Khan’s raid on Kievan Rus in the 13th century.

Ulaanbaatar responded with a willingness to compensate for this damage, but asked to clarify the addressee - in the 13th century, Ukraine did not exist. And the press attache of the Mongolian Embassy in Russian Federation Lkhagvasuren Namsray also sarcastically said: “If the Verkhovna Rada writes all the names of Ukrainian citizens who fell under the genocide, their families, we will be ready to pay... We look forward to the announcement of the full list of victims.”

Historical trick

Friends, jokes aside, but the question about the existence of the Mongol Empire itself, as well as Mongolia itself, is exactly the same as in Ukraine: was there a boy? I mean, was the mighty Ancient Mongolia present on the historical stage? Is it because Ulaanbaatar, together with Namsrai, so easily responded to the claim for compensation for damage to Ukraine, because Mongolia itself did not exist at that time, just like Square?

Mongolia - how public education- appeared only in the early 20s of the last century. The Mongolian People's Republic was founded in 1924, and for several decades after that, this republic was recognized as an independent state only by the USSR, which contributed to the emergence of the Mongolian state. It was then that the nomads learned from the Bolsheviks that they were the “descendants” of the great Mongols, and their “compatriot” had created the Great Empire in his time. The nomads were terribly surprised by this and, of course, were delighted.

The oldest literary and historical monument of the ancient Mongols is considered to be “The Secret Legend of the Mongols” - “The Ancient Mongol Legend of Genghis Khan”, compiled in 1240 by an unknown author. Strangely, only a single Mongolian-Chinese manuscript has been preserved, and it was acquired in 1872 in the Beijing palace library by the head of the Russian spiritual mission in China, Archimandrite Palladius. It was during this period that the compilation, or rather the falsified rewriting of the history of the World and, as part of it, the history of Rus'-Russia was completed.

Why this was done has already been written and rewritten. Then the European dwarfs, deprived of a glorious historical past, understood the banal truth: if there is no great historical past, it needs to be created. And the alchemists of history, taking as the basis of their activity the principle “who controls the past, controls the present and the future,” rolled up their sleeves.

It was at this time that the “Secret Legend of the Mongols” miraculously emerges from oblivion - the cornerstone of the historical version of the birth of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan. Where and how the manuscript appeared in the Beijing palace library is a mystery shrouded in darkness. It is likely that this “historical document” appeared, like most of the “ancient” and “early medieval chronicles and works” of philosophers, historians, and scientists, precisely during the period of active writing World history- in the XVII-XVIII centuries. And “The Secret History of the Mongols” was discovered in the Beijing library exactly after the end of the Second Opium War, when committing a forgery was only a matter of technique.

But God bless him - let's talk about more practical subjects. For example, about the Mongol army. The system of its organization - universal military service, a clear structure (tumens, thousands, hundreds and tens), strict discipline - does not raise any big questions. These are all easily implementable things under a dictatorial form of government. However, for the army to truly become powerful and combat-ready, it needs to be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the current time. First of all, we are interested in equipping the troops with weapons and protective equipment.

According to historical research, the Mongol army itself, with which Genghis Khan went to conquer the world, amounted to 95 thousand people. It was armed with metal (iron) weapons (sabers, knives, spearheads, arrows, etc.). Plus, there were metal parts in the armor of warriors (helmets, plates, armor, etc.). Later, chain mail appeared. Now think about what is required to produce metal products on such a scale as equipping an army of almost a hundred thousand? At a minimum, wild nomads had to have the necessary resources, technologies, and production capacities.

What do we have from this set?

As they say, the entire periodic table is buried in the lands of Mongolia. Of the mineral resources, there is especially a lot of copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, gold, but God offended us with iron ores. Not only are they as big as they come, but they also have a low iron content - from 30 to 45%. According to experts, practical significance of these deposits is minimal. This is the first thing.

Secondly, researchers, no matter how hard they try, cannot find ancient metal production centers in Mongolia. One of the latest studies was carried out by Hokkaido University professor Isao Usuki, who worked for several years in Mongolia, studying the metallurgy of the Hunnic period (from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD). And the result is the same - zero. And if we think sensibly, how could metallurgical centers appear among nomads? The very specifics of metal production presuppose a sedentary lifestyle.

It can be assumed that the ancient Mongols hardware, which had strategic importance at that time, were imported. But to carry out long-term military campaigns, during which the Mongol-Tatar army increased significantly - according to various estimates, the size of the army ranged from 120 to 600 thousand people, a lot of iron was required, in ever-increasing quantities, and it had to be supplied to the Horde regularly. Meanwhile, the story about the Mongolian iron rivers also remains silent.

A logical question arises: how, in the era of dominance of iron weapons on the battlefield, the small people of the Mongols - without any serious metallurgical production - were able to create the largest continental empire in the history of mankind?

Doesn't this seem like a fairy tale or a historical fantasy to you, composed in one of the European falsification centers?

What was this intended for? Here we encounter another oddity. The Mongols conquered half the world, and their yoke lasted three hundred years only over Russia. Not over the Poles, Hungarians, Uzbeks, Kalmyks or the same Tatars, namely over Russia. Why? With only one goal - to create an inferiority complex among the East Slavic peoples with a fictitious phenomenon called the "Mongol-Tatar yoke".

The term “yoke” does not appear in Russian chronicles. As expected, he comes from enlightened Europe. Its first traces are found at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries in Polish historical literature. In Russian sources, the phrase “Tatar yoke” appears much later - in the 1660s. And it was already in the first quarter of the 19th century that the publisher of the Atlas on European History, Christian Kruse, put it in the academic form of the “Mongol-Tatar yoke”. Kruse's book was translated into Russian only in the middle of the 19th century. It turns out that the peoples of Rus'-Russia learned about some cruel “Mongol-Tatar yoke” several centuries after its fall.

Such a historical trick is nonsense!

Igo, ayy, where are you?

Let's return to the starting point of the "yoke". The first reconnaissance expedition towards Rus' was made by a Mongol detachment under the leadership of Jebe and Subudai in 1223. The Battle of Kalka on the last day of spring ended with the defeat of the united Russian-Polovtsian army.

The Mongols under the leadership of Batu carried out a full-fledged invasion 14 years later in the winter. Here the first discrepancy arises. The reconnaissance was carried out in the spring, and the military campaign in the winter. Winter, objectively, for many reasons, is not the best time for military campaigns. Remember Hitler's plan "Barbarossa", the war began on June 22 and the blitzkrieg against the USSR was supposed to be completed by September 30. Even before the autumn thaw, not to mention the bitter Russian frosts. What destroyed Napoleon's Grand Army in Russia? General Winter!

One can say ironically that Batu in 1237 was still unaware of this tragic experience. But the Russian winter was still the Russian winter in the 13th century, only perhaps even cooler.

So, the Mongols attacked Rus' in winter, according to researchers, no later than December 1. What was Batu's army like?

