Is it possible to be baptized on Easter day? Is it possible to baptize a child during Easter week?

Easter week is considered one of the holiest of the year by the entire Orthodox world.

It is on these days that miracles of healing are performed and sacred sacraments are revealed to ordinary people.

So is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Or should I wait?

The sacrament of baptism: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Today, the entire Orthodox world strongly recommends that all new parents baptize their children in the first year of the baby’s life, preferably immediately after the fortieth day of birth. Why such a rush? After all, before, under a totalitarian regime, children were not baptized at all?

Parents are in a hurry because society has developed a superstition that if a child is not baptized, then he is vulnerable to evil forces. In fact, most parents have no idea what baptism means for a person.

A baptized person falls under the protection of the Orthodox egregor. Egregor is the Orthodox power of prayers and offerings that has accumulated over centuries, and it is this that comes to protect the child. In the old days, it was customary to name babies one name and baptize them under another. It was believed that if the dark forces do not know the name of the baptismal baby, then they cannot harm him.

Today, many occult practitioners consider these statements to be true, but insist that when parents independently baptize a child at an unconscious age, they are making a lifelong choice for him. The sacrament of baptism is performed without the conscious permission of a new person who has recently come into this world. But the customs and traditions of society are difficult to overcome, so the only thing left for parents is to choose a suitable date for baptism. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter, is it a suitable day for this? We will answer this question below.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? What difficulties may arise

Easter is one of happy days a year for Orthodox believers, even because they are coming out of Lent and can afford a lot. On this day, families celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and services begin in all Temples on Saturday night. Many parents who would like to baptize their child on this day are faced with the refusal of clergy to provide such a service.

Parents may be refused entry into the Church, arguing that it is not appropriate to baptize a child in Great holiday. In fact, all the Holy Fathers know that you can baptize on any day, it’s just that the Temple’s work schedule may not allow this to be done fully on Easter Sunday.

But why might there be a refusal? It’s worth imagining for a moment the scale of the Easter celebration. All the churches are filled with parishioners, who even stand on the street, waiting for their turn to illuminate the Easter products. All the Holy Fathers are fully involved, so they simply physically do not have time to conduct baptisms.

Of course, if a church shop refuses to allow parents to perform the baptismal ritual, arguing the refusal is due to a banal lack of time, this will cause indignation on the part of people. Therefore, it is easier to say that it is not allowed. In many Temples, Saturday is chosen for the sacrament. On Easter week this is also a very convenient day, because it is on Saturday that you can take a break from cleaning Maundy Thursday and the troubles of Good Friday.

Saturday is the pre-holiday day and is considered Easter, which is why many clergy choose it as optimal for carrying out the baptism ritual. So, when wondering whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, parents should know that it is possible only if they can convince Father of this.

The difficulty is that in many cities the Church has become commercial organization and in order to carry out rituals on the holiday, clergy begin to ask new parents for double the fee for performing the ritual.

But many esotericists and ministers of the Church believe that it is worth it. The ritual of baptism, performed on a major church holiday, gives additional protection and strength to the child. This may seem quite contradictory, but there are a number of arguments for such a statement.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter: arguments for it

So, Easter is a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. On this day, there is an activation of myrrh-streaming icons, the water consecrated on this day - for a long time stores its properties. It is believed that miracles happen on Easter day, so you should pay close attention to all events and signs during this period.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? It is possible, because the child will be baptized with blessed water, which has the most powerful energy of the year. This will allow you to wash away all the sins of past lives from the child’s soul and gain a boost of health. Even for parents, this day will be doubly special, since Easter day fills the hearts of many with hope and faith, and this is so lacking modern society.

If parents can convince the clergy to perform the ritual on this day, then they will be able to profitably combine the Easter Sunday service with the wonderful ritual of baptizing their child. Thousands of parishioners’ prayers on this day will protect their child and their family. The sacrament will become significant, and it can be celebrated not only on the day of christening every year, but also on the day of Easter.

But, if parents doubt the correctness of choosing the day for such a significant and significant ritual, then they should not be convinced of this. Everything has its time. Many parents are more oriented in matters of baptism not on the Great Holidays, but on the days of angels, and they are also right. Each family has the right to choose the day of baptism to their taste. But it is worth remembering that when asking the question whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, they will be given a clear answer “it is possible.” And then the choice is up to the family. The most important thing is to have a festive and positive attitude under any circumstances. Peace and tranquility in the soul.

The sacrament of baptism is most often performed in infancy. The child is baptized as a small child so that he finds his guardian angel as soon as possible. Believing parents who regularly visit the temple understand that baptism is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, it is truly a sacrament that is performed out of deep and sincere faith.

However, not everyone knows all the church rules, so people often doubt whether it is possible to baptize a child on a given day. The main holy holiday, Easter, has a special position in the Orthodox Church. How does it relate to baptism? On what days after Easter can a child be baptized? Let's try to find out.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Easter is great Orthodox holiday. It begins on Saturday evening, when people come to the temple for the night service. Afterwards, morning worship is performed. Thus, all church employees, including the priest, will be extremely busy on this day. And even after the morning Easter service, when it is theoretically possible to baptize a child, the clergy will be busy with other concerns, and their fatigue after a sleepless night can affect their well-being.

This is why most often the church refuses parents who want to baptize a child on Easter. However, this is not prohibited by Orthodox canons. Baptism can occur on absolutely any day during the year. Moreover, earlier ancient church called the best day for baptism Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter. Today, it is problematic to perform the ritual on this very day, first of all, with practical side question. But if you have a great desire and an adequate explanation of why you chose this particular day, the priest can meet you halfway.

What days after Easter are suitable for baptism?

The week following Easter is called Bright. These days, Orthodox Christians do not work hard, are happy and visit each other. These days, the baptism of a child will be very appropriate. And the Orthodox Church does not prohibit people from baptizing children on any day of the year.

Bright Week ends with Red Hill. On this day they remember the dead, go to the cemetery, clean the graves and decorate them with flowers. Baptism on this day is also not prohibited, but most often believers themselves do not like to choose the day of remembrance of deceased ancestors for such a joyful event.

For clarification of all questions concerning religion, Orthodox Christians should turn to Holy Scripture. The Bible does not prohibit baptism on any day. Another option is to ask the priest who serves in your church for advice.

It turns out that after Easter you can baptize a child absolutely any day. But it is best to go to the temple to the priest who will perform the baptismal ceremony. Churches usually have their own schedule, which indicates when and what activities take place. You can negotiate with the priest individually if you need to perform the ceremony on a specific day after Easter.

Easter week is considered one of the holiest of the year by the entire Orthodox world.

It is on these days that miracles of healing are performed and sacred sacraments are revealed to ordinary people.

So is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Or should I wait?

The sacrament of baptism: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Today, the entire Orthodox world strongly recommends that all new parents baptize their children in the first year of the baby’s life, preferably immediately after the fortieth day of birth. Why such a rush? After all, before, under a totalitarian regime, children were not baptized at all?

Parents are in a hurry because society has developed a superstition that if a child is not baptized, then he is vulnerable to evil forces. In fact, most parents have no idea what baptism means for a person.

A baptized person falls under the protection of the Orthodox egregor. Egregor is the Orthodox power of prayers and offerings that has accumulated over centuries, and it is this that comes to protect the child. In the old days, it was customary to name babies one name and baptize them under another. It was believed that if the dark forces do not know the name of the baptismal baby, then they cannot harm him.

Today, many occult practitioners consider these statements to be true, but insist that when parents independently baptize a child at an unconscious age, they are making a lifelong choice for him. The sacrament of baptism is performed without the conscious permission of a new person who has recently come into this world. But the customs and traditions of society are difficult to overcome, so the only thing left for parents is to choose a suitable date for baptism. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter, is it a suitable day for this? We will answer this question below.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? What difficulties may arise

Easter is one of the happiest days of the year for Orthodox believers, even because they are coming out of Lent and can afford a lot. On this day, families celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and services begin in all Temples on Saturday night. Many parents who would like to baptize their child on this day are faced with the refusal of clergy to provide such a service.