Regarding the number of conquerors, historians range from 120 to 600 thousand people. The most realistic figure is 130-140 thousand. According to the regulations of Genghis Khan, each warrior was required to have at least 5 horses. In fact, during Batu’s campaign, according to researchers, each nomad had 2-3 horses. And so all this mass of horsemen marched in the winter with small stops to sieges cities for 120 days - from December 1, 1237 to April 3, 1238 (the beginning of the siege of Kozelsk) - on average from 1700 to 2800 kilometers (we remember, yes, that the army Batu was divided into two detachments and the length of their route turned out to be different). Per day - from 15 to 23 kilometers. And minus the “siege” stops - even more: from 23 to 38 kilometers per day.

Now answer a simple question: where and how did this huge mass of equestrian people find food in winter(!)? Especially the steppe Mongolian horses, accustomed to eating mainly grass or hay.

In winter, unpretentious Mongolian horses forage for food in the steppe, tearing off last year's grass under the snow. But this is under the conditions of an ordinary wild cat, when the animal calmly, slowly, meter by meter explores the ground in search of food. Horses find themselves in a completely different situation on a march while performing a combat mission.

The natural question of feeding the Mongol army, and, first of all, its horse part, is practically not discussed by numerous researchers. Why?

In fact, this problem raises a big question not only about the viability of Batu’s campaign against Rus' in 1237-1238, but also about the fact of its existence in general.

And if there was no first Batu invasion, then where could several subsequent ones come from - up to 1242, which ended in Europe?

But - if there was no Mongol invasion, where could the Mongol-Tatar yoke come from?

There are two main scenario versions in this regard. Let's call them this: Western and domestic. I will outline them schematically.

Let's start with the "Western". In the Eurasian space, the state formation of Tartary was alive and well, uniting many dozens of peoples. The state-forming peoples were the East Slavic peoples. The state was governed by two people - the Khan and the Prince. The prince ruled the state in peacetime. The Khan (Supreme Commander-in-Chief) in peacetime was responsible for the formation and maintenance of the combat effectiveness of the army (Horde) and became the head of state in wartime. Europe at that time was a province of Tartary, which the latter kept with a tight grip. Of course, Europe paid tribute to Tartaria; in case of disobedience or rebellion, the Horde quickly and harshly restored order.

As you know, any empire goes through three stages in its life: formation, prosperity and decline. When Tartary entered the third stage of its development, aggravated by internal turmoil - civil strife, religious civil war, Europe at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries gradually freed itself from the influence of its powerful neighbor. And then in Europe they began to compose historical fairy tales in which everything was turned upside down. At first, for Europeans, these fantasies served as auto-training, with the help of which they tried to get rid of the inferiority complex, the horror of memories of existence under a foreign heel. And when they realized that the Eurasian bear was no longer so scary and formidable, they moved on. And in the end they came to the same formula that was already mentioned above: whoever controls the past controls the present and the future. And it was no longer Europe that languished for centuries under the powerful paw of a bear, but Rus' - the core of Tartaria - for three hundred years under the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

In the “domestic” version there is no trace of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, but the Horde is present in almost the same capacity. The key moment in this version was the period when the Grand Duke of Kievan Rus Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich was convinced to abandon the faith of his ancestors - the Vedic traditions, and was persuaded to accept the “Greek religion”. Vladimir was baptized himself and organized mass baptism of the population of Kievan Rus. It is no longer a secret that during 12 years of forced Christianization, a huge number of people were killed. Everyone who refused to accept the new “faith” was killed.

Each of these versions has its supporters and opponents. And the front line between adherents of the “European” version and the “domestic” one is drawn at the ideological level. Therefore, everyone must decide for themselves which side they are on.

Original taken from koparev in 10 facts about the "Tatar-Mongol yoke"

We all know from the school history course that Rus' at the beginning of the 13th century was captured by the foreign army of Batu Khan. These invaders came from the steppes of modern Mongolia. Huge hordes fell upon Rus', merciless horsemen, armed with bent sabers, knew no mercy and acted equally well both in the steppes and in Russian forests, and used frozen rivers to quickly move along the Russian impassability. They spoke an incomprehensible language, were pagans and had a Mongoloid appearance.

Our fortresses could not resist skilled warriors armed with battering machines. Terrible dark times came for Rus', when not a single prince could rule without the khan’s “label,” to obtain which he had to humiliatingly crawl on his knees the last kilometers to the headquarters of the main khan of the Golden Horde. The “Mongol-Tatar” yoke lasted in Rus' for about 300 years. And only after the yoke was thrown off, Rus', thrown back centuries, was able to continue its development.

However, there is a lot of information that makes you look at the version familiar from school differently. Moreover, we are not talking about some secret or new sources that historians simply did not take into account. We are talking about the same chronicles and other sources of the Middle Ages, on which supporters of the version of the “Mongol-Tatar” yoke relied. Often inconvenient facts are justified as the chronicler's “mistake” or his “ignorance” or “interest.”

1. There were no Mongols in the “Mongol-Tatar” horde

It turns out that there is no mention of Mongoloid-type warriors in the “Tatar-Mongol” troops. From the very first battle of the “invaders” with the Russian troops on Kalka, there were wanderers in the troops of the “Mongol-Tatars”. Brodniks are free Russian warriors who lived in those places (predecessors of the Cossacks). And at the head of the wanderers in that battle was Voivode Ploskinia, a Russian.

Official historians believe that Russian participation in the Tatar forces was forced. But they have to admit that, “probably, the forced participation of Russian soldiers in the Tatar army later ceased. There remained mercenaries who had already voluntarily joined the Tatar troops” (M. D. Poluboyarinova).

Ibn-Batuta wrote: “There were many Russians in Sarai Berke.” Moreover: “The bulk of the armed service and labor forces of the Golden Horde were Russian people” (A. A. Gordeev)

“Let us imagine the absurdity of the situation: for some reason the victorious Mongols transfer weapons to the “Russian slaves” they conquered, and they (being armed to the teeth) calmly serve in the troops of the conquerors, making up the “main mass” in them! Let us remind you once again that the Russians were supposedly just defeated in open and armed struggle! Even in traditional history Ancient Rome never armed the slaves he had just conquered. Throughout history, the victors took away the weapons of the vanquished, and if they later accepted them into service, they constituted an insignificant minority and were, of course, considered unreliable.”

“What can we say about the composition of Batu’s troops? The Hungarian king wrote to the Pope:

“When the state of Hungary, from the Mongol invasion, as if from a plague, for the most part, was turned into a desert, and like a sheepfold was surrounded by various tribes of infidels, namely: Russians, Brodniks from the east, Bulgarians and other heretics from the south...”

“Let’s ask a simple question: where are the Mongols here? Mention is made of Russians, Brodniks, and Bulgarians—that is, Slavic tribes. Translating the word “Mongol” from the king’s letter, we simply get that “great (= megalion) peoples invaded,” namely: Russians, Brodniks from the east, Bulgarians, etc. Therefore, our recommendation: it is useful to replace the Greek word “Mongol” every time = megalion” its translation = “great”. The result will be a completely meaningful text, for the understanding of which there is no need to involve some distant immigrants from the borders of China (by the way, there is not a word about China in all these reports).” (With)

2. It is unclear how many “Mongol-Tatars” there were

How many Mongols were there at the beginning of Batu’s campaign? Opinions on this matter vary. There are no exact data, so there are only historians' estimates. Early historical works suggested that the Mongol army consisted of about 500 thousand horsemen. But the more modern the historical work, the smaller Genghis Khan’s army becomes. The problem is that each rider needs 3 horses, and a herd of 1.5 million horses cannot move, since the front horses will eat all the pasture and the rear ones will simply die of hunger. Gradually, historians agreed that the “Tatar-Mongol” army did not exceed 30 thousand, which, in turn, was not enough to capture all of Russia and enslave it (not to mention the other conquests in Asia and Europe).

By the way, the population of modern Mongolia is a little more than 1 million, while 1000 years before the conquest of China by the Mongols, there were already more than 50 million. And the population of Rus' already in the 10th century was approximately 1 million. However, nothing is known about targeted genocide in Mongolia. That is, it is not clear whether such a small state could conquer such large ones?

3. There were no Mongol horses in the Mongol troops

It is believed that the secret of the Mongolian cavalry was a special breed of Mongolian horses - hardy and unpretentious, capable of independently obtaining food even in winter. But in their steppe they can break the crust with their hoofs and profit from the grass when they graze, but what can they get in the Russian winter, when everything is covered with a meter-long layer of snow, and they also need to carry a rider. It is known that in the Middle Ages there was a Little Ice Age (that is, the climate was harsher than now). In addition, horse breeding experts, based on miniatures and other sources, almost unanimously claim that the Mongol cavalry fought on Turkmen horses - horses of a completely different breed, which in winter cannot feed themselves without human help.

4. The Mongols were engaged in the unification of Russian lands

It is known that Batu invaded Rus' at a time of permanent internecine struggle. In addition, the issue of succession to the throne was acute. All these civil strifes were accompanied by pogroms, destruction, murders and violence. For example, Roman Galitsky buried his rebellious boyars alive in the ground and burned them at the stake, chopped them “at the joints,” and flayed the skin from the living. A gang of Prince Vladimir, expelled from the Galician table for drunkenness and debauchery, was walking around Rus'. As the chronicles testify, this daring freewoman “dragged girls to fornication” and married women, killed priests during worship, and staked horses in the church. That is, there was the usual civil strife with a normal medieval level of atrocity, the same as in the West at that time.

And, suddenly, “Mongol-Tatars” appear, who quickly begin to restore order: a strict mechanism of succession to the throne appears with a label, a clear vertical of power is built. Separatist inclinations are now nipped in the bud. It is interesting that nowhere except Rus' do the Mongols show such concern about establishing order. But according to the classical version, the Mongol Empire contained half of the then civilized world. For example, during its western campaign, the horde burns, kills, robs, but does not impose tribute, does not try to build a vertical power structure, as in Rus'.

5. Thanks to the “Mongol-Tatar” yoke, Rus' experienced a cultural upsurge

With the advent of the “Mongol-Tatar invaders” in Rus', the Orthodox Church began to flourish: many churches were erected, including in the horde itself, the rise of church dignitaries, the church receives many benefits.

It is interesting that the written Russian language during the “yoke” takes it to a new level. Here is what Karamzin writes:

“Our language,” writes Karamzin, “from the 13th to the 15th centuries acquired more purity and correctness.” Further, according to Karamzin, under the Tatar-Mongols, instead of the former “Russian, uneducated dialect, writers more carefully adhered to the grammar of church books or ancient Serbian, which they followed not only in declensions and conjugations, but also in pronunciation.”

So, in the West classical Latin appears, and in our country - Church Slavonic language in its correct classical forms. Applying the same standards as for the West, we must recognize that the Mongol conquest marked the flowering of Russian culture. The Mongols were strange conquerors!

It is interesting that the “invaders” were not so lenient towards the church everywhere. Polish chronicles contain information about the massacre committed by the Tatars among Catholic priests and monks. Moreover, they were killed after the capture of the city (that is, not in the heat of battle, but intentionally). This is strange, since the classical version tells us about the exceptional religious tolerance of the Mongols. But in the Russian lands, the Mongols tried to rely on the clergy, providing the church with significant concessions, up to complete exemption from taxes. It is interesting that the Russian church itself showed amazing loyalty to the “foreign invaders.”

6. After the great empire there was nothing left

Classical history tells us that the “Mongol-Tatars” managed to build a huge centralized state. However, this state disappeared and left no traces behind. In 1480, Rus' finally threw off the yoke, but already in the second half of the 16th century, the Russians began advancing eastward - beyond the Urals, into Siberia. And they did not find any traces of the former empire, although only 200 years had passed. There are no large cities and villages, there is no Yamsky tract thousands of kilometers long. The names of Genghis Khan and Batu are not familiar to anyone. There is only a rare nomadic population engaged in cattle breeding, fishing, and primitive agriculture. And no legends about great conquests. By the way, the great Karakorum was never found by archaeologists. But it was a huge city, where thousands and tens of thousands of artisans and gardeners were taken (by the way, it’s interesting how they were driven across the steppes 4-5 thousand km).

There were also no written sources left after the Mongols. No “Mongol” labels for the reign were found in Russian archives, of which there should have been many, but there are many documents of that time in Russian. Several labels were found, but already in the 19th century:

Two or three labels found in the 19th century And not in state archives, but in the papers of historians. For example, the famous label of Tokhtamysh, according to Prince MA Obolensky, was discovered only in 1834 “among the papers that were once in the Krakow crown archive and which were in the hands of the Polish historian Narushevich” Regarding this label, Obolensky wrote: “It (Tokhtamysh’s label - Author) positively resolves the question in what language and in what letters were the ancient khan’s labels to the Russian great princes written? Of the acts hitherto known to us, this is the second diploma.” It turns out , further, that this label “is written in various Mongolian scripts, infinitely different, not at all similar to the Timur-Kutlui label of 1397 already printed by Mr. Hammer”

7. Russian and Tatar names are difficult to distinguish

Old Russian names and nicknames did not always resemble our modern ones. These old Russian names and nicknames can easily be mistaken for Tatar ones: Murza, Saltanko, Tatarinko, Sutorma, Eyancha, Vandysh, Smoga, Sugonay, Saltyr, Suleysha, Sumgur, Sunbul, Suryan, Tashlyk, Temir, Tenbyak, Tursulok, Shaban, Kudiyar , Murad, Nevryuy. Russian people bore these names. But, for example, the Tatar prince Oleks Nevryuy has a Slavic name.

8. Mongol khans fraternized with the Russian nobility

It is often mentioned that Russian princes and “Mongol khans” became brothers-in-law, relatives, sons-in-law and fathers-in-law, and went on joint military campaigns. It is interesting that in no other country that they defeated or captured did the Tatars behave this way.