Parents may be refused entry into the Church, arguing that it is not appropriate to baptize a child on the Great Holiday. In fact, all the Holy Fathers know that you can baptize on any day, it’s just that the Temple’s work schedule may not allow this to be done fully on Easter Sunday.

But why might there be a refusal? It’s worth imagining for a moment the scale of the Easter celebration. All the churches are filled with parishioners, who even stand on the street, waiting for their turn to illuminate the Easter products. All the Holy Fathers are fully involved, so they simply physically do not have time to conduct baptisms.

Of course, if in a church shop parents are refused to perform the baptismal ritual, arguing the refusal is due to a banal lack of time, this will cause indignation on the part of people. Therefore, it is easier to say that it is not allowed. In many Temples, Saturday is chosen for the sacrament. During Easter week, this is also a very convenient day, because it is on Saturday that you can take a break from the cleaning of Maundy Thursday and the troubles of Good Friday.

Saturday is the pre-holiday day and is considered Easter, which is why many clergy choose it as optimal for carrying out the baptism ritual. So, when wondering whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, parents should know that it is possible only if they can convince Father of this.

The difficulty is that in many cities the Church has become a commercial organization and in order to conduct rituals on the holiday, clergy begin to ask new parents for double the fee for performing the ritual.

But many esotericists and ministers of the Church believe that it is worth it. The ritual of baptism, performed on a major church holiday, gives additional protection and strength to the child. This may seem quite contradictory, but there are a number of arguments for such a statement.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter: arguments for it

So, Easter is a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. On this day, there is an activation of myrrh-streaming icons; water consecrated on this day retains its properties for a long time. It is believed that miracles happen on Easter day, so you should pay close attention to all events and signs during this period.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter? It is possible, because the child will be baptized with blessed water, which has the most powerful energy of the year. This will allow you to wash away all the sins of past lives from the child’s soul and gain a boost of health. Even for parents, this day will be doubly special, since Easter day fills the hearts of many with hope and faith, and this is so lacking in modern society.

If parents can convince the clergy to perform the ritual on this day, then they will be able to profitably combine the Easter Sunday service with the wonderful ritual of baptizing their child. Thousands of parishioners’ prayers on this day will protect their child and their family. The sacrament will become significant, and it can be celebrated not only on the day of christening every year, but also on the day of Easter.

But, if parents doubt the correctness of choosing the day for such a significant and significant ritual, then they should not be convinced of this. Everything has its time. Many parents are more oriented in matters of baptism not on the Great Holidays, but on the days of angels, and they are also right. Each family has the right to choose the day of baptism to their taste. But it is worth remembering that when asking the question whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, they will be given a clear answer “it is possible.” And then the choice is up to the family. The most important thing is to have a festive and positive attitude under any circumstances. Peace and tranquility in the soul.

The most important and bright holiday for every Christian is approaching - the Resurrection of Christ. Each of the days in the last week of strict fasting is regulated, just like the week after Easter, which received beautiful definitions like Holy Week or Holy Week. Many parents are worried about whether it is possible to baptize their babies during Easter week or whether the church prohibits it.

What is baptism?

The question of whether it is possible or not to baptize a child on certain days is not the main one. Church representatives authoritatively state that there are no obstacles to baptizing a child on any day. It is important to seriously prepare for this important event for parents and child, and agree in advance on the baptism and date in the chosen temple.

More important is the question itself about the baptism of a child (a person, in general), why is this necessary? Whether to baptize a child in early infancy or give him the opportunity to decide the issue himself at a conscious age. This problem also requires consideration.

The main answer to why baptism is needed is the salvation of the soul. In the Christian tradition, baptism refers to the same birth, but for spiritual life, for only in spiritual life can a person come to the Kingdom of Heaven.

An important nuance, baptism is not just a Christian rite or ritual; it receives the definition of “the sacrament of baptism.” During the ceremony, the power of God acts in a mysterious way, which is considered saving. After the sacrament of baptism, a person thus joins the Church of Christ, and from that moment on he has the right to undergo other church sacraments.

Baptism of children who do not have independent faith

Newborns, and even small children, do not have conscious, that is, independent faith. Therefore, sometimes parents are in doubt whether it is necessary to baptize their child in early age. Church ministers say that the sacrament of baptism should also be performed with children. At the same time, they argue this by the fact that the baby’s parents have a conscious faith.