Here is another example of the amazing closeness between our and the Mongolian nobility. The capital of the great nomadic empire was in Karakorum. After the death of the Great Khan, the time comes for the election of a new ruler, in which Batu must also take part. But Batu himself does not go to Karakorum, but sends Yaroslav Vsevolodovich there to represent himself. It would seem that a more important reason to go to the capital of the empire could not be imagined. Instead, Batu sends a prince from the occupied lands. Marvelous.

9. Super-Mongol-Tatars

Now let's talk about the capabilities of the “Mongol-Tatars”, about their uniqueness in history.

The stumbling block for all nomads was the capture of cities and fortresses. There is only one exception - the army of Genghis Khan. The answer of historians is simple: after the capture of the Chinese Empire, Batu’s army mastered the machines themselves and the technology for using them (or captured specialists).

It is surprising that the nomads managed to create a strong centralized state. The fact is that, unlike farmers, nomads are not tied to the land. Therefore, in case of any dissatisfaction, they can simply up and leave. For example, when in 1916, tsarist officials bothered the Kazakh nomads with something, they took it and migrated to neighboring China. But we are told that the Mongols succeeded at the end of the 12th century.

It is not clear how Genghis Khan could persuade his fellow tribesmen to go on a trip “to the last sea”, without knowing maps and generally nothing about those with whom he would have to fight along the way. This is not a raid on neighbors you know well.

All adult and healthy men among the Mongols were considered warriors. In peacetime they ran their own household, and in wartime they took up arms. But who did the “Mongol-Tatars” leave at home after they went on campaigns for decades? Who tended their flocks? Old people and children? It turns out that this army did not have a strong economy in the rear. Then it is not clear who ensured an uninterrupted supply of food and weapons to the Mongol army. This is a difficult task even for large centralized states, let alone a nomadic state with a weak economy. In addition, the scope of the Mongol conquests is comparable to the theater of military operations of World War II (and taking into account the battles with Japan, and not just Germany). The supply of weapons and supplies seems simply impossible.

In the 16th century, the “conquest” of Siberia by the Cossacks began and was not an easy task: it took about 50 years to fight several thousand kilometers to Lake Baikal, leaving behind a chain of fortified forts. However, the Cossacks had a strong state in the rear, from where they could draw resources. A military training The peoples who lived in those places could not be compared with the Cossacks. However, the “Mongol-Tatars” managed to cover twice the distance in the opposite direction in a couple of decades, conquering states with developed economies. Sounds fantastic. There were other examples. For example, in the 19th century, it took Americans about 50 years to cover a distance of 3-4 thousand km: Indian wars were fierce and the losses of the US Army were significant despite their gigantic technical superiority. European colonialists in Africa faced similar problems in the 19th century. Only the “Mongol-Tatars” succeeded easily and quickly.

It is interesting that all the major campaigns of the Mongols in Rus' were in winter. This is not typical for nomadic peoples. Historians tell us that this allowed them to move quickly across frozen rivers, but this, in turn, required a good knowledge of the area, which the alien conquerors could not boast of. They fought equally successfully in the forests, which is also strange for the steppe inhabitants.

There is information that the Horde distributed forged letters on behalf of the Hungarian king Bela IV, which brought great confusion into the enemy camp. Not bad for steppe dwellers?

10. The Tatars looked like Europeans

A contemporary of the Mongol wars, the Persian historian Rashid ad-Din writes that in the family of Genghis Khan, children “were mostly born with gray eyes and blond hair.” Chroniclers describe Batu's appearance in similar terms: fair hair, light beard, light eyes. By the way, the title “Chinggis” is translated, according to some sources, as “sea” or “ocean”. Perhaps this is due to the color of his eyes (in general, it is strange that the Mongolian language of the 13th century has the word “ocean”).

In the battle of Liegnitz, in the midst of the battle, the Polish troops panicked and they fled. According to some sources, this panic was provoked by the cunning Mongols, who wormed their way into the battle formations of the Polish squads. It turns out that the “Mongols” looked like Europeans.

And here is what Rubrikus, a contemporary of those events, writes:

“In 1252-1253, from Constantinople through the Crimea to Batu’s headquarters and further to Mongolia, the ambassador of King Louis IX, William Rubricus, traveled with his retinue, who, driving along the lower reaches of the Don, wrote: “Russian settlements are scattered everywhere among the Tatars; The Russes mixed with the Tatars... adopted their customs, as well as their clothes and way of life. Women decorate their heads with headdresses similar to the headdresses of French women, the bottom of their dresses is lined with furs, otters, squirrels and ermine. Men wear short clothes; kaftans, checkminis and lambskin hats... All routes of movement in the vast country are served by the Rus; at river crossings there are Russians everywhere”

Rubricus travels through Rus' just 15 years after its conquest by the Mongols. Didn't the Russians mix too quickly with the wild Mongols, adopting their clothes, preserving them until the beginning of the 20th century, as well as their customs and way of life?

In the image in the tomb of Henry II the Pious with the comment: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Cracow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with the Tatars at Lingnitsa on April 9, 1241,” we see Tatar, no different from Russian:

Here's another example. In the miniatures from the 16th century Facial Vault, it is impossible to distinguish a Tatar from a Russian:

Other interesting information

There are a few more interesting points that are worth noting, but which I couldn’t figure out what section to include.

At that time, not all of Russia was called “Rus”, but only the Kiev, Pereyaslav and Chernigov principalities. There were often references to trips from Novgorod or Vladimir to “Rus”. For example, the Smolensk cities were no longer considered “Rus”.

The word “horde” is often mentioned not in relation to the “Mongol-Tatars”, but simply to the troops: “Swedish Horde”, “German Horde”, “Zalessky Horde”, “Land of the Cossack Horde”. That is, it simply means an army and there is no “Mongolian” flavor in it. By the way, in modern Kazakh “Kzyl-Orda” is translated as “Red Army”.

In 1376, Russian troops entered Volga Bulgaria, besieged one of its cities and forced the inhabitants to swear allegiance. Russian officials were placed in the city. According to traditional history, it turned out that Rus', being a vassal and tributary of the “Golden Horde,” organizes a military campaign on the territory of a state that is part of this “Golden Horde” and forces it to take a vassal oath. As for written sources from China. For example, in the period 1774-1782 in China, seizures were carried out 34 times. A collection of all printed books ever published in China was undertaken. This was connected with the political vision of the history of the ruling dynasty. By the way, we also had a change from the Rurik dynasty to the Romanovs, so a historical order is quite likely. It is interesting that the theory of the “Mongol-Tatar” enslavement of Rus' was not born in Russia, but among German historians much later than the alleged “yoke” itself.


Historical science has a huge number of contradictory sources. Therefore, one way or another, historians have to discard some of the information in order to get a complete version of events. What was presented to us in the school history course was only one version, of which there are many. And, as we see, it has many contradictions.

It has long been no secret that there was no “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, and no Tatars and Mongols conquered Rus'. But who falsified history and why? What was hidden behind Tatar-Mongol yoke? Bloody Christianization of Rus'...

There are a large number of facts that not only clearly refute the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also indicate that history was distorted deliberately, and that this was done for a very specific purpose... But who and why deliberately distorted history? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If we analyze the historical facts, it becomes obvious that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to hide the consequences of the “baptism” of Kievan Rus. After all, this religion was imposed in a far from peaceful way... In the process of “baptism”, most of the population of the Kyiv principality was destroyed! It definitely becomes clear that those forces that were behind the imposition of this religion subsequently fabricated history, juggling historical facts to suit themselves and their goals...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Skipping scientific research and justifications, which have already been described quite widely, let us summarize the main facts that refute the big lie about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

French engraving by Pierre Duflos (1742-1816)

1. Genghis Khan

Previously, in Rus', 2 people were responsible for governing the state: the Prince and the Khan. The prince was responsible for governing the state in peacetime. The khan or “war prince” took the reins of control during war; in peacetime, the responsibility for forming a horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness rested on his shoulders.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but a title of “military prince,” which, in the modern world, is close to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the army. And there were several people who bore such a title. The most outstanding of them was Timur, it is he who is usually discussed when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In surviving historical documents, this man is described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which clearly does not correspond to the signs of a representative Mongoloid race, but completely fits the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - “ Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe.").

In modern “Mongolia” there is not a single folk epic that would say that this country once in ancient times conquered almost all of Eurasia, just as there is nothing about the great conqueror Genghis Khan... (N.V. Levashov “Visible and invisible genocide").

Reconstruction of the throne of Genghis Khan with the ancestral tamga with a swastika

2. Mongolia

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks came to the nomads living in the Gobi Desert and told them that they were the descendants of the great Mongols, and their “compatriot” had created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and happy about . The word "Mughal" is of Greek origin and means "Great". The Greeks called our ancestors the Slavs with this word. It has nothing to do with the name of any people (N.V. Levashov “Visible and Invisible Genocide”).

3. Composition of the “Tatar-Mongol” army

70-80% of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols” were Russians, the remaining 20-30% were made up of other small peoples of Rus', in fact, the same as now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh “Battle of Kulikovo”. It clearly shows that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

The museum description of the icon reads: “...In the 1680s. an allotment with a picturesque legend about the “Mamaev’s Massacre” was added. The left side of the composition depicts cities and villages that sent their soldiers to help Dmitry Donskoy - Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Rostov, Novgorod, Ryazan, the village of Kurba near Yaroslavl and others. On the right is the Mamaia camp. In the center of the composition is the scene of the Battle of Kulikovo with the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey. On the lower field there is a meeting of the victorious Russian troops, the burial of fallen heroes and the death of Mamai.”

All these pictures, taken from both Russian and European sources, depict battles between Russians and Mongol-Tatars, but nowhere is it possible to determine who is Russian and who is Tatar. Moreover, in the latter case, both Russians and “Mongol-Tatars” are dressed in almost the same gilded armor and helmets, and fight under the same banners with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Another thing is that the “Savior” of the two warring parties most likely was different.

4. What did the “Tatar-Mongols” look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II the Pious, who was killed on the Legnica field.

The inscription is as follows: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Cracow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with the Tatars at Liegnitz on April 9, 1241.” As we see, this “Tatar” has a completely Russian appearance, clothes and weapons.

The following image shows “Khan’s Palace in the capital Mongol Empire Khanbalyk" (it is believed that Khanbalyk is supposedly Beijing).

What is “Mongolian” and what is “Chinese” here? Once again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, before us are people of a clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, Streltsy caps, the same thick beards, the same characteristic blades of sabers called “Yelman”. The roof on the left is an almost exact copy of the roofs of old Russian towers... (A. Bushkov, “Russia that never existed”).

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. While the differences between the genetics of Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost entirely European) and the Mongolian (almost entirely Central Asian) are really great - it’s like two different worlds…»

6. Documents during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the period of existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, not a single document in the Tatar or Mongolian language has been preserved. But there are many documents from this time in Russian.

7. Lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

At the moment, there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But there are many fakes designed to convince us of the existence of a fiction called the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” Here is one of these fakes. This text is called “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land” and in each publication it is declared “an excerpt from a poetic work that has not reached us intact... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion”:

“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are famous for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, oh Orthodox faith Christian!.."

There is not even a hint of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” in this text. But this “ancient” document contains the following line: “You are filled with everything, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith!”

Before Nikon’s church reform, which was carried out in the mid-17th century, Christianity in Rus' was called “orthodox.” It began to be called Orthodox only after this reform... Therefore, this document could have been written no earlier than the mid-17th century and has nothing to do with the era of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”...

On all maps that were published before 1772 and were not subsequently corrected, you can see the following picture.

The western part of Rus' is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartary... This small part of Rus' was ruled by the Romanov dynasty. Until the end of the 18th century, the Moscow Tsar was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or the Duke (Prince) of Moscow. The rest of Rus', which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy at that time, is called Tartaria or the Russian Empire (see map).

In the 1st edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771 the following is written about this part of Rus':

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called Great Tartaria. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, those living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India, and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China..."

Where did the name Tartaria come from?

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, and man. But, as now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those days. People who went much further than others in their development, and who could control space and matter (control the weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.) were called Magi. Those Magi who knew how to control space at the planetary level and above were called Gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God among our ancestors was completely different from what it is now. The gods were people who went much further in their development than the vast majority of people. For ordinary person their abilities seemed incredible, however, the gods were also people, and the capabilities of each god had their own limits.

Our ancestors had patrons - God Tarkh, he was also called Dazhdbog (the giving God) and his sister - Goddess Tara. These Gods helped people solve problems that our ancestors could not solve on their own. So, the gods Tarkh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate the land, write and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the disaster and eventually restore civilization.

Therefore, quite recently our ancestors told strangers “We are the children of Tarkh and Tara...”. They said this because in their development, they really were children in relation to Tarkh and Tara, who had significantly advanced in development. And residents of other countries called our ancestors “Tarkhtars”, and later, due to the difficulty of pronunciation, “Tartars”. This is where the name of the country came from - Tartaria...

Baptism of Rus'

What does the baptism of Rus' have to do with it? - some may ask. As it turned out, it had a lot to do with it. After all, baptism did not take place in a peaceful way... Before baptism, people in Rus' were educated, almost everyone knew how to read, write, and count (see the article “Russian culture is older than European”).

Let's remember from school curriculum in history, at least, the same “Birch bark letters” - letters that peasants wrote to each other on birch bark from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as described above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion comes down to the blind acceptance of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding of why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people precisely an understanding of the real laws of nature, an understanding of how the world works, what is good and what is bad.

People saw what happened after the “baptism” in neighboring countries, when, under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population, in a matter of years, plunged into ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy could read and write, and not all of them. ..

Everyone understood perfectly well what the “Greek Religion” carried, into which Prince Vladimir the Bloody and those who stood behind him were going to baptize Kievan Rus. Therefore, none of the residents of the then Principality of Kyiv (a province that broke away from Great Tartary) accepted this religion. But Vladimir had great forces behind him, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of “baptism” over 12 years of forced Christianization, almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed, with rare exceptions. Because such a “teaching” could be imposed only on unreasonable children who, due to their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion turned them into slaves both physically and spiritual sense this word. Everyone who refused to accept the new “faith” was killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If before the “baptism” there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants on the territory of Kievan Rus, then after the “baptism” only 30 cities and 3 million people remained! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, “Orthodox Rus' before the adoption of Christianity and after”).

But despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed by the “holy” baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population formally recognized the imposed religion of the slaves, and they themselves continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, although without flaunting it. And this phenomenon was observed not only among the masses, but also among part of the ruling elite. And this state of affairs continued until the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who figured out how to deceive everyone.

But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary) could not calmly look at the machinations of its enemies, who destroyed three quarters of the population of the Principality of Kyiv. Only its response could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartaria was busy with conflicts on its Far Eastern borders. But these retaliatory actions of the Vedic empire were carried out and entered modern history in a distorted form, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Batu Khan on Kievan Rus.

Only by the summer of 1223 did troops of the Vedic Empire appear on the Kalka River. And the united army of the Polovtsians and Russian princes was completely defeated. This is what they taught us in history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought the “enemies” so sluggishly, and many of them even went over to the side of the “Mongols”?

The reason for such absurdity was that the Russian princes, who accepted an alien religion, knew perfectly well who came and why...

So, there was no Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke, but there was a return of the rebellious provinces under the wing of the metropolis, the restoration of the integrity of the state. Khan Batu had the task of returning the Western European province-states under the wing of the Vedic empire and stopping the invasion of Christians into Rus'. But the strong resistance of some princes, who felt the taste of the still limited, but very large power of the principalities of Kievan Rus, and new unrest on the Far Eastern border did not allow these plans to be brought to completion (N.V. Levashov “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”, Volume 2.).


In fact, after baptism in the Principality of Kiev, only children and a very small part of the adult population remained alive, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people out of a population of 12 million before baptism. The principality was completely devastated, most of the cities, towns and villages were plundered and burned. But the authors of the version about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” paint exactly the same picture for us, the only difference is that these same cruel actions were allegedly carried out there by “Tatar-Mongols”!

As always, the winner writes history. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the Principality of Kiev was baptized, and in order to suppress all possible questions, the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was subsequently invented. The children were raised in the traditions of the Greek religion (the cult of Dionysius, and later Christianity) and history was rewritten, where all the cruelty was blamed on the “wild nomads”...

In the section: News from Korenovsk

July 28, 2015 marks the 1000th anniversary of the memory of Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun. On this day, celebratory events were held in Korenovsk to mark the occasion. Read on for more details...

It has long been no secret that there was no “Tatar-Mongol yoke”, and no Tatars and Mongols conquered Rus'. But who falsified history and why? What was hidden behind the Tatar-Mongol yoke? Bloody Christianization of Rus'...

There are a large number of facts that not only clearly refute the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also indicate that history was distorted deliberately, and that this was done for a very specific purpose... But who and why deliberately distorted history? What real events did they want to hide and why?

If we analyze the historical facts, it becomes obvious that the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was invented in order to hide the consequences of the “baptism” of Kievan Rus. After all, this religion was imposed in a far from peaceful way... In the process of “baptism”, most of the population of the Kyiv principality was destroyed! It definitely becomes clear that those forces that were behind the imposition of this religion subsequently fabricated history, juggling historical facts to suit themselves and their goals...

These facts are known to historians and are not secret, they are publicly available, and anyone can easily find them on the Internet. Skipping scientific research and justifications, which have already been described quite widely, let us summarize the main facts that refute the big lie about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

1. Genghis Khan

French engraving by Pierre Duflos (1742-1816)

Previously, in Rus', 2 people were responsible for governing the state: the Prince and. The prince was responsible for governing the state in peacetime. The khan or “war prince” took the reins of control during war; in peacetime, the responsibility for forming a horde (army) and maintaining it in combat readiness rested on his shoulders.

Genghis Khan is not a name, but a title of “military prince,” which, in the modern world, is close to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the army. And there were several people who bore such a title. The most outstanding of them was Timur, it is he who is usually discussed when they talk about Genghis Khan.

In surviving historical documents, this man is described as a tall warrior with blue eyes, very white skin, powerful reddish hair and a thick beard. Which clearly does not correspond to the signs of a representative of the Mongoloid race, but completely fits the description of Slavic appearance (L.N. Gumilyov - “ Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe».).

In modern “Mongolia” there is not a single folk epic that would say that this country once in ancient times conquered almost all of Eurasia, just as there is nothing about the great conqueror Genghis Khan... (N.V. Levashov “ Visible and invisible genocide»).

Reconstruction of the throne of Genghis Khan with the ancestral tamga with a swastika.

2. Mongolia

The state of Mongolia appeared only in the 1930s, when the Bolsheviks came to the nomads living in the Gobi Desert and told them that they were the descendants of the great Mongols, and their “compatriot” had created the Great Empire in his time, which they were very surprised and happy about. . The word "Mughal" is of Greek origin and means "Great". The Greeks used this word to call our ancestors – the Slavs. It has nothing to do with the name of any people (N.V. Levashov “ Visible and invisible genocide»).

3. Composition of the “Tatar-Mongol” army

70-80% of the army of the “Tatar-Mongols” were Russians, the remaining 20-30% were made up of other small peoples of Rus', in fact, the same as now. This fact is clearly confirmed by a fragment of the icon of Sergius of Radonezh “Battle of Kulikovo”. It clearly shows that the same warriors are fighting on both sides. And this battle is more like a civil war than a war with a foreign conqueror.

The museum description of the icon reads: “...In the 1680s. an allotment with a picturesque legend about the “Mamaev’s Massacre” was added. The left side of the composition depicts cities and villages that sent their soldiers to help Dmitry Donskoy - Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Rostov, Novgorod, Ryazan, the village of Kurba near Yaroslavl and others. On the right is the Mamaia camp. In the center of the composition is the scene of the Battle of Kulikovo with the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey. On the lower field there is a meeting of the victorious Russian troops, the burial of fallen heroes and the death of Mamai.”

All these pictures, taken from both Russian and European sources, depict battles between Russians and Mongol-Tatars, but nowhere is it possible to determine who is Russian and who is Tatar. Moreover, in the latter case, both Russians and “Mongol-Tatars” are dressed in almost the same gilded armor and helmets, and fight under the same banners with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Another thing is that the “Savior” of the two warring parties most likely was different.

4. What did the “Tatar-Mongols” look like?

Pay attention to the drawing of the tomb of Henry II the Pious, who was killed on the Legnica field.

The inscription is as follows: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Cracow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, killed in the battle with the Tatars at Liegnitz on April 9, 1241.” As we see, this “Tatar” has a completely Russian appearance, clothes and weapons.

The next image shows “the Khan’s palace in the capital of the Mongol Empire, Khanbalyk” (it is believed that Khanbalyk is supposedly Beijing).