The sacrament of baptism is only the first step; the child’s parents, being true believers themselves, will raise their own child in the same spirit. Moreover, baptism presupposes that God-parents, which the child will have, will carry out their mission of raising the child in the Orthodox faith.

Dates for baptism

In this matter, according to clergy, there are no strict rules or deadlines. For some people, the fortieth day after birth is important (as is the forty days after death, during which the soul still remains on earth). Baptism is allowed before the child reaches 40 days and after this period. Sometimes difficulties arise with carrying out the sacrament of baptism on days of fasting, that is, the church is not forbidden to carry out the ceremony on these days, just with technical point this is not always possible. It is associated with long Lenten services, short intervals between morning and evening services, and the rules established in a particular church.

A preliminary discussion with the priest of the church of all important issues regarding the future sacrament of baptism of a child will remove all fears and problems!

It is possible already from the eighth day of his life, although more often this event is scheduled after 40 days after the birth of the baby. What to do if these deadlines (and they are very important for true believers parents) fall on long church holidays? Or they find themselves “close to” them. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?, for example, or the idleness of his christening during the days of Lent, on the Nativity of Christ and on Christmastide? (see Orthodox calendar)

Terminology Issues: Baptism and Christening

To answer such a serious question for many, one must understand the meaning of the celebrations. So, what is baptism and how does this event differ from christening?

. The sacrament of baptism is a rite of recognition of a baby by God, a ceremony of introducing a new little person to the society of believers (who are under the protection of Heaven).

Christening is a celebration of the anniversary of a ceremony.

Respectively, Christening on Easter It will be possible to celebrate only on the condition that the ceremony itself took place on the day of the great church holiday, the Resurrection of Christ. As for the possibility of baptism on one of those so important for Orthodox Church days, then there are no prohibitions here.

According to the Charter, this ceremony can be held on any day of the year: and on Easter are possible, but there are several important clarifications here.

Baptism and Christenings on Easter

The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the two most important, significant dates for the Orthodox Church. On this day, in all churches without exception, long services are held, which require considerable expenditure of strength and energy from the clergy. Conducting after them an equally important rite, which is always Baptism, is quite difficult.

Therefore, the ministers of Moscow churches themselves do not prohibit parents from scheduling a ceremony on this important day, but they strongly recommend:

Very much in advance (at least 2-3 months in advance) agree with the priest about holding the celebration;

Specify in detail the time of the ceremony;

Describe the reasons that force parents to schedule the ceremony on such a busy day for the Church.

Some churches may prohibit filming in the Church on this holiday. This point should be discussed separately. If the parents have an experienced professional in mind who has already worked in various churches in the capital (including on major church holidays), he will certainly tell you how to better organize everything.

But that's all about Baptisms on Easter, the question with Christenings is simpler. Since there is no need to celebrate it every year in the Church, agreeing with the same photographer to photograph the first Christening (in a park, cafe, at home) is not a problem. The last point: it is also better to agree on the work of a photographer or resolve the issue of video shooting in advance. For him, Easter is also a holiday, a day off.

Baptism and christening on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ

Is it possible to baptize a child on Christmas?, the issue is resolved: according to the rules it is possible, in reality - you need to take care in advance of finding those who agree (temples, clergy and a photographer). With the involvement of an experienced cameraman or photographer, however, difficulties will definitely not arise on this holiday. Christ's Birthday is a holiday that many people like to shoot with a professional camera, so on this day (and throughout the entire Christmastide week) a good photographer does not sit at home.

Another question is whether the baby will like to celebrate when he grows up. Christening at Christmas? Is it worth combining these important events - the day of his coming into the shadow of Heaven and the Birth of the Son of the Lord? For some, this coincidence of dates is the reason to schedule Baptism at this time (after all, it is a high honor to be baptized at such a time). memorable date). And yet, not everyone sees the situation this way, so there is something to think about here.


Services: Baptism at Easter and Christmas

Description: Christenings and baptisms on church holidays, baptism at Easter and Christmas