What is “Mongolian” and what is “Chinese” here? Once again, as in the case of the tomb of Henry II, before us are people of a clearly Slavic appearance. Russian caftans, Streltsy caps, the same thick beards, the same characteristic blades of sabers called “Yelman”. The roof on the left is an almost exact copy of the roofs of old Russian towers... (A. Bushkov, "Russia that never existed"»).

5. Genetic examination

According to the latest data obtained as a result of genetic research, it turned out that Tatars and Russians have very close genetics. Whereas the differences between the genetics of Russians and Tatars from the genetics of the Mongols are colossal: “The differences between the Russian gene pool (almost entirely European) and the Mongolian (almost entirely Central Asian) are really great - it’s like two different worlds...” http://www.oagb. ru/info.php?txt_id=17&nid=6960&page=4

6. Documents during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

During the period of existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, not a single document in the Tatar or Mongolian language has been preserved. But there are many documents from this time in Russian.

7. Lack of objective evidence confirming the hypothesis of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

At the moment, there are no originals of any historical documents that would objectively prove that there was a Tatar-Mongol yoke. But there are many fakes designed to convince us of the existence of a fiction called the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.” Here is one of these fakes. This text is called “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land” and in each publication it is declared “an excerpt from a poetic work that has not reached us intact... About the Tatar-Mongol invasion”:

« Oh, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are famous for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars and many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith!..»

There is not even a hint of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” in this text. But this “ancient” document contains the following line: “ You are filled with everything, Russian land, O Orthodox Christian faith.

Before Nikon’s church reform, which was carried out in the mid-17th century, Christianity in Rus' was called “orthodox.” It began to be called Orthodox only after this reform... Therefore, this document could have been written no earlier than the mid-17th century and has nothing to do with the era of the “Tatar-Mongol yoke”...

On all maps that were published before 1772 and were not subsequently corrected, you can see the following picture.

The western part of Rus' is called Muscovy, or Moscow Tartary... This small part of Rus' was ruled by the Romanov dynasty. Until the end of the 18th century, the Moscow Tsar was called the ruler of Moscow Tartaria or the Duke (Prince) of Moscow. The rest of Rus', which occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia in the east and south of Muscovy at that time, is called Tartaria or the Russian Empire (see map).

In the 1st edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1771 the following is written about this part of Rus':

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called Great Tartaria. Those Tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkasy and Dagestan, those living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk Tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols, who live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetans, living northwest of China..."http://peshera.org/fredirector.php?t=khrono/khrono-08.html#02

Where did the name Tartaria come from?

Our ancestors knew the laws of nature and the real structure of the world, life, and man. But, as now, the level of development of each person was not the same in those days. People who went much further than others in their development, and who could control space and matter (control the weather, heal diseases, see the future, etc.) were called Magi. Those Magi who knew how to control space at the planetary level and above were called Gods.

That is, the meaning of the word God among our ancestors was completely different from what it is now. The gods were people who went much further in their development than the vast majority of people. For an ordinary person, their abilities seemed incredible, however, the gods were also people, and the capabilities of each god had their own limits.

Our ancestors had patrons - God Tarkh, he was also called Dazhdbog (the giving God) and his sister - Goddess Tara. These Gods helped people solve problems that our ancestors could not solve on their own. So, the gods Tarkh and Tara taught our ancestors how to build houses, cultivate the land, write and much more, which was necessary in order to survive after the disaster and eventually restore civilization.

Therefore, quite recently our ancestors told strangers “We are the children of Tarkh and Tara...”. They said this because in their development, they really were children in relation to Tarkh and Tara, who had significantly advanced in development. And residents of other countries called our ancestors “Tarkhtars”, and later, due to the difficulty of pronunciation, “Tartars”. This is where the name of the country came from - Tartaria...

Baptism of Rus'

What does the baptism of Rus' have to do with it? – some may ask. As it turned out, it had a lot to do with it. After all, baptism did not take place in a peaceful way... Before baptism, people in Rus' were educated, almost everyone knew how to read, write, and count (see the article “Russian culture is older than European”). http://ru-an.info/%D0% BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0 %D1%8F-%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0 %D1%80%D1%88%D0%B5-%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA% D0%BE%D0%B9/ Let us remember from the school history curriculum, at least, the same “Birch Bark Letters” - letters that peasants wrote to each other on birch bark from one village to another.

Our ancestors had a Vedic worldview, as described above, it was not a religion. Since the essence of any religion comes down to the blind acceptance of any dogmas and rules, without a deep understanding of why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise. The Vedic worldview gave people precisely an understanding of the real laws of nature, an understanding of how the world works, what is good and what is bad.

People saw what happened after the “baptism” in neighboring countries, when, under the influence of religion, a successful, highly developed country with an educated population, in a matter of years, plunged into ignorance and chaos, where only representatives of the aristocracy could read and write, and not all of them...

Everyone understood perfectly well what the “Greek Religion” carried, into which Prince Vladimir the Bloody and those who stood behind him were going to baptize Kievan Rus. Therefore, none of the residents of the then Principality of Kyiv (a province that broke away from Great Tartary) accepted this religion. But Vladimir had great forces behind him, and they were not going to retreat.

In the process of “baptism” over 12 years of forced Christianization, almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed, with rare exceptions. Because such a “teaching” could be imposed only on unreasonable children who, due to their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion turned them into slaves in both the physical and spiritual sense of the word. Everyone who refused to accept the new “faith” was killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If before the “baptism” there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants on the territory of Kievan Rus, then after the “baptism” only 30 cities and 3 million people remained! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir, “Orthodox Rus' before the adoption of Christianity and after”) http://www.nikolay-levashov.ru/Articles/Rus_Pravo.html

But despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus was destroyed by the “holy” baptists, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population formally recognized the imposed religion of the slaves, and they themselves continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, although without flaunting it. And this phenomenon was observed not only among the masses, but also among part of the ruling elite. And this state of affairs continued until the reform of Patriarch Nikon, who figured out how to deceive everyone.

But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary) could not calmly look at the machinations of its enemies, who destroyed three quarters of the population of the Principality of Kyiv. Only its response could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartaria was busy with conflicts on its Far Eastern borders. But these retaliatory actions of the Vedic empire were carried out and entered modern history in a distorted form, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Batu Khan on Kievan Rus.

Only by the summer of 1223 did troops of the Vedic Empire appear on the Kalka River. And the united army of the Polovtsians and Russian princes was completely defeated. This is what they taught us in history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought the “enemies” so sluggishly, and many of them even went over to the side of the “Mongols”?

The reason for such absurdity was that the Russian princes, who accepted an alien religion, knew perfectly well who came and why...

So, there was no Mongol-Tatar invasion and yoke, but there was a return of the rebellious provinces under the wing of the metropolis, the restoration of the integrity of the state. Khan Batu had the task of returning the Western European province-states under the wing of the Vedic empire and stopping the invasion of Christians into Rus'. But the strong resistance of some princes, who had a taste of the still limited, but very large power of the principalities of Kievan Rus, and new unrest on the Far Eastern border did not allow these plans to be brought to completion (N.V. Levashov “ Russia in distorting mirrors", Volume 2.).

In fact, after baptism in the Principality of Kiev, only children and a very small part of the adult population remained alive, which accepted the Greek religion - 3 million people out of a population of 12 million before baptism. The principality was completely devastated, most of the cities, towns and villages were plundered and burned. But the authors of the version about the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” paint exactly the same picture for us, the only difference is that these same cruel actions were allegedly carried out there by “Tatar-Mongols”!

As always, the winner writes history. And it becomes obvious that in order to hide all the cruelty with which the Principality of Kiev was baptized, and in order to suppress all possible questions, the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” was subsequently invented. The children were raised in the traditions of the Greek religion (the cult of Dionysius, and later Christianity) and history was rewritten, where all the cruelty was blamed on the “wild nomads”...

The famous statement of President V.V. Putin about the Battle of Kulikovo, in which the Russians allegedly fought against the Tatars and Mongols...

The Tatar-Mongol yoke is the biggest myth in history.

Nowadays there are several alternative versions medieval history Rus' (Kyiv, Rostovo-Suzdal, Moscow). Each of them has the right to exist, since the official course of history is not confirmed by practically anything other than “copies” of once existing documents. One such event in Russian history is the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus'. Let's try to consider what it is Tatar-Mongol yoke - historical fact or fiction.

The Tatar-Mongol yoke was

The generally accepted and literally laid out version, known to everyone from school textbooks and which is the truth for the whole world, is “Rus' was under the rule of wild tribes for 250 years. Rus' is backward and weak - it could not cope with the savages for so many years.”

The concept of “yoke” appeared during the time of Rus'’s entry into the European path of development. In order to become an equal partner for the countries of Europe, it was necessary to prove one’s “Europeanism” and not the “wild Siberian orientality”, while recognizing one’s backwardness and the formation of the state only in the 9th century with the help of the European Rurik.

The version of the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke is confirmed only by numerous fiction and popular literature, including “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev” and all the works of the Kulikovo cycle based on it, which have many variants.

One of these works - “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land” - belongs to the Kulikovo cycle, does not contain the words “Mongol”, “Tatar”, “yoke”, “invasion”, there is only a story about “trouble” for the Russian land.

The most amazing thing is that the later a historical “document” is written, the more details it acquires. The fewer living witnesses, the more little things are described.

There is no factual material that one hundred percent confirms the existence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

There was no Tatar-Mongol yoke

This development of events is not recognized by official historians not only throughout the world, but also in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. The factors that researchers who disagree with the existence of the yoke rely on are the following:

  • the version of the presence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke appeared in the 18th century and, despite numerous studies by many generations of historians, did not undergo significant changes. It is illogical, in everything there must be development and movement forward - with the development of the capabilities of researchers, the factual material must change;
  • There are no Mongolian words in the Russian language - many studies have been carried out, including by Professor V.A. Chudinov;
  • Almost nothing was found on the Kulikovo field after many decades of searching. The location of the battle itself is not clearly established;
  • the complete absence of folklore about the heroic past and the great Genghis Khan in modern Mongolia. Everything that has been written in our time is based on information from Soviet history textbooks;
  • Great in the past, Mongolia is still a pastoral country that has practically stopped in its development;
  • the complete absence in Mongolia of a gigantic amount of trophies from most of the “conquered” Eurasia;
  • even those sources recognized by official historians describe Genghis Khan as “a tall warrior, with white skin and blue eyes, a thick beard and reddish hair” - a clear description of a Slav;
  • the word “horde”, if read in Old Slavic letters, means “order”;
  • Genghis Khan - rank of commander of the troops of Tartary;
  • "khan" - protector;
  • prince - a governor appointed by the khan in the province;
  • tribute - ordinary taxation, as in any state in our time;
  • in the images of all icons and engravings related to the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the opposing warriors are depicted identically. Even their banners are similar. This speaks more of a civil war within one state than of a war between states with different cultures and, accordingly, differently armed warriors;
  • numerous genetic examinations and visual appearance they talk about the complete absence of Mongolian blood in Russian people. It is obvious that Rus' was captured for 250 - 300 years by a horde of thousands of castrated monks, who also took a vow of celibacy;
  • There are no handwritten confirmations of the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in the languages ​​of the invaders. Everything considered to be documents from this period is written in Russian;
  • For the rapid movement of an army of 500 thousand people (the figure of traditional historians), spare (clockwork) horses are needed, on which riders are transferred at least once a day. Each simple rider should have from 2 to 3 wind-up horses. For the rich, the number of horses is calculated in herds. In addition, many thousands of convoy horses with food for people and weapons, bivouac equipment (yurts, cauldrons, and many others). To simultaneously feed such a number of animals, there is not enough grass in the steppes for hundreds of kilometers in radius. For a given area, such a number of horses is comparable to an invasion of locusts, which leaves behind a void. And the horses still need to be watered somewhere, every day. To feed the warriors, many thousands of sheep are needed, which move much slower than horses, but eat the grass to the ground. All this accumulation of animals will sooner or later begin to die out from hunger. An invasion of mounted troops from the regions of Mongolia into Rus' on such a scale is simply impossible.

What happened

To figure out what the Tatar-Mongol yoke is - is it a historical fact or fiction, researchers are forced to look for miraculously preserved sources of alternative information about the history of Rus'. The remaining, inconvenient artifacts indicate the following:

  • through bribery and various promises, including unlimited power, the Western “baptists” achieved the consent of the ruling circles of Kievan Rus to introduce Christianity;
  • the destruction of the Vedic worldview and the baptism of Kievan Rus (a province that broke away from Great Tartary) with “fire and sword” (one of the crusades, supposedly to Palestine) - “Vladimir baptized with the sword, and Dobrynya with fire” - 9 million people died out of 12, who lived at that time on the territory of the principality (almost the entire adult population). Of the 300 cities, 30 remain;
  • all destruction and victims of baptism are attributed to the Tatar-Mongols;
  • everything that is called the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” is the response of the Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartaria - Mogul (Grand) Tartarus) to return provinces that were invaded and Christianized;
  • the period of time during which the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” occurred was a period of peace and prosperity of Rus';
  • destruction by all available methods of chronicles and other documents dating back to the Middle Ages throughout the world and, in particular, in Russia: libraries with original documents burned, “copies” were preserved. In Russia, several times, on the orders of the Romanovs and their “historiographers,” chronicles were collected “for rewriting” and then disappeared;
  • all geographical maps published before 1772 and not subject to correction call the western part of Russia Muscovy or Moscow Tartaria. The rest of the former Soviet Union (excluding Ukraine and Belarus) is called Tartaria or the Russian Empire;
  • 1771 - the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica: “Tartary, a huge country in the northern part of Asia...”. This phrase was removed from subsequent editions of the encyclopedia.

In the age of information technology, it is not easy to hide data. Official history does not recognize fundamental changes, therefore, what the Tatar-Mongol yoke is - historical fact or fiction, which version of history to believe in - you need to determine for yourself independently. We must not forget that history is written by the winner.